Worship Livestream | June 20, 2021 | 10:30 AM

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so so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey good morning everyone let's stand together as we worship the lord [Music] praise god from whom all blessings [Music] praise him all creatures hear me lord praise him above grace father son and holy ghost praise the father praise the son praise the spirit now in us every all our days praise god praise him through darkness [Music] praise him with every breath of [Music] life praise the father praise the son praise the spirit now with us every moment all our days got me praised raise the spirit now with us every moment on our days god be praised oh god [Music] praise god when face to face we see [Music] the one who died to set us free [Music] [Applause] victory praise now forever [Music] god be praised [Music] [Applause] every month on our days god be praised god be praised oh god be praised [Music] praise god from home praise him all creatures hear be the lord [Music] praise [Music] praised be seated everybody good morning church it is good to see you this morning happy father's day how good is it that we can meet in the place of our father our heavenly father the one who saved us the one who redeemed us and lift up his name as a good good father and i'm not sure your experience in your life with your father this morning where you might be this morning but i can tell you this that you have a father who loves you who sees your heart who made you and created you and is happy that you are in his house to worship him this morning and that's it's really really good news we have the opportunity to start our service here this morning with something special and that's the commissioning of a team this week the student ministry is going to be taking a team to kansas city to work with a church planter whose name is price wright that's actually his name price right okay and for the right price you can join no i'm just kidding uh price wright is a church planter in kansas city and we are excited to work with him we're going to have the opportunity to work on his church building to do some construction there to do some things for his church to get them ready for opening some more spaces there to have a greater amount of people come into their building and then we're also going to have the opportunity bringing our student worship choir there to lead worship in several capacities and it's just going to be a really great trip so i'm going to ask those who are going to kansas city to stand up where you are this morning and we are going to hold out our hands we see in the bible time and time again the church the family of god coming together to lay hands on those we are sending out for the mission of god and what this signifies is the fact that the holy spirit alive in our hearts when we pray when we lay hands on our brothers and our sisters there's a power that happens there's a unity that happens in the family of god as we go out on mission together so i'm going to ask you church family to hold out your hands where you are towards those who are standing here and we're going to pray that god would bless them we'll give them opportunities to share about our good father and the way he's loved us in jesus so would you pray with me this morning praise father from whom all blessings flow it's you oh god all us creatures here below we praise your name because you deserve it you're a good good father and we know this is true because you gave your son for us and father in the power of your spirit alive in us this morning we pray over this team going to kansas city god we pray first that you would give them boldness that you would give them boldness to share the good news of the name of jesus with every person we come in contact with whether that's ripping up floors in the church or singing songs out in public god i pray that the name of jesus would be shared give them boldness to do that father give us protection as this team does some construction and some some things that could possibly be dangerous or uh god that could be harmful god i pray that just there would be protection over them as they work hard in your name to make this church ready to be a light in the raytown community there in kansas city god i pray that your name would be proclaimed through the music that is sung and the worship that is led god i pray that these students lives would be changed and the lives of those there in the raytown community and there at price's church would be changed because of the mission work of this team god we love you and we're grateful because although you could do it on your own you invite us to be a part of your mission so god we as a church we send this team out in your name so that the name of jesus would be known in kansas city and all throughout the world we pray this in the name of jesus this morning amen thank you students you can be seated well happy father's day this morning we have the opportunity to spend a few minutes and look at the importance of fathers and the family unit here at shades we value families strong christian families and we show that in a variety of ways one of the ways that we do that is by supporting ministries like save a life one of the other things that we do is support ministries that provide orphan care and foster care for young children we also provide parent-child dedication services where we commission parents to be christian leaders for their children as they raise them in their home and another ministry that we have that focuses on young boys is called fathers in the field we have a number of men in our church that participate in this ministry and they serve as mentor fathers for young boys who are growing up without a father in their home this is a sad situation in our society and it also impacts our church as well but these men are standing in the gap and stepping in to provide a christian role model for young boys that are growing up in a home with an absentee or an unpresent father so this morning i want to share with you a story about a man named phillip and a boy named ali and his mother kim and i think it'll touch your heart after the service today we'll have some of the men that participate in fathers in the field out at our connection center they'll be happy to give you more information about how you can get involved and support this particular ministry of our church but for now let's take a look at the screen and watch this story about philip oliver and kim i had just felt a strong urging to get oliver in the program knowing that i'm a divorce mother and i knew how important it was to have a godly father figure in his home there are specific roles for mothers and their specific roles for fathers so therefore i wanted that role to be modeled for oliver so that way he would develop into a healthy godly young man [Music] [Music] i was going to one of the men's conference and they had a representative from father's day field there it interests me because it's built around the outdoors and stuff and things that i love man i prayed about a couple times and i kind of just knew that it's what god wanted me to do during the season and when i was thinking about doing this it wasn't like i have a special skill to guide young boys i just do what i love building a deer stand stowing the football and he's just a part of that now and also what i'm teaching them is through how i'm treating my kids and how i'm treating my wife and i was able to see all that that's what she says you know being a child without having a father you have a little the abandonment you know you have a little the rejection but now that philip when elaine and john has come in he sees the redemptive love of jesus christ and this will be the higher side it's a longer one because we just cut it flat but before we cut two angles i wanted to make sure that worked so now we've got that 25 up [Music] you know it gives me an opportunity to learn how to uh be a man you know be a man of god and like helping me a little bit better when i'm at home i guess it's just like how to take care of myself since oliver has started the fathers in the field ministry his self-confidence has improved tremendously he feels love he feels acceptance what god's taught me is that a lot of times you don't feel like you're ready for a certain thing because i wasn't ready but god's using tools i have in their own unique way i just thank god for everyone and the fathers in the field ministry who just thought about us to bring my kids in to be a blessing [Music] hey this morning we have the privilege of baptizing four people who've made their decisions for christ and are taking a next step of obedience in baptism this is beau baker and beau is eight years old he is a third grader at dolly ridge elementary and a couple years ago riding in the car with his family after they'd had numerous gospel conversations he made the decision to ask jesus christ to come into his heart and he's ready to take that next step of obedience today so bo does jesus live in your heart today all right put your hands up just like that bow upon your public profession of faith in jesus christ as lord and savior and obedience to my lord's command baptize your name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen amen great job league this is savannah adderhol she is 13 years old and she is a eighth grader at alabama christian academy uh there in tuscaloosa and it was at vacation bible school in 2018 when she made her decision asked jesus to come into her heart so savannah does jesus live in your heart today savannah upon your public profession of faith in jesus christ as lord and savior and obedience to my lord's command i baptize the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen amen [Applause] this is her shorter brother uh shane and so i was gonna get a step ladder to come over here but uh shane he's 17 years old he's 11th grader at northridge high school in tuscaloosa and made his decision a number of years ago at pre-teen camp and asked christ to come into his heart and is ready to take this step of obedience in baptism so shane aderholt is jesus living your heart today shane upon your public profession of faith in jesus christ as lord and savior in obedience to my lord's command baptized in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen amen great job all right better height this is good uh this is uh this is don corley and uh don had uh grown up in in church uh she had uh thought she made a decision and was baptized early in life but then when she was 16 years old she truly understood what it was to receive christ as savior and so when she made that decision she says you know what i want to get my baptism in the right order because you make your decision to christ and then you take that step of obedience in baptism and so don does jesus live in your heart today dawn upon your public profession of faith in jesus christ as lord and savior and obedience to my lord's command baptized in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen amen great job [Music] we were waiting without hope [Music] to fulfill the law and profits to a virgin [Music] endless glory to cradle in the girls praise the father praise the son praise the spirit god of glory majesty praise forever to reveal the kingdom come and to reconcile the lost to redeem the whole creation you did not despise the [Music] was frogs salvation jesus praise the son [Music] praise praise forever [Music] to [Music] stood in all [Music] was born [Applause] for the is of jesus christ father praise the son praise forever [Applause] three [Music] praise forever [Applause] [Music] of kings [Music] praise the lord his mercy is more [Music] stronger than darkness [Music] his mercy is born what love could remember no wrongs we have done omniscience of knowing he [Music] his mercy is poor praise the lord [Music] his mercy is born [Music] as we constantly what father so tender is calling us home he welcomes the weakest the poor [Music] [Applause] [Music] his mercy is born [Music] what riches of kindness he lavished on us his blood was the pain his life was the cause [Music] his mercy is more [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] so lord we stand before you this morning recalling the verse that says if you marked our transgressions who could stand if if you were keeping score we would be at such a loss but your mercy was outpoured for us for your people and you saw fit to take on the sins of the world so that we could have life and we are so grateful today thank you for calling us your children lord as your word is open this morning magnified in our hearts holy spirit cause a work to be done to be to be begun today in each of us in the name of jesus we pray amen be seated everyone hey good morning church family so good to see you here today and happy father's day we are so glad to be here and to celebrate uh fathers and uh there's a lot of thought about how did this thing get started how did somebody get to the point of wanting to honor fathers well let me just help you out over here this whole celebration idea began in the heart and the mind of a woman by the name of sonora louise smart dodd and it was in 1909 she was listening to a sermon on mother's day and so while she's listed the sermon her mind began to wander and she said well i see we honor mothers why don't we have something that will honor fathers now she was 27 years old at this time and she had just a great love for her dad her dad uh was william jackson smart he was a civil war veteran and when sonora was 16 years old her mother died in child and giving birth to their sixth child and so her dad mr smart was responsible for bringing up six kids by himself and she was so impressed with the love and care and she felt like that dads needed to be honored well if you fast forward to 1966 president lyndon johnson made a proclamation that the third sunday in june would be set aside to honor fathers go a little bit further you get to 1970 and president nixon richard nixon established a permanent national observance of father's day to be held on the third sunday of june this is the third sunday of june and so we are going to honor fathers now on the uh on the outset when you see father's day and somebody says we've done this so we can honor fathers that's a pretty cool thing and all dads look forward to being honored on father's day and they look forward to doing that everywhere except church because historically in church we beat up fathers on father's day we just lay the hammer down on you on that but we're not gonna do that okay today is a day where we're truly going to honor fathers and the way we're going to honor fathers is we are going to give you a message out of the scripture that's in two different parts the first part is going to be a challenge to every dad here and listen every dad wants a challenge i know you do because you signed up for parenting it means you wanted a challenge so dads we're going to give a challenge to dads and then we're going to look at a choice that every child has to make and that's children of all ages no matter how old you are if you still have a living dad you have a choice and so we're going to talk about that so if you've got your bibles i'd like you to turn to the book of first thessalonians chapter 2 back in one of paul's letters to the church at thessalonica this is a church that he founded and when he founded this church he wrote them a letter back to see how they were doing and he's got a beautiful section of scripture that we will look at and then we're also going to be looking at some passages in the book of proverbs so let's read this and the first point that i want us to think about is a challenge to dads and that is to be strategic to be strategic and so what do we mean by being a strategic dad let's start with first thessalonians chapter 2 and we're going to lay the foundation for this he says for you remember brothers our labor and toil our labor that's paul and those who are with him we work night and day that we might not be a burden to any of you while we proclaim to you the gospel of god now they were proclaiming the gospel to god but now take it a step further you were witnesses and god also how holy and righteous and blameless was our conduct toward you believers and stop right there they said this was our conduct we were holy we were righteous and we were blameless this is going to set the foundation for everything that we talk about today because as we talk about the challenge of being a dad or or being strategic in there it comes to living a life according to god's word holy righteous blameless and that's what we that's that's what we desire to do and that's our challenge for dad so that's our foundation well then look what he says in verses 11 and 12. he says for you know how like a father with his children he's getting ready to say this is how we as ministers treated you as parts of the church there in thessalonica and is it it's no different than how a father would with his children and he told them three things we exhorted each one of you and encouraged you and charged you to walk in a manner worthy of god who calls you into his own kingdom and glory here was the goal for you to walk in a manner worthy of god this is our goal as parents as dads is that we want our children to walk in a manner worthy of god in order to do that we need to be strategic and when i talk about strategic what i'm talking about is that when you give birth to a child you've got them for probably about 18 years and then that's usually when they move out and sometimes they circle back around and come back in but you know at the age of 18 after 18 years they're going to be moving out and so you need to be strategic we need to be strategic in how we help them to walk in a manner worthy of god so let's take these three words and talk about what does it mean to be a strategic dad number one first is clear instruction clear instruction paul used the word exhorted how we exhorted you that word means directing in the suitable lines of conduct look at that directing you into suitable lines of conduct we exhorted you we gave you clear instructions this is how you walk in the lord this are these are your lanes and this is where you need to stay so when i give clear instruction how do i do that two things number one begin with the end in mind begin with the end in mind stephen covey wrote a book seven habits of highly effective people and in that book he said that one of the essential habits of life for successful people is that they begin any enterprise with an end in mind so when you begin to start something you have to see the end this is what i want to accomplish okay this is the end and then strategically i need to plan to get to the end and it's the same thing with parenting parenting is not just hey we've got this bundle of joy and let's just do what we want to for 18 years no there needs to be a strategy there needs to be something at the end over there and you give clear instructions for that every dad should ask this question and this question is this what essential information do i want my children to leave home with at the end what essential information do i want my children to leave home with at the end i've got them maybe 18 years and when it's time for them step away what is the essential information they need to have so as your child prepares to drive away and leave home and you've shaken his hand or hugged her neck you said your last goodbyes and as the car is disappearing over the horizon what does your child leave home with that's the end that's what you're shooting for every strategic dad begins his interaction with his children with that end in mind so what are the things that you want to have your son or daughter to leave home with that gives weight substance and strategic value to their life john kroll the founder of the big oak ranch the girls ranch and boys ranch he uses that analogy of a suitcase where he says parents you're packing your child's suitcase and there will come that day when the suitcase is full they close it up and they walk out you are the one that's packing how will you pack their suitcase certainly we want good memories of fun activities but there's got to be more than that for instance a strategic dad with his son a strategic dad wants to ask these questions of his son he says what do i want my son to leave home with concerning information about manhood about his role with a woman and how to respectively treat a woman on the other hand a father with his daughter would say how do i what do i want my daughter to leave home with concerning her self-image and her understanding that she is specially created by god in his image and about the qualities and the boys that she would date and the qualities of a man that she should marry and for all of our sons and daughters we want to pack their suitcases with knowledge of how to manage money social skills with others the value of hard work how to be on time how to clean up their room how to wake up get out of bed by themselves and take initiative in life how to impart the knowledge of god and how to read the bible how to pray how to share with others and how to stand for your biblical world view convictions you look to the end and say i want to give clear instructions with the end in mind you've got about 18 years and you want to make that a priority number two is in order to do this there's a key word it's called availability it's availability a strategic dad has got the end in mind and he begins to give clear instructions to his children but to be able to do this he has to be available you see a dad's work begins when his job finishes and he goes home and that's now his job and at home it is your opportunity to encourage and instruct your children in the ways of the lord listen share scripture together work on homework shoot hoops pitch a baseball wash the car together walk the dogs together just be available be available you see if your children come to you with problems if they come to talk about their day if they come to you for any reason and they keep getting a busy signal because you're preoccupied with either a tv remote or the cell phone in your hand it won't be long before they start dialing other numbers you cannot put this off because time is fleeting every parent here has got a little bit of age on them we'll say boy our kids grow up so fast don't they and it's amazing you'll be standing there and they're walking by getting a a diploma from graduation it just felt like it was it was a pre-k a few years ago that they were getting this little certificate it goes by fast and so you have got to take intentionality and have that end in mind and give those clear instructions and you need to be available to do it second the second exhortation that paul gave us is that we console we comfort and celebrate as dads we console we comfort and we celebrate he said in that scripture how we encouraged you and that word encouraged is a word that means consolation it means comfort in trials and so as a dad we need to recognize when our children are hurting and we need to be sympathetic and we need to be comforting we need to just understand the pain they go through you know when you're the last one chosen on the playground consistently that kind of hurts you know when you're the one that has to put up with cutting remarks from other students there's a pain there when you don't make the team when you didn't make the ban when you didn't make the cheerleading squad you didn't make the dance squad in fact you tried out for a part in the school play and you didn't get the part i mean on and on there are disappointments along the way there's no date for homecoming there was no date for prom i mean these are painful times and too often as a dad you think well that's mom's stuff and she'll come by and she'll comfort him no the apostle paul when he wrote his letter in thessalonians he didn't say as a mom does he says like a father with his children and he says like a father with his children you are to encourage them that means you are to console them you're to comfort them and also i would think it is a time also to celebrate with them you just need to let you let your child know that you're there for them at all times when they need comfort when they need consolation and even when they need celebration i seems like every time i've ever gone to somewhere where a child receives some type of honor or award that when they receive that they've scanned the crowd because they're looking for one person and that's their parents it's amazing you want to see his mom or dad here if i'm shooting the free throw on the free throw line his mom or dad here if i'm if i'm performing in the play is mom or dad here if i'm recognized for academic excellence is my mom or dad here are they going to celebrate with me or are they too busy doing something else you see as a strategic dad i want to be there for every one of those and i've walked through those with my own daughter and i've been there when she didn't make the team and i was there when she did make the team and so i was i've been there to be able to see the low points and and to see the high points and just to know that hey whether it's just comfort or whether it's celebration as a strategic dad you need to be there okay so in encouraging your child uh i think every child needs to hear at least three things in their lifetime and every dad we can do this and it's not that difficult number one we need to tell every child i love you you need to tell your children i love you how many times do you hear people say my dad never told me that he loved me he just thought that because he did things for me that i would know that listen it's three great words and it means a ton always tell your children i love you second of all is i'm proud of you i'm proud of you find something that your child does and let them know that you're proud of them on there you know they don't always have to be the one to hit the winning hit in a baseball game or something what you do is you just look for things that they do in life and it just could be either the way they organize something or the initiative that they took but man that's that's good and just say i am proud of you and then number three is this and that is you're good at and you fill in the blank you're good at fill in the blank you ask most children and you say what are you bad at they can come up with a long list of things but oftentimes they don't really feel good about really what they're good at i think it's great for a parent to find those things and let that child know this is a strength that you've got you're really good at this see this is a part of us encouraging consoling celebrating with them all right number three is this and that is compelling character men to be a strategic dad have a compelling character what um paul said in his letter and he said here i charged you okay and he says i charged you to walk in a manner worthy of god i charged you that word means to urge you i have urged you to walk in a manner worthy of god and so dads if we are going to strategically teach our children to reach an end we ourselves need to have compelling character so that our words and our actions match together one thing the best way to train your children to live out the scriptures that you teach is to teach is to live out the scriptures that you teach to your kids one more time the best way to train your children is to live out the scriptures that you're teaching them let them be able to see what does this look like in flesh and blood i read this thing in scripture what does it mean what does integrity mean what does loyalty mean what does these things faithfulness mean what does righteousness mean let's just live it out because what children need is someone they can look up to somebody they can imitate somebody they can learn from through example and we know this any parent knows this ch children watch us like a hawk isn't it amazing you don't think they're taking in anything and then all of a sudden they speak up and go whoa i didn't know you heard that or saw that they're watching you i mean it starts out young folks and they're watching everything that you do and what you communicate through your actions is showing them what you value you're showing them through your actions and how you manage your household your view of wealth and materialism you're showing them how you love value and honor your wife you're showing them how you balance family work in church they're kind of seeing what that balance looks like you're showing them how you react and interact in certain situations and they also pick up from you and see your attitude toward the word of god toward the church towards prayer and to the pastor dramatic pause for that one uh on there children usually shape their attitudes towards the church and towards the pastor and towards the staff they get that mostly from their parents they listen to the conversations around the dinner table they listen to the conversations in the car they listen to to what you say and and they sort of drink that in and it's been my experience in over 30 something years of ministry uh that it seems like the children who have the greatest respect and love for both the church and the pastor and the staff are the ones whose parents have the greatest love and respect for the pastor and for the staff now i only have 53 days left here and i'm scared to even say this point because i think you're going to everyone's going to tell your kids hey go up to pastor danny tell him you love him because then he'll think we love him too no i'm not asking you to do that all right but what i am saying this is that there will be a transition to where a new pastor will come in and when that new pastor comes in you will help shape the way your kids think about that particular pastor because you'll be talking around the dinner tables you'll be talking in the car and all that stuff i just encourage you to be as supportive and positive on that and it will make your kids be able to make that transition too okay so uh it is a compelling character you cannot teach more character than you possess so dad you need to continue to grow in your own personal holiness and so this is something as dads we need to grow our own personal holiness now some of you said well my kids are already out are you ready for this verse proverbs chapter 13 verse 22 a good man leaves an inheritance to his grandchildren okay now i'm getting you right inheritance to his children's children and so what you do is having an impact not just on your children but also on your children's children and so this is a challenge for us to leave a legacy an inheritance of wisdom knowledge understanding and insight to be a strategic dad who gives clear instructions is consoling comforting and celebrating and he demonstrates a compelling character this is the challenge to dads now a word to the children and this is children of all ages anyone who still has a dad who is living and we are going to look in the book of proverbs and this is what it deals with number two is this a choice a choice for sons and daughters and that is honor or pain honor or pain in the book of proverbs it's an interesting book in which it's set in the environment of a father talking to his son i want you to keep this in mind you start out in the very first part of proverbs and he says this is the father who is talking to his son these are not just random bits of wisdom that just are out there this is the dad looking his son in the eyes and saying this is wisdom for life this is a father who says i don't believe in living and learning i believe in learning and live so i what i want you to do is i want you to learn what wisdom looks like and i want you to learn this and then when you get out in the world you live it out and it talks about a lot of different things but it talks a lot about relationships of children and their parents and it talks about how children should relate to their parents and their actions will either result in honor or pain it will either cause your parents to rejoice or to grieve so you ready let's start with the pain start up with the pain proverbs 17 21 says this to have a fool for a son brings grief there is no joy for the father of a fool a child living a wayward rebellious life brings grief to a father it breaks a dad's heart and it crushes his spirit yes prodigal sons and daughters they can return and when they do all people will rejoice but you just need to understand is while you're on that prodigal pathway you are inflicting pain and grief on your dad and it's there and it's not just when you're going through teenage years folks it can be when you're in your 20s 30s or 40s or even 50s and you have a living father it causes grief and this is what the writer of proverbs has said well then proverbs 20 20 goes a little further and it says if one curses his father or his mother his lamp will be put out in utter darkness now that word curses is not like you're swearing saying a curse word it is more of a word that means to despise it means to treat your dad if he was beneath you and you show him no respect and you treat him with contempt and it says if you despise your father or mother he says his lamp will put out in utter darkness it says there's a consequence to treating your parents or your dad like this it says he will be in utter darkness with no light just put it in our mind let's say you went into a cave that was just dark as night and you had your cell phone with you had that little flashlight app on there and all of a sudden your power went out you were right in the midst of a cave and you are in utter darkness with no light so what starts coming through you first there's fear because there's just sort of the unknown then there are some just there's some concerns about destruction and am i going to step on something wrong i'm not sure which path i'm going to and it even could result in it even could result in an untimely death because i'm finding myself navigating an area that is just darkness with no light this is what the writer of a proverb says and he says it's a serious it's serious nature when we do this now proverbs 30 17 this is like going to be your favorite father's day verse folks you are going to love this one all right the eye that mocks the father and scorns to obey a mother moms were bringing you in on this one okay you ready and scornsville bay mother will be picked out by the ravens of the valley and eaten by the vultures yeah baby this is what we're talking about this goes on your refrigerator moms and dad pop it right there hey listen you mocking me you mocking me when you walk out that door you see a bird fly by you best be covering your eyes cause it may come down and pluck it out of there and is it gonna eat it no he's not gonna eat he's gonna give it to the vultures and let them eat it you know why because he's coming back for the other one and uh so this is good this is parenting 202. it's a whole separate message you'll like this one on here okay so we said whoa what is this talking about well this is talking about like an arrogant son that would mock his parents and just refuses to obey and what the writer of proverbs is saying is there are painful consequences for parental disrespect and it says you will head down a pathway that will be characterized by conflict and difficulty often ending up in destruction scripture makes it very clear that when we mock or just refuse to obey and understand as you circle this word obey if a parent ever asks you to do something immoral unethical you don't need to do that okay so that's way out there we're talking about just normal obedience and he says that when you do that it your life could end up in destruction so we just need to understand that um that for children for all of us how we respond to our parents can cause pain ah but let's close it with this and that's with honor so how do you honor your dad what does it say in proverbs he says four things number one listen to your father's instructions listen to your father's instructions in proverbs uh chapter one verse eight he says hear my son your father's instruction and forsake not your mother's teaching proverbs 4 1 listen my sons to a father's instruction pay attention and gain understanding this is great you pay attention and you gain understanding no parent is perfect but they do deserve honor and attention parents have been placed by god in a position of authority listen and learn from dad he provides a perspective from experience that is invaluable and quite frankly he knows more than you do i know it's a shocker but he does see when we hit the teen years our temptation is not so much to rebel as it is to dismiss our parents we start to think they don't know much you know they're naive they're out of touch with the real world but what you need to remember is they have a great deal of experience and they have been down the road and they have learned some great lessons let's just say you were going to take a trip from birmingham to boston to do like a fall foliage tour and your parents were going to and you are taking separate cars they're going a day early they go and they drive and they drive all the way from birmingham and they go up to baltimore and they're spending the night there and they call you and they say hey just wanted to let you know that when you get to charlotte there's a lot of road construction that's taking place in there so if you want to do a bypass that would probably be helpful and let me tell you this one of the restaurants that we found that was just delicious it had that that the favorite food that you love he says it is excellent here's the name of it now i'm thinking since you got the kids you probably won't make it all the way to baltimore you're probably going to look for a hotel to stand in let me tell you about this motel don't stay in it it's flat nasty how do we know because we stayed there now what did they just do they just gave you some help because they said i'm giving you some understanding giving you some information because we have traveled the road ahead of you and you see that is helpful advice and counsel along the way and that's what every parent ought to do and every child needs to at least be willing to listen and benefit from it it does not mean especially when you move out of the house that you do everything that they they say i mean they're giving you advice then you get to weigh it out but the respect is to be able to listen to that advice and then when needed heed it and obey all right number two is this act wisely and live righteously act wisely and live righteously proverbs 23 22-24 says this listen to your father who gave you life and do not despise your mother when she is old verse 23 it says by truth and do not sell it hold on to it by wisdom instruction and understanding and in 24 it's a great verse the father of the righteous will greatly rejoice he who fathers a wise son will be glad in him the best father's day gift you could give is to act wisely and to live righteously because it says here the father of the righteous will greatly rejoice who who fathers a wise son will be glad in him you want to make your dad happy you want to give him the best uh gift that you can give act wisely live righteously and it says when that happens you bring joy to dads number three is this imitate your dad's integrity imitate your dad's integrity if your dad's a christian imitate his life imitate his faith walk imitate his walk of integrity men proverbs 20 verse 7 is a great verse almost like a life verse and that is a righteous man who walks in his integrity how blessed are his children after him one translation says how blessed are his children who follow his example you see i don't know about you but this is the guy i want to be i want to be the righteous man who walks in his integrity and your children will make the choice as to why they follow that or not but how blessed is it when they follow your example so and then last one is this number four is this and that is thank your dad genuine and specific thank your dad genuine and be specific as children and teenagers you have no idea all of the time the financial and the emotional cost your dad has laid out to you for your benefit take a few moments and thank all he's done and thank him uh today june 20th is june 20th 2021 exactly 18 years ago june 20th 2003 was when uh we had my dad's funeral and uh at his funeral i had the opportunity to be able to share and so i shared some of the qualities of my dad and i shared some of the memories that i had and uh and it was good to take that time and do that but then over the next two years two years later i developed a leadership talk for power lunch that was called life lessons that i learned from my father life lessons that i learned from my father and what this did for me is i did a deep dive into my dad's life and i found ten qualities in his life that impacted my life and shaped me to be the person that i am today there were some things i'd never thought of before because i've never really taken the time to do it and so i i put those i put those down and i did that talk and i looked at it and i had smiles on my faces and it was such a great great memory to do that but then there was a sense of regret because i never told my dad that i i never pointed these things out and i never thanked him i never just sat down with him i'd written him a note at times and put a couple of those things but i just never sat down face to face eyeball the eyeball and say dad let me just tell you what you've done in your life and how that has positively impacted who i am today and i regret not doing that and so let me challenge you to do that take the time think about it some of you said man i may have had an absent dad or didn't have the best uh you know you know the closest relationship think really hard maybe it's just one or two things but there is usually there is something that you have taken from your father that you say you know this has helped shape me on that and you be specific and be genuine and thank them don't have that regret to where it's too late take that opportunity and do it okay we honor our dads honor our dads we honor our dads we do that by listening intently acting wisely living righteously imitate integrity and then thank him specifically okay let me ask you to bow your heads and close your eyes for just a moment heavenly father i thank you that as we honor fathers on father's day that you are the ultimate heavenly father because you are holy you are blameless you are righteous father you are loving you are forgiving you are full of mercy and grace and justice and we love you and we thank you for that and lord we know as earthly fathers that we have made our mistakes and we are not perfect but i just pray that today it would be a day that we as dads can recommit to be that strategic dad and to be one that lives for holiness and blamelessness and righteousness and to be available to our kids and to be able to give clear instructions to them and father i pray for all of us that who have who have dads that are still living that it would be a time when when we really do take the time to um thank them for what they've done in our lives and so father that's our prayer and that was we not only just look at earthly dads that will also focus on our heavenly father and be so thankful for all that you've done through the giving of your son jesus christ for it is in his name that we pray amen [Music] recreation suddenly articulate with a thousand tongues to lift one cry then from north to south and east to west we'd hear christ be magnified [Music] where the whole [Music] we'd hear christ be magnified oh christ be magnified let his praise arise christ be magnified [Music] me [Music] and every human [Music] we'll see christ be [Music] christ be magnified let his praise arise christ be magnified in me oh christ be magnified from the altar of my christ be magnified in me [Music] i'll stand strong and worship you and if it puts me in the fire i will rejoice cause you're there too i won't be formed by feelings i hope as to what is true and if the cross brings transformation then i'll be crucified with you cause death is just a doorway into resurrection life [Music] my heart will still be singing my [Music] christ be magnified [Applause] [Music] is christ be magnified in me [Music] sing it to the lord one more time from right where you stand christ be magnified let his praise arise christ be magnified in me oh christ be magnified from the altar of my life christ be magnified in me thank you michael thank you hey thank you so much for being here and being a part of our service and uh we've got an exciting word from steve foster the chairman of the pastor search committee so uh steve last time he gave the report at nine o'clock the sound system went out so hopefully it won't be quite as dramatic this time all right go i'll try to speak a little softer maybe this time i'm not sure i started to drop the mic but i thought just like you know just letting the power go out would be more effective uh yeah thank you for this opportunity it's it's an exciting day today for your pastor search committee uh and we believe it's an exciting day for uh shades mountain as well first of all let me thank you for your many prayers and your many ways of showing your support to us over the last six months since we began meeting which has gotten us to this point after many hours of meetings and more meetings and more praying and candidate assessing we have gotten to the point as a committee where we can unanimously recommend the right man we believe to lead shades and to take the torch from danny and lead us to our next vision in our church we've extended a call to this candidate to come and be with us next sunday in view of a call he'll preach at both worship hours and then we'll be with us here in the sanctuary at six o'clock sunday evening for a time for you guys just to get to know him know his heart and learn more about his history and ministry at the conclusion of that we'll go into church conference uh we'll look at a motion to call this candidate as the next pastor and you'll have an opportunity to vote at that time our candidate does have a name but to protect him and his congregation we will not be able to let you know that until probably midweek something will come out from the church that will give you information about him and his biography and information about his family as well also if you would just even though you don't know his name if you'll be praying for him today and over the next few days as he informs his congregation of his decision to come and be with us at shades next week so thank you again for the opportunity to serve in this capacity and on behalf of the whole uh search committee i want to extend thanks to danny and to you for giving uh your confidence uh to us in this process and so we'll encourage you to be with us next sunday it'll be a great day and i'll look forward to seeing you all then and it looks like i made it without turning off the power exactly right success this is great thank you steve this this is uh exciting news and just so you understand the whole process as he shares with his church as soon as that happens we will send an email out to you with uh his name and bio information it could be monday night could be tuesday morning somewhere around there so it's right around the corner uh we do have a process set up that is at first he will meet with our leadership council that will be wednesday at lunch and once they if they see him prove feel good then he'll meet with our deacons that night uh wednesday night and then uh we look for their approval and then that's when we bring him to the church on sunday so that's where we're going this is exciting times make sure you're here you say well i'm gonna be on vacation cancel vacation be here uh on the 27th uh on there and uh we'll have nine o'clock 10 30. uh you'll really enjoy uh getting to meet uh this young man so i say young because he is younger than me so that's good all right so listen one final one final word uh the father's in the field if you have an interest in being a part of that we've got a couple of our guys that'll be out there uh bill and alex and if you're just interested in it stop by let them talk to you for a moment even at least give them your name because we need some more guys we're getting more and more kids that are ready to be a part of this so let's get some men to step up and volunteer okay listen thank you all so much we hope that you have a great week and you are sent [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Shades Mountain Baptist Church
Views: 429
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: shades, mountain, baptist, church
Id: ZkKtTNDC65s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 28sec (4948 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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