World Famous Secret Chili Recipe…ALMOST

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welcome back to stupid smart today we're making a world famous chili [Music] there's cigarettes all right now what we got to do first we got two pounds of hamburger meat we're gonna what we're doing is Browning it up or if you can smell it already we're gonna get this hamburger meat all browned up and then we're gonna start adding all the ingredients oh wait look at that all right we're back we got the uh hamburger uh round up ready to go now we're gonna put the seasonings in there we got a whole bunch of good looking Seasons there and uh they're just gonna go in there they're gonna be in the description below well almost all of them you know then we've got a little two tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce going in there that might have been a little bit more we got uh one cup of pinto beans Mama made those they're going in there and we're supposed to have one hand fan of these uh Kitty beans they're going in there too probably gonna put a little bit more and then we need the juice off of uh off a lot of this because of the uh well you know what let's just roll when it's jumping in there yeah get that going okay now we need uh you got to put two of these in there these beef bouillons now look here I'm gonna show you a little secret on this this tomato paste we're getting it in there and what we're going to do see look I cut the bottom up and I cut the top off so I just push it in there like that then I just got to retrieve that little middle thing actually it's supposed to take the bottom one off boom right there [Music] get that out the way here we go look at that look at that look they ripped me off there's a hole in that look at that look at that crazy all right get that can out of here then we got the bacon grease that I cooked the bacon and you're gonna put a pound of bacon well a half a pound of bacon in there but I also put the grease in there too just for some flavor and if you don't like bacon don't put it in there oh look at that hmm then we're gonna put we got the onions jalapenos bell pepper some garlic in here it's not in the recipe but it's in this my pot and then uh celery it's going in there two cans of diced tomatoes which we are we we got these here so we're putting them in there they're dashed and look mama can some tomato sauce look at that so here's how we're gonna check this right quick pop the lids make sure you got that sealed yeah yeah yeah smell it make sure it's good to go yep it's good to go bam she can this this uh this early this summer all right we're gonna get all that stirred up okay we got this little bad boy darling of a bat this look at that look it's shimmering we're getting all them spices and flavors all together get stuff cooked down and then what we've done over here is we went ahead and let it and we're gonna put that that that big old Dutch oven on there uncovered for no more than 30 minutes we're just gonna get a little bit of grilled flavor a little bit of smoke in there not much because too much it's just overpowers on the chili I've done it before and uh anyway you just want a little bit all right now we're fixing to get this delicious mess over on the grill and let her smoke for a little while I forgot one more step make sure you guard this world famous chili trust me all right let's get this Chili off the smoker grill things get it back over here should have used some gloves are hot oh yeah love next time we're gonna get back over here now we're gonna Crush off our bacon because we forgot the bacon but we didn't forget it at the end anyway so it's not all soggy but with this being so crispy because it's still gonna cook and simmer for another couple hours stirring it and let it simmer get all the flavors in there look at that chili good night isn't that beautiful right in with the bacon here we go [Music] now get her stirred up we'll get this fire on there look at that chili though foreign [Music] okay it's time for taste testing and see what everything tastes like I know it's going to be good and uh y'all have fun doing this invite family over and friends and go ahead and try it cook it up and you know thank God just be thankful and have fun doing stuff and uh let's try it y'all all right look at here put a little bit of this on this soda cracker what do you think Mama very good
Views: 34,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homemade, Chili, Smoker, Grill, Stupid Smart, Homemade Chili Seasoning, How to, Homemade chili, BlackStone, Dutch Oven, Home cooking, Chili cook off, American beef, Off Set smoker, Award Winning, Famous, The best recipe, Cold Weather, Mild chili, Secret Recipe
Id: Qt4mMY64BNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 34sec (394 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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