I Bought 250 BANNED Amazon Products!

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behind me is an Amazon truck filled with over 250 Amazon products it's a pocket staff all these products are so dangerous that they're actually banned in some countries dude it still has the claw on it so our goal is to open all of them and deliver them to all of our friends before the end of the 24 hours and if we don't then we have to buy the most expensive product on Amazon wait what is that you want to know what it is yeah well we're gonna find out at the end if we don't deliver all of these products you're gonna have to buy it yeah oh okay we better get delivering that we gotta get all these boxes in the truck there is so many we have a lot of work to do okay so the 24 hour starts right now all right let's go come on we gotta get all these boxes in the truck some of these products might be damaged after we're done with this now this is same day delivery this big package is gonna be for Dom oh what Dom's in for a treat what is in this it's heavy I don't know what's in it first up we're delivering a package to my sister Lexi all right here we go we have thousands of dollars worth of Amazon products in the bag I don't know if we closed the trunk people are probably looking at us like we're real Amazon drivers Lexi we're coming for you see you soon all right all right the Amazon people are here here we go first package of the day ready to open Alexi I'm ready I'm ready all right it is the biggest cookie in the world 15 pounds look at this thing compared to Lexie massive cheers yo for a big cookie that's really good that's really good so Lexi we know you love spending money on clothes yeah so these next products are going to be perfect for you okay so Lexi first off for you we have the money gun so it's not just any money gun it is a pink money gun dude perfect and it shoots at a thousand dollars [Music] so the next product you use when you go to the bathroom it's money toilet paper what is all this stuff you can wipe your butt with 100 bills how is it drew it works so good what look at this oh my God can I use the toilet paper next though yeah no not that one all right so the next product is a snow cone machine all right we're gonna really fill it up there we go Lexi taste test it's really good yeah all right so this next product is a nutcracker but this one is actually banned from a lot of countries because it was breaking people's necks all right here we go don't break my neck [Music] did it help no it hurt my neck even more bro it's my turn trap me in I can do it myself yeah you just pull this okay here we go I think it broke my neck and I understand why this product is banned now so now we're on our way to Andrew's house to deliver some more packages Andrew we're coming for you see you soon all right Andrew Andrew hey you ready for some Amazon packages what the heck is so do you work for Amazon now yes we got some good packages for you all right here we go Andrew is this something cool super cool how is that open your mouth Andrew you ready let's see if this works there we go yeah wow that's pretty good wait that's what it does it's a look it's a juicer this is just like a weird looking juicer all right so Andrew do your feet ever hurt here and there well no need to massage them with your hands because we have a braiding foot massager damn what yep that feels amazing really holy and this actually comes with a feature where you can heat it up to warm your feet while you're getting a massage no way this is nice did I keep this one yeah yeah you can keep all these all right so this next product I am super excited about it's a both of these nuts candles but Brett the real question is how are we gonna light these nuts I have something in here that you can light it up with this product actually got banned from Amazon two years ago it is a lighter gun check this out oh my gosh that's a strong lighter Light It Up there it is oh wow yep it smells like these nuts yo these nuts smell fire so this next product is the banana Loca [Music] with any filling check this out you get a banana you take the tip off you stick this thing inside of it like that what yeah you can eat that yeah you can eat that and then you're gonna fill up the back end with your choice of filling so we're gonna do chocolate so let's fill this up all right so now you're gonna put the banana in the banana case just like that you're gonna throw it into this little thing three two one squish down oh it's filling the banana oh just like that all right that's so good okay next bro why was it the biggest bite ever bro bro it is literally a chocolate filled banana that is good that is so good all right so we have some products for Andrew and Lexi so I told them to meet me at my house and we're about to deliver them bro are we almost done right now we're on hour three we have 21 hours to go we still have like 200 boxes I know this is gonna be a while [Music] oh Andrew to order packages from Amazon it hey you like the ride yeah it's nice what you got back there no wonder it's taking so damn long so this next product is for the two of you [Applause] um [Music] oh my God look at it like actually this is like what Lexi uses wait this is the weirdest thing I've ever seen this is really should we give Andrew a wedgie yeah Drew you give Andrew a wedgie I'll give Lexie a wedgie all right so this next product should be banned it is edible bag of poop is that actual poop well no I don't think it's actual poop but it says freshness you can taste the original bag of poo so it's cotton candy I guess what who flavored cotton candy all right ready guys all right cheers [Music] why did it taste like that all right let's just get to the next product all right so we have breast milk bro what is your problem weirdo I want it all so these bags have like little things you can tear off so you can suck on it like this cheers [Music] it's just like thinking about the fact this is somebody's breast milk why is Brett like it's not bad all right let's go to the next product so these cups turn any drink into a slushie you basically just pour it in and you squeeze it like this for a minute and then literally you have a slushie in less than 60 seconds do we just do like a lot of it and that to there yeah that's probably good okay all right that's good now you guys just squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze that's crazy what good oh it's worth it this next product is one of my favorites are you guys ready I'm ready they're spaghetti Donuts you what Cheers Cheers [Music] honestly not bad actually instead of eating just regular Donuts in the morning I'm just gonna eat these this next product I don't know why they sell this we ordered it and it came with holes in the box there are live ladybugs inside here what like 5 000 ladybugs on Amazon you guys ready to let these guys loose right we got a lot oh my God that's a lot of ladybugs bro look at how many there are we're letting them lose the fact you can just buy 5 000 ladybugs is like insane to me oh my god there are so many this one's escaping Andrew I think that one likes you yeah this one's my friend now his name's Steven okay so the next product is dissolvable swim trunk so we're gonna prank our friend Ashton with them so let's do it all right Ashton your first product are you ready yup so we have reusable water balloons how does that work what what this is what it looks like without water so we're gonna fill it up and then shut it just like this hopefully this doesn't hurt too bad Drew's gonna test it out I'm aiming for the face three two one [Music] Ashton we have something to tell you those are actually um dissolvable trunks what do you mean they're gonna like just start falling apart all right so Ashton the final product is actually the most expensive water gun this water gun is 250 and it is the fastest and strongest water gun you can buy online I love this thing all right so we are at the beach right now because we have the world's biggest beach ball [Music] this thing is massive oh this beach ball cost over 120 I would say it's totally worth it I think the beach ball is just on the loose now so it's so windy at the beach that the beach ball flew over the cliff and went into the main highway so Drew and Ashton are popping it right now let's do the next product Pearson Pearson hey Harrison what is this your packages did you order off Amazon recently in the past week yeah of course I love Amazon cool well these are your packages we picked them for you okay perfect okay I'm excited okay cool it's like Christmas morning yeah exactly right so Pearson you love poker right of course okay this one's perfect for you drew what is it take your cards and we put them face down in the machine under there you just press the button no way it's dealing the cards for you dude it does it so good you know how expensive real human dealers are how much did you buy at the sport this was only twenty dollars Amazon is op so Pearson this next one is for when you're really really lonely because I know that's a lot of the time all right now you finally have an arm to cuddle it's kind of an everything so I'm basically always gonna be with you now Pearson oh dude this is the weirdest thing all right so Peterson now I have something for me and you oh it's a perfect pillow for couples to cuddle with let's demonstrate it you ready for it yes I'm ready no no no me and Brett already did it so usually if you if you're cuddling with someone your arm loses circulation because like their body is on your arms this way you can just cuddle without having to lose circulation wait this is actually so nice yeah this is nice honestly I would rate this pillow at 10 out of 10. I also would rate this pillow this is a really cool one all right for this next product we're gonna have to make it really really dark okay Pearson you know how you're really scared of the dark okay so this next product is gonna be perfect for you Drew Pearson we got you the world's strongest flashlight this feels like a 10 pound weight you ready to try it out oh shoot I think that's it oh my God that's it shine it towards the wall somewhere oh my God something this bright well worth nine hundred dollars I will buy that eight times if I need to so this next product is a fun game that was actually banned on Amazon because kids were getting too hard huh human sling shot in three two one oh my God oh my God oh my God that game is way too dangerous is this one banned yeah this one's bad I see why Pearson are you ready for this ready this is one of the best ones so far what is it it costs 800 bucks what all right Drew hit it all right here we go [Music] dealerships and now I own one yeah okay oh my God oh my God [Music] Pearson this was fun but we do have to go because we have to deliver all these products before 24 hours because if we don't we're gonna have to buy the most expensive product on Amazon all right come on Drew let's go Drew let's go buy Pearson all right Jeremy's here hey Jeremy what are you guys doing we have a lot of packages for you why you guys dress up as Amazon workers shut up we don't have time to explain let's go so the first product we have are unbendable strength bars right here whoa first let's try level one level one let's see okay okay okay so now level two ah okay this is supposed to be the hard one this is the hardest one why is strong all right let's do the next product a giant airbrush really yeah I can even fit in my mouth I'm gonna be brushing my entire face I'm like brushing my face apparently this toy is unbreakable give me that let's see the challenge is is we have to try and break it really yeah Jeremy are you ready ah oh no way well uh Jeremy broke the unbreakable toy so Jeremy obviously you love to work out that's right and when you work out you burn calories that's how it works so this next product is great for when you work out it's a sauna suit basically it traps all the heat inside the suit so when you're running it feels like a little sauna inside all right here we go I feel like he's already sweating he's been like five seconds I know oh my God bro this makes the run like 15 times harder oh my God bro that's hard that's actually really hard I'll feel it it's sweaty oh all right staying on the topic of running this next product makes it so hard and I mean really really hard to run so basically you strap this onto you and it acts like a parachute so it makes it really really hard to run all right here we go three two one go [Music] ES oh that's hard I'm not gonna lie that probably adds like another like 50 pounds of weight on it Drew and I have a lot more packages to deliver so we'll see you later all right you're leaving yeah Bye Jamie all right so Dom is coming over to my house right now so we're driving over with all of his packages how many more packages do we have we have a lot more oh why when are they gonna end I don't know and now we're with Don hi guys what are we doing well we have a bunch of packages for you the first package we have is confetti high five let's go bro oh oh oh they're sick this next one Dom is gonna blow your mind okay I'm excited all right okay here we go oh all right you know what this is what it what is that all right look at this oh my God I've seen that it's a pocket staff so basically if you're in trouble you have this in your pocket and then you pull it out right and it makes a full-on staff for you to protect yourself with wait where's it gonna go oh my God oh my gosh oh oh my God that feels so cool let's move on to the next product before someone gets killed it is the world's biggest backpack bro you can fit so much stuff in Ashton you're gonna try and fit in this backpack dude I can definitely fit in here oh oh my God no way literally this Ashton are you in there yeah it's just my books Ashton you good I'm good it's gonna go all over the counter a little bit well the cup didn't fall Bro Look at like normal cup would just like fall [Music] ing I barely hit it all right so these next products are some exotic food so they don't sell on Amazon anymore because they're just so exotic I guess python jerky it's snake jerky oh my god oh my god that's literally a snake three two one oh my God texture it's like super hard I'm just so aware of the fact it's a snake so the final product is ice cream that doesn't melt it doesn't smell like ice cream but does it taste like ice cream kinda yeah dude my ice cream always melts it's actually perfect live hello my packages are here it's like Christmas these are gonna help you a lot with this new place obviously you want to keep the place clean yeah but you want to do it efficiently yeah oh oh you put them on your feet and then you mop the floor with them look at that boom why does this works here I'll clean this spot over here yeah that's right that was fun let me go to the next product so Liv I know you hate doing your laundry I hate it so this is gonna help you fold your laundry it is an automatic folder I think you go like this okay this this oh my God all right so we're gonna do a race through you're gonna fold close just regularly and live you get to use this thing the cool way all right here we go three two one go good job thank you let's go to the next product so this next product will chill any drink super super fast it is the chill pill you add some ice into the chill pill there you go so let's go the can is spinning and it's getting really cold and your drink is oh my God yeah what now that your drink is cold you can put it in the coolest mug there is a toilet oh my God what is wrong with you okay we can see our Reflections in it yeah yummy 24 karat gold live we'll leave you with all this stuff we gotta go because we have to deliver a lot more packages probably 100 more and we only have like 10 hours to go so uh we'll see you later finally oh have fun with the golden toilet all right Dom this Amazon package is for you and it cost me a hefty Penny oh my God it's huge all right here we go bro what is this what is this how many boxes are inside of this box oh my God bro this is a joke you're okay wow wow sick dude another box okay this this is getting ridiculous this is getting ridiculous I didn't do this I'm just a delivery guy oh great it's another box but this time it's a different color oh oh my God how do you buy boxes this small oh man there's another box how there's no way there's no oh what is it are you kidding me what it cost me a hefty Penny I told you that one penny I told you look how many boxes there are didn't I tell you Penny okay I'm done I'm done take your penny I don't want it I'm going home dog come on let's get to the next package so honestly Ashton Drew and I feel really bad about being mean to you earlier today come on Ashton because we were mean to you earlier today I wanted to do something nice you're going camping this weekend right yeah okay so we got you a bunch of cool Amazon products for you to use while you're camping what is it so basically the light straw can drink out of any water source and it's clean so we got muddy water here we go drinking dirt water there he goes let's see if it works is it clear that's clear oh my God that's clear that's pretty clear that's crazy I told you all right so just in case you get a little cold and you need to cut some wood to make a fire we have a mini chainsaw oh I see why that was banned that's a weapon mini chainsaw approved next product so when you go camping you obviously need a place to sleep yeah where am I sleeping this is the instant tent all right here we go three two one whoa oh within seconds we have a mansion tent bro this is crazy this is way better than setting up a tent so this next product got banned on Amazon it is a spork why what is that gonna do for me it's not just a sport it's also a knife oh my gosh all right bro people are probably getting hurt is that why they banned it okay but we're not done yet there's another thing in here do you know what this is what is that this creates fire two one oh wow no wonder this is bad dude this is the most dangerous sport you could ever buy that's crazy I think we're done with the spark let's move on this is a portable washing machine I'm just like Amazed by this right now this is so weird oh my God this is awesome you're welcome I'm gonna start like using this in my room and then you can just hang up the clothes to dry voila just like that all right so while your clothes are drying Ashton this next one is gonna be the coolest product you've ever seen before but how does it get better than this follow me follow me so this next one is called magical Flames it makes any flame colorful so on three we're gonna pour these pouches into the flames and it's gonna turn rainbow three two one [Music] look at it no way oh my God look at it it's green and blue it was blue holy crap oh that's sick all right so it's getting late Drew and I honestly need some sleep finally but we're gonna pick it up back in the morning okay finally here all right Sydney we have a bunch of Amazon products for you and we cannot wait for you to check them out dude I'm excited too it better not be anything crazy though all right so the first product is gonna help you with height Sydney you're a little short and these great stop calling my height okay we know I'm short my goodness these are kangaroo jumping shoes and they basically make you taller and you can jump with them I feel like a baby taking his first steps [Applause] um guys wow those are like 300 bucks all right City this is your next package but Drew I have to remind you we have four hours left to deliver all these packages wait so what happens if you don't deliver them in time then we have to buy the most expensive Amazon products let's get going all right here we go so this is basically an unspillable cup holder oh my god oh no way oh yeah oh my God oh all right we have a levitating plant it's still how it works but that's what it said what no way that is insane and look at this oh whoa spin it this thing is Way Cool oh my God all right this is the watermelon slicer it cuts the watermelon into cubes that's super easy to eat so all you have to do is put it right here and then check this out oh perfect watermelon it did really good what some more all right Drew we have to deliver more packages so Sydney this was great but uh we have to go I guess I'll keep this all right for our next item we have a giant 15 pound Zeus Burger I have never seen anything like this before this is my piece for the size it is it isn't that bad what is it it's an alligator shut the up hahaha dude it still has the claw on it oh my God look at his nail the fact that you could just buy an alligator it still has like the teeth the claws it's eyes we're gonna put this away because I feel like it's just gonna come back alive and eat us so uh let's go to the next product all right so Lexi you know how you hate taking out the trash yes well this is a trash compactor so you don't have to take it out as often Drew demonstrated we lift it up and obviously the trash is full but wait for it we grab this lever push it down oh my God it's literally Halfway Gone this is to the top a second ago Lexi you have a tendency to break your phone a lot so this is an indestructible phone case so we put Drew's phone in here and we're gonna try it out wait why no stop yeah all right Lexi go for it three two one oh bro that sounded hard is it broken no you know what we gotta really slam this to the ground I'm trusting you Amazon [Music] oh did it break no no wait you know what bro cause the kids the case is breaking but the phone's perfectly fine wow she's insane okay wait you guys look tired are you okay I've been delivering too many Amazon products I've been testing out too many hours I have to buy the most expensive Amazon product if we don't finish this exactly you have to buy it all right the next product is human tea yeah yeah whose teeth are these I don't know these are real human teeth they're nice all of them have nice teeth so the next product you can buy on Amazon are swords straight up katanas to take out Brent what okay here we go three two one oh my God it split perfectly in half that was like perfect okay let's put this away all right so this next product might be one of the greatest inventions of all time it's not just a suitcase it's a scooter as well imagine what people are gonna think when I'm mobbing through the airport this package is from the future they are moon walking shoes they're 1500 bucks turn it on it'll take a little bit to get engaged but what if they do you're off what look how much faster he's walking people used to call me a slow Walker not anymore look how fast I'm going oh my God all right so we actually have a few Amazon products for subscribers so uh we're at the mall right now and we're gonna just give them out all right here we go let's get started here you go do you have him already no no have a nice day guys that's actually lit okay hug yeah cool what's your name Aaron nice to meet you Aaron because you're subscribed this is your Amazon package okay oh my God I'm shaking thank you so much you're welcome all right Drew do you know what this means no we finished all of the Amazon products we're done we're done I quit let's go that means I don't have to buy the most expensive Amazon product it was a 25 000 storage container house what yeah but how about this this video gets 350 000 likes you have to buy it for us to review it I will only buy it if it gets 400 000 likes like this video this week shout out goes to Izzy and we'll see you guys next week adios amigos thank you [Music]
Channel: Brent Rivera
Views: 25,515,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lepHJI4ze-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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