Addressing Your Dying Situation

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even on the screen from me put if you will the book of Romans chapter force and I don't want to talk to you about having faith in God you may be seated having faith in God addressing your dying situation how to how to deal with the situation in your life this seems to be going in Reverse in the wrong direction and I want to say to you turn turn me down just look down just a little in the monitors the house is good just the monsters okay good I don't want a feedback because if I get loud I'm gonna get loud tonight amen and so what I want I want to talk to you I've been sharing from the Scriptures how the Bible says in four different times it says now the just shall live by faith four separate occasions and then with those words God gives different instructions on how the just so they're by faith the Bible calls you just it calls us just the more that the word is short for justified it comes from the Greek word dkd i ke that and it means to be in right relationship with authority but it's what the Bible says that God did when Jesus came God put us in right relationship with him we don't get right with God we're made right with God through the finished work of Jesus Christ and so instead of just Carlos the justified he calls us the just he said a just man will fall seven times you know they just a person who's been made right with God and the reason that he will get into trouble is because God got labeled him just but he's still learning how to be just you got he's still learned how to walk with God how many of you still learn how to walk with God you still learn how to walk with God and they've only people they're gonna day to come into control failure in your face they're gonna they're gonna keep records some people don't have mirrors they only have windows you got it they don't they don't see themselves a only see you and so you have to be sure that the God that loved you enough to save you the guy that loved you enough to mark you down in the Lamb's Book of Life and said this one is one of mine that he knows what he's doing he's gonna finish what he started amen tell us about it God's gonna finish his but he started in my life yes he's my friend restart so so the Bible says four time the just shall live by faith but one time in the book of Hebrews the Bible also says the just shall die in faith so we live by faith but we die in faith that means so that the day you die you're going to be in a faith fight you leave here you wanna leave in a blaze of glory the lord delays is coming and you have to have to give up your body to go to be with the Lord it's gonna be a fight of faith but the Bible calls it the good fight it's always a good fight when you find yourself even if it doesn't feel good it's a good fight because God has already proclaimed over your life he's decreed over your life that the victory is yours no matter what happens in spite of it in spite of it God has called you victorious you're more than a conqueror through him that loved you the scripture says speaking of Abraham is Romans 4 is a powerful book it's a powerful chapter it's powerful because in Romans chapter 1 God presents to us the problem of man God creates man and man is more intrigued with the create with the creature that he is with the Creator the Bible says that man is prone to turn the truth of God into a lie in other words what we will do is suppress God's truth so that we could express our unrighteousness in the natural the natural nature of people is to is to is to tell God what you're saying is not right because that's not how I feel be careful for people do Bible says that Jesus did not trust because he know he knew it was the people if the mic cut a fool did not give me a hand he'll we ain't doing this and I shout if I do this didn't I keep that already I mean the devil been fighting all week this is it so so don't be alarmed we've been at it he don't like me and I don't like him you gotta know this is real this is real you know he's one of them you know I tease him he's a pump he is he still think he's gonna win he done lost already now this is this is critical Romans chapter 1 it begins by telling us what the problem is mankind since the fall of Adam is corrupt by Romans chapter 2 says the problem is that man thinks that through religion him trying to find God you see the Christian faith is God coming to find us religion is us trying to find God so Romans chapter 1 man is in trouble you see and I got a mic in my hand he said what was I saying so in Romans chapter 2 chapter 2 man thinks that his problem is solved and he's qualified to judge his neighbor because he somehow are attending services and built some time assist some type of system to find God but then the question is accesses do you think that you are okay do you think that you you're better than other people because you can't you can point out what's wrong with them and and and Romans to assist know says the very fact that you could identify what's wrong with them says that you gonna come on the judgment - because the same thing that you accusing them of you do - in Romans chapter 3 begins to show that not even by keeping by following God's system of law can a person actually be made right with God the Romans chapter 4 God begins not to show the example of this man Abraham wish I had time to start Romans chapter 1 I'm in chapter 4 verse 1 but I don't and it starts to say says so the promise is receipt matter-of-factness is so much it I got to go with this is that so the promises received by faith how's the promise received by faith and tonight what I want to talk to you about is I'm going to talk to you about how to address your dying situation but what you have to understand is um you are sitting on promises from God that you've yet to tap into and because your life is showing signs of fatigue and dying and certain areas of your life that you had big dreams and they didn't come to pass it doesn't mean that God does have a promise there it means that somehow we got off track of going after the promise of God I got sidetrack or distracted with with issues that were peripheral and they were little you allow petty people to come into your life and get you off track messing with stuff that won't matter five years from now you chasing relationship for the sake of saying you're not alone and you forsaken faith that the faith in God that alone can change your life so he says is it we catch this in the middle of the situation when it's talking Abraham God calls him from herb de Cali was interesting about Abraham is that he's first mentioned in Genesis chapter 11 in Genesis 12 God calls him out of ur of the chaldeans the chapter 13 he's burying his father you got it um he's various father he's losing a relationship with his nephew when you look at Abraham's life he two times before it got even shows up to talk to him he's he's lied and said his wife as his sister he's he's a man that's called by God and God is looking for relationship with him and God made promises to him but the Bible says the promises are not received about what I'm able to do for myself it's not it's not on you and I have to look at this word seems a real word because the weight of the fulfillment of promise is not on the promise see it's on the promise sir and I didn't know the word promise see was a real word it said the promise see is the recipient of the promise the promise serves the one who made the promise God says not watch it's not if it's done by for anything is done by faith here's anything that I'm afraid God needs your permission he needs your participation but the weight of it is not only you it's on him you got it so it's not based on your goodness what is really based on is your sincerity and your integrity what does it mean it means that my intentions got to be right that whenever I can whenever I'm in a position where I can choose right from wrong God wants me to choose the right way because that's how he orders in my step but if I miss God it doesn't change the fact that I still have a promise so the Bible says the promise is received how come on I need you to help me I need to be loud it is my sweet receive how now watch this that read the next sentence out loud what does it say it is given read one more time this is given as a surface giving us a free gift that's two words right now you know the reiteration if he says it's given as a gift he doesn't have to say free because we must presume that if it's a gift is going to be but he wanted to leave no doubt in our minds that this has nothing to do with you're able to work you're able to purchase what you could afford or even what you think well what would you think you could do to attain something he said is given to you as a free gift okay now and we all a certain to receive it whether or not we keep the rules that Moses set out now this is dangerous because it's saying watch is not whether or not I live according to the law of Moses whether or not I keep the rules the law of Moses includes the Ten Commandments he said whether or not you behave properly the gift it's yours now I want to add this in there if you go about living in sloppy reckless life live yourself open to the devil God in His grace will come in and do whatever he has to do to get you back on track back under his shelter back under his wing so that when he gives you the free gift that enemy can't just come and gobble it up you do understand it right but he says it's not a prerequisite you're certain to receive it the whether or not you live according to the law of Moses he said if we have faith he said he has a prerequisite I have to have faith like Abraham's what's the prerequisite I have to work I have to have faith like now so once this is interesting because now we have to find out what kind of faith Abraham had it says Abraham is the father of all who believe and so tonight what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna show you a very little-known thing that happened between God and Abraham in Genesis 15 something major have been starting Genesis 14 in Genesis 13 um Locke is taking captive things Genesis 13 Genesis 14 maybe chapter off but Abraham swoops in and he goes to rescue his nephew with 300 trained men from his household when he comes back watch this now he defeats five kings with 300 men from his house so they were a butler's and dishwashers just he gathered his whole house and went after them in faith God gave him the victory when he came back with all the spoil the Bible says that Abraham allowed his men to eat and in particular the sport but when he was offered a reward by the king of Sodom he flat out turned him down and here's what he said he said you never said you made Abraham rich and the reason he said that because in Genesis 12 God says I will bless you he said and whoever bless you I will bless them God said I will children are blessed with land God promised to make him rich and say you never said you did what God promised to do for me if we have faith called Abraham for Abraham the father of those who believe October 17 now give me King James because he got a season King James it says add as as it is written I have made thee a father of many nations before him whom he believed what is now even God who quickeneth the dead and calls those things which be not as though they were not everybody look at me and I want you understand I'm about to say when you call things that be not as though they were instant in modern vernacular it's called lying not to blow your mind but the Bible says and you miss this that it is impossible for God to lie so you say what God will never like that's not what it said it is that he will never lie it says he can't lie by virtue of the definition of the word lied it means to speak something that is not the problem with God is whatever he speaks happens so it is impossible for him to lie now give me a give me in the Living Translation again I want to show you something say says that is what the Scriptures mean when God told him his what God told him I have made you the father of many nations mind you now this man is standing with God said this to him he has no children his body is dead Sarah is barren and God says and I have made you the father of nation you he could have flattened - oh God you are lying but he had a revelation and the revelation is it is impossible for God to lie whatever God promises you he's not depending on your ability to earn it he's not a dependent on anything about you pastor you just don't know who I you know I came from listen to me you know our people are so funny when God call me to do this I was a unique situation with me I was going back over my mind I'll share it with my wife just some of the arm the things that the places I've come through the things I've done I was actually talking to pastor Pete today about it too just changes how I've come through so many different things and I look back over walking with God and here's what is really really struck me about walking with God it's the people that never experienced God doing anything for them that would disqualify you what it's not they've never experienced God like you have but they want to tell you what's God and what's not you have got to get to the place and you'll walk with God well you know God as the one that calls things that be not as good he will say listen I'm sure you and I'm going over all over the place for this but I want to help you God sets him I've made you the father of Nations the body says this happened because abraham believed in the God who brings who brings the dead back to life and who creates new things out of know things that's true look at the word nothing is a new things out of know things and tonight i'ma tell you something you know are you here cuz when I was praying us a gut said some people at the Bob said it need to hear this your life is not over some stuff died and it had to die because you didn't know God you had things you had to honest of your relationships and you didn't know God so God allow them to that way so he could name you Abraham's name was Abram it means exalted father or high father and and and you review some stuff in the Jewish or University in Israel and they what they were interesting pastor Pete they were talking about you know the word are before Abraham or Abram they were saying that that the root of the emphasis on his name is not an obligated on it was the second part of the word I want to get into that but it said the emphasis was not on him being a father it became that when God changed his name to Abraham because his with what God says when God changed his name i'ma show you scripture got to him from this moment forward he said I've already made you the father of Nations and from this more far you'll call yourself what I call you the biggest problem with our faith is we call ourselves what we are not what goddess said we gonna be and as long as you're doing that you remain what you are and never become what he said you're gonna be because the kind of faith that God is looking for is when God says that's what you are you say that's who I am okay with let's look at it let's looking from it so tonight I want to talk to you just for a moment I have a couple of things I'm not gonna get to them all but I'm gonna do my best to get some places okay so the first thing you need to understand is the promises have gotta received by faith faith consists of a couple of things number one it consists of believing with the heart it's not just about saying stuff about believing it when God says it I got to stay with it till I believe it I got to believe that the God that that loves me the God that sent Jesus to die for me the God that I walk with for some of you've been walking with for your entire adult life that although I'm getting late in the game that he hasn't forgotten me mind you God spoke to Abraham when he was 75 years old he was 75 years old when God first called him and people said well you know what he made an Ishmael yeah the haters will always find something to say about what people do but I would take someone but but he after he made the Ishmael God didn't talk to him for 13 years but when God showed up again to talk to him after Ishmael God says to him he said Abraham he said I am The Almighty God in Hebrew I am the many breasted god I am el shaddai he says walk before me be perfect and he says history says he says I'm going to do for you and I said he never mentioned what he did wrong he never mentioned the times he got it wrong Oh God is always focused on where you're going he's always focused on what you're gonna I'm gonna show you this now this is critical and I wanted to put Hebrews chapter 6 up there for me and verse 11 well I want to emphasize this part again because I don't know ramble too much Hebrews chapter 6 and verse 11 it says through their faith the people in the day that's not right where were we okay let's start there our great designs that you will keep on loving others as long as the life lasts in order that in order to make certain that what you hope for would come true look at verse 12 it says first well yeah then you then you will not become spiritually darling and different instead you'll follow the example of those who are going to inherit God's promises because of their faith and in doors I'll give you King James so it says it plainly that we be not slothful but files of them who through faith and it do what notice now promises are not earned they are what what do you have to do to inherit no answer me what do you have to do to inherit anybody has ever been in somebody's will huh anybody got an inheritance what do you have to do I'll tell you be born into the right family with a person that got this stuff that's it so all you have to do to inherit is to be born again to be born into the family of God right and then believe what God says and then just the word patience means to wait for it and this tonight is a critical element what we do while we wait I want to show you a couple things and this is for everybody especially if I knew this when I was younger man I don't know where my life would be right now or in terms of accomplishing so much more the weight of this fulfillment is not on you but there's a part you have to play and second Corinthians chapter one verse 20 King James please if you don't mind second Corinthians chapter 1 verse 20 the Bible says for all the promises of God in him are yea and in him Amen unto the glory of God give me a new living translation here's what it says it says for all of the read with me for all of God's promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding notice now the promises have been fulfilled they're not they will be they have been fulfilled your promise the promise that God made all the prophesied promises concerning Christ all the promises concerning you they all have been fulfilled the promises of God are fulfilled in Christ with a resounding word not it may be better what yes and through Christ watches now our Amen which means yes a sense to God for his glory glory Jesus told Martha when her brother Lazarus died if it did not tell you if you believe you will see the glory of God Trent if you did I tell you if you if you believe you'll see the power of God go to work in your life if you believe you see the power of God believing is critical for you you got to believe that's not just it's hot know what you need to do take time to work on your believing set aside time to replace the things in your heart the things in your mind with the things God said huh it's called meditation take time to think about it and speak it and sit on your mind and keep singing and looking at it until you start to believe it because I'm gonna tell you what you don't know and you believe it because when you speak I don't eat when you listen when a believing part is connected to a confessing mouth it begins to move stuff around and it's not about time you say what faith takes time as matter of fact faith supersedes time Jesus shows up at the wedding feast of Cana in ken of Galilee his mother comes to me she says she said that out of wine he says he's a mom to my time at least not my time yet and she looked at me she just turned to the guy she said what have you tells you to do do it now you know what the process is to make wine you have to plant the grapes you have to you have to care for the vine you have to grow up has to go through seasons and then when you get the grit of the crushed grapes and either grit then the wine the grape juice has to cure that's the timely process but what Jesus said he looked over some water parties they bring those world parts he said fill with water the guys didn't answer question you wanna fill it with water came back he said I dip out some a ticket to the of the governor of the feast he did that something that a guy and it got he's oh my goodness best wine he'd ever tasted watching what did he do he bypassed all that process all that time he surpassed I'm just so Oh faith is the gift to late bloomers if you are a late bloomer faith is a gift to you because God works it's not other people been taking the stairs he said everybody on the tenth floor and we got to go to 20 and a half for up I'm not even started yet godless and God gives you the elevator I'm not saying they're not gonna get there but when you then you and be sweaty when you get them when you get there you have waited on God and God will elevate you when other people are working their way up to the top and I'm gonna show you this is important this is critical for us because the Bible says the promises of God are fulfilled in Christ that are already yes but God needs something from us what does God need I said I'm not what it's got need God needs your amen but you see you've been saying Amen for so long you don't even realize what you're saying released our second record on the quadric it's called true story and it was a our first singles quarter it is so when it is so into radio we've got complaints that it was too much word in it to me Bible for gospel radio too much Bible for gospel radio and I don't know if you noticed but another choir we did the song it is so and they changed the lyric at the end cuz I'm lyric on the incense whatever I speak what if I speak it would come and they changed it they say whatever he speak it will come to pass here's what they miss God decreases in the heaven but if you don't declare it in the earth ain't nothing coming to pass God has spoken once twice have I heard it power belongs to God if God spoke twice we've got spoke once how did I hear twice he spoke at once I spoke it once and then power is released let me help you out I will show you something I'll show you something let me help you out so this is critical to us because the worth of what amen literally means it is so so be it or I want to show you something that's gonna blow your mind in Luke chapter 1 verse 34 the angel of the Lord is speaking to Mary he's negotiating terms with her because God needs to borrow her body what God wants to do is God wants to he wants to bring his son into the earth but it cannot come through a man because the bloodline has to be supernatural he's so designed the body the female body that a whole world a universe could exist within her without even touching her placenta is not dependent upon her blood placenta it functions on his own the seed of the father produces the placenta in her God just needs a body and the Bible says angel is telling Mary was gonna what's going on and what God was to do Mary just had a single question she said how can this happen she's I'm a virgin I don't know man give me King James cuz I wanted to get know give me a further forgive me King James old school then said Mary unto the angel how shall this be seeing I know not a man she's talked about I don't know anybody biblically look at the next verse he says and the angel answered and said unto her the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the most high or the highest shall overshadow thee therefore also the holy thing which would be born of thee shall be called what the son in the in the Greek is the offspring of God look at verse 36 and the Bible says and he says to her and behold that cousin Elizabeth she has also conceived a son in her old age and this is a six month with her who was called what needs to sit they used to call a barren he's a part of Bannister she called us a barren until God called us something else and when God called her the woman who was gonna give birth in her old age her husband did not agree and God shut his mouth god save you can't speak with the promise don't say nothing he shut him up and I'll show you something ain't that some good English and it has with angel said he said for with God no thing shall be impossible the word impossible is an interesting Greek word it is it is the word um Bester says it literally not English it means powerless it says there is no situation that would ever exist what God will be powerless I don't care who created the situation so after all this here's the scenario this supernatural being shows up to Mary and the first things that said don't be afraid why would he tell of that if visibly and physically he didn't look kind of scary he gave her greeting he told her you were highly favored about all women and the Bible says she was taken with the witness with the salutation it was different for her to be greeted like that nothing he says makes sense I've got questions she asks a question the answer didn't make sense but he said to her it's not on you it's on God you know Mary did verse 38 and Mary said behold the handmaid of the Lord be it unto me according to thy word and notice something the angel did not carry on the conversation any longer he got what he came for what did I just say what did he come for he came for her amen he came for her amen he wanted her to a men him she said I don't know you Tom I don't understand it you make a new living translation heaven she said the Bible says me responded I'm the Lord servant made everything he have just said which I don't understand any of it may be said about me let it happen God is waiting for your amen he's waiting for you to go into your Bible not just read this to check a box and say I've read my scripture for the day he was you to find stuff in there promises on earth them and put them in your mouth because there is what happens the mouth trains the heart were to believe when things are going well so that when things are going bad the the heart trains the mouth what to say let me get this the during times of peace and times of favor times of prosperity the mouth teaches the heart what to believe so that when trouble comes and times are hard and you can't see away the heart would teach the mouth what to say now this is important he came for her amen said it out loud he came say it again sometimes I believe that God allows us to go through situations so that we could actually reenlist on our amen he wants you to say yes again he will back you into a corner where the average person was saying no and ask you what sayst thou about this situation am i able to dip for fulfill my promise am i able to deliver you am I able to make good on what I said to you oh that doesn't look like that and we want you to say is be it unto me make everything you have said about me come true he wants your okay now I'll show you something this interesting put on the screen for me on Genesis chapter 14 and verse 17 Genesis chapter 14 verse 17 I'm reading all the way down so stay with me okay so the Bible says after Abraham returned from the victory of occurred Aloma and all his allies the king of sodom went out to meet him in the valley of shaveh that is the king's valley next verse and macchesney the king of salem a priest of god most high brought Abraham or Abram rather some bread and wine verse 19 Melchizedek blessed Abram with this blessing blessed be Abram God blessed be Abraham by God most high creative heaven earth verse 20 and blessed be God Most High who has defeated your enemies for you then Abram gave milk is that a tenth of all the goods he had recovered he gave him a tithe next verse then the Bible says no I wouldn't at verse this is that's it the king of Sodom said Abram give back my my people who were captured but you may keep for yourself all the goods you've recovered here's what Abraham said remember tried to connect the king I solemnly swear to the Lord God Most High creative heaven earth verse 20 verse yeah they go that I will not take so much as a single thread or sandal thong from what belongs to you otherwise you might say I am the one who made Abraham or Abram richer because next verse I will accept only what my young warriors have already eaten and I request that you give a fair share of the goods to my allies and he called their name next verse the Bible says some time later the Lord folk to Abram in a vision said do not be afraid why would God tell him not to be afraid a couple reasons number one you just took 300 min and went and supernaturally defeated five kings he wasn't thinking what he did it when he did it he was just moving any motion he was moving by love he's moving in faith have you ever done something in faith and I think you've done it you got oh my god I just do you don't wrote the check you don't you oh my god what I just now just committed myself and and God shows up to me said don't be afraid Abram don't worry about what you just did he said I will protect you that's when Abram said and he saying your reward will be great at the verse 2 he says but Abram replied o Sovereign Lord what good are all your blessings when I don't even have a son since you've given me a since you've given me no children Eliezer of Damascus a servant in my house will inherit all my wife because the next verse you have given me no descendants of my own so so one of my service will be my heir then the Lord said to him no your servant will not be your ear for you would have a son of your own who will be your ear verse 5 and the Lord took Abram outside and said to him look up into the sky and count the Stars if you can that's how many descendants you have look at verse 6 the Bible says I want to show everybody read this out loud and Abram believed the Lord no when you read this and one of the bundle bad things about when you casually reading your Bible if you don't know though if you don't know language it's it seems simple enough abraham believed God in God counted him as a righteous person because of his faith but the Hebrew word for the word believe is the word Armand the word for faith in the Old Testament is the word Amon but but the concept of faith is is a whole system God speaks I here I process I respond the Bible calls that faith the Bible says literally in the Hebrew says and eight rushes Abram said to God he I don't even have a son my mark my servant is gonna inherit everything and God says no no that's not gonna happen that's what it looks but that's doesn't happen he said I'm gonna give you son just hold on I'll give you a son and after God said Audie is gonna say the Bible says Abraham really responded with one word you know what he said what'd he say he said amen just a first told a story that was amazing I I've been teaching on this Amen for a long time and I heard Joseph Prince tell story that was interesting he was talking to a man the man was 100 years old he said um when you're asking me there wasn't Israel he asked they were asking a guy man tells the story of longevity and he's totally interesting story he says years ago he said I was 15 years old he said um we were outside with a gun I don't get the details I'm shorten it just for time sake buddy I'm gonna get all the details right he said we were outside with this older man and the guy was telling us he was pointing to something that was happening in the arm in that time of year and a guy said to that he said this is gonna happen and then it won't happen again for 87 years that's when he took me to all the young men around him and here's what he said when the old man said my prayer for you is that you be alive to see it he said all his classmates bus start laughing and he said and I said amen listen to me he said all I could think to say here is this man standing there speaking something over us and everybody thinks is so far-fetched they all laughed he said he didn't find it funny I'm not able to say so he said Amen he said it's been 85 years ago he said in two years this thing is one cycle around again and I'm gonna be alive to see it because when the word was spoken over me I said amen God told God told Moses before you dismiss the children of Israel you'll speak over them I said the Lord bless you keep you the Lord make his face to shine upon thee you give him what we call a benediction and we also have I received the benediction but we don't talk about it at the end of the benediction the people were to say Amen what it is so so be it let it happened to me just like you said the Bible says all the promises of God are fulfilled in Christ then yes brushes but they yes from God but the Amen comes from us and it goes back up temple his glory in other words he does over these pilots are you Amen him but you can't just say Amen once it's not out of curiosity it has to be out of a belief that is rooted in you is that I know if you said it you can't lie it's gonna happen ain't no devil devil I'm tell you something let me tell you something this is crazy I had a insane week and I wasn't into my time of wisdom and the Lord Jesus is so he listen I'm tell you he's real he's real let me tell you I went to my time with him I told the Lord Lord you know I don't feel like going tonight I said I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do it - pastor P cos he you know I ain't tellin by I was it was our on the server's algebra guy wasn't coming I am feel like years I feel like some of you watching me right now from home you didn't feel that coming you just didn't I was I ain't hating because I was just like you but when I went into my time of wisdom here's what this was Jesus said to me and I said never tell the Lord but it was never Jesus said he reminded me that when Herodias had his cousin John the Baptist's head removed and paraded in a drunken party on a platter when the news came to Jesus the Bible says he went aside by himself he went but he went the grieving his cousin but when the people follow him the Bible says the Bible says he turned when he saw the multitude he had compassion on them and he healed them all the way he took revenge on the devil for the devil did was he exercised his gift and got people free I'm gonna get you free tonight this is my revenge here's the thing at some point in your life I know you've been through the past in the rough go through the things I've done wrong listen the promise is for you that promises for people just like us who sometimes get it wrong yes you're righteous man yes you're righteous woman but you know what you're gonna go through some things in life what has to happen now the most important thing is not your performance it's your Amen God has spoken about you so what do you say in return what are you saying you gotta say whenever whatever he says about you when he says about you listen it doesn't look good now but I'm about to bless you your responses what I'm going to show you something that's amazing so so I'm working on some a financial situation and I'm very meticulous about about being able to manage their I don't get myself in no debt I can't handle so so I was I was working on getting this list on I want to get a small loan to take you some business real quick and and and kind of flip it real quick and I was talking to Lord I said Lord you know I just I said I can't afford to do the payment you know I helped this person I had my person you know and and I said I can't before the payment and the Lord says to me he says pursue it I said I can't afford a payment he kept saying pursue it and the reason he said we came for the payment was as a shorter is a good chunk of change but I want in the short turnaround they want to drag drag I wanted to pay it over my can't afford that large turn around and all says pursue it so I kept pursuing it and then they keep saying well you know it came back at this and we could do that and I kept saying no you had anything else you got anything else watch this and I kept a Kip I was acting as if they owed me something well that beats 13% I don't pay anybody 13 percentage interest that's why I told her and she said well well pastor we will tell you what I play back let me see I could do and I got the phone I went back into prayer that's what was said I don't think it could do it and it all said pursue this so the lady calls me back and she says she said pastor Ramsey she said we have different these different options and she said but if not I have one more thing I want to run by you that's okay cool I've seen work she run by the first three I said I don't like him and she said what about this and she he gave me a proposal that I only heard about that they do for rich people have you ever heard of an interest-only line of credit so I said why are you doing this she said what I want to talk to some people and you know we checked some things on she's a bastard or we think this would be perfect for you so what's my limit I'm gonna tell you I said really she said but you'd have to use it you use what you want you're paid off and she said but watches she said but until you get ready to pay all you pay is interest I said let me check it into this I check this thing out and when I went back to president god said I told you to pursue this because this is the way I want to show you because what is not because there's something you're getting ready to deal with in the future and it's gonna take a massive line of credit to do exactly what you got to do the problem came along to teach me a business principle I'd not known to this point so you think that God because it's not going the way you think is supposed to go that God has lost track of you he's working or something he's trying to expand your mind he's trying to stretch you you you've been so accustomed of living from paycheck to paycheck Heidi will start a business when you afraid of money so as I pursued it as I pursue this thing God brought some things to fruition he needs your Amen I'll show you something in proverbs 21 go to there real quickly proverbs 28 in 1 the Bible says in this verse in Genesis 15:6 that Abraham Amen God and you know what how God responded when God says I'm gonna give you a son Abraham his body was dying then he said that God would got to have a problem that start just started recently I can't talk to you about it because Sara can never have a child she was barren his body was starting to die and Gus I'm having an image he goes I don't order sir amen and the Box doesn't God counted it to him that's right she says all the stuff he had gotten wrong up to that point that one thing God says that's a righteous man he called him a righteous because he a mend him because he told God if you said it it's going to happen I believe it i'ma shoes everybody give me everybody reads out loud ready read the wicked runaway when no one is chasing them I so post recently on social media you probably saw it say if you see me running and nothing is chasing me he say you run to another person say I don't run because the Bible says the wicked flee when no man pursueth but the righteous the boulders are lying this boldness is something that you've got to get accustomed to if you're gonna live by faith you have got to become bold verbally in other words your yes is going to have to be spoken in the face of some knows they're going to reject you they will tell you don't fit you don't qualify they're gonna tell you now you're not what we had in mind they're going to tell you that you don't quality in some way you've disqualified yourself and they're gonna tell you know that people I'm gonna taste some money tell by my ministry that people there people who've written me off they heard my story they wrote me off every chance I get they bring up the front of my face it cuts deep but God keeps reminding me your relationship is not with them they didn't call you matter of fact God reminds this one servant came they came into the situation when I'd already promoted you they don't know what you came through they don't where you came from they didn't know it they walked in on a chapter of your like they don't even know what caused it worse is not and God says if you start believing them now and stop believing me you're gonna mess up what I got planned and the very people that wrote you off they're gonna be there are you he prepares a table before me don't run your enemies away didn't need to be there to see you come back and you see what God is gonna do haters they need to see it then don't run them off keep them closed everybody boldness in the Hebrew the word boldness means is it in the Greek and the Greek translation of that is parrisha is with all outspokenness it means I speak like this because I know who has my back and so the bonus does not come from this talking it come you're not just saying words you're speaking out of a well of trust a well of confidence a well of expectation you already know what girls don't do you already saw him do it it's you're just waiting for the time for it to manifest let them say what they want to say I'm here to tell you the night your God has got your back he's got you he said pastor suppose I said in guard oh is this impossible for God to make a promise and you say it and he doesn't respond he's waiting on your word in the earth he's waiting with your word I love this I'm a citizen again God has spoken once twice have I heard it power belongs to God he said it once I said it once I am little it's not the devil is saying you're losing God is saying you're winning you are the swing vote you determine how this thing's turns out you determine it what are you saying who are you a meaning [Applause] you said knock you kid of you or to this Presbyterian Church let me tell you this by the help you are right now you are too safe you are you're being too safe to succeed there's no risk in what you're doing and God does not show up until you take the risk you go back to that bank the same bank that rejected you put the application in again you better sing I'm telling you I'm gonna tell you testimony you've heard these testimonies so many times but I'm a bear witness I'm gonna say it again across the street the church has some property said I'm gonna help you out the church has some property across the street I went oh I walked across the street when there was a for sale sign and the Spirit of God said buy this property I looked at it and I said we don't need this property but God said to buy it and I knew it was the Lord but I said well we were over here doing that thing and I didn't I went to Houston a matter of fact I went to Houston for training dr. hideous said on some of you have some property in your ear above all the property I came back I went to bite and the guy said to me our pastor Ramsey the property's already sold right across the street so I said well I said um but that's our property and I said when the people come back to you tell you that they don't want the property I said we're gonna buy it he says to me he starts he said haha dr. Ramsey he said um they have plans downtown right now I said called me when the plans are the proof he said he said you let me find you some other Providence and it's our property went back out of town again two weeks later the phone rings people to the phone hey it was the office and said hey was going on this pastor you got a call from a realtor I say who they told me his name they said to tell you this and you know what they're talking about he said the property became available he left the number I called the guy he said dr. rings you wouldn't believe what happened I said no no I'm not the one that wouldn't believe you're the one that didn't believe so so tell me the story he said the plans were halfway through the process and when the city saw it they were gonna put their the city says we can't do that and the city disapproved the plan and they came back to us and asked us to sell the property he said the good news is they bought it for forty thousand and so we said 240 thousand said the bad news is I'm paying you 40 thousand for it I said you had a chance to get my money you didn't want it so what we're gonna do is this I'll give you 30 he says doctor and surely we could do something better he's at 38 us at 32 he said what does it take to close a deal I said you tell me give me your next offer we design he said 35 I said sold we went and bought that property across the street and it was already sold because God had told i'mma tell you it had I not pursued it after I said it was sold God's Word would still be lingering in the air he determined it was our property he determined it but if we hadn't pursued it we'd never gotten it what does God determined it belongs to you what is God already spoken over your family and said as yours but you won't forget it because you want to be safe because you're afraid of the risk you need some risk in your life your life is boring right now because you'll risk nothing you're too safe you need God to get involved you better give this to rugged damaged other Mac I'm going home this is it this is the thing whenever the enemy whenever the enemy pressures you I manage you she's like hey take it that's right I need to see more of that in a sec we become sedate and safe and listen where are the crazy people that believe God when they said we couldn't build this property when it we never seen around building before it's here now where are these people I'm looking for those people because you're about to change a city again and the haters mohit that's all they can do just matter everybody sit down for me I'm gonna finish up right here I'm ready Thank You charlie something there's something interesting in scripture and whenever we the Bible says there's something about it emotionally receiving the Word of God and not letting it sink down but I'm not sure you and I want you to do your best to restrain yourself because I want you to be like scientists in a lab we're gonna examine you from this puja meantime what I'm going to show you is nothing new but I want you to consider it again because the Lord asks me to consider it again there are people who have released demonic words into your heart they were wounded and they wanted you in the world that they put in your heart has you thinking that that's the way everybody sees you tonight in Jesus name I speak over you I say be free from wounding words normally word wounds take time to heal the heal gradually tonight in the name of Jesus I speak over your life from the office I've been Carleton I've walked with the Lord is with standing in father for 30 years may those words be uprooted from your life tonight and never again hinder you moving forward may the pain of the memory subsiding may the spirit of God who has called you to walk with the Lord Jesus Christ replace those wounding words with words of affirmation and victory words of faith may you get to the place where when they come around for a second seating to speak evil into your heart well you have the boldness of saying no that's what God says about me tonight I speak of your levels of those words that the enemy enemies sought to delay your destiny with they are brutally I command the seat that died in Jesus name if you receive it you say what you say Amen now you learn the lesson we're gonna go home with this defeat put in there Ezekiel 37 verse 1 I want you to be like like biologists in a lab now watch this closely is Ezekiel 37 you know the scripture you've seen it before I just want to know how much of it I want to need to read I'm gonna sign it from the Lord right now the Prophet says the Lord took hold of me and I was carried away by the Spirit of the Lord to a valley filled with boughs flip the King James I want to see something and I want to see yeah he said was full of bones okay I want to mention I'm not missing anything go to go back to the New Living Translation move me forward I'm go to verse 14 I'm gonna tell you when to stop with the verse - he led me all around among the bones that covered the valley floor imagine this there was a war there this is a vision it's not real but it's a war there what God is doing that the Bible is a picture book and to get people to understand God will use words but it's easy to paint pictures if I said without a parable Jesus taught nothing this is parabolic he's trying to show them something that's happening in the spirit but in order for them to understand it they have a seat in the natural he has to see the natural so the Bible says he led me all around and when I saw was he imagined is a valley floor mountain and on the side mind on the side and all in this valley are nothing but bones everybody said bones bones bones from something that had long died it's been dead it didn't just die there's no flesh there just bones and he said they were scattered everywhere across the ground and were completely dried out they had they were under they were left in the elements they were forgotten there and God says they forgot him but I didn't he took his profit there why take a profit because the gift of the profit is 2/4 tale the word of the Lord see you think prophets only tell the future no prophets don't just foretell they forth tale what they were forth telling is is God speaks it and the prophet repeats it the prophetic element of your life is is that you have the ability to see what God says it is just like he said it you can speak your own deliverance quiet choirs freak me out you sing your deliveries every Sunday you still bound watch this verse 3 he says then he asks me here's the question son of man can these bones become living people again she struggled with this for so long he's been gave up on his dream do you think that person could ever return to normal you think that situation could ever be fixed God is asking the Prophet and the Prophet is smart he said oh sorry Lord I replied oh you alone know the answer to that I can say what I want to say but only you know what's what really happened and the next verse the Bible says in the next verse then he said to me watch this he could have said anything to him but he said speak a prophetic message to these bones and say was this not not what he attempts a man is so these bones are dry no he said speak a prophetic message to these both noticeably Jesus spoke to a fig tree he answered and said unto it no many feet of you ever again and it died you have the ability to speak the things that don't have ears to speak the things that you don't think and hear you it's not about you is about it's not about them here you is about what God has given you you're created in the image of God you have the ability you have jurisdictional Authority in the earth that me juris means law diction means to speak you can speak long into a situation the question was can these bones live and I don't know that's what God says well we got to find out we're about to find out I know so I'm gonna tell you what you need to do the Prophet said to him you are long known and God says yes I do know so hey let me tell you speak this say this dry bones listen to the Word of God how do you know that dry bones can't listen so if he could say dry bones listen what about this what about this bank account listen to me what about this what about this what about this you've grown your house you say listen to me in this I ain't nobody ever do you listen in this house right now we will not be having this fighting and fussing carrying on for can't get along up in here I declare by the name of the Lord this peace I release peace in this house what's this no one heard you you think but you have just exercised jurisdictional Authority listen try bows to the word of the Lord at the verse 5 this is what the sovereign Lord says look I'm going to put breath into you and make you live again look at verse 6 this is God is telling still telling what to say I will put flesh and muscles on you and cover you as skin I will put breath into you and you will come to life then you will know that i am the lord knows that god is doing this not to show you magic but so you could know he's the Lord watches now next verse he says the prophet said so I spoke this message sales next words say it again he altered nothing of what God said if he said with his stripes your heel then I declare with his stripes I'm healed he said if the word says my God shall supply all your need according to his riches and glory in Christ then I declare my knees a metal coat the riches and glory in Christ the Lord of my shepherd I shall not lack I say these things both of my life watch this now not just practice to say it I say from a believing heart I was going to do it that's not for me to know that's for him to know listen he gives the promise I give the Amen [Music] he says a spoke just as he told me to certainly as I spoke now his was crazy he says she says it happened all of a sudden in a steel dry hot valley where no life had been moving for so long all of a sudden I speak what God doesn't speak and all of a sudden is a rattling noise it's all across the valley the bones of each body came together and attached themselves as I could not let me show you something you've heard me teach this before some of you have some pretend is your first time so here's what happens when when wars were fought and armies were killed the vultures will come immediately the whole Valley will be filled vultures and what they will do is voters are very stingy birds they don't share meals so they'll pick up armed pick a leg a thigh and drag it over here and one will drag it over there and they will finish off their meals so it's possible that a vulture could pick up her arm and fly across the valley with it to finish it by himself so this thing was impossible we don't even know what fits where whose bonus that doesn't don't worry about that's not your problem your job is to declare the word of the Lord you say what I tell you to say and watch was gonna happen and he spoke the word ease and suddenly I heard his rattling noise what was the rattling it was bones trying to find their bones joints were looking for each other and all he didn't speak the word and God is you think Oh God was working God was not working he wasn't doing a thing all God said was you say this and this is what will happen and he still did what Ezekiel and watched it happen and the Bible says they came back and make complete skeleton look at verse 8 he says then as I watched and that's how your life is gonna change Saints how is your life gonna change say those words the first word how that's gonna change and your life is gonna change as you watch you will speak the word and you were standing and no matter how the weather changes how the wind blows how the wage rise no matter what happens why the floods come but the storm does you'll keep saying what God says and you will see just as you watch you will see it happen the Bible says muscle and flesh formed over the bone just like I said there's skin form to cover their bodies just like I said then they still had no breath in them but God didn't want to finish the job without his prophet tell somebody God doesn't wanna finish it without you next verse service then he said to me speak another prophetic message to the winds sent of man speak of prophetic message and say this is what the sovereign Lord says come or breath from the four winds breathe into these dead bodies so they may live again look at verse 10 the Bible says so I spoke the message just as he told me to you need to get a customers don't dumb down the message to fit your situation if God says it boldly and lavishly you say it boldly and lavishly so I spoke just as commanded me and he says lookie here breath came into these bodies they all came to life and stood up on their feet a great army verse 11 and he says then he said to me son of man these bones represent the people of Israel give me King James I want to show you something this entire visual was for something important God says devices then he said he said a man these bones are the whole house of Israel behold they are saying that's what they're saying the reason I showed you valley of dry bones because they keep saying it they keep saying our bones are dried I hope is lost and we're cut off from our parts so when I do I show you a picture of what they've been saying their lives have become a picture of what they've been saying you are where you are because you keep saying we just don't get along we'll never get along I don't know I'm here because it's secure but we don't love each other stop saying that [Music] the only body want me that's exactly what it looks like in the spirit no Gabe I don't want you well somebody does [Music] I ain't playin see I'm gonna tell you y'all gonna be jealous I'm Hoshi get a husband because what's she saying y'all playing I don't know how but keep saying that [Music] you know shame and said you want a husband brother than their shame and say you want a wife I don't know what I'm talking about that but let's leave that alone for a minute let's get back to this then he said to me son of man these bones much time these bones are the whole house of Israel behold look what they saying what they say they're saying I hope they say our bones are dried on hope his loss will cut off from my past verse 12 he says therefore the only fix for this is for you to prophesy and sent to them here's what the Lord is saying behold all my people he said I myself will open your graves you could tell it's Grace when God says I'm gonna do it he said I will open your graves I will cause you to come imma push you out for them i'ma push you about that grave I will bring you back into the place at the land that I've given you look at verse 13 and usual know that I'm the Lord when I've opened your graves on my people and brought you up out of your graves these I'm opening i'ma kick you out your grave God by to keep you at your grave you ain't dead and for some of you Malaysian all of you turn on a rut is all the rut is is a grave that both is knocked out God says I'm bout to say let me say Allah say so the Lord is about to you within hours of me saying this kicked me out of my rut my rut is over my boredom is over my depression has ended my depression has ended my discouragement has lifted I say by the name of the Lord that the God that made me knows how to fix me I'm fixed come on Sam fix my heart is fixed in Jesus name you better bless him like you believe it
Channel: Pastor Hart Ramsey
Views: 11,847
Rating: 4.8764477 out of 5
Id: 0rMP6Um-W7M
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Length: 64min 46sec (3886 seconds)
Published: Tue May 08 2018
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