World's Most *USELESS* Inventions!

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- We've searched the whole of the internet for the most pointless inventions. Like these guys that have created a drivable bed. Why would you ever want to sleep whilst driving? They've taken it to a drive-thru... Wait a second. Is that ninja on the bed? What's he doing on a drivable bed? This guy's decided to create a car and fill it with water. Why would you ever fill your car with water? Do not do this, people. Cars are not meant to be flooded, but apparently he's gone and done it and he's going to get in it and drive. If this works, you all have to hit the like button. There's no way on earth. This man has created a flooded, drivable car. How is everything not breaking? How is the radio not exploding? He's lit. He's got a camera on his feet. He's takin' out and about, and he's flooding the streets of England. You gotta hit the like button. So do I 'cause I did not think that this was ever gonna work. This guy's created a noodle nipper. Okay, this is really bad. I know when you eat spaghetti and noodles, you're meant to like wrap it around your fork and eat it, Italian style. I actually like cutting up my spaghetti. So as dumb as this looks, I would genuinely use it. I like this, whoa, automatic drinking. (laughs) Woo, I mean, that's not automatic drinking. That's having a bottle smashed in your face whilst you're trying to play games. I don't think I'd ever want to use that. This guy's decided to take a normal toothbrush and turn it into a supercharged toothbrush. Are you kidding me? Look, none of us really like brushing our teeth, but with two toothbrush. Oh my gosh. You can do top of bottom at the same time. Yoh, it's actually kind of a W to be fair. Why, I don't think I'd ever wanna put nothing anywhere near my mouth. Wait, wait, wait. Flying cars? Dude, if this works, this is not the most useless, but the coolest invention I have ever seen in my life. Is this taking off? No way. What? It's a car and a plane all in one. Oh, ladies and gentlemen, the future is here. A flying plane actually works. Imagine looking up in the sky and you see nothing, you'd be like, am I in a different planet, right now? Hard to eat. I do love eating sushi. Nah. Nah. Putting a toilet seat. Are you kidding me? Glass is not fitting you? No. No, no, no. (chuckles) I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Who's gonna walk right in public like that? Going out and about, oh nope. Should have brought your glasses or tape and a pen. And you're gonna What? What? (laughs) What is this? These are truly the most useless inventions. You were using the spoon upside down. Is this woman okay? - Yes. - [Woman] Makeup usually takes a long time. - Okay, makeup takes a long time. - This device integrates many functions such as foundation. - Bruh, what am I looking at? - [Woman] Eyebrow and lipstick. It can be fully automatic. Help you finish make-up in 5 minutes. - How much did his girlfriend pay this boyfriend? And voila! Perfect makeup. Are you sick of being distracted whilst playing games? Then get the PC hoodie attachment. Attach your PC to your hoodie. Never get distracted as you get locked into games. I'm kind of selling this product to myself. Now I kind of want this or diet water. It's water, but diet. What have they done to it to make it diet? I don't know. We probably shouldn't drink it. Talking about drinks. Why is it going? How much Coke do they want to waste? What am I? This is wigs for dogs. Just in case your dog's feeling a little bit self-conscious it doesn't have enough hair. Dog wigs. Evie doesn't need any wigs. She's got tons of hair. - [Woman] I was thinking about ways to spice up our home and came up with something genius. - Okay, this better be impressive. Although this are useless inventions videos, so I presume it's gonna be awful. What? (playful comical music) Why? elevated? - Oh My gosh. It's so like mysterious. - What's why - Elevated. So we can take this to shark tank. - That is kind of a cool idea. - That is so stupid. - But why have you wrapped a giant yellow balloon around it? Talking of wrapping things up, have you ever wanted to be a character in Among Us, become Among Us in real life right now with this thing? You'll have no arms. And if you fall over, you won't be able to get back up. But you look like Among Us. These guys have created the world's best iPhone case. Your phone will never break with springs attached it. Look at that. That's actually. Oh, oh no. Oh, it's come free. It's broken. It's not perfect. He's got a smash screen. What's this guy done? What? What's on his legs? Oh you couldn't. Oh, you know what? That's I sometimes use my sleeve or my draw. You don't this his good. I would get this kind of silly. Clean your hands and then reattach, get home of your day. No one knows what you've done. Egg opener. Oh my gosh, what the... That's sick. Put it in, bro. Oh. Oh, I wasn't sure if that was gonna work. Selfie spoons. But why do you wanna take a selfie whilst you're eating? Yo, yo, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ,whoa. Nah, this is not you. Whoa. This is sick. Nah, I want this, everyone's chilling. Look at them going down. They are having the time of their life and not a single step taken. Imagine being of a top floor, getting down to the bottom it would be the best thing of your day. It's so relaxing. This guy's falling asleep. Airbag for elderly. - Ooh! - Ooh, how did they know he was gonna fall? Yo dude, that's kind of sick. Protecting old people, protecting anyone that needs it. Flying trains where we've just had flying cars. I don't know if I can take flying trains as well. This is the plane picks up the train and flights. Isn't it just a plane? What can you do in this bed? Whoa, dude. What do you would get? So it would get like seasick from asleep in his bed. Surely imagine asleep. And your partner's just going ahead and literally surfing on the bed. What is this gut? Oh, oh. Okay. He's got like a robotic arm to move along without even needing to get off and you can change a direction. Okay, yeah. So I was about to say everyone in the background was not very impressed, but they gave him a thumbs-up, just like you should do in this video, too. Mobile phone jail cell. Is this the best idea or the worst idea? All right. If it's someone else's phone in the jail. Fantastic. You're about to lock up my phone, which, if you've watched any of my videos, looks like this. Guess what? Finally upgraded. Look at that. A non broken phone. How long until I finally smash it, make sure you subscribe and I'll keep you updated in my videos. If anyone tries to lock up my phone, I'll give 'em the smashed one. They'll never know. Nah, they've taken moving objects to another level. Why is this like kind of scary, but kind of sick. What? They're so dope. Literally moves along. Got a skateboard. Oh, it's like a self kick slipping skateboard. Okay, that's wait a broken skate. How are you meant to land that? He's literally just about to land on a broken skateboard. That is useless. Oh, what? You can't get the bun. You can't What? What, what? What now? it's got now please show. Please show him. Yeah. Straight forward people go ahead and rip open the blasting. I didn't think we can get much more useless but a fork with a chain. It's literally a useless fork, people. The still finger makes your flicks really strong. Oh my gosh. Can you imagine your mate coming up to you and flicking you with this? (thumping) Oh, that's a strong flick Glass? Oh my gosh. - [Man] Handy little container features fresh... - Never flick me - Fresh mashed avocado. And you can twist this little knob. - That's disgusting. - You have a little bit more avocado. - That's disgusting. - [Man] Then you just grab a piece of toast. Oh, spread on your avocado. (indistinct) - Okay. - [Man] The fastest avocado toast ever. - You know what kind? A kind of rate it. Do I rate as much as a remote control headband? You know what? Honestly looks dumb, but you could stick your phone your wallet, your keys and your TV remote on there. You never lose them. Can these machine catch up dispensers successfully dispense catch up? - Spinning it around. Oh Oh no. It's that's a, that's all chill, bro. Is that a hot dog with ketchup or is that ketchup with a hot dog? Can the mini version? (blowing raspberries) Judy just weed the ketchup everywhere. Selfie, toaster, take a selfie. What's a cat. Oh my gosh. It actually kind of works. It's Gandhi. Dude, I want a selfie toaster. That's kind of sick. This guy's. Oh, use your weight to open a gate. Yeah. It's all for lads giving you a thumbs up again. This guy's a genius. Look, he loves it and it closed behind him. Yeah, I actually do rate that that's sick. Oh little green screen vlogging. Yeah, you're gonna see people on Twitch doing this. This is kind of sick. He could be anywhere right now. Always trying to work out. People are gonna be like, what are you doing, mate? Are you tired of cleaning your house? But a baby mop on your baby. And now you can clean it for you. I may have to put this on my baby. Don't tell Claire that it's equally clean now for us. Performed by professionals. This guy's got an ax. Oh, you can lock it into place. (ax thudding) It's definitely a working ax. Gotta hand it to him, but then you can make it portable. This guy's made a pizza slapper that lets you cut out parts of pizzas you don't like. I mean, why are you ordering pizzas with bits on you don't like anyway? Pineapple on pizza. Good or bad. Just gonna say, I actually love pineapple on pizza. If you're with me, you know it's good, bruh. Look, I'm not saying people are lazy, but people are lazy. This man is attached his Segway to a chair with a speaker just so we can move around without ever taking a step. I rate it. But that's the laziest thing I've ever seen. This is this. This takes it. This is the most useless thing. A USB pet rock. Why are you plugging in a rock? It makes zero sense. Does nothing. And you're paying for it. This is the worst thing we've seen so far. Tree hat. Now rate this. We've just gone from the worst to 0.1 of the best. Look at that thing. Bro, that's being sick. Probably saving loads of people lives by not making them climb out trees and chop off the branches. Our favorite inventor of things is back. Look at him go. He's created a chair where you can lift bits up and sit like a normal chair or put them back into a bench. Thumbs up from them. Made a giant hole in his toilet. Second (indistinct) What is he doing? Oh mate, are you? Oh, oh. Oh you gonna try and oh, you trying to get, oh that is the messiest toilet seat in the world. Who's a guy is definitely gonna lose this. Just saying. Hot lips. Do you want to heat up your face and get hot lips? Look at this guy. He's got really hot lips and he's watching a sport in the crowd with his whole face covered by this. This is so pointless. But least he's got half lips. What is a blind for laptop? (yells) I'm lost for words. Okay, you've attached it on. Pull it down. Blocks your webcam. I mean you could literally put some blue tack over your webcam. Sticky tape. Cover it with your hand. This is literally your definition of useless. If you're fighting over what to watch on the TV which let's be real happens all the time. You wanna play video games, your parents wanna watch TV. Why don't you get a cardboard box and your iPad and get creative. Look, fair play to this guy for at least trying to come up with something. What's he gonna do? How it goes a giant hole. Sticking on the iPad, on the headphone. (laughing) What is going? Why do you need the box? If you've got headphones on to sit there and watch your iPad. This guy's finally realized that he can just watch stuff without having a box on his head. But now the phone won't stay up on his glass. Is he gonna go back to the box? No, he's gonna find a Barbie. Bring her legs up. (upbeat comical music) I never would've thought of that. Imagine a toilet where the seats are linked. You'd have to be the bestest of friends to want to use this toilet together. And what on earth is going on with the floors? It flooded? Imagine toilet rolls actually a cheese grater. Oh, that's awful. You're actually right. There's this guy who's created a suitcase that can double up as an electric scooter. I would not drive this on a road, but just saying this would be the best way to get around an airport and would be so much fun, bro. This kid's literally doctor octopus in real life. How? And he's controlling it with his hands, dude. You can literally literally lift 12.5 pounds of wood. Now it only costs a thousand dollars, sign me up I'm getting one of these and becoming doctor, oh 3 million? You told me it was only a thousand. Why is this guy undoing a hole in his butt? Is it a C? What is he doing? What? You can put your dog in it. Oh, it's kind of cute until the dog is so heavy. Your pants get pulled down. Have you ever wanted to take your pet fish for a walk? Well, now you can. You've got your dog and your bum. You've got your fish being walked around, you are the ultimate pet owner. Guys, these were amazing. For more awesome videos click on screen. Now I'm about to disappear so quickly click and I'll see you over there.
Channel: MoreAliA
Views: 7,996,455
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Id: RasOgx6gCqw
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Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 19 2022
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