Worst Build in Elden Ring

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now the same armor you got from the rolling guy yeah pain train build it's kind of a cute name for it stack scarlet rot plus bleed it's just the blee oh i see what's going on i forgot my arcane's super low here oh that oh yeah i can't decide what build to switch to because we're gonna switch because i think it's too easy mode with night and flame like there hasn't really been the challenge for a little while so i just can't decide what to go to next i'm thinking maybe the moonlight greatsword will be a fun one i'm looking at other like potentially fun ones dual shield wall build kind of a cute idea i actually i kind of like that just like a full-blown shield build exit tier one coffee and the recent ploop and the bits dino dual shield dumbo tank build that could be kind of fun [Music] let's see is there any dual shield builds already so i think the play will be where are my shields okay i think we'll do the spiked shield as my main hand and then for my offhand we'll do what's like my strongest shield in general oh so this is what the tree sentinel uses it reflects all projectiles oh that'll probably be good then so i think i have a cool idea i'm gonna pump uh all vigor endurance and strength and arcane because i'm gonna go for big bleed on the spike shield is main hand and i s i was watching a quick video while [ __ ] i can just do guard counters with my shield so if i block i can immediately counter with this and i'll stack bleed and break poise and then i can switch to like i don't know some like heavy weapon to do the actual [ __ ] all right that looks to be good all right i'm ready to ride i already know i'm gonna [ __ ] regret this is gonna be unusably bad oh my god this needs faith i should have read [ __ ] it's okay uh immediately just gonna make a quick change here hey we'll just go to we'll just go to dragon claw hey this looks this looks cooler anyway honestly oh baby and then i get health back on every single one of those i think this is going to be good all right the immortal blood sucking onion vampire oh you get so much health back excuse me that was a lot this is feeling pretty good this would be so toxic in pvp yeah it probably would all right all right i'm kind of liking this this can work i will not be able to kill dragons anymore though that's for damn sure i really do wonder how this will do against bosses i can't imagine it being that great it's probably not trash but it's it's probably not very good either more alden ring oh here we go no it's it's a lot oh my god are you good at it all right come on baby let's see how this goes what did you say are you good at it yeah okay not going super well so far for the dual shields it's very hard to hit this guy with the shield be a fun build the shield plate holy [ __ ] i feel like that can't do much damage oh what the [ __ ] useless attack what kind of cool no uh we're in a pretty good spot right now by that i mean we've done almost no damage it'll take a little while but we'll get there i'll have him staggered pretty soon this thing just [ __ ] sucks this club is terrible just stagger him christ please you would think that this giant [ __ ] club would be good at staggering oh god i'm out of rhythm i've been buffering dodges by accident i wonder how many hits i landed on him it had to be like over a hundred this club is trash even at like plus zero i know it's not leveled but it still doesn't do anything to justify its massive strength requirement what's the art i see not a very good art i already did the naked build and people kept whining about being naked so we're not going back to the naked build we're trying the super tanky onion build this is the worst boss that could have happened for the dual shield onion because i don't have a backup strength weapon nice we're looking good giant caveman club popping off now oh that's so unlucky i'd already buffered that roll what a shame all right let's put on the jump talisman we'll be fine nice four jump attacks for the stagger pretty good big caveman build oh [ __ ] oh you [ __ ] up now it's my time baby nice that big back-to-back stagger action that's how we do it [ __ ] there we are back to dual shields hopefully this time i won't get a giant boss i'll get a smaller one so i can actually try the dual shield build oh [ __ ] that was a rough run yeah i don't think the uh i think the daggers are gonna get it done here oh what claws are still the best even after all this time on upgraded i'm just going to switch this build immediately well actually i'll get the uh radan swords first and then we'll try it with that but otherwise i'm just going to switch the build it's just not very good even as a meme there oh i get hoslow's full set eh maybe these scale nope i thought maybe there's a chance that they scale with uh strength well you know i can't do double whip yet looks like i'll have to do another playthrough and kill him for the second whip well i guess i could just use a different whip like the other whip another one of these death birds oh jesus yeah i guess i'm gonna be fat rolling if i do the full line out i'll have to put on the uh godkin top oh my oh didn't expect that though this club is just not good man but we'll get it with it anyway no this club is at plus five it just sucks it's just really slow and it doesn't do much damage even at plus five and 36 strength damn oh [ __ ] bad roll nice oh my god let me up oh beautiful looking good what in the [ __ ] is happening what am i god damn popping off this guy is actually harder than the normal versions all right let's test these babies out let me see the weapon art oh nice well i was unlucky i missed immediately jesus oh my god just get the [ __ ] out oh yeah we [ __ ] up there we go not bad pretty decent run here oh god [ __ ] it yep i couldn't oh my god i couldn't get out in time i was gonna try and tank through it with an estus but i couldn't get it off yikes what a sad run you too slow well yeah man it's an ultra great sword what do you expect if it was upgraded more it'd be a lot different damage would be worth the slow trade-off the god freeze axe once you kill them is great for strength builds is it better than the i radens imagine it would be oh what oh [ __ ] close man that little fire oh i'm done that little fiery leaves behind last so long and it's on every attack all right that's sad how much i could actually do there so where does that fire go just like the entire map where's the safe spot from that fire god damn no oh god damn it dodge too late chat made you pick this build uh chat just really wanted me off the faith build because it was too strong when i killed margaret in two tries chat got very upset and i was fine to switch because it's like yeah i get it it is a little busted oh no no oh god yeah yep saw that coming i even dodged the explosion it's just the flames you leave behind kill me in two shots damn coming up on a really neat katana you can do a blood build on i know what katana you're talking about isn't it just better to put just the blood art on pretty much any other katana i heard that katana is not very good he's a prime jq use the weapon art this i don't think that's going to be that great for this boss but you know what sure i feel like that's gonna root me for a long time and get me killed but you want it we'll do it oh [ __ ] i'm stuck do i just have to guess correctly where to go for where the flames won't be [ __ ] oh oh my god he's gonna despawn himself he's stuck oh never mind he came back down oh my god don't not like this man come back not much i could do there he trapped himself up top oh jesus what you can do that twice oh looking pretty good out of stamina that's a little unlucky i need to get some distance i'm not gonna fight him up there i already know i'm gonna fall off the map and i'll be very sad when that happens pretty good need to get him away from that fire there we go first try i cannot wait to get the [ __ ] off of this build god that guy was nuts all right i think we'll just go back to a glass cannon type build because even with full armor most things still kill me in two maybe three attacks so we'll just go back to just full damage let me get a grace though i don't think any build is too op summons though is yeah maybe all right um so arcane scaling doesn't work with bleed apparently it's a bug we did the knight in flame build and it was absolutely nuts um oh blasphemous blade is from a boss soul which one who gives it it's for killing reichard oh okay well that'd be perfect then so we'll go kill him and then i'll get the blasphemous blade okay we traded [ __ ] not against the walnut against wall do i think i just have to jump that right i can't out roll it no [ __ ] way you god damn [ __ ] thanks recent malachi and the prime twist in the resub seth yeah his second phase is super cool things there is some crazy puyo the bits good enough character design what the [ __ ] yeah it's amazing god he's so cool that's such a shame i was out of range no check the lava [ __ ] [ __ ] oh if i do a mimic summon right now that'd be so cool i'm not going to but it would be cool because then we'd have two people using the gimmick blade holy [ __ ] god he's so cool please do the mimic summon i mean it is a gimmick boss yeah [ __ ] i really want to see it yeah we'll do mimic on this it is just a gimmick boss that's there's no shame there i really want to see this imagine he can't actually use the like the special effect on it so he has to just go up into the lava and just manually poke him nope he's immediately using the special oh you can't even jump that the [ __ ] oh man mimic's getting [ __ ] up bro use the effect he is just hanging out in the lava there you go there that's free he has not gotten a successful one off yet because he just hangs out in the lava hey good work buddy my man looking good looking real good out there we did it he didn't land a single hit he immediately charged the lava and kept trying to spam [ __ ] he's still going oh that was clutch nice mimik got off a single attack i think just one that was a cool gimmick though that was a very cool gimmick boss this is the best build you made so far brothers build sucks it's [ __ ] trash i don't have any good weapons right now it's just pure strength and vigor but the health pool isn't really all that great for me my best build was the sword of knight in flame where i could actually just melt everything volcano manor disbanded only thing left in the quest of the killer and get unique armor yeah i guess there's just no benefit to not killing her here i come brace oh whoops oh he hit me with the me too there did the same [ __ ] thing basically what the [ __ ] is that oh my god all right full consort i guess that's cool plus the majority of my playthrough has been played at a really really low vigor and i had didn't notice a single difference going at high vigor holy [ __ ] that's cool just basic attacks set on fire oh my god that's nutty this is going to be kind of nice there's resub a oh man oh i can one shot these guys now i wish i could get off the fire i'm actually just healing myself on the fire come back oh wait these i forgot where it was these are pretty low level enemies i was gonna say what the [ __ ] all right let's see how this bad boy does against the boss this is just a repeat oh this is just a repeat boss and he is getting [ __ ] hard i'll i'll show mercy on you i won't use the oh to be fair those are just two normal enemies to be fair that was still kind of cool though stop jesus [ __ ] stop man i am just passing through all right back to back bosses another black knife assassin oh this one's invisible oh wow uh what is this on purpose or oh there we go oh jesus man this poor guy is still getting [ __ ] rocked even while invisible here he is oh there you are damn it i heard you i'm feeling him around there is gotcha outplayed kid sorry gamer instinct is too strong ah here we go hey a new mariner the first mariner is like the pinwheel of elden ring oh holy [ __ ] he summons a fat skeleton there he is i see you yeah yeah yeah this poor guy doesn't do anything he's a boss that's like not programmed to fight [ __ ] i say that and here he comes ah good fight the mariner always brings the thrills i'll tell you what oh don't do it you son of a [ __ ] slimy devil this is really hard here i want to kill him i don't want to just run by him oh that step back lunge is so sad oh he's a prime john ng burns [ __ ] oh that was lucky there we go we got him oh no that was close i didn't realize i was out of fp only six runes for that wow why is he scaled up so high for only 6k runes that doesn't make any [ __ ] sense holy [ __ ] he had over 8k health jesus oh i can't even summon the mimic here to speed it up oh because i don't have enough health there we go speed run it wasn't the best was it it was the highest defensive body armor i have by a long shot even more so than radan's keep it up mimic you're doing great does this reach the whole way i wonder my god it does excellent teamwork mimic god mimic is [ __ ] that guy up to be fair this guy's kind of weak i got you covered nice we make such a good team jesus christ
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 2,414,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: m7VnofOvMKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 45sec (1725 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 09 2022
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