1,000MPH CAR vs TRAMPOLINE Jumping Crash Test!

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welcome back to another video today's video is crazy we have some of the most insane car crashes we're jumping a school bus over thousands of spikes we're crushing cars like a cube we're dropping cars on trampolines so leave a like on this video and click that subscribe button most importantly only thirty percent of the people that watch my videos are subscribed that means seventy percent of you guys are not my friends so if you wanna be unspeakable's friend click that subscribe button for our first destruction we have a pretty fast car and below us we have some trampolines so let's see what happens when this car falls on the trampolines will it bounce i honestly have no idea oh oh we just landed on the corner of the trampoline that was a very very slight bounce let's go up a little higher all right we have now gone up a lot higher as you guys can see the trampolines are all the way down there i'm just gonna slowly fall on this one here we go how high will the car bounce oh that's a good amount of bounce okay not bad can i also mention how massive these trampolines are look at this car and look how tall that trampoline is you would literally need like a 10-foot ladder to get on that trampoline we're stepping it up again we're even higher we're so high right now that i can't even see the trampolines so i'm just gonna slowly fall oh there they are oh my gosh this has got to be a good bounce oh okay yeah definitely a good bounce the a lot more damage on the car there i don't think we're driving this car off the trampoline there's only one tire and it's still kind of spinning now boys we are even higher check out how high we are i'm gonna look down oh my gosh but we are not at the top yet the top is still way up there so don't worry all right here goes nothing just gonna slowly fall off here oh my gosh look at that drop that is crazy right onto the trampoline oh bouncing onto another one in the back here gonna go land by what is that is that our first car honestly not too much damage i can still drive so i would say that's a pretty successful landing all right a little bit higher here we go hopefully i don't miss the trampolines i drove off that kind of fast oh no i think we're good oh yeah we're gonna land a ride in this oh wait no we might have missed oh oh i broke the trampoline oh look at all the springs they're completely damaged the whole frame of the trampoline is bent over here i guess when you're dropping cars from literally that high that's what happens all right here we go again this is not our highest car but it is our second highest car so we're almost up to the top boys here we go all the way to the bottom hopefully i don't break another trampoline i can't really control the car when it's in the air so whatever happens happens and oh i don't think we broke a trampoline but the car is definitely toast oh my gosh now we are at the very top i want you guys to look at how far that drop is that drop is so far down that i can't even see the trampolines there they are all right boys here goes nothing we are literally the tallest point on the unspeakable map hopefully we land on these trampolines successfully there's the trampolines i see him i think we're gonna land good oh come on oh no we're gonna miss that car is so done for all right it's okay i have another car hopefully this one actually lands on the trampolines though i'll flip oh come on oh my gosh it's actually stuck okay hold on all right here goes nothing i have no idea if we're gonna land on the trampolines or not it's such a hard thing to predict because it's so far down oh come on oh i think we're gonna miss oh we're gonna oh we're still gonna miss oh my gosh you know i think we just need a new car i think that's what it is i think the other car just wasn't doing it anymore i hope this thing lands yeah i have no idea if we're gonna miss the trampolines or not also why is there a chair under the bus that doesn't make any sense oh flip come on land on the trampolines land on the dribbling oh oh we did oh look at the front oh my gosh it's literally gone it won't turn on i wonder why the engine's probably in the back of the bus next i have my mom's car with the trunk open because i just got done getting the groceries and they're surrounded by these really big glass steel walls that means i'm going to close these walls and crush this car now i would love to make a couple more videos on this crazy crusher so if you guys want to see more leave a like on this video oh my gosh look at the look at the car like look at the tires it looks like wall-e the exhaust pipe's sticking out the front i can't even tell that this is a car i'm trying to position my lamborghini but the wing fell off that's always fun oh snap i don't know how to drive this thing all right so now i have my lamborghini in the crusher and we're just gonna see what happens all right my beautiful red lamborghini whatever would happen to it lamborghinis are indestructible aren't they oh my oh okay i'm gonna release the walls oh my gosh that's brutal hey the engine still works look i'm going 60 miles per hour i don't know how that makes any sense let's try one more car but if you guys want to see me do a whole video on will it crush leave a like on this video i will do that we'll make a whole video of crushing just the biggest cars the strongest cars that'd be fun all right now we got something a little more tough this is an 18-wheeler hopefully it fits in here okay so i'm just gonna leave it like this sideways right in the middle you hear the truck it's still beeping like it's in reverse let's just crush it and see what happens oh snap oh there goes the fuel cans oh it's on fire wait wait wait listen listen listen it's still beeping how is it still beeping it's not a truck anymore look at the tires bro that fire is massive but it's still beeping how was the river all right crush it again crush it again no more beeping and crush and crush and crush and crush and how is it still beeping all right on to the next thing this is a beautiful bus i have as you can see it's not in service and it has these rocket launchers on the back it looks like a stunt bus because we are about to do a stunt we have a ramp right here and if we don't make it over this pit and we are going to fall in these spikes buddy all right i'm just lining up for the ramp as you can see we don't have a lot of driving room so hopefully the rocket launchers are fast we also have a big flag on the back i like that look at the flag yeah all right here we go boys rocket launchers to the moon oh flip oh no no there's no way we're making that no flipping way oh my god oh oh okay well as you can see the spikes are going straight through hopefully no one is sitting in uh seat number three and seat number five and all the way to the back seat number 18 looking pretty painful that spike goes all the way through the roof all right we got the stunt bus again we're just gonna see if we can make it up this loop are you ready boys let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go up what what what what what what what it just hit the front of the ramp and just exploded maybe ramps going like this are bad we need ramps that go downhill this is already better i can feel it okay so this is a massive ramp that is going to go insanely fast and crashes into a solid brick wall here we go boys here goes absolutely nothing oh my gosh all right we're gonna activate the boosters here we go boosters are activated oh flip oh flip oh it still says i'm going 300 miles per hour i don't understand is the engine still going did it go through the wall that was pretty cool here goes nothing boys here goes absolutely nothing look at the giant unspeakable side oh yeah this is what it feels like to be free all right boosters are activated here we go boys oh my gosh the bus is almost flying oh up into the top oh okay so that one was not as brutal as the solid flat wall but still quite a bit of destruction wow oh my gosh i think the people in the back would be fine honestly so somehow i got my mom's car surrounded by all of these giant deadly spinners and if i drive straight i don't know what's gonna happen i'll flip oh no oh no mom's car's dead go go go go go i gotta get out of this oh oh oh you know what mom's car needs a little bit of an upgrade doesn't it now mom has a monster truck this monster truck is very strong it's also a convertible so she can see the sunlight let's see if it's gonna get destroyed oh oh my gosh oh flip oh flip oh flip i mean honestly like i know all the tires are gone but i think her groceries still would have been safe although the engine completely disappeared alrighty this right here is a bridge but not just any bridge it's a special bridge it's a drawbridge now i'm sure you guys have seen these before and you're probably wondering what happens if my car gets stuck under the bridge and it like crushes it well that is exactly what we're gonna be doing today i'm glad you guys asked so the bridge is going up let's say oh my gosh i didn't break my car got stuck just like this what exactly happens to your car when the bridge decides to go down down down down down i honestly don't know what happens we're about to find out what happens to this poor little car this is mom's car again oh geez oh oh oh say goodbye to the front of your car oh my gosh look at it it's literally like it literally just ripped in half does the car still run oh my gosh this thing still turns on no way it almost turned on okay it's definitely not turning on not happening okay all right well that's what happens when your car gets crushed look at this thing oh my gosh okay let's say your mom doesn't have a small car like this let's say your mom has a massive car let's say your mom drives a massive camper because you and the family are on a road trip and you're crossing over this bridge and something unexpected happens and then up the front of it just decides to fall oh no no no no it's stuck guys what are we gonna do the bridge is closing no all right well let's go ahead and let the bridge down and see what happens to this massive camper hopefully it doesn't break the bridge i mean i built this bridge it's pretty strong so i'm crossing my fingers hopefully my engineering pays off let's see what happens also you're sitting in the driver's seat you better run and get out of that driver's seat oh my oh well if someone was taking a uh dump in the back of one of those toilets you better hold on oh my gosh look at the camper look at the front of it this is ridiculous uh somehow the engine is still working i i don't know how that makes any sense but yeah look at this thing it's like a pancake uh yeah it definitely doesn't run anymore all right did you guys ever play beyblades as a kid these are like real beyblades and i'm gonna start spinning them right now here we go we're gonna make this one go extra fast here we go okay and then this is my car so i'm just gonna try to avoid the beyblades oh wait hold on that one's spinning kind of slow i think i gotta up the speed on these there we go oh my gosh yep that's it okay now they're spinning a lot faster oh geez oh geez oh they're starting to move because they're starting at the walls look at that one it's bouncing around like crazy oh this is so scary that one's about to go into a wall oh oh oh oh oh here they go oh there's one right there there's one right there oh flip oh flip oh run oh back up back up back up back back up back up okay okay i think we're good i think we're good oh flip oh flip oh flip oh flip oh flip oh wait that one's upside down ah see that one can't do anything because it's upside down look at it this one on the other hand is still pretty dangerous literally took the whole front of the car apart oh my gosh all right you know what i'm just gonna drive into it forget it come on beyblade i'm drifting yeah this thing doesn't even steer anymore something's messed up with the steering hello buddy how's it going oh oh backing up wait that one stops spinning does that mean i win does that mean i've defeated the beyblades only if i can get out of this area let's see oh my gosh there's so many smokes that's coming out this thing oh snap okay now if we're gonna be stuck in here we're done yeah this car is done okay you know what it's a tie it's a draw all right boys so in front of us we have a massive loop i also don't know what's going on in the background something is like exploding back there you see that stuff moving all right let's see if we can make it through the loop and into the crusher all right here goes the boosters here goes nothing boys here goes the oh flip oh flip oh flip oh flip oh flip oh flip oh no we missed the crusher all right let's give this another try come on this is our last stun through the loop and into the crusher let's flip and go boys let's flip and go all right i turned off the boosters so we can kind of control it a little bit more maybe that's a bad idea yep that was a bad idea that's a bad idea oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh through the crusher boosters activated the boosters are on it's not doing anything the bus is stuck in the crusher oh my gosh ladies and gentlemen i want to thank you guys so much for watching this video hopefully you guys did enjoy if you want to see more crazy crashes all i need you guys to do is leave a like on this video and click that subscribe button if you don't click that subscribe button you're not going to see my next video and trust me i got some awesome videos coming up this week so subscribe and be unspeakable's best friend and i'll see you guys soon peace
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 641,102
Rating: 4.9510984 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakable, unspeakableplays, mini game, game, custom, crazy, challenge, modded, games, maps, secret, redstone, funny moments, mcpe, minecraft pe, pocket edition, unspeakablegaming, trolling, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, glitch, funny, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, how to, parody, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakableplays minecraft, beamNG, Car Crash, Car wreck, Trampoline, Epic crashes, Satisfying crashes
Id: pcFYoQMib8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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