The Power of Your Words Pt 2

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[Music] to the or continue this lesson faith and a plan everyone say faith in a plan I know you've been here for a minute and I'm just getting in but I've been I've done my labor in Atlanta in Montgomery this weekend I had it all myself we did Wednesday Wednesday night Thursday night Saturday in it today so I leave I'm gonna quit napping and I'll see you at later on amen Paul says to the church in Thessaloniki sis so we keep on praying for you asking our God to EMU you to live a life worthy of his call and then it says he give you the power to accomplish all the good things that your faith prompts you to do your faith stirs you to do we're gonna visit verse 11 but he gives you a reason in verse 12 he says then the name of our Lord Jesus will be honored because of the way you live and you will be honored along with him this is all made possible not because some of better than others or because some work harder not because it's there's no other reason this is made possible but by the grace of God and our Lord Jesus Christ I want to speak to you today almost it's a simple type of faith and a plan I want to talk to you about word he may be seated in the presence of the Lord or everybody say words and in first second Thessalonians chapter 1 verse 11 well the Apostle Paul starts sorry says so we keep on praying for you asking Garten able you to live a life worthy of your call or worthy of your purpose God sends us to the earth of the purpose the reason that you woke up this morning it's because you still have purpose it is amazing how you can be going through a song some a devastating season of life I made a comment this morning it's true that good people will go through bad times it doesn't make him bad people just means that they went to a bad time and so he said I was at one point God why do you allow us to if things are so hard just what you just call a home or maybe if not gonna put it into it but the reason that God leaves us in the earth when when we struggle or when we fail or even when we were broken in some way is because God has determined things about us before we were ever born the first decision that God made about you in the earth is who will be your parents this decision was not arbitrary the decision was predicated upon a simple premise that that has three letters D in a that your parents contributed to your life by by lending you that the gene pool they each have because of Adam's sin and Jesus has Redemption each one of your parents has what I call on function and dysfunction and out of that you get a little bit of both and it comes into your life but God's purpose for you is designed around what he deposited into you from your parents my mother when I was a kid my mother was one of the most brilliant people I'd ever met I was told a story later on it at ten years old it was discovered that my mother was a prodigy in math she was in the West Indies raising the West Indies what's different about the West Indies is that their schools are harder in America a teacher doesn't like you you may be a difficult student the teacher could just pass you along to another grade and not have you complete the work and you just want to get rid of you but in the West Indies well unlike that they'll keep you back ten times they don't care if you become a sixth grader than if they don't care you know no sweat off their brother so my mother or my father my my grandfather my maternal grandfather was the principal in the school and he noted that his daughter had this this aptitude for math and so at ten years old he started testing on different levels and and she basically tested out of high school at 11 years old high school math in the twelfth year of her life she's 12 years old he put it in classrooms and under his supervision she was teaching people older than her math this is the woman that God chose to be my mother brilliant mind I'm sense of humor and so when I came into the earth and and and I was grown to a certain point woman I loan me so to speak her skills her educational skills are Swift mind the ability to write properly and speak properly came from my mother my father on the other hand was the first millionaire I ever knew I was raised in the house of this brilliant man he himself would not say he was an academic scholar but what he was was a genius mind his business acumen was from God or my father of all of his talents I've never seen him fail and not recover he had a supernatural resiliency God God puts something restorative in his genes where whenever he messed up he knew how to come back he had this thing about him where he didn't quit on anything I've never seen him quit that was put into my DNA that combination of brilliant thinking and the inability to give up works for me and works against me because just because of sinning the earth there is function and there's dysfunction God chose your particular parents because of the call because of the purpose now this is interesting if you understand this premise you'll never you never think that God has nothing for you to do so God dreams a dream he finds the dreamer he deposits the dream inside the dreamer that he deposits the dreamer inside of a womb he told you in mind before I formed in the belly I knew you in Psalm 139 verses I think 15 16 and 17 Davies talked about he said before I lived a single day all of my days were written in the book and so the Bible says here with our process he told the church in Thessaloniki said we're praying for you we keep on praying for you asking God watch us now not to make you smart enough not to make you at least I want God to supernaturally enable you so that it took that you live a life worthy that you you will not disqualify yourself illness the purposes call you to be careful of people no one comes into the earth knowing everything even when I must show you scripture today that even when you think you are accomplished when they can call you as an expert witness even then you have flaw even then you have developed you have room for development and you're gonna go through times in your life where you will accomplish something and then you mess around and and something will overcome you and you have to recover your the scramble your way back God saw this coming but he says and my heart for you process and in his writing my heart for you is that God will put something in you that would enable you that everybody said enable that what it able means to empower you to strengthen you to give you the girth and to give you the width the bandwidth to be able to go through life and fulfill your purpose because here's the rule of God no one gets out of here till they've done and this is another interesting thing if you give up on your purpose God will fight for you until you do tell him leave me alone my prayer for you is that God will never leave you alone once you start God don't leave me alone don't leave me alone now this is interesting he goes when he says may he give you the power to accomplish all the good things not that he tells you to do not that some prophet comes up to you and promised that you should do but may he give you the power to accomplish all the good things watch it's not your faith and my said my faith so it works like this you hear the word of the Lord being preached and while I'm preaching to you are you listening to someone preaching mission maybe Jake's or whomever your favorite preacher is you hearing this preaching going forth and it stirs you watch this what begins to happen when you hear word your creativity comes alive the way God does it God does not show you on to our movies of your the future he has for you or the plan he has for you he shows you a flash a picture I told a story and when we were buying sanctuary when I was I was at home praying and I thank God we need a building we needed a dress and we can find a place in oh they found a building and and in while I was on my knees this particular day I had a flash and in the vision I saw a light I walked into a building and I looked up in a soul like the glory of God as a light coming through the odd from the top of the building so I said to myself when I got up I said I wonder what that was whatever whatever this place has got ask me the glory of the Lord will be on it God will show you something spiritual let me say let me show you something natural and we tend to make it spiritual we are guilty of naturalizing the spiritual and spiritualizing the natural so when I saw this light I said man the glory of God's will be there well they call me to go visit this place it was it was this old club 95 a big old club the biggest club in Dothan I walked in that place it was filthy everything was painted black had four clubs on the one room it was a mess and I walked in thinking I said let's play at this okay be it but when they opened the door and I stepped in the doorway when I looked up that the Sun was shining through just like I saw in the vision it wasn't the glory of God you know what it was was an industrial fan it was the whole way they had an industrial fan and the light that the Sun was coming through bastard in my where I saw the glory of God was so I'm looking for a place with the glory and the glory of God it was the Sun I said that to say that many times God will give you a flash of what he wants to do it in the flash will leave and he will lead you and get looking for this thing that he's calling you but watch this now I started become creative we got the building what do we do and what begins to happen is every time I would hear a word my faith will be stirred and prompted and I will go and do something and God will bless it the problem in your life right now is that every time the Word of God stirs your creativity you poured you down some water on it because you don't honor the prompting of your faith be careful let me share something with you when God has assigned people to speak the Word of God to you the enemies counter is to get you to dishonor them because you can't benefit from anything your dishonor I want to submit something to you and I don't mind if nothing you take me up on this then it let me know I need to do but if I'm not the one that God has called to speak into your life to stir your faith go behind them it is that important for you to fulfill your purpose and their this ain't personal it's about you hearing from God and listen and if a person is speaking the Word of God to you and your sidetrack with other stuff man you focusing on the wrong stuff you asked me God about how comes when you should be asking about outcomes this scripture today begins move so to speak I want to take you back a lot of this is review you first before but I'm not gonna stop teaching till you get it you cannot sit in church your entire life and do nothing you can you cannot you've been hearing about faith for so long some of you still know how to work your faith he said your faith is prompting you every time you hear a word every time you read every time you pray your faith is being stirred and when your faith is stirred it stirs you and whatever comes out of that God blesses he P provides the power to accomplish all the good things your faith is your God missing you God puts his hand in the small of your back every time you hear a word and he pushes you and here's a crazy part if you don't fulfill your purpose there are people who are going to die and go to hell we first started this church a lady in a revival meeting um I was I was grieved by the floor this meeting was so so not God and this but this lady saw me she saw the look on my face she said coming she palm up in front she put the mic to my mouth and she said what do you want from God I said I want everything God has for me and I sense that when I said that it triggered her prophetic cause it was a crazy laughing revival but when I said that it stirred something in her and she said the Lord said he's gonna do exactly what you asked and not many days he would begin to give you all that he has for you no she said that I took it but as I said there's something about this that I don't know you sleep on I have no idea what God had in mind I didn't plan what God planned what I had for my life it was later I was going to Georgia Tech to finish my music degree so that I could I could learn to score music I was gonna travel with big names in the music industry and be their music director I knew people who were doing music director job and they were doing two and three at a time I was gonna be one of the faceless geniuses behind the music scene I'd already started I was already study songwriting I knew what I was gonna do when God says no this is what I have for you and my thing was how am I gonna affect people when it was when I don't speak as well as I play what I didn't know was that God's the future for me involve an empowering that would that would upgrade my speaking ability and downgrade my playing ability to add balance to my life watch us now that little switch from thinking I was a piano player who could teach to being a teacher who could play the piano not only did it affect life it also affected my income right now you are majoring on something minor and mining or something major and is keeping you broke and broken you think God can't heal you you won't let him if every time you walk into the doctor's office you think you're the doctor you never get healed at some point you have to understand I am the patient I need to be fixed I need to be healed and until you get that you can go from doctor the doctor and your father limited every problem-solver started out as a fault finder became a nitpicker on their way to becoming a fault finder if you stuck between fault finder and nitpicking you're stunted in your growth and your faith is not working because God never intended there is no anointing to nitpick and fault find nobody gets healed from no God God needs problem-solvers 70% of people in the room they just did not like that but it's cool we coming to you so now I want to show you a couple scriptures that thinking will help you go to Romans chapter 10 verse 9 King James Version I want to show you we covered this before Oh everybody read this out loud verse 9 already read that is thou shall uh-huh the Lord Jesus are loud and believe uh-huh that God had raised him from the dead stop what Paul says now Paul gives us the arm the means by which were saved here's what he said he said you're saved when you confess with your mouth the word confess homologue area in the greek is a word of a compound word that means to say the same thing as homo means the same low gear is come from the root word let go from which we get a lid on building blocks and Lego blocks and what it means is mr. build with words to build with words we can build a thought we can build our sentence with a paragraph we can build an understanding out of words so Paul says watch us now he said if you say the same thing about Jesus that God said and then believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead he said when that happens God reaches into your heart he turns a switch and you're saved he literally removes decades for some of us a blindness for my eyes he caused us to see what he's doing and to understand our hearts go to him his Spirit comes and lives on inside of us all because watch this now we spoke and we believed Paul could have left it like that but what he did he want to show us how this principle works so he goes to verse 10 in verse 10 here's what he said he says come quickly stay with me verse 10 he says for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness with the mouth confession is made unto salvation he's given us the principle to support what he said in verse 9 and so what we did remember we used it are the analogy of being in a hot room walking into a hot room and so you walk in you commend his haughtiness in degrees so knowing what is not believing after spotting the thermostat in the world believing that the thermostat can change the temperature in a room you walk up to the thermostat was just not when you do that it puts your believing position you right in front the thermostat see how it works but if you look at it in the bottom part which is a thermal meter says a thermometer it says that 80 degrees the top part has a stick and if I want to change it I can't just stand this a man it's hot man it's hell hot many summer huh oh my god is dude no I have to I got to press aside with the stick what I wanted to be I gotta move the temperature to what I wanted to be that's what we were talking about this is what he's saying he said with the heart it built if it positions me notice believing is unto and so it's confession is unto for the heart man believeth unto righteousness with the mouth confession is made unto so their transportation alieve it always moved me in position but being in position does nothing if I don't release my faith faith is released by the words of my mouth and by the works of my hand so even if I don't say it out loud I have to have some idea of what I want the temperature to be what do I want the temperature to be and I can move it there I want the temperature to be 72 I can't just look it I gotta reach I move it and move the stick down to where I wanted how many of you understand that that's how this thing works with my mouth now I want to share this with you when God was about to make man he he could he could have just done it but he said let us make man in our image and after our likeness he wasn't talking to the Angels he was talking to himself why would he say it because the order of creation is to speak it and then to do it the order of creation when if you said past I don't like the way my life is going well you can't change your life saying what you're saying so he spoke it he said let us make man and then later on the boxer Sogard reach down into the bra he formed man from the dust of the ground breathing turns not through the breath of life man became a living soul but the thing that God said about man he said let us make man in our image and to be just like us to be just in our likeness that's what he's saying he's saying that of everything is created he created angels he's created animals he's created trees but none of them have the ability to do what he does speak and create and govern and subdued man will become in the earth what God is to the heavens none of the Angels can speak a word to create anything none it's not written anywhere so that's the difference between you know what I was going about in the conversion Oz there's a weird um anomaly that you 5 from time to time they had parents that could talk if I'm talking parrot and so-and-so the parent was the parrot could say something but even the mimicking or the echo nobody of human words it did not create anything if anything created laughter we laugh no matter what the parrot said you agree we like ha ha but if a person said that to you if a parent says you're ugly you go out that parrot but if a man say a woman said you know who you talking to you see the difference human words have power human and I'm gonna show you this right now I know I've been harping on this and and we act like it's nothing but we spend most of our time describing where we are and not prescribing where we're going and because of that our lives don't change I wish you would get this I really want you to get this you have to I declare over you you have no choice but to get it that's your mind about to open wide you're gonna give this now I want to show you a couple this is critical with my heart I believe unto righteousness or into a position to receive from God but when my mother can fast on to this watch South salvation means I confess unto God getting involved that's what salvation is the word sotiria makes Jesus the souter that's a Greek word SOT er Souter the one who rescues and delivers and the one the one who comes and saved the ones the one who changes situations so I when I begin to confess I get him involved my salvation my my deliverer is my healing it comes from him he does not come until I speak go to Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 King James Version I want to walk you through all this new you we want to get this hebrews chapter 11 and verse 1 it says by faith we understand I want verse 1 please if you don't mind verse 1 first want to run my waiting to us hebrews chapter 11 and verse 1 okay the first day with a screen vacuum they getting the bugs out it says now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen second Corinthians five and seven says that we walk by faith not by sight the thing you need to understand about faith is that faith is not blind it just uses a different set of eyes John 7 and 24 jesus said judge not according to appearance but Judge righteous judgment in other words stop measuring everything by what you see your purpose what is now your purpose is gonna come into your life not because you measuring what you see you're gonna declare out of your own your faith Easter things will come to your heart and things that have not been yet released into the earth you're going to speak them into the earth and then pursue by the hand of God to do these things that's how change happens the dome that you're sitting in yesterday told me he said there's no such thing as a round building no one has ever seen one has what I said and so he certainly can't build one but I've seen I researched it they told me dog so then they went to checked it and said well well we found one but we don't think we could build it so I went looking for the right person it took so much faith to continue to pursue and to speak and this and ultimately they built the building when people came in and saw this building they looked around like wow they kept telling you should do concerts here you should rent it out you should do that it wasn't just a church pastor why would you build us it's what I saw and at the time that we saw it we're going to build another building because we needed a space but here's the crazy part we have no money to do it all we had was faith and you have to look far if you remember he doesn't look far to know that when we did this we had no millionaires in this church we still don't there there are no people here that can just write a check to to do what you saw we did this together in faith we also the same thing we pushed in the same direction this came out of faith they came out of Supernatural unity God did this and listen and what was supposed to happen to you is when you saw God do this useful go say you know what if God did this for us God can do this for faith and substance of things well for every something I've seen up to verse 2 it says 4x8 King James love you for by it the elders are 4 by 8 the elders obtained a good report the the leading people in Israel of old um they built their resume we said this I'm just doing a quick review on they built a resume on faith being stirred my faith being prompted my faith to just boost sometimes God didn't even tell him to do they were just stirred by something they heard from God they went and did it and God let this power to it verse 3 opens our understanding to say through faith we understand watches now that the worlds were what say that what a lot of words or what frame by the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear when you flip the New Living Translation the bottom part of that verse says um so that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen in other words it came from things that that you couldn't see it wasn't we sort and we work with it is that which we spoke and we work and then and we believe God and then it came into being what's critical about this in the King James II flip back is the word framed and I say framed well we built up we build buildings we built our facilities over the years and one of the things that about building a house is that you have to frame it out first you bring the carpenters in they frame it out and when it's framed out then the team comes it comes in and finishes it out but the crazy part is that you could see what something is gonna become based on how its framed you see all the shapes you see everything about it as a matter of fact what's crazy is I was tell your Wednesday evening you can walk into a room in a framed house that have no wall no walls or sheetrock up and you say mean this looks small is this big enough and then when when the finishers come in and start putting up walls and hanging this and hang with that then I'm sorry thing expands your words free your world I should be able to hear what you're saying to see what God is building I should be able let's just now you say well what God's gonna do you say well you know past I'm just I'm just trusting God that we don't have the finances to build a hostel where we live now it's too small but every time you get on the pressure you own say this house so small we got no space that's you standing for the thermostat saying it's 80 degrees in here and it's not getting any cooler it won't get cooler till you set the thermostat your mouth it's in your mouth you've heard variations of this kind of message and it was permitting manipulation and then seemed real someone use chapter and verse to show you how real this really is it's real then Genesis chapter 1 let me tell you how crazy it is the Spirit of God will come into a situation he will be on you he will be over you hovering but he will do nothing till your wars line up with the God's purpose for your life some of you've not experienced a move of God in years because you ain't saying the right thing look at this the Bible says that the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters he hovered and hovered and he did nothing for as far as we know it could have been millions of years we don't know there was no timeframe mentioned but which says this it says and God said let there be light and from the time God spoke the Holy Spirit went into work he hovered until a word was released what have I told you that God is hovering over your situation waiting for you to speak consistent words in keeping with what he wants to do for you if God right now God cannot do for you what you're saying because if God did what you say you'd be dead your children if you give God did what you say your children have knuckles come out their head did it that just went clean a little he's waiting for you to say the right things so so in studying this I applied myself I said God you need to show us the depth of it in James chapter 3 James chapter 3 in verse 1 I wonder I want to read from the New Living Translation if you don't mind James chapter 3 in verse 1 it says dear brothers and sisters not many of you should become teachers in the church but we who teach will be judged more strictly now when I first read this under tutors and governors who put unto me at a young age I thought he was saying that when we stand before God he's going to judge us more strictly but what I've learned in ministry is noting that the way works what he's talking about is people are gonna judge you more strictly the people you preach to the people that don't like you and and and ultimately when you stand before God but fasting whether you get it from Romans chapter 2 have a version of this here's what it says it says oh wow that teaches others he said you teach people and not do it yourself he said you teach do not commit adultery and you commit adultery you teach not stealing you steal here's the crazy part he goes on a long list of things he said you're teaching people to do this then you need to be doing it yourself and here's what I learned as a teacher here's what I learned I learned that after wild of preparing lessons for people sometimes we forget to eat for ourselves you are cooking food you quit the tell people what they're doing wrong but any checking for yourself yours / - are you but nothing but you nothing why because you stop eating what you're cooking and then warning right here here's the warning the warning is is that you need be careful you need to be careful when you're in a position of instruction that you don't forget that the instruction is for you - I've done it let me let me help you alright because I'm sick of Negros let me tell you something all my story I own the copyright on my junk when you do you do what I do when you mess up is gonna be publicly on you when you blob is gonna be public I've had both no fool with me with that foolishness point your finger you under you start my story i'ma finish it my story's mine you see I'm gonna taking your trip you are you don't see what you're trippin on see you think that when God found me I wasn't someone but you some of you saw me a television heard me in the radio and you think that's where I forgot where I started know when God found me I was a drug addict when God found me I was a drunk when God found me didn't nobody want nothing to do with me but the one who left me cleaned me up and brought me up he sent me come on here come on here and he did not put me because I was better he me because he loved me and he had purpose for my life but then something went wrong something went wrong because you were in love my daddy my daddy taught me resilience but he never showed me have to shut anything down and so when I was shutting something that I got it wrong watch this you know God did he snatched me out of the public he took me got the private and the same garden found me fix me up so you can judge what you want to rotate this right now I live for him I serve him you just get the benefit Negros [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you all be taking stuff for granted judging other people's service no I want to show you something this is real and and here's a crazy thing the moment I stop eating my cooking it's it's it's predicted it's professor in Scripture I'm gonna receive a harsh judgement you know why it's simple premise ain't no better though I should know better but if you stop eating what you're cooking you're gonna find yourself just looking at people all the time and not looking at yourself let me move forward here's what it says in verse 2 he James is building he's building a case has what he said he said indeed we all make many what ok read that first lines me out loud ready give me what you got instance II indeed we all make many that's what people say people say when you do the first time as a mistake but the second time it's a bad decision not so because we all can make many mistakes the difference between a mistake and a bad decision is information let me define mistakes are made when I don't have the proper information so I choose out-of-bounds a bad decision is made when I have the proper information but don't have the discipline to make it an error is made when I come under the influence of a spirit of error that blinds my eyes and get me to thinking that the wrong way is the right way get this now as soon when I can make a mistake and if my information is not upgraded I will make that mistake over and over and over and less versus not it does not become a bad decision until my informations upgraded and now I know better but I'm not doing better at that time that people sitting next to you they need your help they need your prayers because they've come in a spirit of error and God can't even trust you to speak words of the livers to them you are no good to God to anybody else if all you can do say what you see if Jesus was the kind of person that's it all he said what they saw none of us would be saved he's indeed we all make many mistakes but here's what he said for if we could control our tongues would be perfect here's what he said look look at me look at me he's really saying the the start that the road to me becoming perfect mature and the greek ism is the word Telos telling us in the greek he said the road to me come in become mature it's for me to you to get control over my words because that's the rule God can only threat could only feel what you frame your words frame the thing and God comes and he finishes it out he says when you have to start speaking in the direction you're gone that's what it's indeed we all make many mistakes but for if we could control our tongues we'd be perfect and could also control ourselves in every of the way let me tell you something let's say you struggling with your chastity let's say you're struggling with your sexuality let's say you you need nursing a wound that drives you into the into illicit sex but the people around you when they see you all this is you number if you believe their words and it becomes your inner talk in a thought you're framing that house and that's all you ever got but if you begin to speak out your mouth and say God made me for better than this God made me for something else I didn't come into this earth to be somebody's [Applause] the same God has saved me delivers me if you start speaking at your ma I'm somebody's wife Mr Speaker I said I commit the fidelity I commit to be honorable I commit the faithfulness you shush me listen when you start saying the Lord that save me is able to make me he's able to make me confident make me committed when I start speaking like that now I'm building a frame for God and what God comes and does as he finishes the work he forgets to do the finishing work next thing you know watch it's not what I spoke is not even as big as what God would said I'll show you I'm gonna show you he's a pastor he's the best okay I understand no you don't understand yet here's what James said James goes on in verse 3 is what he says he said we can make a large horse not a pony a large horse go wherever we want by means of a small bit in his mouth he said here's the analogy I want to show you don't think you're worse at power he said the way you control the direction of a horse is you put a metal bit in his mouth tie it to a rope you hold the ring he said you can be riding down the street at heart the horse may want to go with his strong self want to go to the right but you could pull him to the left and the bit will grab him and it would it would correct his whole body he'll go why you'd want to go a small bit in verse 4 he key amplifies it he says this and a small rudder makes a huge ship turn wherever the pilot chooses to go even though the winds are strong and you have a 10 story cruise ship 5,000 guests on it not even counting staff going riding through rough waters that's flowing one direction and the wind blowing another you got a single guy sitting up and in a in a captain's chair with us but a stair in his hand just turning and under the water this rudder it's doing battle against the waves on the winds and that ship is going direction that the captain wants to go why because of a simple principle I just don't believe that would work like that even though we believe a lot of things is not true let me show you this so G said a small rubber not nothing he's a little rudder rudder can make a huge ship turn whatever the pilot chooses to go even though the winds of struggle converse 5 and that's what he said isn't the same way that my shadows first worst in the same with a shout him again he said the tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches he said with a tiny spark can set a great forest fire here's what he's saying to you your tongue it's a little thing in your mouth but just like a horse can go to where you want to go and just like a cruise ship that fat off winds and waves and I have all this weight in it he said I'm here to tell you if your tongue is going the right direction your life will sabor that right there should do the problem with us the problem with us is that we let that tongue just do it wants to do James said you don't begin to Matt or to your tongue begin to mature don't tell you how spiritual you are you need a lot of talk I was a young man I used to hear this stuff preached I need to wonder how in the world this works is this real and I lived I lived and I realized that when I am feeling overwhelmed or in a negative way or not seeing what I believe God wants for me if I could just get in the word or hear word and just say what he says that's confession I just say what I don't know they know you're on I was always and I was a sabbatical and I always talk about this time cuz it was a shutdown time for me as a matter of fact you know what's crazy I started not to even come back because I've stopped spending time with God I thought of myself man I missed this time with the Lord this is what made me who I am people said man your biblical genius no I was a man that was taught by God and here's the Christopher I mean I'm studying this thing with the Lord and I start seeing these little these little things that he was saying and because I knew what was going on in my life I was afraid to say about myself what God was saying about me till the world cornered me and hears me said from now on when you come into your time of wisdom the first thing you're gonna say is I am the righteousness of God you're gonna say I have been made righteous by the finished work of Jesus and after my coming to the before all my mouth to pray I'll say I've been made righteous by the finished work of Jesus Christ and when I was saying that I would always just break into tears and then I go stop saying god I don't understand what just happen and God will stop me every time he says fear not with you let me let me show you the problem with us you listening to the wrong folk you letting people whose life to burn down ain't going away ain't doing nothing faith is the substance of things worth hopeful by definition the biblical definition of the word lp's hope it means something to look forward to with expectation to look forward with expectation to look for to look where so if you're looking backwards at what happened you can't be looking forward to what God wants to do whenever anyone try to keep you in the past it means they're fighting against your forward faith you need to learn to say you know what it happened it's done I got to go forward I can't die there I gotta go [Applause] I'm saving some of your lives right now I am I'm saving your life you know what I'm gonna take this right now you know and I listen I love to be in this place when you see me no one knows I have I'm fed up when you see me come to church I don't care what nobody say we came together under the invitation of the Lord to make it hard to go to hell from the cities that we come from God set instruction in the house because we need to learn a lot of things happen along the way but we've come to this place where we have to decide how is our faith going to affect not just the church but my house I need you to fulfill your purpose if you don't fulfill your purpose I would have wasted my life I need you to get over whatever it is that has you held back and bound and begin to allow your faith to store your creativity again you need to start seeing with God is sending you and you need to step out there and give him something to work with because if you don't do that I would have wasted my life and you be wasting yours three times in the Bible the Bible calls your words the fruit of your lips the fruit of your lips and so when I would see this now what does it mean because I know people say your words a seed no you're warded fruits let me ask you a question a show of hands which one came first the fruit of the seed if you say seed raise your hand if you say fruit raise your hand if you have no idea raise your hand okay so here's the question the Bible says that your words are the fruit of your lips so which one came first I'm not making an argument I'm gonna show you I just if you say seed raise your hand if you say fruit raise your hand some of y'all don't switch sighs maybe fected is like they were there how many you say seed put your hat the see came first thank you honey say fruit so we're gonna let the Bible settle it in Genesis chapter 1 God is laying the order verse 11 it's not in my notes so you gotta find it that's good that was quick give my hand upstairs I was good that's what the Bible says then the Lord then then God said let the land sprout with vegetation every sort of seed-bearing plant and trees that grow seed bearing fruit these seeds will then produce the kinds of plants and trees from which they came and that is what happened I asked you again what came first the fruit of the seed how many say seed raise your hand honey you say fruit raise your hand the Lord God is right before us and I bind the sphere of deception and blindness let's look at it again okay look look at the language the let the land sprout with vegetation every sort of of seed-bearing plant seed bearing okay what about the exporter child bearing mother which one came first huh okay so when I say seed-bearing plant which one came first the plants came first no you got it they don't and the trees that was just and trees that grow seed bearing fruit give me a different translation this ain't working give me give me a message if the message say give me the message Lord God they still say seed-bearing okay that's the hon you try to go back to amplify let me let's work with that so God so God said let the earth sprout tender vegetation plants yielding there you go plants yielding which one came first thank you Jesus and fruit trees bearing according to limited to consistent with their kind whose seed is in them so which one came first a tree of the seed okay you took on a better outcome enough I'll take on better come that beat y'all like my prince will use a doodle whoopers let me say to you that does trimmed up the plant first the fruit first the fruit was the first thing that created was a fruit with a seed in it the fruit what is now the seed bearing fruit the soup that the fruit bears the CEO that me makes no wars up look ya'll don't got meat the basel do you look at a circle now here now here's the thing why is that important three times in the King James the the words are referred to as the fruit of your lips his was crazy so you would say something that person they will walk away from the moment and then later on when you see him they seem to be bothered they were finally you spoke it to them but they bothered now what happened the fruit that came for me you had seed in it and that seed would when the flinders when it left your mother's fruit and it went into them it let go of the seed and the seeds start to grow in them now time is going along see they acting funny they're not just acting funny what you said to them it comes up in their heart and it produced what is not now know how to deal with it now they start bearing food was enough and it comes out their lips is it something you any why might spend so much time on this here's why you've been saying the wrong thing you've been saying the wrong things so I wanna I wanna see can we can we in some let's find an ending place remember I said this I said a lot of things on Wednesday evening some of this is just review but it's important that we get it because if we don't get it then what begins to happen is we feel like we have no control of our lives and in Hebrews chapter one I want to revisit this and I guess this would be or this may be for us a review but I want to spend time on this again Hebrews chapter one in verse one we covered this on Wednesday evening says long ago God spoke many times in many ways to our ancestors through the prophets and verse 2 says are now in these final days he has spoken to us through his son God promised everything to the son as an inheritance and through the son he created everything he created the universe and what is saying is that whatever God wants to say to us he did it in Jesus if you want to know what God is saying what he thinks about you what he feels about you just study Jesus every time every encounter he ever had with a person you pay attention to that take note of it because that's the will of God in action Jesus Christ is the will of God is what he's what God wants and in verse 3 it says this the Sun radiates God's own glory and expresses the very character of God and he sustains everything by the mighty power of his command which he has clans which he had cleansed us I'm sorry when he declares us from our sins he sat down in the place of honor the right hand the majestic God in heaven now go to King James and I want to point out again something I mentioned on Wednesday night I want to show you this who being the brightness of his glory and the Express image of his person watch this and upholding all things by the word now everybody said by the word of his power said again out loud by the word of his power okay here's what I want you to get when I release of studying the Bible years ago and I felt like I was I started to distrust the King James Version because I would read the the sentence in Greek and I'm gonna come at the King James they would flip words around so I thought they'd flip the water around I thought what they meant to say because we say the church all the time the model the word of Lord is powerful sometimes they meant to say he's hoarding offered by his powerful word how many of you know the Word of God is powerful Hebrews 4 says it the Word of God is quick and powerful so I thought ok they just messed it up but when I start to study this a different translation and really look into the Greek what I understood was know what this was saying is that he that Jesus is saying Jesus that created the universe God made nothing that he didn't make through Jesus and the same Jesus who created it the way after all this time the way he keeps it in place is that he upholds it by the word of his power here's how it works and I'll give you this analogy and I want to use it again in the grocery store mothers getting stuff off the shelf a little bad chatter come to you I mean suck it run around circles knocking stuff off the shelf and he come to you who are you and you go I'm the dude that don't like bad kids beat the breaks off here I'm that dude and he go you me it gets worse you keep on the whole concert is going on the parent is either she's getting some on the shelf she's getting on a team steady now wasn't I have no power over the child I'm just threatening him but his mother has the authority to say get over here but she is bottling up the word of her power ready for this and because of that her child is perceived as bad when the child is not bad that child is on governed the child is what your life is not bad right now your life is simply uncovered you go I'm sitting in the airport there's been a long trip and I'm laying there pull my old brim over my face and I'm I feel somebody patting me I lift the brim of my hat this little dude you sleep dude I will speak to you start hitting me bring back down where you going put my bring back down ok sit up this thing work what we gonna do all of a sudden oh he's he bothering you he likes to talk to strangers come over here and the little boy goes over I don't like he walks away I got one like you either your pastor did not go to kids so there's the thing again the child is not a bad child he's just what and after a while of being on governed you become uncomfortable your life right now has weeds in it because you've not been speaking the right words so stuff is growing in your and all the weed is as a seed that has no assignment you have stuff growing in your garden that you don't want there but you won't use your your own fruit berry of seed bearing fruit to produce what you want right now your life is not bad you're a good person go to a bad time because your life is on government how do we govern our lives with our words we released the word of our power you got power right now you usually say nothing you got power you just saying say nothing you know it's like it's like Jones I mean James's illustration I miss my last illustration so James says man the horse you put a bit in the horse's mouth you get you turn them where you want to you put you put off you put a captain behind upstair weed on the ship and and then he stares or rotor turns and the ship goes wherever but you know how our life look this one bless me imagine you get me by your nice car and you get in the car you strap in you crank it up and you step it against it away you just did you have you just wrecked a car because you refuse to stare it and you probably didn't just hurt yourself you hurt other people too because you could have just grabbed the steering wheel and told the car where to go that's what you're doing I'm making sense - that's what you do with your life your words I need to speak me spoken over your body your spirit your relationship with God your family your future where you live your income if you have listened you know that say I'll share this testimony how people would ask me what you cash him and there's a young lady um some time ago I've been pastoring for a long time she said think she moved somewhere but she said he fasted would you cash that and I say why and she said she says you kill my heart as something I want to save my cash up and he said open my cash I got a thousand dollars I started go back so will you get this money from here's the crazy part is that we can with my eyes I judge I know her she wanted to come she is what she said she said I came into some money and the first person I thought to bless was you that didn't surprise me here's why because I always say that God puts my name on people's hearts here's what I always say God takes away the desire of my enemies to hurt me I always say then what am I putting my hand to do it does prosper I say God opens doors for me that no man could close I've got closes doors that no man can open I say that the people who supposed to build me can't leave and the one that nice won't be here can't stay listen you you say you begin to develop new and listen if it's a constant you begin to develop you just want to be able to confess and speak over your own life I've been saying for years I will not die before my time if you're if you ever see me if you ever have me Lane and stake just know one thing I'm done my question to you is what are you saying what are you saying what are you saying about yourself what are you thing about people and you see people struggle you see people who have made in advice terms in life what do you say what do you say see that you saw with your words are the most powerful sees you do not know how people struggle I was talking to dr. Matthew Stevenson some time ago and we were talking about a brother who's powerful ministry we wondering should we get to help him get him get him to help us do something we were planning and Matthew says come to me that blew my mind he said the devil was trying to kill him let's not help a devil kill him when he said that I said what'd he just say he said the devil was trying to kill him let's not help a devil kill him there are people that need you to speak life because Satan is trying to kill them before their purpose is complete you've got to learn to speak life I speak over you now in the name of Jesus are they clear that your mind is becoming clear the cloudiness is leaving the diagnosis from the doctor will not come to pass you will fulfill the length of your days I declare over you that mercy will be shown to you in ways that you never imagined that the people that you need in your life God will send the clear over your life today that your sadness and we turn to joy that your children will rise up and call you blessed that right now God is speaking to people about you because you've been crying out to him I declare over your life that the fatigue you feeling your body by the power of God will be turned to strength that your aging will not be the end of your purpose I speak of your life that you're not out of time I declare over you that you are a late bloomer but you were blue nonetheless I speak life over you I speak life moving you and I say that God will fulfill his good will in your life I declare that the bills that came in that sent you into depression that God has already worked out the plan I speak over your life and I say that the threat that came by way of a letter it's not a letters email I came by way of email to you on Friday that as soon as it was released the Lord dealt with it you'll give me a minute I'm hearing some things I speak over your life now and I said that the loan will be disapproved because the interest rate is wrong but the Lord says this no is the last note there's a yes after this as the Lord begins to it watches as the Lord begins to say these things and so Lord because I speak the thing I need you now to out of your mouth because it's not because I'm a piercing prophet you have power in your mouth open your mouth and begin to speak things [Music]
Channel: Pastor Hart Ramsey
Views: 11,319
Rating: 4.90378 out of 5
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Length: 62min 58sec (3778 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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