Family Accuses Woman of Seeking Death Benefits (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello. Hello, Your Honor. This is a case of<i> Willingham v. Griffin Allen.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Ms. Willingham, you are here to prove that Nathaniel Allen who tragically passed away fathered your son, Nacorrion because his mother and aunt say he is not the father preventing you from collecting death benefits. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. Ms. Griffin, you and your sister say, Ms. Willingham is trying to pin this child on your deceased son so she can collect social security death benefits BOTH: Yes, Your Honor. and work the system. Is that correct? Ms. Willingham, what has this past year and a half been like since Nathaniel's family denies your son? It's been hard. Um, it's just basically... I mean, I'm a strong, independent woman, um, of my children. I don't ask for help. So as far as ...system, I don't know where they're getting that from. I don't even... I barely call them, ask them for anything. Um, so I just basically want to get the results out that, you know, Nathaniel is the father of Nacorrion so they can know, you know, and, um, I'm just... (HOLDS BREATH) JUDGE LAKE: I can see this is really upsetting you. You don't know where to begin. GRIFFING: Yes. Ms. Griffin? You say Ms. Willingham is here about the money. Explain to the court why you feel that way. Yes. Because like, about six weeks after my son had passed, he come to me and says that... "You have to go and help me. I need you to help me." And I said, "What I need to do?" So she texts me... and they told her she had to get letters. So I wrote a letter and a couple others... And, no, I don't believe this is my grandson. JUDGE LAKE: You say, you just don't believe... GRIFFIN: No. ..this is his biological child. You don't believe this is your grandson? No. And so she needed you to confirm that this was your son's biological child? Yes. JUDGE LAKE: Did you write the letter? Yes, I did. JUDGE LAKE: Did you bring that letter to court today? No, I did not, WILLINGHAM: I have the letter. You do have the letter? WILLINGHAM: Yes. I'd like to see that. So, Ms. Willingham, you asked Ms. Griffin to please write a letter on your behalf because you wanted to present it to the Social Security Office so that you could potentially collect death benefits for your child whom you say is Nathaniel Allen's biological child. She wrote... "To whom it may concern, "I am Latricia Griffin, (JUDGE LAKE READING) There is two blanks. "...These are his kids (JUDGE LAKE CONTINUES READING) What you're testifying is that this letter hurt your case. They need a proof basically, um, from his family that, um, they witnessed him saying that Nacorrion was his son. And they couldn't provide me with the information. Before you saw this letter did you know that there were doubts? I've heard rumors that they didn't think. But, you know, me and Nathaniel, before he... Way before he passed, had a conversation... He told me that, you know, he knew that Nacorrion was his son. Before he passed, he wanted me to give him the information so we can put them on his four one pay plan. ALLEN: Even me and Nathan, we had a conversation too. And he told me that he didn't think Nacorrion was his son. He said that it was not his son. GRIFFIN: Because Nathaniel has caught you and this other person. Girl, boo. And he walked out on them... Lady... No. And he said, "Mom, "that's not my baby "because she come to me tellin' me it's my baby but is not." When you say he caught her your son told you he caught Ms. Willingham Yes. with another man? ALLEN: Ms. Willingham and my nephew was not together when the baby was conceived. He was in another relationship with someone else. Yes. Yes. Girl, boo. Because they were staying with me... Her son... No, no. She was staying with you? Yes. Him and the other... No. They were staying with me when they were together. No. No. Who was staying with you? My son and his other friend. Yes. Okay. Was staying with you? So you knew he had moved on BOTH: Yes. and was in another relationship? And you believe she had moved on Yes. Yes. and was in another relationship? And you believe that person could potentially be, Yes, I do. uh, Nacorrion's father? Me and Nathaniel was on and off for six years. We were staying together on and off. When we get into an argument or fight or whatever he goes over to his Mom's. She would keep him away from me so he can stay over there with her or do what he wanna do. He had his little flings or whatever... GRIFFIN: No. I think she hurt my son. Hurt your son? What did I do? Your son hurted me. You hurted him. What do you mean? You know your son wasn't right. No. You hurt my son by... Going with other guys. Yes. Other guys? No. Your son was a whore. Because you're not? Okay? JUDGE LAKE: All right, let's be respectful. Whatever. Let's be respectful. (INDISTINCT CROSSTALK) JUDGE LAKE: Hold on. Hold on. He called me every day. JUDGE LAKE: Ladies. Ladies. (GAVEL BANGING) Let's get some order. Let's get some order. GRIFFIN: Please do. Let's get some order. WILLINGHAM: ...they ignorant. JUDGE LAKE: All right. (INDISTINCT) So, you all had time when you were par... Mmm-hmm. You were on and off. And so you believe that Nacorrion was conceived during the time when your son was not intimate with Ms. Willingham. Is that what he told you? Yes. And Ms. Willingham, you dispute that. You said that is not the case. WILLINGHAM: That's not the case. He left me for a whore. We were together. I called him. I took two pregnancy tests. I missed my cycle. I called him when I found out. You know, when it came out positive. I called him and let him know that. He was lying in the bed next... With the woman, you know what I'm saying, he had left me for. Why would I, as a woman, put a child on someone if I knew that, you know, he wasn't the father of my child. I don't... You know, know. So did you ever try to get a DNA test before today? Well, I couldn't. Because, I mean, he's deceased. I mean, we've talked about it but we've never went through it. But did he ever deny that Nacorrion was his child? He did deny when I did tell him like... I found out I was pregnant with Nacorrion when I was two months pregnant. Two months pregnant. I did not know I was pregnant before then I had end up meeting someone when I was two months pregnant. But I was already pregnant with Nathaniel's child. You know, so, that's why they don't think that Nathaniel is the... The father of Nacorrion. GRIFFIN: My son asked for a DNA. But she wouldn't give it to him. WILLINGHAM: No. That's not the case. We couldn't afford a DNA at that time. WILLINGHAM: Whatever. Because he came and asked me too. And I told, I said, "Whenever you like, I will go with you. You all weren't trying to help me 'cause you all not trying to really be in this kid's life, period! GRIFFIN: And on the day that That's not the case and I really don't give... she had the baby, he didn't even go to the hospital WILLINGHAM: She's a liar. because he said it was not his. BOTH: No. JUDGE LAKE: Was he at the hospital, Ms. Willingham? Matter of fact, I went through the whole pregnancy by myself. It was me and my baby. Okay? When I was in labor, she called me and was like, "Have you talked to my son?" And I told her, "No." And I'm... I don't want to. I'm fine without him. I didn't have no reason to call you because my son said he didn't have... Whatever. Okay. ...nothing to do with you. son's still be going over to your house. What do you mean? 'Cause I helped you. Whatever. Helped me do what? You need a child care to go to work. What the hell did you do? Okay. So I work. I watched him while you go to work... Okay. That's it. Whatever. JUDGE LAKE: Ladies, I need you to talk one at a time. But I do want to understand this because this is interesting testimony. You're saying, Ms. Willingham, that on the day you were giving birth WILLINGHAM: She sure did. Ms. Griffin called you to say had you to Nathaniel... Which would seem to indicate that, well, has he heard so he can come to the hospital. Basically, she said, "Have you talked to my son?" And I told her, "No." I'm... Did he ever show up at the hospital? WILLINGHAM: And I wasn't... I was fine with it. Is he on the birth certificate? GRIFFIN: No. WILLINGHAM: No. He's not. He's not on none of his kids' JUDGE LAKE: And so after you brought the baby home... birth certificate. say since that time, Ms. Griffin, you know, has opened her home to your children? Since... Yeah, to this day. For you, that seems to indicate that she accepts... WILLINGHAM: I mean, my thing is, if I feel like... ...a child is not GRIFFIN: I helped her. Because she's working. my son's... Help me? She don't have day care. I don't even call you. I'm watching everybody's kids. I'm the grandmother. If you need some help You... Whatever. to go to work and keep a roof over your head. (WILLINHGAM SCOFFS) I'm gonna help you. That doesn't mean... She barely helped me. She helped her... She helped her two other daughters with their kids more than her... You know, since he passed, it's been hell. They don't really spend time with my kids, they don't call my kids. Nothing. Well, Ms. Allen, tell the court what you understand about this situation. Well, what I understand about is, when the baby was born, my nephew had called me from work and told me to come over there and look at the baby. And you know, I didn't have a problem with that. So when I got over there, he's... First thing he said, "The baby don't look like me and he is not mine." So your nephew, the deceased, he told you Yes. Yes. to your face? He says it? He called me to come to look at the baby. JUDGE LAKE: He wanted you to see the baby? ALLEN: Yes, ma'am. And that seems to suggest that he was confused Yes, ma'am. as to whether or not it was his biological child? He also told our cousin Shauna that it wasn't his as well. And if you wanna talk to her I have her number. We can call and talk to her. Well, I actually do wanna talk to her then. GRIFFIN: Yes, I do. You have her number? Please, write it down and Jerome will you get that telephone number for me? JUDGE LAKE: Thank you. The baby's not his. What is your cousin's name? GRIFFIN: Yes. Mmm-hmm. Oh, you wrote it down. Lashauna London. JUDGE LAKE: Hello. LASHAUNA:<i> Hello?</i> Is Lashauna London in please? <i> This is me.</i> Hello, Ms. London. This is Judge Lake calling from<i> Paternity Court.</i> We are here discussing the paternity of Nacorrion Allen and, uh, your family is in court today saying that, uh, Mr. Allen, Nathaniel had words with you concerning this child. Is that true? <i> Yes, ma'am. He...</i> <i> Said that he was kind of positive that it wasn't his.</i> He was positive? <i> But down the line, later on, he was...</i> <i> Wasn't sure.</i> So do you know anything personally, first hand, about this entire situation? <i> Uh, I just know what my cousin be telling me.</i> <i> They used to just have problems but they'll, uh,</i> <i> get back together again.</i> <i> On the last one, on Corrion, they wasn't together.</i> <i> He was doing his thing, she was doing her thing, but...</i> <i> Me personally, I think Corrion is his.</i> (INDISTINCT) You do? WILLINGHAM: Looks just like him. WILLINGHAM: He looks just like him. JUDGE LAKE: This is your testimony that despite the fact that Nathaniel told you that this was not his biological child, you believe it is? <i> Yes, me personally 'cause he kind of...</i> <i> He kind of favors.</i> JUDGE LAKE: All right. Well, thank you for taking the call. (APPLAUSE) Bye-bye. (INDISTINCT MUMBLING) Oh, wow. Well, that... GRIFFIN: Oh, well... GRIFFIN: Yes, ma'am. Mmm-hmm. (LAUGHS) That surprised you? ALLEN: Yeah. LATRICIA: Never. You've never heard her say that before? JUDGE LAKE: It did confirm your testimony in the sense that she said he initially said, "This is not my child". Yes. And then he said, "I'm not sure." JUDGE LAKE: And then she offered her opinion, that she believed in fact, it was. LATRICIA: Yes. It was his last words, he asked me to do. He said, "Mom, I want you to help me to see if this is my son." And that's why LATRICIA: Mm-hm. when Ms. Willingham asked you to write the letter... the Social Security office, what you wrote, is what your son asked you to do. You said, Yes. "He had doubts, Yes. "and please may we have a DNA test?" And it's a very complicated situation. So, to help, the court would like to call Faye Sykes. She is a national, financial, security advisor. Jerome, can you please escort Ms. Sykes JEROME: Sure. into the court room. Thank you so much for joining us today, Ms. Sykes. JUDGE LAKE: We're here um, Absolutely. discussing a very complicated case. Because unfortunately, the potential father is deceased and we cannot get testimony from him, how difficult is it getting death benefits for a child? Social security office, needs to be able to show that this is a descendant of the deceased. Um, when there is not both names on the birth certificate, there are some other ways that we can go about to get that proven. And so, how would you get that proof? So, if the father had listed the child on an income tax return, listed the child, as a beneficiary on a will or a life insurance policy, if there potentially might have been anything in writing, where he spoke about the child being his. Those could be admissible for um, making that a valid claim with the Social Security Office. What does a mother do in that situation, when the deceased's family in not cooperative? So, what I would recommend is, setting an appointment with a social security office, calling them ahead of time, and explaining the situation, they'll tell you what documents are required. So that, when you go in, they can potentially go ahead and accept that as a claimant for the deceased. But, if there is not enough valid information, they could deny the claim. JUDGE LAKE: And so, if Ms. Willingham would've allowed Mr. Allen to put Naccorion on the 401K paperwork and information, it's a possibility that she could've collected those death benefits, right? But... Correct. ...if it's proven today, that he is not the biological father, Exactly. then she can't. So the stakes are high. I think it's time to go to the results. Jerome? (APPLAUSE) Thank you. These results were prepared by DNA diagnostics, and they read as follows. "Because there wasn't a blood card available "to test the DNA of the deceased, "Nathaniel Allen, "we performed a grand-parentage test "in order to determine, "if the deceased's mother "Latricia Griffin, "is related to Nacorrion Allen." The results read as follows. In the case of, <i> Willingham v. Griffin,</i> when it comes to 4-year-old Naccorion Allen, it has been determined by this court, Latricia Griffin and Naccorion Allen... (EXCLAIMS) Are related. (APPLAUSE) (COUGHS) Yeah, you know. (SOBBING) (SOBBING) Thank you. JUDGE LAKE: You're very welcome. I just want to... To say, um... I'm glad he's blessed us with a grandbaby, (CHUCKLING) 'cause that's number 14. (CROWD EXCLAIMS) (APPLAUSE) JUDGE LAKE: Wow... Yes. LATRICIA: And I would like for her to bring him over more than she has been bringing him over, I don't care what she say but bring him. Ms. Willingham, as much as you felt rejected and maybe put off and denied, that protection you felt over Nacorrion, it's that same protection, Ms. Griffin felt over her child. And he may have expressed just some doubt, and when your child says something to you as a mother, you feel it too. JUDGE LAKE: And we hope, Yes. And I did. that this moment in time, will start the reparation of that. (APPLAUSE) JUDGE LAKE: All right? We have counseling and resources for you all, I wish you the very best of luck. Court is adjourned. (APPLAUSE) (BANGS GAVEL)
Channel: Paternity Court
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: 5LlhfyibhJo
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Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 11 2018
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