Worlds Best Rice Pudding | Cooking Italian with Joe

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[Music] it's the good life full of fun hey guys ready to do some cooking in the kitchen with Joe today we're going to do some Italian cooking we're going to do Dolce today uh Dolce means sweet often used as dessert in Italian and we're going to make rice pudding and I love rice pudding definitely one of my favorite I mean it's like I want to eat a bowl like this of rice pudding often uh probably shouldn't be doing that at this point but in any case I love rice pudding and it the memory of rice pudding to me is my father and grandmother we had a large Italian restaurant and they used to put on a family style dinner every Sunday and they would just make large quantities of rice pudding and they put cinnamon and Nutmeg and whipped cream oh love it so we're going to make that recipe my grandmother's recipe of rice pudding it's going to be great so uh I've got everything laid out here we' got the pot going so it's relatively easy but it takes a little bit of time to do it right and I'm going to explain a few things that I'm doing right now for you but what are you going to need to start off with glad you asked that question we're going to do six cups of whole milk okay 3/4 of a cup of sugar we're going to use one cup of heavy cream so you can see it's a low cholesterol little fat dessert we're going to use four eggs and I'm going to uh kind of correct that we're going to do two whole eggs and two yolks we're going to use some vanilla now a lot of recipes call for uh like a vanilla bean so I I cheat and I use a a vanilla bean syrup if you will uh we're going to use very important guys our boreo rice so not because it carries my name but my last day be a boreo but our boreo rice is a short grain rice and it's it holds up you want it to hold up you don't want your rice pudding to be mushy if you will and you also want it to have a lot of good starches a lot of sugars in with our boreo rice uh if you think about it our boreo rice is from Northern Italy so a lot of the great rice recipes Rosado and so forth come from the North and the reason that use our Boreal rice like I said is because it really holds up it's a harder rice and it has that beautiful starch that beautiful uh carbohydrate that sugar that comes up and that that's what adds to the creaminess when it releases the starch much like a risato and it makes that creamy feel um that's what really gives you that silky smooth feel that custardy feel within the rice which is awesome okay and then we're going to use a/4 teaspoon of sea salt which I got right there for so kind of fun this will be a lot of fun for so I'm going to show you kind of how to get this started and we'll move forward we're going to combine essentially the milk some of the sugar the rice and the salt together the reality to make a really good authentic creamy flavorful rice you don't want to do that because you want the rice to absorb the flavor from the milk you want it to absorb some of the flavor from the salt and the sugar all of those flavors are going to actually absorb into the rice which is great that's what we want to do so so that being said let me get my pan over here okay and what we're going to mix and I'll kind of explain this as we do this okay we've got six cups of whole milk so I'm going to put that in our pan try not to Splatter it all over your work surface okay so that's primarily your base of your pudding okay now we're going to make a little bit of a custard in the egg so I don't want to use all the sugar but I want to use most of the sugar so if you hold back maybe 1/4 cup of the sugar that's fine that's good okay so I'm going to hold back a little bit of the sugar all right I'm going to mix in the AR boreo rice no relation to the boreo family just throw it out there so all right and then I'm going to use some vanilla I want the vanilla in there cuz I want the vanilla to absorb into the rice as well okay so again some recipes I see that they add the vanilla later they add it to the custard you know everyone's got their own way of doing it you'll find my way is the best however so so we're going to use a teaspoon teaspoon oh look at that oh that smells good vanilla sugar and cream I mean oh my God could you ask for anything better right so we're going to mix that in oh so the sounds of neing coal man this is good stuff so this is such a great recipe and great dessert that can be used in shared I mean with any meal essentially any meal nice in the summer nice in the winter sometimes in the winter you'll obviously uh um want to serve it warm uh rice pudding in conserva warm and in the uh and in the summer it's nice to have it obviously cool so it's great and then we're going to throw in our salt all right and that's basically your base for your custard okay um even know Custer traditionally has an egg in it we're going to put that in there so now I'm just going to mix that up a little bit now we're going to heat this until it boils and then once it boils we're going to cover it and we're going to let it simmer and you're going to stir it a lot okay and we're going to reduce it down and you want to make it kind of like a like a thick soup okay and then when you do that that's where we're going to add the other other ingredients so I'll show you how to do it so let me bring it over here and we're going to get this on a simmer got now if you guys remember if you watch any of my videos before you see I got my favorite rice spoon right so here's my wooden spoon Wooden Spoons are great cuz they don't get hot you can leave it in there and you see the vanilla see the vanilla bean floating to the top look how awesome that looks I'll tell you just the smell of this alone now there's rice in there there's a lot of rice in there but the rice has to heat up see the rice the rice is going to heat up see how it's starting to get translucent already so as the milk gets hot it'll start to heat the rice as the rice gets hot it'll start to become translucent and then once it does starts to give up starch it starts to absorb starts to absorb absorb all that milk and sugar and vanilla which is great all right so I'll check in with you guys in a couple minutes now we've got the milk going and that's starting to boil and you're going to see now if I pull up the rice see how the rice now is starting to turn white and if it lets it drain you see how it starts to get translucent so when it starts to get translucent like that what it's doing is it's actually starting to give up starch and it's starting to oh it smells so good right now oh my God M and it's starting to give up starch and it's starting to absor absorb the milk the sugar and the vanilla that's exactly what you want okay so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to knock that down cuz we brought it to a boil I'm going to put a cover on it okay and I'm going to just get it at that simmer temp it's just at a simmer temp okay and I'm going to just let a little bit of the steam come out just to touch okay and we're going to let that go now that's going to go probably a half hour 30 to 40 minutes and you're just going to keep stirring you're going to stir it down till it gets reduced all of that milk sugar and vanilla are gonna get absorbed into the rice and it's gonna get tender the rice is really going to start to get tender when we're done with that I'm going to bring it off to the side and I'm going to slowly and quickly mix in the egg mixture and then when I'm done with that we're going to bring it back heat it up one more time for a few minutes then we're done phito Malto Deo I'll talk to you guys in a minute first off the smell is unbelievable I have to say I got to do a shout out to my friend John verbeck who loves rice pudding by the way so how you doing Johnny might be coming over for dessert here soon who knows so so we're going to we're going to just let that cool just let it ease up now the reason you don't put the egg in earlier is cuz you don't want the egg to cook to that degree okay the concern we have here is that this is hot and when you put the egg in it'll it'll almost want to cook immediately right so what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to stir it while you put the egg in so what I'm going to do is just hold on to the and then just slowly mix it okay and fold it in it's going to cool it down but you know you're not making scrambled eggs here okay and then you're going to do a little bit more that's perfect and then that'll what that's going to do is that's going to cook in there now we got to cook it down a little bit cuz it's going to add a little bit of liquid to it right and we want that to absorb so I'm going to almost if you will fold it in and then we're going to let that oh that's beautiful will I'm going to let that cook down so we're going to let this cook down like I said anywhere from 2 to 5 minutes oh my God it smells so good so to cook the egg the egg is are the egg's probably already cooked now but you want it to cook down we don't want it to be too thick I'm sorry we don't want it to be too thin we don't want it to be soupy so okay guys it's been probably 5 minutes 6 minutes so you're going to see the rice pudding now if you can see it you see how it's taking out a little different color right just a little bit of a golden or yellow and you want to I didn't leave it so I stayed right with it for the 5 minutes just stirring it I got it on a simmer maybe a touch higher and you want it to get firm you don't want it soupy all right now it's going to thicken it's got a beautiful Custard in it right now so you don't want it to thicken so I'm going to shut the heat off okay so what we're doing here is we're just going to keep it stirring oh you see how it's giving off that heat oh that's that is just fantastic that is look at that is that just fantastic see how it's already it's got a pudding you see how it's got that pudding so it starts to as soon as it starts to cool it's going to solidify on it its own already so so that's absolutely perfect so I'm going to let it cool like a minute or two on the cold on the cool counter here and I don't I don't need it cold I just want it so it's not piping hot off the stove okay so I'm going to let it for a couple of minutes then still while it's warm I'm going to fold in the whipped cream okay okay guys it's been a couple of minutes so this is still warm but it's not like piping hot okay so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to fold in I'm going to fold in the whipped cream so I'm going to scoop the whipped cream in now remember the whipped cream is not sweetened okay so it's just regular now we're going to make some whipped cream of our own as a garnish you know just something to kind of dress it so I'm going to set that in the sink all right guys so what I'm doing is I'm folding so folding means you're not stirring it in the sense where you're trying to compress all the air okay so it lightens it up so I'm going to fold it in okay in the pudding and it's still warm so the pudding believe it or not the rice is still active so the rice will actually still absorb which is what you want anyways but the rice oh somebody got [Music] away that's good stuff mhm so I'm just going to keep stirring it until the until the cream or the whipped cream and I'm folding it in okay is fully Incorporated within it okay guys it's been probably like an hour hour and a half so what I did is I transferred after I folded in the heavy cream into the rice pudding which is awesome I put it in one of my favorite dishes Italian dishes okay put it in the refrigerator let it refrigerate which is beautiful okay now we want to uh we want to set it up I also whipped up a little whipped cream I put some sugar some powdered sugar in the whipped cream but I didn't put uh any vanilla cuz there's already a good strong flavor of the vanilla coming from there and we're going to hit it with just a tinge of uh of cinnamon okay so that being said I've got some nuts in here assortment enough so I'm going to lost one I'm going to put those right on a little chop block and then I'm going to I'm just looking to garnish it okay so so what I've got is almonds and uh walnuts and walnuts almonds are real Comm common in Italy especially uh Northern Italy also uh hazelnuts are great so you can certainly hit some hazelnuts in there now I'm going to make I've got enough here like a maybe a/4 cup of each I think and what I'm going to do is I'm going to set it up where I'm going to where I got to garnish for the whole thing okay and then I'll usually set aside a little bit cuz what'll happen is you start scooping it off the top you know the stuff down there the bottom somebody might want some nuts so you keep a little side dish of nuts so as you get further down and I'm just you're doing a rough chop you're not mincing it so small that that it's little you know you just don't want to get a huge hole almond in your mouth or a huge whole whole uh Walnut okay so make sure you got them all small you don't want to have anything large in there okay and I'll show you how we traditionally do it again you know the some people will put you can put strawberries you can put raspberries you can put there you go different kinds of fruit cherries are common a lot of people put raisins in their um uh they'll put raisins in it obviously you're going to have some grapes that are left over from from Harvest in Italy so okay so that's why so so what I got here is I've got that split up okay it's perfect all right so I've got a couple of nuts which I love nuts all right so I've got some of that so what I'm going to do here is over the top I'm going to sprinkle let's say a handful of nuts okay and just spread it there you go okay and then what I've got is I've got some essentially powdered sugar and cinnamon already mixed up okay so you know what let me hit that with a so oh that smells good okay so it's more cinnamon and I'm just going to hit that with a little bit over the top bit more sometimes you can do a cutout and make a little design on the top if you want that's fine oh boy that looks good okay so I'm going to keep these off to the side because as I start serving it what'll happen is like I said you get to the bottom and you're not going to have a lot so what we're going to do is we got a little cinnamon stick here for a garnish I'm going to scoop a little bit at that oh oh my gosh right is that perfect right I'm going to put a cinnamon stick into the side I'm going to hit just a little bit extra on the nut o I forgot I'm making a mess I'm so excited to taste it and then I'm going to take how I like to do it is I like to do a little whipped cream off to the side now not to sound like a Mr picky but I like to portion how much rice pudding you know try to make that perfect bite right and then I'm going to take a little bit of my cinnamon right and I'm going to hit it over the top and I'll tell you what if that doesn't bring you right back is that just absolutely delicious absolutely gorgeous so let me grab a new spoon normally if I wasn't on camera I'd grab that one lick it clean but I don't want to do that that so all right so I'm going to hit that the perfect bite my perfect bite here and what we've got is we've got some nuts we've got the custard the pudding are you ready [Music] is that is good the moment I taste that it puts me right back to my my grandmother's kitchen it's amazing right the flavors oh my God it's absolutely delicious and such a it relatively is a simple recipe I got have one more [Music] scoop oh my God that's great it's relatively a simple recipe it's timec consuming though it just takes time but if you do it right the way I showed you and you mix the cream I'm sorry the milk and the sugar and the vanilla in the rice as it cooks and it absorbs into the rice oh my God the texture the silky the smoothness there's nothing better it's got that nice carded flavor what a great Dolce what a great dessert absolutely delicious guys thanks for joining me don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you can get these recipes and many more like our page take a visit uh of our website which is cooking Italian with Joe and remember to spend time with your family cuz you're family is a Sol of your life enjoy Dolce have a great uh have a great week I'll talk to you guys next week it's the
Channel: Cooking Italian with Joe
Views: 181,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rice Pudding (Dish), Cinnamon Roll (Dish), Pudding (Type Of Dish), Italian Food (Cuisine), Dessert (Type Of Dish), Whipped Cream (Dish), Lasagne (Dish), Mario Batali (Author), Emeril Lagasse (Author), Giada De Laurentiis (Author), Bon Appétit (Magazine), TLC (TV Program), Cooking Channel (Organization), Food Network (TV Network), gelato, icecream, pudding, chocolate pudding, vanilla pudding, how to make, Worlds Best Rice Pudding Recipe Cooking Italian with Joe
Id: 3i2YbqwKErM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 09 2014
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