World’s *FUNNIEST* Kids!

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these are the world's funniest kids we only have five lives to last us to the end of the video future black belt o nice nice nice oh no that went so wrong so yeah they got into the Coco wait what oh my gosh bro a different color of Coco nice nice don't eat eat it yeah it's not going to taste nice mate not good at all a bubble give out of his mouth oh my goodness oh go mate go mate oh oh ski move mate new ski move watch the whole time [Music] okay he's fine he's fine come come on now you meant to be helping m what is [Music] it oh I was just trying to be helpful all right I've lost a life already these are too good I I will last to the end though I will complete this challenge nothing's funny to me anymore nothing's funny he's just walking oh why [Music] why that machine's bigger than the kid why is he the one why is his dad not doing it oh oh none of the machines blowing in me the grass boy the grass oh my gosh oh oh oh oh oh oh go on no one 2 3 jump can you help me he's stuck nail can you help me help it he's stuck in the B lemon juice oh no oh no no oh he likes it I like lemon juice to be fair like me you know what not too bad what is that look oh my God bro that lemon juice turned him into a demon mate what my daughter's preschool pictures what the oh she's a diva oh she's a diva oh look look at her 9 10 ready or not here I come hide and seek where could Freya be oh my God she tried she tried oh no oh no okay okay okay okay you're getting there you're getting there no no no no oh my bro sounds like a lion going try it you just locked it at him my son had too much energy before bedtime so I told him every time he moves it charges his iPad oh my gosh mate that is the best way to Tire him out oh a little bit of skateboarding oh oh oh I can feel the pain oh my God the double waby from the kid oh [Music] oh the poor kid no so much M story Sor I don't know Alexa tell me a Horror Story Alexa Savage maybe tries a jalapeno that's a very hot spicy pepper oh oh oh oh he knows he's being stitched up his noses that's his [Music] nose doesn't have any arms she thinks a baby has no arms I want to try on eyel okay all right go ahead go nice nice nice great great job great job spot got yes you look great you look great I've lost two lives now lete Focus up what what is he done oh that was actually so accurate it's impressive um is he what what is he you can't pick up the water it's just a projection they're projecting it onto the sand this is like torturing kids he can never pick up the shell what would you do oh my gosh bro bro stealing the wedding cake someone come get their kids they're ruining the wedding no someone filming this not doing anything by the way oh no oh no good luck mate oh my goodness okay I don't think he's going to join the NBA there we go finally he just had to shorten it my kid told me he gets his water that way all the time okay wait wait whoa whoa whoa look at his fingers it's some crazy thing to make the water go through it come on here turn the TV off oh oh oh yo that kid's a troll brow one before he even started oh yeah mate mate don't mess with him look at that face holy moly dude's just walking towards him the other kid's so scared he lit just pushed him out oh no they're still going oh damn he got him over yeah don't mess with a kid that's got a face like that oh pouncy castles trampolines they're all Danger dous oh oh do you hate [Music] her um um what bro painted his whole sister okay that's kind of half a laugh there I will take half a life off happy birthday I wish that my mom could be beautiful what he's kids are Savage oh oh oh my it looks like a corn dog but it's not it's like fluff can I can to bring him into your house no you're going to leave him in here why she got chicken C him what she's cooking him it's okay tried filling up my car washer liquid this is not an easy task mate oh oh oh nice yeah keep it there keep it there no I mean it's it's fine it's fine bro killing it no he's killing it mate it's that's good wly moly I thought she was nice and dry but no what excuse me she had a head out the whole time she's soaked what do you think about California California you like it yeah you like it taking bro just stood there pooping how do we go from talking about California to doing a standing poop a they're chasing each other oh oh oh good attempt good attempt it didn't end quite right got come on pass it pass it he's oh he's he's paying the bill oh it's expensive it's expensive bro bro's losing all his money told to say trick or treat when they open the door not walk in wait whoa wa she walked into the person's house that's not her house she's just going into some randomers house I get home from work and my poor baby's woken up by my annoying husband bro how loud is he snoring that kid's like I have had enough my father is too loud you're my baby oh W oh wo oh my gosh that's anger you hear me I'm not I'm quy I'm Tire I want oh all right so what you don't want me to with you tonight no oh he caugh he's cranky not going to wrestle here in a little bit maybe let me see your left taking home show me what are you taking home oh my God what's his takeaway what look how much food they could be taking back all of those nachos and he's got one chicken ball but daddy said you can have it I'm in charge around here you can have the lollipop I make the rules not her you don't want it what that that is a very well behaved kid like daddy mommy said no Try Not to Laugh Until the [Music] End best imitation ever stop eating it look at this oh oh my she's a cheese fiend like my wife she just num on cheese bricks on no cheese is mine not cake I popping candy oh it's a candy like Pops in your mouth like it's like brain tingles oh my God yeah it's weird it's like your whole mouth's exploding kept falling asleep but her reactions were brilliant she's awake she's awake she's fine oh oh wao how's she doing that oh my goodness wao she's the queen of somehow bouncing back after falling asleep oh um um why is he drilling his nose why is he smiling as he does it all right guys I think we may all need an extra life at this point hit the thumbs up button and I'll give you an extra life I'm giving myself one none of these kids are going to make me laugh anymore none of these kids imitating their parents are going to make me laugh not funny not funny you finally let your little brother Drive oh my oh my he's hectic oh my oh my good oh my oh my no don't do it don't do it oh he's done it what a legend hold her if she wants to scream scream outside it's a good idea nice nice she let it out let her back in she's got her screaming out the way better now are you dad screaming hey it worked that's genius your toddler and Mom and constantly have to be on the lookout for their lives oh oh my goodness that's a great save almost got absolutely hammered dirty that's embarrassing wow being reminds her of a dad a 2-year-old nephew had enough of me and showed me the door oh oh oh he's not happy he's not happy get out get out what look at that face okay sorry my are Savage so yeah get out the door bye he said goodbye oh my gosh oh it's brilliant oh oh oh oh this girl oh it's like practicing kicks or did they just make a love heart in the middle of a fight you can't touch his butle I'm sorry it's a baby touching his butt no you can play anywhere else anything but the butthole baby leave it alone a whenever you say no to baby they hate it byy you are so beautiful bab why did you do her hair like that what do you mean she looks like a m pineapple pineapple he does look a bit like a pineapple time out I didn't even say that kids like yeah that's what you get for doing my hair like that I but but what happened wait I here wait is his feet in the cup holders of a chair I have never seen that before first born oh look at her all dressed up like a nice princess second Bard holy cow CU I'm going to kill you all y you're just learning to walk the pumpkin comes out of nowhere oh oh wa man down man down yeah nice with a newborn and a toddler spin spin spin I always throw my son upside down to be fair he loves it oh damn that's a strong dad oh oh oh look at him yes he loves it or that or he just pooping we'll never know maybe is desperate for chocolate bar could that Savage Oh my gosh what have you done to the poor baby yeah time for some chocolate bar I'm for some chocolate bar it's right there I'm going to have some I will have some of a chocolate bar no B face that was a cough not a laugh way doesn't count doesn't oh she's spilling everywhere wants to be a doctor when she grows upow what do you want to be a nightlight a what a nightlight you want to be a nightlight when you grow up wow do you go to NightLight school yeah why she want to be a nightl oh oh oh what are you doing trying to go up trying to go up who thinks he's got superpowers it you're eating the wax too wait yeah good don't eat the wax of a baby Bell she's crazy right even the younger baby knows she's loopy oh are you having fun no oh do you like snow no eat it oh [Music] wow why' she eat it oh Scarlet best hide-and-seek spot ever don't give me a spot way why are you in the pantry oh wait what is she oh my what has she found cookie she was stealing cookies oh oh damn you got a kickass tattoo oh Spider-Man oh oh damn now that is epic we just survived but did you if you want an even harder challenge click on screen here before I disappear to keep on watching I'll see you over there
Channel: MoreAliA
Views: 2,394,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funniest kids, worlds funniest kids, funny kids, funny kids videos, funniest kid videos, funny kid tiktoks, kid tiktoks, funny, funniest, kid, kids, tiktok, tik tok, videos, morealia, more alia, ali a, alia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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