[katuri Compilation] Katuri Full Episodes 27~52 | 2.5Hour

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[Music] the flowers come down from there right now this rock is amazing it's all Oh tiny bird flower crown well I don't have it it's hanging on your nose oh how did it get onto my nose oh I'm sorry huh I didn't mean it I'll give it to you the whole fix it for you right now [Music] oh sorry actually I know a place with lots of flowers sure there are flowers of all colors yes I will hold on tight I may be faster than you think did she go we're almost there what do you say is that enough for your flower crowd [Music] [Music] [Music] we need to she's having a good time baby hedgehog and the balloon tada there you go it's a huge balloon okay I'll go and collect some chestnuts now so have fun okay try edgy look it's not your balloon [Music] [Music] for you at home what are we gonna play with them we could do something else yes chip you're right let's give the balloon hichy here you go I'm really giving it to him I don't know what to say it's okay we can play something else play with it [Music] [Music] are you are you okay hedgy are you scared [Music] I'll prepare you some snacks at home how about that who's crying we came over alone to the baby hedgehog but he popped I am so sorry but my baby really didn't mean it if it was because of his little spikes you know what Hetchy if you stop crying and ask more gently then you could have another balloon oh yes the little pheasants will help you right oh wait don't you think the balloon is too big for him your spikes will break the balloon again if we don't do something oh wait I have an idea Oh marvelous that is so kind of you thank you so much I'll get you down I'll get him are you alright are you okay we were so worried the jumping mudfish [Music] Doosan tools with you are you taking all that I need for the sunshine shines on the breathe it didn't go in the fish mud fish nice to meet you we are but why are you here this is not a pond it's a small puddle that's a good question well it was raining a lot a while ago was it I don't really excited so I whoa you guys are awesome good good anyways I was jumping crazily and and I found myself here then you should go back to the pond you're right I need to go back but I can't tell why because the pond is too far away what should we do what should we do you guys should help me will you please help me yes of course we will I'm a bit slippery oh yeah you're very slippery we can't even hold you Oh what should we do now oh hey I've got an idea we could dig like this and make a waterway that leads to the pond all right [Music] [Music] Rock it's a rocky field we won't be able to make a waterway with so many rocks in the way oh no oh no it's hopeless now I'll have to live here the rest of my life all alone my pod I'm sure there must be something we can do can you jump all the way over here yes you can jump you can jump into this puddle and then into that puddle and then into that oneness you'll be able to reach the bomb by jumping and jumping again haha that's a good idea and I'm good at jumping okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey mom can we go play in the playground but it's almost dinnertime we'll come back before dinner okay well come back before it's too late you understand [Music] [Music] snail wow you are really slow but you'll never get back home like that don't worry I carry my house on my back when I'm tired I can have a rest inside it's really cool well I've gotta go now he's so slow are you sure see you later [Music] last it's because you run too slow hey let's play okay then chip has to be the tagger since he came last tip is really slow dinner's ready my sweeties be careful running guys oh why aren't you running Jim because I'll be the last one anyway [Music] it's not over yet we have to make them hungry all right I'm coming hi again snail who are you going right now I want to climb up really really high and see the world it's my dream so I'm going to climb up to the top of the tree look but that's way too high would you like me to help you no I will buy you could get there more quickly with my help I don't have to go quickly I want to climb up by myself oh come on chip it's dinnertime yes mom then good luck [Music] I are still sleeping this meal hey snail snail maybe he gave up it's too high for him I'm here where you made it up to the top climbed up all night long I know I'm a little bit slow but it's okay it's okay to be slow yeah because I'll get there as long as I make sure not to ever give up Wow the Wolfram here is really beautiful [Music] what are you doing there huh hey guys let's go to the playground let's do the race again yes it is okay to be left in the race here I come a tree for two huh it's the squirrels life look there how many times do I have to tell you oh boy this is my house I tell you Oh are they fighting uh-huh let's go making a hole in my train hey squirrel what's going on oh the little pheasants I'm so glad to see you guys this tree here is mine but the woodpecker keeps saying that it is piety is not true I started building my house here first squirrel how about looking for another tree yeah the woodpecker says that he came first how how can you say that to me oh I don't want to move to another tree I love this perch it's awesome didn't you hear your friend go find another tree like this tree here perhaps you could share this tree together no way Oh what should we do oh the one who cracks open this hard walnut gets to stay in this tree how about that oh that's a great idea [Music] okay you first all right I'm really good at cracking you know here we go what's wrong squirrel it's almost okay it's my turn now well crack it that's not bad I just cracked the wall you credit it but but the woodpecker did you hear that they say that I opened the walnut squirrel what's that hole there oh it's the woodpeckers house but since this tree is now mine the house is mine too let's have a look [Music] I'll bring my acorns what's wrong squirrel Oh No what should we do let's help them out okay come one you pull on three okay quick chip I can't hold it for too long [Music] mom what are you doing that squirrel is stuck in the woodpeckers house we kept pulling and pulling that didn't work [Music] we'd better ask the woodpecker as it's him who's made that hole okay fine just this one time so how show you what I can do [Music] [Music] [Music] come up to the front my chicks [Music] [Music] [Music] oh so I fell from there I think he went over there then let's go over there do you know me I don't think we met before we get to know each other from now I'm Bobby haha we shook hands that means that we're friends now ooh what friends yes friends I was really bored here all on my own huh let's do something fun together quick what should we do what can I do I can't play with you I need to get out of here what you want to get out yeah what's the matter with that nothing fine it is not easy you are too heavy am i but try one more time oh I can't I can't how about playing with me we can do so many fun things here come on fun things like what we can hang like this here and here and play Oh No but I'm really dumb like hanging what you don't like this but it's always fun but the Golden Bough are you mad at me no not at all I'm doing all this for you well how about living here with me why live with you oh no I need to go back home quickly my mom and siblings must be looking for me mom I see Bobby's back over there ha ha your mom and siblings probably don't realize that you're not there they must be having fun no my mom will come to find me I don't think so they could be eating something really tasty without you know you can live here with me oh no I want to live with my mom [Music] I'm here wait for a moment [Music] [Applause] [Music] you were right I'm fine thanks mom whose foot is this birdie buses arrived to the playground who did this hey mom look here I see footsteps hmm I think these are the footsteps of whoever destroyed the playground then we should find out whose footprints these are [Music] there you go let's find the forest friend with the same footprint as this one yeah me a corn I better go home right away and it's the birdie bus a bus it doesn't look like one well they're not on the bus let me see your foot huh what are you doing looking for someone you made a mess of the playground what the playground is a max school has a smaller fun squirrels foot is smaller than the leaf so he's not the one I know an animal who's bigger than squirrel it wasn't me I wanted to be that this feels so good so good yeah oh hello little pheasants blackfurs foot is much bigger oh we're wrong again so whose footprint is this come on little pheasants better keep on searching in the bushes where [Music] what did you see strange where did it go hi guys oh hi rabbit yes it's me Oh what's this it's the birdie buzz oh the bus where were you going we were learning someone who damaged our playground have you ever seen an animal with a footprint like this hmm maybe I haven't what's wrong wrapping the tree ah you guys are saying gotcha he's the one who destroyed the playground it wasn't you rabbit destroy the playground and you just destroyed our birdie bus - I did I'm sorry when my teeth get it tea I can't help nibbling the trees huh do you feel better after the nibbling yes it feels great huh I just can't help it come and look my sweeties the birdie bus has turned up money better do you want a nibble some more trees huh yeah of course I do and would you fix our playground for us haha but I destroyed it before no fix it for you [Music] [Music] the gray squirrel in the forest [Music] hey what should we do today hey listen is anything good happening gray squirrel is coming to my house today gray squirrel he's a cool and funny guy like me you see hmm it's about time for him to arrive howdy little pheasants I'm gray squirrel so what should we do how about playing with the toys that I brought its a spinning top made of acorn you call the string around the top and haha this acorn top is so cool if you do this the top spins faster I don't believe it my little feather that's like the gray squirrel more than me now you can try to do something about this [Music] [Music] hey square our tops are all gone don't worry guys I have heaps of toys let me see Tanna this is a walnut yo-yo look I will show them an even better toy and that will get their attention [Applause] hey I'm gonna show you how to real pad [Music] [Applause] do you think that he's going too fast squirtle you can stop now [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] chip squirrel are you alright yes I'm okay mom okay - why were you on the skateboard in the first place squirrel even if you make a new friend you can always keep the old ones beside to you she's right even if we become friends with grey squirrel you'll always be our friend yeah oh oh really friends [Music] [Applause] [Music] the call cream [Applause] [Music] Gerry you're grown up - I'm going to get taller and taller okay it's Jack's turn now let's see Jack side Wow Jack's grown - oh my kids are growing like sprouts right let's see chips yes mom I'm sure that I've gotten taller - oh there's no difference oh no wait impossible there's no difference oh I want to be taller like my brothers and sister mm-hmm don't worry chip you will be soon if you just eat and play well then let's go eat cherries together can't we change it's just too high it's the tall ones job can you reach up that high hmm sure can it's super easy oh wait a second chip [Music] [Music] sweet hey there small ones I've never seen a tow bird like you who are you me I'm a crane as you can see I'm very very tall what do you think don't I look fabulous I envy you they want to be really tall just like you huh maybe one day you'll be like me oh I think I got it [Music] oh that looks just like my legs yeah anyone can be tall like you on these very long sticks then the shortest one can have the first turn huh yep well me okay [Music] I'm so tall what you are even taller than me Wow chips now a beanpole mr. beanpole chip can you reach the cherries over there sure I can pick the [Music] cherries can't you but I'm not good at running [Music] [Music] you okay chip yeah mom I'm okay ah chip what were you doing on those tall sticks oh I just wanted to be taller chip my sweetheart you will be soon oh really sure and you look amazing even though you are not yet really tall mommy's right race again let's do something else then how about doing a pair run with your friends today I'll run with maestro bell cricket then I'll run with black bear aren't you going to get your partner I'm not sure is going to be my partner I'm sure there is a perfect partner for you take your time okay you're right mommy have fun I will [Music] who's gonna be my partner for the race [Music] what's this honey is this yours here my name's chip what's yours I'm worldcat nice to see you well cat what were you doing there I was playing alone with this cotton ball you are playing alone too well let's play together we are all going to do a pair race today a pair race mm-hmm but I'm the only one without a partner would you be my partner a partner hmm fine he's wild cat and these are my brothers sister and friends hello so we are ready to start the pair run whoever runs around the playground and reaches here first is the winner of the race ready and go [Music] hey aren't you running with me I don't want to run why is that maybe he's too nervous oh then let's stay here instead of doing the race maestro bell cricket we need to speed up - wait what are you doing that never seen such a perfect press for whistling yeah let me play some music you want to try [Music] [Music] [Laughter] right on my back huh way you want it you because I want to do the pair on now huh breathes mom would it be okay if we start a race now of course you are my best partner [Music] so chip when you play the stone hitting game you have to put this stone up straight you lose when your stone gets hit and falls down do you understand I got it you ready here we go your stone is broken dirty let's play again one more time but how your stone is broken I'll get a new one I'll find a real solid stone and you lets go chip it's too small and this one is can't find the right one Wow [Music] look at this one hmm it has pretty patterns it's the right size and it's not too heavy or too light [Laughter] [Music] whoa awesome it even has patterns well that doesn't make any difference I'll knock it down anyway well let's play and find out all right I'm going first this time watch carefully this is how you play this down hitting game donas move so this move here shouldn't count Jack what are you talking about how can a stone move she's right a stone can't move I really did before it was here moving at all it really did trust me chip what's wrong with you what's so special about this it's an ordinary stone [Music] there's a stone and it talks what's going on oh it's a tortoise it's not a stone it's a toy test tortoise yes a tortoise lives in freshwater hey yeah but how did you get here tortoises usually live near the river I was taking a nap near the river side then um we brought him here because we thought that he was a stone oh so that's what happened he resembles a stone when he hides himself in the hard shell I'm really sorry tortoise for bringing you here I didn't know ah no problem friends if you get confused again next time rub one side and ask are you a tortoise or stone just like this are you a tortoise or a stone good and if it's me I will answer you I'm a tortoise don't say I'm a stone [Laughter] [Music] we're here are you a tourist or it's snow [Music] he has lots of friends here thanks friends for bringing me here [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do you go play sake with that [Music] yeah then I would be able to reach things that are high above then why don't you tell your wish to brandy Fox mm-hmm yes granny Fox lives deep in the forest hidden and grants wishes with her magical powers kids slow down did you call me [Music] we heard that you can grant wishes with your magical powers is that true yeah yes it is so what is your wish we want to become Johnny yes bigger than the trees oh it's not very difficult to turn you into giants but before that I have a story to tell you huh a story it's the story of a giant pheasant who lived in the forest a long long time ago ready now once upon a time there was a giant pheasant in a forest however the giant pheasant quickly became friends with the animals in the forest when his friends were in trouble he could easily solve the problem and even bring down the stars for his friends who were afraid of the dark [Music] all the forest animals loved the pheasant and praised their friend frequently wow it's really cool to be a giant granny Fox please turn us into giant oh not so fast little pheasants there's more to the story there were also hard times for the giant pheasant a giant pheasant we blow his friends away with a sneeze or he would spoiled games with his huge body he would even scare his friends when they were asleep tired and so all of his friends left and he became lonely in the end the giant pheasant left the forest so there's a giant we couldn't play in the water and we be too big to fit in the nest so then who is first in line to become a giant I like the way it is now [Music] [Laughter] dr. ladybug welcome to Therese Hospital what can I do for you oh I'm not sure oh I see you have a headache you need to get an injection you'll get better now now who's next you mommy me I don't want any shots then you jack I'm not sick I don't want to play this anymore [Music] they left who should I treat now the branches are drooping what are you doing oh I was taking care of the young pine tree I think it needs more water you see the soil is all dry here oh you're right in this case we need to give it plenty of water how much um about five acorn cups do you think you could help me sure all right it's done now wait for a moment [Music] Wow the little kinds got nice and healthy again who are you i'm ladybug i heal sick plants hmm oh that means you're a doctor meets you so how about healing the forest plants together huh there are lots and lots of plants that need help good ok ready to go over here the balsam flowers will king let's see the ground is wet there is enough water well then ah hey we came up with the same idea yeah the vine is too thick and it's blocking the sunlight fine can you move a little bit the balsam needs some sunlight story what is she doing let's go hello what are you doing I'm healing the balsam flower [Music] the balsam flower came to life again let's join them all right then let's go [Music] his branch is almost broken it's going to break if we leave it like that let's put a bandage around it yes first let's straighten up the branch what happened my cheeks when we tried to fix the grapevines branch but it's completely broken then we'd better plant it what with your planting mm-hmm yes if we plant the branch in the ground then it'll grow into a new grapevine Oh mom I make fruits again you got it it's all planted it will grow again now I hope it'll grow really quickly my chicks have hailed the grapevine because we're the best doctors in the forest now should we go take care of the other plants oniy princess with the help of the Knights the princess met the prince again and lived happily ever after that's all for today hello I'm princess Tori let me try - hello I'm princess Bobby Jack chip you can play the night oh good idea we are alright princess Marie is there anything that you need oh I need a crown because I'm a princess oh let's go get a crown for the princess princess [Music] bring says we made a crown for you please put it on hey this is too big make it again what but we weren't really hard to make use hey Knights don't talk like that like what you're not a real princess anyway what golden baby anything wrong [Music] huh real princess what are you talking about you are a princess right from now on we will serve you princess we are the brief resin Knights please put the crown on Princess you're very beautiful she's not at all Oh what is it princess I have forgotten an important appointment oh no their appointment is probably weakness [Music] [Applause] [Music] come with us three no I'm not coming we're going to see the prince we don't have much time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's together very hard I was expecting I thought she was going to be the princess see I told you she wasn't a princess princess Marja how did you get all the way to here mom mom we thought the pony was the princess but actually she wasn't Oh No why did you think she was a princess honey has a goat in meinen long yeah and she's pretty too well I think Dewey is much prettier than her here I made a beautiful crown for a little princess story oh it really is perfect for me thanks mom [Music] I prefer carrots much more than a crown [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] breaks to the grains of sand and make pancakes with flour leaves Wow Dori did you prepare all this yes I'm preparing to play house because I'm the mom huh looks delicious it really does now then Dury can I leave you alone while I go and get some corn of course you can trust me all right have fun mommy Doreen okay take your time there it's lunchtime everyone what's all this Gary from now on I'm not Dori I'm your mom so now you have to listen to me okay okay mom chip will take the sweet potatoes Jack will happy tasty peas well enjoy your meal everyone I want this to no jet that's mine stop you two be nice to each other the coin is mine you shouldn't eat it for real oh sorry dirt I me mom huh well nevermind let's say we ate it now it's nap time nap time I wanna play some more you should take your nap because it's good for growing children come on get ready [Music] come on lie down ash little baby don't say a peep it's time for you to go to sleep that was a good nap now I'll play hmm oh it's still nap time we can go and play later no I finished my nap I want to play now yeah mom I want to play hey why aren't you listening to your mommy let's play on the merry-go-round get on champ hold on tight Bobby I will push it for you Oh play with us I'm not playing with kids who don't listen to their mom here we go hey chip how is it it's a lot of fun Bobby [Music] [Music] Oh chip are you okay yeah but the sky is turning around and around then the ground is spinning Oh what should we do poor chippies feeling dizzy try and stay still it won't get better soon it's raining huh you're right but we don't have any raincoats [Music] let's take shelter over there [Music] it's pouring down what should we do I want to go home oh here you are my sweeties I was very worried about you Oh mom chip is very well let's see it's nothing to worry about Dury he's gonna be just fine oh really oh that's great it's not easy being a mom is it dory no it's really hard close encounters of the human kind just one more flower and it's done how is it der you look pretty do I mom I'm hungry okay then should we have our lunch hmm oops I forgot my lunch box I'll go and get it so just stay here for a while huh look at that oh what's that [Music] Hey what is it squirrel oh well I just bought it because it looks interesting [Music] is an amazing boat Wow hey take me with you [Music] cute little baby birds in my hat let's get out of the boat quickly so cute I better show them to my mom and dad I found these baby birds wow they are really cute me oh but the baby birds seem to be a little scared how are they scared maybe because they've never been here before you should take good care of them then maybe they can relax a little bit okay mom are you hungry you must have been hungry she feeds as well I think she's really kind yeah I think these baby birds like ah my chicks have been waiting for a long time now [Music] let me wipe your mouths little birds now what should we do let's play with a bomb are you playing with a ball it's really fun being able to play with you guys oh she's really kind him friendly yeah she's like our mom mom she must be worrying about us um yeah we're going home now what already can I pick the baby birds home oh no the baby bird should stay in the forest oh but but I fed them and I played with them amia I'm sorry but the baby birds must go home to their mom too I want to take [Music] it's time now to let them go okay if I have to good-bye baby birds thank you my sweet friend thank you [Music] drag it Bobby Flyleaf plane [Music] Bobby you should have floated with more strength ly ly plane Wow bleep like so well look it's flying too far it should be somewhere around here [Music] is he chewing our plane no way hey so um who are you I'm go to the wise old one what are you guys trying to find we are looking for are these please didn't you see it you didn't need to did you mr. goat [Music] I do like leaves but I don't like eating other people's leaves very much let me see mmm is this the leaf plane you guys are looking for oh wow this is way better than ours how about saying it's ours and taking in oh no we need to tell the truth it's not ours that's not ours mr. goat our leaf plane is just an ordinary one [Music] is this the leaf plane you're looking for that's right sir that is our plane ah you are such honest little pheasants telling the truth good kids yeah I'll give you all of these as rewards [Music] [Music] what those are such great leave planes where did you get these ha ha please blew it over a hill and it fell into the forest and then we met mr. colt he gave us better leave planes than the original one yeah he gave us these because we were honest mr. gave it to you you are mr. goat right you have you haven't seen my plane have you it's really big and cool is it is this the plane you're looking for that is this the plane you're looking for [Music] [Music] oh my sweethearts where did you get the Great Plains mr. Gil gave us mom let's fly them together [Music] you okay squirrel missus flora good thing it's you [Music] [Applause] that was a close one squirrel mr. goat [Music] you regret your mistake I'll give it back to you catching the weevils tail [Music] come on your feathers are really beautiful [Music] are you hurt mom we'll pull on the spot to ease the pain [Music] you're so cute don't worry because a new feather will grow again very soon weasal fast as a flash hmm give it back to me it's ours what this is yours well this feather is much bigger than your feather it's fun well I'm not giving it back I caught it and now it's mine no way [Music] hey kids what's going on mom mom we select a feather and he's not giving it back I'm not gonna give it back flew oh I'll give you back the feather if you look at my final Weasley's one and you are four I think you can do it little chicks [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] funny [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] oh my chicks yes it's really hard to get a weasels tail but I have an idea Wow you could maybe pretend that you are not playing the game anymore [Music] [Music] [Music] it looks nice take the feather okay okay [Music] so you made my little chair we want to win you to beat the cherries the cherry trees are so far away I'm gonna fly there you could teach us all how to fly mom kids are too young for that I think you need more practice you all keep practicing while I'm away okay okay all right then shall we start hey buddies sorry for scared you so you want to know who I am well I am woohoo I'm a flying squirrel what is a flying squirrel is it different from a squirrel of course I can fly high in the sky of course then why were you falling no I wasn't falling I was a look oh yes I was testing a new way of landing a new way of landing oh it's called an emergency landing Wow awesome Wow can you teach us can you teach his head of fly oh it's a fly why'd you ask that [Music] Oh what should I do how am I going to teach them to fly when I can't myself so you little pheasants think you're ready to fly do you sure every time I ask you something you should answer with it yeah is that understood yeah then we'll start with some exercise in stretchy stretchy stretchy stretchy hey repeat after me [Music] all right so then how hard do you want to fly just a little high oh no I want to fly higher than this high well then this high that's way too high it's scary hey that's good you'd better be scared but now I'll scare you even more if you want to fly spread your wings flap your wings Dan you're ready to fly so this is how you do it are you ready for this no I don't think I am I guess I'm still a little too young for flying just like my mum said it's too scary for you isn't it no that's too bad I guess there's no choice you'll have to wait No why did you come up because I want to fly fly like you I've done the stretchy stretchy exercise come on teach me well oh no they might find out that I can't actually fly or just falling down actually I can't buy it oh yes spread your wings flap them then you fly it's not as easy as it seems it's actually easy I'm fine [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're laughing now hold on tight did you say what that was your first flight but you know how to fly her a squirrel now I can really fly in the sky where should we go play today how about going to the Riverside let's go hello mrs. four oh hello there mrs. pullover Oh what brought you here it's your birthday today happy oh my goodness thank you very much mm-hmm have a nice day then [Music] today hey mom is today your birthday mmm that's why mrs. plover brought me a present we didn't prepare anything what should we do Oh how about giving her a birthday party that's a good idea Bobby we need the best cake for the best birthday party let's go and get the best ingredients for the best cake what you want some sweet potatoes aha yes I need the best ingredients hmm fine Allah motive you won can you give me some more please a [Music] little bit more it's for a special occasion you want me to pick a watermelon for you yes mmm sorry no can do I had a really hard time picking the big watermelon the other day [Music] say what a secret well if you don't tell me why you need it I'm not going to give you my egg horn fine it's for my mom we're gonna make that best birthday cake for her so you are giving her a party yeah but it's a surprise party so don't tell anyone [Music] I don't think we have enough ingredients for the cane would it be possible to make the best cake with these ingredients well let's try anyway we heard that you were making a cake for you mom so we came over I brought a watermelon especially for you well then should we continue making the best [Music] [Music] this is the best cake ever let's go and get mom I will pull hit her ah where are we going can I open my eyes now no not yet we're almost there mom when we pull this room the cake will be uncovered hey mom's gonna be so surprised she's almost here [Music] it's so beautiful [Music] [Music] helping the wild dog oh are you okay Jim oh no mom chips hurt Oh Jim are you okay champ my way are you all right I'll put this grass bandage on and then blow on the wound to ease the pain how do you feel now Wow it doesn't hurt anymore then let's keep playing with the skipping rope okay what's that sound could it be a monster a monster let's go Jack the sound is coming from there I think I've heard this sound before mom I'm scared let's go back home no let's go in huh oh no it's too dark there then let's hold hands and have a quick look how about that okay okay oh it's a young wild dog oh he seems to have hurt his balls oh poor you oh my name is Jim and these are my siblings we can help you I'm just fine don't come near me you'll get better quickly if we help you I said I'm fine just go home it's a sound we heard oh so it wasn't a monster but mom why does the young wild dog keep crying the wild dog cries to call his friends and family well we could be his friends in hell panel let's wait for a little while okay why isn't anyone answering me are they looking at me [Music] [Music] why are you guys putting this on it then I'll go on alone how are you know I think I feel better maybe I feel much better like this I want me to try again no I do feel better oh I'm glad you feel better [Music] [Music] [Music] so you came we were looking through my they got hurt but the little pheasants helped me and I feel much better now [Music] my little pheasants the friendly guard dog [Music] mother this leaf has the same color isms it's bright yellow just like you chip the blighted the leaves change their color when summer goes and fall comes along tree leaves changed their color the trees give tasty fruits to talking about fruits makes me hungry then should we go and have some fruits like persimmons yes oh I don't see any fruit oh no I wanted to eat a Miss Emma right then I'll go and get some Priscilla elsewhere you wait here for a moment okay did you guys eat them all did you know we didn't have any in that case I'll go back to my secret place I've had a lots of persimmon yes yes sure then let me come with you no listen to me [Music] over there I'll shake and make it [Music] [Music] [Music] kids mommy's back where did they go [Music] [Music] [Music] nice catch wasn't it yeah my name is peg Doug would you play with me hey are you okay chip yeah I'm fine and paintig wants to play with us so you were here my chick Wow I've never seen you before who are you he's my friend bingo picked up Joseph chip really oh thank you painting duck oh where is squirrel of the tree [Laughter] [Music] okay we're running hey dairy what you doing almost done this is my violet kite how is it pretty huh Wow it's Remini well kites don't have to be pretty they need to fly really high my flower guy can fly high to you Dory's kite is the highest huh what's that oh it's a bee yay it's a beautiful flower mmm this flower smells sweet dearies cards my friends come here I found a pretty flower more bees are coming away [Music] I need to be very careful [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] where's the flower [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's wrong my sweeties the bees keep cheating I'm scared the bees are chasing you yes oh hello honey bees why are you chasing my kids we're not chasing the little pheasants a [Music] pretty and sweet flower ah you mean derice violet kite don't be afraid my sweeties the bees didn't mean to scare you they just wanted to collect nectar to make honey from Dora's violet kite you mean they want to collect nectar from my flower kite nature turns into honey sure there is sweet nectar in flowers and the bees Brailey lovemaking honey I'm sorry I didn't know collect as much nectar as you want ah the sweet taste of nectar [Music] one step two step tap tap tap three DS and five step tip tip tip mom how long does he take to get there we're almost there well here we are miss chickens house looks good afternoon welcome everyone how do you do hahahaha long time no see mistaken hello chicks [Music] you must be the little pheasants nice to meet you please come in and take a look at our lovely house everyone come in welcome little pheasants to our wonderful house and our nest is also very comfy mommy I'm hungry I didn't bring anything to eat though let me go and get something for you oh there's no need for you to do that [Music] haha we always have something to eat in here we don't even have to go outside [Music] Wow yummy I can't believe it Whitney without going outside to get food this coop is so nice sure is right isn't it wonderful yeah I really want to live in a nice pretty place like this too I want to play outside now no way it's too dangerous too dangerous why yes you chicks stay inside and play here there are lots of fun things to play with in the coop this is called [Music] [Music] [Music] yes okay you almost gave me a heart attack I've never seen anything like it good catch right oh what a scary dog I knew it was dangerous out here yes I'm not scary play with me huh come play with me again really boost William to play with them it is too dangerous outside let us return to a house the outside is not as dangerous a place as you think miss chickens okay just for a while [Laughter] swatching with mr. honor [Music] where are handsome loves and sing a song together Wow here we are at the brush be careful because it's slippery here okay chicks come and slide with me okay okay are you ready [Music] fish let's watch out it's slippery here [Music] [Music] hello friends hi mother nice to meet you [Music] mr. otter has a flexible body and he can move very quickly both on land and in the water well I'm especially fast mr. otter do you think you could teach my chicks how to sled please I sure can it's really really important to control your strength while sledding [Music] and when you want to stop you jump like this boom [Applause] do you want to give it a try well nah huh I have an idea let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I love [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you have to help me stop the sled how do you stop the sled well remember what I told you yes that's right now one two three [Applause] right very well done everyone we could have fallen from this dangerous clip [Music] [Music] [Music] their big snarling wait right there kids [Music] there it's code outside you need to keep yourselves well it's so soft isn't it Oh chip you have a little snowman on your head when I was little I used to make snowman by scrunching snow like this Wow I want to make it too [Music] [Music] [Music] well ladies good work how is my snowman mmm great good job champ well my snowman is prettier than yours my snowman is really solid snow man Tom hey it's time for dinner already kids let's go inside hey champ is something wrong mom can't he come with me to please the snow mud has to stay outside his home is this snowy field but but he looks so cold he'll be warm with this okay [Music] it's okay tomorrow okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] what were you dreaming about you was juggling like this that's weird I was playing with this no men yeah you're dreaming no it wasn't a dream I was having a snowball fight with them hey no me silly they don't move let's go maybe it was just a dream oh the tea no it wasn't a dream [Music]
Channel: KATURI TV
Views: 12,668,938
Rating: 3.5369227 out of 5
Keywords: KATURI, Kids, Animation, katuri, kids, kids animation, nature, #katuri, katuri english, katuri full, katuri full episodes, season2, bobby, dury, chip, jack, for kids, 1 hour, katuri cartoon, katuri english version, katuri cartoon english, cartoon, english, katuri พากย์ไทย, คาทูริ, การรวบรวม, ไทย, การรวบรวม katuri, continue, full episodes, full, mom, mom cartoon, 3d animated, squairrel, nova, 1 hora, 1 jam, katuri tv, katuri bahasa melayu, 2 hora, 2 jam
Id: fnm36IckPiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 43sec (8323 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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