Word Wounds

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[Music] move forward and deal with the issue of onward wounds and the power of healing words but I want to take our time today and I want to unpack some things for you because you've noticed patterns in your life everyone say patterns you've noticed patterns in your life of failure it seems like you don't believe in luck but if if you did believe in luck you say you were unlucky you've noticed our relationship our patterns all kinds of things going wrong and it seemed like the word that you believe is not happening in your life and that's a reason that's for reason and the Lord has given us insight we started this series dealing with the issue of our belief systems and that would that was important and revelation is vascular so what happens is it starts one place and as God reveals more to us it takes a tributary and goes in that direction in this direction based on what God has for this house those of you who are here visiting or you you just decided I'm going to church today you're not here by accident I believe God has something to say to you amen and I want to be kind of a little bit formal and informal at the same time because I believe that today if time allows I want to pray for some people I want us to pray for one another and this and people need to be delivered there is potentially a word cursed working over your life and and that put on the screen for me proverbs chapter 26 and verse 2 I want to start there I do know your stand they were gonna sit in a minute but you will be sitting for a minute so I'll give you a chance to stand we just took the Holy Communion and that's the reminder of the New Covenant where the Lord Himself took our sins he he became us in the trial or in the heavenly tribunal he was found guilty on our behalf he took our sin to the cross he was crucified legally upon to the law of Moses he was crucified on a tree and he was taken off of the cross before the evening hour because the Bible says cursed is every one that hangs upon a tree and the cursed body cannot remain on the tree so that the curse will not affect the land if it once to affect affect the land so so gods had Jesus to be crucified on our behalf taken off the cross buried in the ground to bury the curse with him and and then out of that we get in exchange his righteousness he had no sin he took ours we had no righteousness he gave us his and the Bible says now because of this we are free from the curse collisions 3 says Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for this written cursed is every one that hangeth upon a tree that the blessing of Abraham may come on the Gentile in Christ and we receive the precious Holy Spirit through faith so all of that is to say that you are we are free from the curse but the enemy isn't outlaw everybody says he's an outlaw and what that means is if you ever watch westerns your parents watch westerns your grandparents or you've got a sneaky addiction where you watch our westerns Gunsmoke tombstone or whatever you watch if you watch don't miss they'll play man you know it's my favorite movie too so so so you see you know the outlaw is the eating know what the law is but they don't care about the law well the enemy is an outlaw and so what he's been doing although you're free from the curse and you are free from the curse he's using your misbehavior he's using you ignorant to cause the curse to come into your life the Bible says here on an undeserved curse will be powerless to harm you it may flutter over you like a bird but it will find no place to land and what that means is is that well especially we speak about word curses they're different curses their work curses their curses that come down to the bloodline I want to call iniquity curses um and and they're different by three or four different curses in Scripture but we focus in the day on the word curses things spoken over your life by people who either you've harmed or people who had no arm they had authority over you but no in sight and so they've spoken curses of your life that Satan is seeking to enforce lift your hands to quickly and say these words with me say father I thank you that by the end of this teaching I will be free from every curse that has landed on my life legally I declare I'm under grace and not under the law and that makes a difference in the heavenly courts I thank you in Jesus name Amen and amen he may be seated in the presence of the Lord I want to do this real fast as much as I can and I want to go as quickly as I can but with clarity I would clarity I wanted to I want to do this so we understand about these curses oh there's so much to say about them but I'll give me the King James real fast it says as the bird by wandering as a swallow by flying so the curse causeless shall not come causeless on the outward accused our words accuse and our words excuse are words that that have at their root the word cause it's really a cause and X cause that cause means that you are responsible X cause means that you are not the cause of it so you're not responsible what they simply did in etymology is just simply move they remove the a and they call it accuse and excuse but they were Cuse and the word cause are the same words it's important for you to know that because as you live your life the Bible indicates to us from this verse that because of the way Satan does what he does a curse is always following you it's always over your head today I want to speak to you and I want to show you why it's important to be very intentional about the decisions you make intentional about the things that you say now has anyone ever just just checking the pulse of the congregation today have you ever spoken or what what we consider now an imprecation or a curse over someone like you like in the color purple you know when she said you remember this anybody know that movie what is was this right here what see what did she say don't act like you don't know you know that movie by heart y'all know every line of that movie what did she say until you do right by me ah nothing good happening okay that you know that's the neighborhood so so that's the word curse it's called legalese called imprecation and we're simple is it's an invitation of evil to come into a person's life really it's it's arm it speaks of inviting evil to or someone or to pray evil upon them when you speak of workers and say nothing good is gonna happen to you because of what you did to me or I hope I hope you trip and fall well you start saying those things to people to us we'll say them in a fit of anger we even say to our loved ones husband and ride will curse each other all the time in a fit of anger and then when they get done they just go on but your curses don't work like that and and we are so ignorant of them we don't understand that curses have to be broken and the way to break a curse is the only thing that can break a curse is the blessing everybody said the blessing blessings have to be spoken I want to show you something and pass the middle to the phenomenal job on Thursday night or I'm sharing of the blessings teaching you in Bible study but I want I want to take you I believe it's the second sandwich after 21 and verse 1 second Samuel chapter 21 verse 1 i'ma jump around till I find my place now this is important for you to watch now there's a story behind there's a stories in Joshua chapter 9 where the Gibeonites that had tricked Joshua and the children of Israel into believing that they were different people group and they got Josh to make a covenant with them when Joshua found out that he had been tricked the Bible says he cursed them he put a curse on him his what he said he says from them for the rest of your days you're gonna live among us because we made a covenant with you we can't break the vow it's important for you to understand that breaking oath and breaking vows give Satan illegal right he's he claims a legality when you break a vow or you break an oath to bring the curse into your life because he heard God say that the only way that covenants are broken is through death something has to die you got it so what he does whenever an oath is broken what I'm gonna a vow is broken if you said I pay you I promise I'm a payback and you don't that's that's that gives me reason to come and land on your finances and cause you to not be able to pay anybody see I was works or the enemy does he uses every every little arm misbehaviour on your part every sin he he claims it as an open door to bring the cursor into your life and so Joshua cursed the Gibeonites and he told him you be wood cutters and water carriers for the house of the Lord and but you will live with us in peace and he gave his vow the Bible says that later on years later hundreds of years later saw playing tears his political base um secretly launches this armed attack against the Gibeonites and he kills some of them he was seeking to exterminate them later on now this is interesting because it's not mentioned anywhere in the Bible we're gonna learn about it right now but it's not documented in the book of the kings or the book of the chronicles and nowhere else is it mentioned but what but what we're gonna see right here so he did something secretly but it comes out into the open the Bible says there was a famine during the days during David's reign that lasted for three years so David asked the Lord about it and the Lord said watch this the famine has come because Saul and his family are guilty of murdering the Gibbon gibeonites now you will think that it's the Lord that brought the curse but he wasn't the Lord the Lord is watching this happen he's watching the curse come and you have to understand how it works when back then under the law the curse came with legality Satan was able to come all these years hundreds of years later but actually this is decades later and he was able to bring this curse upon all the children of Israel because of something solid done decades before based on a curse that Joshua pronounced hundreds of years before see how many as you see how lingering the curse could be that is why you cannot try to outlast the curse or outrun it the curse has to be dealt with spiritually when when slaves were brought to these United States um there were curses that were that were put on the people relegation to to servitude and relegation to poverty that were never broken everyone is looking towards a political or reparations but there has to be spiritual I believe reparations as well and as the body believers who now who were coming in this knowledge of how this thing works it's our job to use our tongues and our voices to to proclaim this and to declare what the Lord has already decreed in the heavenlies are you keeping up with me okay good now this is important the Bible says now the Lord sitteth two-armed David he said the feminists come because Saul and his family are guilty of murder in the Gibeah look look at the word he used he said the famine has come and that's what happens in Deuteronomy chapter 28 flip quickly I'm gonna come back here but go to Deuteronomy 28 verse 45 King James Version I want to show you something Deuteronomy 28 verse 45 but we need to show you this again just by way of review how this thing works Deuteronomy 28 verse 25 King James Version it says moreover all these crushers are come upon thee and shall pursue thee and overtake thee till thou be destroyed this is the way the car these are the four stages of the curse the four stages of the curse number one it comes on youth number two it pursues you number three it overtakes you number four the purpose or the intent is to destroy you now let me show you how this works it comes on you normally want up when the curse I'm lands on you you have no idea you can go days weeks months years and you don't know it doesn't just show up and start work and it sits on you for a while and it begins to make adjustments on t it doesn't so suddenly that you think you just gone through a season or phase but the Bible says it comes on you then it pursues you you say well you if something happens in a relationship so you know what um this person is tripping I'm gonna just break the relationship but go somewhere else and you notice the same thing happens over here and thence the same thing happens over there they fire you from this job you or did you do anything wrong so you've got another job is that they tripping they fire you too everywhere you go you start paying attention there's one person in that place that doesn't like you and that one person holds sway and you're just thinking it's just a phase but what is done it what has done is come on you now it's pursuing you everywhere you go it wants to go with you the third thing is that it overtakes you or or better where the fetter is it takes over it takes over your life next thing you know nothing is working in that particular arena and if it spreads to other areas and you say madam those happen so yes I'm a tickler I'm gonna take a little break from from from people I might take a break from church I'm gonna take a break from God thing is all over your life and then finally you realize if I don't get some help this thing will destroy me you start having panic attacks you you and depression can't get out of the bed um you your money's funny every month something listen every month something breaks down alright what do you think you're gonna break even financially something rigs down the car breaks our refrigerator stopped working need a new washer and dryer it's always something am i preaching to anybody yet this is the progression of the curse and that's why I'm here and that's why I'm up here um in in tennis shoes on a Sunday morning teaching you this now I want to I'm gonna give you a lot of information and the purpose today is not to have a church service if you want if you want fast food church this is not the place cuz my intent is to get us free anybody want to get free you in the right house because they said we got some time for some listen our deliveries is all school but I believe it the Bible says there is a doctrine called the doctrine of laying on of hands and the Bible says listen and when we put all on you just understand is that but people say all is it's symbolic of the Holy Spirit that is not in the scriptures the scriptures I'm typify the Holy Spirit has flowing water as running water the oil is symbolic olive oil is symbolic of the finished work of Jesus Christ when you squeeze a olive a white fluid comes up when you crush it oil comes out Jesus was crushed on our behalf and so he's represented by the by the oil when you put oil on your hand and you say in the name of Jesus what you're saying is is that I in full invoke or enforce the finished work of Jesus Christ upon your life alright now so so this is important go back now to seconds or samuel chapter 21 I want to pick this up and show you what we're dealing with so the Bible says now the New Living Translation that this whole thing was about to give us it says um so the King summoned the Gibeonites they were not part of Israel but were all that was left of the nation of the Emirates the people of Israel has sworn he is sworn an oath not to kill them but Saul in his zeal for Israel playing to his base understanding his base was kirby's praying his base is zeal for Israel and Judah had tried to wipe them out exterminate a whole people group and the Bible says because of that he brought a curse now let me tell you something I lived in Germany for five years I live in Germany for five years Germany used to be a great nation back in the day but because of what Hitler tried to do to the Jews when I was living there the Jew that the Germans were an oppressed people not oppressed because they weren't loved by the occupying armies but by the fact that they were occupying armies governing their land we walked around Germany like we owned it they did most of the mostly Germans love this was some of the young ones they despised us for being there the American soldiers on we had to be trained of how to carry ourselves on the German economy the downtown I'm downtown Germany in the different cities and they were like that because one of their one of their leaders had decided the same thing to exterminate a people he tried to kill a whole people group and when he did that he brought a curse on the land and that curse is just lifting after all these years and I'm gonna tell you how the curse lifted the same way that this curse got lifted from Israel now watch this the Bible says he tried to wipe them I look at verse 3 verse 3 says David asked them history says what can I do for you he said how can I make amends so that you not God so that you will bless the Lord people again in his crazy David is speaking to the remainder of the remnant of a nation named emer eyes who weren't blessed they were not a blessed people Israel was a blessed people but because of what Saul did the curse was given an open door to come in Russia it came it pursued it overtook and now it was seeking to destroy their crops 3 there were three years into the destruction and so David said to them watch this now he said I understand that the way the only record break this curse is to get you who we wronged to speak a blessing over us so David and I was bartering for the blessing he's negotiating with them because David was like man if I could do it I just go offer a sacrifice notice David did not try to go off for sacrifice to the Lord he realized that the people who were wrong are the only people who could lift the curse that is why Jesus says when anyone blesses you your job is not to curse them but what anybody curses you rather your job is not to curse them back but to bless them here's why because once all Satan was his open door and I'm assure you the scripture today that many times up he comes he allowed people who are human just like you who are flawed just like you who get it wrong just like you do he would allow them to do things to you to things that are wrong he allowed him to hurt you well since now he provoked them to do it hoping that you would use your God stance your God position to speak an imprecation or curse upon them because once you curse them you can't bring it to pass but demons now get involved and the demons try to hurt their lives and God is so invested in in blessing his people and blessing people in general that he's saying even if someone speaks ill of you I don't want you speaking ill of them I don't want you cursing them because when you crush them watch this now when you say like this if a person speaks of blessing over you and you know who you are and you understand what the word of the Lord has decreed concerning you and you can declare the decree that curse will do you look good it has no place to land but if you open your mouth because they just cursed you based on on Genesis chapter 12 God told Abraham remember now we are partakers of the blessing of Abraham and God tells Abraham I will bless those that bless you and I will curse those that curse you the only way to stop them from being cursed is if you open your mouth and bless them before the curse lands so I want them curse that you'll even understand how this works because once you start cursing people once you start putting yourself in the position as a courser now God sees you as a person that isn't of no benefit to the kingdom our job is to advance the kingdom not to give Satan an open door thank you for this 50 Hank laughter I will show you this so says David stacks what can I do for you how can I make amends so that you will bless the lost people again look at verse 4 he said well money can't settle this matter between us and the family of Saul that's what they said you can't pay us enough money neither can we demand a lot the life of anyone in Israel in other words he says are we the position we're in we're living under curse so we can't demand the life of a blessed person he said David said what can we do just tell me what and I will do it say it I'll do it then they replied it was Saul who planned to destroy us to keep us from having any place at all in the territory of Israel over six so let's seven of Saul's sons be handed over to us and we were actually Akutan before the Lord get beyond on the mountain of the Lord and David said all right I will do it and the next verse says the King spared Johnson's son mephibosheth who were Saul's grandson because of the oath David and Jonathan s were together before the Lord and so now the oath that David metre to Jonathan he said I can't violate if I find that old I'm bringing a curse on me so what David did is Davis said everyone is fair game except mephibosheth and David offer two of Saul's biological sons and five of his grandsons and they hung him up before the Lord and the Bible says and the curse was stayed translation he stopped the curse someone had to be hung on a tree to stop the curse Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us and what happened was the seven sons of Saul two biological sons and five grandsons became the curse so that Israel could be delivered from this curse of famine how many of you understand how this works I'm showing you this picture for you to understand what the enemy is up to now I'm going to talk to you about your life in just a second but the enemy is trying to do with you and what he's done with you is that he understands that you receive stuff right now you're fighting your daddy's demons and what that means is iniquity flow through your blood and from your parents to you you have some of your parents ways and and some of your parents sins are in your DNA but you have to understand before you're really hard on your parents that they got it from their parents and from there all the way back to Adam so you can't blame people for not my parents my father gave me this addiction mother no no he got it from somewhere too but do you have the right now in Christ that you could break this thing you must understand why Satan is using it okay so I want to go back and give you some some history real quick we go to Genesis chapter 3 verse 14 if I'm going too fast a pastor slow down because I've got to get a lot into you today you good you are anybody have I lost anybody okay good here we go in Genesis chapter 3 verse 14 I want to explain to you that that there was no curse in the earth before Adam sinned and so understand now that the cause the Bible says does the curse without cost cannot rely without without if you deserve it it doesn't come so what Satan does is a second tries to get you to sin earlier in Genesis 3 he tricked Eve he couldn't curse them they were already blessed they walk around the garden blessed and so he he took on the form of a servant he approaches even a tree you know the story and he talks into he shows all the logic of sinning against God the logic of opening the door to sin and when she did the Bible says later on you know what happened but in this verse the Bible says then the Lord God said to the serpent because you have done this you are cursed this is the first time the word curse is used any way scripture the Hebrew word a rock or rock it simply means a word spoken to bring evil to bring to bring our decline in the grand degradation a word spoken of us over something to prophesy a unsuccessful future he says now because he told a serpent because you have done this your curse more than all animals domestic and wild you are crawling your belly from this now we understand that snakes did not always crawl on the ground we understand that what we know of the serpent today is the product of the curse that God spoke in the servants you crawl on your belly groveling in the dust as you live the groveling of the serpent going through the dust is a visitor there are the direct result of God speaking of curse on the serpent so we don't know what the serpent did before but we know it was in trees for all we know it had wings you got it but the curse robbed it of ability to be anything else but a dust groveler look at verse 15 and I will cause hostility between you and the woman and between your offering offspring her offspring he will strike your head and you will strike his heel over 16 then he to the woman I was sharpening the pain of your pregnancy and in pain you give birth all of these are curses spoken okay in pain you give birth and you would decide to control your husband let me slow down a little bit here hey Buster this is the curse say that louder say this is the curse I didn't hear you ladies say this is the curse he said that you will desire to control your husband but he will rule over you no mango chamber to do that's the curse look at verse 17 and so the man he said since you listen to your wife and ate from the tree who whose fool I commanded you not to eat the ground is cursed because of you notice now he never crushed the woman he never crushed the man he cursed childbearing and he cursed watches now there were little relationships but he never cursed her he never cursed a man he said to the man he said the ground is cursed because of you and your life I said all you like you a struggle to scratch a living from it so he put the curse on the man's ability to make a living but the man was not cursed but because the so now because the curse is in the earth Satan now understands that he got the ground cursed he himself was cursed or you got a certain curl actually he got the heck on the door a change in the way the woman delivers the way the met the man interacts with the ground and so now he's going for broke he realizes that he could tempt people and through temptation the curse could spread and so he starts to use temptation as an open door to get the curse into people's life and I think that we don't understand that about the curse is that the curse is intended to bring I'm sorry the temptation is intended to bring the curse into your life when Israel was going through the wilderness to the promised land the Bible says that Moses commanded them he says when you get when you cross the Jordan River you get into the Promised Land he said there would be two mountains west of the Jordan he said that mountain are called Gerizim and iBall get him an eyeball he said when you get there he said when you take half the tribes six of them and put him on top of the mountain gears him take the other half of the tribes put them on the mountain called eyeball he put the blessing on gears him the curses an eyeball and have them read or shout the curses across the way to each other and the blessing is across to each other while the priests and the people stand in the middle what was he doing he was saying to them that what is that if your life is going a certain way and you find that it is hard and difficult and it seems like there's patterns of failure and defeat and you seem for lack of a better term unlucky it seemed like nothing works out for you he said it's not the will of God for you if you read Deuteronomy 28 verses 15 through 68-54 verses heads what he said he said these these curses they will come upon you and overtake you he says that you find yourself in a situation with curses upon your life he said turn the other way because Gerizim is one way Evon is another way if you stand on the side of curse then go over to the side of the blessing many of us right now are so addicted to comfort addicted to ease we don't know how to deal with our own souls so what we end up doing is we will do anything to make sure we feel good everything I mean in your life is my feeling and why you're giving in to your feelings and telling yourself yes the things that are out of bounds what you're doing is opening the door to cursing thank you for this 25 hand class even y'all don't hear me or you always smell bound is your if it jars on the floor pick it up because we got more to go understand this now the symptoms of the curse our founder we cover them get the arm the take the Bible study say from Wednesday we are us in the bookstore um it's going to be is going to bless you there's so much information I can't get to it now but this is an important understanding that we need to have about how this works not good at go to John chapter 10 in verse 10 understand me when I tell you that Satan comes when he comes in to your life the purpose of the curse mister Esther is to do three things now um you know the progression of the curse it comes upon you it arm pursues you it overtakes you and the purpose is to destroy you it comes upon you it pursues you it overtakes your takes over your life with the intent of did come on the intent of what now look at this this is no question s it says the thief's purpose Satan it's to steal and kill and ultimately what it's the same thing it's the same thing to understand when Satan comes to you whenever he tempts you to do anything the purpose of the temptation is to open the door listen to me thieves don't pick unlocked doors whether I just say say back to me they don't when when a thief when a burglar wants to get into a house of the doors open he'll go in if you give he knows how to pick a lock he pick a lock his arm double lot um it's got to secure it up on top of you may kick the door in but if the doors open he will go in if the door is closed to him if the door isn't locked to him he has to find a way in he may even trick you dressed in a uniform person pretend to be somebody else so you could let him in the purpose of the temptation is a second ones to get in and when he gets in his three full purpose purpose is to steal to kill and destroy his intent is watches now he won't he desires to steal your dreams kill your passion and destroy your purpose on the earth what he wants to do when he gets done with you yes you may be indulging yourself in this thing that you gave yourself to but after why is gonna drain you it's gonna SAP you it's gonna blind you it's gonna definitely your heart will become over overcasting and hardened and all of a sudden God can't do anything for you because you open the door and I want I want to show you this and I think it's gonna help you the purpose of temptation is to give the enemy a legal right to come into our lives to steal kill and destroy the purpose of temptation is to give the enemy a legal right that remember our curses are legal remember in proverbs 26 and 2 it says the curse without cause without legal cause the curse cannot land in your life now could I take a poll real quickly how many of you surpassed you know what since you've been doing this since we been doing this series um I've kind of diagnosed that the disappears in my life where I see the cursor or put your hand if you see the curse Network put your hand up or Jana put up I need to see you I really okay now I'm gonna take this right now here's something I need you to learn deliverance when to be delivered from the things we talked about this is rubber meet the road kind of stuff this ain't just Church stuff this is just you coming to church on here and a good one ago instead we had a good word today this is some stuff had to be breaking up broken off your life I had a woman that worked for me she's much she's my chief financial officer she had four husbands okay and when it's just hearing that you already judged her that's what Christians do but what you don't know is there was a curse worked on her life her first two husbands died inexplicably third husband was a drunken abuser she's married to the fourth one now I'm not speaking anything about I'm just telling you that when you see those patterns that that's that's the product of a curse but it's crazy that when he if you knew this person she was highly developed in what she did she was super super intelligent at what she is smart very very very um what's the word when a person is a people person very very friendly and and she attracted people I mean you when you met her used to loved her and you would not know that that curse was working in the undercurrent in her life so you could be successful in one area and totally broken in another and what Satan understands is hitless a to understand Satan understands that as long as he can has this door open in your life even your successes will be painful give me your successes now here's what I want to work with this because I think that we need to listen sets a team I say the Lord Jesus has paid for my freedom we need to get that out there now but go to first Peter chapter 5 and verse 8 first Peter chapter 5 and verse date everybody reads out loud ready read stay alert watch out for your great enemy the devil he prowls around why does he have to look for someone to devour why why is he not indiscriminately just devouring anybody have you ever asked that question why is it that he's just yesterday look for people he goes on your row and he's growing down look what is he doing well can I give you this so before you came to church this week all through the week he has assigned demons to your life to tempt you with certain things the temptation was not actually the thing and we'll show you the script you today some time is not about and even some of you your temptation came in a different disguise your temptation came because someone else failed your temptation came because someone else messed up your temptation came because you deal with someone else's mess and you'd even know you were being tempted so what he would do his with enemy will do hell listen please hear your pastor if you've never listened to me before trust me that the Lord is giving me this message for this hour from the time I start talking about the belief system and when the belief system to be informed this is what God was leading up to God was systematically trying to try to unlock you from the path that you're on understanding not only is it affecting you but it's trying to get all your kids now one part of the curse when you go through the 12 hour symptoms of a curse one of them is you won't even recognize raisin love when you get to a certain age you will recognize them because the enemy will snatch them and make them into other people with addictions and and different kind of things they'll disrespect you I tell you you ain't got nothing for me so you've got to get a hold of this don't sit back and be passive about this be aggressive if you don't understand except father I got to get this you need everybody I need this yes we do he said stay alert watch out your offer your great enemy of the devil he's looking for someone to devour and the way he does it he'll come he'll tempt you and when you if you say nah I won't do it and like just now I'm not gonna do that the enemy now he will come and try different ways that he tried three different angles with Jesus and each time Jesus said no I'm not gonna do it and the enemy went away from him for season that's what he will do you you drag different angles when he can't get in then he'll leave for season and sometimes he would even leave you alone in the area for good I used to be addicted to all kind had nine different drugs that if I could get my hands on them I'll be fine one of them was marijuana or hashish okay now depending what continent was wrong it was hash in Europe and it was in the Virgin Islands and the United States it was marijuana I never had after I was born again the Lord delivered me auntie watches now the other day the enemy comes to me and he says and I'm sitting there chilling I'm going through my social media page and I saw this thing make money with legal marijuana and the enemy says to me it's legal now I mean I could be legal and still wrong here's what my response was ha I see you as I told never I said I remember when you had me afraid to leave the house I get high and get so paranoid out I'll be sitting there in the dark with my gun I told the devil you had me before listen I was sitting up I'll sit on the bus stop on Biscayne Boulevard waiting for the bus to come and the bus will cut me so full you know I would be like oh I can't get on that bus too many people don't laugh you should do it to get high and get paranoid I told the devil you'll never get me there again I said you better go about your business because I'm not the one now what he does he could find somebody else watch it's not but if you wanted people say well I don't know I think I might know he'll keep circling your little location until he gets a way in cuz this is he's seeking someone to do what that same word devoured deals with the same thing is destroyed now look at this in 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 the lip of chapter 2 verse 11 second Christmas - and verse 11 give give me on King James cause it's a word I'm looking for everybody read this out loud whether to say let's say and share huh let's do it together one more time all together lest Satan should get an advantage of us for we are not sinners what advantage the word advantage is a powerful word it means he gets the upper hand it means that once when a person is playing from a position of strength it's hard to beat him it's hard to beat a person playing for a position of strength and so the Bible says we paused it's telling the church he said let's be careful how we handle a situation and he was dealing with a guy had done something wrong he said but if we don't handle this guy right we can give Cygnet advantage over us he said because listen we didn't we're not ignorant we're not deceived as to how he operates and I fear that in the body of Christ today all of us who've been in church a long time still don't know the devil operates let me show you this the enemy is adamant about building a case against you listen to me I'm not I'm not saying it to scare you but at the end of this I want you to understand when God commands you to do something Gus is like this is what I want you to do don't just look at it like well you know I don't we're not under the law no no no we're not under the law we're under grace but I'm gonna show you something God still bless his obedience and His blessing comes to grace in under the New Covenant obedience is my response of faith my disobedience opens the door when God says to me bless those that curse you he's not giving me the option we caught the high road take the high road is more than the high road what I'm doing is because when I keep saying I'm gonna take the high road and you think you're doing them a favor no you'll do yourself a favor when you take the high road you keep the door closed so watch this now it's one thing for a person to hurt you and provoke you to speak ill or to respond in your flesh against them to be disobedient to the word and then the enemy comes into the situation and he sneaks the curse in long after they encounter you don't even a curse came until you move to another place or to another season I realized the saying weird stuff is happening start noticing the same weird patterns it comes it pursues you then that's there no nothing you do turn out right you're working so hard you giving you do whatever God says and it still seemed like your life is in a hard place this the two things you need to do two things that you and I we need to do to assure ourselves that we apartment with God against this thing that signal Eagle II tries to impose upon our lives number one you have to emphasize your blessed state you have this thing about gosh I'm blessed that's wonderful and it's and it's great when you put the IDI on the end as a correct spelling of that for social media purposes but to say I'm blessed and not know what it means it's ignorance so when you say I'm blessed I want to walk you through this river quickly and I got a little bit of time I want to walk you through this put on the screen for me of Ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 I just want us to think I look at some things real fast Ephesians chapter 1 and verse 3 it says all praise to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are what now when you go to the King James I found something suspicious in the King James it says blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ it says he's blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places the word all is the greek word poss pas and it means the whole pie but not just a whole pie but every little piece of the pie and the crumbs that fall from it so he says that God has given us over the top supernatural blessing and it says but then heavenly places don't don't let that bother you you don't have to get to heaven to give them it's saying that they're stored in heavenly places where they cannot be corrupted where they cannot be attacked and on demand that's a good term on demand they will come from heaven to earth James 1 and 17 says it fritter James 1:17 real quickly it's not in my nose but I believe that's why I want to go real quick James 1:17 every good gift and every perfect gift is from where above and Hesburgh says and it cometh down from the Father of lights with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning give me the other passion translation real fast the passionate translation every good gift freely every good gift God freely gives us it's good and perfect streaming down from the Father of lights who shines from the heavens with no hidden shadow or no darkness and it's never subject to change what is saying is is that I'm blessed with all our blessings in heavenly places but on demand I could get them from God I could go I could talk to God and say father I need so so I need this and it will come down to me so I'm ever sad I'm blessed but my blessed position is in Christ now some of you watch the stream last week but I need four men real quick performing come quickly for up here for men come come come I need four men come here let's do right here come you wanna form a circle facing in joint hands around me form a circle facing in okay now watch this so let me step out for a minute so here's the thing so in Christ many times when we in being a Christian it seems so limiting you have boundaries and benchmarks that God wants from you but in this position right here you're blessed let me show you something see the thing is a separate could move let's go this way where if I go the blessing follows me surely goodness and mercy shall follow orders what's this I mean bounced where the enemy does he stands outside the circle and history says to you he says to you he says don't you want to be more free don't you an experiment and so now you live in your life instead of enjoying the blessing in the Lord you live in your life looking at the bounds your whole life is spent looking out of bounds now you to the point now war where God is not try to keep you in the blessing but you looking at that side because he's setting his disguise the curse he's advertising he's marketing grab my arm each one of you up is off so now watch this I decided God let me I got I'm gonna get out here because I'm on the Grace and hold me out of bounds now I'm out here I'm not in the circle anymore but you won't let me go but so far understanding it will literally destroy me and so wherever I go he what he was eating was just he let me go into certain things so I go get these weird relationships and do dumb stuff and watch this and I get in trouble but he still got me he understands if he ever lets me go the enemy's in game is to kill my purpose Lister he was killed my passion steal my dreams destroy him I pray he want to kill me so god holds on to me and there's something devastating slap in the face and I run back to God clothes again and God says I need you to understand you cannot play around out of bounds all that you need is in here everything you need all that you need is in Christ you don't have to guard foot you need a hug I got husband's and been here you use I have no money Gus I got good money money they were coming you and bring no sorrow with it okay give a lot of hair for the demonstrators a picture's worth a thousand words I've got to emphasize my blessed state say that out loud go to go to Ephesians chapter I'm sorry Galatians chapter three verse on three real quick with your lessons three verses 13 relations 3 verse 13 method you know what up to verse 6 let me do this real fast you're good so Abraham so also abraham believed god and it was credited to him as righteousness what it means is but this scripture is saying that abraham did not do anything particularly right at a time but when he believed what God said if you believe what I just showed you it's credited to you God marks you that in heaven as a righteous person what does it do it gives them an excuse to bless you look at verse 7 understand then that those who have faith are children of Abraham you are his descendants why will God call you children of Abraham you a grown man grown woman but what God is doing he's working this DNA system he's working his genetic thing because what he understands his buddy understand is that things passed down according to the way he planned it genetically if I said genetically the curse that's working in some of your lives came to you genetically you can't keep a relationship but you know what you saw it in your family your mama your aunties your grandma no none of them your daddy it came down the line and you said I'd never be that and you try and guess what look at yourself now you see me in the same thing and you thought you were better than them so it's what God did God flipped it and God made us everything is genetic you were the children Abraham look at verse 8 he says scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith and by the way if you're not a Jew you are a Gentile and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham he says all nations are ethnos or ethnic groups will be blessed through you every ethnic group there's only one human race he said but every ethnic group will be blessed through you look at this so those who rely on faith are what come on those who rely on faith or work blessed along with Abraham the man of faith not just blessed you're blessed along with Abraham why is that critical because when you see with blessing that God gave to Abraham you have to understand him he belong to Abraham it belongs to you say that Allah say they belong to Abraham it belongs to me look at verse 10 verse 10 says for all who rely on the works of the law are under a curse if you depend on yourself so I'm just gonna please God and God owed to me it doesn't work like that no he says he says if you rely on the works of the law and don't rely on Christ he says you are under a curse now who let me translate Satan doesn't even try to find our way in the fact that you won't trust Jesus and you trust yourself that's his way in everything you do is subject to the curse even your worship knows how many people are walking away from the church because they came because we preached in law for so long that we have the entire body on the curse there's some conferences that they won't invite me to because i preach grace not for real major conferences they would invite me to the circles I run with or the people have a revelation they say you know what heat this man who got a revelation of the New Covenant and he will invite invite me in to teach you are here because I teach grace it's a new covenant let me show you something Esme says as it is written cursed now this is this is how the curse works for all who rely on the works of the law are under the curse as it is written cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything say that word it is the same Greek word pass as the word all blessings pass not just the pie but the slices and even the crumbs that fall from it so it says if I don't do every little thing 613 commands in the law 613 then it's not possible for you to do them all you don't even know them all you can eat there's not a person in here right now like a stand up and from memory quote the Ten Commandments not one someone did some I just want the Exodus you don't even know where there's an exodus so and that's only that's the Decalogue that's not even the 613 there's just 10 of them that's 10 so here's what it says crushes anyone who does not do or does not continue to do everything written in the book of the law look at verse 11 clearly no one who relies on the law is justified the same word justifies righteous before God because the righteous will live by what look at verse 12 verse 12 says this the law is not based on faith on the contrary it says the person who does these things will live by them in other words give me New Living Translation I know there was reading kind of weird yeah they go there you go go to verse 12 again I need verse 12 this way of faith is very different from the way of law which says it is through being the law that a person has life look over the verse 13 but Christ has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the law and I've been saying this in the beginning I want to keep us in your ear when he was hauling the cross he took upon himself the curse for our wrongdoing the curse for our wrongdoing for it is written in the scriptures crushes everyone who's hung on a tree legally look at verse 14 and this is this happening it says through Christ God has blessed the Gentiles with the same blessing if I said the same blessing same blessing he promised to Abraham now go to Genesis 12 real quick just this 12 verse 1 just want to catch you up on this before we flip to the next part Genesis 12 and verse 1 the Lord has said to Abraham leave your native country your relatives and your father's family and go to the land that I will show you verse 2 I will make you a great nation I will bless you I will make you famous and you will be what you now here's the thing so it when even a person cursed you your car your positioning is not cursing you are not anointed to curse and I said it's the passes all the time don't just curse for if you folk will leave your churches you don't curse them don't just curse them when they need cursing when they come in you know it's just actual say well the first time visitors when there isn't he said cursed shall you be in the city they're cursing all the ways that they know what they're getting but if you bless them coming and in this side it's time from the lead you cannot curse them you will never hear me stay here in this pulpit you may even discern some things but you'll never hear me stand here cuz anybody going at this door it's not what I'm called to do it's not what you call to do God said I will bless you and make you famous and you'll be a blessing to others and then verse three here's the blessing got part of you guys I will bless those who bless you give me King James can I want him to see something and I will bless them that bless thee and do what cursed him that would curse thee and indeed to all the families of the earth be blessed watch this let's say in the body of Christ someone hurts sure I will share this with you this is just a little review somebody hurts you in the body of Christ and they curse you when they curse you God says watch this not I won't suspend the blessing till you get that right but if you turn around and curse them back remember they still belong to Christ so that so even though they crush you if you curse them this works against you too honey just understand what I just said in other words no matter what they do to you you cannot write them off because they belong to Abraham just they belong they belong to Christ or they have the blessing of Abraham just like you do okay so my first y'all got it yeah love me my time is up all right so so now I try there's two things you have to do here's the second one so number one is emphasize your bless state you learn all you can about the blessing of the Lord on your life nor to treat temptation like the thief is standing at the door and I want I want to close out with this part of it Saints listen to what about this I'm going to show you in the scripture that they're people right now going through hardship in your life and the enemy is far has found a way into your life through the other person's problem it's true I'm gonna show you put on the screen from a Galatians chapter 6 verse 1 I want to show you a little subtle part of a scripture it says dear brothers and sisters if another believer is overcome by some sin you who are godly should gently what is now and humbly do what help that person back unto the right path now what say but look at me we quote that a lot and we leave out the last part has what he said and be careful not to fall into the same temptation give me King James head of the King James says it says considering thyself lest thou also be tempted what does that mean let me tell you what it means when the temptation in something sometimes when the temptation comes what you see in the person's life isn't wasn't the temptation that's the weight manifested I want to show you I want to present a case to you yes this is an honest about legalities I remember you know when you deal with the curses about legalities the legalities of God the Keaveney courtroom that's what it's about so there's a story that we all know in John chapter 8 but we don't actually write questions right so the scripture here says when a person's overcoming a sin it says your job is to bless her as iris or store a repair of the bridge get him back on the right path don't kill him don't throw away just just the word in the Greek means to restore or reset the bone like a dislocated joint put the bone back in the joint us what it means um the same word is used for fisherman's nip when you have your net is broken men just men to take a minute mending it get it strong again and then go back fishing again the purpose is not to throw away people it's to mend them is to reset them he said but why you're sitting there mending the net be careful watch this now that the net doesn't cut you cuz the net is suffering from a cut or breakage make sure it doesn't break your skin why are you stirring people and they telling you their situation make sure your soul is good so the aim is and use what he's saying or what is Evers on them to get on you well since now it could be the person end up in a situation because they judge someone and then the enemy that opened the door to the cursed and enemy came to him them now they did something wrong and now here you are not knowing that that thing they in started with a judgment they just someone not had you sitting there judging them he said be careful when you go and go easy be gentle and be humble looking at yourself making sure you understand I am vulnerable to everybody I am vulnerable to so I want I'm a ticket to a story you know give it to me in the King James in John chapter 8 I want to show you something you know the story Jesus went unto the Mount of Olives keep rolling are we ready yeah and early in the morning he came again into the temple and the people came unto Him and sat down and he taught them so there's a crowd of people in the court of women or the court of the Gentiles in the temple they're out there in the cobblestone and out in the open air in Solomon's porch where we call it and the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery now what happens to us because we are so intimidating on stories and and things that you know I mean we we a tabloid oriented so what catches our attention is that he's teaching and they brought him a woman who's caught taking in adultery the Bible says and when they're set in the myths verse 4 they sent your master this woman was taken in adultery so those that's four words in the which means that we don't notice it and said but for all intensive it snatched her up didn't and it did if they just luden they proudly and give her chance to put on clothes so now the story gets even more juicy and actually they're naked in church why the Lord is teaching people and always focused on is this woman but the next verse says they said now Moses in the law commanded us that such should be stoned but what sayst thou pay attention to verse 6 everybody really allowed this they said tempting him that they might have to do it remember I talked about the word accuse the if you look in the word accuse you see the word caused the curse without a cause cannot a light in other words if it doesn't have a place to land you just hover and when Jesus really wasn't going on and he said catch-22 because they were law of Moses did say he could stone her but the Roman law says he couldn't only wrong can execute crap capital judgment so what does he do we get so caught up in the fact she committed adultery Moses says she should die and what we miss is the Bible says the entire purpose of this whole thing this this was not about even him and her it wasn't watch this they said this they said tempting him everybody said was the temptation then it was tempting him because they were love watches now the devil was looking for way in when people come to you girl did you hear you don't even realize when people they bring other people's business to you it's not even about the other person's business but it sure would enemies trying to do is to get you to open your mouth and open the door and when you open the door watch this now and here's the crazy part and people say I never have anything to do with em again it's interesting here's the crazy part you don't realize that the moment that you speak on them the implication comes on you Mary comes on you you don't even know it then it pursues you then sometime on the road it takes over and cygnus so sneaky when it takes over your life you can't you've you've been forgotten you're like whatever happen what went wrong you don't even realize it was when the woman was brought to church the woman in church had the adulterous situation and they try to get you to make a judgement and you just willy-nilly just said anything what Jesus did he stood down with his finger and he rolled on the ground as though he heard them say those last words as though you know why he was waiting on God he was waiting on God ever I said that why here's what he understood he is the savior of the world one false move the whole thing is up in smoke he understands there's a lot riding on even on this right here so he was not quick he was gentle he was humble just by delicious success he said he knows his job is to restore making make a nervous and double-check me in the scripture no priest has ever been found pronouncing judgment on anyone [Music] the job of the high priest was to stand before God and the people he stood before God on behalf of the people and still in behalf of a god to the people he never won time the high priests never one time the priests have one time pronounced judgment of the people it's not in Scripture when the Bible says that you are priests or a priesthood it means that your job is to ask God for mercy for people listen to me when the scripture says that you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a royal priesthood the priesthood peace means that your job is to go ask God for mercy for people listen to this even the people that sinned against you can I ask something God so son of us God chose us God God so desperately love this person that instead of having them curse somebody as he hadn't cursed you why because he knows that you under his blessing and he wants you to speak a blessing on them I work it harder you responded but it's okay and I go home I'm gonna sleep anyway how many people have spoken ill of you cursed you said these things about you and you usually sir I just hope they say I hope they dad no no what about this what about you put yourself on the back burner and you say a godfather this hurts but I pray blessing so we had a guy imma tell you story up I had a guy you know I gate we have a gate of the ranch and um some time ago lightning struck him and messed it up and on us on a neighbor now I pay for the whole gate because we had a prowler over there and my neighbor had kiss for it was a very expensive gate I was a blessing to my neighbor so I won't put up a gate and not having to have one plus if I didn't put a gate on his place they have access through my place to his from his place say was to my benefit to put up a gate on both places so I put the gate so it has two entrances one to mine one two years when the power was knocked out they came the guy came he fixed my neighbor's gate and I'm not going to detail about why but he tried to do some craziness with mine so so we got into this big exchange with him as ugly little exchange and he when he put the old box back on he rigged it so this last time when we had a lightning strike again the Box went out again and the gate wasn't closed and I was driving at the gate going to church one day and I said God that dad going guy I said he did her perfectly and when I went to the Lord said bless and not curse that gate had stayed open for three days here with my words I pray that whatever he puts his hand to do prospers that you deal with him in a way of God he knows that you're real I pray his children be taught of the Lord and great shall be their peace I think that everything that pertains to him blesses him wasn't I said and God and he will open his heart that you deal with him and you shown that what he did to me wasn't right listen to this we could not even get a call into the gate repair people next day we come home the gate fixed he just the guy just the guy to fix the gate he showed up fix the gate the gate is working opening and closing fast and it did before and I didn't even think about it when someone it made me my wife reminded me you blessed me you didn't curse them do you know that when God says blessing that curse he's giving you the antidote to the sting he's giving you the antidote to the snakebite to the scorpion sting he's showing you the way and it doesn't feel good but it lifts you up so that when it happens again it won't hurt us badly and you'll be free and more importantly there will be no curse in the equation okay so I'm dead there's I'll do this one okay um so so right now you attempted this situation is pending you may be the situation is out of bounds right now the first John chapter 2 verse 1 you put it on the screen real quickly first John chapter 2 verse 1 this is my little children these things write I unto you that you sin not don't sin why cuz if you do you open the door it's bigger than you you can't close it with your hands and if the door you open is wronging someone especially when it comes to relationship be careful be careful with that because to close those doors is gonna it's gonna take more listen Doug sometime it's able to take a long time especially if you play around it and thinking I'm just my heart the heart ball wouldn't want you crazy heart is deceitful above all and desperately wicked even when you're born again you let yourself get up get out of bonds they correct you some place the past you present condemnation I'm not condemning you know I'm I'm I'm standing before you exposing your enemy and I'm gonna show you a picture of it in a minute it says if any of you if any man sin we have an advocate give me give me a New Living Translation New Living Translation says the same give me a different wrestlers I'm looking for a different word give me a passionate yet oh Lord in passion damn providers - there you go it says you my dear children I write these those these things to you so that you won't sin but if any does sin we continually have a forgiving Redeemer like that who is face to face with the father Jesus Christ the righteous one go to Romans chapter 8 verse 32 I want to give you these scriptures so you have a new initiative a shout out ammunition has been said since it says it says for God has proved this love by giving us his greatest treasure the gift of his son and since God freely offered him up as the sacrifice of us all he certainly won't withhold from us anything else he has to give look uh verse 33 verse 33 says who then would dare dare to use those whom God has chosen in his in in love to be his remember the word accused is the word cause the curse without cause he says who would accuse us who appointed that door said well that's the door that should be cursed it says listen he says God Himself is the judge who has issued his final verdict over them what's the verdict what's the verdict the verdict is not guilty so who's gonna fuse little kiddos the judge himself said we're not guilty look at verse 34 who then is left to condemn us certainly not Jesus The Anointed One for he gave his life for us and even more than that he has conquered death and is now risen exalted and enthrall that there at his right hand so how could he possibly condemn us since he is continually praying for our triumph in the way and he's not preeminent words he's praying with wounds [Music]
Channel: Pastor Hart Ramsey
Views: 14,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ramsey, Hart, NCC, Northview
Id: Y7BgYjBsNZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 39sec (4119 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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