100 of World’s Funniest Fails!

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these are 100 of the world's funniest fails and there's a challenge can we make it to the end of the video without laughing more than five times let's see I Will Not Laugh A almost Happ me on clip one it's not happening not happening oh he's going to defrost it with his his whole car just broke baby drive oh my gosh this legol land why why is it driving like that why is it in a chicken Su I could not lose a life this early but that baby is hungry for his mommy that's for sure oh my goodness what the is a guy in the trash can what's go what oh my gosh and no one knew that he just got stuck in the yeah he he's in there forever poor guy nice little bit of gym exercise this was a proper workout to be fair oh my this is risky you got to get up quick enough otherwise you won't catch the ball I knew it wo wo wo wo wo wo oh my oh my gosh that's a really expensive Mercedes as well that's so bad The Border's having none of it oh M let's see what you got oh oh oh oh chill chill hey what what did the skateboard ever do to you yeah it ain't breaking meate I'll take it back it is breaking what is what is she doing what the what why did she cut open her ball you got to hold the righted suggar down blue he's doing football VR oh my goodness bro bro get back he's smack the wall what's going on here load the pasta oh oh it all just poured into the sink oh my goodness going on here if it's CCTV footage like this it's going to be funny oh it's not going well sale buy three get two what that's not a sale that's a scam oh grow is an expert my I thought he just hit the glass wall my good wait wait is there actually a glass wall there or I don't even know there is oh what's going on oh oh bro just got so embarrassed that ice must have been invisible and he's hanging his head in shame now all right bro oh dentist never found we're done yeah we're all done man here you go this is for you you want me to eat this yeah man candy why is it why is it dentist giving him candy that was a test dude which you failed wa Savage dentist oh jump jump jump oh she's killing it oh she oh oh oh no oh no what is this what the heck is this lady bought you have get up back all okay she poed it oh May whoo whoa whoa whoa whoa my wait wait that phone's gone that phone's literally gone how is she laughing they failed so hard oh my wait is he standing up dude is defying physics right now he's literally trying to be Iron Man a a oh damn oh this girl's got it she got a hair brush going she got the hair dry going not going too well though she's getting more of a hair dryer in her face than on her hair blesser oh man two lives down wait is that water oh my this going to be the biggest pop oh my goodness okay they popped it and it went all over him mate if this explode oh how did they not see that coming dude that was a lot of water oh my goodness oh oh my that was so embarrassing oh my good is that a deer wa holy moly wait for it that corn dog's going in the air surely I hate roller coasters where you just Dro they give me so much anxiety did she not what's about to happen oh it's gone it's gone what's this oh a little bit of a egg spin in this guy's like no leave it mate I got it I got it watch this oh oh oh oh my bro hit the ceiling dude had that power flick going on now that's embarrassing he thought he could P it off he definitely couldn't that's a big slide okay I'm scared for him get ready it's coming coming down whoa my throw flew to the end of the park oh bit box oh my goodness mommy new video okay this kid smacking it bro oh my goodness she's got power okay he wants to have a go now oh poor kid oh damn this guy's got the skills look at him go lifting up everything without fork truck baby oh no oh no oh that was bad how did they pull that off what the what are you snow and ice has to be human's worst enemy look at it doesn't even look that bad but she cannot stand up she's falling over she ain't making it she's got the biggest high heels on bre I will pay everyone $1,000 watching this video if she doesn't fall over there's no wait I didn't expect it to do that I take it back oh I've just lost a lot of money oh no okay oh oh okay now how do you get it out oh no it's in there forever like I'm not even mad you're not getting it out wait for it here they come oh let's go I think this person's about to get soaked by the way yeah oh my your husband doesn't know when to stop recording hey damn that's a beautiful background oh my gosh where are they I want to go on holiday there oh oh no oh no oh no oh are you okay oh she joking stop the video stop the video he's Ed he's eating a wedding cake this is why you don't bring dogs to wedding bro who's filming this and not stopping that dog no oh oh oh wow it's a good kick it's a good kick don't go off don't go off that's a troll what the heck is this drone trying to save a boat is that crocodile oh my did that drone is gone holy moly The Croc is having none of it see you oh my oh my goodness oh my oh my goodness dude everyone's just laughing at him but dude's being sucked in to a world bow what's this oh a little pizza thing oh Oh that's oh just the way it slid off man oh my goodness what is this holy moly what is the pressure in that thing jeez he got koed by it the other guy's giving up helping as well oh Jason d filming oh my oh my gosh I didn't think he'd actually fail it what about this guy oh my did no one tell him to se wasn't in my husband lost his phone in this massive ball pit we had to get out the shovel he missed the signs that were posted everywhere you're not getting your phone but oh have to get the shovel bro it took hours and we almost gave up hope then I felt my butt vibrate and found it under me let's go Victory lesson learned there for sure Never Letting Grandma film again this is not bad this is good damn he's killing it holy wait wait wait she filmed the wrong but no bro was confused nice get nice little certificate what's he telling him to do go back what wait what get get off the stage leave what's he telling am I as dumb as him I think I'm just a stupid hope you don't need your phone for the next 12 hours wait what do you mean oh no oh no there's no way of getting to it either the whole floor's got cement on it I phone ain't moving what what the what how did you still stuck how do you even get your oh my good you have to put fireade that's so embarrassing oh my gosh how do you even get inside there oh oh this is very [Music] oh when you get your cat the fanciest gate ever feel is let's see what this person is smoking bro are you good are you good how does she not realize she's lost an entire wheel that woman does not care yet uhoh wait for it and oh nice why do you need to do that oh oh nice go on oh no I will never hire them again wait what the heck is that a tap operated by a light switch what the how do you even program that what Builders did you get your decision Danger Man we you what is going on how did he even make that for his head all right guys I'm down to one life now everyone watching wants an extra life hit the like button I'm hitting the like button cuz I need it this guy's falling everywhere just made the speaker what the heck dude what it just set on fire I'm so glad I got two lives these clips are getting funnier and funnier who sticks that in that baby's head the poor thing it looks hilarious though oh oh oh uh oh there videos basically where if you draw lines the animal won't walk past it now this this thing doesn't care mate you can't trap him with a pen it's not working oh oh my goodness what the Bro filmed it as well oh my goodness you're getting detention mate splash splash splash splash splash this kid's loving it he's like hello I'll take a bath in this water please splash splash what is this it's like squid games at home is there a hole or something okay nice go for the next wait why would you what was he doing idiot University degree really coming into hand oh no oh no Tass it was meant to spell Texas throw back to when caravana dropped my $30,000 car wait what no no no no no no no no no no no no my oh that was painful maybe not as P be chased by a rooster run use this field to they say builds your confidence what did they just do to her just went from a woman to a scar-faced man all right no more laughing I'm staying on two lives forever now what the oh every sh fell over when I failed the video oh no oh no oh oh oh oh oh you good you good oh no oh no she broke one of those lights luckily she's got a load more still working oh what's this guy doing helloa got laugh got laugh not funny not funny he's totally not going to fall in the pool it's just W I love seeing videos like this this is a clever invention that automatically puts on a candle after the flame has reached a certain level oh oh yeah it didn't work it did here we go bowling oh come [Music] on how did she miss oh oh man oh no dude just confidence mate confidence you got this you're fine you're fine put your butt first yes oh my God that was sick holy cow that's actually really impressive to be fair this is going to go wrong isn't it this going to go really wrong [Applause] oh guys I only have one life I've already hit the light butt and I can't get another life I just have to survive why is this guy making a peanut butter sandwich with a cow in his house how did the cow even get inside oh little bit of a fit check oh oh oh my goodness oh go on oh oh oh oh how did she fail that hard that's amazing oh my bro bro broke the half ball got a strike bubble bubble bubbles okay now go BL don't eat them oh no oh a bubble came out his mouth I accidentally put too much pepper oh yeah let's just suck that pepper off get some of that oh no oh no she can't get to the car oh no just go around no those cookies aren't for you what do you mean it's for everybody but only for you Granny they're dog treats no no fishy oh let me see can I see the fishy no don't eat the fishy chill it's okay what the heck oh little trick okay okay what have we got oh ni oh even him oh what is that ice oh no oh oh oh dude great dancing on the eye it's kind of impressive you got to admit oh my gosh oh oh I don't really know where it is even in your so what am I supposed to be doing here uh I guess it's just like Tri by fire what's going to happen guess oh I felt that two times wait what is it on his [Music] backpack what all right now I got a little bravery now got a bit of Bravery now oh this is going to be great is going to be go I I can't lose I can't lo oh oh least they're laughing cuz that looks painful jeez toilet roll yeah great great idea guys great idea that worked so well didn't it wa holy moly oh that car's getting smashed oh no bow jeez someone stop those carts that car's getting beaten up was this a little bit of a football challenge let's go get it in the hole oh what that was amazing I just survived but did you take on an even harder Challenge and try not to laugh to this video I'll see you over there
Channel: MoreAliA
Views: 637,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gPy5Tq85uZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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