30 Minute Chili With Slow Cooked Flavor

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today I'm going to show you how to make a 30-minute chili that tastes like it was lovingly and laboriously simmered on the stove all day I get there through a more intelligently designed cooking process and more importantly what I'll call flavor accelerating ingredients to get started I'll need 2 and 12 lb or 1,200 G of 8020 ground beef this is standard issue ground chuck to be more specific and I like it for chili because it's got a lot of beef flavor and it's widely available to cook it I'll flip it out onto a sheet Tri and mush it down into a flat sheet as I've done a lot of times in the past on this channel I'm going to skip the Browning of this beef on the stove top and instead broil it in the oven this method is about two times faster than stov top Browning and it gives me way more Browning meaning more flavor and it's way less of a mess this way I don't have to worry about splattery beef getting all over my stove top now the next step is to throw this meat sheet under the boiler and oven sear it for 8 to 10 minutes no need to preheat the Box either once the beef is in I'll just turn my my Broiler to high and by the way this rack is about 8 in underneath the broiler now while that cooks I've got some downtime so I'll use that to cut my aromatics and prep up my tomato product for the aromatics I'll cut down one large white onion and when I say cut I really mean dice it as small as you possibly can behind the onion I'll smash 5 to six cloves through my garlic press and in total I'm looking for 20 G here next let's talk tomato product to get the perfect chili friendly mix of tomato texture and flavor in as little time as possible possible I'm using four different products first I've got tomato paste here because it brings a ton of concentrated tomato flavor obviously then two cans of diced tomatoes that I've drained the liquid out of because the juice in those cans is usually watery and overly acidic to replace that moisture I'll use one 425 G can of tomato sauce and then lastly and most importantly I've got one 28 Oz can of fire roasted tomatoes they're touch Smoky they're very concentrated and they've got robust tomato Flavor now to further enhance this deep roast d/m Smoky flavor I'm going to add in two smoked Chipotle peppers in Adobo sauce and then drop in my immersion blender and spin those to combined this Chipotle is another major flavor accelerator it makes this chili taste like it's been slowly bubbling away on a barbecue smoker all day and it's amazing and once I've got my tomatoes drained and the fire roasted stuff is pureed together I'm going to check back on my broiling beef at this point it's been 10 minutes and the sheet of meat has started to Brown on top and it's just about cooked through so I'll pull out the sheet tray and let it cool down while I start cooking this soup to do that I'll grab a large heavy bottom pot and drop it on the stove over medium Heat by the way this recipe makes 6 quarts of chili so make sure that your chili pot is pretty big now once my pot is hot I'll add in a long squiggle of olive oil then my onion the garlic a strong pinch of salt and then I'll stir to combine at this point I want to sweat the onion until it's pretty much all of the way softened later on we're not going to be doing a long simmer and if we don't soften the onion now it's going to be crunchy in the final chili and after about 5 to 6 minutes these onions are mostly softened and the garlic is smelling fragrant so now I'll add in 60 G of chili powder 30 G of pepra 10 G of ground cumin and then a few strong pinches of chili flake next I'll stir the spices into the onions and fry for 20 to 30 seconds to toast them off and open up their flavor stay frosty here and cook these over no higher than medium heat because the chili powder especially can burn and get bitter super fast next I'll add in my Chipotle tomato puree the tomato sauce both cans of diced tomato there we go and then 50 g of tomato paste next I'll jump in and stir that up while scraping the bottom of the pot to make sure there isn't any chili powder stuck down there and once the Tomato stuff is in and simmering I'll add in all of my seasonings that's 20 G of hot sauce 30 G of brown sugar 30 G of worch 15 G of cider vinegar and then 30 G of beef buan paste I'm using btb brand here of course this video isn't sponsored by them I just think that this is an excellent way to up the density of flavor in chili without adding a bunch of extra cook time if you don't have any buan I would say double the worch lastly I'll add in about 10 G of salt then stir the whole pot to combine and bring this chili up to a low simmer to unify the flavors and hydrate all that chili powder speaking of hydration element the sponsor of this video helps me stay hydrated thanks to the health podcast internet I now know that healthy hydration is about more than just drinking a high volume of water you need the proper balance of electrolytes in there too and when you sweat both water and electrolytes need to be place to prevent muscle cramps headaches and most importantly for me energy dips element is special because it was created by a former research biochemist to have the optimal electrolyte ratios to help you hydrate the right way without the sugar or other junky ingredients that have nothing to do with the goal of Hydra did I mention that it also tastes very good and I genuinely look forward to drinking it after a hard workout or time getting sweaty in the sauna my current favorite is the Citrus salt because it kind of tastes like a margarita but these new hot chocolate flavors are also surprisingly very tasty I was skeptical but it's true they taste awesome just go to drink element.com Brian lagers to get a free sample pack with any order if you don't like it they'll give you a full refund no questions asked this offer is good for new and returning customers just be sure to use my link in the description while that cooks I'll move back over to my meat sheet and crumble it down the particle size you want here is quite small because this chili isn't going to be cooking for many hours to further break down the con active tissue big chunks can have a little bit of a gristly tough texture so avoid them and once I've got this beef crumbled down and mixed up with the roasting juices I'll move the sheet tray over to my cooking chili and scrape in the meat I like to do that with a dough scraper to get as much of the beef fat off the tray as possible because that is particularly hard to wash off in the sink next I'll give that beef a quick stir to mix it in with the Tomato base then I'll add in four cans of firm creamy kidney beans and if you're thinking hey Bri what brand of beans should I use for optimal texture and flavor well to answer that question I'll need to do a good oldfashioned Bean tasty I decided to buy five of the biggest Bean Brands and taste them blindly to figure out which one is best for chili the first Bean is the standard issue Whole Foods 365 brand decent creaminess flavor mid is not like particularly flavorful yeah the outside's kind of firm I like it I suspect this Bean will hold up well in a chili next up is the bean conglomerate bush is best even firmer skin little bit of sweet flavor better tasting overall yeah that's a good Bean firm skin creamy interior good texture next is the expensive Eden Organics brand no this Bean is uh mey very little bean flavor too forget that bean yuck next is snw that's a mass Market brand similar to [Music] bushes no it's like wet and now like the bean skin is kind of getting stuck in my teeth yuck no get this Bean out of here finally I'm going to taste Dakota's best I got this one at Aldi it's almost too firm like kind of calcium chloride this is my third favorite bean bean two is the winner oh wow it's yeah baby not sponsored it's well formed it's creamy the skin isn't too inyour face and it's seasoned bushes for the winner and just in case people want to know your number two was the 365 brand nice good flavor I mean just less salt overall in the skin was a little bit tougher I guess between these two beans you have a very distinct choice this one has preservatives in it and a bunch of stuff and this one is just beans water and salt so if you're kind of an ingredient minimalist and you're worried about preservatives this is a great option this is overall the best chili bean if you're just trying to make dope chili back at the stove I'll stir in all four cans of my drained Bush's best kidney beans and then simmer this chili for 10 minutes no less you really can't get away with no simmering because the flavors need a chance to mingle if you just dumped stuff in stirred it together and served it it would very much tastes like tomato sauce sitting on ground beef as in not good and after 10 minutes this chili is looking a little bit thick so I'll adjust it with a little bit of water to thin it out and then simmer it for another 2 minutes or so and after 30 to 35 minutes we've got a whole bunch of nice looking chili that I'm sure tastes good but it's not finished we can make this great by tasting it and adjusting so like I've said many times in previous videos when it comes to finishing something like stew chili or soup tasting it for seasoning at the very end is a very very important step right now first thing I'm tasting for salt level and I think this needs just a little bit more Sparkle to reach its full chili potential all the amount in the recipe will get you about 95% of the way there I wanted to leave it a little bit open-ended cuz I don't know how much you're going to reduce your chili how sweet your tomatoes are and everything like that now once I've got the salt level dialed the next thing is the acid sweet balance things that are more sweet generally need more acid to compensate and vice versa so I've got some vinegar and some brown sugar in here right now and after I've got the salt level tweaked I'm going to taste for sweet acid acid is good maybe even a little High because of the tomatoes and the apple cider vinegar so I've got just a little bit more brown sugar here to bring that into balance I don't want it to taste sweet I just want it to push against the intensity of that acid and then the last thing for chili is heat I've kept this pretty mild in the grammed out recipe but I for my taste I like it a little bit spicier so I'm going to add a couple of ziggies of that this is Frank's by the way and we'll give that all one more final stir and a taste yo that is super good way more balanced than when I started and it tastes just more like chili which is what you want now to serve this chili I'll Ladle a lot of it into a shallow bowl then top with a big dog dup of sour cream then I'll add on some small diced white onion for aromatic heat then some medium sharp shredded cheddar that's so much cheese that's how much I put on finally no chili is complete without a handful of crushed oyster crackers this is going to soak up the chili moisture and combine with the cheese to make chili spackle basically you guys this is a great tasting chili that also happens to only take 30 to 35 minutes to make it has great beefiness creamy beans and layer upon layer of dark intense flavor of course you could let this thing simmer for another hour or two and you'd get a little bit more flavor or better yet you could make it ahead and reheat it for your next Sports party if you guys end up making this let me know in the comments how it went and if you're thinking about commenting about how chili without beans is not chili first of all suck my butt and second of all if you want a delicious recipe for beanless chili then please check out this video for Texas style beef chili it's all meat not a bean in sight I'll see you there than yesterday
Channel: Brian Lagerstrom
Views: 373,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homemade chili recipe, easy chili, fast chili, chili recipe, secret chili recipe, beef chili, ground beef chili, chili with beans, beef and bean chili, how to make chili, best chili recipe, super fast chili, 30 minute chili, chilli recipe, award winning chili, Brian lagerstrom, weeds and sardines, easiest chili recipe, easy beef and bean chili, beef and bean chili recipe, chili with beans recipe, best chili with beans, quick chili, best chili beans, best kidney beans
Id: MxMMpmmuW4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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