Women of Grace with Johnnette Williams - 101321- Wacky Wednesday

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discussing issues important to your life and faith spiritual insight practical wisdom join us as we transform the world one woman at a time women of grace for such a time as this now here's your host johnette williams well good morning everyone and welcome to women of grace live i am john at williams just delighted and happy to be with you as i am monday through friday at the same time on this same station as we discuss issues of importance to your life and your faith we love when you call us here we certainly do i love to know that you are with us and if you're a first time caller or a first-time submitter we certainly do invite you to let us know that so that i can ring our happy little welcome bell for you i've got three of them sitting here it's a question of getting your hand on one to ring it when you want it and there it is and we want to ring it for you when you call in for your premier showing right here on ewtn radio so we invite you to give us a call uh always always eager to hear from you through our email women of grace at ewtn.com women of grace ewtn.com that's another way that you can communicate with us and if you want to communicate us with us today live but you can't call in do go out to ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page you can use the chat feature there to get your question comment inside inspirational word of encouragement up on the board we have matt gabinski on the phones today be sure to give them a heidi hay when you call in two eight three three two eight eight ewtn our toll-free number for you here in north america and also we've got jeff burson who is our social media manager and our producer he'll dash on out there and he'll retrieve your question through social media so we invite you uh to be sure to leave that question there in the chat feature all of those great opportunities i want to tell you about another great opportunity i'm so excited it's coming up really soon not this weekend but next weekend we are going to be in hollywood florida we are looking forward to it we are going to be at nativity catholic church there in hollywood florida it is going to be a beautiful opportunity for us to come together as the daughters of the most high god and see what god has in mind for us and all of the blessings that he desires we receive there it's going to begin with the benedicta enrichment seminar it is leading like the lady the authentic authority and power of woman that is what we're going to be talking about in this benedict enrichment seminar and i'm going to tell you i've been putting some finishing touches to that seminar coming up with a very specific areas that we're going to be discussing and it's going to be exciting i just wanted to share with you a little bit about it if you haven't signed up i want you to know that all of the information is available for you out there at ew at our website womenofgrace.com you're going to see it listed there for october 21st and october 23rd underneath our upcoming events those are hyperlinks click on them it'll take you to a landing page that's going to give you the schedule but in addition to that it is also going to give you an opportunity to register but just listen to some of these and see if this doesn't you know really kind of uh what your appetite to join us there the authority and power of woman is going to be one of the sections of talk talking that we're going to be doing there it's a talk that i'm going to be giving and then we have paco gavirides who is going to be with us and he's going to be talking about the authority and power as we see it in sacred scripture another beautiful beautiful talk that he's going to be giving the battle for women is for woman is another area of discussion that we will be having a woman called to be the new eve is another area of discussion we are going to be talking about women of the bible the use and misuse of women's authority that's going to be fascinating i cannot wait to hear that myself i'm looking forward to it uh we're also going to be talking about the gifts of the holy spirit a marian perspective and we'll be talking about uh a beautiful beautiful other topic called to mission uh the marian vision and so you know it's just gonna be fantastic it's gonna be two days of fantastic talks fantastic discussions opportunity for mass opportunity for for us to break bread together at the meals it's going to be a beautiful beautiful way for us to spend those hours together october 21st and 23rd for our benedict enrichment seminar in hollywood florida we want you to check it out online there at womenofgrace.com also want for you to check out uh what we're going to be doing on october 23rd it's going to be a women of grace one day conference in hollywood florida right there again a nativity catholic church faith fortitude and femininity a formula for such a time as this faith fortitude and femininity a formula for such a time as this we at women of grace really believe that woman is god's secret weapon for this 21st century we're going to be finding out how we can be those women uh imbued by the power of the holy spirit uh many mary's icons of our blessed lady bringing about all that god desires we do through our feminine genius active in our day and time faith fortitude and femininity a formula for such time as this october 23rd right there at nativity catholic church in hollywood florida concurrent to that particular women's gathering is a gathering for young women of grace right there nativity catholic church they'll be gathering also on october 23rd the young women of grace retreat is made for joy my mother her powerful prayer and me they're going to be learning about our blessed lady they're going to be learning about the rosary there's a craft that's involved with this they're going to be learning about themselves and who they're called to be as young women of grace so i want to tell you this is going to be a bonanza time right there at nativity catholic church in hollywood florida beginning with the benedict enrichment seminar on october 21st and 23rd followed by the women of grace one day conference faith fortitude and femininity a formula for such a time as this and also concurrent to that the young women of grace retreat that's going to be taking place made for joy my mother her powerful prayer and me all of that available for you uh through registration so get out there to our website womenofgrace.com register there if you have any questions just give us a call we'll be happy to talk with you about it uh you know if you're anywhere in the state of florida i'm saying come on over or come on down or just drive across the city there and be with us on the east coast of florida looking forward to it it's going to be beautiful i've been working on this for a long time and just very very eager to be with all of you beautiful ladies there so please do come don't delay bring your daughters with you your nieces with you bring your granddaughters with you bring your neighborhood girls with you bring your daughter's best friends with her bring your best friends get your lady friends together and join us for this beautiful beautiful time together the benedict enrichment seminar has its own registration area as well as its own fee as does the one day conference come for both of them i'd love you to be at both of them come for one of them or the other of them but by all means do come for uh and join us there at nativity catholic church october 21st through the 23rd and as i say bring your young women of grace with you they're going to love it they're going to meet other lovely young ladies what a beautiful thing great opportunity in the lord well you know we are excited because today is wednesday it means it's wacky wednesday we have sue brinkman with us we're going to be talking about wacky things i always invite you to visit her new age blog at our website newage.womenofgrace.com newage.womenofgrace.com we've got just a resource there that is like no other over a thousand questions and answers on the new age archive their articles really where sue's taking questions through the years and she answers them in blog form so we want you to use that resource it's a great great way for you to find out more it features a search option there you can put a particular topic in there and all of the articles written about it will pop up but we've got her in the house today for this wacky one today we're inviting you to give us a call toll free for you right here in north america the number is 833 288 ewtn ewtn radio's youtube channel facebook page also available for you there use the chat feature if you're outside of north america country code one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five let us know if you're a first-time caller and we're gonna ring our welcome bell for you for your premiere or your debut right here on women of grace live coming right back stay with us today on take two with jerry and debbie god is calling heroes in the family how are you being a hero i try to be a hero by being faithful to what god is calling me to do and by trying to be the best witness i can be to my family and loved ones how about you debbie i think i do the same jerry and i really try to remind my family how much i love them let us know who the hero in your family is take two with jerry and debbie today noon eastern on ewtn radio when we pray we should talk to god it sounds simple it's not always that simple it's just like making any conversation though so sometimes we need prayer starters things that'll give us a boost and get the conversation going the formal prayers we have in their church like the our father the hail mary the glory be even the creed all of these things are ways that we can begin to talk to god god doesn't get tired of hearing us say the standard prayers of the church we can begin there and now the ewtn family prayer with father joseph family a prayer that we pray together is a powerful prayer so please pray together with me our ewtn family prayer [Music] today we pray for those who are grieving the death of a loved one jesus you wept at the death of your friend lazarus console those who are now grieving the loss of a loved one let them be comforted in the remembrance of your promises give to those who mourn peace in the midst of their tears you are the resurrection and the life we know and believe this let the despairing find hope and the brokenhearted receive the consolation of your presence and your love amen [Music] oh goodness welcome back friends it's great to have you with us today that is our new music for wacky wednesday i don't know if you were with us last week when we were making those sounds and apparently our voice just did not cut the mustard so our production team went out there and got us some music oh my goodness well welcome to women of grace if you're just joining us it is a wacky wednesday we've got sue brinkman with us we like to set this day aside to talk about new age kinds of things the oh call what it is that we need to be aware of why this is not compatible with the revealed truth of sacred scripture and the teachings of the church i have to say hats off to you jeff hey i'm going to ring my bell just to congratulate you uh for that music thank you very much for it we're inviting you to give us a call here with your questions 833 288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 that's the way that you can join us live here on women of grace live where we love to have holy conversation with you today we're talking about new age things so make sure that your questions are are oriented in that direction matt gabinsky is on the phone and if you're a first time caller we'll ring that first-time caller about for you if you let us know we're also available for you out there at ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page simply use the chat feature there to get your question comment insight inspiration or word of encouragement up if you're a first time submitter let us know that and we will once again ring that bell for you too we certainly will looking forward to hearing from you if you're outside of north america here is a number for you it's country code one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five that's country code one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five well sue brinkman how are you i'm fine today we're sounding wacky i think we're off to a wacky starter i love that music i love it yeah it's terrific one thing that is not wacky about today is that it's october 13th and we remember that this was the last time our blessed mother appeared to the children in fatima so it's always a special day even though it's not you know a centenary year we always mark these days because it reminds us that heaven is always with us that's right and just the the miracle of the sun i never tire of reading about it all the the different eyewitness accounts because we do have that there's a lot of record about it because that incident was actually seen for miles around it wasn't just there at fatima um and a lot of people in fact i think one of the reporters that that reported on it eventually was was converted by what he saw in the sky that day i just think it's it's phenomenal it was a great gift and grace from god um through the hand of our lady that that this was given to us here on earth to say hey guess what i'm for real i can make things happen that will really kind of blow your mind because that's really what happened that day people were falling to their knees they were crying they thought they were going to die when the sun just started spinning toward them and i just think it's um it's just great sometimes i wonder would you do that again could you just do it again you know so we could all see this you know well one of the beautiful things about our lord when when he sends our blessed mother you know she's always telling us things that that that are are directly in line with sacred scripture and directly in line with the teachings of the church and that's one way that we can begin to determine the authenticity of something versus that which is not authentic and you know we have to be very careful about these things because there are a lot of ways in which the evil one will imitate or counterfeit that which god gives us and uh while he cannot uh you know cr only god can do miracles because that's above nature the evil one will use nature in some way uh to try to counterfeit a true miracle so we've got to be careful about that and you know i i just want to jump off we usually have a discussion here but because we're talking about our blessed mother we've got marie with us from texas and she has a question about our lady so i think we'll take this sue and then we'll get into our topic of the day how are you doing marie good morning um i'm fine how are you good thank you for calling okay my question is i i recently read on a christian website it was not a catholic website i usually just stick to my catholic faith but i happen to be reading on a christian website uh and they recommended a book that was called the people of the lie and i believe it's by a person with a doctorate i think his name is dr scott peck and the book is dealing with how people manifest evil um and i believe he was writing it from a christian perspective perhaps from a protestant perspective and what threw me off about the book was i believe it was in the introductory part of the book it made a reference to the to the virgin mary and he was talking he sort of said something that like people sometimes even are manifesting like a sexualized idea of the blessed mother and as soon as i read that i just put the book down because i was like well i don't understand you know what he's i don't know what he was getting at you know and it threw me off that it was at the very beginning of the book and so i did not read any further and i was wondering if you were familiar with the book and if it um if you thought that it was shouldn't be read you know as a catholic um i don't know what because i didn't read any further i don't know if he was coming at it from you know a psychological perspective that people you know um have a misunderstanding of how to you know they're conceptualizing the blessed mother incorrectly so i was wondering if you could speak to me about that well sue go go for it and then i'll chime in here yeah well obviously you know he's a protestant so he doesn't have a catholic view of our lady um but he's got kind of a long story to him and and i i'm looking at a blog right now that's on the christian research institute website on scott peck um and and why he's so popular his influence among christians and it kind of is controversial uh conversion story that i think is something that that that you might want to read and look into it's it's kind of a long drawn out article here but um you just have to be careful with him and with his his writings and as i think he found out when you read in the very beginning about our lady i think that was probably the lord telling you know what put that aside you don't need protestant writings uh on the faith what we need really is to read catholic stuff we have plenty of of good catholic authors out there we don't really need scott peck um and especially we don't need to have our lady in any way uh denigrated in a book uh i wouldn't i wouldn't go any further in the book just like what you did um i wouldn't go any further in the book after reading something like that that would have turned me off completely yeah well he was an american psychiatrist and he's now deceased he died at the age of 69 in 2005 and and he has an interesting background with regard to religion too he was baptized a christian not a catholic but he was baptized a christian and he uh kind of moved away from that and began to uh travel in in other kinds of of more esoteric religions such as sufism uh that's that's one that that he ended up in buddhism and he uh ultimately came back to his christian faith but i i always am a little concerned about when we take that which is truly religious and we try to read into that um a psychiatric perspective or a psychology of man into it you know um because i think that we can find ourselves in in dangerous waters there for example the same same would hold true with with other psychiatrists that have tried to do the the same kind of a thing carl jung as an example although jung was heavily influenced by the occult but but again they'll weave that that mindset into the the the practice of of their uh their education uh into the science for example of psychology and i think that's dangerous and that we don't when when when you consider marie that we've got so many fantastic fantastic literary opportunities through the lives of the saints their own writings or good biographies of them the good teaching that's coming to us in contemporary times uh through some of the great thinkers in our church today it just seems to me our time is better sent so i'm glad that you just kind of closed the cover on that book and said okay i don't think so and walked away from that it's not going to take you to the depths that you want to go it just can't because it doesn't have the fullness of truth in it or behind it so thanks for your call today i really do appreciate it and you know this is one of the dangers that we have today sue is because that you know we find all of these things mixed together if you go into the religion section of a bookstore for example you're going to find new age fair mixed in with you know the bible for example you're going to find if you go to like the new age section you're going to find good christian literature mixed in with that so there's everything today is looked at through the lens that nothing is really different everything is really the same we even see that following through in other in other ways such as with transgenderism you know everything's really the same we want sameness now we don't want any differentiation and and so we can run into trouble and that is crossed into the health field and that's where we want to kind of go uh in our program today we want to talk about some of these issues that keep coming up to us and one of those issues that we get asked routinely about uh it has to do with these these alternative therapies and acupuncture in particular so talk with us a little bit about these alternative therapies and let's just kind of shine a little spotlight on acupuncture for a moment yeah acupuncture we just recently had a question from someone who's saying that you know she's getting a lot of relief from from back pain and depression through uh through acupuncture and she said well i researched a little bit about this um and and they're saying that acupuncture might work but from a spiritual perspective is it dangerous as practices such as reiki or is there some gray area now there's there's a lot of gray area with acupuncture acupuncture first of all for those who don't really know what it is it's the belief that that a universal life force known as qi runs through the body through 14 channels called meridians and practitioners believe that sickness can be caused by blockages in the flow of qi or imbalances in the imposing energies known as yin and yang in order to cure illness and other maladies a needle or or pressure is in the case of acupressure is applied to any one of these hundred of points in the in the body they're known as accu points that are positioned along those meridians and that supposedly corresponds to different organs and body systems so even though it has a huge following around the world then the national institute of health and the world health organization have both approved them acupuncture even though they have both both of those organizations but heavily criticized for um for bias and also for reliance on poorly designed studies because when you look at let's take a serious look at the studies that were done on acupuncture and this was done by the uh the oxford-based cochrane collaboration that has like a global network of 10 000 health experts and massive massive database of medical research and studies and clinical trials on just about anything you can think of it's called the cochrane collaboration and they found no evidence after a systematic review now everything that's out there on on it they found no evidence that acupuncture works for anything except some types of pain and nausea and even those are not considered to be very strong conclusions scientifically and the problem is that with acupuncture it's hard to come up with a sham so that you can conduct you know blind and double-blind tests and the sham meaning a phony so that people don't know whether they're getting the phony or they're already getting the real thing and that's how you can tell is this really working or isn't it it's not like a pill that can be a placebo right so it's hard but but uh ezra ernst who who was the um uh he led the complimentary medicine research group at the university of exeter long history of interest in acupuncture has written books about it he doesn't have a whole lot of bias about it um he just comes right out and tells you you know what he thinks about it and he did come up with one and it was a um it was a gadget a telescopic needle that that only appears to prick the skin it really doesn't but it makes there you get a sensation as if it was pricking the skin so it fooled people it could fool you and so they used that after they tested it very extensively then they began to use that in studies and guess what no convincing evidence from the control group and that the group that got the acupuncture that that it worked there was nothing and german researchers also came up with something um that that they're using now and they're testing it and testing it and testing it and it's just not and in fact maybe two years ago now i think this was and i believe we even did a show about it on janet uh there was a recent study found that acupuncturists don't even agree on where the accu points are located on the body they all say something different which was just ruinous to acupuncture when that study came out it's like what how could that there not be any uniformity to this how could you say that this acupressure point that supposedly controls the liver is is over here by your say your you know index finger on your right hand and the other guy's saying oh no it's by by your your pinky on your left hand i mean how anyway it it didn't help acupuncture it didn't help no and it's yeah and it and it shouldn't be um and there's also a lot of spiritual dangers in that too yeah uh very serious spiritual dangers in it because you know uh they believe in oriental medicine that there's no separation between mind body and spirit it's all one you know we believe of course that there is a separation the soul goes on you know to live eternal life we don't believe that that's not a christian belief and they believe that the spiritual dimension is intrinsic to the practice of of acupuncture because they believe that the spirit is the motive force of the organism meaning you that and that has to be reached first in order to initiate any kind of healing and then the needle is just an instrument of containing the spirit because you know needles inserted into specific points are meant to control the body down to the cellular level what we might think of as innate wisdom or the soul of the body so it's very spiritual acupuncture is and and i actually knew an acupuncturist who said that they they used it for um to do what we would call exorcisms in in our uh faith so yeah there's there's a lot about acupuncture that tells me you know what you really don't need it and there's plenty of uh alternatives to it you don't need acupuncture well i think you know what the church teaches is that the human person is a composite of body and soul and and it's the totality of that that makes up the human person at death then you know there is this rupture which god never intended and the soul goes on to its particular judgment and eternity whether that's lived in heaven or hell or held in in purgatory for a while for purification but the body degenerates in in the in the grave right it decomposes and when jesus comes again though uh the body and the soul will be reunited and i think the difference between that concept and and what you're describing here uh with regard to um acupuncture is that they they see that they they don't necessarily see this as a composite unit um they they assign a value to they don't see the soul in the same way as as we our christian perspective is you're saying this soul is sort of like a receptacle of all of this ancient esoteric wisdom and knowledge that needs to some way be stimulated so that we can come to enlightenment and see that we are our own god and so acupuncture is a means of that um from what i hear you saying but then there's also other means like and and you know like it's exciting the chakra that don't exist up the spine right you know so that this esoteric wisdom and knowledge is released within us and we come to see that we are god so it's a very different concept of this whole thing right oh absolutely it's and it's it's something like i said it's it's intrinsic to the practice of acupuncture that's right you can't separate that out right right which is the same thing like with yoga and other things that we talk about here well more to come on the other side of the break 833 288 ewtn that's 833 2883 that's the way you can contact us sue brinkman with us today wacky wednesday stay tuned [Music] the holy father's prayer intention for the month of october is missionary disciples that every baptized person may be engaged in evangelization by being witnesses of a life that has the flavor of the gospel he is honored by the church as a saint and the first diocesan priest to be declared a doctor of the church matthew bunson and the doctors of the church saint john of avila was known to his contemporaries as a spiritual master and he served as a guide to some of the greatest saints of the 1500s he also called for true reform in the church and was a role model for the priesthood even today he died in 1569. for more about the doctors of the church visit doctorsofthechurch.com there's times in life when people want to tell you everything is going to be okay and you know it's just not you get a medical report or financial disaster or you name it and it's just not okay jesus knew we'd have to deal with all that stuff and yet he commands us throughout the gospels not to worry why because he also knew the final victory he was about to win for us listen for a christian peace of mind doesn't come from winning in this life all the time it comes from knowing you already won forever in christ peace doesn't come from our circumstances being okay it comes from knowing that our circumstances don't get the final word our trials don't come to stay they all come to pass keeping that in mind helps us pass through whatever trials life throws at us as victors not victims jesus said i've told you these things so you might have peace in this world you will have trouble but take heart i have overcome the world this is christophanic from reallifecatholic.com hi this is dr david anders do you have questions about the catholic faith get the answers on call to communion coming up this afternoon 2 p.m eastern on ewtn radio now back to women of grace with donette williams the women of grace phone lines are open 1-833-2888 1-833-288-3986 well welcome back everybody today is wednesday it's a wacky wednesday we have sue bringman in the house with us we're very happy that she's with us we're talking about all things new age today or all things so-called were all things having to do with eastern oriental mysticism and all kinds of alternative health practices that's what we do on these wednesdays we invite you to call us here's a toll-free number for you if you're in north america it's 833 288 ewtn that's 833. 288-3986 matt gabinski is on the phones today we invite you to pick up your phone and give us a call be sure to give matt a big old howdy hey he's going to get your question up on the board and we're going to address it we're also available for you out there at ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page if you go on out there you're going to see the chat feature that's where you put your question or comment inside inspiration or word of encouragement and our producer jeff berson lovely person is going to rush out there he's also our social media manager and he will grab and retrieve your question and also put it up on the board and we are looking forward to that question coming from you again it's eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six what generally happens is that the calls come in slowly they're coming in really nicely now and then at the end of the program we've got full lines and we can't get to them all so right now we've got some lines available for you we want you to use them eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six that's eight three three two eight eight uh um ewtn so just pick up the phone and give us a call uh you know sue we've got some calls coming in i'm going to ask you to hold for one moment ann we want to kind of finish up our topic here and then go for all of the questions coming in so sue you know we were talking about um acupuncture uh and so a lot of people like the woman that contacted you said yeah but it really works so how do we what do we attribute that really working to yeah it has nothing to do with the meridians science already knows that it has known that for a long time um you can prick your finger or prick your body really anywhere with it with a needle and it's going to release pain suppressing endorphins and other chemicals in the body that make you feel better so that's really where that's coming from it's not it's that has nothing to do with these meridian points and and the pricking of of your finger at these different and your your body and these different points that they claim it correlates to a certain organ there's no proof that that's even true but the reason why people will get some sort of benefit from it is because of the chemical reactions to pricking yourself with it with a needle that's really why you're feeling something like i said it has nothing to do with these oriental beliefs and traditional chinese medicine has nothing to do with that it's a purely scientific reason why that happens why you feel better from it so it's not curative it's not taking care of the the problem the underlying problem which is why we need to be careful when we start to put our faith in these alternative therapies that have no real science underneath them a lot of anecdotal comments about them but no real science under them it should be repeatable you know scientific method has held up for all of these years this is why we have good medicine we might not like the way in which good medicine is always administrated but if it's good medicine it's good medicine because it's been proven to work and it's upheld by the scientific method that's right that's right and you know what there's a lot of very very proven well-established alternatives to acupuncture you have pens p-e-n-s which is uh percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and that actually does use um a needle very minimally invasive thin needles they're connected to a battery-powered electrical stimulator and they they deliver these painless bursts of electrical stimulation near the nerves and into skin tissues or muscles it's not uncomfortable it only lasts for about 20 to 30 minutes there's some follow-up treatments that required about it but it's it's really good it's supposedly a very effective treatment for dizziness and vertigo um so uh tens that's another one uh that stands for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation that's another thing where they're using electrical energy from an external stimulator that um and and it's and it's directs the electrodes it it deletes the the the charge to the body through electrodes and and that travels a lot along the nerve fibers in the affected area so there's different things out there you don't have to do you don't have to get into all this phony stuff about meridians and qi and yin yang all that you don't have to get into all that because there's there's options that of course are going to work much better because there's at least now some some regulation as far as where they're they're pricking the skin not like acupuncturists they're all over the map you know if you have a back issue you use uh pens or you use tens or something like that in there and they're going to go directly to that site and directly to where you need to help rather with an acupuncturist you're kind of dancing around you know floating around these different meridian points which i said they don't all agree on where the accu points are and they don't exist and they don't exist in the first to right you're right so why not just go right to the source of your pain and use something that's established that we know works yeah absolutely well let's take some calls here we've got ann she's with us from buffalo new york today she's been holding for a little while and welcome we're happy to have you with us hi thanks for having me excuse the laryngitis oh i'm sorry you have laryngitis today oh dear well yeah we're happy it didn't hold you back from giving us a call today so can you can you kind of croak out your question there yeah okay um i just thought this was maybe an appropriate time to ask you know with i'm curious on your perspective with uh halloween coming up um i just i really enjoy the holiday i i like the scary movies um within reason because i've shut many off because it seems like they're upping their game but um you know i like the decorations and you know and i was even thinking last year um we took our daughter trick-or-treating and it was very windy and the leaves were blowing and i'm like oh there's such an eerie feel like i just loved it and um you know sat by the window when i got home but i mean it's just i don't know first i i just seem to be into it and but you know i've heard that there is a pagan background to it and i'm just curious on your perspective okay sue it's not really pagan um that's just sort of a construct from the reformation that we borrowed it from the from the pagan holidays it actually isn't we have a blog on our on our website on newage.womenofgrace.com on halloween and it explains the history of of that the best advice that i give to people who really want to get involved in halloween is do do not celebrate the occult do not celebrate death and dark things and i was actually surprised last year that the children were coming to my door there were very few harry potters very few zombies very few of that type they were like princesses and and space men you know dressed in space suits and stuff like that they want to do stuff like that that's fine but what halloween and like you mentioned um halloween is becoming very dark and it's getting into these celebrations of of uh sorcerers and witches and and all that kind of thing and that's where i think we need to draw the line no don't go down that road don't dress your children up like that and make sure that you you tell your children why you're not doing it because those aren't funny things they're not just little cartoon things these are real witches are real sorcerers are real and they they are consorting with dark forces that they don't want to have anything to do with and so dressing up as a witch and that is not appropriate in my opinion um it's not appropriate at all so i would stay away from that in halloween if you're going to celebrate it i would stay away from anything occult or dark like death how do you feel about horror movies well i mean horror movies is it like godzilla you're talking about or you know creature from the black lagoon going back a long time or or is it the kind of thing that that's really um in in a certain sense glorifying the occult glorifying you know ghosts uh you know casting a light upon them that that um is better left uncast so it depends i i don't like the you know spirit stuff i'm it's more of a like i'll on halloween sometimes watch halloween but it's not it's more the gore maybe but i mean it's just kind of you know i i it's just i don't know sometimes where to draw the line it's very hard what is hard what is it that appeals to you about that stuff um i don't i've always kind of been that way where i just i don't know i just thought it was always kind of a fun holiday and here i have no idea i don't know i think you know i think i think that there is an element where it can be fun but you know i if it excites if it excites a curiosity in you that is going to lead you to want to explore more in these areas then i think it's an unhealthy appetite that's beginning to be aroused and i think it's a big red flag if it's not exciting that you know um you know and then and you're keeping it within the parameters i think that sue very well uh you know defined then then i think it's okay the fact you're asking the question however indicates to me that you are a little concerned about it so i would sit with the lord and and and try to work out through prayer okay so if this is okay why am i unsettled about it because that unsettledness is a sign that something's amiss so so i would encourage you to introspect a little bit with the guidance of the holy spirit and um you know see see how that see how that plays out for you okay i mean i wouldn't say it's progressive like it's just something that's kind of i i'm not curious but i yeah i guess what you're saying the fact that i asked well you know there's that whole pagan thing that a lot of people talk about too where i was concerned but yeah what do you know i do know that it's do know this it's a high holy day in satanism and there there are babies that are sacrificed on halloween night and that totally is enough for me to say oh no we don't celebrate halloween we celebrate all saints day i don't i mean i have i have black cats and i won't let them out of the house i don't let them out of that i have a little backyard i don't let them out because of what they do to animals on those days and also mischief night the night before halloween is also another very very evil night but the one thing too that i would just add to the discussion a lot of those horror movies i mean halloween the one by jamie lee curtis was just a thriller but there was no blood gore remember that i mean that was just all suspense where was the guy going to show up next but now now we have things like the texas chainsaw massacre all kind of stuff i mean that excessive violence and stuff in there um that to me is not a good horror movie to be watching something that's very suspenseful but you know what ann where do you where do you get movies like that anyway they don't have them they're all so dark and and everybody's getting killed and they show you it and it's it's just no no that's going overboard but the movie halloween i think is probably a classic but i don't think you saw any blood in that a couple people got killed in it but you didn't see blood you just see this guy showing up you know well thanks for your call today and i hope that all of that helps you to to sort through it and see and to come up on the right side of the equation there we appreciate your call and god and may god yeah you're so welcome and may god bless you and may he heal your throat there and that'll be a good thing all right we're going to go to rudy next rudy is in san antonio texas good morning to you rudy hey rudy are you there okay so i don't know where rudy is it doesn't seem like he's with us a33288 ewtn that's two eight eight three nine eight six that is the way that you can join us right here on women of grace live today uh we do have a caller that less left to call for sue that has to do with yoga and jeff let's let's go to that call because i think we should talk about it my name is i call from houston texas my question for today is it is acceptable or allowable for catholics to practice in yoga like body and mind when they encounter the special energy source thank you so i think that she's asking is yoga okay and she's talking about the special energy force yeah well that's a definite no that's a no that's an easy one that's a definite no that the energy force first of all doesn't exist um and and it's it's referred to in in the new age document preliminary document jesus christ to bear the word of life as the new age god so we don't want to have anything to do with that um and and yoga in itself is not acceptable um it's many of the poses are positions of worship to hindu gods there's also a lot of chanting and and other hindu rituals that are associated with classes i know a lot of times they say oh it's just actually just exercise but you know what they always have an ohm chant in there they do the namaste bao this is all hinduism um this is what's going on in that class and even though you don't intend to do it or to be you know offending god by by practicing something like that what what about the guy next to you maybe the guy next to you is worshiping the sun god and if and if he calls the sun god and we all know from the fathers of the church that demons hide behind their those names because there is no such thing as the sun god that's just made up um and and the demon decides to come and you're not in a state of grace he can attack you too you're a sitting duck in there so i i was i always tell people don't go to yoga you don't need yoga it's just an isometric exercise there's like a ton of other things you can do besides yoga it's just yoga is is hip it's trendy but hey what did jesus tell us about the narrow way as opposed to the wide way right um why why do we want to go down that path we don't need to do follow all those people over a cliff don't don't go so what one of these days it won't be it won't be trendy anymore i've been saying that for 10 years but it's going to happen one of these days well it will it it's going to fall out of favor i mean because these things are exactly that they're trends they captivate the imagination uh there's a kind of um elitism that comes out of these kinds of things too uh where you know you feel as though you've you've attained or achieved a great thing here um and and we also know that through the the repetitious movements let's face it what what does what does all um what do i want yoga is not exercise but what does all kinds of of practices that in some way uh you know beca are physiologically challenging what do they all do they all release endorphins right so it makes you feel good right you can get a high from that kind of a thing uh you heard of the runner's high so so my point is you're not getting anything out of it that you're not going to get out of any other form of exercise so so what are you doing it for and why why do you want to put your body into the posture of hindu gods anyway i don't understand how you can do that and then think that in some way you know you're not calling upon those occult powers when you're taking on a form that is supposed to mimic or imitate them and that that doesn't even make logical sense to me in my mind much less you know religious sense so we we take a pretty hard standard uh about yoga here you know the church hasn't spoken of yoga per se but the church has spoken of the the church has spoken about yoga in that it has defined the underlying heresies that are associated with it right sue so absolutely if we know what those underlying heresies are and we see that popping up in any of these things then we have to know right away that that you know this is this is wrong we can we can we can deduce that for ourselves absolutely we can i think we have to be very very careful i always tell you having been in the fitness field before you don't need any kind of a fitness practice that's got that kind of spiritual baggage attached to it you do not need that just go you should be focusing on on getting your body fit and leave the other stuff to your church to do to jesus christ to do don't be dragging all that into that that studio focus on that body getting that body in shape um because we are a very out of shape nation we all know that and we need to do that we need to do that and and for um women you know my age uh we need weight lifting right we need that kind of stuff uh resistance type exercises to keep our bones healthy we need a lot of things other than yoga and people are just so fixated on a giant and you can't get them off of that and they think this is all they have it's like no there's a lot of other stuff well and i and i got i got to tell you i don't think that it's helpful either that so many doctors recommend it you know doctors recommend it and so people say but my doctor said this was going to help me well you know maybe you need to educate your doctor about what he's actually involving you in you know this is the other you know i always say be a good purchaser of your health care right in other words you know when you go to the doctor you you should be interviewing him you know you should be asking your doctor what he believes in if he says something that you have a question about you ought to confront him and ask him he might not know what you know so i there is a process here you know it's got to be a two-way street uh so all that being said you know i think that there's a whole lot of opportunities out there as you say so we we don't even need yoga we just it's just this you know trendy little thing that it's going on right now and has been for a while all right uh you know and it comes from a belief system that is antithetical to the revealed truth of sacred scripture and the teachings of the church so we are going to go to lisa lisa is in louisiana today good morning to you lisa hi how are you guys doing good how are you doing good um i have a question that this is kind of troubling me um i used to see a woman who would practice craniosacral therapy um she was way way out there and i've since you know have turned away from that practice i was in way over my head made a conversion but i'm not so much concerned about myself as i am about my son when he was first born he had some health issues and she wanted to help and she offered to do some work on him and i know it was all based on energies and new age belief systems and stuff like that and um you know since then i mean he wasn't baptized at the time because he was a newborn um but he is baptized now we've had our house blessed we had our marriage consolidated and we frequented the sacrament but i just wonder should i be concerned about about about my son who you know had that experience before he was baptized i i wouldn't think that i wouldn't think that he would have a problem baptism is just so powerful and it has negative right in it absolutely right right okay it's a good but it be really a three-month-old baby actually there's a there that's on a record that of having he died of fatal complications after after a cst uh practice and and uh yeah it it's bad it's that stuff is bad i don't know why it's still out there there's absolutely no science behind it it doesn't make any sense it's a pseudo science and yet you've got so many doctors out there who are offering craniosacral therapy they're acting like this is a great thing but you're lucky that that you kind of you must have known a little bit about alternatives to be able because you said that she was kind of far out there on certain things so it was good that you saw that you know right away because that would have just turned me right off to her um no matter what she was doing i won't even go to a chiropractor that's got this stuff on his his or her uh list of practices if that's if that's being done in there i don't even go there i just you know i want science i don't want this gobbledy goop that people make up um and and who don't have any real credentials um so you did the right thing though and and especially with the baptism i would not worry about it i would not worry about it all yeah i think you're fine i think you know yes and thank you lisa for your call today and i'm sorry we can't get to all of you this is what generally happens but i do want you to call us back you can call us if you'd like to tomorrow sue will be back with us next wednesday so if your questions are specific for sue do call back next wednesday we invite you to get out to our website newage.womenofgrace.com and check out the blog you can put your question in there or the topic that you want information about and i'm sure it's going to pop up there for you it's been great having you sue thanks so much for being with us happy to be here well thank you and we love all of you do join us again tomorrow and don't forget go out to womenofgrace.com check out hollywood florida it's coming up not this weekend but next god bless you now bye-bye overseas
Channel: EWTN
Views: 1,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Id: rzsqYuTkHuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 0sec (3240 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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