Timothée Chalamet & Austin Butler Reveal Wildest Headlines About Themselves | Ask Me Anything | ELLE

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my style icon mine's Timothy sham oh yeah hey I'm Timothy shamay and I'm Austin Butler and today we are going to let L ask us [Music] anything my first job in life was a show business job I hate to admit I wish it was something U what was it in Show Business It was a commercial for Disney Channel and they cast an English language speaking kid a Spanish language speaking kid and then I was the French Canadian audience so I had a dial like coach for one line and we shot in Disney World at 3:00 a.m. cuz that's the only time in the park no one's there how old were you 98 or something yeah and then I went back to school you know bragging about had been in a commercial and no one believe me and it didn't air enough for anyone to see it so my mom still has the commercial though I got to see this yeah my first job was I I never had a real job other than acting the first time I was ever paid as an actor was on Hannah Montana wow so Disney something Disney as well legendary yeah it was an episode where she gets set up on a blind date I am there and at first she's excited and then we're watching a horror film and I'm terrified during the film I'm screaming just losing my mind so it turns out to be a bad blind day okay yeah strangest thing I've done to prepare for R there's things in Little Women there's an ice skating sequence where siron and I were there's no ice and we're onun our sneakers literally just go like that skating through a on a tennis court and Austin and on roller SK so it was just filmed really close it was filmed really close but yeah it felt it was one of those things movie Magic you're on sneakers yeah wow you I remember Tom Hanks always saying it's going to feel fake in real life but look real in fake life perfect yeah I always think about that one that's a good [Music] one who's my dream coost I mean well I got to work with him but uh no but I'm curious what's I'm actually my my dream I mean you got to work with Mark Ryland Mark Ryland is up there from me Wen I mean obviously Leo yeah there's there's a number of different ones I agree with all three of those I would definitely go Wen too that would be really exciting's amazing right now I'm going to go with Kenny The Jet Smith on Inside the NBA TNT because I feel like he has varying style but he's also very bold and confident about when he just wants to rock sneakers with a suit and I admire that mine's Timothy Shan woo yeah woo oh yeah what is one red carpet look that I regret I wouldn't say red carpet but there was a rapper named Lil be the bass gu who was like famous for wearing this pair of vans that were like incredibly beat up and I was inspired by that so I had a really nasty pair of Vans kind of coming out of high school I remember I went to a Thing Once I mean there was holes in the bottom of the Vans I wor them in no socks and that's when I see them like man that looks nasty you know look dirty there's holes in in the bottom of the Sho there holes in the bottom of the shoe wow and did you wear the holes into those shoes yep wow wow yep I had them brand new and I rocked them so [Music] much I remember doing a play when I was really young like the first play I ever did called the talls when I was 15 and religiously like not reading the reviews and just thinking this will affect my state of mind during the show and then the play ended and I was like okay I'm going to I'm going read and there was like three and I was like oh I could have read these affect me at all there was a strange one when I was doing press and I was in Japan for a second and I flew back to LA and then somebody called me and said what happened in Japan oh no and well there's a headline that says that you knocked out Ezra Miller in Japan or something and completely untrue I've never met them I I yeah so that was it was one of those that you just don't know where that kind of stuff comes from yeah that's yeah crazy stuff like crazy yeah thankfully that wasn't true at all [Music] canteen with water in it that's so smart y one of them backpacks with the yeah yeah camel back yeah umbrella maybe an umbrella for the Sun for the sun okay I was like wait the one thing you really don't me rain boots rain boots a rain jacket no yeah umbrella for the sun umbrella for the Sun a tent maybe sunscreen yeah sand castle making materials sand castle making material Rane Rane for fade ra yeah Handle With Care Handle With Care fragile fragile fragile inside yeah what's one role I wish I had audition for I think back to something like East of Eden you know oh yeah that really impacted me at a young age that how did you see that so young you just found it my dad watched tons of old films he always had turn the classic movies on we'd watch a movie every night and do you have one that you think of that you I'm sure as you can relate there was a point in my career where I felt like I wasn't getting you'd see a young man in something and go well I didn't I didn't even have a crack get close to that yeah I remember asking you and Christopher Walkin because I was so scared Christopher Walkin just said just read the Q cards yeah that's good actually so I mean that was it does take a lot more than that but that's what he told me I mean I remember the first time doing that there's so much lore around it everyone sort of has a piece of advice that's done it or works there and I was very receptive to that because you want to soak it all in I remember halfway through the first time I did it going oh this is like doing theater and I could have been on my heels more and then this time right before I went out I was feeling nervous and I noticed that Woody harelson had written did he say this to you or that Woody harson wrote uh I'm terrified right now right next to they put Woody harelson and I read that right before and was like oh man that makes you feel good yeah it's like all right I'm not the only one that's so comforting to know that everybody else feels that fear so nice yeah yeah it always depends on the person you're playing when you kind of bring stuff around you I mean usually a script I have that with all my notes in it and that's sort of totem of all the homework that you've done to get you to that point do you have something to yours bring to no h uh you know actually headphones headphones yeah that's a great [Music] yeah I really don't have one I mean I try to use moisturizer now I've read the articles the younger you start the better it is in the long run I'm of the perhaps incorrect scientific opinion that the more your body gets used to something you know if you take it away if ever there's the apocalypse you don't want to break out you don't want to break out doing the apocalypse I also don't really have a skincare routin you know sometimes put some oil on the face get a good oil nice I always feel luxurious when I do that nice but I don't do it all the time okay just on special yeah just on special occas special occasion if I wasn't an actor I'd like to be a chef it's fun cuz it feels feels like art but you're creating it for somebody else to enjoy and find meditator for sure nice yeah what about you what would you if you weren't an actor if I wasn't an actor I would definitely be a lice picker seriously yeah I've said it before it's like I was I was not expecting you to say that I'm like half joking but my mom you know showed me that in first grade and said like what do you want to be grow up and that was the thing I put but I guess cuz a lot of kids to break out in my school and I was either this yeah yeah or or that yeah wow I find creative inspiration from about just about anything you know and everything I think the feeling I get from creative inspiration or seeing good movies or or listening to good music I I trust that in my life more than just about anything the feeling I get from being inspired it's like it's the backbone of my life it is but when you feel that you just lean in and you just follow your curios and curiosity is such a good word because I talk about that a lot death of curiosity is the death of imagination and um as you get older all right here I am on my Brooklyn Hipster high chair but like um as you get older like it's all the incentive is all there just to start tuning off the Curiosity to get in your habits that's naturally I heard this thing the other day we talk about being up on a high chair but aging is the aggressive pursuit of comfort how you can get so used to the same things and want the same things and not listen to new music and and watch the same show and just kind of make your life as comfortable as possible it's been the proudest moment of my career so far I think back to doing my first play in Los Angeles and my mom was in the audience and looking down and seeing her and that was so special and you know being in can for the first time and my dad had never been outside the country wow we hadn't seen each other yet and he he had just arrived and I I look at my father and he's on the carpet in a tuxedo in can I just thought this is so surreal and I can't believe that's the first time you saw him in France first time I saw him in France and he and he'd never been out of the country and it was so special that is that was really cool yeah do you have a moment that sticks out to you was the most it was at Sundance and I the movie ended and this will sound ridiculous cuz I was young I was like 21 but I was like oh man finally I feel like and again now it sounds ridiculous to Mez I'm like man I was so young but at that moment I felt like I would had been really just like uh searching for something that would resonate and if you're not a writer or a director and you're just an actor it's like the delivery of that sort of Beyond you all you really have is your energy and your ambition in some way and your Artistry and your vulnerability so all those other things the completion of the movie the editing let alone how it's received let alone what festivals it gets into it was so beyond me so to feel like that and then in different ways the positive ways over see I just like exhaled in a huge way and felt like all right trust your yeah trust your trust your thanks so much for watching and be sure to check out Dune part [Music] two [Music]
Channel: ELLE
Views: 1,417,755
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Keywords: elle, elle magazine, elle video, elle magazine videos, Timothee Chalamet, Timothee Chamlet elle, Timothee Chamlet ask me anything, timothy chamlet elle, Austin Butler, Austin Butler elle, Austin Butler ask me anything elle, ask me anything elle, ask me anything
Id: IuUPvbUo2tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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