World's Largest Beyblade - Powered By A Chainsaw!

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I love all of these comments from people that have never watched his channel. If youโ€™re scared of him not wearing shoes in the shop, you should see his other videos. Safety is like, priority 23 for this guy. That being said Iโ€™ve seen all of his videos and love the strange humor.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/reallyweirdperson ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 18 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

That video was 16min too long.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Infamous-Mission-234 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 18 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
this video is sponsored by keeps how you going so a couple of months ago i realized i had too many legs and to fix this i made this a giant beyblade out of a three foot wide circular saw blade which was meant to be powered by this lawnmower and be powerful enough to rip apart a whole house but this didn't happen and the only thing i smashed were the expensive drug-growing light bulbs of a chinese triad but you guys have obviously done this before and had some pretty good suggestions on how i could make the beyblade more powerful so today i'm gonna listen to you and finally lose that leg all right the first thing i need to do is clean the beyblade as who would have known that if you leave your giant beyblade outside in the rain that it gets rusty not me yeah that's good you can stop spraying it with a hose now and i'm very tempted to leave it rusty and just paint over it but i need to remove at least some of the rust in order to weld so i just used a grinder and my shirt and rubbed it a bunch of times until a decent amount of rust came off which should now be clean enough to weld on so this is where your first suggestion comes in and that's to add massive thick blades similar to real beyblades that stick out a couple of inches from the side as previously when it made contact with an object the blade gently soared through it just like a sawmill blade is meant to do which i don't want i wanted to smash things sending them flying towards me and to achieve this i picked up these three pound pieces of scrap metal which i'll attach on top and i need them to be even in weight so i just weighed the metal bars and this one is one gram more so when i cut them i just need to remember to cut slightly more off this one i'm i mean this one [Applause] and now that they look a little more appropriate for a beyblade i need to figure out the right place to put them so that the blade is evenly weighted so i just drew some lines and randomly move the bars around on top until the blade manages to stand up on its own and i don't know if this means it'll be evenly weighted when it spins but at least it looks good in this position then i just whipped out the welder and put down some tacks then welded the bars lightly in place now they should be stuck on enough to not fly off so let's give it a kind of slow test to see what happens [Music] that is pretty good and it wobbles but i don't really care as long as it stays upright enough as i'm sure that these bigger blades are definitely going to give it more destructive power so i just welded on the blades permanently and a lot of you are always giving me crap for my weld but take a look at this brian that's not actually bad and if you don't think so i will 1v1 you in a weld off all right all i need to do now is make sure it's able to deliver this new power which is where the second suggestion comes in which is to give it a rubber tip so that the beyblade is more grippy meaning it will walk around the room as last time it just spun around in one spot and was super depressing and i do have 100 rubbers i could put on the tip but i reckon a better option is this industrial rubber dip glue now you may have noticed that when i was cleaning the rust off i decided not to clean the tip and that's not because i'm lazy it's because i reckon the extra friction will help the rubber dip glue stick to the metal and this rubber dip gluey stuff is super underrated it's extremely useful fun and easy to apply fork isn't grippy enough dip it in rubber glue allen key isn't grippy enough rubber glue actually maybe it's me that isn't grippy enough [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] good oh yeah all right and after a bunch of coats the rubber glue is stuck on the tip hard which should make the beyblade grip the ground more so i just gave it a couple of coats of paint in grey and yellow and a big kiss and now it looks perfect which brings me to your last actually helpful suggestion which was to use a device that has a clutch to spin the beyblade and there are two things i have at home that have a clutch one is used to wash clothes and the other is used to cut trees so my family's just gonna have to find a new way to wash clothes as i'm gonna borrow the chainsaw for a couple of days my plan is pretty simple i'm just gonna take apart the chainsaw my sock then all i need to do is attach a pipe to this clutch with some walls on the side and then attach the rope to the pipe so that when i turn the chainsaw on it winds the rope up at high speed and hopefully because i have a clutch i'll be able to start winding it slowly without ripping the rope like last time the cable just ripped far out okay now the first thing i got to do is weld this pipe to the second clutch that i bought and i thought i was going to be able to do it with this stick welder but i welded right through the pipe which doesn't matter that much in this spot but i can't afford to do that up on the thinner sections of the metal so instead of having to learn and actually improve my stick welding skills i just bought this midge welder i mean dwarf welder sorry which is super easy to use and after practicing on some scrap metal and creating this weird looking dog it's time to do it on the real thing and to make the side plates i'm using this thick sheet metal that i found which i'm going to cut some circles out of using this circular hole saw and to do that first i need to rearrange the belts on my drill press so that it's turning at the slowest speed it can which is suitable for cutting metal but after cutting out the circles with this hole saw i think this metal is a little too thick and heavy which might actually cause the pipe to bend and fly off into my head at high speed so i just cut the piece of metal straight down the middle to create two thin pieces then i just cut another hole so that i can put the pipe in the middle of the metal and now to weld it and if i stuff up this weld i'll have to order a new clutch which takes a couple of weeks to arrive meaning this video is going to be super delayed but i guess you already know if that's happened or not so i just said some prayers [Music] and began to weld [Music] welding with the mid welder is definitely much easier you kind of just point and click and then it welds almost like a hot glue gun but for metal [Music] [Applause] and it's really not pretty especially since the plates have kind of deformed and warped so much from the heat far out but it's nothing suppliers can't fix and you know i definitely wouldn't hire me as a welder either but this should still work which at the end of the day is all that matters okay now i just need to make a guide for the rope so that it only wraps around the pipe and not the chainsaw in me so to do that the first thing i need to do is take off the guide that i've already got on there as i'm filming this out of order and then i can put it back together so this guy just uses two bolts with some aluminium pipe on them which should spin allowing the rope to easily pass through and even if the pipe doesn't spin the aluminium is pretty slippery and hopefully won't cut the rope so now there's nothing left to do but shove in this little snap ring which is the only thing securing this heavy pipe to the chainsaw and then oil it up and now let's give it a test and see if the chainsaw survives and stays together [Music] it rotated the clutch brake out why the heck did i put that on and it was vibrating so much that it popped the clutch brake clean off so i'm going to try again with no brakes [Music] what and it flung something else off this time but it did seem to rotate all right so i kept that missing part off and decided to test it outside [Music] all right let's see how well it pulls a 2 liter milk bottle across my yard [Music] and i didn't realize how terrifying it would be having a milk bottle flying towards me across my yard but it means the winch works which is great and i now also have a quick and easy way of getting milk out of the fridge [Music] so now i'm just going to combine all of these new elements and head back to the dealer's house to hopefully smash some stuff home sweet home huh ah feels good to be back i just forget how much stuff we've moved here like this mattress was that there oh we moved it there so we could jump on it did we put that little thing hanging down no i mean they didn't touch our claw did they well let's go find out they touch our claw i can't remember whether i'm meant to feel what emotion i'm meant to feel we're meant to be scared going into a chinese drug dealers yeah i don't know i just i feel like i missed it i feel like i've spent so much time here and really gotten gotten to know the place we cleaned it up a bit you could barely walk through here no we did a good job here didn't we let's go see if the claws will work oh man i hope if someone touched that claw no absolutely no way the war is still here man really spice up can you imagine though if you went on holiday or you went away from your house and you came back and someone had just installed a call i think on holiday is a euphemism for someone going to jail for for producing drugs but sure i'd be disgusting i mean i'd be very scared i would just pack up and move i would if i had the money i'd pack up and move if i didn't i'll probably just become an insomniac and for those who don't know last time i made the beyblade i came to this house as i knew it was abandoned and i knew i could wreck it but what i didn't know that it was previously used by a chinese triad to grow weed and luckily the dealers had not come back and touched our claw that we made it's cool that it's not actually this is shaky it's the original like plank on the on the roof why is that cool why is it cool that the roof's gonna fall down not the thing i feel like you did a good job making this it's very sturdy okay that would actually suck i mean if the whole roof fell down i can just move this to a different one make that part of the roof fall down it's dusty in here you're all right yeah it's got dust in my face maybe a high man that's maybe high oh man yeah the older so we just tied up our previous mess and constructed a normal living arrangement including of course a cow leg bone chair i got this bone for a human leg comparison to see what would actually happen if it's smashed into your leg what kind of human has half a bone in their leg well it's still it'll still it'll still work you know you couldn't spring for the full bone i'm gonna take the bone to the chair oh okay so that way together with the water becomes a full length it becomes a full leg exactly i understand oh i'd be so much better than doing this whole thing just to leave the sound like this it looks like a torture scene it looks like there was a man here with the full body to the leg this thing chopped off everything besides this half bomb he cut his whole body off um and i thought we would name it after one of my patreons okay tommy the right the rat king but i'm just hoping that he he's not missing a leg in real life because that would be the most tough way to say thank you then we checked the chainsaw was working sounds good it sounds like nothing it sounds like facebook i think that's because you're deaf oh yeah and just wound the rope onto it and the beyblade and it was time for the first test all right so i'll just quickly tell you what we're going to do yeah so we know we don't run into each other um i'll stand here with the chainsaw the door as soon as it gets kind of started and starts spinning fast i'm going to stand behind this frame yeah and then as soon as the rope fully comes off the baby and it goes on to the chainsaw i'll say pull can i pause the thing releasing the clamp and then i you and me i think we should probably get out get out quite a bit just in case it like turns on its side flies through this door comes and comes around okay so we are running away we should run away okay great sing already oh i think i'm just terrified i don't want to do it i don't want to do it i'm scared okay you ready recording yeah [Music] [Applause] is there any way to nail that to the table oh [Applause] [Music] yet how can you hear it's springing you're that stuff on your ears you can hear it spinning should we go look yeah just on the floor not moving not moving oh it's just spinning there oh i just always do this why do you make such perfectly balanced things yeah i'm gonna throw something into it yeah that's okay a nice little tennis serve we gotta get to that was going that worked so well that spun so fast just screaming so it definitely works a lot better than before and as you can tell from my screens it was also a little more terrifying than before almost sounding like a helicopter attempting to take off inside the house but the rubber tip didn't seem to make a difference and the beyblade still just spins in one spot let's look at the bottom because i dipped the bottom in rubber oh look at that the rubber's completely gone already look at that bear tip been circumcised so we introduced a little slope to help it out thanks uh tommy number one subscriber who donated their leg for this experiment so if you guys ever lose a limb consider donating it to i did a thing i don't ask much from you guys so it's the least you can do i reckon just one leg just one leg you've got another one i have never said smash that like button no not once now you're calling in that favor and saying smash that leg easy does it easy does it here we go you're only trying to sneak up to a beyblade yay you ready yep and it managed to hit this lousy melon but i want more and we do know which way it seems to run now so we did the same setup but this time placing tommy's leg right in the beyblade's path all right ready you bet i am boy yes the bone the leg is gone [Laughter] whoa yes we got something something happens cool yeah hi mom i'm sorry tommy but i don't think you made it where's the other part of him oh there it is where behind you on the wall yeah i'm i'm watching that on slow mo now i can't yeah it's gonna be sick and that was the result i wanted to see the beyblade easily smashed through the bone and chair leg sending them flying across the room everything about this is absolutely terrifying especially the speed and the helicopter noise that was as well just hits it boom i mean this is this is very confusing it's just a normal chair absolutely nothing what yeah it's not it's it's like what kind of chairs do these that is ridiculous this is a cool drug dealers all right let's smash some more stuff like a tv please come on tv come on yes that's the noise so much destruction and the beyblade's fine what's in there the fragment of the chair pierce the oh my god that's so scary because i was looking i was considering looking around the corner imagine just oh it gets stuck in you and the glass is still intact what a tv the entire tv is intact i love these old tvs i think we say that tv just wins yeah we don't even try to smash it now i don't really know what i was expecting or what i wanted to happen but i i suppose i i got it it did smash some stuff and it's definitely safe to say if your leg was first cut in half vertically the beyblade could then remove it but for some reason i i still feel so unfulfilled do you wanna look like me sorry do you wanna look like me no i i don't sorry um no well i've got news for you this video is sponsored by keeps and they help you to prevent your hair from falling out to look at all like me do you know that two out of three guys will experience male pattern bonus by time they're 35 i'm only 19. 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Channel: I did a thing
Views: 2,637,770
Rating: 4.91888 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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