Can I Make A Speargun Using Only Trash?

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how you going now i've wanted to do a spearfishing video for a while but i haven't as i don't really live near the water and i also didn't want to be associated with men that hunt you know the men with all the camo gear that fly around the world in private jets just to blow away a stationary giraffe with a 50 bmg claiming they are alpha men gathering meat in a pure natural way like our ancestors but not really who made that weapon and all their gear a team of chinese people they're the ones actually responsible for that catch which doesn't seem fair to the animal or the chinese workers but now i finally have an excuse to make my own spear chucker as i'm heading away for a week with the family and i've tried hunting supermarket fish but it just isn't very impressive so i'm gonna try and catch it fresh from the ocean myself now i have spearfished a couple of times in the past and there's something that really annoys me about it it's really hard and uncomfortable to load even for someone with lanky arms like myself and i could just buy a shorter spear but it will be a lot more fun building a crappy one that will likely spare me instead i also want this to be easy enough for any of you watching to make that's right 11 year old kid that's definitely responsible enough to have a deadly weapon this one's for you so it's going to be made entirely out of things you can find at home okay so the first thing i did was leave my home and found some rubbish piles on the street and went through them until i found some long pvc pipe and you can usually find cut-offs in bins at construction sites or behind the tiles in your bathroom and once we've got the pvc i need to work out how long it needs to be and a good way to do this is to put it along your arm and mark where it reaches your chest or if that's too hard you can just remove your arm and place it along the pvc pipe instead okay now i'm just going to bend the pvc to shape using this heat gun and if you don't have one of these don't worry you can use steam a flame or even stick it into the exhaust of a running car so once the pipe starts to get floppy i just bent it around a bolt and now we have the same pipe but bent in half amazing and before i bend it anymore i'm going to try and come up with a trigger mechanism and i reckon i might be able to make the whole thing out of this one spanner now if you want you can use any of the other spanners here like this one or this one but not this one as that's my granddad's but you better hurry up as i only have four left right i'm just going to cut it in half with the band saw and i actually heard about a little trick if you want to know the age of any spanner all you need to do is cut them and then count the rings in the cross section this one is 12 years old which is very young as they've been known to live until 200. okay so this is my plan i have the two sections of the spanner here this one latches onto the spear holding it and is unable to move because it's making contact with this other piece here then when you press on this piece it moves out of the way of the other allowing the top latch to rotate releasing the spear and i just made this up so i have no idea whether it will actually work in practice then i just drilled a couple of holes and put the trigger mechanism in between the pipes and then bent the handle to shape on this cut off from my giant bay blade and with regular spear guns they always have a really small sharp butt which cuts open your chest if you don't have a wetsuit designed for spear fishing almost as if the companies are forcing you to buy a more expensive wetsuit so with mine i'm hoping that my handle will be large enough and slightly flexible so this won't happen and look at this it already kind of looks like a spear chucker now i just need to make a hole for the spear rubber and just like when you use a rubber we need to make sure that the surface is nice and smooth removing sharp bits that would break the rubber resulting in an unwanted misfire so i did what i usually do and used a file to smoothen the whole of my pipe now we need to make the actual spear and a great cheap option is a threaded rod which you can get for a couple of bucks or you can pull the shaft out of a whipper snipper but i've got an extra spear from my mate so i'm just going to use that and after some slight modifications it's good to go now to latch the spear onto the trigger mechanism i need to attach a wire and i did this by passing the wire through the hands of this chimp sorry i meant the holes of this crimp and usually you need to use a crimping tool which costs like 80 bucks but i have these old bolt cutters from my bike stealing days which don't work very well anymore so i just grinded down the jaws so they weren't sharp and then squished the crimps which seems to have worked pretty well and now because i'm making my own spear chucker i thought i'd go a little bit crazy and try something i've never seen before and use some really strong magnets to hold the spear in the rail which should make it really easy to reload and means i won't have to muck around with wrapping the rope up so i just made some little holes in the pipe and then epoxied the magnets in place and this works really well the spear doesn't want to slip out and i could stop now but it just doesn't look very good and usually when you see other youtubers homemade spears they look absolutely awful so i'm hoping i can give mine a paint job which might trick some of the other spearfishes into thinking i have a real speaker and carbon fiber seems to be the creme de la creme of spears and i reckon i can recreate that look with some stuff at home so i'm going to take this non-slip mat which sits at the entrance of my garage and use it as a template so i just gave the spear a black undercoat and then placed the mat on top and sprayed silver through the holes in an even pattern creating this and this is going to be really hard to spray evenly so i gave up and decided i'm going to attempt a camo instead as hopefully the camo will hide all the floors in my paint job as well as the spear gun and i'm going to do this by spraying four different blue paints through these various shaped templates to hopefully create a c camo pattern and after the first couple of sprays i started to regret painting this camo as when camo paint jobs look bad they are incredibly embarrassing kind of like a little kid that's painted their nerf gun but the camo turned out way better than i expected so i just picked it up and gave it a couple of sprays of clear coat to make the camo paint more weather resistant and now to attach the rubber which will chuck the spear and you can get rubbers from all kinds of places i got these rubbers from the dumpster of a gym which i presume they were using to make spear guns but you can also use the inner tube of a bicycle tire or even lots of elastic bands and to connect the rubber together i poked a strong cord with a knot inside and then zip tied the end to stop the cord from slipping out then lastly i just attached a rope to the spear and looped it around the trigger mechanism so that when i fire it releases and now i've got a pretty good looking spear chucker but does it work let's go test it out [Music] [Applause] [Music] go [Music] [Music] okay before i go and get myself killed i decided i should probably meet up with an experienced spearfisher so i contacted sam from wet mammal who trusted i wouldn't shoot him and took me out to catch some fish hey sam dub question that safety of the gun on is the safety's odd and off his safety's off i think so i'm guessing safety off yeah safety officers is when you shoot yeah spit your snorkel spit in it don't know sorry just when you take a dive don't have it in your mouth oh why yes uh so after some quick tips on how to not die i dove down to take my first shot at a red rock cod [Music] which is meant to taste like lobster but unfortunately i will never know if that's true or not as i missed my first shot and my second and in an attempt to get some more fish to come over for me to miss sam set up a flasher which is shiny and mimics a school of fish which then attracts the predatory fish for us to shoot and it worked as before long a massive school of aussie salmon showed up and i'd never seen a school of fish this big before so i excitedly loaded my gun and dived down to fling a spear at them salmon travel in large schools as big numbers of fish make it very hard to pick a single target protecting them from getting shot which worked as i missed and if only this same tactic also worked for kids in american schools so i quickly swam back to the surface and frantically loaded my gun hoping the salmon would still be there when i dived back down [Music] [Music] and i finally managed to snag a fish in the tail which is good but i've never actually speared a fish big enough to put up a fight so i didn't really know what to do next and now i'm desperately splashing around on the surface looking around trying to spot sam to ask him what to do so i decided to grab the fish and finish it with my knife but it wasn't having any of it and it managed to escape off the spear i can't believe that it came off but luckily not all of us were losing fish and sam's mate managed to shoot a kingfish but was worried it would come off and wanted me to shoot it again to secure it which should be easy enough to shoot an already shot fish and nope but luckily sam doesn't miss when i asked sam to take me spearing he told me he would take me to a great spot with lots of fish which there are i don't think i've ever seen a place with this many fish besides the market but what he didn't tell me was that there would also be sharks and at first i got the poop scared out of me before realizing they were great nurses a relatively harmless kind of shark so i dove down to take a look [Music] finding a whole group of them just chilling out in a cave as well as the largest wobbegone shark i've ever seen and grey nurse sharks are actually endangered now as sharks were mass killed in australia especially the grey nurses whose timid nature meant they were an easy target for fishermen with their power head spear guns literally a bullet strapped to the end of a spear so hopefully these endangered sharks will get to snack on that salmon that i injured earlier and after two more hours of searching for fish we decide to call it a day and if you want to see sam not missing fish head over to his youtube channel wet mammal link in the description so i packed my stuff and headed down to jarvis bay a place known for its super white sand its white sharks and its white supremacists on the first day i tried going out after a storm which meant the visibility was atrocious and i didn't see much besides a big octopus and a stingray which i didn't realize was electric until after i played with it but on the second day the visibility cleared up and there were fish everywhere like this massive blue groper which looks delicious but are protected as they used to be hunted like crazy and stingrays piled on top of each other [Music] and hundreds and hundreds of luderick [Music] so many fish that i couldn't decide which one to shoot at and you may have noticed i'm staying in relatively shallow water and that's because i don't think my spear is going to have a very big range not because i'm scared of sharks or anything and after flapping around for half an hour i finally lined up a good shot and the gun stuffed up so i reloaded after spotting a good sized brim in the distance and dove down [Music] and you can probably tell from my gleeful screams that i'm pretty excited about catching my first fish so now to get a few more for dinner next i found a luderick hiding in between some rocks and then managed to sneak up on another brim and lastly got a delicious sand whiting which is definitely enough fish for a decent feed now i'm not completely sure if all these fish are bigger than the legal size so here's the moment of truth will i be crucified by thousands of fishermen online first up the ludwik [Music] then the brim the whiting and lucky last the brim so now that i'm not a criminal i scaled and gutted the fish in preparation for cooking fish do you want the fish i didn't expect them to actually want to hold it no it's a bit spiky ouch fish look at that big spiky fish wow yeah wow wow it's in the water but this isn't where they live they don't live in the bucket fish there are more fish in there yeah we're gonna eat the fish do you want to eat them yeah okay well as long as you know where they come from and after picking out all the scales from my hair i chucked the fish on the barbecue with a little pepper and salt which is actually a little ambitious for me as i always seem to have trouble cooking fish as it sticks to everything it touches but it turned out pretty good resulting in one happy baby what do you think of the fish fish the fish does it look yummy now ignoring what i said about hunting in the intro spear fishing is probably the most responsible way of eating food although maybe not when i do it as half the fish i shoot seem to escape injured and traumatized but even then it's still much better than sea trawling which literally scoops up everything in its path from sea birds to sea dolphins imagine how much better the world would be if the only way to eat meat was if you caught it yourself 90 of us would probably starve actually then i would lose all my subscribers no i'm taking that back please keep eating factory farmed food thank you so much for watching if you liked that please subscribe and check out some of my other videos
Channel: I did a thing
Views: 5,594,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: science, i did a thing, animals, fishing, food
Id: aN4Np9yf16o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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