My One-Pot Rice Pudding is SO Comforting and Easy As 1-2-3

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Hi Bold Bakers, I get asked a lot, what are my favorite desserts, and I have a few of them for sure. But my all time favorite desserts are the ones my mom used to make when I was a kid growing up in Ireland. Things like apple tart, eves pudding, pavlova, and of course, rice pudding. She used to make it on winters nights when it was really dark and cold outside and it just reminds me of such a lovely time growing up in Ireland. So I’m gonna show you how you can make this quite humble dessert right now, it’s super easy, really really satisfying. So we’re gonna start out with our rice, now, let me just say that Kevin is behind the camera again. Hey guys. And Georgie is actually falling asleep in the corner, so we’re gonna keep our voices down. I think he’s gotten use to our voices at this stage. He just woke up. So our footage is a little bit different today, we’re shooting on iPhones because we’re still in quarantine. So we’re doing this like, kind of quick, which is great because this is an easy recipe. Also we have a new behind the scenes camera here you’ll have to let us know if you like it. You can see a little bit more of what’s going on. Yeah there you go. Ok lets talk rice, Kevin. So rice for rice pudding, there is no legit one rice that you need, you just need a starchy rice. So you’ve got a few options. You hav arborio rice, you have pudding rice which they sell in Ireland, and you have like a sushi rice, all short grain starchy rices. What I use, which I really love and we have this all the time in our house, is Calrose Rice. What Calrose is is another short grain starchy rice, like that, see that Kevin? What I like about it is that we eat a lot of curries and have stuff like that, so we use this a lot and it works really well because it soaks up stuff. But it’s much cheaper than arborio rice so we have a big bag and use it all the time. But I love this for rice pudding and like I said you can use any kind of starchy rice you have. So here is our nice big pot, a heavy bottom sauce pan for this because we’re gonna be simmering milk and cream for a bit so you want to make sure it’s a good quality sauce pan. In case I didn’t say it already, the recipe is on, that’s right go check it out! So here is our rice, you don’t need a huge amount of rice to feed a lot of people. I think that’s one of the beauties of this recipe is it came probably from a peasants dish, where it was a few pantry staples cooked together to make a modest desert. I absolutely adore it. Gem what’s up next? Next is cinnamon, just a pinch of cinnamon, not a huge amount of cinnamon because I know it’s not everybody’s favorite but we’re only putting a small amount in there. A little bit of sugar, we’re gonna put in some vanilla extract, super important in this recipe. I love vanilla extract. If you don’t have it you can leave it out, but honestly, if you have it, it makes a world of difference. Now Kevin I’m just gonna grab the milk. Oh look at our messy fridge, don’t look at our messy fridge. So into this we’re gonna add a few cups of milk. Now this does require a bit of liquid, and it looks like a small bit of rice but it’s gonna make a big pot. Gem let me ask you, what if you are dairy free? If you’re dairy free you can use any kind of dairy free milk that’s your preference, that’s totally fine, and you can actually make it vegan because… well that’s not true we’re going to use butter, but you can use vegan butter. We are however going to use cream, so I used full fat, sorry I used full fat milk just use something that’s not low fat because that won’t be any good. Into this we’re going to add, and this is kind of my secret weapon when it comes to the creamiest rice pudding, and that’s cream in case you couldn’t have guessed it. So if you don’t have cream or maybe you don’t want to use cream you can use full fat milk that’s totally fine. But honestly a bit of cream in there just sends it over the edge. So that’s cream. A sneak shot of Georgie from the hospital. There’s Georgie just a few days old, and now he’s like a teenager over in the corner. I don’t think so, well he’s sleeping like a teenager. He sleeps a lot. Alright Gem do I see the magic gold package there? You sure do. Kerrygold, my absolute favorite. I love that you can get Kerrygold all over the world I get emails from people in Africa who can get it so it’s really awesome. So if you’re lucky enough to have Kerrygold throw that in there. This makes it just, it just adds to the creaminess and he richness. And also Kerrygold has a little bit of salt in it. Gem you can use regular butter? Yeah use regular butter. Or Vegan butter, yeah vegan butter. So come on over to me Kevin. So I have it on like medium, medium low, and all you want to do is let this come to a simmer. Now I’ve seen in some recipes for rice pudding to boil and I don’t like that word when it comes to baking because we really don’t want it to boil you want it to simmer, a nice controlled simmer. So medium low, a nice controlled simmer, a few bubbles and that’s perfect. What we’re going to do is just wait until it comes to a simmer and then we’re gonna turn it down a little bit. So there’s 2 things that make this special, first off it’s the recipe. It’s the rice that I use, it’s the butter, and the cream, a little bit of the spices and all those things really working together just make it so delicious. So number two is the actual cooking. So usually when you cook rice you’re supposed to cook off all the liquid, well that’s not what we do here. We have loads of liquid so the rice will cook lovely and plump, and then we’re gonna be left with all that sauce and that’s exactly what we want because when rice cools down it absorbs all that liquid and we have to factor that in as well, so I’m gonna show you what that looks like. But we want it to be nice and saucy at the end. So Gem let me ask you something, are you a hot or cold rice pudding person? Kevin. Ok well let me just say, for 20 something years of my life I didn’t know that people ate rice pudding cold, which is an absolute shock to me in Ireland you would always have it hot. Hot hot hot with jam on top or something tasty like that. You would never ever ever eat it cold. However, since… enter me, since I met Kevin, I learned that people eat rice pudding cold and they very rarely have it hot, which just blows my mind. And it’s delicious. I’m sure it is and I’m not gonna hate on your cold rice pudding but hot is where it’s at. Hot is the way to go. We should ask the people out there? Are you a hot or a cold rice pudding person. And I’m definitely hot. Yes you are. So what we’re gonna do is give this a little stir, because you don’t want the rice to stick to the bottom of the pot. So not only is this made with pantry staples but it’s also a very inexpensive dessert to make. There we go, almost to a simmer now Kevin. Georgie’s like waking himself up, he’s asleep for a minute and then he’s like… ok it’s about to come to a simmer. I’m gonna turn it down to medium low, like I said a controlled simmer we don’t want it boiling, and then let it cook away gently there for around 35 minutes or so, the rice is gonna plump up, it’s gonna get nice and cooked, and then it’s gonna be lovely and saucy. So we’re gonna come back and check on that, and every few minutes if you want to give it a stir so it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pan. So it’s been around 35 minutes or so, let’s have a little look. Look at this, beautiful. You see the way it’s still nice and saucy. You want all of that, you don’t want your pudding to evaporate you want to stop it at this stage. Like I said when rice sits, it soaks up extra liquid. So you want to factor that in, you still want to have this saucy. You want to stop it right here, it looks fantastic, the rice is nice and fluffy I can feel it. So now my favorite part we’re gonna serve some up and have a taste. And of course Kevin, I’m serving it up hot. That’s right I’ll cool it down for later. What I’d traditionally have my rice pudding with is a big dollop of jam, so I’m gonna put some raspberry jam on top. This is my idea of comfort food, I adore it, and best of all it transports me right back to Ireland when I was young and my mom used to make it for me, so I really hope you guys try this recipe and make your own memories. And I’ll see you back here really soon! Oh it’s delicious.
Channel: Bigger Bolder Baking
Views: 339,069
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Keywords: rice pudding, rice pudding recipe, how to make rice pudding, easy rice pudding, simple rice pudding, easiest rice pudding, best rice pudding, best rice pudding recipe, rice pudding help, thicken rice pudding making rice pudding, homemade rice pudding, pudding, pudding recipe, easy pudding, easy pudding recipe, simple pudding recipe, comforting desserts, easy dessert, cheap dessert, bigger bolder baking, gemma stafford, how to make pudding, what is rice pudding, rice recipe
Id: cKR0vS9bpZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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