Women's Pole Vault Final | IAAF World Championships London 2017

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with this pop-up final just about the start on the autonomy to bend around there is the fantastic foursome Polonius and by Ava's well record 506 well you may not see anything near that today but they might get close to the five meter mark there we are there's the lineup of the athletes in this new run the Canadian record holder McCarthy 30,000,000 picks Rickson third in the European Championships Morris second at Liam fix and second in the world championships it's the Farley the Olympic champion where she goes yeah sick place in the run up the or Canada down through the rest of them the world champions silver agency barracks that will be in the last place on the run up number 12 normal fanfare before the start of a final [Music] let's meet the trial finally part of the story shop near Belize shudder the McClay heat record holder she's the best of for 72 hours specialist Alicia McCarthy from New Zealand 482 this year limit some third danilevich a teachers [Music] [Applause] second Olympics second in the World Championships the American Olympic champion [Applause] this oughta be 267 anakin you'll second in the championships but made it to the Fargo here it's very convenient for one of the neutral athletes Olga balloon up now this is it the girls will love this only Bradshaw a fifth and sixth and Olympic finals can't you do better here today is a lipstick journey community doors fourth in the World Indoor Championships you neither of the Venezuela the South American champion and finally the reigning world champion Silva of Cuba's the 12 of the vaulters will be just getting ready now the last stages they've been out there for some time just preparing a long time actually it's not very warm I must admit here in the stadium so a lot of these are flaring up but their tracks it on until the last possible moment before they take it off and get ready wind I don't think is a big problem for the Tarwater sometimes if it's a crosswind it can pull them away from the bar or if it pushes them into the bar can be a major problem well Paul Vox now on the way in the first on the runway and he should Newman of Canada opening vault here hi got progression it is at 4:30 the opening vault reasonably comfortable for these vultures part of have you said that I hope I didn't turn for the curse on Alicia Newman but it's probably easier for these athletes to get used to the conditions on their first fault the wind is as I said just changing slightly down there at trackside [Music] I'm here at that opening height of 4:30 just indicating that maybe a little bit at the top of ridden one way got a crowd noise - that really distracts the vaulters [Applause] it's in European bronze medalist 2015 and in the wars in 2060 [Applause] probably all the salt baths he's been reported also in second in stock ups as a lead-in to this company's been pretty good [Applause] still waiting I think for taps the wind does to die a little bit they've just taken the cone away from the runway tact stadium here tonight not a seat available really it's been a fantastic turnout by the spectators for these championships and I think the athletes have really appreciated it I'm not sure why she's taking her time here but she's not happy with something while she's looking in the field isn't she so she's either waiting for the clock to be set so she can start because normally athletes when they look to their left they are waiting for guidance from their coach to maybe tell them to go because they're the kind of wing monitor bigots in there coming through the swing opening hike for 30 [Applause] she was miles over it really but put the camera sometimes gives us a bird's-eye view of that bomb I think she was well over she's happy I don't think she's disappointed but she just caught it I think on way back down from the apex of evolve look at that yeah just caught it down to the massive parents really she can of course adjust the uprights if she wants to to just move it in a bit if that's the problem she wants or it may just be the Terran I wasn't quite as you've known it makes her salto coach their remark had occurred new Canadian sorry the second in the Canadian champion she's taking some of the athletes I'm missing out on these earlier heights so we're skipping from one to another some of them I think not a bad idea to get an early Bolton in the lower height just to get used to the conditions and the atmosphere in the stadium and even Neil just talking to herself going through the rehearsal of what she's got to do well Stephanie D she's not due to enter this final until 465 Holly Bradshaw 455 but some of these athletes like to say Steve want to get a feel for the runway get a mark on the board since sometimes some of the phots coming in so late that they have a a major disaster in the vault so it's not a bad idea just to get some not a bad idea just to get an early vault in just to see how you get these girls have qualified these women I should say I've qualified for this month so for the file of the vault by jumping close to this height to start with so there shouldn't be any problems really for most of these athletes [Music] and I still know what over it really which is well maybe a bit surprising but it's the early days Bernardo of Venezuela the South American champion now because their coach again as Kathleen said they almost conditioned to do that now he's checking the wind for I think making sure that there's no problems but that is much of a we've done at the month stadium now that they've got the the roof on it almost stops all we've done a track sila team still looking across there we go the first attempt for that lead you said so far none of the athletes in the covenant the site I've cleared it oh that's a big vault that's good that's inspiring Calculon sitting now [Applause] big run-up let him in very your fault indeed the early women now moved up to the new height of 445 this is Alicia Newman again of Canada second attempt parents at that 4:30 oh wow a little bit away even the speed dropped off a little bit in the run-up but nevertheless a good clearance early days as we say it's almost stranger event in the sense that obviously but like the high jump the athletes go higher and higher you don't really see the true but it has a long jump triple jump they can get a big jump in early on and the game is over but the top-up goes on and on and on until finally we have the winner and he is McCarthy of New Zealand there at 4:30 again taking the food ins of a tip for 45 now just to get her rhythm going oh that's a good parents that really walls while she coaches watching their third at the Olympics well not surprised that a form is coming back here at the World Championships it really is look at that make shoot hi look at the clearance over that bar they get supper Oh another good clearance at that second heart at 4:45 well it's that little Tom bill going to stop walk 4:30 but the other studied getting to know rhythm sandy - now the American coming in at this height second it was a big second at the World Championships whoa and that's why really coming thick and fast there as the height starts increasing she's smiling and I'll attempt at 4:45 for running up thinking is one of the mutual athletes when the Russians are taking advantage of the other left permission to compete in these World Championships that's the first on clearance at that height of 445 we go we shut Switzerland both in the world indoors yeah this is building into quite a competition now because most of these women are clearing is fairly comfortable I didn't think it was gonna in problems with the wind down there it was a little bit of hesitation early on I think but from now on in I think they've got their act together [Applause] [Music] Leonardo said American chocolate coming here again at this height what there we go another one over most of these athletes their personal bests well above this height of 445 very few of them really in any danger at the moment anyway you know Leslie server coming in now Cuba well champion again taking that very company of dude this is best for anyone so we're some 30 centimeters or so to spare really very powerful big technique and he should Newman her first attempt at 4:45 well I think that captured mother beard no it's 450 far more I didn't read it for this 455 so that's even better for the Canadian there it is looking very happy plus the best of 471 so again a lot of these women not really close to their personal best in the vault at the moment as it steps up a distance sandy Myers now for attempt at 4:55 Olympic silver medalist oh yeah there you go well she only lost the gold nearly by a centimeter from Stephanie D maybe this is going to be a rival match going on here a bit later on as they get closer to their better heights I should say in the Palmach ruling it out coming in at this height 455 again another clearance Russian national as I said before authorized neutral athlete taking part and that's why they've got the blue vests on not a national best but one given to them so they can compete here in this championships there we go Holly Bradshaw fifth and six at the last two Olympics allow both go slightly over to the side there but nevertheless a clearance well she would probably want to rectify that doesn't look happy but nevertheless he's cleared the height don't weigh over to the right of the pit still it's done as dusted think about the next one at least eristic of germany certainly event championships 475 this year already but are they good parents [Applause] now so far so good for everybody the depiction of Germany [Applause] for the Dorota doors qualified easily at the ball to decide so this is the same height that she qualified for this fire that should be a problem although just lost it on the run up there [Applause] well she's thinking maybe it was a bit of a hopper with the wind but I have to wait and see Bernardo now her attempt at 4:55 South American redwood hold on the champion just being told a little bit of news from my coaches what's going on in terms of the wind oh good clearance best well seasons best damn toaster bus 465 so she's coming close to that now the next time will be our season personal best so that's a good Paris for her silver kiva coming in now pending world champion just lost count back in an elliptic path oh wow exactly a super pigs but it's enough just touch the bar she went over she's going through that in a mine there but there it is the topic that's another very good clearance you're seeing why this woman is the bronze medalist lady she was just in her first year as a senior catching up now with some of the previous pots and a leak up brexit Sweden just up one failure so far at 4:55 oh I didn't hear that's a good period [Applause] we're doing both of their business first the best for 7465 this year so she's getting close to the heights which could cause problems but up until now in the pole vault oh that's sad that's the first I think of the vault is to go out of this competition from Canada a little bit disappointing but this is an inevitability of the pole vault we go we shut up Switzer this is her final attempt at this site for 55 so the qualifying height that they had to do to get into the fight I was now causing a lot of little problems for these women okay so though the height the height has increased at 465 Sandi Morris now coming in parents for 45 before 55 no problems at all oh she's so fast on the runway it's a lot into that bar she's the first woman so far failures from all the other athletes at this particular height Stephanie Lee comes in at this height for the first pot wall well no wonder really so easy that particular clearance 465 I suppose not really a major problem for this woman the Olympic champion but she's breathing a sigh of relief it's always difficult when you come in late in the paarvo just in case anything happens and then you find yourself really in real problems Bobby Bradshaw again checking with a coach on the moon first attempt at 465 Oh slow in that approach we saw previously going across to the right of the uprights and just getting that clears at 4:55 that one again slightly going awry there you know coming in now at this height of 465 No [Music] although lady [Music] all clear up to this particular height but tough obviously just missing out there silver now coming in again all clear so far design as well silver is that Olympics you would think there should be no problem all but it is so far not one really as compared this particular have to write to see though Wantage now coming in at a second attempt at this height of 465 the German oh yeah that's good click the off the one weights little bit chilly down there they're getting back to put in a tracksuit on there it is it's just a second attempt at that height and up second attempt at this hike so far maybe three of cleared this side Morris Stephanie just saw right it's just doing it as well now in our dope this is close to her personal best she does this it's been a great vault oh it stays on that really dude got down didn't it I've seen less than that fall off but that one stayed on well a wonderful wonderful vault their national record for Venezuela - you can't ask for all of that let's just watch it again just catches you on the way down it goes up past the Canberra pumps back down again and that's the coach I think he's happy yep that could be a medal winning vaults in this women's pole vault finals you never know in women's pole vaults are still vast e5 just looking at that thinking well maybe I'll have a bit more of that luck if I hit it as hard as that [Music] just the silver better as I said in the Olympics she brought a gold here concentration on her face look coach the passive while the crowd are really get excited from there with the Paul voters vaping cheering here we go silver coming in there at this height oh yeah yeah that's a good ball so so far four of these women are clear at this height all driver going on here this is Newman's final attempt at 465 Oh cause that is a great vote for her wonderful wonderful performance Cesar's best for 71 and she's getting close to that Canadian record holder that is that 471 so if she's bolting like this she might get goes to the Canadian record in qualifying she'll have to if she goes up another high [Applause] idiot busty would you do that would be clear that bar coming down this is McCartney now from New Zealand last attempt [Music] both medalist in the Olympics Oh taught it on the way up I think that's a disappointment for McCartney she's had a great season for 82 this year [Applause] [Music] kitties it was really good on her that was over double negative Sweden Oh not [Applause] unfortunately she leaves the competition at the side of 465 I'll go bring it up taking under the neutrality with the odd ability to take part in this competition the Russian base athlete Oh No close I got to be Bradshaw her last attempt at this sir - 465 she's been going slightly to the left the whites have been attacking it cool sick that the Olympics seasons master 481 this really shouldn't be a problem really willing along or living dangerously so relieved yes it must have been really really stressful in front of your home crowd well they're really getting behind and now that's gonna lift it surely must still going slightly to the right there those uprise still not quite getting a role right if you're going to the right you're losing height you're losing height off the pole and that's not good well she's annoyed with herself Bradshaw that she put herself in that situation we'll bring you the liner but all the finalists as soon as we can Morris now 475 oh yes while she is flying at the moment 475 there's going to be a big job for anybody really Olympic champion Stefan ad [Music] just that one vault at 465 coming into this competition oh yeah yeah constantly over that bar [Applause] the Caesars best of 485 this really should be a problem but we're getting up there into the stratosphere as far as women's vaulting his concern for Stephanie it's the seventh competition of the year she's done this height or more she really has the best overall record this is the vault of the Great Britain athlete now well that's disappointing really this is the height which i think is going to cause problems to everybody still about the cuba coming in at first height of 475 just two athletes have fitted so far Morris of the United States and Stephanie D an Olympic champion of Greece gradually jacilla just behind pacing around she just fouled that height the British bolt up she's waiting for our second chance Nations is behind silver though still waiting for the conditions here the vendor dropped slightly she's mentally preparing the south [Applause] the defending champion [Applause] coming in here to stay in the competition really I suppose no all comes up again here we go just wasn't quite ready I don't think for that two more attempts for the defending champion the silver her second attempt now the reigning champion at 475 just Morris and Stephanie D here at this height so far oh no I just got both knees heavily strapped the Texas shoes off pretty much straightaway as she gets off the pit so we'll have to wait and see whether she can get that last vault in she has another high it's not a problem there with the techniques she just didn't come in enough with enough I think forced to get that bar with enough power to propel her over that bar human coming in now third attempt at this particular height and if she clears this I'm pretty sure it will be a personal best for that 471 I got it back up [Music] indeed Steve this for a Canadian record certainly is if you get a break the record or personal bests will not do at the World Championships for a chance of a medic biggest though is there as Peter said she clears this four centimeters above a personal best Oh she came down luckily in the pit she didn't really get momentum needed to carry her over the bar but nevertheless seventh place at the moment for the Canadian Bradshaw last attempt at the 475 toward the fifth of the last Olympics can she come through here go wide to get her over not to be really appreciating all the vaulters but obviously disappointed with Holly Bradshaw even though she did really well she's in sixth place at the moment watch it again she's been veering over again there she goes not Center over the bar every see from that angle what was the babe problem but she is going sideways over the bar technique probably not her face and shipping obviously very aware of that I think okay which a little bit of the stuff that they use to get some sort of them resid that they used on the bar to get that grip absolutely solid with top of the bar look how high she's holding that bar again last attempt for her again another personal best 473 before this [Applause] Oh No well they're giving up to the heights where it's going to be very very difficult you've got to get a personal best to go on any further and that means you can see British departing this competition in fifth place right cinch now parafoil attempt at 475 not a bad effort but not quite a personal best at 473 so as I said earlier these athletes no put a clear personal best to get any higher I think very very difficult without it coming in at this what would be another national little 475 Oh what bad well at the moment she's in fourth place sorry third place on the count back [Applause] just see now what who is neat silver to do this is her last attempt the reigning champion coming in oh it's close but not close enough so I think now she's equal third with Bernardo and we're down now just two - what a competition this has been sandy Morris just one other two competitors left in this competition now coming in and a new high for 82 this he'd be a personal best for her if she can clear it as well the American goes up oh no two more attempts she's buying for gold or silver here [Music] if they across it a coach will endure an Olympic silver medalist having another fight with her nemesis really 70d and here she is the Nippon champion on count back Trott Morris coming in her first attempt for 82 [Applause] Oh flattered it a little bit but it stayed up whoof yeah Wow now that moves her into a commanding position here she's cleared the hide and now Morris has got just two attempts Oh she looks up she was holding in hands I was just to say stay up there stay up there I suppose Morris has now got the choice of whether to go at this height again or move it up higher well sadly Morris now comes in at the high a 489 a month's just personal business you can get that she's passed up the height of 482 to put the challenge - Stephanie D which he goes here at this it would be not only a major setback for Stephanie D but it would be a monstrous appearance and a personal best bottom Actives upon but she doesn't do it silver medal then for Morris while she gambled it all and it may have just been too much really that's a massive increase in a personal best almost 10 centimeters above it that wasn't to be Stephanie coming across and congratulating her well Stephanie D has won the competition now she's asking the officials to maybe put the hide up to maybe a royal championship record just wait and see going back to third place that will be shared by Silva and today that but the silver better to USA in the met women's pole vault [Music] there it is this there is no silver well to come back to the poem up this one is a wedding a won the event Stephanie Lee now going at 491 this will give her the fourth best jump of all time she does it and she they jump that wall she found a previous heart a for 1989 talk to the juggies said 90 water that particular job as I said took sir list his silver at goober we saw previous in his competition only three other bosses in the history of ever gone higher isn't very over will you expect that virus in the United States and serve United States what a way to win a World Championships talking to the coach let's just write to see what the next height is but we're asking a lot really aren't we formitz of the Britain's second well what a competition this is a third attempt at 5:02 putting a second on the all-time list if you do no no but I suppose it ends in fire or does it and I think so for this woman a new record a new national record obviously putting her on the fourth on the all-time list just one quick note on that the reason she went from 489 tune chose 491 as it has done for 90 indoors so it was an absolute best bird 7:18 now takes the world title along with the Olympic title she has there it is world leading performances Peter said 491 marvelous jump sandy was just behind that 475 and an equal third pinedo and silver for that bronze position but a national record for the venezuelan wonderful wonderful performance in the winner's car Bob [Applause] well the music rings around Virgie medalist in the pole vault rob walker looking for some place to smash should have Stephanie discrete gold well I'm gonna go to a big restaurant tonight we'll get well you get well serve the think I'm topping it double portions Rob what do you think without a shadow of a doubt and what a way to do it as well 491 she didn't just sneak that gold she absolutely smashed it well it's Greece's first medal really enjoy that one you [Music]
Channel: World Athletics
Views: 955,057
Rating: 4.7106128 out of 5
Keywords: iaaf, athletics, world championships
Id: a1icl7rLXWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 2sec (2522 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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