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big day today load the nutty ram up take it to the other farm with the other sheep are getting sheared so it can get a haircut as well it's not exactly a haymaking day very overcast it's not raining but it's not particularly warm and dry which is a bit of a shame because we could have then we're getting some of that grass headed out and then maybe this the bit that was thin it was cut first with a bail this afternoon but i don't think it will there's just not enough heat in the day you know we'll see if it picks up later on there's a bit of blue sort of over there somewhere but it's it's just a bit dull like the damage fairy's been out again great which is what we need from the bowser see how easy it's going to go into the trailer get some bags to put the fleece in in a bucket top tip if you ever get any animals out just shake a bag or a bucket with some stones on the bottom and we think we're getting fed so they follow you making some fun enough not happy are you getting haircut don't worry is that the last one he's now just in this oil seed rape now there's plenty of bees in it but there's quite a bit of weed just in this top corner here which is a bit of a pain because we don't really want the sample when we combine it and then if you look at some of this though these pods are well formed now those are butterflies as well this is one of the best fields of wheat nice big heads plenty of them still coming coming out now a few little ones down there that's probably where it was held back with the drought and then it's got going again but it's just bunches and bunches of wheat looks great a little bit of grass in the gateway but it's not too bad it's clean as well no disease in it off he goes back to his grass looking like a goat now he's been clipped and he won't get hot in the summer and overheat that's why your sheer sheep you don't have to kill them to take the fleece off despite what people some people think mainly peta tcb loadout for someone there that gets excited about them there are merlots but danny just been using the brush it's brightened up a lot now today the hay though not really worth turning so hopefully the top layer will dry with this heat we've got now and these sort of clear skies and tomorrow let's head it so we're basically teddy means we're turning it over so hopefully what's on the bottom will end up on the top and the dry stuff on the top will end up on the bottom and it also bake it consistently right through because if you bail it when it's too wet it'll sweat in the bales self heat up and it can potentially go on fire oil on the road so we have to make sure it's a certain moisture level before we bail it otherwise you're just basically making a mess if it's hailage though you could bail it damper wrap it in plastic then it'll ferment with inside the plastic well there's nowhere so it can't go on fire it kind of like cooks within itself and makes itself you know a more richer product but not all horses can have hailage because it can be too rich for them yesterday i was putting weed control on the beans today well i'm probably going to go into barley or wheat again i'm going to wash out we'll connect the water hose to the back of the sprayer suck up some clean water into the main tank and then fill what we call a wash tank all the beans that we were spraying and basically rinse out with clean water so we put that switch on there that starts to pump something from the back open the tap and then turn this tap on here and we'll take water out of that big tank there and fill the one on there and we'll also open this valve and that'll fill the wash tank at the same time as the main tank so we'll basically have like 300 liters in the wash tank so four or five on the leaks in the main tank go out spray the main tank empty pull the clean water out of the wash tank into the main tank there's little springs on the top and spin around rinses the tank out and then spray that out again so when i finished the field i was on last i also rinsed out for the wash tape then so it's about three rinses so then when i go on to wheat that herbicide i had in it was killed broadly wheat in beans won't damage the weeds to the ball i'm going to go into next it probably wouldn't have done anyway but it's always best to watch out between varieties and that's just what i'm going to do now lots of people have tagged me in a video of a little wacka nuts and telly i don't like the one we had on demo pushing the car out of a farmer's driveway onto the road and flipping it over i've been tagging it loads of times now on facebook to the point where i've basically shared it myself with the comment that i don't really condone it because i don't want loads of people tagging me again but yeah obviously there's a bit more to the story and the farmers got fed up so he's got his little whack-a-doo to tell him that picked the car up shoved it onto the road and flipped it upside down and then as he turns around he actually knocks the guy off his feet which is a bit dangerous as well so there's a i think he's gonna be in trouble over that but it's a bit of a viral video it's it's kind of funny but um well no one's injured so i suppose it is funny so i'll put it in here now so you can see what everyone's going on about anyway so as much as sometimes you want to try that at home it's not advisable but what a capable machine the little wakandusen is i mean obviously the mini merlot is better still but incredible 2.7 tons and it just throws that car around like it doesn't even exist like an egg box washing out here was it right in the middle of the boom there we've got a rainbow because it's so sunny but they look quite like thirsty these to be honest a few thistles on it as well uh the ground looks so dry a bit thicker over there i don't know why they're a bit thinner here probably a bit sticky when we sewed it and then crow's probably got all the some of them just in the field now pulling the water from the clean water tank into the into the main tank to wash it out so from the wash tank and i've just stopped and i've just found this on this leaf here which there's a problem you can't see with the sun a bit of chocolate spot not ideal but it's on a really mature plant with lots of flowers on it so you remember like a week ago we had no flowers and now we've got lows they're about a foot taller and as i was climbing down the steps there's actually a bee on it as well anyway that's disappeared now because obviously i was climbing up but there's another plant here as well actually it's got a little bit on i'll see you there we'll probably have to put a fungicide on these very soon otherwise the whole things will end up brown we'll capture no sunlight and they'll give us no heal hopefully that buzzard's eating the pigeons over the sunflower field there's the stick there's a leaf and it's on far field so that's probably grown now 20 mil in two days so that's 10 mil a day so if we think in get to a meter high another meter higher that's 100 days so it's actually going to start growing even quicker than that because they'll well be i don't know sort of six to eight weeks they'll probably be a good meter high so it must just keep getting quicker and quicker and quicker as the days get longer and it gets enough moisture as the roots get bigger and bigger this sunflower now is about a foot tall seems a few of them are then if we go over here it's a bit weedier nowhere near they're only sort of six inches tall and obviously we've got this sticky weed anyway we're going to try spraying that with something tomorrow just a little patch just to see what it does if we go over here this is the wild oats it was swamping it all out well if you look at these gone yellow and crispy now they're basically dead which is good but again you can see how small the sunflowers are amongst them because they've nicked all the sunlight and all the nutrients and hopefully they'll catch up now because as that rots and dies it should start releasing stuff back out of the it's it's sort of like rotting vegetation take a while but hopefully they'll leave them back out again but this is just this sticky weed here it's just like swamping them holding them back trying to climb up them cleavers is a technical term this is it again that's where it's wild oaty and cleavery quite thin and spindly but they are rising out above it oh well there's no pigeons on this bit today on the sweetcorn or the sunflowers that we've sown sort of two weeks ago this thursday but also oh no that's not one i can't actually see any poking up because any that we're poking up the pigeons have already taken oh there's one there just coming up now if you volunteer or you'll see drape that looks like a sunflower and that's a volunteer oil seed rape which is what we don't really want in here go and see if we can see some sweet that's good we've got some sweet corn and looks really lush and healthy [Music] another one there quite a few actually can't really see them in rows quite oh there's a few green bits in the field so that's good yeah they've got really healthy them i don't even think they were up yesterday so that's good this one's only just come up so i've put a stick there next to it so it's literally this height of the stick so we'll see what it is tomorrow how much bigger it is the sweet corn really should grow a lot faster than the sunflowers so be interested to see against that stick it's just level at the top of what it'll be tomorrow just at the s now the nhs where we've sewn the cornflowers i'm not sure whether that's them i know that isn't that's a weed i'm sure that's fat hen but that them spiky things might be the cornflowers i don't know but there's a lot of them and there's none nearby so that could be what we'd sew or are they all weeds and that's a cornflower and that's a cornflower and that's a cornflower i don't know what these are here because when you look on the internet you don't see any of these purple bits on the leaves after a bit of googling i think that's red shank hence why it's got a red stem and i think that is a cornflower it's a bit more like dandelion looking and then there's another one over there somewhere coming up another one there so that might be as well nice if that was all cornflowers though got this little nifty camera it's basically a fake gopro i lost my gopro camera and i've got bought sheet one see how good it is i've got this little waterproof case so i'm going to use it for doing a time lapse so today's quiz question is can you guess which time-lapse what what time-lapse i'm going to do with it during the period of a day anyway that's about it if you've if you've watched the end don't forget to click like don't forget to subscribe if you haven't subscribed i think you can watch another video there or you can subscribe over here i'll see you tomorrow and we'll see if we get some hay bale
Channel: Olly Blogs Agricontract farmer
Views: 22,190
Rating: 4.9865208 out of 5
Keywords: Sheep’s sheared, Wool, Sheep, Bateman, Sunflowers, Sweet corn, Farmer smashes car up, Wacker nursing, Telehandler, Sweetcorn, Cornflowers, Ollys farm, Farm life, Olly blogs, Don’t try this at home
Id: nb6YyEQRGVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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