Man Says Being A Father Ruined His Life (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> Jackson Jr. v. Jackson.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. You're welcome. AUDIENCE: Good day. Mr. Jackson, you say that 41 years ago, you were falsely accused of fathering a little girl and that accusation has ruined your life, cost you tens of thousands of dollars, steady employment and your health. Today, you are here to prove the defendant is not your daughter. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Jackson, you say Mr. Jackson is the only father you've ever known and over the last 41 years he has treated you like a second-class citizen. You say you have no doubt Mr. Jackson is your father and you intend to prove it today. Is that correct? Yes. Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Jackson, how has this accusation ruined your life? Your Honor, it has definitely ruined me financially-wise, health-wise, mental-wise, as to the point where, um, I can't get driver's license, I can't get passport. I can't... I used to... Couldn't keep a job. It ruined my heart, Your Honor, to where I have a pacemaker in me now. Uh... JUDGE LAKE: The stress of it? The stress of it had ruined my heart. How long have you been paying support, sir? I've been paying support since I was maybe 30, Your Honor. I started working for a private contractor. For 18 years, Your Honor, I did not know that I owed child support, and I get a job with a paycheck is when I find out I owe child support. Already at that time, I'm 13,000 behind. In arrears? Yes. So, I could never catch up, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Because the penalties kept accruing and now, you're more than $25,000 in debt. Yes, Your Honor. At 63 years old. Yes, ma'am. Ms. Jackson? Yes. You say you have no doubt this is your biological father. I have no doubt that this is my biological father. When were you made aware that he had these doubts? Um, I was always told by him, as a young girl, that he had doubts. He would basically just try to mention, you know, things like, you know, he didn't think that, you know, um, he was the only man that my mom slept with and... How old were you when he was saying this? I was, like, nine or 10 or 11 years old. (AUDIENCE GASPING) At nine or 10 you were having to process that information? Yes. Mr. Jackson, did you tell her that young that you thought her mom may have slept with somebody else? I did tell her, I did. I had my doubts. That her mom was young at that time, and she was seeing more than one person. So, wait, you say you didn't find out you were on child support for 18 years... Yes. ...but you did have a relationship with Ms. Jackson? You're speaking of her mother or her? It wasn't the kind of relationship that most daughters would have with their father. I... JUDGE LAKE: What kind of relationship was it? I considered him as a homie. "A homie"? Yeah, as a homeboy. And because of that, he never treated me as if I was really his daughter. JUDGE LAKE: Wait, I need to understand that. What do you mean, "as a homeboy"? MS. JACKSON:<i> Well, because I was never really embraced</i> <i> by Mr. Jackson as his daughter.</i> I was always feeling like I was just someone there, um, who he had a relationship with my mom. That I was just there. What was the nature of the relationship with Ms. Jackson's mother? At the time, I was married. Okay. And I knew it was wrong but I did it. So, what happened when she told you she was pregnant? I told her it was not my child, Your Honor. Did you say that because you didn't believe that was your child or did you say that because you knew you were married and you knew you were wrong? At that time I believed a little both, Your Honor. Okay, that's honest. I wanna know. MR. JACKSON: Yes. So, did your wife ever find out? Yes, she did, Your Honor. And what happened then? Did it break up your family? For a small period of time it did. And we got back together. JUDGE LAKE: Did you have visitation? Did you see her regularly? For years I really didn't know where they was, Your Honor. That's not true. He knew where we were. My... Mr. Jackson, he chose to live the life that he chose to live. He knew where we were. We wasn't very far. I stayed in contact with his mother. I stayed in contact with my siblings. How did you know, as a child, that he knew, Mr. Jackson, where you and your mother were? Well, he's on my birth certificate, first and foremost. JUDGE LAKE: He is? Yes, he's on my birth certificate. Okay. MS. JACKSON: Hmm-mmm. Do you have that birth certificate here? MS. JACKSON: Yes, I do. I'd like to see it. Jerome, can you hand me that? There you go. So... Mmm. JUDGE LAKE: Did you know you were on the birth certificate? Did you sign it? MR. JACKSON: I never signed nothing, Your Honor. My signature is not on there. So, this is the birth certificate for Quannesha Jackson. MS. JACKSON:<i> That's me.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> And listed under "Father" is your name,</i> <i> Charles Jackson.</i> My name is actually Charlie Jackson Jr., Your Honor. Her mother called me Charles. JUDGE LAKE: So, you think... JUDGE LAKE: But your name, your legal name is Charlie? Charlie Jackson Jr., Your Honor. So, you're saying the fact that "Charles" is written here is indicative of the fact that the mother gave the name and not you? The mother gave "Charles", Your Honor. So, what you're saying is that you didn't sign this. You didn't tell someone, "I want my name listed." I didn't sign anything. I did not know the day that she was born. And so, you're saying when she was born, you didn't even know? MR. JACKSON: Not the day she was born, I did not know. JUDGE LAKE: You never went to doctor's appointments. You never did any of that? I never went to none of that, Your Honor. So, Mr. Jackson, what other doubt do you have? There was another, a man at the time that I was seeing her mom. I'm going to say this, her mom was fast. That's the way I'm going to put it, Your Honor. So, you're gonna say respectfully that you felt like her mom was promiscuous? Yes, Your Honor. My mom told me that he has been the only man that she slept with. And that's how it has been throughout their relationship. MR. JACKSON: I am not a bad person. I have love in my heart for kids. I have 10 care kids that's not even mine, Your Honor. I have... But why he... Why he never treated me like a daughter, since he has so much love in his heart? Why was I always treated like little trash off the street? No! I reached out to her at time and time, but she go into a shell where she don't talk to nobody, she do't call nobody. MS. JACKSON: What about the time I asked Mr. Jackson, when I was nine or 10 years old? Him and my mother had came back together to live together, and, um, we had ice cream trucks in the neighborhood. MS. JACKSON: So, one day I ask my... ...Mr. Jackson, if I could have 25 cents, so that I can buy ice cream, and he told me he didn't have it. And I said, "Well, do you have 10 cents, "15 cents, a nickel?" Quannesha... And he said that he didn't have either or. But I would see him go to the liquor store and buy alcohol or whatever he would, you know, buy for himself, but he couldn't even give me 25 cents... That part is not true at all, Your Honor. buy an ice cream. MS. JACKSON: And that stuck with me all my life. And he has no idea the damage that has caused upon my mental capacity to deal with that, and to reason with that. Well, you're here. Tell him today. That has caused some tremendous pain, some serious psychological issues in my life to the point where I've had issues with choosing functional men. I can't choose functional men because I don't know what that looks like. If I've done anything to hurt you when you were small, I apologize, but I wish you had let me knew way before now and told me. But at the same time, Your Honor, we wasn't around each other for years. Had... Excuse me. Had I'd have known, it would've have been a lot better than this. Because you don't even remember the moment? MR. JACKSON: No, I don't, Your Honor. And it has stayed with her for over 20 years. MR. JACKSON: Yes, Your Honor. I just don't... I don't remember that. So, Mr. Jackson, you don't believe she's your biological child, you just didn't believe it, you never knew for certain? MR. JACKSON: I don't, Your Honor. And one of the things you talked about in your court papers is you believe there's a medical reason why. JUDGE LAKE: Because she did not have a certain trait... MR. JACKSON: A stuttering, stuttering. Stuttering? MR. JACKSON: Yes, Your Honor. Explain that. Most of my kids, all of them as a matter of fact, when they get nervous, or lying even, they'll stutter. She doesn't have that. I want to learn more about this. Um, the court has called upon an expert, Molly Dale. She's with the Chatterbox Speech and Language Clinic. Jerome, can you please escort Ms. Dale into the courtroom? Your Honor, I've had issues with stuttering, but it's not severe. It's very mild, but I just psychologically choose to speak, you know, in a way to where I won't have to stutter like that, but I've had issues with it before. JUDGE LAKE: All right. Hello, Ms. Dale. We are here today, of course, attempting to help Ms. Jackson, uh, determine whether or not Mr. Jackson, a man she believes is her biological father, is in fact so. And during his testimony he has talked about all of his children suffer from stuttering. Is stuttering an inherited trait? Frequently, it is. And it has a strong... There's a strong genetic component with stuttering. About 60% of people who stutter have family members that stutter as well. And then she talked about, in her testimony just recently, having to deal with a slight level of stuttering. Is the severity or lack thereof any indicator? No. You can have someone in a family who is severely, profoundly a stutterer, and then you can also have someone that is a mild stutterer as well. JUDGE LAKE: Now that you've heard this testimony, does it further your belief that this is, in fact, your biological father or does it affect it in any way? I feel that he's my father based on a lot of different characteristics that, you know, he and I show, like, our eyes and our nose. JUDGE LAKE:<i> And Mr. Jackson after hearing all of the testimony today,</i> <i> how do you feel?</i> <i> I still don't believe</i> I am her biological father. JUDGE LAKE: All right. Mr. Jackson, you've brought a witness as well? Yes, Your Honor, I did. I'd like to hear from that witness. Jerome, can you please escort them into the courtroom? Hello, sir, please state your name for the record. All right. My name is King David Gabriel Johnson. Mr. Johnson, what relation are you to Mr. Jackson? This is my stepdad. This is your stepfather? Yes. And what testimony would you like to offer to this court today? Well, as far as my dad, he's cool, and I know that growing up it was hard for him to do what he wanted to do for us because he was... Had no money. We still ate, we still had clothes, and everything, and he never neglected none of us, none of his real biological kids or his stepkids. He treated us all the same. Did he ever say, "I may have another daughter, I have another daughter, "and this is your sister"? Not really, no. And so, when you saw Ms. Jackson who did you think she was? More like a friend. So, you don't believe your father, Mr. Jackson, would have denied Ms. Jackson if he truly felt she was his biological daughter? No, he wouldn't have. Because you are not, in fact, his biological child. No, I'm not. But he raised you as his own? Yes. Mr. Jackson, why is it that she did not receive the same level of acceptance as your stepchildren did? Because she potentially could be your biological child. Yes, Your Honor. MS. JACKSON: I feel like he should have gotten a DNA test a long time ago. From the time that Mr. Jackson and my mother conceived me, he has always felt that my mother slept with someone else and that it's a possibility I'm someone else's child. Do you regret not having that DNA test, sir? Yes, I do, Your Honor. What is that in your hand, Mr. Jackson? This is... In my hand, Your Honor, is a letter I wrote three... May I see that? I wrote to the... ...court to try to get help. So, you sent this letter to the court in your home state? Yes, Your Honor, I did. It was three years ago, Your Honor. And the letter reads... (READING) (CONTINUES READING) So, you basically wrote this plea to the court in your home state? Yes, Your Honor. Because you felt like you had no opportunity to resolve this, and you didn't know what to do. True, Your Honor. All right. Well, fortunately, you have submitted to a DNA test, as ordered by this courtroom, and I have the results for you. Jerome, the envelope, please. Here you go. Thank you. You're welcome. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Jackson Jr. v. Jackson,</i> when it comes to 41-year-old Quannesha Jackson, it has been determined by this court Mr. Jackson Jr., you are her father. MR. JACKSON: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. (SOBS) Thank you, Your Honor. You're welcome. I love you very much and I'm very sorry. I hope from this day on, we can be a father and a daughter, instead of your homeboy. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) I've always knew that you were my dad, but I chose to be a friend to you so that I can help keep us connected some kind of way until you were ready to embrace me as your daughter. Thank you. Thank you, daughter. You're welcome. And I do forgive you. Thank you, daughter. You're welcome. That's why this courtroom is so important, and this is what I witness day after day. People confronting the dysfunction. Confronting the confusion. And deciding today is the day we get the truth. MS. JACKSON: Yeah. Ms. Jackson, I couldn't get the homeboy thing. I really couldn't. I couldn't process it. (CHUCKLES) But I get it now so clearly that you wanted to make it comfortable for him because you just didn't want to disconnect from him. MS. JACKSON: Hmm-mmm. Because you knew that was your father. That is remarkable. Yes. 'Cause I might have cursed you out, Mr. Jackson. (CHUCKLES) I'm not gonna lie. I might have went on head up with you one day. 'Cause you ain't none of my homeboy. You are my daddy. Yes, Your Honor. Yes, Your Honor. (MS. JACKSON LAUGHS) And I want ice cream. (ALL LAUGH) Okay? Yes, Your Honor. So, now, next time you hear ice cream truck, what you gonna do? Run to it. Right. (ALL LAUGH) Take her and the grandkid. JUDGE LAKE: Yes. Yeah. That's what I wanna hear. Yes. Wish you the best of luck. Court is adjourned. MR. JACKSON: Thank you.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,500,068
Rating: 4.7624083 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: fKWICoAkPp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 24 2018
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