10 UNSOLVED Fortnite Mysteries

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fortnite is hiding something and if you look deep enough things get suspicious some of these Unsolved Mysteries are years in the making and they foreshadow the next season collabs and a live event that'll blow you away the one that is closest to being solved centers around season 3's Nitro fuel villain literally the first day players notice Megalodon and his massive resemblance to the storyline character Gunner yes we're taking a trip back in time to chapter 3 not just because they look alike but I mean come on it's not hard to see they got the exact same haircut build arm armor but this shouldn't be possible gunar was killed off in the fortnite story when Dr Doom annihilated him with a cannon so why is this happening well it all has to do with Megalodon's desperate need for Nitro and it explains a lot what if this is secretly Gunner with Nitro keeping him alive as the mask is hiding his wounds there's a lot of credibility to this mystery if you think about it what weapon did Gunner use in chapter 3 and the final piece of evidence is what's making is so believable let's take a look at the bridge of Megalodon ship more specifically its controls these are Reus screens from the iOS Fortress in chapter 3 the same organization Gunner work for could everything here just be a coincidence or is fortnite building up something bigger I think it is especially with unsolved mystery number two at the start of season 3 The Island was updated and while players are focused on the new Wasteland there was something hiding in the mountains that I've been talking a lot about whatever is banging on this door is trying to break free from the bunker and we have multiple suspects of who it could be the first is also the most interesting and he's only a couple weeks away from dropping on the island Magneto is our Secret outfit who is also tied to the story line like many Marvel skins before him Dr Strange helped us during the 7 iio War Tony Stark destroyed galatis and Wolverine got a little carried away but aside from that they are pretty important there is something about his outfit that has players talking something epic intentionally did to fit the story going out of their way way to redesign him fitting the season theme is clue number one this means he is clearly important to what's going on in season 3 and the bunker might have something to do with clue number two as we approach the end of the Wasteland and the transition into our final season we know marvel is going to take over we're getting part two of the Marvel battle pass and Magneto is here to make that happen he is famously someone who falls in the gray area of hero or villain and while he might help us defeat Megalodon and save the island that's never really the case nine times out of 10 they take power for themselves and that could be the answer to unsolved mystery number three when Marvel does come to fortnite next season it would make sense the X-Men would headline the battle pass but not everyone has sold on that it's been known for a while that Dr Doom will return and now our first look at a Mythic changes everything it's code named the elusory walls and if you look at the capital letters This spells out IW the same initials belonging to Fantastic Fours Invisible Woman not only that but the idea of an elusory wall fits perfectly with their powers to turn invisible and create Force Fields so while the bunker might be used for Magneto or his future objectives it could also belong to another massive crossover right now we have follow out Cosmetics weapons and consumables but no POI it's a game that is known for one thing Vault and either fortnite just missed the biggest opportunity of all time or it is hiding in plain sight some fans believe this bunker is related to Fallout and this could be the answer for a second wave of outfits in the summer after all if we get vault dweller skins they need a vault to break out of and so the theories in this video are going to get progressively more insane as we try to solve a mystery that began in 2020 season 3's most underrated battle pass character is an engineer known as The Machinist she's drawn a lot of comparison over the past few weeks to people like Jewels mostly because they're skilled Engineers except one Reddit Theory actually caught my attention let's take a close look at The Machinist and tntina when you compare the two they have very similar faces especially the hair and eyes but it goes beyond that both of them run an entire location that happened to be a rig at TNT in this place you can find gas tanks while The Machinist Redline rig is full of nitro canisters not to mention they also share red and black color scheme are these two characters related we're not saying this is true and neither is the creator of the theory but I just had to share it because it ties to the most important Unsolved Mystery in this video number six fortnite has been teasing this in the shadows since the start of chapter 5 and finally we are getting somewhere this season players are picking up on this cloak figure all over the map the graffiti has been constantly appearing and it's easy a write off until you look in the battle pass we can't seem to escape this person even Megalodon's loading screen shows them hiding in the background their official name has been discovered by data miners revealing The Wanderer we're not sure if they're an ally or a villain but the fact they riding with Megalodon's Army of marauders it's not a good sign I said fortnite has been secretly teasing The Wanderer the whole chapter and that started in the early versions of Pandora's box if you check out the concept art the same cloak figure is seen here they were meant to appear seasons ago but then were deleted and replaced with four Greek gods that season there was another teaser and this is what's foreshadowing the live event when we follow the prophecy of the Oracle there was one quest line that explains what'll happen in the future your War has not yet begun storm clouds gather The Wanderer draws near even in the darkness hope will guide you you see Zeus wasn't exactly the big bad guy this chapter The Wanderer might secretly be the True Villain of chapter 5 Now fortnite isn't done with the underworld just yet and they're telling us the next step of this unsolved mystery is coming soon in Hades biome he instructed curus to stay behind apparently the gods have gone to find new domains and curus is waiting here for her arrival there's a queen who will arrive on the Sweet Summer Wind and the dots are starting to connect hi's wife the queen of the underworld is pranie and thanks to epic's official surveys here is our first look according to Cerberus she's taking a vacation and needs a rest so pairing this with the summer wi you could probably guess when she's dropping the question is will panie bring something with her is Hades returning too and how would this fit into the story line I know it all seems a bit random until you turn to Hope who has answers for everything so the Oracle already mentioned her as someone who will guide us in the fight against The Wanderer that's probably because she's the only person who knows where Pandora's Box is in her room you could find a piece of the chest which seems to have four slots this is already being used in season 3 story quests as it becomes the most important artifact of chapter 5 it started the story line and now it'll be crucial to what happens next but why is hope so important to this prophecy she's clearly very acquainted with the characters we know and love recruiting agent Jones to the underground and working with Sloan you could find her sprayed on Hope's walls so what's the connection here well there is the fact that her name is literally hope a pretty important way to name someone her set is full of teases directly from Epic 2 as they claim she will change the world know someone from her former life and if that wasn't obvious enough her emote is called I'm a mystery I'm not joking they tease us for not knowing her so all we know is that hope is sister is with valyria the leader of the society could she also have superpowers like valyria does if so what's so important about this family these are all Unsolved Mysteries that'll probably be answered at the same time as number nine what if Pandora's Box unleash more than the Greek gods one of the strangest parts of this chest was the mysterious orb full of orange liquid I don't if you remember but this actually filled over the course of last season before unleashing its giant power and creating the Wasteland so that leads me to one of the coolest theories what if this massive burst of Godly energy created more than just the desert what if the orange power we saw in the orb created Nitro think about it the power could have been embedded into the sand ready for characters like The Machinist to dig it up it wouldn't explain how Megalodon already knows about it and Powers a ship but when you think about it he's also run out of nitro and needs to refine more maybe they ran out because it's only found on the island he would need someone already living here to know this someone I haven't talked about in 2 years Chaos Agent he hasn't been heard from since chapter 3 and yet he's thrown around by Megalodon like a regular henchmen it's a massive fall from grace when this guy was a huge mad scientist who dominated the storyline the only reason why a scientist would be needed on the map right now is finding ways to create weapons I'm leaning on that Chaos Agent is able to help with the development of nitro The Machinist refines it while chaos perfects it for Don suit or something like that either way it's a strange turn in a story we knew him as someone who experimented was slurp worked with Midas in the early days and fought in the 7 iio War he's been secretly with us the whole time and now to be pushed around like he doesn't matter it's got to hurt it's all weird because he's from a different era of the storyline when the seven were the main characters and after so long of not hearing from them the final unsolved mystery might be their first reference since they disappear if you talk to Underground Jones in season 3 he'll tell you that he's the strong and Silent type is it a gloss this over unless you've been studying the storyline from the very early days this is when the visitor was an NPC on the map and if you checked his collection book the description ion claimed he was you guess did the strong and Silent type it's been a long running theory for years that the visitor and Jones are secretly snapshots of each other are fortnite finally acknowledging this or trolling storyline fans maybe it's a coincidence but is anything really it's been Tommy keep it here on top five gaming
Channel: Top5Gaming
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Keywords: fortnite, Fortnite's BIGGEST UNSOLVED Mystery.., fortnite new update, fortnite new season, new season fortnite, fortnite unsolved mysteries, fortnite mystery, fortnite mysteries, fortnite season 3 new, new fortnite, fortnite new, new update fortnite, fortnite updates, fortnite secrets, secrets fortnite, fortnite update secrets, fortnite season 3 secrets, season 3 fortnite, chapter 5 fortnite, fortnite new chapter, fort, nite, battle royale, gaming, new, update, video
Id: eryrot3uklM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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