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here in this beautiful Minecraft world it's pretty easy to hide things what if I told you that somewhere really close to me there was a secret bunker with 12 different rooms is it on that tree over there I think I see it maybe it's in this house ah there's no way what if I told you it was in this house and to get into it you break this porch and it opens up a secret entrance that goes into a bunker before this video starts I need you guys to click that subscribe button and slap the bell to never miss another video so ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another video you guys are having a wonderful day today I'm showing you guys this crazy bunker made by Gabe the crafter this is also a secure bunker as well it's not just a secret bunker the combination is pretty simple you point all the levers towards the middle and then this will light up do the same thing with the other side and it will unlock the lasers now if you just run through the lasers you're gonna get instant damage and poison and it's you're gonna die the lasers will turn green when they are good you could walk through and you would not be harmed looks like we got another combination all the wool this should be green now obviously if you lived in this bunker remove the signs because then you're just giving out your password to everyone all right let's make this green there we go ok one's green oh my gosh there's four different colors here gave the crafter knows me well my favorite color is green and the combination is green and we almost got it one more press and we should be good ok now I'm kind of curious what does this do if we have the wrong color oh my gosh it's okay okay I mean I haven't creative mode so I didn't take damage that's pretty yeah they need you not messing around with the security here password is four to six eight there we go own it unlocks the door that is so cool oh and it gave me an instant damage potion thank you so much while I'm in creative mode so I already got my instant damage potion on okay wait so what are we doing right now okay so I have to memorize the repeaters and type it what woman back up here someone found this they could skip all this security oh wait I had to memorize these repeaters okay now I thought I had to memorize those repeaters in the tower okay zero one two three okay look at this zero one two three I got this I got this all right that one is zero two and then this one's all the way back there we go did it get it right oh wait there goes there go wait wait it's going again okay doors a little bit glitchy but it's okay I gotta press the button here there we go oh my gosh is draining all the water is there still more security oh my gosh there's more security if we haven't even gotten into the bunker yet the bunker has 12 rooms for this combination we got a point all the levers down pretty simple not too bad okay there we go now we should be good what else is there follow X so down down down down down I'm guessing yeah that's pretty cool little bridge for me throw coal here and an emerald here what okay interesting what do we got down here I'm assuming this is the entrance here to the secret base under the lava this is by far one of the coolest entrances to a base I've ever seen oh my gosh there's still more security okay so this needs to be lava so we got to change the source I guess oh my gosh we just changed it to water and then we're gonna press this one and change it to lava now we're changing both of these whoa buddy ol pal that's not gonna work there we go now it should unlock the combination okay cool all laser beacons should be green that one's yellow that one's orange that one's okay we're gonna have to change all these colors this is the craziest entrance to a bunker I've ever seen imagine if you had to do this every single day to get into your bunker I would just have some sort of key card that lets me bypass all the traps and just lets me run through this one's green this one's green and this one's green okay we should be good okay cool cool cool there we go what the heck is gonna happen on this are we finally here with the nether star in here a nether star I don't have a nether start I'm sorry that's not really something I just carry around and I gotta put a diamond in here okay I guess we're gonna grab it at creative all right I got another star and a diamond look at lights up the floor oh my gosh that's the entrance to the bunker okay so ladies a little bit now we are in the bunker this has to be one of the craziest Minecraft Pocket Edition bunkers I've ever seen like ever period this is wild okay so there's three different ways to go I got a redstone torch and I guess we can open oh hold on let's open everything up red some fish here here here there we go so look it's opening all the doors so we have a bunch of different ways to go let's start by going down here this looks pretty cool I think this is kind of like the nether section put a torch here under the stairs are you kidding me oh that's use again this is the craziest bunker I've ever seen we have another portal right there that is just wow that is impressive okay what is it here what is this a submarine we have a submarine I have a submarine oh my gosh I have a submarine I actually have a submarine wait we can open it oh my gosh okay so I just what we just submerge the submarine with water oh my gosh can I jump inside of it no way dude this is so sick okay hold on let me press close real quick let me see what it does oh my gosh and it drains the water it puts a door on and drains the water this is so sick oh yeah you got a car in your garage of your house oh yeah I got a submarine looks like we've got a little meeting room kind of in here got some beds we guy what is this a bathroom I guess a shower then we got it looks like the engine room somewhat of a control room pretty cool this is the inner portal I love how when you hover over everything it's all labeled like just the attention to detail and this map is incredible so this is oh it gives me an inter pearl where's the stove this is oh my gosh okay that is actually really sick there is our portal okay Wow incredible let's head back up here I guess we can take the torch away since we've seen that section kind of close it off let's go this way I think this is maybe Armour brewing room I guess yeah it looks like we got the armory oh my gosh they're spitting this you've got to be kidding me no you're not getting me hot how do you even do that I don't even know you could make oh my gosh they're even labelled look diamond just so you know what they are just in case you look at your diamond Armour on your spinning diamond armor table and you're like oh I just want to make sure we got a pop-up crafting table we got a pop-up and vil and some XP there's an anvil right there we can hop in here get some XP and then it pushes you back up that is so cool if you guys have seen any of my previous redstone type videos you know exactly what this is basically you select your armor and then you can press the button step in here and it throws the armor on you all the colors that you selected that is so so cool never gets old then we got a little armor dude right here does this oh my gosh it switches I'll wait no it wait what did you come back oh wait where did you go okay I'm just gonna keep pressing this button till something happens we get Diamond armor okay you know I'm gonna leave you right there there's even like a little earth-like globe here I'm just the attention to detail of this map blows my mind this is the brewing room Wow okay so we got kind of like a brewing station over here we got potions clear effects Opie effects we can just press a button and oh my gosh look how fast I'm running oh my how high do I jump oh my gosh I can't even control myself I can't even control myself dude oh my gosh okay okay can you take this off I can't I can't even get back inside okay this is pretty much with automatic brewing station you select the type of ingredients you once you press the buttons and it brews them all into this brewing stand it is so so cool if we had farther down the hallway I think there was something else down here oh the enchanting room above the library let me guess well usually what the heck is this is this some new type of what what just happened does open a room oh my gosh what is it this has every enchantment available on Minecraft and it's all level 100 you could take this book put it on something flame 100 sharpness 100 efficiency 100 mending 100 punch 100 infinity 100 oh yeah let's put infinity 100 on my diamond chestplate oh yeah so that is the craziest minecraft enchantment book I've ever seen in my life I can see why there is a lever to open it and then this thing will dispense lapis for you thank you very much and then you have your enchanting table right here so so cool and these guys real quickly if this is the coolest redstone house you've ever seen in Minecraft or right--don't bunker let me know by leaving a like on this video because by far this is the coolest one I've seen for sure I'm gonna take off this porch so we'll close that door now let's see what we have in here oh my gosh there's three other rooms in here okay so there's a furnace room there's a bedroom and there's a robot room are you serious just keeps getting better do we have a room for robots I'm gonna save that I'm gonna save my excitement let's check out the bedroom first so this is the bedroom I guess wait this isn't a bedroom oh wait this is a kitchen my bad there's the kitchen throw the following items at chef Nathan oh my gosh it's chef Nathan dude we have the same name okay so I'm gonna throw this at you and we gotta throw this at you and then you can give me a cooked piece of food how does it what okay so this is the auto smelter so I guess you throw whatever you want in these chests and it smells five times faster than normal furnace so it looks like there's hoppers below here that probably dispense them along a bunch of different furnaces and that's probably how it does it so fast pull this lever and select any item that you want oh my gosh okay so we can select okay so let's say I want enchanted golden apples I flick the lever oh wait that's not how it works how did I how do I do this Oh oh my god this is the magical fridge it could dispense anything amazing absolutely amazing let's go check out the bedroom because this is probably you know where we're gonna be sleep and spending most of our time Wow so we got a crafting table that pop okay we got an enchanting table that are you serious as if it's too much effort to go walk down the hallway to your enchanting room you have another fool enchanting room in the ground of your bedroom just to let you guys done you know just in case you're in a rush you know the end of dragons getting tired of waiting on you whatever whatever you know this is what a closet oh yeah that's a closet and this is where's this what I just open oh wait I think it's behind it wait what if I press this button again oh no that's not how it works Nick there's like armor like behind this but I'm not really sure how to get what maybe let me just press the armors I'm so confused there's like armor behind there but how do I get to you you can just take a good old iron axe and walk behind here and oh my gosh what do we got here so let's see I hope it really is a hundred and thirty two attack damage thorns 100 fire protection 100 protection 100 unbreaking 100 this is this armors indestructible 100% indestructible it's literally nothing could break this I don't even need to wear the whole full set of armor I could just wear that and I'll be indestructible all right well let's go check out some robots I guess because you know our submarine was cool nope is this an elevator oh we're going in an elevator oh my gosh is there any lights in here it's okay I got night vision if we have robots I literally have a army of robots are you serious I don't know if they actually move it's kind of like the submarine like I don't think the submarine actually moved because like that's breaking Minecraft history right there especially in a vanilla minecraft world you guys gotta keep in mind everything that you're seeing right now is in vanilla minecraft there's no mods no texture packs nothing this is just your standard average minecraft this and one built this is crazy okay robots pretty sick press the button on our elevator the button even said look it says the UP button and I think it changes look so now we're at the top and now it says down I'm telling you guys attention to detail that is impressive we got one more room to check out let's go to close this one off cuz we already saw everyone in there now it looks like we got the mining the farming storage room possibly Oh buddy storage room okay Wow is the big room this is a sorting system so I guess everything in this row we can just put any type of diamond related stuff in here and it just kind of holds it really we're all white no I was wrong don't do that don't do that that's the hard way to do it because you gotta go through your inventory and organize everything and get the cobblestone and put in the cobblestone chests no you can throw everything in this one chest and it automatically organizes it all for you look this is the input chest you come back from mining googa it's not a cobble so diamonds coal emeralds all this different blocks just throw them all in one chest and we'll organize them all for you how nice is that we got some shorter boxes that are kind of hidden that I cannot open I thought I could my bad wait oh okay the every wall just opened up look are you serious okay not what I was expecting okay now we can open all of these different colored Joker box we got some diamond blocks here with an in chest we got a button that that has a villager oh now it's a witch let's press this one we got a pig oh it's ami Pigman Oh a charged creeper what's that is so sick I have never never in my history of Minecraft and redstone seen a Minecraft house this crazy this is seriously insane this is the money of a mining section oh my gosh it's mining blocks for me compressing them and making them into that just made coal into diamonds look a coal block comes through it compresses it and then it comes out as a diamond block you've got to be kidding me there's no way there's no way how does this oh my gosh it teleports me to a mind so even if I want to start mining we are in a mineshaft where I can start doing some mining Wow so if I want to play the og minecraft for a little bit you know if I get bored of this high-tech fancy stuff I can go play the OG minecraft but from lazy all my diamonds mined themselves oh my gosh weapons if I press this button oh I think we can change what goes through the compressor okay so right now it's on diamond blocks what if we change it to oh wait oh wait no I think it's this okay so we press this button it will give us gold blocks I think okay so now it will give us gold that is so sick though is it's constantly giving me diamonds Wow now we're going into the farm this place is really important because well we are in a bunker pretty deep underground and this is where we're gonna get pretty much most of our food now I'm disappointed on the farm I thought it was gonna be a little bit bigger and I also expected it to be kind of like Oh maduk like I didn't have to touch anything it looks like this farm is completely manual so you have to come in here break all the crops then replant them oh so sad I know I know I know it's sad it's depressing but compared to most of the rest of the house I mean my diamonds mined themselves like come on it's still pretty cool you still have to work for your food so you know that that is okay I'm cool dad considering all the other things that are in this bunker I mean you could survive in this bunker for a really long time as long as you have a ton of seeds for the farm you will be good let's go ahead and close off this section now how in the world do we get back up do we have to go back through all the security I guess we do I think we do I think that's the only way probably the longest entrance in history actually no there's no button here how would I jump up there I'd have to build blocks no there's got to be one fancy way to exit this bunker yeah unfortunately there is no way to exit this bunker except for the submarine the submarine is an option yeah it's really the only thing I could find wait wait does this even oh my gosh this doesn't even go up to the surface okay it's just a little it's just a giant look it's like a giant pool it doesn't actually go away unless it goes all the way up here oh my gosh it does nevermind I'm sorry look at this oh never mind I was always oh oh my gosh there's a giant like older to where the submarine comes out Wow and the Sun is setting what a beautiful beautiful day hold on I gotta test this sword out real quick this thing is insane and speaking of swords if you guys want your very own unspeakable sword here it is it also lights up pretty cool pretty sick guys can check these out on website they should be back in stock unless I just took a really long nap and I'm sorry if you want to check one out go over to there's no life on this on this minecraft well there's a literally on a single peg it's up in the mountains maybe maybe am I really gonna have to spawn one are you kidding me I've now flown at least a thousand blocks and I haven't seen a single mob I could definitely see why they made a bunker got some cows right here what excuse me wait hold on how much beef do I get I just killed two cows and I got 29 pieces of cooked beef I have no idea where he goes though wow that is crazy you could probably kill the Ender Dragon with the sword in three hits maybe four maybe I'm very impressed with this minecraft bunker and the armor and just everything about it what an incredible map gave the crafter thank you so much for making this if you can make another bunker that somehow tops this one I don't know how it would be possible but if you could do it and I think you should because I know a ton of people are gonna be leaving a lot of likes on this video because they're gonna want to see that so guys leave a like if you do want to see that if you want to see Gabe the crafter the map creator of this map make a second or I guess technically a third version of this because I think this is actually the second version of the one he made before if you want to see him make one that's 10 times crazier than this I don't know how it would be but maybe we could have an airplane and I don't know like I I have no idea how could you make this bunker crazier than it is let me know in the comment section below maybe we can give the map creator gave the crafter some ideas maybe we can work on something together to make the crazies bunker ever to exist in Minecraft history if you guys want to see that leave a like on this video that's all I'm asking and I'll see you guys soon and a brand new video so stay safe stay awesome and of course stay unspeakable my dudes and I'll see you guys soon in a brand new Minecraft video [Music] [Music]
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 4,150,519
Rating: 4.8861136 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakable, unspeakableplays, mini game, game, custom, crazy, challenge, modded, games, maps, secret, redstone, funny moments, mcpe, minecraft pe, pocket edition, unspeakablegaming, trolling, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, glitch, funny, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, how to, parody, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakableplays minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2019
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