NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM (2006) Movie Reaction! | First Time Watch! | Ben Stiller | Robin Williams

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s pal all right we're going to watch Night at the Museum thanks for joining us here we [Music] go it's like exciting though has that like that first feel when you first go to Disneyland you're just like wow [Music] watch whoa this guy was like out for New York's brutal though if you're parked in a red yeah the meter made or the cop will come up to you and WR you and ticket right away for 500 bucks or at least when I heard that information back then like they're brutal hey Larry have you seen Nikki I'm pretty sure he went home with Erica it was half day today uh parent career day [Music] oh heyy so he's divorced you said right the way you said yeah yeah she's from 24 why didn't anybody tell me it was career day what do you mean Nikki said he was going to tell you he didn't oh okay I guess he forgot uhoh there he is hey guy good how you doing Don get out of here Don in leave me alone hey why don't I go tell the little corn cop you're here great great leave me alone wow your fiance really manages to squeeze a lot onto that belt oh it's like he's the uh Batman of stock Brokers Bond Trader hey how's it going with that Rel driving range that you wanted to open still waiting for the technology to catch up with the idea I mean it's not easy there a lot of moving parts do you think um you think Nick would like Queens you didn't get evicted again did you oh no I wonder why they got divorced I don't know how much more of this Nikki can take I mean every couple months it's a new career a new apartment if it wasn't for Nikki I wouldn't say anything I would I would stay out of it well you'd be divorced and there would be no reason to be a part of anything yeah I don't think that Nikki should stay with you oh dang just just until you get really set hey Dad oh he's so cute ready to carve it up cool I hope Ben Stiller learn something about himself over the course of the next 90 minutes do you think they'll get back together Ben Stiller and his and his ex in this film no the other guy's already established I feel like that Batman belt yeah he seemed established this little kid is so cute good here he's like okay cool thanks Dad no I didn't invite you to a career day cuz some oh [ __ ] I'm good I'm telling you man you tore it up out there today thinking the NHL is as when he's getting hit in the face want be weird anymore skills to have all right what do you want to be I'm a bond Trader oh just like his ouch stepdad Bond Trader yeah it's what Don does he took me to his office last week uh-huh the the pain is real well what should his alternate ambition be be someone who's getting kicked out of his apartment are you really moving again I don't know we'll see I mean there's some pretty cool places out in Queens hey Nikki look at me oh no look at me man oh man I know that things have been kind of up and down for me lately and and that's been hard for you but I really feel like my moment's coming and when it does everything's just going to come together Mr daily I can honestly say in 43 years of this agency I've never seen a resume quite like yours all right it's not a good thing that was it that wasn't a compliment oh man it says here you were the CEO of snap time industry well that was the uh Umbrella Corporation for my invention the Snapper you know you snap lights come on didn't they already make that The Clapper yeah no no that's The Clapper which obviously bit of our Thunder see what the big difference is I mean you know apparently there is a significant portion of the population that has trouble actually snapping clapping easier debatable I had to make sure I could snap I can't I wasn't sure my confidence was low it was I need a job tomorrow if I don't have one I just need it okay I might have one thing they've turned down everyone I've sent over there great they turned down everybody who's gone there all right why you just need the right personality for the job guess so and he has it I'd be that person that just touches the tooth even though it says don't touch I feel like the Snapper would have actually been better cuz then kids will have a harder time turning the lights on and off I'm Larry daily I've got a job 8-year-old doing that Cecil Fredericks right uh he should still be in his office New love interest I was thinking the same thing just no you're thinking that he's going to get back with his ex get out well once I saw her I was like well she's hot yes great Visionary yes hey he was our fourth president right 26th 26th D please don't touch the exhibits wreck at your face is perfect for that that one I cannot tolerate this type of chaos I mean this is a museum not a he couldn't even say anything else so frustrating I've had that type of frustration hello just kidding hey hey I'm Larry daily are you Mr Frederick's no Mr Frederick with my father I Cecil good to meet you Larry nice handshake like that come on in yours is weak the museum is losing money Handover fist I guess kids that they don't care about wax figures or stuffed animals so they're downsizing which is code for firing myself and the other two night guards I'd like you to meet my uh two colleagues here oh Regal Gus oh my gosh I was happy Legends all legends all three of them Larry Dy the kid who wants to be the new Night Guard he looks like a weirdy it's wonderful guard terrible people skills now listen lunchbox don't try anything funny gentlemen we have a job candidate here he's got an excellent resume a winning attitude and I say let's give him a shot what do you say I think I I might want to have a little time just to think it over do you want the job or not Snack Shack o Snack Shack yeah I like his insults no no I want the job welcome to the night guard dang Larry floor sleep into my Orthopedics and give you a little tour Bo on you really think he's the one oh yes he's the one why oh for the magic I know but why uh he is a man character they just see his character they like his character something about him is like that's just he's the one they're all getting old so they're they probably can't keep up with things or something yeah oh yeah yeah they probably held that magic position this is the for a long time I remember these little guys cute cute he's probably like why do I need a tour of this like I'm just going to be standing here they just shut off the lights are they going to disappear oh no oh it's that's him no no it's him he's testing him that is in poor taste seriously though no fooling around in here all right throws it on the floor as you can see it's pretty quiet in here these days it feels like somehow disrespectful right yeah left there is your till of the Hun and here we have our Easter Island head oh my God does that come alive and this of course is the Hall of African Metals oh monkeys I love monkeys will you still he cute look at his face he's like we call him Dexter that monkey looks sad quite a little ball of fun aren't you H moving on he doesn't look like he likes Dexter too much I love Ben Stiller's uh Expressions ow oh quick like and in that tomb right down there the Pharaoh himself and hanging on the wall behind him was his most prized possession the tablet of L monra 24 car gold is worth a fortune wow very cool that could pay a rent he's not impressed I feel like he's like very cool the instruction manual instructions damn that thing is like as old as one two three four are you cracking wise I ought to punch you in the nose you got right lar I love his insult so much lunchbox Hopscotch Larry Tak job serious do them all and do them quick and the most important thing of all to remember don't let anything in or out out good luck son that's it that's the only instruction that's the only help to get that thing looks so old like as old as the Declaration of Independence look at that thing how's it holding [Music] together hey India the T-Rex is gone see what the would he do what would he do with the T-Rex that thing is huge this is weird oh I'd be freaking out I'd be like oh my God somebody stole it it's drinking water isn't it oh [Music] [Music] no yo why wouldn't they warn him about this like I guess you got to learn for yourself I don't know you got to lock him into the job yes oh [Music] [Applause] Jesus oh my [Music] gosh how did he do that wow he's like ass hauling wow that's all really him yellow Larry dinosaur re a little trouble hearing you friend Dila what I do just tell me what to do read the instructions it explains everything okay I got him I'll see you tomorrow he's like he got like a bunch of hotties in that party I want to be there [ __ ] the museum I want to be hanging out with them broad a bone what bone oh oh he's like a puppy even gave the bone to him [Music] it's like a dog you can't be scared of that at that point right no at that point I'd be like okay it's on it's on here none of them died yet well that yeah I mean they made it to old age oh it's you it's so [Music] excited yeah I was like is that going to hit him and it just as soon as I thought it it hit him oh oh my god oh that would be amazing oh you can still see rhinos and birds d d yes you give me gum gum I give you gum gum you knew dum dum you give me gum gum I have no gum gum sorry and my name isn't dum dum my name's Larry no your name dum dum why would you argue with that oh you in trouble dum dum you better run run from the Hun from a the hun hun oh Lord see you later dum dum ah oh my gosh they just want to chat oh gosh oh that could have been violent ooh okay it's peaceful here for now hey how you doing are you pocah never mind you'rea I guess I'm racist your Saia the glass I can't you don't don't open it to lock up the Lions or they'll eat you oh no hey hi T man oh that's great makeup how you doing I'm new here and it says I'm supposed to lock up the L soat eat me oh no oh no close the door oh jeez you're no you're list wrong way wrong way oh you're so dumb I can't he locked himself in with the lions with all them animals hey the uh hi well maybe he read something in the instructions it says to lock himself in if it's cool with you I'm just going to get my paperwork and uh out of your hair okay oh the monkey he's going to learn about the monkey today is there a bone he can throw [Music] ah that monkey is not your friend we already know this because he kind of gave a hint [Music] those those instructions have been through everything monkey probably stole your keys oh [ __ ] it's got to go back in there I love how they already know what's going to happen in your first go yeah the monkey probably stole your keys no no no come back come back offer him some food is that your name Dewey Dey no no no do we Dexter Dexter Dexter right hey Dexter give him a banana yeah what a good boy that's okay oh oh thank you he's messing with him thank you very very much oh no oh my God oh my God it's got like a proper grip on him it's like a horror movie oh my gosh oh hey there's no blood there's no blood we're good e is it peeing on him fad monkey stop that e that's not do you have an issue with me huh do you have an issue with me cuz if I if I have a problem with somebody I don't pee on them let me tell you something no oh my God Dexter Dexter oh [ __ ] is going to rip it up don't I know what you're thinking don't do it not a good idea oh no hey don't encourage him you think you're funny for your friends huh you three guys you think you got what he's the ring leader and you're like a little audience yeah no don't do it okay look at oh oh you're screwed now oh my God this is not happening this is why PDFs are useful an email why what the I guess they have to preserve the magic instructions like as analog oh my gosh it's like that one go travels yes oh no you're going to break the tra no time boys shut up he's in this too I love Owen W Wilson every night year after year one of you g luxes up in these boxes well I hear my say Sir fire up the Iron Horse boys oh jeez is that going to hurt nah it's a little trade the Rope is keeping him pinned down Blondie name's Jad jedia what's going on here somebody's got to pay pay for what I don't know just pay now stop whining and just take it like a man oh my gosh seriously stop the train all right stop the train thank you now Full Speed Ahead and RAM him split his head like a watermelon oh okay it's what you thought would happen I mean is they're little toys kind of we got a breach okay the effect is really good he flicked it he flicked the oh no oh Jee he is up against a lot there prepare the C oh my gosh this ain't your fight this here Giant's on our land I'm not a giant guys all right you guys are really little we may be small but our hearts are large metaphorically speaking oh my gosh don't take that the wrong way silence oh he's definitely the right guy for this job to have these calm collect conversations with these things unleash oh my [Music] gosh CL I'm a board boy oh here we go take the hand son take the hand son oh Rob Williams I miss you love him I miss him so much he was like the ultimate father of all children like all the children yeah uh thank you not at all Theodore Roosevelt 26th president of these United States of America At Your Service salute him I'm Larry the new night guard I don't really know how to put this and please don't take it the wrong way but isn't everything in this Museum supposed to be you know dead dead yeah you've been in there 54 years you're not getting out tonight so he's the ultimate keeper the tablet vak menra arrived here in 1952 from the Nile Expedition on that night everything in this Museum came to life oh so it's all tied to that that's wild so everything in the museum comes to life every night exactly and and I'm supposed to do what the night Watchman lawence a venerable position in this institution that would oh my God that would be so mad that's something you would do you would do that to me your job is to make sure that everyone stays inside the museum because if the sun rises and anyone's on the outside we turn to dust what no I shall help you restore order tonight but mark my words it's the last time I shall ever do so is that clear yeah wow I mean that was nice him I'm stop babbling boy yes or no no yes yes or no I TR to be nuts when people take forever to get a thought out that's cuz you're you're mean that's why you like it what are you looking at I'm a tracking Dear Boy man's got to track welcome to the family Lawrence St tomorrow night actually I got to be honest I don't think I'm coming back you've only just begun yeah well this is not exactly what I Lawrence yeah what did you do before you took this first how could you not come back to this I'd be too curious I invented this thing called the Snapper did you give up on that as well yes no you might have heard of The Clapper Lawrence sir some men are born great others have greatness thrust upon them ooh for you this is that very moment God he's so good at delivering his lines you know what's Wild is we're not that far away from all this with AI everyone will be B Sellar soon I'm not even going to I know it's frustrating but it's reality coming soon no I deny it bul got you boy yeah got me that was mean say hello to your little friend oh my God hey what are you doing put me down I don't like to be manhandled I'm going to shoot you in your dang eye and your dad gum ey keep shooting nothing's going to happen now you know my shame oh back to your places at least they go back home like to their places the harder they fall this is not worth 1150 an hour Hello Larry well it's all in one piece don't do that to old people you get heart attack you for surprises really I thought you like surprises like how you surprise me with the fact that everything in the museum comes to life at night he's so petty do you have any idea what I've been through tonight what I said do you have any idea what I've been through tonight D keep a l on her butter Scot butter Scotch I got to write all of his things down I love butterscotch okay I just need a regular job that is not life-threatening and pays my bills so thank you very much and uh I left my uniform in the office and I will be seeing you he's coming back he has to Dad oh Sho hey oh no oh with the Bluetooth headset so awesome that work hey Nico want to take a little look at do inside oh no you know what um we're pretty sland this morning yeah but Nikki I promise I'll uh I'll show you around soon okay deal deal all right bye dad this must have done great for tourism luy to BU for the Natural History uh Natural hory Museum oh can't leave oh yep he's like dang it turn around oh that would mess with me that would mess with me in a bad way kid back go back you got a cooler job than he does I don't have this use the power to your advantage I don't have the maturity to see like my son holding hands with another man like that mess me up hey Larry so I was thinking maybe I'll give it one more night you got an extra copy of that uh instruction manual oh no I'm afraid not Larry oh no listen I tell you what you do read some books Rush up on your history helped me a lot when I first started out helped me a lot that's like a whole that's kind of cool though a toz Wikipedia encyclopedia join the tour join the tour oh that's true definitely a shortcut okay kids who can tell me what this room's called very good the Hall of African mammals right here we have the king of the jungle the lion I love how he's like I'm not going to read about it I'm just going to walk and listen to her a highly intelligent primate that's where his ears pered up and generous nature he's said H generous nature how was he awake he was up all night long I mean the adrenaline's still probably kicking you something I'm not buying it you might have to food not me stop can't get P me there's a storm coming buddy what are you doing well I'm going to be here every night and I just wanted to learn a little bit more about what I'm guarding actually I've got a bunch of questions maybe I don't know when you have a break could I buy you a cup of coffee or something uh-oh she's going to get the wrong idea I mean just purely you know colleague to colleague information Download Sort of I finish in 20 minutes I'll meet you outside thank you oh okay four years been working on one paper for four years that would drive me crazy actually it's more like a 900 page book oh so what's your story do you always want to be guard uh oh I I didn't why can't you be no no no no um kill you I'm just [ __ ] I kill you we all know you're smart I'm grab my knife and doing it right in your back he loves me you guys he loves [Music] me I love that he's going so deep in with like all the history and stuff yeah so cool because now he's learning but it's also very interesting he's going to have so much to talk about at dinner now with this kid I know just want to say good luck son and goodbye we're clocking out for the last time if you ever been boa look us up who wait you guys are going out of town what if this doesn't work out smart fell like you You' be fine I would just be a phone call away come on walk us out a go ahead I uhby a moment he's very emotional a lot of uh memories in this room in this room what are you going to do music changing I know what's up what's up what you doing back door oh he's going to make a key copy for what reason to come back I know about why I don't know it a great song he just broke that that's oh that's smart dang he really had a [Music] plan oh he learned the duck he just quickly accepted like the magic of the environment I love it guys feel like that point you don't have a choice Quest for Fire Quest for Fire that's an old movie warning dum dum dum dum you dum dum you gum gum yes I did Fathead wow oh no what's going on over here we expand or we die they want to get to the other side don't do that you blow a hole in your Mountain all you're going to hit is a wall step aside Gigantor Gigantor enough with the Gigantor giant stuff okay I'm just trying to close up shop we're going to blow it anyway what are you doing it's Manifest Destiny you can't fight it neither can I he keeps trying to mess with like mess around with their purpose that's their purpose you cannot do this I am a Ruan General I oh my God it's about to go down what is your problem huh We're Men We Fight okay that's what we do kind of how we pass the time yeah well we can't expect you to understand that you guys got the whole room to run around in you don't have to be near each other what you mean you're going to let us out oh no yeah I might if you promise to behave that means no Fireballs no explosions okay you have my words my leash oh my gosh now if you don't do what I say you can end up like your little buddies in the Mayan world over there do they look happy no these are like children I know I got to run you guys play nice okay okay good thanks oh no I don't know if that was a good idea well we'll see oh hey Dexter just locking up you want in I forgot that Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson work together in um Meet the Parents oh yeah what's that you got my keys I tricked them I don't think so payback's a [ __ ] those are baby keys for a little baby so have fun playing with your baby Keys little baby monkey maybe tomorrow night I'll bring you a little baby diapy so you can go poo poo with it you're so petty he's just sticking it in told you there was a storm coming take your keys [ __ ] I wonder how much improv is in this movie you impertinent pup I knew you'd come back you look like a man on a [Music] mission checking her out ner Heavens know checking her out I'm merely observing I know maybe should go uh go talk to her indeed yeah bless you lad all right carry on I does that a failed attempt at flirting there was I totally been there you're trying to talk and you just like I can't hey look who's in here bail out you just run I can see you doing that oh gosh high school was sad what on Earth he's planting evidence why is he planting evidence or I don't know what's happening there that's something sus you guys speak English right okay I don't know what that means and I know that you and I kind of got off on the wrong foot last night but little birdie told me that somebody likes oh [ __ ] he's got a bird magic or magic magic everybody likes magic and flowers he's got them but money can sometimes disappear he at least that's what I hear no wonder you can't understand me you got a coin in your ear oh of Vanishing oh no oh no no no no it's a fail yeah they called him a fake what is the punishment you're going to rip him apart remember he did the research tear the [Applause] limbs oh save by elephant R in the nick of time oh he forgot wait how' they get out I thought he locked it oh yeah you're right he did lock it how did they get out L to shut him up you shouldn't get gum gum oh the monkey did the monkey let him out ah he got the key how monkeys are like natural man oh we knew it wouldn't last no no no hey guys hey guys oh my gosh oh I didn't go out the window oh jeez that's why you don't give them real fire this is getting out of hand we all thought daxi was off to a good start yeah okay this is excessive going to eat it yeah that's it does look like food I going to throw it yep Oh [Music] Dicker I wonder why the monkey didn't go out oh he's drawn to fire I oh damn okay grab it monkey back in don't fight with the little monkey eight times the size of this monkey how is he not small Lawrence why are you slapping a monkey to deal with this creature with love and respect may I have the keys dear friend no way you bullshitting that's so sweet he tried to do that he tried to be nice the museum is on the verge of total an look I tried I came back tonight didn't I tried that was one night but I'm dealing with the most ridiculous job in history T-Rex is like why isn't it going if you could teach the inhabitants to get along they wouldn't need to be locked up night after night oh well that means a lot coming from a guy I spent the last 50 years spying on a girl he's never even talked to oh shots fire dang I was going to make contact please I'm done all right no no a a [Laughter] right oh no oh he made it outside you didn't turn to sand it's not morning yet oh gotcha oh he's he's got okay there's a time limit oh oh no oh that's sad dang that was sad that hurt my feelings how many did they lose over the years that's a good question due to a funky accident why does that Inspire him to stay because this guy is legendary why does he feel guilt I don't understand I mean obviously he has to stay for the movie to keep going but like well I mean I think that made him feel bad cuz he lost one of them gotcha and then he realized in that moment that somebody needs to protect this magic gotcha there was an incident last night with the fire extinguisher I was literally just on my way to go clean it up okay don't bother you're fired oh I don't think we're getting a tour today dad just got C dude he'll talk yeah Mr can you imagine godamn can you please give me one more night one more night okay thank you that's a pretty big mess up yeah and if anything is that tiniest after your shift this guy is just very emotional but he also has like a little bit of a Power Trip fo me once shame on you fool me twice you don't know what comes after that shame on me fool me shame on me you don't don't don't correct somebody when they're refresher with you just just let it be try so hard to be smart what's going on you got fired what are you talking about I didn't get fired when does he sleep let me show you show me what give him a tour with me tonight Larry oh no what are you doing just want to show them what I do that's all yeah I love that I don't think Nikki has any room in his heart for more disappointment you won't be disappointed she has no reason to believe him does the magic still come alive if someone who's not a security guard is there yeah I mean they had three of them but they were all security guards I don't think it matters hey Miss we going to have to ask you to vacate the premises hey there so no big plans tonight I prefer hanging out with people who are dead for 200 years seriously though you do have to leave seriously yes sorry it's just Museum rules and we're I love how he's like so adamant you you seriously you got to go though and she's like really how's that dissertation coming I've hit a dead end I mean research can only get me so far know who she really was talk to her maybe boom in like Flyn [ __ ] don't do it don't do it no he's going to talk to Saka jaia and get the information she needs ah okay okay she's going to be like how did you find this out I don't know I just read it somewhere you know how they say in certain museums history oh my God he's telling her she might think he's actually does just making a analogy or something just to make her feel like she's crazy or something I don't know everything in this Museum comes to life at night he sounds crazy you know that tablet the tablet of oan RA it actually brings things to life it's like some ancient should not be sharing no Ken is not like you're a bad like gatekeeper so if you really want to get inside her head I can hook that up oh my oh no she's going to laugh right no she's got to laugh I think she's going to get mad make fun of the history oh [ __ ] you're right I wouldn't have been like make fun of the history drinking I would have been like you're crazy and i' would been like thank you okay you have a good night like oh my gosh this new guy he's cuckoo yeah it had to be something negative right either she felt like he was patronizing her or she thinks he's crazy okay you like to run asaurus Rex yeah yeah well I call him Rexy and he's about to come to life the guy stole the thing if he doesn't he put a bunch of stuff in that thing he probably stole the the the chip Thing by The Mummy dad are you okay God he's not he's not batting well with his kid Dr come on R and Sh but I need you to wake up come on my kid is here I need you to wake up oh man he seems real Looney tablet I think somebody stole it yeah right who would have stolen it that guy remember he made a copy of the key we're confident it was him I am can't because he made only because he made a copy of the key sure it could just be Monkey Business oh you guys should um give us the tablet son oh no I'm sorry to tell you this son but your dad doesn't work here anymore got fired this morning Dad fire y I didn't see this coming Nikki trust me just turn it give us a tablet listen to your pops all right that's bigger than I thought it was or I know right it looks way smaller in the wall get back here kid he just tossed them bad idea Larry damn for old guys they are not playing around sun down to Sunrise we felt young again wa [ __ ] when we found out they were going to fire us we had to steal the tablet everyone knows you need the money after that the stuff we planted in your place pretty obvious you committed the crime come on guys let's go find that kid sweet dreams cupcake yayay oh God that little one's scary it's always the little ones yeah that's why we're afraid of you oh you B all right remember no but he's loyal at heart oh what are you doing oh [ __ ] no no no what are you doing this is a jamanji situation oh my God ji we'll take it from here dang sleep t hot shot oh my gosh all three of them are evil I thought only one of them would be evil they misdirected us really well Theodor Roosevelt At Your Service Teddy can you get us out out of here can't do it man this is your moment what's it going to do I'm not you okay I didn't build the Panama Canal I wasn't president of the United States I never did any of those things oh Teddy Roosevelt did whoa I never shot a wild beast I'm not even brave enough to tell that beautiful woman I love her you got to finish the job this time you can't quit you made a wax Larry what are you made of it's got like emotional where man [Music] goodness oh are you in free of the Mummy that's it come on oh jeez that I would are you sure I would imagine that thing would be way heavier than that yeah really this is what you want to do oh my gosh your Jackal guys do you think you could actually ask them to uh back off please cuz we're not trying to hurt you and I they think we are oh goodness think you could possibly do it like now oh is it going to Dad take off the r thing yeah all right let's see who it is usually what comes next waa no way hello HTI you would not believe how stuffy it is in there yeah how can you speak English I went to Cambridge University you went to Cambridge I was on display in the egyptology department oh [ __ ] I am AK minra fourth King of the fourth King ruler of the land of my fathers uh I am uh Larry son of Milton this is son Nick and we hail from Brooklyn Larry Nick guardians of Brooklyn forever bestow the tablet upon me so that I may assume command of my kingdom I would love to bestow it upon you but we don't actually have it oh shoot oh okay he opened it for him how are you going to fix that thanks guys you're so don't worry I'll watch out for him so fire thank You So Fire it'll all come back together by morning I don't know he wasn't the one that wrecked the door I got to deal with this guy I got to deal with this guy you would be great at this [Music] game was confused I speak meanig bakik this guy just knows everything he says that he wants to rip you apart you want to rip things okay and I think maybe that's because somebody ripped you a long time ago uhoh oh no in here he's going to make him soft they ripped they ripped something at is he going to cry they RI the love oh don't no either that or he's going to have to run there's no way they can resolve this little baby all alone in a tent Daddy went off he he getting under his skin Daddy go and plunder somewhere just was doing his job but who was left alone stop it it's going to cry you no what no broke [Music] them he's going tear little baby don't you cry but making shut up oh it's okay no they all want to cry next you're not he's doing therapy sessions for every single one of them all right I need everybody to listen up whistle oh thank you num dum dum [Applause] dum ta oh look got everybody's attention my dum dum want to speak thank you my dumb Dum want to speak his tablet is what brings you to life every night and those old night Watchmen they stole it my Explorer friend whose Name Escapes meus Columbus right I'm sorry there's no name plate so Columbus the shame I'd be so bumped out my kid was like his Christoper col like out of all you're both great leaders you just want what's best for your people right yeah here I was thinking the reason why they picked him was because he seems like his spirit is good for this job but really they just wanted a sucker yeah yeah yeah it caught me off guard this whole coming to life at night thing it all goes away we can get this but we got to do it together so who's with me but he became the biggest winner of them all yeah who's with me dud this would be the sickest thing to see your parent do though I know right like I be like oh my God my dad's the coolest dad in the world and then I'm going to take over the family business and watch the museum they're probably like wow this is amazing but they got to get back inside or they die come on follow me boys J [Music] they're going to be stuck in the snow oh they're still there well they're steing more stuff greedy if they would have just left when they had a chance too much ego too much confidence these security cards they like you said they should have left they would have been F hard way oh boy I guess it's going to be the hard way right man we're almost there oh good they know what this is well they must have been [Laughter] told oh no our biggest [Laughter] trial I ain't quitting you I ain't quitting you why is that so funny it's like Ant-Man I love the way they panned out they just that's what I'm talking about good job gentlemen you got to get the last [Music] one oh no you're not going nowhere they vanished how will we find them I know someone who can help come on oh the perfect tracker watch out oh come on oh my gosh this museum is done for hey Sakia or WEA listen I need a favor somebody stole his tablet you think you can track the guys who took it he went East but he lost control and crashed you're amazing how did you figure that out tell them she just one with it's right there he didn't need her at all he left the wagon and went back why would he go back get out of the way oh finally what a what a time to meet or a way to meet you saved me you're were saving my dear oh Jesus oh he's waxed though so it's okay we can fix it 's approaching and half the museum is running a muck outside he's got my tablet T-Rex is coming at your service Gigantor how can we give assistance My Le I love them here boy Teddy I need a horse do it man jeez let me hear you yell the dream baby oh they're having a great time me too Stage Coach over now wow who's riding the T-Rex hang on is oh the kid the kid's on T-Rex oh jeez oh what a little toy car would not blow up hilarious that it did let's finish this last chance Cil stop the horses or I will they can't be stopped Larry oh they were train not to stop for anything but a secret word really you mean a word like Dakota dang history come on Tex well done sir got him right up on my history thanks for the tip by the way don't ever talk to me like that in front of my son oh was so nice the way he handled that so nice like a gentleman yeah hey hun tell tell to have his boys take him back to the museum put him with the rest of the guards ta no Lim ripping okay oh he wants to please just a little bit heyy wait I love he's like how do you know you're like better than us at this we've been doing forever you to survive fast he's only one person that is true oh she's fixing how sweet what is it I got to get you guys back to the museum how you got to hurt him like sheep this is your tablet you know the instructions everyone become one well that worked yeah this makes me happy there's somebody who's got to see this is he calling the lady it's New York she knows exactly where that's from great to see you in one piece a a little hot W got to clean it up though Larry oh here's your opportunity my God go talk to her hurry up can you imagine like being writing this dissertation for 4 years on this person and then seeing them like real this is my and Anna I'm like and this is Glory yeah she has a few questions she wants to ask you you rock I am a big fan what would you like to know well I yeah go that way go that way we got to clean up this mess yeah no hard feelings all right oh my God Lawrence you saw you saw what he did involved involved into a stronger species I'm going to smack him back we lost a couple of good little men out there tonight with great Victory comes great sacrifice did they really lose them look oh my little Troopers oh look at them making their way home oh my babies they're truly friends now they've worked together I love their [Music] faces you ain't getting rid of those quick get inside I love it it's going to be tough to talk my way out of this one well if that's indeed the case then it's Farewell My friend your father's a great man I know oh well he's got witnesses he's got eyewitnesses for this I mean he could blame it on the three he caught that's true oh my God we have them yeah we got two witnesses that can confirm yeah you right you're right okay we can we might be able to get out of this well there's a sequel so he has to is there a sequel to this two R to right I want to see it oh shoot here's the remarkable video These appear to be tyrannosaur Rex tracks and they lead straight to the Museum of Natural History how would he what appear to be cave drawings in the God maybe this will save the museum yeah that's true it'll bring it attention any explanation at all I don't even I no got nothing good how is he dismissing this I don't know what happened to the other guys though oh it's so crowded now because of him he brought all this traffic all this foot traffic is because of him how did it get clean well I guess the cleaning crew came in and I guess so scoy doop and then it's clean hey hey hey look at that smile what your name is my career day parent is my dad he's a night Watchman at the Museum of Natural History what is it going to say I know well Nikki said it I'm the night Watchman at the Museum of Natural History let me tell you something that's when history comes alive oh I love it how many of you guys been over to the [Music] museum oh he's got it down he's they're all getting along now Christopher Columbus is playing oh my goodness he's trting it like whipped cream so funny that's their job to Dy to drive the bone around they got better things to do now they have responsibilities in purpose oh my God that was cool oh the snap that was cool yeah yeah well that was fun that holds up I loved it it was so adorable in magical I want more well you'll get more this had jamanji Vibes it had the Indian and the cover Vibes it had like o greatness after greatness so uh the actor Ry Malik I couldn't remember his name for the life of me like I looked at his face I'm like oh it just left my brain as soon as I saw his face I'm like I know I've watched him so many times why can't I remember his name Ry mik is the actor you were like going gooo Gaga over the Pharaoh I've seen him before I just don't know what I've seen him in yeah I couldn't put my finger out I can't think of a better actor suited for this kind of role than Ben Stiller like he had the he's got the physical comedy chops that lend itself well to this kind of thing oh yeah you know it's like when you're not paying attention to some kind of visual effect with the animals and whatnot or the animal work with the monkey you know when you're not focused on that you're looking at Ben Stiller who's doing all kinds of stuff to keep you amused and entertained over the course of an hour and 45es he literally doing most of it by himself yeah no for real he helped us whole movie pretty much solo which is pretty cool a little bit of help from uh uh Robin Williams obviously and The Supporting Cast uh I thought Ricky dvas did a really good restrained job as that guy cuz Ricky dvas usually has way more to say and so this was a role where he had he had to be the opposite where he wasn't able to get all the words out because he didn't even know what reference he was trying to make or what kind of comparison he was trying to make I actually really liked him in this role Dick Van djk Mickey Rooney and Bill Cobbs the trio of Thieves the former security guards was great I loved every single line Mickey Rooney every time like he had something butterscotch or lunchbox whatever insult he had I just want to like write that down in my phone in my notes just so I can like Drop That on people be like wait what like what you just call me you just need alternates to the word [ __ ] and it's you know what I'm saying to be able to call people names they want to be mad but they can't be you know they're questioning it they're like I want to laugh but I enjoyed the entire ride of the film quite a bit and I appreciate its existence so much because like there was nothing in here that it's it's a very um I don't want to say innocuous but it's inoffensive in terms of like comedy so it's fun for the whole family yeah it's very like you don't have to stress about boobs or something there's nothing you know what I mean if you're watching this with your kids or something it's not too often you get comedies like this that I feel like have a broad appeal where kids and grown-ups can watch it and you know the grown-ups aren't going to get bored the kids aren't going to get bored it Appeals to both people M and so I thought they did a fantastic job in that regard the visual effects was great too oh yeah music was I think this would be great to watch with kids you know just to see their their giggles and like their face expressions cuz I could totally see them going oh my gosh and it just bring your heart so much like happiness cuz you're like I feel it too yeah exactly oh so cute you know I was wondering when the film started cuz I didn't know much about it other than Ben Stiller becomes a a security guard at a museum and then things come to life beyond that I was like I really I'm not sure where this goes when I'm watching the film I'm like I don't I'm not quite clear what this adventure could possibly be when you learn that there's something suspect going on with the security guards the old security guards right the Old Guard they are trying to steal stuff it gets the adventure outside right and I actually thought that that was a really cool move because it's like what what can you like how do you keep this engaging all the way to the end and taking it into this Outdoor Adventure where he's chasing them down was really cool no I thought it was going to be more like thei in the cupboard kind of vibe or something that like I wanted to bite your finger when you did like the monkey that monkey's adorable I thought it was going to be something like that where you like I don't know something along that lines which it kind of was but very different I wasn't sure how it was going to play out but I I I loved it I think he needs to work out something with Rick dvas cuz 1150 an hour ain't going to cut it he's got he lives in New York City he's got a kid he's trying to raise he's got to put him through college at some point you know you can't rely on stepdad to take care of the whole thing you know what I'm saying Paul R you can't rely on PA well maybe because he brought so much traffic in that's what I'm saying he probably he probably got a raise he proba 12 bucks he probably got no he probably got promoted like lowkey like he's like okay you're the night watch but maybe you're also you're um Adat ad advertise ad you advertise you know what I mean so you bring in folks some foot traffic advertise that business it's great you a good SEC gu yeah looking NS advertising okay stop you bumped up 1250 an hour that's all was say from 1150 think it's great I think the kids going to end up taking over after um he after he gets older his son will probably take over for 1150 an hour I would I mean I would I probably would you ain't going to pay [ __ ] with that you live in New York City I would just have to marry Rich you know or I feel like I feel like or I would just have to get a date job too I feel like you'd have to sneak in rides on that T-Rex in order to cover up the difference 1150 an hour is not going to cut it you got to advertise oh know even though his role was small in this movie Paul Rudd did a great job as that stepdad character because you know it's like sorry he was I'm like going he was just enough like of a nuisance he was just enough annoying that it's just like but you can't quite hate him because he's not a bad guy like he loves he's just like a little [ __ ] and dwey but he's like yeah man what up spart there's two things that that typically will happen normally the character is way bigger of a jerk and and your ex-girlfriend ex-wife whatever can't see it right yeah the main character and then furthermore usually the main character gets back together with the the ex right they somehow find a way to work it out they stayed away from both of those tropes which I liked yeah they they made Paul Rudd still likable in his own way even though you were rooting for Ben Stiller and Ben Stiller did not get back together with his ex he had a new Love and I thought that was cool that they usurp my expectations like that but again Paul rud did a great job and Remy mik did a great the whole cast did really really well in this so I I really enjoyed it I wonder what jokes would not be done today with how sensitive the climate has been we are seeing a turnaround in that like it's it's like there is like this sort of rubber band effect happening where people are like testing they're throwing them out which I like I'm here for it I personally don't like how people are so sensitive I'm just throwing it out there it annoys me because it's like okay if it's funny it's funny yeah get over it dude so I'm glad it's coming back make that come back let's go make make comedy great again yeah make comedy great again all right you guys thanks so much for hanging out I'm jabby Koy this is Kristen Stephen someo peace out
Channel: CinePals
Views: 123,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 21sec (3561 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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