Defiant Faith: Seeing Things Properly- Pastor Hart Ramsey, Sr.

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in the presence of the Lord I want to begin today put on the screen for me Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 I quoted it just now but I want you to see it I want to talk to you today from this topic of seeing things properly seeing things properly um in the assignment that we pastor ray and I are sharing this series and what we're doing is I am giving the I hate to use this term with the academic instruction concerning your faith in Ray is given the parabolic or instruction or the practical application of these things it is important that you understand that when you read the Bible the reason that God put up the fivefold ministry in the church is to make sure that nothing gets lost in translation um if you study history you'll find that there was a war between Rome and Greece Alexander the Great's people on when they first heard of the room was this little tribe of invaders called the Romans they laughed at them but the Romans actually beat them at war was interesting is that the Romans won the war but the Greeks won the culture war because everything in scripture or every language even when Rome was ruling the world the main language was Greek the Bible is written the New Testament is written in Greek and Greek is a beautiful language God determined that the Bible will be written in Hebrew Aramaic and Greek although the Romans spoke Latin I want you to stay with me because I want to inter on get some interpretation and get some understanding in your heart so that you could know that God is keeping his word whether you see you think it's coming to pass or not how many of you know God keeps his word all right so um what's worse rod you say we bring that canister in in my office I wanna show I wanna open that it's a little thing I want to use today so so in the scriptures um the first thing if you've ever heard faith taught um the fallacy or the arm the problem with how this is taught is that the first word in Hebrews 11 the one the word now is it's used or taught as an adjective so many of you have learned that um there's a difference between now faith and other kinds of faith but the word now in this verse is not an adjective it's not saying is not a word to describe faith it's not now faith what is happening in the writer of Hebrews has started this conversation actually in Hebrews chapter 10 verse 35 the whole book of Hebrews is about believing God or not believing God matter of fact the Bible speaks of the sin in Hebrews chapter I believe chapter 10 it talks about chapter 4 rather the sin that so easily besets us I'm sorry that's Hebrews chapter 12 the sinner so easily besets us and what is speaking of is the sin of unbelief everyone say the sin of unbelief so when we get to assert this certain section that he's talking about here it actually begins in verse 35 so back me up to Hebrews chapter 10 verse 35 and let's look at where this section on tee-off of teaching begins he says cast not away therefore your confidence which has great recompense of reward he begins this teaching on faith telling the Saints that you have to have confidence now here's what I want you to grab in the Greek that's what parrisha is a word that means boldness it means outspokenness it means brashness it means it means to have enough confidence in a situation where I speak it out you got it so the first thing if you're making notes I want you to get this if you are gonna live by faith you have got to be bold you cannot be timid you cannot be cares wide because when we get this talking about this issue of hope you have to understand that the enemy will attack your hope he will go after your hope because he understands listen to this the only reason that people give up in life is the loss of hope there's only one cause of suicide in regardless of who committed suicide or when or where or their circumstances there's only one thing it wasn't that he committed suicide could it because you were sad or he committed suicide cause he had no money no no people commit suicide when they lose hope when hope is gone and it and if the parents is the enemy gets them to believe that that tomorrow is gonna be just like the worst day they ever experienced the thought of living through such a painful experience over and over again causes people to do to themselves what Satan could do if it were Satan would rather if he could listen to about to say many were Satan would do he'll trick the person into harming themselves or to killing himself because he can't do it if he would he could but he can't so he said he disproportionately attacks your hope he goes after your hope you surpassed I don't understand his thing about hope see when you hear hope you hear wishing wishful thinking is not the same as hopeful living when I wish for something what I'm saying is it would be nice if that thing would happen that's the hope is different biblical hope there's a greek word elvis ELP is biblical hope means to get a picture in my mind of what my tomorrow looks like regardless of what today's it looks like so hope is always future forward there's always future thinking when god gives us hope what he's trying to do is get us to see a different picture than what we're experiencing today follow me because the enemy at I promise you if you are living if you're breathing if you're doing anything for God if your passion is for God the enemy right now that has attacked your home as a matter of fact check this out when you go through a faith test the part of your faith that the enemy attacks is the hope factor he wants you to give up he wants you to think that there's there's no sin that what was the use that's the question he want you to ask it doesn't matter so I don't matter you got it he wants you to think that God has abandoned you that is called hopelessness so he said the Bible says here cast not away therefore your confidence which has great recompense of reward in other words if the fact that you're bold the fact that you're outspoken the fact that you're willing to say what God has said about you he says it brings a reward with it and then look here's nobody says in verse 36 he says for you have need of patience the ability to wait things out so that after you've done the will of God after you've done what God wants after you've done what God wants say that after I've done what God said again out loud after I've uh-huh I might receive the promise now I'm going to tell you something about this thing about what God wants there's a trick to this and a short if you have fallen the Bible studies in Dothan there's a trick to this and and and I was in the time of wisdom when we started the fast and the Spirit of God spoke to me from Magic Chef Matthew chapter 3 verse 13 and he was talking about how on the enemy who tricked us into putting our needs before God's wants because what he's after he understands watch us now that if I put myself before God I'll never inherit the promised you the will of God that after I've done what God wants that's when the promise comes a whole right they were coming back to verse 36 go to Matthew chapter 3 verse 13 you real quickly Matthew chapter 3 and verse 13 I wanted to point this out this is just a caveat I've taught it before you're gonna hear it you've probably heard it on one of the tapes although all the CDs the Bible says then cometh Jesus to Galilee to Jordan give me a New Living Translation just with good traction he says Jesus went from Galilee to the Jordan River to be baptized by John now why did he go to be what to be baptized by John now that was the will of God that's what God wanted God wanted Jesus to be baptized by John because that was John's ministry jesus's baptism was not for repentance it was for ordination you got it now here's the Bible says then Jesus went from Galilee to Jordan to be baptized by John verse 14 but John tried to talk him out of it now what here's what John says he says I am the one who needs to be baptized by you now was it a proper saying when John recognizes their cousins John is six months older than Jesus but they're cousins and John knows who Jesus is this is this a savior the world is the son of God so when Jesus comes rushing out to fulfill the will of God what John says is he says I know what God wants he said but in this moment what I need is something from you be careful be careful when God chooses you for something and said this is my will for you that you stop putting your knees above God's wants for example you say well how can God use me to be a blessing when I need to be blessed how can God use me to help other people get free when I need to get free the bottom line is if the will of God is for you to stand in an office and do a your knees do not match up to God walk God wants got what God want is greater than what you need say that I lasted what God wants it's greater than what I need this is important for you to understand sir the Bible says he says them I'm the one who needs to be baptized about you so why are you coming to me here's what Jesus said in verse 15 he said it should be done for we must carry out all that God requires so if you read this in a Greek you said he simply said we've got to do what God wants now here's what happens John voices a need is there anyone in the room today with needs needs let me help you out whenever God wants to meet your need he will people he will ask you to put what he wants ahead of what you need and many times like like Octavia was testifying this morning you will say God I want your will for my life and immediately it doesn't get better what he will do is watch is that he will say to you God will say to you okay then give me what I want let me give a good example God God sends Elijah the Prophet to the widow of Zarephath God times it strategically he had commanded the widow to sustain Elijah God timed it strategically that when the widow was running out of food that's when the Prophet shows up the Prophet says to her Oh give me some of the drinking by the way why you while you're going bring bring me something to eat and she said well I don't have it enough to eat I have enough to make one cake and after that we gonna eat it and die and here's what he says he said I give I get it but baked me a cake first now here's the issue she needs food but God wants her to sustain the Prophet what is she going to do so what if she she decides you know what what I have to lose so she gives God what he wants and the Bible said the result was they ate many days and it says that that are on the flour and all the stuff that she needs to make food did not run out until the drought was over see how it works now what you say I won't you see what happens Jesus says to him it should be done we must carry out what God requires and so John agreed to baptize him looking for 16 and the Bible says after his baptism as Jesus came up the water here's what happened remember now now they put the what God wants ahead of what John needs and what happens is the Bible says when Jesus comes out of the water after they do the will of God heavens were opened Spirit of God moves like a dove set on him look at verse 17 and a voice from heaven three things happen when you put what God wants ahead of what you need the first thing that happens the heavens open number two the spirit begins to move number three God begins to speak your needs if had they done what John said he needed and and violated the will of God heaven would not have opened spirit it would not have moved and God would not have spoken and that's what happens to many of us it takes faith it takes faith to give God what he wants above what you think you need at the moment not him let me help you out the scripture says in four places now the just shall live by faith the just shall live by faith in the book of Habakkuk in the book of Romans the book of Galatians and in the book of Hebrews that just shall live by faith but how can you live by faith if you don't understand it how can you live by something you don't understand there are many there many people how many of you are gonna file taxes or have file your taxes already your file taxes already you're going to file your taxes you plan to file taxes you've never felt no okay so watch it so let me actually let me ask you this question so let me ask you this question so how many of you do your own taxes I said how many you can't do your own taxes now here's why I can't do my own taxes I don't understand it I understand a lot of things after I get to explain some Greek stuff to you some Hebrew stuff even some laughing I could go back and stand and explain etymology of words and how words are put together and and what God wants and but with taxes the tax code confuses me thoroughly so I pay an accountant good money to do my taxes for me and when he tries to explain stuff to me I pretend like I'll be going okay and you have a deduct over here and because this is depreciated here and walking okay what I sign cuz I don't know what you're talking about the terminology you got it how can you file your taxes if you don't do the poll how can you walk by faith if you don't understand how faith works so invariably you're gonna fail at it right now go back to Hebrews I want to show you this little addition to what we're talking about because in this room I me make for good reference it says now oh you have need of patience so after you've done what God wants you receive the promise wide because after I do what God wants heaven opens up the Spirit moves and God speaks heaven opens up the Spirit move and God speaks you know you don't ask you get it right so after I've done what God wants what happens then and then so okay now we're gonna do it again because I want you to get this making note of this this is how you wanna live when you're put in a position where you have to choose between what you need and what God what you're sure that God wants you're gonna choose to do what God wants because you understand it when I do what God wants when I give God what he wants one for example a good example if your brother sins against you I know what you think you need you think you need to understand it you think you need to revenge you think you need to make them pay but the Bible says you go to your brother and God wants you to go to your brother between you and him alone and settle the issue and try to reconcile the relationship that's what God wants now in the moment that based on the infraction I may need to get even I mean need to prove a point I may need to give him the silent treatment I may need to teach them a lesson but that's not what God wants I may need to get fokin off me he focusing they could do anything in me not everybody trying to be I'm gonna teach him a lesson I know I may need to go on the social media to express myself but what does God want because what if I give God what he wants three things are gonna happen number one what's gonna happen the heavens will open number two this spear is gonna move in in number three God is going to speak and sometimes when God speaks in this case he spoke to Jesus you got it but it may be God speaks to the person and get them to see what you could never get them see by doing what you thought you needed to do how many of you following this this is a critical part of living by faith giving God what he wants we have needed patience after we've done what God wants we see the promise look at verse 37 verse 37 he said for yet a little while and he that shall come will come and will not tarry he's speaking about the coming of the Lord he's speaking to dispersed um Hebrews that are traveling the world running from persecution look at verse 38 he says now the just shall live by faith said it out loud the just notice the word now begins the sentence so you know how people got certain things they say when they speak good things that they say I was listening too much to one of my teaching tastes and I I was fascinated by the amount of times I say um um um like I'm meditating you know I was fascinated by that um and as they watch this now and I said you know I'll do that these are things I say well the right of Hebrews over uses the word now it's just a part of the literary style so it has no designation as other that he's using it as a pivotal point so he when he changes toppings and now the just shall live by faith but if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him on watch night when I was teaching this I put it out that the words draw back is from the Greek word who Postell o who pastino is actually a nautical term that means to let the sail down he says the just shall live by faith as if I put my sail up and let the wind of God blow me where he wants me to go he says watch this not with any man lets his sail down God says there's nothing I can do for him the moment you let yourself and the moment my spirit can't drive your boat and give you direction and thrust he said if I can't do that he said I have no pleasure and you give me New Living Translation you were quickly I want to show you something that's what I think it's gonna help he says my righteous only by favor I take no pleasure in anyone who turns away in other words you turn away from the way I set up to to lead you you take your sail down you say no I can't trust guarded because he's not doing anything then moving on from there he C says I'm gonna verse 39 he says but none of them who draw back unto perdition the word perdition is a powerful world it means it means an episode that ends in destruction perdition is an episode that ends in destruction he said we're not like those who draw back onto this destruction but we love them who believe to the saving of the soul we trust now here's the question you may ask what aren't we saved yes you were born again but we are saved and being saved that's a question how many of you in the room said man I got something I need to be delivered for all right show him all the honest people don't know what I need to be delivered okay how many got something that be honest you got some things you need to be delivering but you don't want to be delivered from user in the name of Jesus but keep your hands up let's see who you are father in the name of Jesus right now I get it thank you for your honesty by the way now I pray that thing out you know I'm kidding you it's true I mean I don't want to be delivered from having an edge about me but I need to in some cases you see so it's talking about just um when we when we want my faith it's to the saving of the soul the first thing you need to know I think it's very practical about faith is that faith is not necessarily only for stuff we use faith to know God better we know we use faith to see and we're gonna we're gonna talk about this see in a minute because it's critical you said pastor what is it that God wants me to do with my life it is the number one question that I have been asked in this world as a minister what does God want me to do with my life and my question to them is can't you see if you could see you will know what God wants you to do but the problem is that's the reality most of us cannot see and it's not an indictment I'm not calling you I'm not insulting you calling you blind I'm just saying when it comes to you you can't see in amazing how we could see concerning other people she don't need there with her she she she and I don't like I think I don't like that makeup on we could see but we can't see ourselves you got it and so what happens is when it comes time for us to make a move we don't know what God wants us to do because we can't see us we can't see him concerning us we can't even see what he gave to us what are you gift things what are your strengths people would say things about you to say man he really gives an encouraging word but every time he will leave the pulpit he'll beat himself up saying I didn't do good today but people left blessed can't see ourselves and so the first thing about this thing about faith you have to understand is the faith is about me it's about God bringing me into this place it's about saving my soul looking for the next verse after verse 39 he pivots again and he says now faith is the substance of things hoped for he's changing topics again and this is where I want to kind of take my lesson from today and I got to maybe about 20 minutes to finish this faith is the substance of things hoped for I study Greek and um I don't like it it's a necessity occupational hazard every word in this verse means something but I want to show you the critical part of this because we're gonna cover a couple verses and I want to talk to you today really about the work things look at the word things so I wanted we're gonna read these scriptures we read three verses from the King James Bible and every time you see the word things I want you to amplify and say it louder can you do that so let's read together now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of not seen look at verse 2 it says for by it the elders obtained a good report verse 3 through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that which are seen were not made of which do appear for different times we see the word things for different times and each time it means something totally different I want to go back and choke my teachers to sleep at no time in all of the years I was studying to do what I do did anyone point out something so subtle and simple as the fact that each one of these words not only each one of these do word things has a different Greek word but they have different meaning and if I were to understand what they meant it had made faith easier so I wanna I want to start before we forget I started focusing on things I want to double take you another place go to Romans chapter 1 verse 20 and every time again you see the word things I want you to amplify it okay here we go Romans chapter 1 and verse 20 King James Version it says for the invisible of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that we are without excuse those two words things are also two different words from the four we just saw so there's six words that we just saw that translating English as things that in when a Greek reads this one a Greek personal reasons they're really totally different things tongues than what we see and you in fact it's not all that different because we look at English it's interesting in English for example um a theme can be anything from an object to a device to a - to a whatchamacallit or doohickey a thingamajig um you know a we call I say uh sit on the thing or bring me the thing and and it depends who I'm pointing and if my kids know me well enough I say um I'm sitting there I want to change channels and where's my thing what am I asking for so my kids know dad is looking for the thing and they will bring me the remote control and then and I have when I sit on the car to have a certain pillar I like to use and the tillers not there because they were playing with us and where's my thing and I point them back in my head and Engler to bring me little pillow you know and sometimes you know that the kids will come fighting and he took my thing what thing are we talking about you know and they talk to each other they have exchange I'm like what thing the thing you gave me for Christmas where I give you like three or four things what what do you see how it works that the word think be used so much that if you're not clear on what a thing is so when the Lord speaks to us in the language of faith and he used the term things we walk away thinking that we know what the thing is so go back to Hebrews chapter 11 verse one I want to walk you through something let me see can I do this without messing up now faith is the substance of elpizo the evidence of pragma not seen look at verse 3 good anniversary through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that blippo were not made a fait no and you have absolutely no idea what I just said welcome to the club of the clueless now here's the crazy part you see what I just did right there and you said what are you talking about that's how you walk by faith but the Bible says to just hasn't we have no other track to run on we have nothing wicked we can't live any other kind of way God says if you're not living by faith and you want my people you say you're in trouble because once I claim you as my own watches now everything you do can bring about amazing tremendous change and shift of the balance of power and sake knows it if you don't know it you in trouble so you're gonna about doing good things and your good works are shining or for people to see and you're thinking I just gets fulfilled or fulfilled this ain't about your fulfillment it wasn't about your need when I do what the Bible tells me I'm doing God wants and when I do it God wants the heavens open the spirit moves and God and Satan does not want the heavens and the spirit and God he doesn't want it so he has to stop you how does he do it he goes after your hope go back to verse 1 I want to show you something real quick it says faith is the substance of what of things hope for watch this now so if I'm not hoping for anything I can't have faith faith gives substance to things I hope for a pizza and agree what it means this watch is now in psalm 119 verse 49 this can be slow interesting try to teach this class right here right now on a Sunday morning go watch this read this out loud ready go remember the word unto thy upon which thou has upon which that was work here's what David says he says Lord remember the word that you spoke to me that created hope on the inside of me what you said to me gave me what what said again what you said to me gave me what go to Roman's 15 verse 4 I want to show you something keep staying with me follow me we're close I want to show you something your big issue right now is not that you don't have faith is that you don't have hope I'm gonna need y'all to stop talking what I'm teaching I'm gonna need y'all to stop I'm not gonna point you out about immediate I need y'all stop it's disrespectful thank you so much okay no no this is no game people should be these people's lives ain't that important yeah here we go so watch this now it says for whatever things were written aforetime were written for our what for that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures may have what look at New Living Translation here's what it says New Living Translation says this such things were written in the scriptures long ago to teach us and the scriptures give us what the scriptures give us work so the lushest now I got to read the Bible faith comes by hearing hearing by the Word of God but what you don't understand is I don't necessarily get faith from the scriptures when I get from the scriptures is what and how much does my faith gives substance to the thing I hope for what hope is we call it vision but hope is a picture of the future God has to me it's a picture of God's version of my story and there's a thing in scripture called the great hope of the Blessed hope that is the hope that crosses the timeline just now from from the the finite world into the infinite into the into eternity so the blessed hope means I'm looking for Jesus to come again but but beyond that he's gonna take me out of this limited time realm into a room where there is no time where I live forever that's the Blessed hope and the Bible says his watch is not and he that had that hope in him purifies himself even as Jesus is pure in other it changes the way I live it changed the way I think it changed the way I see y'all follow me on this now but on to verse 13 he bromans 15 verse 13 he says I pray that God the source of what notice he calls God the source of hope when I'm running out of home I hope get slow I've got to go to the Lord and specifically I got to go through the word of the Lord because the scripture is what gives me hope it extends my view it gets me out of the darkness it shows me the possibility the guy has up front but in my future for me and here's the wonderful part about this once I have hope all I got to do is cling to it but I wouldn't cling to it I claimed him I hope by speaking it I claim time I hope by doing in a quarters with it I will look at verse 9 with me I remember I was poor like dirt poor God call me to start churches and so what I would do is I would I was clinging to my money I said I can't just be giving my money with cuz I don't have a whole lot and I preacher asks a question he said if you were down to your last like the widow he's using the widow with the two mites he said would you do it and I've made a joke I said I'll only give one I thought it was funny I give one ha ha ha he didn't laugh he said partial obedience is disobedience he said the Spirit of God asked you for both of them is for a reason I said but I walk away with nothing here was his response so you think that if you walked away from with nothing from giving to God God doesn't have a way to that challenge and the several others that God gave me caused me to get to the place where I decided come hell or high water if God says if God says he wants me to tithe he wants me to give often that's what I'm gonna do people give me all kinds of alpha you don't have to God understand you got a family no I wanted God's best as I started sewing the lights start getting cut off there days where I could I had to catch a ride because my gotta have gas from a car but it was short-lived short-term discomfort opens the door to long term benefit if I'm challenging the front and I will be blessed on the back end here is what begins to began to happen with me y'all keep doing what you're doing because you see that these four getting phased right here I'm a pastor so this is the wonderful part about the story just just keep your eye open let me pass to my church so the wonderful thing is now that I understand how it works I tell my staff money's never a problem for me and they would never what do you mean it I don't worry about money I just do not worry about money it's an excellent servant is a terrible God one thing I do know watches not as long as I have hope the enemy can't do robbery my hope my hope was suck money to me in a traps favor it attracts blessing listen I have my declaration if for every one person to speak against me a thousand speak for me why can i book what can I boldly confess it because I understand how faith works okay now I want to show you this is gonna bless your world everybody said God is my source of hope he is it says I pray the God the source of what will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust and that's what joy and peace come from it comes out of hope then you over for the confident hope confident hope to the power of the Holy Spirit go back to Hebrews chapter 11 I want to break this down for you we saw there four different words I need King James cuz I gotta work this Lord helped me faith is the substance the first thing that the Bible talks about in the teaching of faith are the things we hope for in other words things we look forward to can actually a question especially for the people that over 40 when did you stop looking forward when did you buy into the lie that you were too old for blank what about mine what about my saints who have lived I mean I come senior sins but I got to be a better name for you I Warriors are champions well well you over 65 raise your hand for me in the house these are faith champions give them you surpassed I don't feel like a champion but you are because everyone is not blessed to get past a certain age let me ask you a question do you still look forward with hope are you listen the psalmist said even in my old age our best fruit in my old age even listen even when I get fully gray with him I'm fully gray in my hair God you have a plan for my future it's the will of God that we live by faith but we die in faith trusting gotta believe in God now watch this so faith is the substance of things hoped for every time I look forward to something that got from the Word of God and I began to confess it or actually is there as though as the words of my mouth and the works of my hand if that's hard I really say by the words of my mouth and the works on my hand when I begin to operate in that God calls it faith faith gives substance the word substance means matter it means weight and means something that's solid a material tangible touchable faith gives substance to in what simply put safely it could be trust it could be but the word the word are in the Greek is were pissed this P is T is and it literally means to be convinced of something faith is the substance of things hoped for but then the second part that they robbed us of it says it's the evidence of this second word pragma the evidence of things not seen ah let me help you out with this the not seen part is not a part of the definition here's the most interesting the phrase things hope for is the is the one word you got it enough that there's a first word things not seen elpizo the evidence of things that where things is the word pragma here is a wonderful definition of progress gonna blow your mind in the Greek - Greek people pragma speaks to things that are finished things that are already done when you read that in the text has what it says now faith is the substance of things we look forward to or hope for is the evidence of things that are already finished already done but not seeing it's whether it's the evidence of things that are already finished already completed but not seeing I'm gonna come back to this because to me once you because here's what you you praying asking God can you do this for me can you do that for me and the Lord is like you you mean missing the point of this go to Hebrews 4 and 3 let me show them something Hebrews 4 and 3 real quickly he was going through his what God says he says let us therefore fear the writer of Hebrews go back to the King James okay yeah for we which have believed do enter interest that means that what it means is when we believe we stressing nothing okay as he said as I've sworn my wrath if they shall enter into my rest although the works were finished from the foundation so God is not getting ready to do anything what he said the worst or what finish before the foundation of the world the Bible says in John chapter 19 and verse of believers verse 38 John chapter 19 and verse 28 John chapter 19 verse 20 put it up there real quickly I want to show you this fist our concept um after this Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished that the scripture might be fulfilled he says I thirst look at verse 29 nabob says in verse 29 now there was set a vessel full of vinegar and they filled a spunge with vinegar and put upon it hiss up and put it to his mouth verse 30 and the hiss of the Bible says when Jesus therefore had received the vinegar he said shot those were he said what come on give me a better shot than that he said what he said it is finished and he bowed his head and give up the ghost all things were now accomplished done finished no longer need to be needed to be worked on they're done they finished in Hebrews chapter 11 when it says now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things that are finished but not yet seen now this is gonna blow your mind if I won't notice I want to go back and choke all my teachers to sleep because they knew this but they didn't think it important to differentiate between the word things how many things have you been pleading with God to make or shape or create for you that already finished how many things I've got shown you that are already finished but but because you can't see them you think they're not real I'm gonna help you with something the dome in Dothan let me tell you a funny story in 1996 I wanted a retreat with three other warship passes I was a worship pastor and when we went up into the hills of Georgia we all met there because we were friends one one was Jesse Duplantis his minister of music Doug Fowler another brother pray for happy call well in Arkansas I pray for some little Church in Ozark and the other guy was some big worship star that I'd never heard of and so we're there and and and I was the only black guy there yeah and we are just in the room we praying we crying out to God because we all feel shifts coming into our life God is shifting something in our lives and so we sent around us in a second day sharing what we believed God was saying to us about our future and so the first guy started and Doug was like you know he says my father is sick and he asked me to go to medical school so I think I'm gonna give up all the music ministry and go to medical school so we start praying laying hands on Doug we start praying for Doug you see may the grace of God be with you the next guy you're saying you know my past isn't that thing I'm gonna lead the charge and so we pray man hear the Lord you know when it came to me I'm the last one I said God told me in a vision that I'm gonna have this church and I said I saw it's a big old building it's huge and on the inside is a big old stage and there's things on the wall for it looks like we're gonna be recording in there you were recording in there and these guys are looking at me like I said think i'ma be passed in my church they were like or not they really like brother I think they said we don't pray here's what they pray for me God opened his eyes show him your plan because they couldn't believe it but I saw it and here's the thing about it once God shows you something you may be disobedient but you can't unsee it so the angles that I had on this building right was I was up looking down at it fast forward we built the dome in the economy in the 13th year of this ministry 13th year Douma Matthew yeah 13th year of the ministry we built the dome and so I'm a designer on paper and I didn't think about what God showed me and then one day they said pastor Ramsey they're putting in some projection and he said pastor Ramsey we need you to come up here because we needed to see what we're seeing to give us direction of what to do and they brought me on a lift and took me up to the side and I was up by the projectors in the dome and walking like a little catwalk on the side when I turned to come back after I told him what I wanted I walked and I looked down the platform and just like I had seen 13 years before and look down at us and I'll be honest you got free tellers like oh my god oh my god I think I was sane at Lara I heard myself so my gardener would like water I said I said well kinda like what are we looking at and I realized God never showed it to them and one of my pastors came in still with me said pastor you guys said I wasn't material for and I said I saw this right here I saw this I said we're in the right place and said oh we knew that I said now I know he said what does it mean I said we're in the will of God cuz I saw this God show me this years ago I'm gonna tell you how important this is you know how God could show it to me because it was already done why do you think Jesus taught his disciples when you pray say thy kingdom come thy will be done because there's a lot of stuff which is not out of you every one of you sitting here today God has things in heaven that he designed and finished and accomplished for you for your assignment in the earth you're not just here hanging out of the earth you have an assignment and what God needs your faith to do versus not is to ask him father give me the things with my name on them so I could fulfill your purpose on earth there's something I'm designed to do there's something amiss so I was I was raising my kids and I told her you just see what's on your kids and I told my son jr. I said yeah I said I got my two boys together so listen I'm gonna tell you something I said ray is my air parent and my oldest son was like he's looking and and I said I need we're gonna talk and I remember what I got along with junior heaven by his shoulders and I said to him I said everything I have is yours you you are by design the inheritor of the double portion by Scripture I said but your brother is gonna be the one that's gonna be stand to speak and he looked at me he said dad I knew that and I'm good with it so so now here's the thing so I raised these kids from 12 years old you'd meet him tell the stories from 12 years old I to have matured so much and I'm ashamed in cities that they kind of forgot him there I would leave him people call me say my brother Ramsay did you forget some the church no I'm good I'm home with work but cuz we have cell phones back then I answered Hospital hello brother names you forget something no I'm good what I got my Bible they said what's your son oh my god they bust out laughing we got him what are you finding he's sleeping on the pill left him sleeping on the pill you say shame on you shut up I was trying trying the border to be in the house of the Lord I have scriptural reference it said and and and we would live in the house of the Lord forever I said the Bible says now let me show you this so so faith the set of things hoped for the evidence of what things not seen so there are things that have made that are not seen the net the next one is go to verse 3 I want to show you something it says through faith we understand this would understand this is a word that I think I need to help you with okay what is this humming you do not know what this is put your hand up but if you don't know what it is put your hand up put your hand up but you end up if you don't know how many know kind of know what it is what is it a what a thermos it is not a thermos a firm do you know thermos is a brand it's a water bottle that put coffee in it there's not a water bottle this you see so what is it what's that what's the name of this huh who said canister it's a canister now it's amazing what says we all could look at the same thing we see it but because you see it doesn't mean you know what it is and how we're living our lives as what the Bible says through faith we understand the word understand means watch is not it means to perceive with the mind the eyes are only as good as they as they pass information through the mind I'm asked you a question how many ever heard a Stevie Wonder song how many of you when you hear when you hear music the lyrics sometimes I'll show you pictures put you in a certain mood get my question Stevie Wonder in his song describes stuff anybody heard of some mice Sharia more what's the first line say my serene or more what pretty-pretty notice that the diverse I'm looking for the first it has Milky Way in it in one of the verses lovely as a summers day wait Stevie Wonder said my Sharia more lovely as a summers day but he can't see this is not a joke so how does he know what as some as they look like he does it so consistently that he's famous for writing songs that causes a sea of the pictures but he can't see so the emphasis on his writing and I'm a songwriter but listen I went to school my mind was music one of my emphasis was songwriting song for me and so for him to do that freak all of us out because they would tell us to look at something and and put it in what's called created language but how can he he can't look at anything so how was he seeing this his perception is stronger than his sight the word through faith we perceive that the worlds were framed by the Word of God we don't see it we never we never saw God do it but we perceive it when the Bible says in the beginning God created heaven to the earth we start to see pictures how many time you see the picture right now where I just said the earth was without form a void darkness was upon the face of the D and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the water have you seen this right now and God said let there be you blippo things which are seen the things that we see everybody say things that we see now the things that we see were not made of the last word sort of faint opha Ino faint Oh things which can be seen if they're things which can be seen then there are things that cannot be seen and that is the word on a auratus in in the Greek a orifice a or are atas orifice you can check me on all these words things which cannot be seen or things that are not visible and in the last word this word things is what poema things that are made a workmanship and they all have a different function here's what it is what I want to I'll leave you it in in terms of these things what the enemy has been tricking you with is you're seeing things in your life you're seeing things happen and you don't even know what they're for what they mean and so you think because God allows people to do certain things to you in your perception you seeing God has been unfaithful you think because God allowed the good wood to go in LAC and people have to bring stuff to your house because you don't have what you need you think God is not doing what he's supposed to do but Octavius testimony was mine two people are leaving grocery bags on my porch they would not give him to me because they knew I was a proud provider and I was too ashamed to take from folk when I was broke so they wouldn't normally put money in my hand when God started give him back to me for so you know what gotta do they put it in envelopes I had a car that the winner didn't go all the way up and when it rained it was soaked the car I used to curse that window but that's the same window that was cracked that people use a slip on verbs in with money now let me show you something that I'm talk to you about was actually 30 years ago boy I just did it myself it was 30 years ago but let me show you something but here I am 30 years later preaching to you about the faithfulness of God based on the things I saw that at the time looked like God was against me what Matt must submit to you that what you're going through now is nothing but the making of God because there are things that can be seen I feel the can't be seen versus not what God's got ready to do is to trust him so the things that have prepared already in heaven the finished things that Jesus paid for you could lay claim on them I dare you I dare you I dare you to stop feeling sorry for yourself I gave you such to stop tracing that the deprivation from capacity and original sin but we were always poor I'm a third generation get it with an O I dare you to stand up and say it's gonna change in my family because I dare you to do it let me show im a stress on this crazy the crazy thing is my father said to me and my father said to me he said my one dream I finished my master's degree I was done I hated school my father said to me just in passing he mentioned he just mentioned a phone call one day he said he said I just knew that one of my kids would be a doctor I said my dad I started pre-med but I can't stand inside a blood son that's not gonna be me but when I got the phone with him something in my heart's like I call the school I said it's too is it too late to enroll to say oh no now this same in math thank you it said we have a special thing for you they said um we could do for you is start it start adding your practicum towards your PhD so I said ok to me how it works he said well how long you been pastoring at the time I think I was passing for like between the two churches I passed it before I think I've read at ten years and here's what he said I'll tell you the pastoral ministry and they did the math and said you have this much credits sandwich I need to go the CVT take four classes and write a dissertation that's it I said can I take all the classes in this semester they say yeah the Divinity degree so I'm going from Divinity degree and my brother dies when my brother does I dropped the two hardest classes and I said I'm a drop out of school and the Dean says no he said don't drop out he said just change your degree and say what can we do he said take the Divinity degree off and just have a pastor and theologian theology degree because you're good at it that's okay and so what you need for me now he said finish these two classes and your dissertation as we said and you will be dr. Ramsay I work from my own plate now let me show you something so when the paper came in the mail I wasn't I was I was a PhD six months before I saw it I finished in December I did walk till June but for that six months that's six months you couldn't see it there was no official pictures of it yeah and they were there would be no official pictures till six months later but I was a PhD and when the when I stood and took the picture with my with my arm certificate the first that came to my mind mail this home to dad I took I had two copies I put one in a drawer it's not even in the wall of our house yet then it's been like years I mailed the other one to dad and didn't even tell him he was coming when he got it in the mail he opened it he called me he says is this real I said it is and he starts to weep and I said dad I did this for you I said because I was good and I wanted to give you a dream watch this it's a crazy thing here's what he said to me I've been praying for you asking God he's I was asking God to push but my father didn't know was before the foundation of the world God knew that my assignments would lead me I need to I need to have that degree so God's true God with God oh he showed my father a picture of hope that one of his children would have a PhD he's short to my father and my father doesn't mention it to me and watches the power of hope and my father spoke it to me something got on the inside of me because it came from God and I did it and so as time would go on there are doors I walked into only because I finished my PhD I'm you see is this building anything in you there are things that God said to you that you may have given up on because things got hard but God never gave up and so I am calling to your appealing to you appealing to you to see things properly sometimes the reason you don't have the thing that you wanted or that you think you needed is because God has something for you that he wants you to have how many her the Lord today hum you heard the Lord today I believe I believe I believe I believe I believe by a show of hands how many you say pastor you know what I've given up on something I've given up on something but you know what while you teach the God's starting myharper to hand up agenda you say that thing came back alive keep your hand up in the name of Jesus father I make declaration of over your people's lives that you said in your word fest 1st Thessalonians chapter 1 verse 3 that you would add power to our faith that anything our faith inspires us to do you add power to it now I'm gonna take this right now you gotta speak it you gotta be bold I want you to open your mouth listen listen it's starting now in the future and you're gonna start thanking God for the things that he has made for you that I yet to be seen everyone say this with me say God you have things for me that are stored in heaven because I've yet to put a demand on them so today I declare that all that you have made for me finished for me my spiritual development my growth my assignment my relationships my disposition in life kumusta my attitude all that you have for me that it's finished by the finished work of Jesus Christ I asked you now to begin to transfer into the realm of the scene make them visible somebody shot manifest this is the year this is the year this is the year that God manifests this is it this is the year come on I need you to push in there this is the year this is it this is the year this is the year happens you've been waiting you've been waiting how many you already shift in your own life
Channel: Pastor Hart Ramsey
Views: 12,102
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Id: wwpQ-vjtzzs
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Length: 56min 53sec (3413 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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