World's Darkest Town In Real Life

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what is up your group today we are heading out to explore the darkest town in the world Gerlach Nevada Gerlach is a small secluded town in the middle of absolute nowhere with a population of just over 200 people so dark that you cannot only see the Milky Way galaxy but also the Andromeda and pinwheel galaxies with the naked eye now you might be asking how exactly this was measured and we were wondering that too before we headed out here's what we found in 2012 NASA launched a satellite to measure and map the planets light pollution the largest dark area in America was in Northwest Nevada and in the center of this mass of darkness lies the town of Garlock which is exactly where we're headed today one person traveled to garlic with thick garlic garlic one person traveled to Gerlach with a sky quality meter and it read to be so dark that it didn't even show up on the meters legend so we wanted to see this for ourselves guys so we headed out to explore the strange town and scope it out at night but things didn't go as planned watch to the end to see what happened let's go the trip immediately started off with an interesting and creepy find in the middle of nowhere we are not very far from the darkest place on earth the darkest town on earth we were gonna go check out all these other cool things until it gets dark because we want to see how freakin dark this town is but we noticed something right down the road here it's a freakin closed cooler guys it is so creepy it is so creepy we are at the creepy cooler look at this and look at that it looks like there's something coming out of the bottom holes dead cow small I think probably some kind of oil or chemicals if someone's just dumped out here okay guys I think it's a dead animal to think we're the same thing ya think it's put our hands on it I don't smell anything bad so oh it's definitely hands because if this is a crime scene let me get a stick oh this flies this really smells we don't want to touch it with our hands we deadly don't want to touch it because if there is something really disgusting we definitely don't want our fingerprints on this at all so know that someone shot it up and that's what's coming out of there look at that gross disgusting guys we didn't even need pack lunch today we got a cooler full right there that was favorite foods to anything and we decided to head out to a hot springs called frog pond we're hoping to find some frogs there were a few warning signs around but we didn't bother to read them because we weren't planning on going into the water see look at in the middle you can actually see where it's coming out of it that's cows off I can't tell what you hear that like somebody's yelling yeah they're trespassing hope it was a person yelled we'll find out in a moment guys we just start out as a frog here nothing just started out as and that was a long time ago but now I guess there's I don't see any frogs or anything I don't heard someone yelling over there soon after we actually bothered to go read one of the signs and it turns out the water is contaminated with E coli and cholera which actually made 30 people sick in 2018 so this was some dangerous water you guys yes you don't want to be swimming in this Hot Springs while we didn't find any frogs we did find these bighorn sheep right there and I know the Burning Man event likes act like there's absolutely no animals it's devoid well we just quickly pan over and show them exactly where the event is then we went to go check out another hot springs in the area known as traigo hot springs traigo hot springs pretty nice but you gotta be careful for brain-eating amoebas anyways for somewhere right around this area guys there's a grave site of two people who died out here I don't know the story we're gonna see we can find their gravesite and then if not we're gonna go to the world's darkest town let's go we weren't able to find the grave so we decided across the playa where Burning Man takes place every year and if you don't know what Burning Man is Burning Man is an annual event on the Black Rock Desert Playa which claims to be the largest Leave No Trace event in the entire world guys this spot is a little dangerous because I literally saw a photo of a car online that got smashed by a train going through here so we gotta be super sneaky and careful don't we that yeah cross your fingers guys smash like fun so we don't die hit the sub button and hit the bell now we'll live thank you guys and it might be wet it's storming we're gonna have to go slow and be super careful let's go last year Burning Man failed to meet the Leave No Trace standards at certain inspection sites but still somehow they passed the BLM's cleanup inspections which makes me wonder who are they in the BLM during their event every year they set up a temporary city in the middle of the playa with a population of 70,000 for a weekend when we were out there we didn't expect to see them preparing for the event so soon in the year but this is what we saw all right guys check it out we are in a dust storm here look at all around us we cannot see anything no we can't see anything at all you might end up lost or stuck here guys see something over there okay we noticed a huge plane which we later found out is a huge source of contention and infighting even within the Burning Man community there have been some pretty big fights over this yeah you can literally find them all over the internet if you go and look for them it's just look for the 747 at Burning Man and you're gonna find plenty of people who are really upset because they destroyed a lot of land last time they brought this out so we were surprised to see so much heavy equipment working on the playa it seemed a little odd considering Burning Man claims to be the largest Leave No Trace event in the world then we started to spot tons of animals around of apply it hey guys what's happening without antelope it's good yeah after crossing the plyo we were hungry like always so we took a random road and weren't expecting to find anything but then we found this it says no matter what you think of this road remember the price is right I think a crazy person alternative to the negotiation is ground zero whatever that means it was somewhat interesting but kind of weird let us know what you think in the comments below before we went to the darkest town in the world we decided to try to get a look at the fly geyser now the fly geyser is literally a man-made geyser that was formed when someone was drilling for water but for some freakin reason many seem to think it's a natural resource and the Burning Man project who purchased the land blocked it off so we couldn't get to see it but to be fair it was also blocked off because it was private property before but you have to pay $40 per head to tour the fly geyser which is a little ironic when the group claims to be radically inclusive most people cannot afford to pay forty dollars per head to just go see a man-made freakin geyser in the middle of nowhere we were able to zoom way in and you could kind of see it here from the outside it's not as good as some other pictures on the internet but we kind of got to see it if you guys would like to see us make a video exposing the freaking hypocrisy of Burning Man smash that like button and comment down below if we reach 20,000 likes we will make a video covering this in depth guys now it's not the fact that people are out there having a party that we have a problem with is a hypocrisy of the event itself you guys want to go out there and have fun that's fine but these people like to try to tell everybody else like people who like to go off-roading and four-wheeling that how much they hate seeing people's tire marks in the dirt or sand around the playa while they go and do all this on the playa and all around the playa their art installations are left and everything else we decided it was time to head to Gerlach to explore expecting to find it completely empty instead we found squirtle we decided to go out and explore and see if we can pinpoint the filming locations from a movie called far from home starring drew Barrymore now this is like a cult movies like a B budget production [Music] videos where they get them and they pull out the little wire fence you can see it's pretty freakin crowded here a lot more crowded well I get to be around these big chickens and I'll take the Buffalo right there this place is freaking silent completely silent but we thought we were gonna come here and be able to show you the world's darkest town so what we're gonna do is gonna wait for the dark then we're gonna shoot up in the mountains and we're gonna look up at the sky we're gonna look around and see how dark it is but with all these cars and stuff I don't think it's gonna be that dark oh wait but as you can see it was way too crowded and we wanted to get the heck out of there we decided to try and find a nearby lookout location on a mountain till we could see the darkness for ourselves now to be honest with you guys our experience in the town felt kind of strange even comparing it to some of the cult towns we visited in the past it just felt really weird there yes very unwelcoming and very exclusive it is right there guys we are so freakin disappointed right now we are so disappointed we didn't do our due diligence we didn't realize that this freakin town was gonna be packed with people today we're just gonna sit here and wait and see what happens let's see how dark it's not that's a dark it's disguise this is literally like one of the seven only places where that gets really dark weird down there guys little disturbed I'm disturbed too you guys I'm worried that they're you're gonna come after us and follow us home and then they're gonna eat us they're gonna chop our limbs off and really well you're going too far now [Music] well I think it was a little weird atmosphere down there it's like the people there you know they claim that they're like really inclusive and they want people there but the whole time we're there I feel like they're just like they stare you like they're rude you know maybe then when you stare back they look away but it's just like it's not welcoming I feel like the people in the polygamy code cold coat I feel like the people in the polygamy cult town were more friendly towards us hey this looks worn out and tired and none of them are smiling it's like nobody's happy I don't even know what the hell I've never been to a Burning Man festival or anything like that but the people down there literally just didn't look happy to me they look really burned out it looks really tired and it didn't look like they're having fun at all when we showed up they're like even I have the worst time Slab City was a lot different guys there were a lot more welcoming a Slab City they were very friendly towards you at Slab City I think these people are just a lot more pretentious they're like you know these are like yuppies who are gonna come and pretend like you know they're dirty for a week or something and that's fine if that's what you want to do I just expected a different atmosphere of a more jovial atmosphere of people just having a good time being very welcoming of each other but didn't seem like that at all it just seemed like a bunch of angry tired people so I don't know you guys did some folk dancing some jazzy music knees really looking forward to that folk dance alright guys so we're just gonna wait here until the light goes down and then we'll see how dark it is out here now we waited until it got darker to be we'll completely honest with you guys it was pretty underwhelming we kept trying to convince ourselves it was super dark it's very dark it's too dark it's too dark here but looking back on the footage it did seem pretty dark compared to most places we have been even in the middle of nowhere even in town there was very little light pollution are you feeling Bob dude I can't see you oh it really is but on the ride home we did spot this little sucker guys we have spotted a snake and it's not a flat E is it a flat E put on your blinker net alright guys thank you for watching make sure you hit the subscribe button make sure you like this video and make sure to let us know in the comments below if you guys like to see us do an in-depth exposé on the Burning Man hypocrisy alright guys thanks for watching later
Channel: Explore With Us
Views: 105,770
Rating: 4.8133287 out of 5
Keywords: explore with us, ewu crew, worlds darkest town, road trip, family friendly, strange, weird, town, small town, middle of nowhere, exploring, educational, education, travel, small towns, bizarre
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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