INSIDE OUT Wrecked Us! | Movie Reaction! | First Time Watch! | Amy Poehler | Phyllis Smith |

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HS I vowed to never watch this film again I took an oath because what it did to me I did not appreciate and so a Chara has not seen this film yet and I we couldn't find anybody to watch this with her and so it was either by herself or with some it's me so I'm here will'll this movie do to me what it did before you all know what I'm talking about if you've seen this film I have no idea that's the question is it going to wreck me is it going to wreck me again we're ready okay you got shoes there we're ready here I got some too is it go so mine's mine's Toy Story will it wreck me and because of all this Preamble will it wreck achara or have I cut that out yeah cuz sometimes when aara is ready to cry she won't we'll see we'll see there's probably already a thumbnail giving the whole thing away anyway here we go do you ever look at someone and wonder what is going on inside their head well I know I know Riley's [Music] a so cute aren't you a little bundle of joy [Music] I love the animation oh it's a core memory I don't remember any of this I only watched it once at a screening over 10 years ago oh no for 33 seconds oh I'm sadness oh hello hello I I'm Joy hello sadness my old friend headquarters only got more crowded from there very nice okay looks like you got this very good Shar turn look that's fear fear there is a dangerous smell people hold on what is that that is not brightly colored or shaped like a dinosor hold on guys din you're not going get desert wait did he just say we couldn't have dessert uhoh no dessert oh sure well our dinner right after you eat [Music] this oh airplane we got an airplane everybody o but the really important ones are over year I don't want to get too technical but these are called core memories each one came from a super important time in Riley's life like when she first scored a goal that was so amazing that's cute and each core memory Powers a different aspect of Riley's personality like hockey Island goofball island is my personal favorite that's so cute goofball is the best friendship island is pretty good too oh I love honesty island how'd you get the hammer I got so many questions so cute it's her imagination that's so cute good night Kido good night Dad oh she's all grown up now and we're out that's what I'm talking about do we do dreams as well let's get those memories down the long term all right we did not die today I call that qualifi success oh success success it's really magical yeah he's got great friends and a great house things couldn't be better after all Riley's 11 now what could happen uh what could happen oh no it was a whole moving aspect of Toy Story as well well moving is one of like the most stressful changes that you can go through in your life you know I remember I was about the same age when we moved from Indonesia to Thailand and it was a little scary but exciting as well yeah here it is here's our new house and is it tiny oh it's like sandwiched in between those two yeah oh boy so old it's just not lived in yet Dad talked about how cool our new room is let's go check it out it's going to be great yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no that's cool just Spruce it up a little has ever been my en hey it's nothing our butterfly curtains couldn't fix I read somewhere that an empty room is an opportunity where did you read that it doesn't matter and the desk over there hockey lamp goes there uh put the chair there the tropy there there got a great idea did you even read the contract Anderson makes her move she's closing in oh that's cute I wish that's how it worked in real life I feel like in real life parents are more like not now got [ __ ] we're doing a uh sorry oh no reality calls the Investor's supposed to show up on Thursday not today it's okay we get it dad just left us oh he doesn't love us anymore oh no what the heck oh no I'm done congratulations sord Frisco giveu and pizza I agree the Hawaiians pineapple still it's not as bad is that soup that Diner in Nebraska oh yeah the spoon stood up in the soup by itself disgusting oh good family is running yay the drive out was pretty fun huh what was your favorite part oh what about the time with the [Music] dinosaur oh no the car Oh what now when Riley thinks of that moment with Dad she's going to feel sad just don't touch any other memories you think she's going to listen uh probably not uh-oh uh-oh oh fear sadness what happened a memory oh no what what are you doing you looked like one was crooked so I opened it and then it fell out it's just that I wanted to maybe no don't touch it you nearly touched a core memory and when you touch them we can't change them back I'm sorry something's wrong with me I it's like I'm having to breakdown oh my God try to think of something funny um oh remember the funny movie where the dog [Applause] dies why are you crying crying helps me slow down and obsess over the weight of life's problem Works watching the emotions that worked as a number on my brain why just about how we function how like so many emotions are happening all at the same time yeah and just how easy and susceptible it is to fall you know into the traps of the other emotions instead of [Music] Joy hello did I wake you you have to play that well I have to practice so much energy Joy make sure that all the sadness stays in the circle see you're a pro at this isn't this fun no we're just repressing sadness now I feel like that's dangerous I don't think she made the circle big enough for sadness I know that's kind of inhumane new school new friends huh I know I'm kind of nervous but I'm mostly excited how do I look you got my shirt very super great my name is Riley Anderson I'm from Minnesota and now I live here and how about Minnesota Well you certainly get a lot more snow than we do yeah it's cold pretty much everyone in my family skates it's kind of a family tradition we go out on the lake almost every weekend oh no sadness left her Circle get back in your circle what's going on out of there we used to play tag and oh no first day we're crying let SCH sadness what are you doing what the hell sadness what are you trying to do that's a core memory core memory oh no what oh no oh Jesus Christ godamn oh is that like just like trash yeah oh no can I say that curse word now yes you're not in headquarters without you Riley can't be happy oh no we got to get you back up there yeah sadness is finally like saying something for once like you're right like I feel like actual anger at sad just like [ __ ] stop I know I felt annoyed at her too but I'm also like we need sadness though no I know it's all a balancing act won't it be great to be back out on the ice that sounds fantastic what was that that wasn't anything like Joy something is definitely going on she's never acted like this before her sadness in the wheel signal the husband oh my God is it garbage night uh we left the toilet seat up what what is it woman what he's making that stupid face again it's interesting how anger's at his Center and sadness is at the center of her console I know I do not like this new attitude oh I'll show you attitude oh no no no stay happy leave me alone sir reporting high levels of sass s take it to Defcon 2 Defcon 2 jeez well he does have anger at the wheel so just shut up fire that's it go to your room we need Joy back it's the quickest way back but it's right over the memory dump if we fall will be forgotten forever go then don't fall not that high it's totally F oh no oh no monkey oh he's trying to start up goofball oh Lord oh no oh no oh no wait so what happens now that's just lost can we build it again never coming back I get it you need some alone time it's already started later this is not good I know we got a movie left to get through [ __ ] phone numbers we don't need all these they're in her phone that's toal yeah four years of piano lessons yeah it looks pretty faded you know what save Chopsticks and heart and soul get rid of the rest I can play those too save Chopsticks I still to this day that's the only thing I know yeah when Riley doesn't care about a memory it fades fade happens to the best of them yeah except for this bad boy this one will never fade what is it the song from the Gum commercial you sometimes we send that one up to headquarters for no reason plays in Riley's head over and over with earworms do you know how to get to Friendship Island do you like it there she could have sent the core memories up there that way that's what yeah that's what I thought she would do oh and we've got this new girl on the team she's so cool a jelly they I got to go what I got to go where the heck did sness go oh no oh no she's busy touching other balls and turning them blue that sounds weird I know I said it you but not you oh who am I kidding I can't leave you hello is that her imaginary friend H I was I was looking for um diversion what so long sucker I know you no you don't Bing Bong Riley's imaginary friend you really do know me yeah what are you doing out here well there's not much call for imaginary friends lately so uh I you know um oh no we can only have one sadness I'll make sure Riley remembers you you will of course what he crying candy he cries candy try the carabel it's delicious this will make it a lot easier to walk back to headquarters Walk we're not walking we're taking the train of thought oh that's smart but how do we catch it well it kind of goes all over the place but there is a station in imagination land I know a shortcut come on I love the design of everything you notice like the double he the Helix the DNA looking thing everywhere oh no I didn't the ladder Bingo Bing Bong says it's the quickest way to headquarters no but joy this is abstract thought what are you talking about I go in here all the time yeah cuz he is an abstract thought where to sit being a new student is the worst yeah I had to go through it twice I'm going to turn it on on for a minute and burn out the gunk oh no what I tell you you'll be at headquarters in no time what what is going on we're abstracting there are four stages this is the first nonobjective fragmentation run the train yeah get out get out get out oh no oh no oh no we're two dimensional two di oh Lord we're two dimensional fall on your face oh that's pretty good do we oh no we missed the train welcome to imagination land hey you guys hungry there's french fry Forest no way that actually looks delicious yeah everyone's a winner I won first place me too a participation award oh of course and there's always something new like oh boys we like boys who the heck is that imaginary boyfriend oh I would die for Riley I would die for Riley relate hard relate imaginary boyfriend yes I've recalled every hockey memory I can think of one of these has got to work in place of the core memory she's about to play H what was that what did you put in there I don't know we did it gang it's working oh no oh crap well that's going to be a core memory bad attitude you're not going to finish Tri outs what's the point hey it'll be all right let's just stop saying everything will be all right go she's gone into like the angsty teenager phase h y got a move on the double yeah hustle it still has some soong power left who is your friend who likes to play oh no no oh no it's all going in the abyss Riley and I go to the Moon oh no I bet Riley liked it oh she did we were best friends yeah it's sad a we have to feel all the feelings you feel better come on the train station is this way a I love that sadness got to be useful how did you do that I don't know I he was sad so I listened to what hey there's the train she's annoying but we need her sometimes yeah finally finally going to get home no these facts and opinions look so similar ah don't worry about it what is it oh nothing just the best idea ever what all the good core memories were made in Minnesota Air go we go back to Minnesota and make more coward you can't be serious hey our life was perfect until Mom and Dad decided to move to San Fran stink these guys being in charge is just making things exponentially worse hey hey why aren't we moving Riley's gone to sleep we're all on break how about we wake her up sadness that's ridiculous how could we possibly oh oh great idea Jo thanks come on oh poor sadness she actually coming up with some good ideas and Joy's just hijacking everything my friend says you're famous she wants your autograph no no sadness don't bother Miss unicorn okay sorry she's from out of town I'm so embarrassing right I loved you in fairy dream Adventure part 7 okay bye I love [Music] you huh wonder what that means oh well let's go in uh-oh we're going to make her so happy she'll wake up with exhilaration will excite her awake no that doesn't work don't let anything happen to these got it mhm add the reality Distortion filter oh my God love it remember play to the camera everyone Riley is the camera makeup get out of there reality Distortion filter I don't think this happy thing is going to work but if we scare her just follow my lead here we go oh my God party let's dance party this isn't working oh she's going to fall apart uhoh [Music] that's going to wake her up sadness what are you doing come back here oh that is frightening just his reaction security hi Riley it's me Bing [Laughter] Bong s you are ruining this dream you're scaring her look it's working oh they are not part of this dream them stop right there oh no the bag the bag P away P away boo piik a plot line I know people in headquarters where'd he go where'd he go wait it says my hat my hat it says that's what I wrote in my hat what are you talking about you've got my hat on okay but it's my hat oh hey you you caught us get back in there no escaping that's pretty smart how do you get out though oh God oh God that's scary ass clown you are afraid of clowns this is totally your mind my [Music] God my God it's so loud God oh don't pop it oh my gosh quickly quickly Joy let's let's get that train wait the Train's not running we still have to wake up Riley but how with all of the things from her subconscious the clown this is a terrible idea do not beep his nose oh god he's a scary looking clown look at those eyes hey sness did did you hear about birthday party did you say birthday and there's going to be cake and presents games and blue birthday oh my God nothing like a good scare to wake you up right okay but it's my handwriting no it isn't that's my hand I wrote no but this one's my [Music] handw come on sadness we hate it gu is on their way to headquarters we are yay that's really frightening that the tracks are being built as the train goes yeah what is going on he did it again we were at school and we were naked in there was a doct who's with [Music] me yeah let's do it oh Two Against One [Music] she took it there's no turning back so how are we going to get to Minnesota from here well why don't we go down to the elephant lot and run an elephant hey that sounds nice we're taking the bus NWI there's a bus leaving tomorrow perfect a ticket cost money how do we get money oh no but I just don't understand why did our moving van even go to Texas wow well we were promised delivery on the fifth uh-oh oh excuse me isn't there any way that you can rush it oh no [Music] honesty look out oh they landed back on the same [Music] [Applause] [Music] side oh no no no get out you guys well few damn that was our way home we lost another Island what is happening Riley's running away what wait wait hang on guys are we really doing this I mean this is serious look we have no core memories you want Riley to be happy let's get back to Minnesota and make more joy if we hurry we can still stop her family Island let's [Music] go this is so harrowing yeah and family Island doesn't look like it's doing so well either nothing is nothing's [Music] active a recall tube we can get recall nice let's go guys stop you're hurting Riley no no no oh no sadness these core memories will get [Music] sad I'm sorry Riley needs to be happy Jo but we need sadness [Music] too oh no what no not in the abyss God Bing Bong oh no Troy what are you doing will you stop it please don't you get it Joy we're stuck down here we're forgotten [Music] oh do we need sadness all the innocence is lost yeah how she used to stick her tongue out when she was coloring I just wanted Riley to be [Music] happy oh no [Music] oh she made it [Music] sad or there's a little bit of sadness in there too it was the day the prairie dogs lost the big playoff game Marley missed the winning shot she felt awful she wanted a quit [Music] sadness Mom and Dad the team they came to help because of sadness we have to get back up there Joy was stuck down here we might as well be on another planet no joy this is your job another planet who's your friend who likes to play who's your friend who likes to play his rocket makes you yell huray a h [Applause] in come on come on come on come on come on come on come on oh no no no no no no no oh no Bing Bong come on Joy one more time got a feeling about this one why are they playing sad music [Music] [Music] we're going to make [Music] it wo we did it we B bong bing bong no go save Riley take her to the moon for [Music] me I'll try a Bing Bong poor Bing Bong we're home Riley Riley I'll call her cell oh I was wondering if she had a cell phone it's Mom she's on to us what are we doing Riley needs to get core memories we keep going sadness oh no sadness Joy wait St no just let me go Riley's better off without me that's not true oh great what what do you mean it's stuck now what the whole thing is being [Music] poisoned what is it's busted how do we stop it I got it make her feel scared that'll make her change her mind brilliant I know it's brilliant do it working why why isn't it working oh no what let me do get out of here what's going on he's on a path guys we can't make Riley feel anything she's numb what have we done yeah what have you done hey look at me did you mean what you said before I would die for [Laughter] Riley I would die for an army of [Music] boyfriends I have no idea what she's going to do oh smart that's it I F she's going to make a bridge of boyfriends I feel bad for these imaginary boyfriends whatever's about to happen they're disposable oh oh my gosh [Music] now hang on are we going to bust through he come on are the memories okay okay it's Joy stand back that worked well what would you do if you're so smart I tell you but you're too dumb to understand sorry you don't speak [ __ ] as well as you but let me [Music] [Laughter] try come on help sadness there we go found this idea now happy memories Jes it's already leaving the station oh no quickly put the Memories Back Stop the bus oh what are you doing girl stop I want to get [Music] off Bravo sadness her teacher hasn't even seen Riley all day what was she wearing last do you even remember what we were worried sick where have you been it's so late yeah just just tell them that you're [Music] sad [Music] I know you don't want me to but I miss home I miss Minnesota you need me to be happy but I want my old friends and my hockey team I want to go [Music] home please don't be mad I miss Minnesota too I miss the woods when we took hikes in the backyard hard where you used to play where you learn to skate come [Music] here God a we have new [Music] colors [Music] [Music] a now when you get out there you be aggressive I know to act not too aggressive you know you guys want have to come to every game okay okay oh best parents ever you ready yeah all right let's play some hockey all right take go take it and dad are watching we've been through a lot lately that's for sure but we still love our girl things wouldn't be better after all Riley's 12 now what could happen I think this is such a valuable movie especially for little kids but it's or just kids and it's just a a great way to remind us as well that like all feelings are valid you know it's not just one you know like in the beginning definitely you feel like oh my gosh sadness is so irritating why does she always have to be a wet blanket but then when you realize that no you know sometimes we need those things to kind of remind us of the good times or just being honest about how we're feeling so that you know the other people around us can take care of us cuz if no one knows that you're feeling sad and also like just the pressure you can feel sometimes especially when her parents were like oh be my happy little girl and all that stuff it's like the pressure to live up to what other people expect you to be can just be crippling so I thought that they made a really lovely little movie about all the feelings and just the value of each and every one of them because they all have their roles in keeping us safe and letting us be a fully rounded human I thought it was really beautiful my forehead hurts yeah it hurts cuz like sometimes when I get like really emotional it just like it just gets knotted up right here I think cuz I'm trying not to cry and so everything just kind of focus is right there in a bad way yeah it was really cool to revisit this I didn't remember most of it um just like the major emotional trauma points of the film cuz like you started crying I'm like oh you ain't seen nothing yet like it's about to get bad like I preemptively was already crying cuz I'm like I know it's going to come I was like before before anything even happened to Bing Bong you started crying I'm like what the hell and then the sad music happened and I'm like no he's crying the sad music happened what's going on oh no every time well self-sacrifice in a movie with a character you've grown attached to always messes me up oh 100% it doesn't matter what it is like wet Ralph same thing happened he doesn't die obviously but like in recet Ralph there's a self-sacrifice moment and I'm like oh Jesus I don't know why it just does something to me it's something core and so I think that I didn't get the lesson of the movie the first time around which is to write over the old memories with new ones that's one of the lessons anyway just like appreciate app the memories for what they are and then write be okay with writing new ones because when I watched this it was with someone who I had to say goodbye to that I missed for a very very long time and so that memory was just so like I knew nothing could ever beat the experience of that memory in that moment because me and this for that time stepdaughter of mine we both had a major cry over bing bong and it was like we were both wrecked and I'm like nothing will ever top that you know in terms of that experience and nothing should it's but like it also messed me up in a way that I didn't like I was like what the hell I didn't sign up for this this is too much well I think also Bing bong's uh self-sacrifice is in a way kind of like you know losing a part of your childhood right and I think that's what makes sometimes watching Toy Story really sad for me is just because of all of what that represents you know it represents a time when you were innocent and when things like having a weird imaginary friend bought brought you Joy but then when you're older suddenly there's no place for that anymore you know and so he had to to let go in order for joy to continue forward and help yeah Riley with her personality no no other Pixar film has messed me up like this one and even watching every single Pixar film messes me up no this one and even now watching it again I'm like this is W like the seeing them being in the in the Wasteland of memories that are forgotten and then just seeing it disappear it's like all those innocent moments in your life just Vanishing and it's like oh this is so dark it hurts so much obviously there's like you know a light at the end of the tunnel that they guide you towards in the story and they take you through all that and so watching it a second time allowed me the opportunity to really appreciate just how they anthropomorphize all of the things that you experience and kind of put it into this kind of categorical place that you can understand you know where things are where they end up these little islands and how these islands have to be maintained and then when those islands fall you form new ones and that's okay and then life moves on the fused color at the end it's just there's a lot really nice it's very creative and it's wonderfully done I don't like experiencing the emotions like it's a powerful it's it's too powerful too much over 9,000 I'm just like I can't yeah I don't know what it is sometimes about animation and maybe because it Taps into a part of our brain and our hearts that because it kind of personifies imagination and maybe it requires our imagination a a little bit more in order to participate that it can get to those feelings inside you sometimes in a way that watching a live action could never I think part of it might also be that we were raised on Disney films right and so it's it feels safe and vulnerable and so once we've got you there then we can TW sh they had us laughing at the beginning you know like it's so funny it's so cute and and then it's like pow take that you're going to experience sacrifice and sadness and that tinge of Bittersweet and I think that's what gets me even more like sad things get me but it's it's the sad mix in with the happy that really breaks me and I think that's what Bing Bong was where it's like he was happy to to see her go and and help her out but he knew he had to sacrifice him himself in order to do so this is probably like easily one of the best Pixar films ever made and it makes sense they're making a sequel I don't ever want to come back to this again like ever I just don't I don't like how it feels like it's it's it's excellent like story-wise voiceover wise character development just the creativity on display the beautiful animation the music all just makes such a powerful Pixar film might be the best I don't like it I don't I think I mean I really do think this is a great one to watch with your kids to just kind of be like listen you know like there's a whole host of feelings and it's okay to feel them all in fact please feel them well see I I I would like lock my kid in a room and be like you're watching this go ahead have fun good luck walk right out no because with those feelings no because then when Bing Bong dies and they're by themselves and they're going to be distraught you need to give them a cuddle no you exactly they will learn the art of doing this no I'm kidding I wouldn't actually do that um but yeah I I'm going to stay away from this one as long as I can but I was happy that we could go on this journey together so hope I'm glad you liked it I did it it's great no I appreciate the film immensely I think it's great it's great stuff it hurts me Bing Bong dying just like I could feel it coming when when he this when he realizes this is the way I'm like oh God it's already there that feeling of like [ __ ] you're going to cry you know what I mean yeah anyway glad you guys could see that um so bye
Channel: CinePals
Views: 167,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tyAGSm8Pl4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 21sec (2541 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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