Church In The AM, Backseat Fling At Night, Twins 9 Months Later (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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You may be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> Galloway v. Harris.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Ms. Galloway, you say you became pregnant with your first child at 14 years old. And even with that young start, you maintain that all your children know and have been accepted by their fathers until now. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You've petitioned the court for a DNA test to prove that Mr. Harris is the father of your nine-month-old twins Shakina and Malakai Galloway. Mr. Harris, you state that you're a family man, who first became a father at the age of 12 going on 13. Although that child was yours, you're certain that Ms. Galloway's twins are not. HARRIS: Yes, Your Honor. You all go started having babies way too young. JUDGE LAKE: How did you get together? Well, Your Honor, actually, it wasn't a relationship, Your Honor. It was just one-night stands and here and there pleasurable moments, to be honest, Your Honor. I mean, when I met her it was in church, like the rest of her baby daddies. (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) HARRIS: I'm being real. First off, I was dating someone that he knew. HARRIS: A musician. Yeah, a musician that he knew. GALLOWAY: We ended up needing a ride home on a particular day and the guy that I was dating called him up, and, so, um. He came and gave us a ride to my apartment complex. The guy I knew, he walked down the street to drop his kids off, and Mr. Harris here, helped me to the door with my groceries. And he said, "So, when are you gonna let me in the house?" I said, "What are you talking about?" He said, "When are you gonna let me come over?" I said, "The only time you're gonna come up That is a lie. "is if we're having a bible study." Okay, so you know, as time goes by, you know, I do occasionally see him in the church, just playing or whatever, so you know, I do start to conversate with him. And then there was a situation where he was going to be walking. He said he was walking from, um, Children's Hospital in Jacksonville to, um... Not even knowing where he was gonna go, and this was Christmas Eve and I said, "Well, I don't have my kids this evening, "and you know, it's cold outside. <i> "You gonna be walking by yourself. You know what, I'll meet you."</i> So we walked to a van where he knew that the doors were gonna be unlocked. So we go in the van... HARRIS: Your friend's van you're talking about? We go into the van and we sleep in the van that night... We didn't sleep in the van. We had sex in the van that night. We slept in the van. We slept in the van that night. And, you know, he didn't touch me or anything that night. So, you know, I felt comfortable, Like, everything was gonna be okay. So you know, the next morning, is when you know, I'm waking up. I'm feeling him, you know. I'm... (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) Um, okay. GALLOWAY: I'm... Go past that part. Okay, so you know, we, um, end up getting involved. We did get involved in that van the next morning because, you know, that night I felt comfortable with it. I felt like it was okay, or whatever. JUDGE LAKE: You met him in church. GALLOWAY: Yes. And the next thing you know, you having sex with him in an abandoned van? Yes, ma'am. You did not use protection? HARRIS: No, ma'am. No, and it was only, like, maybe three minutes. And he was like... It weren't no three minutes. 45 minutes. You mean four to? Four to five minutes? You're saying... It was not no 45 minutes. Well, it was long enough to potentially produce two beautiful babies. GALLOWAY: <i> That was just the first occasion.</i> <i> There was actually another occasion because after the first time,</i> you know, it only being that short, you know. Maybe he could do a little something more. So maybe, you know, that short period of time wasn't all that. Was he auditioning? GALLOWAY: No. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) I believe so, Your Honor. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) He wasn't auditioning, but that night, once again, we did get involved. But that was another short-lived experience of five minutes. But he did... We didn't use protection that night. But on January 3, is when my cycle was supposed to show and it didn't. Um, and, like, it was... Well, I guess it wouldn't. All this unprotected sex. Do you all understand when you don't use protection you can get pregnant? You do understand that? Yes, ma'am. But you're still doing it? Yes. So you come up pregnant. What do you say? What do you tell him? Okay, so January 18 is when I took the home pregnancy test, and that's when I send him the text messages and the pictures. Now, right after that I went to the emergency room, and she said, "You have two babies." And I'm like, "Two babies? You got the wrong person." She's like, "No, this is you. You're 10 weeks along now. <i> "And this is two babies, right here, I see."</i> So, I'm picking up the phone, I'm calling him. I'm hysterical, like, "Hold on now, she said we had two babies." HARRIS: That's why you called me. When I found out about these babies, Your Honor... In fact, Your Honor, it was on Facebook. With a picture of... Jerome, let me see that evidence, please. With a picture of the babies and my other two daughters that I do take care of, I'm not a deadbeat, too, and her saying, "You are the father." JUDGE LAKE: <i> Why would you just post this?</i> I mean, 'cause you're not just posting Mr. Harris to embarrass him. You got your kids' faces up there. Look, right after I told him that I was having twins, shortly after he ended up leaving Florida. He stopped calling like he used to... HARRIS: You cost me my work! GALLOWAY: She's not here today, as a witness, but, you know, the lady that I stay with, she saw everything that happened. <i> She was the one who was listening to the phone calls.</i> <i> She was like, "I don't know why you're doing this."</i> Even my friend, Lonny was telling me, "You don't want to mess with him." Your ex-boyfriend you was with before you was with me? You don't wanna... That's a lie. That's a lie? HARRIS: <i> You was with him at the same time. How you gonna say it was me?</i> <i> You're lying.</i> <i> Lonny played the keyboard with me if you wanna be real.</i> That's a lie, um... Natasha divorced Lonny due to the fact that he was cheating, and going behind women I had. So let's be real. Don't hide that. So hold on, hold on. Let me understand this. Let me understand this. Mr. Harris, you're saying that Ms. Galloway also slept with some other musicians that played at the church with you? Lonny is a musician. He plays the keyboard... JUDGE LAKE: And Lonny is Mr. Samuels? HARRIS: Right. Mr. Lonny Samuels. And he's here in court with us, as well. HARRIS: Oh, I'm so glad. (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) HARRIS: <i> Because Mr. Samuels, actually...</i> <i> Me and Mr. Samuels was cool until we fell out behind a woman.</i> And due to the fact that Mr. Samuel going behind, chasing behind three or four other girls I was with, Mr. Samuel was married. His wife divorced him due to what he was doing. During the time that me and Ms. Galloway had, what we had going on, she was showing me Facebook messages from Mr. Samuel. "Oh, baby I miss you. You need to let me come back." So you believe the twins' father is Mr. Samuels? Did you sleep with more than one man Ms. Galloway during the period of conception? No, no. I was only talking to him. That's why... We wasn't talking. No, that's what you all should have been doing, was just talking. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) GALLOWAY: You're right. You're right, you're right. You have no doubt in your mind. GALLOWAY: Not at all. Not at all because during this time like I said... JUDGE LAKE: Did you sleep with Mr. Samuels, too? No. HARRIS: That's a lie. No, that is not a lie. That is not a lie. You and Mr. Samuels slept together. You told me. You told me out your own mouth. Just like your boyfriend you had before you met me, had sex with me, that was a musician... You are trying to throw everything... There ain't no case. You only want child support. Are you serious? Your Honor, I know my proof and my facts, Your Honor. GALLOWAY: <i> Not even two weeks after he had your pictures on Facebook...</i> HARRIS: <i> Your Honor, first of all, Your Honor...</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> Yes, sir.</i> When they come to claim me, I'm far from a deadbeat, I take care of anything I make. I went on and did my research. First of all, if you say they're my kids, you ain't got nothing in the father space. You can put, "alleged father," and in Florida, they will get you, Your Honor... These are both babies' certificates. On top of that, Your Honor... JUDGE LAKE: What is this research and what is this evidence? If you know for a certain fact that I'm the father, one thing's for sure, like I always said, "Where's my last name?" 'Cause if you want to uphold some... And so what you presented to the court, here, are copies of the children's birth certificates... HARRIS: Correct, Your Honor. where the father's information is blank. HARRIS: <i> Correct.</i> JUDGE LAKE: "Space intentionally left blank." Right. She had the opportunity to put the name right there and then. Duval County would have contacted me and said, "Mr. Harris we need you "to come do a DNA test for these children because you're listed as the father." And your thinking is she did not put your name or list your name as father because? HARRIS: She's not even sure if I'm the father. DCF has been trying to get in contact with him. That's a lie. I call him, "When are you gonna take a paternity test? They're looking for you." "Oh, you can just give them my number." "Give them your number? "No, they need your address and know who you are." That's not true. You've been calling <i> my other baby mamma in the inbox on Facebook.</i> GALLOWAY: <i> "We sent this to two different addresses.</i> "We been trying to get to him, but we can't get to him." Your Honor... All right, I want to hear from Mr. Samuels. Jerome, can you please escort him into the court room? JEROME: Certainly. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Harris, you contend that Ms. Galloway slept with Mr. Samuels. Ms. Galloway, you say that's not true. GALLOWAY: Exactly. JUDGE LAKE: Let's hear what Mr. Samuels has to say. That's the father. HARRIS: Mr. Samuels, that's the daddy. Yeah, that's the daddy right there. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Samuels, we've heard testimony today, Mr. Harris has indicated he believes you had a sexual relationship with Ms. Galloway. Ms. Galloway says that's not true. Mr. Harris contends that you are in fact the father of the twins. No, ma'am, I am not the father of the twins. Look, look at them, Your Honor. There it is. Come on now, look at him and look at the babies. (GALLOWAY GIGGLES) SAMUELS: Ray is known as being a ho, okay? JUDGE LAKE: Let's speak respectfully. Say it nicely. SAMUELS: I'm sorry, Your Honor. Okay, well, he's known for being a dog. I'm a dog? What are you? Does your wife know you're here now? Does your wife even know you're down here right now? Okay, we had the same past. We did, we did... How many of my women did you chase? Come on, Lonny. You got a score? How many women of mine did you chase? JEROME: Calm down. Come on. I chased it. I chased it. Didn't your ex-wife leave you because... We got divorced. No, you got divorced because you slept with the woman I was with. Okay, listen. Mr. Samuels, you say you've never had a sexual relationship with Ms. Galloway. SAMUELS: No, ma'am. What is your relationship like with the twins? SAMUELS: Basically, when she had the twins, like, I got remarried, so me and my wife went over there to the house. and you know, we seen the babies, and then when I picked them up, I said, "Oh, yeah. <i> "I know who's the father of these twins."</i> <i> Basically, they look just like him.</i> You know, he can't deny it. Especially the little girl. He cannot deny that child, Your Honor. When the kids got sick she told me. I be like, "Where's Mr. Harris?" Lonny, if you knew that why you ain't never hit me in the inbox, Lon? (STAMMERING) Now you... You know we was cool. We fell out over a woman. Come on. Let's be real. Okay, let's talk one at a time. I want to understand this. You say what, Mr. Samuels? When the twins got sick, I asked, I asked Ms. Galloway, I said, "Where's Ray?" She said, "Oh, he's not doing nothing for the kids, he's not trying to do nothing." Based on all this, I went to the store and I got the Tylenol because the babies had a fever. I love kids. I got kids myself, I got three. So basically, (STAMMERING) she called me, and be like, "Oh, they're sick can you help me out?" "Okay, if I got the money, I'll help you out." So you pretty much stepped up, like a father would, for these twins. Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Harris? Your Honor, I've never denied none of my children. I have two other daughters... GALLOWAY: You're doing it now. I have two other daughters and a son. They had been to church with me. The same pastor who was slandering my name and costing me the work. JUDGE LAKE: It affected your livelihood. HARRIS: Yes, it did. Explain to the court how. HARRIS: Okay. I do private security and I also was a musician. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. And a lot of my contracts came through different pastors and other people. One day I was sitting at home and a pastor called me, He said, "You ought to be ashamed of yourself, doing your girl like that. "Ain't taking care of them kids, just running around. Got her out there. "She already got five kids. What kind of a man is you?" So I told the pastor, I said, "Look here, "first of all, I have made attempts. "I ain't getting nothing from it, don't call me with that." Just like that. "If you wanna know something, tell her to give me a DNA test and we can go from there." Then I hung up the phone on him. A gospel rapper called me and asked me, "Man, what's going on with you and her? "Man, you're denying the kids like that, you're going in like that?" <i> It made me look like a bad person. The person felt like,</i> <i> "Why should I pay you money,</i> <i> "if you ain't even taking care of your own responsibilities?"</i> How much money, specifically, have you lost because of this? HARRIS: All together? About $3,900. It cost me shows, people didn't want me to be their musician no more. GALLOWAY: He claims that I'm the one that's slandering his name, but then he also says that all these women are trying to pin babies on him. The other two girls that he claimed that he was taking care of, He says, "Oh, they slept with another person, they slept with somebody else, "so they should get a paternity test, too. They slept with..." Both of you are doing a lot of research and you need to be doing a lot less sex. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) Everything is, now, you gotta research somebody. You supposed to research somebody before you ever have sex with them. GALLOWAY: You're right. JUDGE LAKE: Where do you work, Ms. Galloway? I'm a full-time student. I'm unemployed. JUDGE LAKE: You're a full-time student? Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: With no job? Not anymore. Now, Mr. Harris? HARRIS: Yes, Your Honor. You think she, Ms. Galloway, should be responsible for this $3,900 that you lost because you're saying you lost jobs because she went around talking about you were a father to her twins, and you were not stepping up to the plate, and you were a deadbeat? Yes, Your Honor. And that is your countersuit? Yes, it is. All right. I can rule on that, but only after I get the results, you understand? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: All right. Not to put the blame on anybody, I grew up without my father in my life. And so it was hard for me to identify with dealing with men and knowing whether or not a man actually loved you or cared for you and wanted to take care of you... JUDGE LAKE: And you're looking... Listen. You didn't even have to tell me that story for me to know that. 'Cause there's no way a beautiful young girl like you should be running around, giving away herself, for free over and over and over again, and make no mistake, (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) you shouldn't be getting paid for it either. Yeah. JUDGE LAKE: That's not the point I'm making. Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: What I'm saying is, that's your body, that's your temple, that's your spirit, that's your soul. You laying down with men, and when you try to find them, they're running all around the country, marrying other people and here trying to deny children that they've produced with you, and you're left not holding the bag, but holding five children, with no job. I'm happy you're getting your education 'cause you gonna need it. (AUDIENCE MURMURS) Yes ma'am. Jerome, I'm ready. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics, and they read as follows. JUDGE LAKE: In the case of<i> Galloway v. Harris,</i> pertaining to nine-month old twins, <i> Shakina and Malakai Galloway,</i> it has been determined by this court... JUDGE LAKE: In the case of<i> Galloway v. Harris,</i> it has been determined by this court. Mr. Samuels, you... are not the father. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Mr. Harris, you are the twins' father. (AUDIENCE CHEERING AND APPLAUDING) Well, my research says (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) that you're, in fact, the biological father. How many children do you have? HARRIS: Nine, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Nine children. (SIGHS) (AUDIENCE GASPS) JUDGE LAKE: I'm so frustrated, I really am. This is not how you live life. GALLOWAY: You're right. Your destiny and your purpose is not to be baby-making factories. What are you doing with your life? You all better stop having babies. Both of you. (AUDIENCE AGREEING) Now as for your countersuit, the defense to defamation of character is the truth, baby. You are the father. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) You haven't taken care of them. She's not lying. Therefore, your countersuit is denied. Are we clear? GALLOWAY: Yes, ma'am. Yes, Your Honor. Court is adjourned. (BANGS GAVEL)
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,691,782
Rating: 4.7202506 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: VgVjUxhs5WM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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