Woodturning | Project That Sells - How To Fund Your Shop - Hobby

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hi welcome back to the shop thanks for stopping by this week's video i'm going to show you some of the things that i made when i first started turning to help fund my addiction to wood turning and woodworking and this is coming from all the posts and things that i see in a bunch of different forms and groups online uh people just starting out and they're trying to afford to buy chisels and wood and finishes and things like that lathes even for that matter and um and everybody kind of starts off where most of us start off in the same place where they've got lots of ambition not a lot of cash and so when you do get a lathe uh in a band saw or a chainsaw you can do this with even if you wanted to hand saw whatever works but that's just something that you can make really quickly it has a great marketability uh craft shows and gift shops and things like that and all it is is green wood now this one is is a little dry it's been around a while but normally you can cut this wood down in the morning turn in the afternoon and the water flies out of it it's meant to be wet and rustic just chew it up on the end now you'll see that i'm keeping one in flush to one side of the the table of my band saw and so this is kind of a production type product where you want to do things repeatable and quickly then you're not going to want to spend a lot of time now this one i'm cutting that little piece off in the end that doesn't have any bark that you can see this is a piece of iron wood and um then there's a reason for that but we'll get into here a little bit later on so this was a small size that i made and by far it was the most popular so when i ran these i made many of them at a time it just saves you slide your tail stock in notre dame so if you make them this length and cut a bunch at one time it'll improve your efficiency so you need to be careful when you're cutting round wood on a bandsaw you can make a sled that runs in your track on your bandsaw that has a v in it to keep it flat or or make sure it's sitting nice and stable on the table don't want to get it so it's like this for example where it's going to want to roll because it will turn on you while you're going so once you've got a bunch of blanks cut you're going to want to take a spur center and you're going to want to mark both ends and you're going to want to put a pretty good indent in there so that your chuck has a good grip on the end on the drive side now this is a worn out chuck so i'm using a metal hammer if you're using your good chuck you should use a rubber mallet or a wooden mallet to put this in and you shouldn't do it on the table of any of your tools but rather than move the camera around and reset a few times for all that i'm going to do i'm just going to do these two blanks here and then we'll get them on the lathe okay so i've got this one on the lathe now this is a piece of iron wood one of the things you want to do take a look at the shape of your top and the bottom pick whichever one really it's more important the shape of the lip of the very top of the the little vase and um this one has a nice little flare out here that look kind of cool when it's done the other thing you want to watch for is scuffs in your bark because you're going to want to leave back on the rim you're going to release some bark on the body um regardless of what shape you make you're going to want it's a rustic piece so you want the bark on so but i don't want this scuff so i'm going to make a design that's going to turn this little scuff right here out we're going to start by turning the top truing up the top making an initial cut with the gouge and again if you do this with a scraper you risk tearing up your bark so i'm going to cut i'm going to make a clean cut on the bark with a gouge i'm going to make a clean cut through the bark here and then i'm probably going to make like a teardrop shape in here and have a little neck in here so i'm going to want to cut this piece out and i'm going to enter here with the gouge again to give me a clean cut from bark to solid wood and then pick how far down the body i want to come and do the same thing so it's very important not to tear your bark off so we'll make those cuts now and then we'll shut the lathe off and talk about what we did so i'm going to turn this in real time just so you can kind of get an idea of how quickly you can make these uh i am taking my time because there's no rush it's a demonstration um one thing i wanted to point out that when you are doing a piece of wood that's not round and you're cutting through the spark like this you know the rule of thumb with a gown just rub the bevel but you don't want to rub the bevel when the piece that you're cutting isn't round so you're as close to rubbing the bevel as you can get without actually rubbing it and once you get to round wood then you can rub the bevel and you'll see when we get to the next part that i am rubbing the bevel on that just to point out as well that everything in this video is going to be done in real time nothing is sped up just so that you get an idea of how quickly you can actually make these things [Music] okay so those are your four initial cuts now you see i've got a really clean bark line here which is going to be the body i'm going to leave that i've gotten rid of that scuff mark i got a clean lip now i'm going to make that a little bit smaller a little thinner because that's too thick for the size of this face now once you get to this point you can hog out this and you can take some of this down whatever you choose whichever you're more comfortable you can use a scraper in here which is what i'll probably do and i'll probably finish this with the bowl gouge but i'm gonna take some material out of here and get this opened up and i'm gonna go back with the gouge and just thin this and get a nice clean cut on my bark again [Music] [Music] all right so we got a pretty good clean cut here nothing too much to worry about in terms of sanding just a tiny bit right there i'll fix that and a little bump right here that we'll take out and then we can clean this off [Music] [Music] okay so very little bit of tool marks here nothing here anymore so i'm just going to come over and clean up this these tool marks with the skew so once again i'm just kind of taking my time making this and when you're doing this on a in a production run and you're not going to stop and look at these lines you know that they're there you're just going to grab that chisel and go so the stop and starts are very infrequent actually you won't turn it off when you start when you'll you'll go right through once you get practiced up about it all right so that's a nice clean clean cut now i'm going to come back up to the top i'm going to drill this up with the 15 16 forstner bit on the drill press you don't have to worry about chucking things up and drilling them out on the lathe so if you don't have all those those pieces of gear you don't need them you can do it with a drill a hand drill and a portion of it if you choose but when i started there i didn't have any four jaw chucks so i wasn't turning i wasn't turning tenons on anything this is how i made them so it's gonna come back up here we're gonna concave this so it looks like a dip in [Music] [Music] [Music] okay once again got a nice clean cut on that it is concave now the next thing we want to do is we want to make this dowel that's right here and i'm going to move you around so you can actually i'm going to face the bottom then i'll move you around so you can see what i'm doing here [Music] [Music] so i always like to start the entrance cup with the gouge give me a nice clean edge right here and then just finish up the bottom concave it so it'll sit flat make the dowel small enough that your force in a bit will take care of it when you get to the other end and i'm not quite there yet thing to remember about these is that they're a rustic inexpensive piece and so you're not you're not building the piano here and so you don't have to be nearly as uh as finished and polished as you would be on a nice high-end piece of burr over vase or a wooden bowl [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now all we have to do is take it to the take it over to the drill press drill the dowel off flush with the forstner bit drill out the center and then then i'll turn another one real quickly okay so on this one there's no bark here and this piece has been dried a little bit so it is cracks on this piece of apple um a little bit of scuff bark right here so what i'm gonna do with this one we're gonna make a bit of a ball in the bottom and a little bit longer neck here same process so i'm just gonna turn this one and we'll talk about it i'll just make it you can watch how it goes all right i set the camera up at the drill press and drilled the dowels off and didn't turn the camera on so we'll catch that after we finish this one we'll show the dowels being cut off [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay now this is a little bit drier and so there's a little bit of tear out on this one right in at the pith but on a green piece of wood you won't get that kind of tear out but you can see that we're using the the gouge at the bark it makes it nice and clean and really that's what you want that's that's the cuts that matter really the most in terms of how it looks you don't want frayed bark out here so i'm going to just touch this with a little bit of paper let me see that's nice and clean so what i do is i set them on this dowel that's on the bottom typically it's larger and so i set them on i set this one on first on the bottom and i just take the top dowel down until it's flush [Music] there we go so i just got it off so that it'll sit on this lip now which is which is flat turn it upside down center it up and all we're going to do is just take this dowel off and that's all [Music] so that's what your finish looks like just the dowel removed again you're not doing a 300 hollow form here this is just a little a little uh impulse buy at a craft shell all right so centering it back up again and now i'm just going to drill down the full depth of this [Music] [Music] so so just a couple things to point out about these things you you see that you need very little sandpaper and no finish you leave them natural and that's the way that they seem to fair the best so they're inexpensive wood and very few costs associated with making them and you really only need three or four chisels so it's uh it's a nice starter project that anyone can do that has lathe really okay and that's all the deep that they need to be because these are for dry flowers um if you wanted to drill them out so you could put a test tube in them and put water in that that's something you could do too now here's the one caution about doing this you need to make sure that the neck of your vase is significantly large enough so that you do not come through the side of this thing with the bit if i was holding it here and that was a bad habit or a bad thing to do i know better i should have been holding it down on the bottom so don't grab it by the throat because if the bit does come through you're going to get cut so that was my bad but that is the the proper way to do that would be to hold them down here all right so we got two of these made took very little time uh when you get good at it you can make one in about five or six minutes and if you do it in order it's a kind of a production thing so you start off cutting your wood putting your marks for your chuck in and then you can really crank these things out in a hurry and you can make a variety of shapes you can make them like a milk bottle you can make them like a big ball in the bottom a classic vase whichever the important thing i found uh is that you leave like i said nice clean cut bark all the way around the rim and a nice solid rimmel bark all the way around the base and that keeps it from wanting to break off if you actually cut through the side of the spark some species of wood will tend to want to peel back but if you leave that band on there it normally will stay on so we'll go into the house got a bunch of buns i've had here for a while uh just in the basement that i use for little giveaways and things every once in a while and i'll show you some different kinds of wood a few different shapes this is just one size of four but we'll talk about that when we get in there okay i'll just show you a few of these that i've got at my house here um that i've had for probably 10 or 15 years i haven't made any for a long time other than just to show tonight uh this one's made at a beach most of the beach that we have here is a bark disease and so it looks a little bit like burrowwood gets these little black pockets in it beach normally cracks in little cracks all the way around doesn't usually get one big check and it does look like burrow wood so it's kind of cool of course this was the iron one that we just made in the shop and here's an iron nude one again 15 years old and some of these arrangements are getting a little ragged but ironwood just gets a bunch of different kind of cracks in it here is a maple right here just a few ideas of shape maple maple can go either way you can get a big crack or several small ones but um just another different shape to go along with it now i made a few sizes of these things these would be the small ones this would be the next size up here here's one at a maple as well and that'd be the next size and actually these ones that i made tonight as demonstration ones this one's a nice enough shape the other the apple one i didn't bring it in with me but it's it's probably a little bit too big in diameter for the height of it so i probably should have made that one a little bit taller here's another one of ash and ash typically you get one big crack one one big crack on one side or the other but just an idea of some of the the different shapes that you can make and they're very quick as you saw and very easy and i'm just gonna move these out of the way and i'll put a couple of the bigger ones up so you can see those so this one is maple it's 26 inches tall and you can see there's one big check in this one and the next one coming up here is beach and this is one that's been in my sunroom for a long time it's got that bark disease again and it is a nice effect and so these are really popular with people that have cottages or sun rooms and and the taller ones the other ones go on desks and window ledges things like that these are a few pictures of one of the craft show boosts that we set up a long time ago now and um not a lot of bowls in the booth because bulls didn't move really big at these things but again these are just an inexpensive impulse buy people love them the tag that you saw tied onto them and the ones that are tied on all these basically just had the klondike craftsman name on it and in the inside it had a little little description same what they were that they were made out of green wood and that they're going to crack and that's that's what they're intended to do they're a rustic piece and so that kind of eliminates people coming back because their vase cracked it was meant to and pretty well everyone reads the tag anyhow but a fantastic item to put in a gift shop or craft show like this or a little local farmer's market you'll go through a ton of them so i hope this idea helps somebody out or a few people out to fund their hobby the same way that it did for me if you're still watching i appreciate it thanks for sticking around if you like what you saw please consider subscribing if you haven't already and hit the thumbs up button and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: The Klondike Craftsman
Views: 198,320
Rating: 4.896791 out of 5
Keywords: Woodturning, Wood Turning, woodworking, Klondike Craftsman, projects that sell, how to make money, woodturning that sells, rustic, bud vase, weed pot, craft, gift shop, how to make, lathe project, top product, gift idea, earn money woodworking
Id: PtbIy_nW2BQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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