The Best of The Oprah Show: Were You Here Before? | Full Episode | OWN

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[Music] hi super solers I don't have to tell you all this over the years the Oprah show broke new ground by bringing Lively spiritual discussions to all of you our viewers so we really stepped out of our box when we went inside the world of past life regression yes we were talking about it years ago my good friend Dr mmed Oz joined me for eye openening hour with renowned psychiatrist Dr Brian Weiss now Dr Weiss believes that many of the fears we experienced today are because of the traumas that we experienced in previous lifetimes he says that if you can connect your current fear to a past life those fears will often disappear H quite a concept I must say so take it all in and ask yourself have I been here before so Dr Oz and I are standing backstage in the control room it's about 10 minutes before the show right now in the studio Dr Brian Weiss who is a world-renowned psychiatrist in the field of past life progression is hypnotizing or trying to hypnotize our entire audience I think he has hypnotized he's very good at it Dr Weiss believes that we've all been here before and by recalling our past lives he says we can better understand who we are now and this might sound strange to a lot of you who are watching or you say you don't believe in it but just keep an open mind let's listen in for that now we're ready to go back into past lifetimes paying attention to details are there other people what are they doing what's happening go to the most important event or events in that life you are there well Dr Weiss regressed uh you I understand exactly a couple days ago I went down to miam I did it it was one of the most unique experiences of my life it was at the same time incredibly gentle but superbly powerful it changed my perspective on this a lot it did it did you yes Mr Mr skeptic Dr Oz skeptic okay well I I think what's amazing is Dr Oz is going to tell us more about what happened when he got past life regress a little later but first let's go talk to the audience and see what they think I can't wait CU I just witnessed this whole thing let's go this way okay all right everybody have a seat have a seat have a seat thank you Dr and I were just watching this backstage and couldn't believe some of the reactions that uh we were seeing a lot of people went somewhere I don't know yeah yeah and how does hypnosis help one access the past lives it it gives a direct line in because hypnosis I was explaining to the audience is just focusing your concentration while your body is relaxed so it stops the Clutter the everyday mind from getting in the way and you go right to the subconscious you can go right to where the memories are you you're still here you're safe you don't go anywhere it's not what you see in the movies yeah I guess you you gave this metaphor when I came to to visit with you it's like know Dr Oz got past life regressed last week he's going to tell us about it but I uh and I was with the same interpretation that you're experiencing sort of entering into this process you say it's like driving along which I have done many times and missing the exit because you're an autopilot and that's and fact functionally what's happening is this part of your your brain the cortex the part that's doing all the executive function it's continually suppressing your Reptilian Brain the Deep part of the brain that has our most Ancient Memories in it and what those memories look like we're going to talk about in this show but at the end of the day if you can free that part of the brain to express itself then you're going to find out a bit more whether it's minute details of your childhood or maybe things beyond that what did you what do you want to say audience uh anybody have uh an experience you you're interested or willing to to share lady in red up there hi yeah um the first time that we went deep I actually thought I was in a swamp somewhere and I looked down and I hadit men's legs and Dr Weiss said uh bring it bring yourself to that last day and I actually was murdered I could feel myself I could feel blood running out and I could see my attacker and my and I was killed with a knife did you know the attacker not I recognized no but it was okay cuz later I saw my dad who's passed and my sister who's passed so anybody else anybody else yeah hi when we went back when I was really relaxed I it weirded me out because I was white and I was like okay I'm white this is weird so I thought that was really kind of different I don't know I guess I thought I would just stay black and so when I was white white and I was like a nun I'm like I'm so not nun so that was weird a nun and I was white so that was freaky but it was good interesting anybody else yes hi I was actually a Native American and I was sitting there and I don't have children and every time you took me back I had children and it was very emotional to me um and the first time we were murdered and I had my children there and they were alive and I think I so desperately want children that you know every single time you took me back I had children and they lived and I died interesting Dr Weiss any comments lots of comments that we'll start at the end with the children one reason people sometimes don't have children they may not need to because they're working on other things in this life but because they've been taken from her before she may not want to have that experience again I've had many women go through this and then get pregnant because the fear is gone it's from then it's not from now so that would be very interesting I don't know if you're in a relationship or it could happen I'm not I'm not and I think my my friends would all say I'm always the one that when children are around us I'm the first to grab them and stuff but that makes a lot of sense that I would be nervous because I kept every time I was in a different place I had children with me but I always died and they lived and and the the woman who's the white nun yeah I know it's so not nun not none right he is so not none this lifetime yeah but we CH don't say it like that I mean not that bad I mean I'm just I I was just repeating what you had said yeah go ahead but we change race we change religions because we have to learn from all sides Souls don't have those characteristics so that's we're all connected we're it's not about Color Race sometimes we have to be nuns or those because we learn to live spiritual life times but we've all been black we've all been white we've all been Brown we've all been red we've been everything because we have to learn from all sides so that's a very common thing didn't you say when you did it it was an hour and it felt like 10 minutes I mean it was an hour long and I knew CU I had somewhere to go and I didn't want to actually leave it I thought it was 10 minutes long and I'm not exaggerating but there was another trick you showed me the the Eye rolling test do that do that in Oprah actually she's got big eyes you'll see and just flut oh good now flutter them closes while you keep your eyes up look at that closing closing all the way o la la to a h hypnotist would be like that you you could have really good experiences really and not just not just m I'm scared to do it CU I know I have been here so many times but for your health just because you can reach that deep part of your brain that controls blood pressure every the rep the part that controls physiological functioning and and you without medications without you can just use your mind to control your body in a healthy way that way you because that's the physical ability how could you tell by the eye flutter thing what does that tell you it's just a correlation and we grade it how high the eye goes does the iris the colored part of the eye disappear and you see a lot of the scare of the white part of the eye showing yours really disappears and a lot of the white is showing and and that is a highly correlated with people that can go deep well that's interesting because you know I've never done it with you because you know part partly intimidated and um also a little scared of what I might find out um and also wasn't definitely going to do it on TV in front of everybody in case I did start quacking like a duck I didn't want all right uh coming up Dr Weiss tells us about the moment he became a believer in past lives and I say to all of you who are Skeptics it doesn't require your belief to be real we'll be right back later this funeral director sees dead people every day hear what his past life regression reveals from the other [Music] side Dr Brian Weiss is a leading expert in the field of past life regression he is a Yale graduate who people come to see from all all over the world his bestselling book Many Lives Many Masters is one of my all-time favorites I know of course that there are a lot of past life Skeptics out there and Dr y says he also understands because he was one of the biggest Skeptics of all time take a look my career began uh really in college I was interested in Psychiatry and I went to Columbia University and graduated from there and I went to Yale medical school and I did my internship at New York University's Belleview hospital by the time Dr Brian Weiss was 35 he was Well published and well respected in 1979 he became head of the Psychiatry department at the prestigious Mount Si Hospital in Miami Dr Weiss was one of the stars in his field it was then that he took on a new patient named Catherine she was suffering from panic attacks phobias fears nightmares she had begun sleeping in a large Closet in her apartment because of fear after more than a year of conventional treatment Catherine showed little progress and that is when the doctor turned to hypnosis a therapy he says he'd used successfully before she turned out to be one of those approximately 20% of people who could go very deeply even the first time Catherine was able to easily recall traumatic memories from her childhood when he asked Catherine to go to the source of her pain Dr Weiss says he was shaken to his core Catherine regressed back and started talking about living previous lives I was very disciplined very scientific my mind was very left brain and I was not open at all to New Age Concepts or concepts of past lives this is an actual recording of Catherine from 26 years ago she recounts a past life as a Ukrainian boy in the 1700s 1958 I just see a child a boy his clothes are Raggedy he's cold What Becomes of the boy I don't know he'll probably die with each new session came new discoveries more and more past lives how many times have you been through lifetimes 866 yes I will when it is important for me to remember them so you're this scientist Colombia graduate uh Yale trained and all that so you're sitting there and you're hearing this for the first time you talk about it in Many Lives Many Masters but share with our audience what you thought the first time you're trying to verify how this can be I I was shocked I thought it was imagination or fantasy I didn't believe in any of this and neither did she she's a Catholic woman from New England but she was starting to heal her memories were so vivid and so emotional and her symptoms were disappearing but it still took more for me because I was so stuck in my left brain and didn't believe in any of this but when So when you say Catholic woman from New England that implies I think to me and to all of us that she didn't believe in reincarnation or believe in any of this kind of thing not at all yeah neither of us but when she started started talking about in between lifetime State she floated above and died in a medieval Lifetime and she said to me this was the this was the moment when I shifted yeah she said to me your father is here and your son and there's just the two of us in my office but she said to me in this time your father is here and your son and they had both already died your father um she told me his Hebrew name Aram she's a Catholic woman no this is not information you can look up anywhere he died from his heart and your daughter is named after him just saw a picture of little Amy named after my father and your son is here and he's very tiny and shining brightly and his heart is important also because it's turned around backwards and his death was important to teach you things to show you things and she went into more details medical details too about his didn't she say his heart is like a chicken yeah turned around backwards and what this was all true my father's Hebrew name was ay died two years of a heart ago before Katherine started of a heart attack did not have an obituary there was no place to look this up and my daughter was named after him our first child's son died in 1971 3 weeks old of a very rare congenital heart defect and I remember her telling me these truths and the room started and didn't she tell you that your son says the reason he came and the reason he was here was yeah to to teach us teach us Carol and me about life about death and it was very important in many ways looking back at it to teach me about um life and death and what happens after that and things we had to learn so this patient of yours Katherine is telling you about your son who had died years previously yes 10 years before 10 years before and that that's when you said let me get the tape recorder uh yeah let me get and I did I ran to the library too because that's how I was trained you know go to the medical Library find out if this is happening to me is it happening to other doctors are they writing about it they weren't because of the risks that areil because you can didn't you think you could risk being called a cuckoo oh more than that yeah cuckoo for sure but my license I was chairman of the Psychiatry Department I had tenure I was clinical professor at the University of Miami I had two more children after that Jordan and Amy a house with a big mortgage it it was really risky I could lose all of that but but that was so real and so detailed and I you know how you get the feeling in your gut in your bones there's there's no trick to this she can't know this material something and and my life just our lives just changed you know it's it's not just medical ridicule but the public also is dis believing we were talking about keeping an open mind and I feel very strongly about that because this has so much wonderful healing potential but there are a lot of folks out there watching the show and said saying you know to themselves if I open my mind up that much my brains are going to spill out right there's just no way I can pry it that far apart and and yet if we look at the lessons we've learned in medicine not everything that's logical turns out to be true and not everything that's illogical ends up feeling only by observing which is what you're doing what was really happening that we begin to get our arms around the very complicated topic too often in medicine we are trenched in the belief that we have to understand why before when to take that big leap forward to look into the reasons for it and that's what fascinates me so much about this whole process that's why the show is so exciting to me you feel it keep an open mind we'll be right back coming up a funeral director gets a message from the other side during his dramatic session with Dr Weiss de dead people that's next I can't wait to see what happened when Dr Oz got regressed but anyway when we decided to do this show about past life regression one of the first people we thought of is uh former guest Leon Roberts you may remember him from a show that we did with Dr Oz on quitting smoking L Leon is a funeral director so he's around death all the time you see dead people yes all the time uh and uh we thought that he might have an interesting experience first uh how you doing with it not smoking I'm doing great it's been 65 days today with no cigarette there are two things that you need to know before you watch this tape with leyon uh one Leon has a lifelong rocky relationship with his older sister and two he has nightly dreams of flying all right let's see this a little nervous about uh you know if I can uh be put under hypnosis you know a little nervous about that that's about it really I'm open to being hypnotized but I'm not sure if I will be able to be so Dr Leon Roberts Leon pleasure to meet pleas to meet you too as I get to know Leon I explain what it means to be hypnotized it usually takes a person about 20 minutes to reach a deep hypnotic State here's some of the process a lot of people don't understand what hypnosis is it's really just focusing the concentration when you're relaxed you're always in control you know you can open your eyes anytime and imagine that you can breathe out the stresses and tensions in your body and that you can breathe in the beautiful energy all around you let my voice also take you deeper and deeper relaxed let us begin going backwards in time at first a little bit and then more and more as I count backwards now from 5 to 1 go back into your childhood and let yourself remember a memory from when you were young remember my mother being gone one night and they were telling you that she was going to bring a baby home about how old are you now six what are you experiencing now are you remembering more about that time my sister teasing me my old sister yeah how was your relationship then you can remember everything was good when we were younger how do you feel now remembering that as they're sad sad sad why sad what makes you sad that it changed yeah yeah I know you don't need to feel sad because you can fix it you can fix it now you know how it was you know the real core of it let's go farther back now back into past lives be there what's happening to you floating when you're floating do you feel anything a plane what kind of plane is this it's old plane kind of a fighter plane or military plane where's it going I'm going to tap you on the forehead and count down from 3 to one 3 2 one more details about the plane the old plane it's hurtling through the sky having trouble's flying what kind of troubles can't stay level it can't some's happen to it what happened can smoke from the plane are there other planes other planes Leon who has dreams of flying every night seems to be describing a past life where he is fighting on a war plate I don't want to die no you don't want to die either how many people are in the plane mean him just two do you do the gun is that what you do I don't know who's who no is it confusing okay I don't know who to shoot no it's okay so sometimes I don't Che no no but your plane gets hit yeah yeah because you sh so they shot you instead because Leon refuses to shoot his guns his own plane crashes I see his reluctance to kill others in this past life as the mark of an advanced soul it's okay I'm going to take you to the end you don't survive this fall from the plane do you no let's go to the end now you don't have to go through it when I touch you on the forehead the plane will be down you'll leave that body and you'll feel so much better now leave the body you're not the soldier anymore just float above it you can look down what happens next as you float there you're relieved there's no fear anymore what happens next not afraid you're not afraid anymore do you feel lighter now yeah no pain no pain well Leon's regression didn't end there what happened next brought everybody to tears we'll show you that in just a minute but first let's talk about what we just saw what was that like for you it felt like I was there it was so real uhhuh um and I it just brings it all back I'm trying to not get all choked up but it kind of I can I'm there and when I'm watching it I can feel everything I was feeling uhhuh I'd said to the audience before and because the producers told me that um that you have these flying dreams every night okay and you've had flying dreams I've had flying dreams since I can remember yeah since I was young um you know some where I'm getting chased and people are trying to kill me mhm M that's most of the time but since uh my adult life I have more more enjoyable flying dreams Dr wife says it often takes five to 10 sessions before somebody really gets in touch with their past life so again for our audience here who you know you did it in a group first of all it's harder to do in a group and certainly most people do it three or four or five or 10 times before they get what open enough to have that channel that uh that sort of Clear Channel that that Dr Oz was talking about Leon did it in one time yeah well out of the blue during Leon's regression he told Dr Weiss that he had a message keep in mind again Leon is a funeral director take a look at this they want me to tell people they're okay they want you to tell people they're okay it's good who wants you to tell this the dead people the dead people okay that's good and you can tell them that you have your own experience now so who was that message coming from is it like a voice day it's it's there's no voices it's just a feeling I get a real strong feeling I've always F felt really comfortable around people who have died and I and I I've always felt this energy from them and more of a more of a spirit thing than a voice I I don't hear voices it's a Feeling an energy thing energy energy and uh we'll be right back fascinating to me coming up keep watching to see what happens next with Leon certainly a long list of things I'd like to improve on my relationship with my sister it bothers me quite a bit dayto day it's it's can be a disaster she's completely different person than I am we just we Clash I would like an explanation of why I don't like to feel pressure on my chest I just can't have any pressure on my chest ever so I feel like I'm being suffocated I feel like I'm I can't breathe and I'm I'm going to you know I'm going to die being a funeral director has definitely impacted my life spirituality I think comes into play a lot in my business because I hear a lot of different people's stories and uh I'm very open to pretty much anything that has to do with afterlife face it nothing us know what's going to happen when we die well the next part of Leon's regression with Dr Weiss sent chills up everybody's spines even the cameramen it's hard to move them for anything uh couldn't believe what they were seeing take a look is there more Feel This Feeling yes what feeling my head is swelling up I'm going to touch you on the forehead and you'll understand why your head is so big why it feels like it's swelling up was crushed you were crushed yeah okay what crushed your head how did it get crushed my whole body your whole body was crushed yeah you saw my chest yes something on your chest what's on your chest I don't know it's heavy it's heavy what is it it's a garbage compactor or something car crusher let's go back in time figure it out what is it someone hit me on the head do you know who hit you no I was watching something yes watching something or someone I couldn't do anything what I didn't dare to do anything I just watched you just watched and maybe you saw something that someone being raped someone was being raped yeah and you saw it just Flo above it you're free of the pain you watched a rape and that got you killed and caused a terrible pain in your chest and the feeling of your head exploding just make any connections it may have now in this life no one deserves that no not what you saw and not what happened to you either that right did you you see the person doing the raping the man it's too far away too far away you couldn't see an alley and then someone hit you on the head mhm but you couldn't help that woman you saw it and then you were killed I was going to die I could have help her you mean by running down the alley and yeah I understand do you feel badly that you didn't do that yeah I know you didn't stop it I was very pray you couldn't have done anything even if you had tried to stop it you probably would have been killed first right it's okay let go of any guilt for from that time do you know who she was the woman there being with was my sister yeah it was your sister I know and you didn't stop it wow thanks a lot wow so just to be clear you believe that the strange that you saw being raped in a previous life um is actually your sister in this life yes I I didn't see her face but it was just an energy it was um it it was just her there was no doubt about it it was her and so how coming to that realization or seeing that as you now say that you did does it help explain your relationship with your sister now in any way it's unbelievable I I I we were talking last night with my other sister and I and I just like I don't feel any of the anything I used to feel towards my sister Lynn that I was speaking of I I it's like it's like a different relationship now I I I don't have any anger towards her um I totally accepting of her um and our differences and it's just been it's been incredible the last couple weeks I just I feel completely at peace and um just love nothing but love for it's it's and it's I can't you know I can't I guess I owe it to that but it's still in my mind um part of me doesn't want to believe that that's actually what happened to me but I I I keep going back to it and uh and and there's no other explanation I I can't I'm trying to disprove it in my mind but every there's other things that just lead me back to where there's nothing there's no other explanation well Lyn is Leon's sister and we showed her that tape in Dr Weiss's office the other day what did you think it's good was pretty mind-blowing I mean I just was I couldn't believe really what I was watching um and he was obviously so deeply affected like he was reliving it and um it was it was pretty wild to watch I didn't feel I didn't have any particular feelings about it like like I was reliving it because it was completely his experience you know I wasn't feeling like any effects of it in a negative way except that I was feeling badly for him but um I wasn't traumatized in any way watching it and so he said your relationship has changed since that time yeah I don't know if I would say it was Rocky or that we didn't get along I think that we've done pretty really I know different perspective but I think that we've done really well over the years given our differences we different different personalities different interests different always things out we always work things out we had to we've had to work really hard at working together and I think that us working together in the business creates um probably a lot lot more potential for conflict than if we were just free to be brother and sister and didn't have all the stuff coming up that we had but I think that's interesting about remembering when you first came home as a baby and feeling that you know she was feeling left out because I really do sense that babies get a sense I mean I have an early early memory my father says it couldn't be true but I have an early early memory of a relative um you know sticking out their tongue at me in the baby carriage and everybody yeah I want who the relative is even though they passed on and I sense it and later on I came to realize that that actually you know did did happen but I remember being in the baby car in the and looking through the bars and I didn't know what sticking out your tongue meant but I knew that it wasn't a good thing the feeling that I got from that and the feeling was that I was not wanted kids have kind of a connection I think you're absolutely right so when you think that you're not loved looking through the the bars that's always there yeah always there absolutely coming up what happens when Dr Oz gets regressed that's next as part of his research for this Show Dr Oz uh agreed to be regressed what happened well it is remarkably smooth as you all experienced but but as you sort of enter into this deeper state of awareness uh and I sort of Saw myself going there I thought the whole time you know this is going to be just sort of tedious and I'm not going to notice that much more but were you intimidated at all of I was I I know where my weaknesses are I love when there's data if there's information out there I get my arms on it and I'm really comfortable that's my sweet spot when we go down this Pike I get really uncomfortable and there's a lot of reasons that I should be uncomfortable but but in this case I really thought that I was going to remember a couple things from when I was 10 years old and we'd be done and interestingly I ended up on a memory uh of a dream that I had before I started kindergarten and it's such a crazy thing why would you remember a dream of all things to remember you could remember real things but in this dream uh my father is taking me about by the hand to individual older men who are wearing these velvety gowns and they're wearing fezzes you know know fezzes that was the old Ottoman garbage the the sort of the Hat they would wear cylindrical hat and they they professional in a school and they have these old parchments and Scrolls and they're writing down things like my lessons and he's taking me from place to place and they're not joking around they're very serious about what what they're doing and it just sort of seems to me that they're planning my life and you know what elown it was to get on a yellow school bus yeah and sit in the back of a class of 30 uh but that's what I thought and I remember going through that process being so disappointed when school really started and then I ended up from there in this uh sort of ether this this space that many of my patients actually have described to me and went in my day job you know I deal with death all the time as a heart surgeon too many patients have told me these stories of being in a space where they could sort of see lights and they're sort of wandering to get under the lights and I sort of felt like that and I felt like there was a stream of people going past me but there were energy they didn't have faces and they were trying to teach me but I wasn't ready to hear it yet and that seemed like it took as much time as it took me to explain it to you and we were done and Dr Weiss said you got to go to your meeting was 60 Minutes was 60 Minutes 60 Minutes wow so is it something you believe in because that's what you know there were some people in this audience who chose not to have this experience or chose not to be hypnotized because they said I don't believe in it you know there are going to be a lot of folks who very understandably say these are the the the uh The Wishful desires of desperate people MH but let me just challenge all of our base of reality this chair that I'm sitting in now is not matter it's not mass they're tiny little particles so far from each other that have these forces connected in them and we envision it as this solid state I'll blow your mind more a little molecule a little atom here one the other side of the of the planet because if they're Brothers if you twist one if you spin one the other will spin immediately they're not communicating through any means we understand so what I really think we want to do is challenge people to the to the to the belief and understanding that life is not as real as it seems there's other stuff out there I got to say I don't know if it's past lives and we can get into a long debate about whether These Are Spiritual Beings touching us is this this Collective unconsciousness that young spoke of but one thing I've got to say if I'm honest with myself is a hundred years ago in this country we were more comfortable with these discussions than we are today and I I think part of that is we have gotten addicted uh to the same serum that I'm taking which is the belief that that the answers are always going to be there in front of us and sometimes you got to take that leap uh just to believe to test it out you know we don't have to Advocate it but we do have to evaluate it well yeah 100 years ago holistic medicine was medicine it was medicine 100 years ago it was common place to argue whether or not you could see past lives or touch to spiritual world or or or deal with this Collective unconsciousness which is what I actually my heart think exists that all of our minds are connected and all of the minds of History are connected and we're feeding into this energy system that we can tap into it's it's like Karma you can bounce into it it bounces your back well we'll be right back thank you thank you Dr [Music] Oz I think the biggest uh question that everybody has is where is God in all of this I find your answer is I find God everywhere in this I was meditating on this one day and had a metaphor of ice cubes like people ice cubes they're solid they have sides but if you melt them with heat energy they just disappear into water they become water so if ice cubes are floating in water and you heat the water everything is water the individuality has disappeared and if you keep adding heat energy even the water disappears and it all becomes steam invisible but it's still the H2O molecule vibrating rapidly it's still there and I think people are like the ice cubes we're the solid part the condensed part we think we're separate from everybody else we're not because if you heat us with love energy not heat energy but love energy we melt into a spiritual Sea Spirit and water has always been equated and if you keep heeding with love you find God God is the steam God is beyond the steam the organizing wisdom that's in every atom of our being as well as every atom of this chair this is who we are we God is in all of us and so we're not so separate so distinct we're not different from each other We're All Souls and souls are all connected yeah and I know I was just saying the producers people get hung up on the word Masters because people say there's only one master and the truth is yeah we all are one so you can call them angels I said you can call them Angels you can call them Masters or you can call them Winnie to pooh it doesn't matter yes thank you Dr Weiss Dr Brian Weiss it's the 20th anniversary of his book Many Lives Many Masters thank you Dr Oz H maybe those little lights will be speaking to you soon I'm listening thanks for watching the best of the Oprah show on Super Soul Sunday we'll see you next [Music] time
Channel: OWN
Views: 336,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oprah, Oprah Winfrey, Oprah Winfrey Network YouTube, Oprah Where Are They Now, Where Are They Now Oprah, Iyanla Fix My Life, full episodes, Oprah Winfrey Show, If Loving You Is Wrong, Iyanla Vanzant, Livin Lozada, Oprah Life Class, season, episode, Classic Oprah, Best of Oprah, OWN Network, The Oprah Show, Dr. Mehmet Oz, Dr. Brian Weiss, Past Life Regression, Were You Here Before, The Best of The Oprah Show
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 49sec (2449 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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