Women's Pole Vault Final | World Athletics Championships Doha 2019

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and he which I had won the 2013 final day three bolts represented Germany Lisa arise edge jumping up to the 2015 World Championship representing Greece 2015 World bronze medalist Nicoletta caribou loose jumping at 3:11 the national champion at 11 national champion a fella ruse Irina's you going next the front national record holes overrun with encumbrances nicola zuo Romina really familiar figure the representative United States of America Jennifer sure returned honey Bradshaw one of the favorites that his title representing Greece is the reigning world and little kid from European champion Katerina Stephanie day [Applause] represent in Switzerland running creature Angela camos island angeleka motor jumping numerator this year another a clear up little United States America Cantina shots jumping up and the Asian record-holder 10th in there's older representing China Lily like the Cuban athlete 2015 world champion Yara see silver [Music] representing Venezuela Consuela Rafaella Springs oculina speedo Lavinia times national 19 times Lavinia champion it Tina shoot a jumping at 43rd American emissions women final jumping in 14th position it's Andy Morris one of the favorites but is title it's Alicia Newman 64th in a world championship four years ago now in Beijing still only 26 years of age is Angelica Benson she's an authorized neutral athlete Angelica sitter over 17 women finally a vacation for 16 with the complication so much depth in this woman's whole bar event really really reminiscent of the men's event these days so this is the first look that we have a Polly Bradshaw this is the opening height for meters 50 not a problem interesting that the scorecard is going 450 and then it's going straight up 20 centimeters to 4 70s that supersedes what it took to automatically qualify for this final that was poor 60 so quite a lot of the girls are having an attempt at this only jenthor from the USA has decided not to this is the first time that we look at Stephanie D the Greek athletes well she hardly got out of third gear there on the runway a lot of these athletes will be using softer poles shorter poles for some of these opening heights they're a little bit easier to bend as the bar goes up we'll expect them to change poles a few times you might not necessarily see that so this is Angela the Moser from Switzerland this is the same bar height all of the girls are becoming in at the 450 upset the jenshaw who's obviously feeling very confident maybe a little bit of a gamble she's going for the next height 417 which is really important that a lot of these ladies decide just to you know get their I in these early opening hi so mos'ly she made that look good as well a little bit of a relief sometimes when you clear that opening bar of course this is a game of strategy you don't want any failures in these early farm clearances if athletes tie on the same height of bar it goes back on count back so any early failures do go against you one of the three athletes in the United States of America K Tina's shots she's been in great form this year she's tipped for a medal but you can't call it there's you know five or six athletes they beat each other regularly on the circuit maybe Stefanie D have the advantage over a few a few actually fancies in her over as well but that was a nice clearance there sandy Morris what an experienced campaigner she is second best pole vaulter in history yeah she was second and count back London two years ago ended up with the silver Stephanie D getting the gold on that occasion oh my goodness five meters fifty and there was distance between herself and the bar Sunday Morris has struggled this season with a little bit of injury she said it's been quite a frustrating season for her but look at that concentration the focus even though 450 is well below the capabilities of these ladies it's such a tricky event they have to keep the focus at every single jump this is Alicia Newman she's third on the world rankings in 2019 she's improved a national record three times this year outdoors all the way to 482 look good winning the Diamond League in Paris earlier this season or for me is 50 she looked like she took off a little bit too soon she had the heights which she came down on the bar just going back looking what she did wrong getting a feel for the what it feels like to plant that pole so as I say it's a game of strategy she'll have two more attempts at this height of course but she will have an X by her name a lot of these other ladies have already cleared it on the first time occasion so it does come up to a higher height and she ties on that height with someone else they will go ahead of her because of that early bar failure this is a great athlete angelito Pakistan from Sweden she's two-time world junior champion and she's gone out to 481 this year really coming through now and the senior ranks and that was a great clearance she'll be happy with that taking a little bit longer of course 17 athletes so they'll be a little bit more time than usual between these attempts there's some really great height on that she liked it so this is one of their athletes who looks one of the favourites for the title this is in her over she's had some great battles this year particularly with Stephanie D Stephanie you've got such a great car doesn't she reigning World European and Olympic champion but on this season's form eight competitions between the two of them Sidda Rover has actually beat Stephanie D five of those eight occasions so this is silver a Cuban athletes she's meddled at these World Championships on the last three occasions can she make it a fourth and again making live work have this opening bar an Alicia Newman from Canada we can let you know that she did it clear at the bar on a second attempt so that's everybody good to go seventeen athletes will go on to the next bar for me to 70 Jennifer sir from the US this is the first time we're gonna see her she opted out at the first bar high of 450 and she believed in herself didn't she saved a little bit of energy the other women have had to have a couple of attempts at 450 just took her just the one she's indicating to a husband Richter what to do with the uprights they can set them at different widths and she's saying we need to move it back Holly Bradshaw finished in fifth position on sixth position the previous two Olympic Games it took her one height for 60 to qualify in the qualifying a couple of days ago 450 at her first attempt and she follows that with a first time clearance at 417 these early bar Heights are really important really important to that count back the bar is going to go up to 480 and that will saw a lot of them women out at that height 470 is a real international height so to be clear in 417 we'll jump ship final Katarina's Stephanie D what will the next hour or so hold for her so dominant on the circuit for a number of years four times a winner of that diamond lead the past four years and that was a lovely clearance she liked that again another athlete to go clear it for me 2:17 so here we have Katie two shots so - will she attempt 417 and the same results again perfect conditions inside this arena hardly a breath of Earth this will really help the ladies really good stable conditions allows them to control a lot of things Sunday Morris in the USA oh and that's a fun time State clear end she's happy with herself a would endure weather six months or so ago when she's had lots of injuries wonder whether she actually thought that she would be at these championships she's given us out the chance to first-time clearances for me is 50 negotiated for me 270 negotiated for meters 80 will be a next attempt and these are fascinated images are they as you can see the lay did almost curl themself they art themselves over that far at the top this is Alicia Newman it took her two attempts at 450 but first attempt here at 417 yeah what she needed that in the shake [Applause] she grimaces somewhat going over to get a little bit of feedback presume a coach is over there what she'll be doing she'll be making decisions now whether she needs to change up the poll that was actually a really short poll you could see when she actually left herself and she threw the almost throw the bar away they pushed the bar up to help them get towards that bar height but she actually had quite a short Pulver so she'll definitely need to take out a longer Pole to help her get that extra 10 centimeters or so for the 480 police she events in the Swedish athletes this is her first attempt nope well she'll have to go again so here we are this is least the Rhine search the German athletes this is her final attempt at for me 270 no disappointment on her either the few tears coming into those eyes of course it would have been normal if she didn't feel the emotion if she didn't feel disappointed she's worked hard to get here it's season's best of 463 so she was asking a lot of herself great images there of the women they all go undergo their own individual preparation just capture there with her thigh on the way down well she is a world championship finalist Angelica Benson the Swedish athlete two times the world junior champion been in great form this year for 81 personal best this is her third attempt and she's got it Benson goes clear and the Swedish flag they've been thrown she's happy she'll go on to negotiate the next ball goes up ten centimeter to 4 meters 80 and our championships lives on quite a nice crowd gathered actually watching that women's pole vault genzler they're just doing a few final preparations I see she's spraying her hands with that blackjack but you'll see a lot of the athletes putting on their hands some use tacks some use chalk maybe a little bit more tack needed on an evening like this it's quite hot inside the arena well whilst we wait to see the next bolt the multiple world decathlon champion and former world record holder Dan O'Brien is getting down there amongst it for us and he's alongside and then who knows a thing or two about pole vaulting Sam Kendricks one of the favorites for gold in the men's pole vault thanks Rob thanks Jenny I am here with the defending champion here in the pole vault Sam you see you said this is your third world championships are coming back to defend but you you take the time here to come out and watch the women this is a pretty familiar setting you guys are a very close-knit group in the pole vault yeah you know I'm really happy to be here for my third championship and I don't often get the chance to be a spectator and so when they give us next today between the prelim and final I wanted to use that spare night to come support the women we got to look at Jen show her hair how about her career I mean how influential you know was she when you first started jumping well I can only describe ginger as a force you know her and her rivalry with Yelena's and by Ava back in the late 2000s and 2010's is his legendary really is I'm so proud of her for making this team because she she is the vendor and she really is even in this competition she started higher than everyone else that's a very veteran move to take you know when I got over here and we started talking I asked you if you were assisting anybody in particular and you said no no but you know you're not wearing the red white and blue you got a great t-shirt on tonight it doesn't mean you're neutral does it no not at all well I do have a lot of friends on the track tonight and as you as you travel around the stadium in this familiar circle you do get recognized a lot and I really wanted these athletes on the field to be highlighted well we've also got some former former champions and medal winners here tonight coaching some of the American athletes as we see a Miss there from Jen you know Jeff Hartwig is here Brent Walker certainly and you you took Brad Walker's American record but it's great to see those guys coaching these young ladies absolutely you know there's only so many ways you can give back to the sport and the best direct way is to influence the the top levels because that has to trickle down the athletes that when they go back home they're going to take the things they learned this championship to the next generation of athletes I hope to do the same with the young guys that are on my squad now when I see guys like Jeff and Brad and others a smattering of Olympians world champions and many other champions besides in this crowd I say well this is the place to be if you're really interested in the event well when you're sitting with a pretty popular Frenchman there he came up to watch with you he looks like he's trying to stay undercover as well yeah you know Renault is this his first final not to make in a while or another villainy the reigning world record holder and but his brother he's here to support his brother and his French teammate Nino here tonight so I'm really proud of him even though he didn't have to be out here he could have been on a plane home he says he's a true fan a true friend of the sport and if we have a great time just watching their first row kind of incognito well outside of the pole vault what are some of the events you enjoy watching most absolutely love the triple jump so this is a great night for me to watch we'll play and Christian tether battle it out once again I don't know when you get the chance to see these guys go to head-to-head very often I'm on the diamond Diamond League I'm in every meet I get to go to and I just I seize the chance when I get to watch these moments because a lot of times I'm have to focus on my lane on the track you think you think the world record could go in either the triple jump or maybe tomorrow night the 400 meter hurdles absolutely you know when you when you get this melting pot this this this slew of dynamite growing together with these athletes that have been building up this entire season you don't know what could happen I want to see something like that happen in my event and so even as you get that mix of emotion and preparation together that's it that is how you make a championship effort a championship effort off when it comes with records well then this late spring early summer you you manage six oh six at the US Championships you had the competition won but you continued to jump there were just good things going on that day why were the conditions so right for you to jump so high at that time well the thing I like to say about elite athletes is then they're all so good that they're good together it's not often that you can claim that that moment is yours we have Katerina Stephanie D on the track right now an Olympic champion our world champion she knows when to put that moment together but she knows that it's not coming every single day and you have to seize the moment and see it for what it is when the time arises and that was me this July when I had the chance to go from the American record and I had got to do it in my own time zone once it's real special well it was the highest jump in the last 25 years let's talk about conditions here in the stadium you know we've got some artificial air here in the stadium and it's makes for a nice situation for these athletes because they can cool down just a little bit it's not as hot in size as it is outside but what do you like what you do what do you dislike about the situation of the pole vault here in the stadium well it's absolutely counterintuitive when you come to Doha and you step off the plane out of the airport and you say absolutely this is the hottest place I've ever been in my life and you come into the stadium and in splint and everyone is maybe wearing a long sleeve shirt and comfortable but when you go back to walk on the bus or go out to the warm-up track there you start to need your water your electrolytes again now I can tell you from firsthand experience it's a very pleasurable experience on the track considering what the training environment has been like here in Doha for the last week for these athletes the marathoners the race walkers we got the best of it all right here the artificial air does make a difference it pushes a massive amount a massive volume of cool dry air across the track and that can impact how these jumpers interact with the runway and their poles well let's maybe get a prediction from you we've got all the we've got all the principal's still in and you said one of the things that you notice that this was the first time that you saw a final that everybody made a bar and that I've had to think about that as well it's like really is it that uncommon it truly is they even set a very aggressive progression today seventeen women in this final and I noted to Dan that every girl made a bar every woman came here and executed a complete jump made of bar and they get to go home with some success I don't see that happen very often and I've been to a bunch of championships at many different levels that these women are ready to jump they're ready to compete now when it comes down to predictions I always like to throw five ladies in the mix because you never know whose day it's gonna be it's got three Americans in the hunt a great Russian angelicus endured Sedova a Canadian and also the Greek so I threw six in there but I don't I don't I don't want to decide between my American dogs in the fight alright Sam good luck to you thank you for your time so really enjoy the insights earlier Sam Kendricks thanks to Diana Brian it's not what you know it's who you know how the saying goes we saw these ladies having a lot of difficulties at 4 meters 80 and rightly so this is the sort of height that will saw out the medalists Jen sir failed at the first attempt so did Bradshaw Stephanie D and a shot can sandy Morris take advantage [Applause] and she can that were the fantastic balls well [Applause] what has Sunday Morris done [Music] she's give herself a fantastic chance I've taken one of those medals what a great shot as she actually looks at the bar she actually starts smiling as she comes down on it oh it's gonna take these girls to go first attempt at 485 to actually improve their scorecard now that was a real really important jump really important clearance for Sunday Morris so this is Alicia Newman this is her attempt in 480 for the first time should have failure early on at 450 first time clearance is 17 and knocks that bar off for the first time at formative 80 or Sunday Morris she was second in the US Championships silver two years ago the same color medal that she taught the year before that in Rio Stephanie he won that as she did the gold in London but this athlete is one of the athletes that Canada a really lumpy Nance as I said earlier Canada didn't win a single medal two years ago they've already got two in the pocket from this championships and Alicia Newman is in a really tough competition here I would actually say never has a depth of this women's pole vault being so strong and this is the Swedish athlete Benson it took a three attempts at 4:17 personal bests 481 she's getting right of the with this next attempt to the 480 bar so here we go lots of speed on the runway and it wasn't bad was it it was a decent attempt I think shall take some confidence from that she just puts up hold down she'll walk over to the coach get a little bit of feedback but that was that was a good attempt yeah she's happy so technical of course this event so many different phases that that athletes have to go through it's really important a psychology of this event as well obviously the event in all the of your competitors not the bar down that gives you a greater chance but I've been speaking to Holly Bradshaw the British athlete quite a bit recently and she said that you really have to just sit alone ignore what your competitors are doing think about yourself if they fail a bar of course it goes to your advantage but only if you can play the bar as well so it's very much an individual event to keep yourself focus throughout well this is another one of those favorites some Kendricks mention this athletes authorized neutral athletes than Russian athlete zdorov'e she has been in cracking form so far this season and there we go four meters eighty as well to join sandy Morris that was a really important clearance for her [Music] 491 personal best so she has gone over the height of Moray t quite regularly she won the match Europe first at the USA a couple of weeks ago a couple of silver medals at the world indoors no appearances surprisingly at the world Outdoor Championships this is her first final and there won't be too many women who clear this 480 bar this is the second attempt now for sure two girls gone clear so far at this height when she just drifted off didn't she's the left hand side they're 4 meters 18 not many of the women in this field have done that this season just looking through the cards there we've got Morris and sitter over first time clearance is it 480 all the other girls had bar failures at the first height we're just looking back on there it always looks like they've got the height but you need to propel yourself further height alone isn't good enough these athletes have to work really really hard to get their measurements and that on the runway the position at once then it you can see Holly Bradshaw they're just going through our own familiar routine interesting to see on the necklace there think she's got her Union Jack and I think she's got the Rio flag as well those two little pendants must signify the two Olympic Games that she's completed him that's nice touch here she goes Polly Bradshaw 4 metres 80 and she joins Morris and sit her over with that for 18 [Applause] this is Stephanie D at the same time and again for women over that 480 bar this competition is really really hot enough Clayton is yours what can she do this is her second attempt the pressure will be on some watts on Kate on his yacht now to join the other four women it was a good attempt that wasn't much between valve and the bother for winning go clear well drama everywhere in this arena this is Newman can she get over the 480 bar and she can five women clear their four meters eighty there's this shaping up to be one of those competition of dreams for these five women [Applause] Morris of course and sinner over first time clearances Bradshaw Stephanie D and Newman second time clearances oh it was good wasn't it looks like she's on a higher bar now than what she was at 417 and she is delighted so jenshaw third attempt now at for me to the 80 she needs this bar to continue in the competition it's not for her this evening she took that gamble didn't she it paid off not to start at 450 should have first hand clearance at 417 and that's been our only clearance of the evening she'll finish in joint a sixth position [Applause] we can see Jen Sharla 37 years of age now absolutely remarkable to still be making the u.s. team so difficult of course to get on the team in so many disciplines but to make a world championship final as well she's done amazingly well so this is a American captain Patriots this isn't a shot she's going for her third attempt also at the 480 bar and she needs this oh she had it didn't she she did rattle it on the way up she had a lock she must have known that she rattled it these athletes get a sense of that she looked up almost willing it to stay on she'll be so so disappointed so much respect and camaraderie between all these athletes very much like there is in the men's equivalent they compete against each other all the Diamond League competitions and the lower competitions none of them try to hide and avoid each other and she had it in the che but she just caught it there on her way down or you could just see it was just her chest agonizing for her on another day that bar would have stayed on but not the day she wanted it to so this is silver this is the Brazilian three-time medalist at the three last World Championships and she's in the same situation no she just didn't have the speed on the runway she knew as soon as she planted the pole it wasn't to be so just aborted the jump it's a she'll finish on for me 2:17 this is not a site that we want to see I can tell straight away that Angelica is okay she's signaling to the crowd actually don't worry I'm okay so we're just looking now Angelica Benson were just watching that third attempt Wow so really fortunately you know it's something that you see in a comic book the end of her poll projects almost into the stands they're actually a little bit of concerned er her for her and a coach which should look fine we do understand as the rules go that she can continue in the competition we're just wondering whether she's gonna get a pole that was one of a larger poles whether she's going to actually some of the girls that let her borrow her hold she's very entitled to this is a fascinating that was a second attempt so she does have one more attempt at the 480 days really fortunately it doesn't seem too affected a too much thankful logically she's talking to sandy Morris though she's looking around athletes are entitled to use any poll so even if they're athletes bring their own poles just wondering whether we can actually throw down to Dan O'Brien dan your third can you give us a perspective of the chat what's going on down there well it's really interesting guys she's she didn't have the poll that she wanted in her bag she was asking some of the other competitors if she could borrow one of the polls because you get to this you get to this height [Applause] just wondering whether wood lost on that no no I'm here guys I apologize yep she got Romer in was the one that let her borrow a pole I apologize there I was trying to figure out who exactly that it was but this is the full wall community they really support each other and you heard that from Sam Kendrick they come out and they are essentially an international club and she's over absolutely wonderful a wonderful crowd down everybody is on their feet [Applause] she was searching in a number of different bags and everybody was willing to lend her the pole that she needed she found the right numbers the ones that were working in her progression and over she went what a fascinating story I think if I was Angela the bucket I want to actually have that pole obvious things Ramar in you know yeah it's yours but uh you know this is my 484 absolutely fantastic in the arena to actually hear the crowd being so ecstatic they witnessed something that was potentially very very risky and qualifying in there just one centimeter away from her personal best what got what maturity from a young athlete to come back potentially really you know dangerous activity there she had to attempt an event you know with a new a new bar absolutely unbelievable well that's no doubt the crowd have got a new favorite it went absolutely wild in here because nobody really thought she could do it so brave so composed this really is developing into a sensational vinyl it is five women clear now we were hoping that we would have a six [Applause] so that was luck the Belarusian athlete she had two attempts already two failures at 480 she decided that she was going to have an attempt at 485 she could have got an advantage if she managed to clear that first time but unfortunately she didn't so corn 70 will be her best height of this pole vault final back to Holly Bradshaw in this incredible pole vault competition bar now at 485 not on that occasion but that first time clearance at 4 meter 70 could really prove helpful joint 3rd at the moment with the brilliant defending champion Katarina Stephanie D this would be the best performance of her career by far that there could be a long way to go I think because there's still a lot of ladies in at this height 485 would be a season's best the Bradshaw her best come quite a few years ago now 487 indoors remember those stable conditions versus unstable outdoors and this is Stephanie day this is her first attempt at 485 Sunday Morris then from the United States of America this is her first attempt at the bar 485 and she does it she has got a clear card she's almost not put a foot wrong this evening she can't quite believe it first time clearances at every bar for 50 yes for 70 years for 80 yes for 85 yes for jumps for clearances that puts her in the drive-in seat she already was in the drive-in seats that was just enhanced it look at that determination she wants this she pushes the pole forward that's what these competitors have to do when they release they try to get their hand up to the top of the bar and then they push it forward all the way aren't themselves over that bar and what a great exponent of the event did a rover then [Applause] anything Morris can do so can i that was a great clearance so a similar card for both of these athletes morrison's it over Bradshaw and Stephanie D in joint third at the moment that's due to their second attempt clearance for 18 but a first-time a clearance at 450 and 470 here she goes this is Bradshaw first-time attempt at 485 oh that's her second attempt Ashley that would be her outdoor personal best if she could get it Stephanie D light Bradshaw the complete same scorecard so far can she go ahead a Bradshaw now on count back by getting a clearance at this yes she can she puts herself into their bronze medal position solo that will drop Bradshaw down to fourth position [Applause] so three women so far clear 485 Bradshaw of course still got another attempt as a deletion human so here she goes [Music] third attempt for Newman was closer than air not was close is Benson of course [Applause] it's just a 70 quick word with the judge there [Music] and it really is fascinating to see these images these slow-motion images these women have got to get the speed they've got sick at the end all they've got to get the trajectory they've got to launch themselves up push that pole forward then they've got to get themselves upside down and arch over the bar absolutely incredible this is her big occasion this is third attempt 485 needs this to stay in the competition and it's not to be that will be a fifth place finish Felicia Newman here this evening clearance at 480 it was a second attempt at that 480 bar she did a second attempt at the 450 bar her opening bar so 480 her best height this evening she's had a great season picked up her first diamond League win and she really has put herself in medal contention even some Kendricks couldn't separate these ladies he named six of them human being one of them but her campaign ends in fifth position this is the final attempt now for Angelica Benson this is the borrowed Pole don't forget she warmed the hearts of the crowd but she'll go away from these championships really really happy fourth position in 2015 of course six here was such a mature attempt there okay so Bradshaw she decided to miss her third attempt at 485 it wouldn't have done any good she needs to get 490 she has one attempt at this bar it's not a bad one actually that will seen her outside the medal she'll finish in an agonizing fourth position but really good attempt it at 490 so the bar is at 490 for the three remaining competitors Sunday Morris this is her first attempt clear bars at 4:15 70 80 85 can she carry on the process at 4 90 [Applause] oh the crowd of just erupted in this arena they're just realizing what they've seen here this evening this is a fairy tale competition for Sundy Morris she can't quite believe it and she needs to still remain really composed she might have to go up to the next bar there's still a few girls that could really push her forward here but she looks like she thought for it this evening doesn't she you see those eyes as she's coming down the runway she's planting that pole she knows exactly what she's doing she's such an established ugly over in numerous years and really great to see enough Lea in great form here today well this'll definitely have put the pressure on the Russian athlete that authorized neutral awfully of course it over she has to match Morris and she does my goodness what a championship women's pole vault this is turning out to be two athletes first-timer clearance at 4 meters 19 that's just one centimeter short as in arrobas is no best well these the last few moments of this woman's I double F World Championships pole vault final what is Sunday Morris thinking at this moment in time clear and says that every bar she's attempted so far just needed four five attempts so far some of the other athletes have had quite a few attempts had to have second and third time clearances Stephanie D in particular but here she goes 495 could this be the gold medal decider [Applause] [Music] she shakes their heads she has two more attempts of course so this gold medal contention carries on this is sinner over she has the same score card as Morris up to this point five ball five clearances Lawrence of course the bar just came down on a first attempt at 495 what will be the outcome of dinner over the first attempt [Applause] and they're completely even marched it continues first time failure visitor over that would have been a personal best for her this is Stephanie D she passed her second attempt at 490 she's had one visitor for 95 first attempt [Applause] [Music] beg your pardon this is were her competition finishes she's picked up a bronze medal a medal of any color in this women's pole vault is searching a fantastic achievements what a performance from sandy Morris amazing so far yeah these ladies in the pole vault had to just wait for a moment proceedings were suspended momentarily but here we go again [Music] this is spine-tingling stop as we watched sandy Moro and under over battle it out for that gold medal their scorecards of exactly saying they can't be separated thus far and I thought maurice was over there and she knows how close that was she just brought the bar down on her weight down to the Marcel she's got that distance ecology she's got height she knows it agonizing ly place of course this stage you don't want to go away without silver medal that's the color of the medal that Morris got two years ago in London these championships there we can see a great angle again and she just nicked it didn't she on her way down at this point the competitors actually get upside down they arced themselves over over the bar you know she just captured it there with a stomach it wasn't as close as K Tina's shot to earlier on when she actually London first the bar was still there but then it landed on her but here we go canons it over B the first woman to clear this 495 bar here this evening if she can Morris will have to go at five meters [Applause] she plays with her eyes she has a little look back she just checks where she's gonna put her hands on the pole and me she goes plenty of speed on the wrong way but it was just wrong cuz she planted the pole yep she knew that the red flag went up this is the third attempt for Sunday Morris of the United States of America 495 bar she won the silver two years ago clearly the same height is Stephanie ting what she lost that gold on count back can she go one better here this evening and that with her best attempt the crowd thought she got it she thought she got it for a moment but she'll be delighted with our performance here all these that are over now can spoil her party at the moment as it stands they'll show the gold medal if the derailleur goes clear Morris would be in the silver medal position and you can see she grimaces she holds her hand as of today always so close Angelica's dinner over could this be home moment this is probably the most important chunk of her career so far and she does they arrive at guys for the third attempt 495 a lifetime best and she's careful that's what it means it's Andy Morris she was cheering from her from the sideline even though she knows if she cleared in that would result in her get in a second silver medal for a second consecutive World Championships Sunday Morris brought her a-game this evening what a fantastic competitor shows she's got that psychological great when she needs it and all the other girls going to congratulates that are over she's our world champion 2019 but what a win for Angelica sitter over she came in with real form off the back of some big wins and a great performance at the match a lifetime best for 95 she takes the gold it's silver again for sandy Morris and bronze this time for the defending champion Katarina Stephanie D Holly Bradshaw just missing out
Channel: World Athletics
Views: 1,650,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: World Athletics, worldAthletics, IAAF, Athletics, World Championships, track and field, Pole Vault, Sidorova, stefanidi, sandi morris, katerina, anzelika, neutral, usa, greece, women's, women, women's pole vault final, Doha, Qatar
Id: -whCIXWprpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 57sec (3177 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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