Dealing with Grief w/ Psychic Medium John Edward

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when we talk about death we have to honor it if we talk about looking at the birth of a child when we look at that there's an excitement and enthusiasm and everybody in our circle our friends and our family they're all waiting for that big moment they're waiting for the phone call they're excited but when that baby comes into the world that is a traumatic experience for that child it is leaving a place of comfort nurturing of security but it's going to be met by people and friends who are waiting for them and excited to have them there is no difference between laboring to come in this world and laboring to leave we are met by family on both sides and for anybody who's been touched by covid and you couldn't be there for somebody when someone passed remember this nobody passes alone you might not from an ego standpoint have been able to be there for yourself to wish them goodbye you might have been able to hold them and hug them in the physical but rest assured that loved ones and friends are there to greet that person as they make that transition nobody passes alone welcome back to max out everybody i'm excited about today's show a little nervous too when we were booking this but uh i gotta tell you something today's gonna be one of those you're gonna share it with people and there'll be definitely conversations about it because of who my guest is he's a psychic medium but he's been a guy that i've followed for about two decades and i've been fascinated by and interested in and now that we've connected in person i consider him a friend so i'm excited john edward thank you for being here brother thank you for having me first first guest yep in a year in person because of my first time doing something in a year in person so i felt like it was important to be here in person um no barriers yeah thank you it was his idea that we do it in person and already our energy connection has been unbelievable confession i have to say before we start i'm sure you hear this often i was i wanted to talk with you so badly over the years i followed you my dad and i had talked about you many times then i thought well am i going to catch some flack so i literally asked for permission from some of the top faith leaders that i know i'm not kidding you one of the mega pastors in the world i said hey i'm thinking about having him on he said absolutely you should have him on so those of you that have faith that may or may not believe in these things i've got permission from some of the biggest dudes on the planet and they what we talked about was this gift of discernment being something that many people have and so i hope everybody listens with an open mind today you can draw your own conclusions and but for me it's something that i wanted to do up close and personal with you what i'm most fascinated with is this is a unique gift you've been given is it something all of us have this idea that we can feel energy or see things potentially do you think everyone has that gift i do and i actually in my practice tell people that um gift is like a four-letter word in a way you know it's like because it makes it seem like i'm more special than somebody else so whenever i'm talking about intuition i like to use and hype up underline you know italicize the word abilities because when we think about someone's abilities then we could talk and navigate about how they develop their abilities when you say to somebody that like you know or if i say i have a gift right depending on how that comes across it's now coming from a point of it's mine it's only mine and maybe i'll share it with you as opposed to i have an awareness i have a practice i have an understanding i have an ability and let me share it and teach it and show it and demonstrate and by the way you do too and that helps people not need me which sounds kind of crazy because it's my job right but i feel like my job is to be a teacher so to say that i have a gift kind of takes away from somebody else who's listening to this understanding that they have an ability and that ability if it's worked at if they understand it they recognize it then they're going to be able to recognize when their loved ones and friends are around them or you know what i don't really have a good vibe about this person yeah maybe i should trust that and not talk myself out of oh no no no they're really great and here's all the reasons why they're really great only for three years later to realize no they weren't so great and i knew that in the beginning and why didn't i trust that trust the gut trust your intuition when i say gift i think sometimes i mean proclivity meaning that i feel like different human beings have you're born potentially with a certain set of proclivities that maybe you're stronger in those areas and 100 you work on them and outside of outside of the realm of like my world i'm down with the word black people's gifts and using them but i always like to kind of hyper focus on anybody who's interested in intuitive understanding that it's really about energy and understanding the realm of said energy gotcha when did you know you had it okay so i was 15 years old and my mom's side of the family love psychics okay love them psychic seance astrologers card readings you name it it was like happening at my grandmother's house it was kind of like a tupperware party for family and friends they just take out software bringing the psychic my dad was a new york city police officer and a career military guy who hated the subject matter with a hot fiery passion and forbid my mom from allowing me to be around it up until when they were like divorced i was like 12 or 13 years old and then we moved into my grandmother's house which as i say was the paranormal hub of activity but i although it was closer to my mom's side of the family i did adopt a lot of the philosophies just by nature of being around my dad sure i didn't believe in the subject matter i thought it was something that only women did i used to make fun of it i was extremely disrespectful um to the were you really yeah i really was i really really was um to the point that you know my mom would like look at me and be like you know knock it like the italian like knock it off like just we're gonna leave it at that um and then something you know do you want your bridge version but the yeah the uh i had you know if you even highly have to go for a physical yes okay so my mom couldn't take me for the physical i went for the physical my cousin takes me and they come back and they tell him they tell my cousin that um they need to alert my parents that i may have a brain tumor right really yes okay so my cousin had had a neighborhood died from a brain tumor so right in that moment she turned green um and i'm like like looking at the doctor and i'm like looking at my cousin and i'm like i don't have a brain tumor like i knew i didn't have a brain tumor so then let me call my mom my mom's like she's kind of cool so i'm thinking like okay she's manhattan working she's probably gonna be flipping out but she didn't she was pretty cool i get home and i was like so like what's the next step like what are we i'm practical like what's the next thing like who's the doctor the specialist and the response i got back was don't worry about it everything's fine i'm like okay cool so you got an appointment with like specialist and she said no i spoke to lydia clark and i go who's that and she goes she's a psychic and she said that you're going to be absolutely fine and i literally remember standing in my mom's my grandmother's kitchen going wait a second like like do i need to call my father now like like to get rid of like doctors and she's like but we're going to a doctor right she said no no we're going to go for the test everything she's like but i feel better because lydia said that and i'm like okay great good for you you know so then i'd go for the test and everything was fine everything came out fine and she's like lydia was right and she said i invited lydia to come out to grandma's house to do like a group because now everybody knows the story now everybody wants to have the reading by lydia and i'm like okay then she proceeded to give me stuff that was i would say generally specific it applied to me and it made sense but i could also go i could apply that to like five other guys that are like sophomores in high school and then she landed information that there's no way possible she could have known she gave me information that my mother did not know she gave me information that if my mother did know i felt like i would be in trouble so i lied and i said i don't know what that is but you did oh yeah she's spot on but i didn't i couldn't explain how she knew it and then she smiled and she looked at me and she just like you know like raise her eyebrow thing like okay let me tell you how that's going to wind up and she proceeded to give me outcomes and one of the outcomes was not logical because of the circumstances involving this girl that we were talking about and i'm like that okay i was like in my mind i'm like yeah that's not true well there was a piece of information that was missing that i didn't know about that within two weeks everything she said happened it blew my mind and it didn't blow my mind to the point of that i paid attention to the first part and i say this openly if somebody's not ready to be read and they don't think that this is real and then you have an experience where it's it's real it doesn't feel cool it feels like you've been robbed it felt like i was i felt like she was like she violated my space so for me when i came out of the room my mom's like so what'd she say i wasn't talking about the last part so i made a joke and i told about the first part my mom looked at me and she's like maybe you're right maybe she couldn't read you like that like it was like yeah and i remember i walked up to high school my elementary school was behind my grandmother's house and i walked around the field for a while trying to figure out like how could she know that who could have told her nobody i would have had to tell her those things so that sent me on a quest for information and i went to the local public library and i was embarrassed to check the books out because they were under the occult section and the occult just sounds bad so i sat on the floor of the glencoe public library and i literally read every book that they had on anything metaphysical or psychic related and what i found was that i didn't think that they were psychic books i was like it's not psychic it's common sense like we all have this on some level so then i started asking questions to my like friends like haven't you ever seen your dead grandfather and they'd be like no i'm like that's not normal and they'd be like no that's not normal i'm like really like you haven't like ever like just like seen something and they're like they were like no you went 14 years of your life thinking seeing a dead grandfather was something everybody did really normal and i'll tell you why because coming out of the shower one day i was towel drying my hair my grandmother was watching and i will tell you exactly what the show was it was love of life it was a soap opera that she had on sitting at the dining room table when i pulled the towel off there was a man that was sitting like my grandma was here the tv was over there my gran and this man was sitting at the table and he kind of like looked back at me and smiled and it startled me because then he was gone and my grandmother was like what's the matter i was like there was a man just sitting there and she goes describe him i go it kind of looked like uncle jakey was her oldest son i go but he had more more hair and a space between his teeth and she's like yeah it's a grandfather he's just sitting in his chair and watching my soaps and then went back to it no no skipping a beat no like oh my god that's amazing no like that's weird no conversation about it after the fact nothing so i was raised in an environment where i thought that was normal right and it wasn't and yet i could still be skeptical about the subject matter yeah that's interesting yep so i have that when you see this person john when they're sitting there do you know it's not a physical person that looks like a spiritual viewing when you see it or can you make any distinction between mike sitting right there and that well yeah well mike doesn't disappear okay so he just yeah he's still there he's still there yeah so it's like we're good because mike stays but in the beginning that was something that would happen i don't get that now like that i don't see that in the same way okay and my journey was you know i started learning more about subject matter knowledge is power right knowledge is power and the more i was able to recognize something then i had to go back and reframe things and i always tell the story that in fourth grade i got in trouble with mrs worthley because there was something that she always gave us her 10 vocabulary words and then extra credit and i would get the extra credit rate and then one day she gave us a very hard word she gave us the word phlegm and most kids spelled phlegm f-l-e-m and i spelled it correctly and they wanted to know was there any type of extra credit was there any type of medical professional that was helping with information because how would i notice about phlegm so i happened to be there at the parent teaching conference that my mother and my aunt went to and the teacher said how would he know that and i said well she wrote it on the board and the teacher went i i did not write it on the board and my mom was a stickler for telling the truth so if something happened if i told her first we were good if she found out from somebody else that was bad so being truthful and honest and up front direct was like how i was trained that i had to be so i remember like looking at my mom and i was like she's like she's lying that teacher was lying she wrote it on the board and when i look back on that logically now where the teacher's desk was and where i saw it on the board there's no way logically she would have been able to get up walk over right on the board and get back to her desk in the amount of time of her actually giving the words so i recognized that i saw it on the board so that's like one of those moments i'd go back so i've had a lot of those right do you think i was can i ask you a question do you think was actually really on the board no it wasn't was in my head i just saw it on the board which is why when i read for someone like if i had to sit here and do like you know a group of people i would probably look at those panels because there's nothing on there so that would become my focal point for what i would say fascinating to me so this is interesting i'm watching your legs go like you're getting excited when you do it so if you're listening to audio like he's getting fired up and as i'm listening i'm processing what you're telling me there's still this part of me that's i don't think skeptical's even the word unrelatable maybe to some extent i like the word skeptical okay and i'll tell you why okay i think there's a difference between skepticism and cynicism okay what's the difference cynicism means nothing's possible no matter how much evidence and proof is put in front of you you've made up your mind and that's you that's that's cynical skepticism goes i'm not sure show me okay give me some validation give me some type of backup and support and that's how my entire career has been i think it's always important to have some level of validation when you're doing reading not giving you know just loving spiritual messages that's what i like about you you got this new york kind of edge to you you did have that sort of traditional catholic upbringing on the one side and then the psychic i've done my research and then the the kind of the psychic stuff on the other side i want to go there's so much stuff i want to unpack because we're just getting going but i want to step back again i want to say one thing about the pastor that i talked to i was surprised when i said what do you think and he goes i um strongly believe in discernment and in fact i'm not going to say who this person was just because i don't want them to catch anything negative but this person actually said to me he goes and i'll be honest with you i believe i have some of those abilities and um more than i like to even talk about sometimes and i do see things from the past and i do sometimes have a very clear vision of what's going to come in the future and i've always felt that it's validated in the scriptures that i read not invalidated and so it made me really excited actually i don't know why i needed permission from another man but so but someone i think that was maybe deeper into that particular doctrine than i am what was you experience that was you exploring your skepticism i think you're right when you just the reason i said that after you said that is that's exactly what i think i am that is i'm a skeptic to some extent but not very much i'll tell you why i think everybody listening to this has had some experiences with deja vu or experiences where they've just felt energy very strongly like you said about you know i've met people like this guy's the most amazing person in the world everyone loves them then i meet them and i'm like not for me right and the times that i didn't trust that i did ultimately regret rejecting my intuition and so i'm a huge believer that the people that i know that are very successful in business and even personal relationships they rely on intuition far more than they do just techniques and tactics out of business 101 or social media school intuition is a huge part of life energy is a huge part of life but i'm wondering a lot of people when they find out they're good at something i use the word gift earlier i think we both define what it means no matter what yours is you found out you've got this gift for teaching this gift for touch this gift for humor this gift for um discernment this gift for caring nurturing intellect sometimes people when they figure out they've got this thing it almost scares them and they retreat from it to some extent and that's what holds them back all their life i think unhappy people to some extent know there's something they could or should be doing for the greater good of other people and are rejecting their calling and that that's a that's a for me to live in misery anybody listening to this regardless of what it is for you you're this young man now you're becoming more aware this is a little bit different than everybody else or i have more of it to some extent i can i have an ability to tap into it maybe to an extent others don't did it scare you did you realize you were different does it inspired me it was more like how does this work like how do i get better like build them up yeah like how exactly how do i how do i how do i learn about this and um my mom's younger brother was married at the time to a woman who actually did like card readings and she wouldn't call herself a psychic she just read she read cards and i remember sitting next to them she was reading from my mom and i i heard you could do this and it was like to the point that i want to be like who said that like like who said that and it was it was like a i want to say it was more of a knowing so for anybody that's like listening to this there's a moment where you'll have this it's not i want this and it's not i need this it's i know this and when you know something it's better than believing in something so for me the the like i knew it in that moment and that was that was a very defining moment for me where i like got up from the the place where they were doing the reading and i walked away and my mom said did you hear something that you didn't like and i went nope and i kind of kept it quiet for a while and i was like i believe i can do this and i went to the and went to a bookstore excuse me it was a walden bookstore on glen cove road and um there was nobody in it and i went to the of course in the back section again because that's where all the books were in the back section and what i found really interesting is the shelves had this kind of like curvature to it and i was about two or three feet away from the bookshelves and i was kind of just like looking at what was there and and i would equate this for any guy who's going to buy condoms in a in a pharmacy where you don't want anybody watching you like picking them up right that's how i felt the exact same analogy it's like like i'm looking at these books but like i'm close enough to the other books that i can like reach over from one of those instead so i'm standing there and i'm like not near the shelves the woman who's managing the store is in the middle of the shelf a middle of the bookstore she's restacking stuff and she's about maybe 12 feet away from me and a deck of tarot cards fell off like somebody went and i'm just like i watched it happen and i'm like shut up right and the lady goes well clearly you're supposed to buy those so i did i bought my first deck of cards so you know i go home don't tell anybody and i'm like looking through the little book of cards that you know the meanings of it and my grandmother's house was always hopping on us on sunday right she had 11 kids who had kids who had kids so you know back to tactic so uh i said to my cousin florence like i was doing readings and she's like oh my god totally away from me so i did okay so there i am you know with the book i'm like well this means this and you know and about two weeks later she called me and said are you gonna be at grandma's house on sunday and i go i live here of course i'm gonna be at grandma's house why she's like would you would you do my cards again and can i bring five friends but i was like wait a second i'm like no and i'm like i have no idea what i'm doing she's like well everything you said happened in the last two weeks crazy she's like and i told my friends and they were like well can you get it through for me and that's legitimately how i started like i started reading for like cousins and then the friends of my cousins and then their friends and then it became that type of thing and i started working at psychic affairs and that was the journey it's interesting when you tell stories i told you this off camera too by the way everyone listen to this you get to make up your own mind right about this these the different aspects of what john's talking about how it works for you and your life or doesn't work but you know and i want to make clear that for everybody as well but one of the things that you do very interestingly is we're both huge energy people you obviously feel it i want to talk about that next i want to talk about the application of some of these skills in every person's life listening or watching this how can they apply some of these skills in their own life but when you tell a story first you're a great storyteller but you're but you're it's true but your energy changes i see you as a little boy when you're telling these stories we did a few off camera too like i actually see the little boy that's not normal that when someone tells me a story that i actually begin to picture the boy i can see him and feel his energy when you're speaking it just it it tells me at a minimum your ability to transfer and feel energy is at an extraordinarily high level i just want to acknowledge that in you it's not normal in fact i don't think anybody else i've ever talked to has that um that ability somebody everyone's laughing off camera here you guys because it's actually true everyone feels it here but let's talk about energy in general i'm a big believer that you need to protect your energy in life right so you're gonna be friends that's right i know that's exactly why and i i also feel like you have this great analogy about the pool too so i wonder what does it get this lesson more than ever in the world are there competing energy forces that are coming at us and leaving us at any given time sure what advice would you give to someone just trying to be happier live more productively regarding the people around them and the energy they bring first we have to do inventory we have to look and let's make this about shopping okay if we're gonna make a dinner for your family and you decide that you're gonna make lasagna you may or may not without getting up and looking at your cupboards and looking at your fridge and freezer you may or may not have what it is that you need so we have to assess and take inventory before we know what we need and what we no longer need so there are certain things that you're going to go you know what i i have the cheese for lasagna but it expired a year ago so i need to get rid of that so we need to assess and take take inventory what is going to be needed for the ingredients of what we're building or making now for the now for this you know not the meal that we had last year yeah but the one that we're making now so when we talk about what are the ingredients i mean the people and the energies and when you make that lasagna it's layered it's layered and there are certain things that are great by themselves and there are certain things that are great when they come together but then if you travel internationally you know that there are certain things that they'll put in your lasagna where you will go ew yeah not in this one not for me right so using the layers and the inventory we assess what works for us and what doesn't and then we have to be honest we have to be honest that we might love this person we might love this person more than anything but if this person doesn't work in the lasagna of your life then we have to make a decision to not include it and to recognize that this is toxic so there are certain things that um in part of working with energy that i've had to recognize that this is not a positive person this is not a positive circumstance this is not a positive situation and i'm going to move that and i think one of the earliest things is you know growing up with an alcoholic father and losing my mom at a very young age i my mom on her death bed literally begged me to have a relationship with my dad and i said no and she was like you're going to deny me a dying woman her last dying wish and i said yes i am and she said why i said because it's a promise i don't know if i can keep and i said more importantly it's a promise you shouldn't ask me to make wow and she said you said this is an 18 19 year old boy i did yeah and she said why is that i said because i need to do what's best for me and what if he's not what's best for me and now why can i say that at 18 or 19 well i could say that because i'd already been doing readings for four years i had already been exposed to understanding the language of energy the tools of the language of energy you know whether it be numerology astrology cards psychometry all these different you know things that were let's call them symbolic languages to help us amplify the way the universal energy works and so yes i was able to quite confidently say i wouldn't be able to do that now that doesn't mean that after she passed i didn't make my attempts which i did and i knew they weren't going to be successful and if they weren't self-fulfilled prophecies because i really did try yeah and i know that he did in his own way but they just weren't going to be in this lifetime yeah so well i think it's a powerful thing i want to jump in and come back because you're going such an awesome direction that's never been gone on the show before and that is that just because somebody is your blood doesn't mean they're the right energy for you in your life i think oftentimes people kind of they'll buy into this notion that this friend of mine no longer serves me right um their energy no longer serves me or maybe never did and i finally got the confidence maybe to do some separation from that energy but it's much different for people when it comes to family sometimes don't you think and and that i think what you're saying is giving somebody permission uh that if that is your intuition if that is your energy just because you share a blood with somebody does not mean their energy necessarily is should be required in your life yep and boundaries are important i think it's very very important we create boundaries everywhere in our lives right you have boundaries while you're driving your car those are the lines on the highway you have boundaries in your home your property lines and service you can't buy a property or a house without getting a survey and knowing where the property lines are right and that's where you build your life within the survey of those property lines but we don't look at that energetically so i want people to energetically look at where the property lines are for them and to know that it's not okay for your neighbor to encroach on your property and take the fruit of your trees without your permission right so it's not okay for and you'll see this with siblings you know if you have two sisters and one stealing the other one's clothes going in the room taking their stuff that's a violation of someone's property and sometimes parents don't say hey ask first or it's okay so i think it's important to establish healthy boundaries energetically from a young age i did that i did that learning about this work very good let's even go a little deeper what is this energy thing like the people are listening to like is this just how you make me feel in other words if i'm evaluating someone's energy in my life would that be the best way to describe it this is how i feel from you am i energized not energized you take from me you contribute to me so who are we as people right we look at each other and we assess us by what we look like in this world right that's why racism is apparent because people see differences and they assess those differences they define who they are by status of those differences but yet if you did not see people for who they were but you only heard them and you only communicated with them on a level whether it be corresponding with words and you cannot see or hear them then you're dealing with a communication of their consciousness or energy so that consciousness or energy which resides in this vehicle is kind of who we are and then inside this vehicle it gets amplified so using vehicles as an analogy if we were to drive down the highway of life you'll see all different types of cars and you will whether you want to admit it or not see someone in a vehicle and assess them for why they're driving that vehicle that's right you will see the older guy in the hot red ferrari you know with the convertible and the young woman in the car next to him and immediately think yeah you but you don't realize that that's actually somebody who's a really successful person who runs a car dealership and that is his granddaughter in the car right so that assessment is based upon a judgment or an energy or what people are projecting out but then there is the exact opposite of that where what you thought to be true is true so you have to always like discern or read the energy of a circumstance without prejudging it so i always go to this one example i never look at my clients and go well they're probably here to hear from that person or they probably lost that person i've always been wrong if i've ever done that really yeah so i don't do that i wait till like it comes out in a reading and i remember having this couple who sat in front of me and if you would have said before the reading how do you think they're connected logically and who do you think they're here to see i would have been like husband and wife and one of the most parent he was her nephew she was younger than him his mom was her sister who had passed whoa and i i literally remembered that moment and that reading's got to be from like 1995. no in many ways of all the readings too right i remember that clearly because it was just like you know if you were to assess like assess the energy of who you thought somebody was yeah i would 100 would have been wrong yeah so i waited until i got what came through and then kind of went there but my point of looking at who we are we are an energetic vibrational frequency a consciousness a soul call whatever you want i like the word energy inside this physical manifestation where we have free will to make decisions in order to affect changes as those things ripple out and i talk about a line of probability on our line of probability the past happened can't change it but you can learn from it the present is where we are right now but from this moment on into the future that's not written yet and what you do with your energy and your thoughts and how you project that is how that actually will manifest bingo three billion percent agree this is the most important i don't know that we can cover anything more important than this on the show like i it's hard for me you articulate it better it's hard for me to explain why i think some things in my life are you know better than average let's just say it that way and i'm a freak about this topic i'm a freak about transferring energy if i'm trying to persuade it's the transference of energy if you're in my if it's if it's comforting energy you know um intense energy but i also am such a protector of my own and who i allow in my pool which i want you to give that example in a minute because for me it's been the number one shift in my life is this idea and by the way if everyone listened to it this concept could be new to you this idea just start to be conscious of energy of transferring it of your vibrational frequency those of you that are people of faith if you're a christian like myself you can believe in all the things you believe in and still be aware that there's an energy field that there's still transfer of energy there's a vibrational frequency with human beings this is this is not a debatable fact it's it's it's a science it's a real thing and so i i am a huge protector especially as i get older my friends are very diverse you could have a really well-known actor entertainers a friend of mine and my bestie runs a transmission shop right a buddy of mine's a flooring contractor and another guy's a professional football player you know what you do yeah their careers are it's for me it's not what they do it's who they are that matter in my life it's the energy they bring me i love i love humorous energy most of the dudes around me or the ladies around me are funny people because i want to have that part of my heart expanded but talk about the pool part of it if you because this is the best of the best analogies so one of the things that i am kind of known for besides like you know doing what i do analogy wise is i want to inspire people i want people to live a better life i want them to evolve with where where they're at and some folks when they come to see me you know they think they're coming just to talk to dad and then they get all this other stuff and they're like but i'm not here for that i'm like no you didn't come here for that right that's not that's not why you came but it is why you're here because otherwise you wouldn't be sitting in front of me i go so just put it in the back remember what i'm saying and one of the things that i tell people is that we are an energetic pool and i like everybody to think about themselves so if you can imagine yourself sitting in a jacuzzi right because it's a not a pool pool but it's a pool right so you're in you're in your pool and imagine that you're in your space your energy and who do you want swimming in your pool and they like look at me like what do you mean i go well if it's your pool right in your house you would invite people to come over and come in your pool i said so now imagine let's take somebody that's very popular like oprah oprah gives you the invite of the century you're allowed to come to our house for a barbecue and a pool party you're so excited you go and oprah says just dive in and you get to the pool and it's green and it's murky and you can't see the bottom and i'm like you all want to swim in that and then i watch i watch the people in the audience you know the cheerleaders who go like yes yes yes you know and then you see other people were like yeah i don't care who's pool that is right right so the reality is you don't want to swim in a murky green pool you don't want to swim in something that's not like that doesn't matter whose pool it is you want to swim in a pool that's clear you know so when you think about the inviting of getting into someone's space and pool if you've been invited into that space you want to think about it from the perspective of okay i want to get into a pool that's clean and clear and it's inviting but now if it's your pool you want to keep it clean you want to keep it so your pool isn't going to stay clean without work so you got to keep the pool clean and the way that you do that is with your filter so your brain is the filter and your thoughts are the chemicals so what you put into your filter in your pool is going to be what keeps it clean and then you got to actively work at it you got to skim it you got to vacuum it you know you got to make sure the chemicals are regulated and every time somebody's in your pool if you've ever if you ever if anybody's ever had a pool you know that the more people in it the dirtier it's going to get yes sometimes you got to shock it sometimes you gotta keep people out of it sometimes you gotta put the cover on it but you wanna keep it cool and most importantly you gotta make sure nobody pees in your pool and people look at me like i can't believe you just said that in front of all these people i'm like there's no pissing in the pool right and that is something that i'm very very clear on who i let in my pool who i will not let in my pool whose pool i will go in whose pool i will not go in yep you know and my my wife might get gets a little uncomfortable sometimes because i'm very very clear about that yeah me too i love the um between lasagna and pools i think everybody's finally gonna get this the mixture of those two analogies is really something i'll have to work on but i got to tell you the pool thing i told you this off camera too my my uh the p the amount of people in my pool is smaller than when i was younger because i am so conscious of protecting who's in it and i certainly don't let anybody in that's amazing to me so many of you listening to this that have said i want a better life i want to change the external conditions in my life but you won't change the internal conditions of your pool you keep letting people pee in your pool constantly and somehow you think your life's going to change you have to change those components and and by the way there are some people in our lives who were supposed to be in our lives for a certain time right their energy service at that time that doesn't make them bad or good it just means it's what it is and that's the next thing i want to talk about we're going to get to readings in a minute but this notion of everyone listening to this including you and i wants to improve our life to some extent we want to find another level of happiness another level of bliss another level of contribution we want to help more people that's what everybody wants but people fall into patterns in fact humans are patterns to some large extent right and that's another part of this energy piece i want you to talk about but in the terms of humans and their patterns because i've watched people they've got a brand new business they're all excited about but they still run these same thought patterns these same energy patterns in their life or they're in a new relationship so there's a new person but somehow they run a pattern of every relationship they've been with just a new person in the relationship they don't change the pattern so do you notice those things and is there any advice to somebody on that every day every client every group every zoom everything i'm doing it's to get people to recognize what are those patterns and i'll say to them you know you're coming to me right now because you want to fix your grief i can't fix your grief i go i could raise your awareness i go here's the difference you need to plug your phone into the outlet to charge it you want to plug into me i go i'm i'm just an anchor anchor block you know what i'm saying i can give you a little bit of a boost right now i go but when you go back to not being around me your phone's going to be almost dead again i said so you need to figure out how do you charge your own phone right and you got to charge your own phone in your own way not in my way i could share with you what works for me but that's the eq that's like the equivalent of somebody like you know hiring a nutritionist and getting a gym membership and doing nothing with either one of them and going i'm fat like i can't lose any weight you know and like that that that is the like if you ever come to me like that's the place not to go because i'm brutal when people like you know am i ever going to lose weight drop the fork join a gym like do a diet like don't ask me questions like that so from from a pattern standpoint you can get you can get physical fitness and weight you can understand if you don't make changes you don't see results so this is energetic fitness if you don't make changes you won't see results you're going to see the same thing and oh my god with the excuses that people made so if they come to a person like yourself where they work with a life coach or if they go for a reading and you see the potential of opportunities where they can make changes and then they give you all the reasons why that can't happen why are we talking right it's like you've got to be willing to make the changes you're not going to negotiate with malignancy you're going to cut it out right wow so it's like okay are we going to like you know talk to our cancer or are we going to get rid of it and treat it so you got to figure out what's the toxicity in you so again real world example i like to work with both medical doctors as well as holistic approaches so one of my doctors has a holistic approach and he said to me i noticed that you have a lot of fillings and i go i do so he goes we need to get rid of some of the mercury great no problem so i you gave me a directive i'm gonna go do it so i talked to my dentist i don't have a lot of time and schedule i might have made the mistake of doing it all in one sitting a six and a half hour day oh my gosh all of it was done dental damn did the whole thing go back to my doctor and he notices and he says oh wow he goes how often did you go and i go doc i did it in one day he goes sit down and i go what he goes we're doing a murphy test on you i scored the highest level of mercury that he's ever seen in his entire career and he goes now we're going to do a chelation treatment and i'm like okay what does that mean he goes it means that we're going to be sitting here and we're going to do a chelation we have to pull the mercury out of your system as best so i had like two or three chelation treatments over here to be able to get rid of the mercury so now i laughed and said okay i'm psychic should i have known that right no no i should not have known that should i have done my research to know that yes but what i did was i looked at my schedule and said oh my god i can get it all done right here right now and let me get it out of the way not always the best idea yeah sometimes you need to do things and and you have to be able to and i should have known better honestly because i use an analogy i say you can't frost the cake until it's baked and right now we have the ingredients sitting on the counter and you can't talk about the frosting so i frosted the cake before it was baked that's so interesting so the the uh there's so many things i think of when you're talking because i like when you pick you tell stories i said it's really i can picture the story it just blows my mind but and it's just a very interesting gift that you have and it keeps happening every time you're telling a story for me maybe that's just that our energy is connected as well but let's go to a little bit because people have these patterns they've got these people in their lives these readings right i'm just thinking last night we're getting ready to do this you know i had a gentleman on our show that's one of the most watched and viewed shows we've ever done that had a near-death experience he was dragged under a train he took us through the experience and it's interesting as he described his transition to where he was going it's very similar to how you describe having a guide come all of those things happened that you describe in what you believe is the process when someone crosses over no pun intended and um i'm curious why why is it that people even want them in others why are we so fascinated we're living here why are we so fascinated is it because it's the nature of i mean if we just step back for a second is that what we're all on a journey towards is where we're going is it is it like why it's so much even me today i'm like so uh are we gonna do a reading while you're on the show like you know every single person in the world wants to hear that from you right so why is it this topic of death and our loved ones being gone maybe it should be obvious but i think it should be looked at it's probably never even been like why are we so fascinated with that i think it's because it's the great unknown because it's the great unknown and because grief and love are the you know the same coin but just two sides to the same like grief is the other side of love so we don't have the physical receptacle for the love we don't know where to put it it turns to grief within so i try to get people to still be able to direct that love to the consciousness and that even though dad's not in the physical body that still exists and even though like we can't see him we can feel him here and connect with him just on a different level so i get people to look at that so i think it's the great unknown i think it's the the absence of the person it's the fear of there being something else you know like there's i think there's a lot that goes into it but i think as as humans we we relate to story and i think we relate to identifying with someone else's journey and their story and i i found that you know most of my practice was one-on-one stuff for a lot of years and then i couldn't keep up with the people that wanted to see me so the next thing was to do small groups those groups became bigger and bigger and it was way before there was any media attention that was just by nature of word of mouth and then when the tv happened then the media happened radio happened first i loved radio um it just blew up that circle of people so then the groups became bigger and i always felt like well what what can i do for these people well i can teach them i can teach them because i can't read for everybody so i can teach them and then i like feedback so i'd ask people like you know i've seen you at like six of my events no offense why are you keep coming yeah you know like yeah you're gonna hear some of the same stories like why you keep coming and they were like we we just feel better and i'm like tell me why tell me why you feel better watching other people get read and they said because it could be us yeah and sometimes we don't want their reading we just want to be in the energy of watching it happen and i realized in that moment that was what the success of crossing over the tv show was yes it is because people could literally just vicariously get lying in bed at night watch the show and go that could be me yes their mom's okay my mom's okay yep and i had to go like you know okay i have to appreciate what people are telling me because for me it was like i had the luxury and i say luxury because it really was a luxury of being popular where i wouldn't have to worry about somebody sitting in front of me again for a long period of time because they couldn't get in front of me yes so i was like i didn't have to really but then when i started noticing like the people in the front row were the same people in the front row interesting city after city kind of creeped me out a little bit like i didn't want a groupie i didn't want people showing up like that and there was a guy that came to a lot of my groups and then he actually won the flying back to laguardia like growing the same plane and um he came up to me and he said to me jeffrey do you ever think that you just baked really good cake and i like my new yorker and sense of security was where i was at because the guy was on my plane and he was like i don't watch my events and i had this like what yeah and what he was doing was quoting me and what i tell people is that if you're at an event if you come to a zoom if you're watching a tv show where someone's being read even though the birthday or the reading is for mike if we're all in the room we get a chance to have a slice of his cake yes so it's not my birthday it's his birthday but i get i get a chance to have a really good slice of cake that's what i hope today is and that's what this guy said to me he was like i'm not coming to you for reading he's like you just bake a really good cake and i was like then i felt like an because he was like using my own quote back to me right you know no but i i watched uh i don't know if i watched every crossing over but i bet i did and i even watched repeats of them i already know what you're going to say and that they confirm it and then i would just watch it again and i think one of that was at least for me i think one of the reasons even achievers may have a heightened awareness is this is i think one of the most profound the two most profound times in our life are is our childhood and the impact that has on us you've talked about your alcoholic dad i had one we both talk about that a lot we we tend to talk about our childhoods a lot because of the imprint it makes on us and then death those are the two most powerful moving components of our life and we've we we tend to live in both of those spaces consciously most of the time even though we don't wear it or unconsciously rather you're replaying your childhood all the time these emotions that you experience on a regular basis even you get the same five six seven emotions almost every single day these patterns we were just talking about the average person experiences the same five or six emotions and even if they don't serve you you find a way to get them every day so if your emotional home is bliss ecstasy passion joy and peace you get it but if it's anxiety worry fear depression and anger you still find a way most days to get those emotions don't you because it's your home you you move towards the familiar in your life and people are addicted to the needle of negativity what do you mean by that they need that they need that hit of keeping them within the space of what they're familiar with so i like folks know that habit does not equal happy habit does not equal happy and the two words start with ha and when we don't get out of that it's like the universe going haha because habit does not equal happy here people get fear-based and they stay within and that's why somebody who is in an abusive relationship will muster the strength and control to leave that abusive relationship and they they walk out and they they feel great and they think they're done because they left the abuse but they don't realize it's up here that they need to also change because then that client winds up dating somebody who's equally as abusive but in a different way that's mass that they didn't see because they pulled that back in that's exactly what i meant earlier when i said you switch people that are in the same relationship it's i call that fractions fractional relationships and we have to look for the common denominators because sometimes they're not obvious yeah and by the way you can switch houses you can upgrade from an apartment to a house and still be in the same emotional space you can upgrade from being broke to getting some money in your pocket and still live in the same emotional space so the key to your life is the quality of your emotions the quality of your thoughts and that's why this energy and these thoughts are something that need to be evaluated now you take it to the extreme because you're you're you're by the way that thing you said earlier about true or love and grief being the same side of the coin i've not ever heard that before too and we'll talk a little bit about grief in a minute but let's go to the reading thing for a second just so that people get into this space for men they could make some you know have an awareness they might not have right now if you were reading somebody and you told me earlier you would look into a blank space what do does it look like it did even when you're an 18 19 year old guy or is it different now way different it's way different it's way way different so what do you hear fee here see feel now so here are the terms there's clairvoyance that people think about right clairvoyant people will talk about clairvoyant yes and that becomes like an interchangeable synonym for psychic but it's not clairvoyance is a word that translates to basically clear seeing okay audience is clear hearing clairsentience is clear feeling so i'm primarily unclear audience so i hear thoughts you're hearing right i get downloads right like in words um then i'm clairvoyant close second and then claircentian i get that but not strongly is that the normal pattern or other readings can be different some people like i have a colleague who's really clear sentient so he gets bombarded or downloaded with the feeling of something and then he has to struggle to try to find the words to put to it and i feel like like lazy because i'm just like joe yeah it's like i get it and i say it and i remember being about i want to say i was about 20 21 i was driving with a colleague her name is shelley peck she's now passed and i had had a night of readings the night before that was just like the names i came through were like off the hook just it's like taking attendance it was like awesome and the woman said to me and i'll never forget we were literally in front of this restaurant stopped at a light called the barefoot peddler and um she goes yeah don't get used to that i went what and she goes it's gonna change i'm like what do you mean it's gonna change she's like as you develop and grow and evolve in your abilities she goes the names are going to fall to the background she goes and you're going to get more information and i remember going well i don't want to fall to the background i like this i was like i like it it gets people's attention they pay attention to everything else once they name their father and she goes yeah well she's like i'm just telling you she goes you'll still get it because it's just not going to be front and center center and i was like no so now she's right it comes she's right so now you're reading somebody you're hearing things more than you're feeling or seeing things i'm getting more of it so i'm getting it in exactly the same way okay but instead of like one tennis ball of information coming at me where i grab it and go joe now it's like standing there and there's hundreds of tennis balls coming at me and if i grab whatever i'm grabbing i can't grab them all okay so it's like i'm being i'm the i'm being immersed in the energy of the person who's passed and then it's whatever i can capture what i can see here and feel and then relate and now it's at the point where it's what's the lesson for the person that i'm reading at the moment that's most important that they want to convey that's going to help them at the intersection of me and them meeting so it's less of me validating i'm talking to dad it's like okay this first part is going to be invalidating that i've got dad but this is where i got to take them so the it's it's really it's a very very different place than where i was and so much so that people said do you want crossing over to come back in reruns and i'm like no not at all and they're like why it would help a lot of people and i'm like it would but it's not who i am today so i don't think it would be a really good depiction of what i do because those people who would watch that show to come see me today would would expect that version of me and when i've sat in tv meetings people would say like oh we'd like to have you know we want to do another tv show with you sure and i'm like great what would you like to do and they're like well we can't do crossing over and i go neither can i and they're like why i go because i'm not that person i've got 20 more years of experience i'm in a very very different spot the person watching it so when i would watch you there were so many validations of things you would say but i'd be like well how come you just can't get all of it right in other words like you're getting an initial why can't why wouldn't the guy go hey it's john johnson dude tell them john johnson's here not initial jj so my my favorite experience happened with the producer by a guy named brendan who's probably out there watching and brendan had booked me on a tv show called the charles grodden show it was on cnbc a long time ago i know who charles grodden is and i remember the show that's how old i am okay yeah so he was an actor after the show after the show brendan goes dude why is god be so cryptic why can't he just be like i'm his dad my name's joe i had lung cancer yes and i looked at him and i went i understand that brendan they go how do deaf people communicate he goes what i go deaf d-e-a-f how do deaf people communicate he goes sign language i go why do they just talk and he goes what and is at that moment like he's a tv producer and i'm like now saying something that completely is politically incorrect and i go no i'm seriously i go why don't they just just talk and he goes because they can't i go why not he goes because they're deaf and i go right i go and these energies are dead they're physically dead they do not have a physical body so they don't have the instrument to make sound okay so here we have deaf people who have a physical body who have a hard time communicating in the way that people that are not hearing impaired would be able to understand them so they find the easiest way possible which is through symbolism i go so energetically a medium is interpreting the symbolism and by the way it's going to come across in their own frame of reference so two three four mediums in a room aren't going to interpret the same exact thing in the same way unless they share and agree upon that symbolism so when that person comes through they go oh show him this so for example if you were the medium and somebody wanted to convey to you it's my birthday what would they have to show you to get you to think a birthday with cake they would show you a cake i don't see a cake i see a white flower if i see a white flower it means happy birthday congratulations why that's how the symbol got developed for me okay and the way it got developed is coming home um going home one day driving next to a truck there was a white tea white rose tea company okay big white rose on the on the so now i'm doing reading for somebody and i'm seeing a number and i'm like what is that whatever it is the 19th mean she's like i don't know and then i saw the white rose and i'm like any connection to a tea company no do you have any connection to a white rose no but what is this number oh that's the person's birth date so now by correlation things start to mean things patterns establish okay which by the way going back to energetic patterns those energetic patterns that we have in our lives that we make by choices are kind of also what they will do in our lives where those energetic patterns will start to present themselves where i say don't look for them but if you've lost a loved one i guarantee you some of you listening to this have had these moments where you start to notice unique patterns like why am i seeing cardinals why am i seeing white feathers why are why are dimes showing up and penny showing up in places like and it's not like you're looking for them but now you're starting to notice like well that's weird well that's weird and then you talk to your sister and she's also seeing cardinals or those things so patterns of symbolism start to get accumulated and that now means oh that could be whomever that person is who's past gotcha okay that's fascinating because as you were talking i'm like well the truth is if someone had passed away they just spoke a different language than you spoke than the auditory response of them talking to you or an animal okay okay i did a group the other night where no joke a horse came through pretty much just the consciousness of the horse with very specific information and i'm not going to lie i tell you that 35 36 years now into doing this but i don't sit here and have like a giggle going i'm freaking bringing through a horse like i'm talking to a horse yeah like you know it's not grandpa talking about the horse it's the horse is actually coming through what a trip it is actually it's it's pretty amazing but if you talk to somebody who's an animal lover if you talk somebody who works with animals it's not for them because they know that there's an energetic exchange in communication in a non-verbal english manner where whether it be clicks or sounds or energy that they're training that animal to be able to convey to them or listen my one of my frustrations in my life are my limitations meaning like we said earlier my ability to coach or work with somebody but then the limitation of once they leave me them following up on something are the limitations of this frustrating decency you touch so much of it meaning you know you wish you could call somebody and say hey you're about to have a heart attack or the limitations of the information you get is that a frustrating thing for you no the that part of it for me i recognize that there's limited things that i'm allowed to know because i can't get in the way of someone's line of probability the frustration for me is i always want to be better i want to be better i always want to be better i want to be more specific i want to be more accurate i don't even want to be lazy at it i i always imagine in every private reading zoom group event that i'm doing that behind me to the right are the two old guys from the muppets are you serious in every event i do i always imagine that they're there waiting to pounce and critique everything so i always want to try to be on my game at all times your trip to me so that part of it trips me out a little bit just how you weave your humor into it so a few things i want to go through because we're going to run out of time and like i knew this is going to fly and i don't want it to fly so i'm going to steal some more time from you here but you know for me i've had a bad speech i've had a bad business meeting sure when i played baseball i had a bad game do you ever have a reading where you're just i'm wrong i can't get anything she was incorrect what show you have yeah absolutely anybody who says that otherwise is incorrect you know there are people that you just sometimes can't connect with or can't read or i don't understand what something is or um and i'll say like you know i might not be the right person for you and then in that moment i go why are they sitting in front of me okay so then i'll take if you know they're scheduled for a private reading and i can't make that connection then i sit with them and go listen clearly there's no charge on this i go but let's talk and i want to know i want to know why the universe put them in front of me sometimes it's because i might be able to get them to recognize they didn't need a reading they needed a grief therapist they didn't need a reading with me they needed their astrological chart done they didn't need a reading with me they needed to save that money because they're in foreclosure on their house right so it's like i find what that reason is i still spend the time you find why it's happening for you i'm always looking i tell people if you look for the why if you ask the question why you become wise yeah i've been we share so much in common by the way i was going to wear those exact shoes today which is really a trip those are literally the shoes i had on earlier this is so weird so your feet are moving i just looked i had those shoes on earlier yeah and we're wearing the same pants anyway we're not actually wearing the same he has a pair of pants and i have a pair of pants we're not in the same pair of pants people off camera are starting to dominate the interview but um we we both have our own pants on if you're listening to the audio version of things but i gotta tell you um i i it's fascinating to me because you weave humor into it at the same time earlier we're talking about grief off camera you said something so profound which was that you think the real grieving year for something is the second year i want you to talk about that for me because grief can be someone's past grief can be a relationship ended grief could be i've lost a business talk about grief for a second dealing with grief and then also weaving that second year part form so i think when i talk about grief being the other side of love grief is natural and normal and it's something that nobody prepares for and then when it shows up it's like you're being hit like in the hardest possible way everywhere it's debilitating and it can create disease grief can create disease in your body if you don't honor it and it is extremely patient it is one of the most patient emotions that i think that we have like it goes now no okay i'll wait and it just sits back wow it just waits so it is the you know not to be crass but you won't forget it it's like gas better out than in so whether you're navigating it treating it honoring it that's the place to come from you want to honor the fact that you're feeling it and i think when we lose a person and specifically to death when we lose a person to death the finality of that is unbearable it is the fact that they're gone like that person is gone it is unbearable and sometimes people find themselves immobilized they can't move and they they make decisions that are are not logical and people like what's wrong with you it's like oh yeah i'm so sorry i didn't need to put my keys in the oven or you know i i left my car running and walked home and forgot that it was at the mall like like people have done some crazy things and it is coming from a place of grief so i like people to honor what that is and by honoring that and this is where people don't always love to hear what i have to say the first year of loss if anybody's in the first year of loss it is what i call the coasting year it's where you're sliding and coasting from date to date and event to event birthday to holiday and you prepare for all those things so that you're not surprised you know and you put on the happy face and you navigate what you have to have and then you go like okay i did this and then you have support from the people that love you they're there for the first birthdays and the holidays and they try to do that the second year second year is the harder one if you're in the second year of loss and you think what's wrong with me nothing there's nothing wrong with you it's the support system that you had has now gone back to their lives they feel like they helped you they got you through the first year um and they don't realize that that person's still not coming back yeah you know in the second year they're still not coming back so if you've been through the first holidays and the first events and the birthdays and you're feeling a little bit worse this year you're okay gosh that's so good bro okay that is so good see the thing about i knew was gonna happen today was i knew he would be everywhere but the same place the same time like i did i do this we're talking about it together i just want people's life to be better right i feel like every topic we've been covering back and forth is improving their life to some extent and different parts of this interview will have different people as they need it during that time i wanted to ask you about just death in general sure so everyone listening to this or watching this has had someone they love pass away or will right for sure and they will and they will right that's a great point what would you just tell us about it the journey the process of it what it means just because i think it's the ultimate question of life prepare for it prepare for it how do you do that by talking about it we live in a society where people don't talk about death we live in a society where death is used as a trove we live in a society where people are shocked and stunned that 540 000 people died from a virus and you know i wrote a newsletter last year that you know i kind of like have a group mentality in my office and i wrote the i wrote the newsletter and i preface this by saying that my background on the few credits short of my masters in health care and public administration so this is not just from a psychic standpoint it's what my degree is in um and i would have a full-on masters if my mother didn't die i was in an accelerated program i decided i couldn't i had to get out um and start life right so that being said i wrote this newsletter about how the government united states was actually handling the pandemic last year and it flipped everybody out that was connected to me because i was going too political and i was like are you people really serious right now like you realize that like 35 000 people have lost their lives and we're going to be looking at a lot of people passing and then if i can make a difference i can make a difference and they when i tell you like begged me not to send this newsletter because of you know you know they were just so concerned of course and i said you know i like the fact that i empower people enough that you're saying this to me i go and you're putting me in a position that's extremely uncomfortable right now because i feel so strongly about this i said but i've i'll be hypocritical if i send this because it's going to be disempowering to everybody that i've empowered including my wife and son so i said i am going to not send it i go but i am going to put you all in notice that every 10 000 people that pass i'm gonna remind you that i didn't send it so what happened i have reminded a lot of people i mean so that that is like hundreds of thousands of people so their point was it wasn't something that i would be able to control so i say to people that grief is a very real thing to me and death is a very real thing to me and honoring that is a very real thing to me and i felt that it was not from a governmental public health standpoint prepared discussed treated as being real or honored and i think that when we come from a operatic standpoint always talking about me me me me me then we don't forget that there's a you in humanity there's no there's no me in humanity and i think that we have to put humanity first right so when we talk about death we have to honor it and then we have to reframe it if we talk about looking at the birth of a child we have kids yeah you know what it's like to have a kid there's that conception there's the nine months there's the getting ready for it there's the recognizing that we contributed to the process as a man but that the phenomenal aspect of what a woman does and making a human and how you're reminded always that they're making him like my wife would tease my time i'd be like can we do this she's like i am making a human right so when we look at that there's an excitement and enthusiasm and everybody in our circle our friends and our family they're all waiting for that big moment they're waiting for the phone call they're excited but when that baby comes into the world that is a traumatic experience for that child it is leaving a place of comfort of nurturing of security and it's going to go through trauma but it's going to be met by people and friends who are waiting for them and excited to have them there is no difference between laboring to come in this world and laboring to leave we are met by family on both sides and for anybody who's been touched by covet and you couldn't be there for somebody when someone passed remember this nobody passes alone you might not from an ego standpoint have been able to be there for yourself to wish them goodbye you might have been able to hold them and hug them in the physical but rest assured that loved ones and friends are there to greet that person as they make that transition nobody passes alone okay that's why you flew here that's why you flew here right there i i want that to be the first thing in the daggum interview everyone please tell me you stuck around to hear this and listen to that that's why you left here i'm picturing that baby being born i'm picturing the trauma that it goes through i'm picturing even the pain part of it for everybody involved the mother and the baby and then that beautiful moment where there are the loved ones there waiting for them man oh man so unbelievably awesome right there like i'm not very quiet on the show very often you got me thinking right there because i do i do talk about death a lot and i do think about it a lot and i for me it's a motivator there's things i'd like to accomplish in the physical before i leave and so i'm not afraid of looking at when those things are coming it's a it's almost an inspiring event for me i have faith i know where i'm going but at the same time i am on limited time here physically and i think some people because they're so afraid to look at death they've actually deluded themselves into thinking they actually know but they act like daily like they have forever you know you you you need to get after your dreams you need to get in that relationship you want to have you need to tell the people around you that you love them now because you don't know if tomorrow is promised right and that's one of the lessons of doing this show is i do think about death i do think about that departing time and i think that's why you know even my dad passing you know we talked about him passing it was one of the blessings people say you know i want to go suddenly you know one of the blessings of my dad having a prolonged illness obviously the discomfort and pain he went through is something i wouldn't wish for anybody but it was also the preparation we got to have that was a blessing and so there's a blessing on all of it if you can find the blessing in there that's unbelievable what you just said like i'm stunned by how beautiful that is i'm stunned that i'm almost 50 years old and i've never heard it said that way or viewed it that way before so thank you for me my pleasure thank you thank you for allowing me the opportunity to reach an audience of people that maybe have no idea who i am and what i do and what this is and so i appreciate that and for those people you know they might not know me from crossing over or from reading a book but i know they might know me from south park so you are city that's right with the biggest douche in the universe that's exactly right let's let that go that's right that's that's actually very very true and by the way that on that show and the other thing is if someone doesn't know you would blow my mind because i'm so familiar with you i want to ask you one last thing just because it's just part of what people deal with every single day and i've watched you you handle things with the humility that's remarkable i've always seen that in you i've always seen someone who believes in what he believes in but conducts himself with really a tremendous amount of humility for having let's just be honest there's some weight with what you deal with there's some weight to it there's uh the the topic itself is as heavy a topic as you can get which is people's lives and their deaths and their in their souls and so but you've also had to carry with you everyone chasing a dream out there that's listening to this is going to deal with haters um skeptics and cynics to use the two words you used earlier you've lived the majority in your of your life attacked with a lot of people who love and believe in what you're saying but everywhere you go there's that i that you get that thought that you get and i think a lot of people at to some level can relate to it not to the level you have how have you dealt with that and does it ever wound you because the last piece of chase in the dream is everything we've covered but then there's the other piece which is you're going to have people that are skeptical that are cynical of you not to maybe the extent you have how have you dealt with it and what advice would you give to somebody who whatever they're pursuing is going to have those people in their lives i think you have to know your truth and if you know your truth then somebody else can't define it and and define the narrative right so you know we joke about the south park thing that you know although huge right it's huge and still to this day i like you know i get that i get it on twitter here's how i look at that every every negative thing that comes out is a platform for a conversation period right so there are kids that were born after crossing over was off the air who have no idea and would have no idea who i am and what i do who have now found me because of that show so that show became a billboard for grief in a different way for kids to learn about the afterlife energy and that their sibling their mom their cousin their dad their grandfather whoever that is still with them because that that has now sent them from that show to youtube to wherever yeah finding clips like this to go huh i didn't think about it like that so i think like that i think you look at it did you think about it that way in the moment though um yeah you did i did okay i've i mean i've literally had interviews that are like gotcha journalistic interviews where you know you name it you know i remember walking into crossing over and um one of the executive producers said to me how you doing i'm like i'm good yeah not thinking anything like had happened you know and she's like you're holding up i'm like yeah yeah i go long day today and she's like i just want to make sure you're good i'm like i'm good and then i walked in and everybody was weird and i'm like what's going on guys what happened like what's going on and they're like oh nothing i'm like okay listen everybody's being weird what's going on and time magazine had wrote written an article about crossing over i didn't know this without coming there and it was scathing and it became like a huge deal back then and then like other organizations were picking up on it and like larry king live you know talk about larry like they were doing a show about my show and other psychics were going to be on talking about it and i was like well i'm not i'm not going to defend what i do i go i'll explain it and i'll talk about it i go but i'm not going to be put in the position of defending it i said because the moment you have to defend something you're admitting something's wrong i go and i'm not going to be defensive of what i do and then i remember one of the guys one of the camera guys came over to me and he goes i'm really really sorry that you're being put under the screw the microphone like the microscope like this yeah and i was like dude i know it's been it's been my entire life he goes yeah he has but it's not been hours and when he said that i went back inside i called the publicist and i go put me on i said i'll do larry king tonight and they were like why i go i'm not doing it for me i'm doing it for them i said because everybody on the show right now their credibility is under attack i go that i'm not okay with so that was the only time where i otherwise i'm like you know what it is what it is people are going to be people it's like i've heard the same things over and over again right and knowing your truth no matter what you're pursuing is so huge i by the way i i'm under i'm not delusional i knew having you on today that i will have people that will be concerned what i wanted to do today which it's certainly done for me is spur conversation as you just said right spur conversation get people to evaluate their own belief systems get to evaluate their energy get them to evaluate their life and their death if listening today keeps you get you even more committed to what you already believe wonderful if we're listening today gave you a chance to really evaluate the energy and the people around you and the lasagna you're making and the people that are in your pool wonderful if it's dealing with grief beautiful and i i got to tell you it's really great to do this with you today for me and i and i uh i'm really grateful that you were willing to come all the way here and feeling your energy in person you have an amazing energy thank you you have a loving energy and a giving energy and i know everybody in my house has already felt that today too so i'm super grateful for you and everybody if you were fascinated by what john has to say today you should go follow him on instagram is it just at john edward uh you should know your own instagram it is at psychic medium je okay there you go so at psychic medium je and today here's what i know just happened people are talking about this people are sharing it um their lives were improved by it and so i'm very very grateful for it and everybody out there hope you do share this with people um i hope it really made you think today hope it made you evaluate all the people around you and your energy i hope it made you just look at your own life and your own death and what you're grateful for and uh that you have your mind open and that you're more committed to what you already believed and that you you know looking at new ways to view the world and view your life and that's why i do the show so just want to say god bless you to everybody and max out hey guys thanks for sticking around if you'd like more click the videos right here they're exactly what you need to see next and if you're new here hit subscribe and become a part of the max out community and tell me what you think about the videos in the comments below i read all of them every week and i select winners that get all kinds of prizes gear coaching calls with me make a comment
Channel: Ed Mylett
Views: 65,973
Rating: 4.8411765 out of 5
Keywords: ed mylett, mylett, psychic medium, psychic, psychic john edward, dealing with grief, grief, how to deal with grief and loss of a loved one, grief and loss, the grieving process, the grieving process of death, how to deal with grief of losing a parent, dealing with death, dealing with death of a loved one, dealing with death of a parent, john edward, john edwards medium, life after death, ed mylett interview, crossing over
Id: 2D9i3FgfagQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 46sec (4426 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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