Woman In Coma Has Near-Death Spiritual Awakening & Realizes WHY WE ARE HERE | Anita Moorjani

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not everyone gets to experience death before they die what an experience like that does is it changes your value system before the diagnosis I never allowed my own voice to be heard and I got diagnosed with cancer I had tumors that were the size of golf balls and that's when the doctors told my husband that these are my final hours I went into a coma I left my body and I understood why I had the illness it's not a physical problem it is much more than that you have to bring all these elements in if you truly want to heal you need to create a life that you love and one that you want to live start saying no to the things that you don't want to do and then start saying yes to the things you've always wanted to do it's important to love yourself like your life depends on it because it does hey everyone welcome back to no thyself today we have the privilege of sitting down with somebody who is an author a speaker a teacher and somebody who had a near-death experience that fundamentally changed her life and the way that she moves through it and now she shares her story and the insights that she's gleaned from it Anita morani thank you for being here thank you very much for inviting me yeah what was your life like before the cancer diagnosis um um and we'll we'll dive into all the experience and Nuance but I'm just curious for you to set the stage a little bit of what life was kind of like for you before um the illness struck so um I lived in Hong Kong I uh I was married I am married to my husband Dany and uh life I would say it was almost ordinary I lived a regular ordinary life I'm ethnically Indian um and but I grew up I went to a British school grew up in Hong Kong which is predominantly a Chinese City so although I grew up very Multicultural um I lived a life in Hong Kong and one of the things I want to mention about the type of person I am and was definitely was more so is that I've always been somebody who is a people pleaser very conflict avoidance and lived a life where uh I used to be painfully shy like very very shy very I thought of myself as quite introverted um and I was someone who also feared a lot of things because I grew up in a culture uh with Indian parents where they groomed me for an arranged marriage but I ended up not going through with an arranged marriage I ended up in fact running away from a wedding three days before the wedding which was a huge issue um but I was always uh being an Indian woman in my culture um I was always discouraged from being myself in my culture um at particularly during the time I grow up it might have changed a little bit now but from stories I hear it not all of the Indian culture has changed but anyway uh growing up women were um we we were more uh repressed than men our value was measured or our worth was measured by how valuable we were to the men in our community so a daughter was brought up to obey her father and live at home with her parents until she got married and then she would be the responsibility of her husband so a woman was never ever encouraged to be independent and so for this reason I was discouraged from higher education or having a job or being independent whereas I was someone who really wanted to be independent I wanted to get a job I wanted to have earn my own money and so on um and I can get into more of that later and how it affected me in the near-death experience but but basically that was my life but then I met this amazing man Dany and uh we we did have we were having an amazing life together um but I did get cancer diagnosed with cancer in 2002 which was lymphoma so what was it like the moment of the diagnosis and if you can give a little bit of the Nuance of what kind of cancer how aggressive was it what stage was it so it was diagnosed at stage 2B lymphoma 2B means it had spread so it started as a lump on this side of my neck uh uh and to be when stage two means it had spread to just a portion of my body so it was in this quadrant of my body and um and so the reaction was very mixed when I was diagnosed going back to what I was saying that I was somebody who was a people pleaser very non-confrontational um I was somebody who was always there to be of service to everyone around me to help everyone around me and I never allowed my own voice to be heard and my best friend was diagnosed with cancer about a year and a half before I was and I was devastated when she was diagnosed and hers was an aggressive form of cancer and I was I made myself available to support her through her journey um I literally put my life on hold because I was very close to her she was like a sister to me I knew her my entire life we knew each other our entire lives and I would feel so guilty if I was going out and having fun while she was sick in bed or in hospital or having cancer treatments so I literally put my life on hold even if I went shopping to buy myself clothes I would feel really guilty trying on nice clothes thinking she's dying her life is ending and here I am having fun I couldn't even go out for dinner with friends friends who were mutual friends but now she was too sick to come out with us so I just put my life on hold and even when I was really tired and depleted I was there for her then when I got the diagnosis and it was cancer so first it was shock but interestingly the next feeling was ah now I can take care of myself it almost was as though this diagnosis was giving me permission to take care of myself so what was your reaction to then like decide to how to heal it there's obviously the Western alpath you know suggesting chemotherapy versus the ayurveda that you explored as well and uh just what ensued after the diagnosis lead getting up to eventually the coma so what happened after so at the same time that my best friend was going through her illness my husband Danny's brother-in-law was also going through cancer so it was interesting that there was these two other people very close to us who were the same age as me also going through cancer and both of them were being treated by some of the best cancer hospitals in the world they were having the best treat the Best Western treatment shall we say that money can buy so my first reaction was it's not working on them because their health was deteriorating both of them were deteriorating and for my eyes it looked as though every time they went for treatment their health would actually um degenerate they were actually getting worse and not better that's how it it looked to me and so I said said I'm not going for that Western treatment because that was the first thing that was recommended to me as well was it's the usual you go for the chemo and and I and I was watching this and I said no um there's no point because it's not working for them why would it work for me I'm going to try everything else and so I approached the diagnosis from a perspective of uh I'm going to try everything and see what sticks now I want to say something else here as well before the diagnosis as I was watching because both of these people got diagnosed at least a year year and a half before I did as I was watching them going through what they were going through I developed a fear of cancer a really big fear of cancer you know I I was one of those people that just feared things easily I feared disapproval and so now I feared cancer um and so I made it my mission to do everything I could to prevent getting cancer so I kept hearing all these fear-based messages you know that you hear on drug ads and uh articles in in magazines that one in three people are going to get cancer and um and cancer is on the rise and uh now microwaves cause cancer and using plastic containers caus cancer and so it was it to me it looked like everything caused cancer so already before I was diagnosed I was already living a life to do everything I could to prevent cancer but I was doing it from this place of fear so I was living a life where I feared cancer and was doing everything I could to prevent it so I was eating really healthy but it was um I was eating only organic which I still do but uh but I was eating only raw vegan foods um and I was so careful of everything that I was putting into my mouth I was taking a boatload of supplements that were antioxidant anti-cancer um and I was doing everything I could to prevent cancer and I got Di iagnosed with cancer um because my life was so focused on avoiding cancer and so when I was when I got the diagnosis it did surprise me because I thought I'm doing everything I can to prevent cancer and so I continued to explore different things and I then went in to ayurveda for a little bit as well I went to India for a few months and when I was in India I was in a completely different environment I was in an environment where the whole um the the whole I guess it the whole mindset around the cancer was very different because I was in an environment where where you had people that were yoga students ayurva students and they were approaching things very very differently and in this in this in particular environment um the belief was that cancer in and of itself is not a disease it's not something to be really so fearful of that every single illness is just an imbalance in your body so the idea is to explore and discover what the imbalance is so that you can balance it and so that's what we would do like I would get up and I would do the yoga moves and I then adjusted my diet and what was really pleasantly surprising for me was that the range of food in the ayurvedic diet was much broader I now could suddenly eat things that I was fearful of eating before um you know I was because I had been told that I need to have only raw vegan food now I was eating all these cooked vegetables and rice and everything and I was having Dairy because I was following my constitution in the ayurvedic system and so I actually thrived on that for a while and I was doing this for about six months and I got considerably better so I had these um tumors you know that were growing on my lymph nodes and they started to shrink they started to soften and Shrink over a period of time and I felt I was ready to go back home to Hong Kong and so when I went back home to Hong Kong people said oh wow you look better and this is better and and and everything was a lot better my husband was really pleased and we tried to get on with our lives but being back home in Hong Kong I was once again faced with um my best friend was getting worse much worse she was deteriorating and now it was imminent that she was going to die um my brother-in-law was also getting much much worse and it was imminent he was going to die and while this is happening for me all the fear started to come back all the fear of the cancer and the people around me um I I want to say here that the community that I had in Hong Kong were very disbelieving of anything that is not mainstream medicine so it felt like whatever I experienced in India got taken away from me as soon as I came back into this environment and this is why I in in the things I teach now I always say your environment is so important in considering your well-being because the people around me um were saying that so um what did you do and I told them what I did ARA and everything and they said and they would poo poo it they would almost make it sound like oh that's nonsense that's not real medicine and you need to go for the real stuff you need to go see an oncologist and and what for me in my mind what they were saying didn't um align because they were saying that if you don't do it you're just being silly you're being stupid um you need to go see a proper doctor and those aren't real doctors in my mind I was seeing two people very close to me doing what they were saying and they were dying whereas what I had just done I had felt better but I started to fall into to all everything that was being told to me and the fear came back and then being with um two people who I watched uh to the end and they died and that shocked me I thought wow um this is really a deadly disease this is a killer I better take it more seriously and then um and so then when I did go then I started to notice actually the tumors started to come back and looking back now I know it's because of the environment I was in but at that time what I was what I believed because I was led to believe that oh yeah what you had was not permanent and that's why it's coming back and so then you know I went and to the oncologist and did the whole route and they said oh it's too late to save you it's really aggressive and everything so now leading up before we dive into the coma and then the nde experience there's just a couple Golden Threads that I think are really important to reflect on because both the cultural suppression of your expression of like your authentic desires and what your Curiosities are if those are pushed down that especially in conjunction with just the wide umbrella of fear of fear of death fear of cancer of illness preventing something in a way you're already in resistance to that very thing and so I think it's just an important reflection and know having your nde experience then now connecting the dots looking backwards you're able to see how much inauthenticity is directly linked to cultivating illness so any thoughts there before we move on yeah no I think that's a really good direction to go in because it is um the inauthenticity the fear all of that is what led to my illness absolutely the repression all of that yeah most of us on some level are dealing with some sort of suppression of something due to Childhood or cultural situations and that can you know on the most subtle end just leave us feeling a little bit more anxious about life or down the line cultivating a deadly illness and so what do you what do you say to support people and giving themselves permission to be their authentic selves um in in an environment that maybe doesn't support that so most people don't even know how important it is to discover their authentic self so that's the first piece is they need to even know that their soul came here with an intention they don't even know that and that is one of the keys of my message is I want you to know that you have a purpose a mission a reason an intention that your soul chose to come here into this life into this body you know being born to these parents to this family into this culture to experience this there is a reason for it and your only work really your only job is to discover that reason in other words discover your Soul's intention and even if you find that you are stuck or you're in a situation where your culture represses you everybody experiences that at some level not just when we're growing up but even after we get older when we have kids when we're married and so on there are things that you just feel that you're your hands are tied you can't do it because because you have other obligations it's still important for you to be aware of who you are why you are here and to actually be and to actually figure out ways that you can express yourself in a safe Arena all of this like everything like um what your Soul's intention is what your belief beliefs are what your spiritual beliefs are what's working for you what's not working for you all of these things are really important to know and I never knew that before and and the bigger thing is I didn't know that if you are suffering from an illness a chronic illness um and and I'm not talking about end of life illness so let's say prematurely like as you're going through life and you're suddenly hit with with illnesses um and we think that we're victims of our illnesses what I realize is that's not usually the case in most cases we bring it on ourselves and the things to consider an illness is not a physical it's it's it's not a physical problem it is much more than that it is a spiritual problem it is an emotional problem it is a problem of you repressing yourself it is an existential problem you have to bring all these elements in if you truly want to heal and that's what I discovered it's an important reflection because a lot of people can do all the right things eat all the organic food sit in front of a red light Sun their bum you know like all of the bioh hacks in the world and yet if you're if the place it's coming from is is a resistant energy fear-based energy like you're talking to there's all these psycho uh emotional dynamics that that really have an effect on our biology to uh that that are much you know more important many would say than just you know the certain and I believe it's both right like eat eat healthy do the things that are going to be nourishing for your system um but do it out of love for yourself exactly that's that's the difference is that eat healthy but do it out of love for yourself and if you don't love yourself and you don't love your life and you hate what you're doing then even eating healthy is not going to benefit you but when you love yourself and you love your life you will want to eat healthy because you want to live long you want to be healthy to be able to continue to do what you do but if you Splurge your body's going to be able to handle it yeah so one other thing that I think can be triggering for a lot of people that are either currently going through a chronic illness or maybe they have a dear friend or loved one or parent or sibling that has a chronic illness hearing that on some level like we chose this can can be very triggering that somehow I chose this illness for me and and so I'm just curious having gone through it and will go into your experience of having the heightened awareness to seeing how on some level you needed that to be able to refine and actually discover your authentic self um what do you say to those people that are triggered by that thought that okay so first of all um I would not use the word chose because I didn't choose it so um usually what I say is take responsibility for it but it's not your fault you didn't consciously choose it um whereas if you don't take any responsibility for now healing it um when we don't take responsibility what we're saying is I am the victim of this and when you are a victim of something you become helpless and when you're helpless that's when there's nothing I can do about it because I'm a victim of this situation it happened to me I can't control it what I'm trying to say is no you didn't choose it because you were doing the best you can and it whatever you were doing brought this on um but the reason it came on is because of certain things and actions and choices that that we made in our life lives that led us to this point of having this diagnosis but we can look back and reverse engineer it in other words I don't want you to be a victim of your illness because we actually one of the things I discovered is that we do have more autonomy over our lives than we have ever been led to believe we are conditioned to believe we're victims our systems our mainstream media the way we're educated um lead us to believe that we are victims of our circumstances you know of our culture and so on and I can even talk a little bit more about how we can change the perceived restraints we feel and the repression we feel we can change that but um our systems the way they are everything right down to our cultural conditioning social conditioning our uh school systems and and so on lead us to believe that we're victims of our circumstance an but in actuality we're not yeah we're just so fed this cultural phenomenon of the last few years even the pharmaceutical industry took up 75% of the advertising budget billions and billions of dollars like it's in my it's so Insidious and criminal in my eyes you know and we're fed this constant fear narrative and so so that aside let's just dive into you know as against your best efforts you still in 2006 woke up or went into a coma and were taken to a separate hospital and walk us through that experience now what that was like going into your nde okay so basically on February the 2nd 2006 I didn't wake up so I want to describe what my what shape my body was in by that point so by that point the doctors had three months actually six weeks before this happened the doctors told my husband that I only had three months to live and I had tumors that were the size of golf balls by now that were from the base of my skull all around my neck all around my neck under my arms in my chest all the way down to my abdomen my body had stopped absorbing nutrition so I weighed about 85 lbs and I'm 5'4 so I was really skinny at 85 lbs I was like a walking skeleton except I couldn't even walk because since my body had stopped absorbing nutrition um my muscles just completely atrophied and deteriorated and so I had no strength in my body at all and I I couldn't walk so I was either in a wheelchair or chair or I was laying down um but even when I was sitting I didn't even have the strength in my neck to hold my head up my head was was always hanging down like that and I had to be like literally propped up but when I would lie down so my lungs would fill with fluid by the way uh and so when I lie down I would choke on my own fluid like I had to have my lungs drained every three or four weeks of the fluid that was building up in my lungs that's that was my condition and I had these open skin lesions where toxins were coming out of my skin they were like open wounds that had to consistent constantly be cleaned and disinfected by the nurses so I was in really bad shape I was in a lot of pain a lot of discomfort and a lot of fear and then on February 2nd 2006 I went into a coma and that's when the doctors told my husband that these are my final hours and they act they basically said I wouldn't be around for more than another 24 hours max maximum I probably wouldn't make it through the night and that's when um my family were like really distraught my um Dany was there in the hospital my mom was there and my brother who was in India at the time was flying was getting on a plane to come and see me cuz he wanted to catch me before I I mean he he was distraught uh hearing the news but um but I was in the coma and I left basically I left my body it felt as though I left my body and I felt incredible so even though my physical body was in a coma my physical eyes were closed and I was my physical body was lying on that hospital bed I felt incredible because I was no longer in that body it was like I had come out of my body and I was aware of everything that was happening in the room but I felt light and free and just incredible like better than I had ever felt in my life before ever um and I felt um enveloped by something that I mean I call it unconditional love but actually there's no words to describe it you know when I just say love we overuse the word love and it just doesn't capture what I felt it was euphoric it was just like um powerful free I just felt really incredible but I was no longer attached to my physical body and I wanted my family to know that I'm fine I was even aware that my brother was trying to get on a plane to get to me before I died and I even thought to myself that um I better not die or my physical body better not die before he gets here otherwise he will be really upset um and yet I realized I could not communicate with them because I didn't have vocal cords I didn't have I was not in my body so it was a weird feeling but yet it just felt really really incredible um and I felt I could see and hear everything that was going on all around but I wasn't using my physical eyes because I didn't have physical eyes I wasn't using my physical ears it was something more powerful it's like you don't have to turn your head to look I had 360 Dee peripheral vision and I could see and hear everything the doctors was saying like the doctor telling my husband that um we only have like she won't even make it through the night and uh and he even told my husband that her organs have now started shutting down her kidneys have already failed um we've taken tests for it but we already know that the kidneys have gone U because the toxin the toxic buildup is now happening in her body and so they were talking about me and I could hear all of it and um they were saying the doctors was saying her body is swelling up and this means the kidneys have already stopped functioning um they were even talking about things like should she even come out of it we don't know what shape she would be in you know so um so it was very distressing for them but I wanted them to know that I actually feel fantastic I'm good I'm good but there was no way for me to communicate it with them and the vision was not with eyes but it was more like a a pure awareness there was no limit to how much I could see and I started to become aware of other things like I I it was like I could see my brother on the plane really distressed hearing about that I was dying and um you know it was and then I started to it was like my world was expanding even more and I became aware of other beings that were there to help me through this process um and what I felt from these other beings was nothing but pure unconditional love and I recognized some of them as my deceased loved ones like my dad my best friend and you know I had always thought that when I cross over one day I would be judged for some of the things I'd done because I was always very harsh on myself and I thought I had let my dad down and I had run away from an arranged marriage and I'd caused a lot of Shame and so to me in my head I'd done a lot of terrible things in my life but when I crossed over all I got was unconditional love and there was no judgment and so here I was with my dad and it was his Essence and my Essence um and I was ready even for my dad to judge me because I had disappointed him so my dad had died 10 years prior so um I was ready for his judgment but no all I received from him was pure unconditional love like he understood he understood why I was the way I was and why I had run away from an arranged marriage and I had brought him a lot of shame because I literally ran away from a marriage three days before the wedding after all the guests had come and everything and um I realized while I was there that when we cross over um not only do we leave behind our physical bodies but we leave behind our culture our religion our beliefs and all the baggage that we've accumulated over our lifetimes we leave all of that behind and the only thing that crosses over is our Pure Consciousness our Pure essence or I like to call it pure love or we can even call it pure God we can call it God the god Consciousness part of us that's what crosses over and I'd always thought that I was just a a victim of my culture but there my spirit and my dad's Spirit like face tace if you will I realized that as much as I was a victim of my culture he was a victim of his culture of the same culture doing the best he could and the only thing I felt from him was unconditional love can you share the analogy of the warehouse because I want to get a little bit more into the texture of your experience if possible of what that's like to feel like such a vast you know because I think people sometimes have experiences of something similar whether it's in deep meditation or an altered state through breath work or psychedelics um but this being unique that it was prolonged 36 hours yes and um you had that just vastness of awareness with your Consciousness and that you could recall things once you eventually came back to of things that were happening around you that you know somebody who's in a coma that doesn't have access to their five senses you think wouldn't be able to do yes so um I I like to use analogies because there's no words to describe the experience itself and what I experienced on the other side and I use the analogy of the warehouse to explain that um if you imagine that you were navigating through through life with just one little flashlight in the darkness so all around you is just pure Darkness pitch black and all you have to navigate this darkness is one little flashlight so all you can see is what you shine your flashlight on and so as you make your way through life or make your way through the environment that you're in you are lighting the way and and you're entire world so to speak is just what you can see with this flashlight because everything outside of this beam is just pure darkness and so you make your way around the world but imagine one day these big flood lights go on and suddenly you realize you're in this humongous space um let's say it's a huge warehouse for the sake of the analogy um using for the sake of using an analogy you're in this huge Warehouse that has these um shelves like tall floor to ceiling shelves and this Warehouse is so huge you can't even see the end of it and the ceilings are really really high and it's and you've got these rows and rows and rows of shelves and these shelves are lined with all different things like things of with colors that you've never seen before and products and items and even experiences and and books and places they just exist on all these shelves and many of which you've never heard of of seen before and there are a few here and there that you have seen and you have heard of BEC and you're aware of them because your flashlight had sha on them even when it was dark and so you're aware of it but now what you realize with the lights on is that there are way more things and experiences that exist than you ever realized and there are way more experiences and probabilities and possibilities that exist than the ones you have ever experienced so now let's say um the lights go back off and your back to one flashight your one flashlight again you now know that even if your flashlight can only see this much that's not the only thing that exists so all these other things that you saw that you never knew existed these are all possibilities in other words there are millions of possibilities that exist simultaneously but because our flashlight is only shining on one and everything else is in darkness we believe that this is the only possibility and this is what life is so when so the flashlight is a metaphor for our awareness so when your awareness is being conditioned that this is the only possibility this is the only way to live you are a victim of this circumstances and you are a victim of this and or this is the only way to heal or this is the only method this is the only way to God or we can apply it to anything when you are being conditioned that there is only one way that is your flashlight shining on one thing without the awareness that there are many possibilities that exist so what I realized is that many many possibilities exist simultaneously but very often most of us live as though there's only the one that's we're being conditioned with and we and when we and when that one possibility doesn't work for us we become traumatized depressed anxious and we lose ourselves I think a really important experience to experientially taste the vastness of our own Consciousness and the Myriad of ways not everybody will have a near-death experience but getting to experience the vastness of the expansiveness of your Consciousness like you said once you experience how vast it is now it can't shrink back to a point like that will always be with you once the Mind expands it can't shrink back to that point even if your the spotlight of your awareness now focuses on whatever the task is in your normal daily life you know that you exist in this sea um that is so much more vast like you said has so much more possibility and keeps that open mind um so prevalent and so you had this experience you slipped into a coma you go to the hospital you have this awareness of everything that's happening around what people are saying what people are doing they're taking fluid out of your lungs you experience other beings um connection to past ones you're in this inner luminous Blissful euphoric unconditionally loving space and then did you have any insight into the awareness of of the illness and then like the choice to come back and coming out of the coma take us through that okay yes so I in that in that space I understood uh why I had the illness and I understood how it came to be that in that moment I was lying on that hospital bed dying and I understood how um every choice and decision in my life had contributed to this happening and so I did reach a point where I was given the choice as to whether I wanted to come back into my body or not now no part of me wanted to come back because I was my body was sick and dying and in suffering and I thought no I don't want to come back into a suffering body but immediately I had this understanding it was like a state of clarity I had this understanding that now that I understood what caused the illness my body would heal very very quickly I just understood that it would because my body because it was like I don't need the illness anymore um and so it was just so clear that my body would heal and I started to gain more understanding about why because I still wanted to know yes but why do I need to go back um and that's when I started to understand that I have a purpose and my purpose hasn't been fulfilled and I didn't fully understand what my purpose was but the key the message is that you have a purpose and if you're cutting your life short you won't fulfill your purpose it doesn't matter what your purpose is you can go back and figure it out but we're not telling you what your purpose is but you have a purpose and if you don't go back um the what I understood was that my husband's purpose Danny's purpose is linked to my purpose there was a reason we were together and if I didn't go back he would not be able to complete his purpose either so there was this deep understanding of how we're all interconnected and any decision I make will affect other people around me and I also got this understanding you know because the the other thing is um I was questioning because it was almost like I didn't want to come back and and I even felt I went as far as to even feel that if Dany doesn't complete his purpose wouldn't he just come and join me there so but um I realized that we had made this pack to come and complete this purpose together but also um because my kidneys and my body were already shut down so I thought I was also shown that if I chose to go back the test results for my kidney function would come back showing that my kidneys were actually not completely dead they were actually functioning and could be healed that it was reversible but if I chose to stay on that side if I chose not to come back the test results of the test that was already taken would come back showing that um that I had died due to kidney failure and organ failure so the test results would show that my kidneys had failed okay so you come back and they take fluid out of your lungs and then you start to open your eyes so in fact what happened is so my dad is the one that actually said to me that um you need to go back and live your life fearlessly and I started to get a vision of what my life would look like that I had a purpose and the purpose involved speaking to a lot of people now I want you to understand how incredulous that was to me someone who was a people pleaser painfully shy happy to hide behind other people's Shadows that was not who I was but there I was seeing this vision of me speaking in front of thousands of people um I didn't know what I was even going to be speaking to them about but um then my dad said to me um so so I was like what is that and and so my dad was like you don't have to figure it out just go back and live your life fearlessly and it will unfold now living my life fearlessly means being myself fearlessly that's all I had to do was to be myself and so my dad's last words to me was go back and live your life fearlessly and that's when my eyes started to open now during life it was my dad that instilled fear in Me growing up but in death it was my dad who set me free from the fear um and that's when my eyes started to open so you came back and you just like kind of one foots in between Both Worlds and what happened to your physical body as you started to come back in the coming weeks so after I came back like first of all I was really groggy and I was telling my family so my brother was there he'd got off the plane he'd got there and I said oh I knew you were on your way and and then I started to say Dad is here Dad is here it's not my time I'm not going to die and so they all just just thought I was delirious and um and and they called the doctor to come in and so when he walked in the room now he was the doctor that had only come on duty from the time I went into the coma in other words he had never seen me before the coma I had never seen him before the coma but as soon as he came in I addressed him by his name I said good afternoon Dr Chan he said how do you know my name you've never seen me you were in the com and I said really and because I'd been seeing him all along and um and then he said uh he you know and he started to tell my family that it's common for them to open their eyes from time to time but just remember she's still in critical condition her kidneys are still failing blah blah so he told them my family not to raise their hopes and then he leaves the room and I said to my husband I said that why was he so surprised isn't he the doctor that said that um I would be that that I wouldn't even make it through the night and that's when Danny said he didn't even say that here in the room he said it down the hallway at the nurses station You couldn't possibly have heard that and um and then what started to happen is the following day the um my kidney test results came in and it showed they said they came in and and and the doctor came in and said I have good news for you your kidneys are functioning and I just kind of said I knew that um and then my tumors started to shrink really really dramatically like in four or five days they shrunk by about 60 70% I started to insist I want them to take all the tubes out because I had a food tube oxygen tube I had all these tubes and the doctors were really hesitant to take the tubes out but I said no I know I'm fine I can breathe now um when they took out the fluid from my lungs that last time after while I was in the coma they never needed to take out fluid it never built up again and uh and they could not figure what was happening my doctor even made the gesture of you know when he walked into my room he goes I don't even know what to write in your medical record he made the gesture of throwing it into the waist bin the trash uh can in in the in the room he just sort of said this should go in here I don't even know what to write anymore um and within three weeks they were having difficulty finding any trace of cancer in my body and in five weeks they let me go home and live my life cancer free so wild and never to return again yeah so what have you made of that I mean it's just it sounds so miraculous and it is and yet there is this place within us that I believe we all are and have access to that um has the like that capacity for healing potential and you very much so were there and experienced that for 3 sixish hours you know and so H how was it like just navigating back into the 3D World just having this experience and then also I do want to dive into how sometimes our memory culturally or or like the spiritual language that we have for these things can color and change how we interpret certain experiences you know and um I'm I feel like I'm I'm a very healthy skeptic when it comes to like many different aspects in which people just readily accept in terms of other people spiritual experience and I'm just curious how have you since I guess validated the I mean you don't need to validate the experience because it was so potent for you but like the interpretation of connecting with certain people whether they were really there or whether it was you communicating um in your own Recreation of them like how how how do you kind of make sense of that okay so in terms of communicating or connecting let's say communicating with other people about what happened uh so I'm uh breaking down your question um so first of all um I have not uh looked for uh other people to give it credibility or verify because for me the gift was in the healing itself yeah so the gift was in the healing and one of the things that I learned very early on like I had this euphoric experience it was incredible and life should have been easy after but I realized once I had to deal with this Physical Realm wherein this was the challenge being dead was easy living life is the challenge and bringing that experience into this physical life is the challenge and what surprised me is how resistant people are they were very very resistant to uh my thoughts my beliefs the way I was living my life so nobody disputed the actual healing because I had the medical records to prove it but people saw it it happened before their eyes people were shocked when I came out of the hospital people were shocked because I went in the hospital everybody thought I was going in to die everybody heard I was on my deathbed um the entire world were like all my relatives all my friends you know my husband was sending messages my family my brother my sister-in-law saying please pray for her please chant for her depending what religion they were um so one of the things that I believe I have in my favor is that I did grow up in a very Multicultural uh background because I went to a British school I grew up in a Chinese City and I have ethnically Indian parents so I have never actually taken on any one particular religion as being the one true religion so that's one but the second thing is that um I have never never tried to convince anybody that what happened to me is the truth and so I'm very clear when I speak about my experience that this is what I experienced and this is the impact it had on me and then I allow people to take from it whatever resonates and reject what doesn't that's kind of how I operate in the world and I I never want to make anybody wrong about their beliefs because because our experiences of our life is what informs our thinking and I happened to have a near-death experience which informs my thinking but not everybody has that experience it can be tough when you try to apply the rigor of the intellect to dissect and label with language which is inherently already very limited to an experience that is so vast and expansive and that is touching a place of intelligence that is is much bigger than just our intellect right like yes and and so that level of intelligence that you tapped into what did you realize about who we are in our true Essence and the nature of God so I used to believe that God is a being that is separate from us but when I was in that realm I realized that there is no separation that we are a facet of God You Are I Am we are all God expressing itself herself himself whatever there's no gender and that realm there's no gender um so I realized all of us are facets of God and one of the most impactful um things that happened to me after the experience and upon looking back on my life um I remember this is literally a couple of days after the near-death experience um and I started taking all the tubes out and about maybe about six seven days after the experience uh one of the nurses said that I needed to uh start getting out of the bed and walking and using my limbs and building up strength again in my muscles and so she helps me out of the bed and and I said I want to look at myself in the mirror in the bathroom uh I need to look in the mirror cuz I haven't seen myself in a long time and so she takes me she walks me to the bathroom you know I've got the um uh the IV stand one hand and her arm and the other and we walked to the bathroom and I look in the mirror and I really hadn't seen myself in a long time and so I was shocked at what I saw I was much much skinnier than I had thought my face was really gaunt with my cheeks like sunken in my eyes looked like they were bulging out of my head and I had no hair I was bald and I had these open skin lesions in my neck um and I looked at myself and I actually started to cry and I looked in my eyes and I cried not out of vanity or anything but more because this was the first time that I saw God in my own eyes and and it was the first time I realized cuz I had spent a lifetime of pleasing other people and making sure I didn't disappoint other people and making sure everyone around me was happy and liked me and I needed everybody's approval this was the first time that I saw me and I understood I don't need anyone's approval because I too like everyone else I too am an expression of God and I saw God in my eyes and I apologized to myself in the mirror and said I will never do to you again what I did to you that caused me to get to this state I saw I really saw that I had done this to me by forsaking myself I've heard you share that in your this experience shifted thinking that God is a being to God is a state of being yes and how like on a crystal ball or a disco ball we're all like this unique individuation of God expressing itself through all of our unique gifts and creativity and um so coming back to that realization now it's like you got a second lease on life you have this new opportunity to create life and this follow this purpose that still yesn't hasn't been fully clear and realized to you yet um but uh so so just take us on that Journey from integrating that moment looking at yourself in the mirror seeing your physical body which had been so depleted but now seeing God In Your Eyes For the First Time and this new outlook of of potential to create in your life so I knew at that moment that really um my only purpose was really just to recognize that and to allow life to unfold and I made certain commitments to myself you know because what it does what an experience like that does is it changes your value system it it changes what matters in life not everyone gets to experience death before they die and that's when you realize that oh the way I've been living life you know the most important things were like pleasing other people or having enough money to have a nice home and um but suddenly none of those things matter anymore so the values really changed and I went on a quest to try and figure out my purpose and the purpose I have with Dany now here's the interesting thing I I just want to say that Dany was there by my side the whole time holding my hand he was willing me to come back and he never left my side he would even on the hospital bed with me and um he would and you know when I would say even before I went into the coma when I would say I'm dying and he would go no you're not and I would say what are you going to do if I die and he would say I'm going to come and get you I'm not going to let you die not on my watch you're going to die and so when I told him later that did you know that your purpose and my purpose is linked and if I die died you wouldn't be able to complete your purpose and he said I knew that and I said you did and so what is your purpose do you know your purpose and he said yeah my purpose was to bring you back and make sure you stay alive so if you died I wouldn't have completed my purpose but yeah um but yes going back to your question of unraveling everything after the fact it wasn't easy at all it wasn't easy because I lived in um culture that I realized that the culture around me the community the culture you know and the people they are lovely well-meaning people however the values were very very different because I lived in a culture where people were very high achieving hardworking they were either bringing up families or they were working hard in executive high high paying executive jobs that didn't interest me at all anymore um and very competitive I lived in a very competitive culture and also they did not see any relationship between our life's purpose and our well-being and you know it was it was purely get as successful as you can it doesn't matter if it's hard work it doesn't matter if you hate your life get the country club membership and so on and none of those things mattered to me anymore at all I was more interested in figuring out and I was interested in the Visions I had when I was on the other side like like what me and out speaking in front of people that's not me and yet when it transpired it felt so right it felt so right um and but in the beginning when Dany and I felt we had to move away kind of to find ourselves it was like we both had the experience together it changed both of us and we had to move away a lot of people thought that we were not being realistic that we needed to face life we needed to go back to finding a job and what are you guys doing and why are you wasting your time and you're really lucky you got the second lease of life so make the most of it now and but I couldn't I needed to write so that was the first thing for me I just needed to write and write and write and it felt very cathartic and it just kept coming out everything that I experienced on that side so the journey afterwards which kind of long story short as you wrote a lot you got on the nde website eventually started sharing your story more and you got discovered by Wayne Dyer yes who really committed to writing the forward to your book dying to be me and we went on tour with him right and um anything about you because it can feel a little daunting I think for most people when they realize um okay I want to speak to a lot of people or I have something to share then it's on you to actually do the things to to write the book and I think these mentors guides Angels come into our life Wayne being one of them for you to help really create a platform and and put your story on the map and give it wings to fly and share with people which you've done with you know hundreds of thousands if not millions of people now and so um anything you want else you want to share on getting connected with with Wayne and the writing of the book so the writing of the book came organically again I've never been an author before I never thought of myself as an author but it just happened organically because I was writing and writing and writing from the time I had the near-death experience and then um I didn't even look for a publisher or anything but Wayne discovered my book on the My Story sorry on the internet and he had his publisher hey house track me down and I received an email from them on my birthday and you know the story that went viral on the internet it was on an nde website and it didn't even have my full name on it it was just Anita M's nde and somebody printed it out and handed it to Wayne and he even told me that um he said that um usually people give him things all the time they give him papers and they give him stuff books he never reads it he sometimes will read the first two lines and then he'll it'll go in the trash in this case he said he started reading the first couple of lines and it gripped him and he said to me do you know that your story on the internet on the nde site printed out is 20 pages of letter paper in single line spacing I said no I didn't realize he said you had me gripped from the first word all the way to the last word and so he contacted hey house and he said you have to track this woman down and you have to get her to sign a book contract get her to write a book and he said um and he said don't put her through the vetting process or anything because I am going to write the forward and I am single-handedly going to promote this book and get her into the New York Times bestseller list so basically he was commanding Hay House not asking them to check me out or what commanding them that you get her and they didn't even realize it took them a few months to track me down they didn't even realize realized that the day they found me was my birthday that year and so I got this email that said Wayne Dyer has discovered your story and asked us to track you down and we would like to ask you to write a book which we would publish and he will promote and and so I read it and I started crying I thought this is what my dad meant that it will unfold it will just unfold and I had been being myself in that I didn't go back to the old life I had you see the thing is the old life is what killed me and I couldn't go back because the old life is what gave me cancer so I had been being authentic I had been living my life as best as I could just through self-love and and here this book deal just landed in my lap on my birthday so I wrote back right away and I said thank you oh my God I can't believe this I hope this is not a a joke or something or spam but it's my birthday today and she wrote back right away and she said uh you know she said she's the chief editor or something and she said no this is real and happy birthday and they made the process really easy for me and then Wayne and I would talk to each other on the phone until they flew me there and I want to just share this piece which was the first time that Wayne ever brought me up on stage so so they flew me from Hong Kong to LA to speak at an event in Pasadena where Wayne was speaking so it was the event had about 3,000 people in the audience and they were live streaming to thousands more so he's on stage first and um and he's sharing with the audience he says and there's this woman from Hong Kong who who had cancer and it was end stage and she was about to die and and he goes he he shares my story and he says in fact we've flown her here so she can share the story with you herself and the audience were like what and so I was right there in the front row and he had me come up on stage and I came up on stage and I was standing there they give me a mic and I'm looking out at the stage and I started to shiver because this was the scene I had seen in the Neath experience of me standing in front of thousand thousands of people and I didn't know at that time what I was saying but that was the very scene of me there in front of thousands of people and I was quivering as I started to speak and and it was just an incredible feeling like deja vu like I know this scene and then Wayne said you're shaking are you scared and I said yes of course I'm scared I've never spoken in front of an audience this size in my life and I never thought I would have to and he said what have you got to be scared about you've been dead and back and I said Being Dead is easier than public [Laughter] speaking incredible what a beautiful just turn of events your story is so powerful and and the whole rebirth process which it feels like you were reborn in from that experience in so many ways and I just I know firsthand the even just the thought and mental exercise of contemplating your own mortality can bring a sense of immediacy in presence into what you really value what actually matters the most am I living in alignment like these things that we um really stress over in our day-to-day life seemingly they become minute in in the grand Horizon in the understanding of we're going to die and and so anything else that can um help people bring that um I guess sense of Recon considering and paying attention to what their values what are most important to them and their own mortality and like the reminder that we are going to die cuz most of us are walking around just like we're not going to die yes we kind of forget so one of the things that I realized is that the most important value is love and I know you know we we overuse the word love and it sound it can sound a little flaky but if there was another word I would use it but um love truly is the most important value and it starts with self love it's really really important for us to love ourselves because only when we love ourselves can we really give the highest quality of love to the people around us you're not really giving people you're not really doing people a service when you don't love yourself um one of the things that I learned also is that we need to know where our energy is at energy is so important I think what really uh again this is my interpretation and my language and I'm going to use the word energy but I wish it was a there was a different word but we are not physical beings we are actually Spiritual Beings or energy beings and we don't realize it we think that we are just these physical bodies and we operate as if we just have five senses and we live in this three-dimensional world but we are actually much more than that much more we're actually multisensory beings um and we live in a multi-dimensional reality and these guides and loved ones are there like I know for me and I do know they are there for everyone even if we're not aware they are we just can't see them with our physical eyes but they are there there's stuff happening behind the scenes all the time but we go through life as if that whole part doesn't exist as if all we are are five sensory physical beings in a threedimensional world that is the illusion that is not true we can turn those Ware house lights on anytime but we just have to be willing to we just have to be open to it it's unfortunate that we live in a culture and I think it's changing but certainly for the most part when I was growing up we live in a culture that sees anything that is outside of threedimensional 5 Century as being woo woo and out there and people who only focus on Material Sciences and academics are seen as more intellectual it's unfortunate that those who are seen as intellectual have completely dismissed anything beyond our five senses and this three dimensions because we're missing out on a whole lot so um I know it's changing particularly for Generations like your generation and people younger it's definitely Chang in so it's very heartening but if only people knew because right now for example our political system our medical system all of these operate as though we are three-dimensional five- sensory beings they don't take into consideration that there is so much more um and so we live from this place of being a victim a victim of our political candidates and a victim of our medical conditions when we're not once you realize Once you turn on those Warehouse lights you know that you're not a victim yeah I wish we had the capacity for widescale warehouse light turning on you know like there is there's something there's a distinction here with how you know because you you talked about self-love and this need to to love ourselves and in your experience you had not just the shift to I need to love myself but you actually experienced yourself as love which is I think the shift in this personal development self-improvement scene where you're just trying to always incrementally improve and um there's a shift which is like the spiritual understanding of self-realization to actually discover who you are in your innate Essence which is always there and it's not something you have to achieve because you already have it that's why you discover it or you realize it you don't like Garner it um and so any other words you have for people to die before they die to realize their self as love um for those that you know and and for you continuing on this journey you know outside of your first experience how have you maintained this state of awareness I'm sure you go in ups and downs like many of us do but for people to like how can you invite people to continue to taste this in their life so first of all you will go through ups and downs I go through ups and downs so that's one thing and be okay with the Downs just live through them ride them out and know that you're going to come out of it um the the other thing that you need to know is that when you are constantly striving to be better do better do more like one of the fallouts I say of this whole self-help self-improvement is that in actuality the message you are sending yourself is I'm not good enough I need to do more be more to be better and so I tell people watch out for that because you are good enough you are good enough and stop sending yourself the message that you need to be more do more maybe you need the opposite message maybe in fact you're doing too much maybe stop so for people who are at this moment struggling um the default seems to be what am I getting wrong what do I need to do more of where am I going I I do this work I do so much of this work and I shouldn't be feeling this way right now and so we look for the next course or the next thing to do my suggestion would be to stop just stop and maybe it's more a case of undoing and it's more a case of like in other words being authentic means letting go and undoing um a metaphor I like to use is one of um you know Michelangelo the sculpture the artist the sculpture and he used to carve out these beautiful sculptures of angels just from Rock from Big stones and he would just chisel and carve and there would be an angel and when somebody once asked him how do you manage to carve these beautiful angels like he had no plans or no architectural drawings nothing and he said the Angel was always there I just chiseled away at the Rock to set the angel free so basically that's a metaphor for us set yourself free you don't need just chisel away at all the work and all the things set yourself free set yourself free when we constantly believe that we have to that we have to be controlled like for example even um when we learn even our teachings are always teaching us that you need to even particularly religious teachings that people need to be controlled because if you let them free um we it would be chaotic but maybe it wouldn't maybe it would be beautiful because what you're setting free is a whole bunch of souls who are who are facets of God being allowed to actually free be expressions of God trust that you are an expression of God so even if you're going through a down period even if you're going through something that doesn't feel good right now allow yourself just to be there and don't feel that you have to even work at it I think you're speaking to this energy of like bringing this willingness to explore and let go of who we're not and like you had in your nde experience of This Life review of being what led you up up into that point it's like how can we bring that Life review and that uh that that understanding of how precious this life is like right now so we don't have to wait to the screams we can listen to The Whispers before they turn into screams yes exactly right exactly if you review your life right now um and the what I do what I do when I'm going through a down phase is is I actually check in with my energetic State and in a way that's how I would suggest people check in they don't have to die one of the reasons I even share what I share is because I believe that everybody should be able to do this you don't have to die and I'm not trying to God yeah and I want people to know this before they die I think people should be taught this I think they should know this from the time they're really young because it can help them to know that you are something so much more so an easy exercise I tell people to do is check in with your energy State and if you were to just close your eyes and imagine that you are an energy being and an energy being has an oric field um and if you just allow your imagination to run wild how big is your energy right now how big is your oric field so if somebody was really unhappy depressed depleted their oric field or their energy would be really small it would be shrunken but if somebody is living their passion and they love their life and they're or they're in love and they're happy their oric field their energy would be huge it would be really big now if you have the capacity to see your own energy and the energy of other people that would be so helpful because you would immediately be able to see oh when I do this when I go here when I hang with these people my energy shrinks right down but when I'm doing this my energy expands if you could be aware that this is actually happening this is real this is actually happening whether you can see it or not whether you're aware of it or not that was one of the things I learned that this is happening with my energy so when I am saying yes to something that I really want to say no to um but I am doing it grudgingly but I really don't want to do it my energy field is shrinking now if you live a life where your energy field is shrinking and low and every day you're not doing anything to expand your energy field but you're like going to a job you hate or in a relationship that's not working for you and you're in this drudgery life eventually it's going to appear physically in your physical body when we're not giving oursel the chance to listen to what's really happening within our own inner dialogue what's happening within our own biology then it like those like we spoke to those Whispers start to turn into screams and we develop a chronic illness or something that really forces you to look at and some people still don't look at it they still don't look at it and they and they transition into the next yeah they still don't look at it because they still believe that it is just a physical medical illness some for some people but yes so with the energy field what we also do is that we um we we tend to believe that if I chase this if I have this reward if I have this goal I'll be happy and we find we're still not but if you could see your energy you would know what makes you happy and what you would do is you would only do the things or pursue the things that expand your energy field so in the world we live in today for example we Revere people who have um who have tons of money say and fame and fortune but we have no idea what their energy field is maybe they're really unhappy if you could see energy you would rever the people with huge energy fields and you wouldn't care how much money they had or didn't have so basically just an exercise I give people is no matter where you are in life what you're doing just check into your energy field I found at least in my own personal life I'm sure you and many people resonate that it's it's less of needing to do anything but like creating space just for you to pay attention to what's already there I have a saying that when you get quiet what needs to be heard will get loud and creating space just to pay attention and like attention being our spiritual currency what we do with our awareness the spotlight of our Consciousness to to pay attention to what's happening within our own mind and heart and body um we can discover things that will save us a lot of suffering later down the line but then also keep us in alignment like Michael Angelo you know chipping away at the sculpture of the sculpture of of our being um it's just I think a powerful in invitation for people to create that spaciousness to to start to listen to what's happening inside them yes exactly 100% it's just that is there any other realization you had around past lives previous incarnations many different opinions people have on what the reality is of this but I thought that you had an interesting distinction about the nature of time I'd love for you to share a little bit of yes so I perceived time as not being linear on the other side um of course this was also confirmed to me because of the test result because the tests were taken and the results would be determined uh the the results would be determined by whether I chose to come back into life or not even though the tests were taken so time is not linear literally the results can be changed depending on my choice but what I realized for example about reincarnation I had having Hindu parents I grew up believing also in reincarnation being linear you live one life and then your next one is determined by how you did in this one and so on it's sequential what I realized when I was on the other side it doesn't quite work that way my understanding of it was uh pretty different from what I had learned and it's not like if I do something wrong in this life or something bad um I'm going to get punished in the next life no all our lives together go into making up the experience for a soul for my soul's experience um so I use the analogy of a building so I was able to when I was on that side see multiple lives but I saw them clearly not as sequence sequences of one after the other but just oh in this life I was this oh in this life and they were all there equally clearly and I saw the future of this life if I chose to come back this is what awaits me um but if you imagine like let's just say a seven story building and each story is one apartment and seven stories and if you go inside this building you can only be on one story or inside one apartment at a time you can't be in all seven Apartments ments but you can only be in one at a time and then you have to leave that apartment to go to the next one but that apartment still exists but you your so let's say the you is your awareness and each apartment is one lifetime now if you are outside the building you can see the whole building and all seven Apartments exist simultaneously but you can only live one at a time but the whole building building is what I say is the soul the building contains seven Apartments so the soul has all these lives and the collection of all these lives makes up the experiences of the soul but it's not that the soul has to be punished for something that's another what they did in another life it's more like the soul needed this experience to complete its um experience as a soul I find it very fascinating and as an interesting thought experiment at the very least of uh the multiple experiences and we have all this what scientists call junk DNA of the you know the capacity to store all this memory and um yeah I always just I love hearing people's experience when they're in that state of what the reality is of where we came from and where we're going um and it's tough to fit in the western logical mind it is tough to fit and that's why I use analogies um and so you know even when people do what they call past life regressions you're getting access to those other lives in your apartment building so to speak you're getting access to the other apartments you can have other um lives bleed through if it's relevant to this one what would you just say for somebody that right now has a loved one or they themselves are struggling really through a chronic illness moment they they're sick they have the doctors maybe telling them they don't have that much longer to live what what what do you say because I'm sure you get approached by people like this quite often um I do that want a solution that want an answer that want a powerful experience but can't they just feel like they keep hitting you know dead ends so I would say a few things first of all um I would say that uh nobody can tell you when you're going to die uh if a doctor says that you have three months to live or whatever you don't have much time try and disregard it I would almost go even stronger and say you need a different doctor because if I can turn around from the stage I was at anybody can turn around um and so that's one this the other thing I would say is start thinking about what you would do with your life if you had a clean bill of health right now like just imagine you have a clean bill of health what do you want to do with the rest of your life because there are reasons that brought you to this point of where you're not um where you're not well or you're struggling you have these chronic illnesses um and imagine if somebody hated their life and now they have a chronic illness and now you're fighting to stay alive to go back to a life which you hated you want to start loving the life that you're going to have as a a well person that is the first step you need to create a life that you love and one that you want to live and start living that life and then your Wellness is secondary to that start creating the life you love create the life that you want to live for the rest of your life and then start focusing on the things that you're going to do to attain that and really um um turning your health around is something that you can do but also uh another first step I would say is that evaluate or this is the second step evaluate the things in your life that you are currently doing that you don't want to do and start letting go of those things start saying no to the things that you don't want to do and then start saying yes to the things you've always wanted to do I think just a powerful place to kind of wrap up is what we've been sharing about you know I feel very connected to your experience of your ND about reflecting on who we are in our true Essence in our true nature like we put down all the labels of who we're not which we used to describe ourselves in this human flesh suit of our name our cast or Creed our gender our religion all these beliefs as we start to settle and let go and just realize that fundamentally it's not who we are but there is something there's a quality in essence within us that is really a more uh accurate depiction of of who we innately are um just any reminders that you have to close out to help people continually to to just remind them who they really are and uh who they are here to be for the world so who we really are is actually something or someone much bigger and more powerful than our physical bodies much bigger our physical bodies are just like the tip of the iceberg and what I would want to remind people is to live from the iceberg and not just from the tip of the iceberg yeah that's I think it's powerful it invites people to to remember who they are as a being and not just this Cog in an economic machine or some to fulfill somebody else's purpose but we're here to play a big part in our own unique drop we can actually change the world any one of us have the power to change the world in a bigger way than we think and uh in fact my third book sensitive it's the new strong is really about you know the people who are the the ones who are actually aware that you are so much more you are aware that you are a facet of God that you are a soul you are huge you have this power unfortunately these people are the ones who are the quietest most introverted people in the world and the loudest voices are the ones who are the more ruthless the more um capitalistic the more um perhaps operating from ego more and so we have a world that's dominated by one set of voices whereas we need to hear more from the other set of voices but by its very nature of being so aware of our God Consciousness it actually makes us more introspective and less loud and so we feel as though we are victims of a world that's being created by the louder voices so we need to actually become aware that just because those voices are louder doesn't mean we're less powerful we are actually extremely powerful because we're aware of a whole other dimension that is beyond this one thank you so much for sharing your story today I know you've shared it so many times and we were talking a little bit beforehand how sometimes sharing you know the story of your illness and I could I could imagine how I feel like it would W delute the experience I feel like especially after I have you know a profound experience um talking about it repeatedly can dilute my connectedness to it but I know you've had a lot of time to integrate and heal and um realize that it's important to set the context for what you're sharing with the insights of how we can live our authentic selves and how sensitives have the capacity to um really change the world and so many important reminders of about loving yourself and who we are in our core and um any other last words that you have for for our audience before closing out it's important to love yourself like your life depends on it because it does I learned the hard way that it does it's a beautiful quality I I find when people have these close encounters with death or they realize their own impermanence is um this embracing of The Human Experience and all of it and and like holding for all of it you know and and and not separating um this physical experiences lesser than a spiritual one or you know it's it's it's beautiful and I could feel the joy that you bring to the work that you do and um so just thank you so much one of the other things that I learned which was so important is that I had always made my choices from a place of fear every choice was made from a place of fear and unfortunately we live in a world that propagates fear in everything like even in our education system it's about the fear of failing it's about the fear of not getting into the best schools and so on and our political system it's always about the fear dividing us the and the fear that they're not like us and and so on and um every system of us even our religious systems the organized religion a lot of their teachings are based in fear so that you would follow this religion versus that religion but death actually taught me that I need to make my choices from a place of love we all do and everything we do we need to do because we love to do it because we want to do it not because we're scared of the consequences and even our Medical Systems teach us to fear disease we would have a much much more powerful world if people were taught to operate from a place of Love instead of fear um if if medicine and if our health care System taught us what Wellness looked like if the focus if all the trillions of dollars was spent on Wellness research and what it means to be well and healthy we would we would cure cancer just like that but at the moment the focus is on cancer on illness it's not on weal and it's the same in every system of ours in our education system the focus isn't on the passion for learning it's on the fear of failing yeah it's a it's a powerful note to end on just that level of embracing your life and choosing to make choices from a place of what's really going to matter to you by the time you're on your deathbed and what you truly have joy and love for in life yes so many incredible things to reflect on in this episode personally and I'm sure our audience can connect and relate so just thank you so much for coming out today and and sharing yourself and your story I really thoroughly enjoyed it thank you thank you so much for inviting me Andre yeah of course and for everybody that's been tuning in to this episode of the know th self podcast please let us know how this has uniquely impacted you and also we are both two individuals and we Dove more into your story today and I share mine sometimes on this podcast but it's it's really beautiful to feel into the family that's building of people that are Awakening to these realizations as as well in their own life and I'm just so curious to hear all the facets of stories that people have out there so please do share thank you for coming on this journey and until next time be [Music]
Channel: André Duqum
Views: 2,224,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: know thyself, podcast, spirituality, personal growth, transformation, andre duqum, interviews, philosophy, meditation
Id: snV0pXF1i8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 47sec (6047 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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