Life Beyond Death: How 1,000 Near-Death Experiences Confirm the Bible!

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Then he sees this narrow gate open into the  kingdom of heaven and he says, when I come back,   I want to go through that narrow gate. How do  I go through that narrow gate? Which temple,   which mosque, you know which religion should I  do the religious thing? And the Lord said, No,   I want relationship and Santosh comes back and he  is seeking this God. He's like, this was not like   the Hindu gods. Who was this God of compassion  and mercy? I expected Him to cast me into hell   and He gave me a second chance. Who was He and  he's praying every day, Lord reveal. Well, two   years later, his daughter is invited by a friend  to sing in a choir at church. Santosh goes to hear   her and as he walks in, he feels the presence of  the same God of light and love. The message that   day was on the narrow way. Wow. And how Jesus  is the gate through which you must enter the   kingdom of God. Welcome everyone to this channel  as well as to this video. I believe that today's   video is not only going to expose you to some very  interesting things but also, those of you who are   maybe just curious, it's going to give you some  guidance toward a phenomena that's happening in   our culture you probably have heard about this,  about near-death experiences, about heaven, about   the future that's waiting all of us. Just about a  year ago, I watched After Death documentary which   was based on real near-death experiences and it  explored the whole idea of afterlife and there was   a lot of New York bestselling authors, medical  experts, scientists and survivors who actually   shed light on what awaits us and one of them that  was not only in that documentary but is actually   a New York best-selling author pastor John Burke.  He's a founder and a former lead pastor of Gateway   church and not only that but he's a president of  Gateway Leadership Initiative and he wrote a lot   of books. One of them is 'Imagine Heaven' and he  just recently released another book, Imagine God   and about the God of Heaven who wants to welcome  everyone to heaven and so we're going to learn   today about near-death experiences. We're going to  learn about afterlife but first and foremost John,   I want to welcome you to my channel and  introduce you to our audience. Hey Vlad,   thanks for having me on. John, your life started  as a skeptic of religion. You were engineer by   training and actually, you were watching your  father die out of cancer and you read a book by   Dr Raymond Moody who actually coined this term  near-death experiences. How did that cause you   to start searching more about religion, life and  how did you become a Christian after that? Yeah,   I was pretty much agnostic. I thought Jesus was a  legend. I see this book on my dad's dresser and I   picked it up and started scanning through it and  I couldn't put it down. I read the whole thing in   one night and it was the first book chronicling  these situations where people clinically die you   know they have no heartbeat, no brain waves in  some cases, for minutes to even hours and yet   when they revive, when they come back, they talk  about a life more real than this one, in a place   more beautiful than we can imagine and in the  presence of a God of light and love, who some said   was Jesus. They saw Jesus and I'm reading all this  and I'm thinking, oh my gosh like, this is a lot   of people you know he chronicled probably about  70, 80 people and I was like, this could be actual   evidence. I was always looking for evidence you  know as an engineer, I wanted to know well how do   you know and so that didn't convince me, it just  opened my mind and you know not coincidentally,   that year, a friend invited me into a small  group Bible study and because of that,   I decided to go and just ask all my questions  started and that's how I came to faith in Christ   and then, where did the journey into studying this  phenomena of near-death experiences begin? Yeah,   it started when I was working as an engineer and  I kept running into them. I lived in Santa Barbara   California which turned out to be kind of the  hub of research in the late 80s, early 90s. So   I kept running into these experiences or hearing  about them and I just my geeky engineering mind,   I started chronicling them. I started trying  to sort it out because I was always curious,   How do these near-death experiences fit with what  I'm reading in scripture? What I've come to know   about the God of the Bible and so I actually did  my first talk on this in 1989 at the University   of California, Santa Barbara. So I've been at  it for 35 years and I've studied well over a   thousand of these near-death experiences and then  you became a pastor in Texas. Along the way, yeah,   along the way, I left engineering and I went into  ministry and about 26 years ago, my wife and I   founded Gateway Church here in Austin actually  for skeptics like me. Oh wow and turns out,   there are a lot of us and we've seen a lot of  people come to faith. So we want to explore some   of the things that you've learned in your journey,  in your study and investigating this phenomena and   you being a pastor, I remember actually watching  the After Death documentary and seeing that   and I was like oh wait, he's a pastor but he's  speaking like he's a scientist you know and the   way you drew in the skeptics and you brought  them in and that was just really incredible,   it was really moving and it was just a powerful  powerful documentary, so is the book that you   wrote. And if we can start with these near-death  experiences, so there are out of body experiences.   You're mentioning that in your book that about  75.4% of people who have these experiences,   have out of body experiences. What exactly is an  out of body experience? Well, when they first die,   they say that they leave their body but they  still have a body. It's a spiritual body and   this is just what Paul talked about and in fact, I  think Paul might have had a near-death experience.   You remember in Acts 14, he was stoned to death  in Lystra dragged out of the city and left for   dead and the believers prayed for him and he gets  back up, goes back into the city which I wouldn't   do if they just stoned you and then he says in 2  Corinthians 12, fourteen years ago - whether I was   in my body or out of my body, I don't know, only  God knows but I was taken up into heaven and heard   and saw things inexpressible. So I wonder if those  two connect and that's what happened but Paul then   goes on in 1 Corinthians 15, he talks about, we're  buried a natural body but we're raised a spiritual   body. We're buried in weakness but we're raised  in dunamis, in power and so these people say,   they leave their body but they still are  themselves. In fact, more themselves and they   have a spiritual body not just with five senses  but many senses. You know it's kind of what Paul   said with powers beyond what we experienced in  this body and actually Vlad, that out of body   experience is what first started to convinced me,  this wasn't just hallucination or you know just a   trick of the brain because while out of their body  many times they say, they were up above watching   their resuscitation or watching the scene of the  accident and even while they had no brain waves,   when they came back, they could describe things  that could be checked out that they should not   have been able to see or know and there have  actually been studies that I report in 'Imagine   the God of Heaven' I report on studies done  showing that these verifiable observations that   NDE-ers make are 92% are completely accurate, 92%  of their observations, another 6% mostly accurate,   only 2% in this one study were inaccurate. But  doesn't the medical science tell us that our   consciousness is the product of our physical  brains. Well, that is what medical science   believes but medical science is being challenged  and there are many medical doctors now who've   actually studied this who have written papers in  the Journal of the American Medical Association in   the Lancet in Europe challenging the materialistic  view of the soul or that there is no soul that our   our consciousness is only produced by our brain  because this really really challenges it. One of   the things that you highlight in your books and  even hearing different people who had near-death   experiences is the heightened senses. It's  the sight, the smell and the sound are the key   characteristics of these near-death experiences.  It's almost like people feel they're describing   it that when they are in their body, that they are  limited. When they come out of that, it's almost   like everything is just so much like greater. It's  more real. It's almost like this world is not as   real. It's that world that's real. Can you give  some examples of heavenly or hellish experiences   that people had concerning their senses. Yeah and  interestingly that's exactly what they tell me.   They say things like this is the shadow, that's  the real thing. Wow. One guy, Dean Braxton said,   after his experience of heaven and being in the  presence of Jesus, he had to come back into his   body and he said, it was like going into the sewer  he said, and I had a good life here but it was the   comparison is just... we don't realize. So yeah,  they talk about how in this place so many times   after they leave their body then they travel.  Sometimes, there are angels there to accompany   them. Sometimes, there's this welcoming committee  of people who have passed on before them. Jesus   actually talked about this in... I think it's John  13 when He said, Use your worldly resources to   make friends so that when it's gone, they'll  welcome you into eternal dwellings and they   consistently talk about this welcoming committee  and then they travel and sometimes they say,   it's through a tunnel. Sometimes, it's just  out through space but come to this place of   exquisite beauty and back to the senses. So their  eyesight is like telescopic. They can see miles,   thousands of miles and yet zoom up on something  as well and now, I'll say this you know when I   was first studying all this you know as a young  Christian and I'm hearing these things and I'm   thinking, okay, this is weird. This is not in the  Bible. This is not right but it actually is and it   just takes a lot of digging. So one of the things  the Lord showed me for instance is this idea of   this telescopic eye sight. John in the book of  Revelation is taken in the spirit to heaven and   he says, he was taken up to a very high mountain  which by the way, I have commercial airline pilots   describing coming into the holy city and seeing  those mountains and they're higher than Everest by   a long shot. So he's up on a very high mountain  looking down on the holy city and he reads   the names on the foundation stones and over the  gates. Wow. How? Right. That's interesting and so   you start to see that that God has revealed these  things. The communication of heaven is thought to   thought, heart to heart, feeling to feeling. you  can speak and use your mouth. In fact, one NDE-er   said, the only time he saw people actually using  words was when they were worshiping God before the   throne, they were singing but usually it's this  pure communication - thought to thought, heart   to heart. Well, that was another one that kind  of tripped me up for a while until I started to   realize you know what that is actually more direct  communication than having to use words, sounds and   ears and that is actually how God's Holy Spirit  speaks to us today. Wow, directly to the soul,   directly to the mind. Now, we have to have ears to  hear as Jesus said. We have to learn to hear His   promptings but so these things of heaven that they  experience, they're all there in the scriptures   and that's what I'm trying to show and help people  see that the life to come is really the life to   live for and the God of the life to come is the  God to walk with now. Wow, that is incredible.   When you're sharing this, I'm remembering my wife  is pregnant right now. So it's our first child and   congratulations, thank you and so I just saw the  picture she just sent me the pictures from the   scan that they did in the hospital and you can  see the face of the baby and in about 3 weeks,   he's going to come into this world. I'm thinking  you know there are three worlds that we live in.   One is in the womb for about 9 months. One is  in this earth, 90, 80, 70 years and then there's   that world. The one, the mysterious one, the one  that we know so little about even though we see   glimpses of that and the scripture reveals to us  to live for this world like you're mentioning and   people get these glimpses and I'm thinking like  my boy, he's going to come into this world. There   is no words, there is no reference, I can use to  describe to him the world he's about to walk in to   you know and when he's going to exit that world  that he is comfortable in, being fed and taken   care of, it's going to be a lot of crying you know  a lot of pain but he's not going to die, he's just   going to transition you know and the same thing  happens when we leave this world. A lot of crying,   a lot of pain but it's also joy because we're  actually going into another world and when people   come from that world and what you're sharing right  now as I'm listening to this, I'm like that's so   strange. That's so crazy but I'm thinking if  I would try to explain to my son right now,   the world I'm in, that there's computers, there's  lights, there's there's all of this. It will not   make sense to him. I couldn't even use... there's  no words to explain that and so the world we're   going into is going to be so incredible. Well  and one of the reasons I feel called to speak   into this biblically is because millions of people  around the globe have had a near-death experience.   2019 study of the European Academy of Neurology  did a study of 35 countries found 5% of the   population has had a near-death experience. Wow,  so this and I believe that this is God's testimony   in for such a time as this. I mean, we couldn't be  doing this and I couldn't have interviewed people   in 70 you know in every continent. 70 people from  all around the world who I put in this new book,   'Imagine the God of Heaven' who experienced the  same God and I'm showing, this is the God of the   Bible. This is the God of history. This is the  God who's been revealing Himself all along and   did what He did through Jesus for every person in  every nation and I believe He's giving testimony   to that. I think this is a new apologetic for  our globally connected world to see that yes,   God is real. What He's done in history is real and  He wants everyone to be with Him because this life   is really chapter one of the real story. We've got  a lot of life left and when we think of heaven is   disconnected from this life, we're really missing  it. This life is just the muted beginning of just   a taste of the goodness of what's to come and a  taste of hell. We just get a taste of what life   apart from God is like and it's a time of choosing  but it's just chapter one and what happens in this   life is a continuation into the next life. Can  you speak a little bit into the fact that there   are positive and negative near-death experiences.  You quote in your book, the handbook of near-death   experiences which reports that 23% of all  the near-death experiences are disturbing,   terrifying and despairing. I mean they're  describing hell and a lot of people don't   want to talk about that because you know they feel  ashamed and they're scared and what does this mean   for a Christian? How does that confirm the Bible?  Yeah and one of the reasons, it took me so long   to write is that at first in the 80s and the 90s,  no one was coming forward talking about hellish   experiences because like you said, who wants to  say, Hey I went to hell you know and the other   thing is that is more real than this as well. So  you know I've interviewed atheistic professors who   now are pastors. In fact three pastor friends I  know had hellish near-death experiences and came   back and gave their life to Christ. Wow. But these  are real and as I've interviewed them, they've   said things to me like, I can't go any farther. I  still get PTSD from it. So it's real and I think   what it tells us is that everything that Jesus  said is true and now, the other side of it is   that you know in this new book, 'Imagine the God  of Heaven' I have near-death experiencers talking   about how God allowed them to feel His heartbreak,  His sadness over the children He created and love   and loves who would choose to reject Him and that  free will demands that He give us what we demand,   what we want and you know that's what I talk  about as well is that we have to understand   that the Bible is really this great love story of  God for all nations starting in Genesis 12 where   He raises up Abraham and Sarah and says, I'm going  to bless all the nations and then in Revelation 7,   where all, every nation and tribe and tongue and  language is gathered around the throne worshiping   God and there's a great wedding. So it's this  great love story of God and because of that,   love is really what it's all about. Near-death  experiencers in God's presence have a life review   and they come back with two very clear things.  It doesn't matter where on earth they are. God is   love and how we love or treat one another is what  matters most to God. Well, that's what Moses said.   That's what Jesus said, right. But also you can't  love without free will and so God gives us free   will and in that, He actually limits Himself. He  allows us to truly choose either to love Him and   follow Him or to reject Him but to reject the  God who is light and love and life, what is it   when you go to a place where God stays out? Well,  that's hell and it's outer darkness and it's the   creature. My will be done. It's dominate or be  dominated and it's like the worst prison scene.   Have you noticed that people who have the hellish  experiences are consistently the ones that have   not accepted Christ or they're those who like you  mentioned God allows them to experience hellish   things so they could feel His heartbreak and have  you noticed because I've heard some testimonies   of people who had near-death experiences who  were not believers but they saw the light,   they went through the tunnel, they experienced  God's love and is that a confirmation that if   they're not in a relationship with God through  Jesus Christ that they will go to heaven because   they had a near-death experience of seeing the  light. How do you kind of see those things? Yeah,   I think that's a really important question  because I don't think near-death experiences   are an indication of a person's eternity and  here's why. So in a near-death experience,   they commonly say that there was a border or  a boundary that knew they couldn't cross over   and still come back to earth. Wow and in the new  book, I even have Jesus telling several people,   you have to go back. You haven't died yet but  according to our definition of clinical death,   they definitely had died. So whatever this is,  this is not and what I tend to think of you know   in Hebrews 9:27 I think it says, it's appointed  for mankind to die once and then comes judgment.   This is not that. So once you cross over, whatever  that border or boundary is, I believe then you are   in either eternal life or eternal death. So you're  no longer connected to time and temporality like   we are here and I think because of that, your  decisions are also then eternal or eternalized,   whatever that means. I mean we live in time so  it's almost impossible to know what that means   but I think that's also why someone can have a  near-death experience and they can see God and   they can experience God's love and what else would  you expect, God is love. He can't not love and He   can't not love the creatures He created for His  love but that doesn't mean they're right with Him.   Case in point, Acts chapter 9, right. Saul, soon  to be the apostle Paul doesn't believe in Jesus.   He thinks it's blasphemous to believe in Jesus.  He's going and arresting Christians to have them   jailed and even killed. When the same brilliant  God of light appears to him, sound familiar and   he says, who are you? And He says, I'm Jesus who  you're persecuting and I like to point out Jesus   did not explain the gospel to him. He didn't tell  him what to do and God does not do that with these   NDE-ers either and that confuses us. We're like  well, if it's really Him, why didn't He just say,   Hey here's the deal as if He couldn't do that  if He wanted to. That's not His way. His way   is to use people, life on life and so Jesus sends  Ananias to Saul and Saul still has a free will. He   has to choose. Will I leave Pharisee-ism? He had  a lot going for him. Yeah and become a follower   of Jesus, he was going to suffer a lot and so  when NDE-ers come back, they still have a choice   to make too and some seek and find this God that  they encountered and many. I mean in the new book,   I have Hindus and Muslims and Buddhists and Jews  who encountered this God of light and love and   some knew who He was. They knew He was Jesus  because He looked like Jesus. In other cases,   not and they came back seeking and they discovered  this is the God of the Bible. This is the God who   revealed Himself through Jesus but just because  they see Him you know Revelation 1:7 says,   Every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him  so just because you see Him does not mean you're   right with Him but what it does mean is that He is  real. He really does love every person. We really   are going to give an account for our lives because  this life review, it's just a little snippet of   learning. It's fascinating what happens you know  but we see our lives, that's another commonality   you know just like says in 2 Peter 3:8 to the  Lord, a day is like a thousand years and a   thousand years is like a day. Well NDE-ers say,  time was different there or some of them say,   there was no time or some say well, there was  time but there was all the time you needed and   so it's a different experience of time. Have you  noticed those people who had hellish experience...   Have you met them that were believers? So, yes.  Not usually but there have been believers. There   is one in 'Imagine the God of Heaven' and she  first had an experience with God, incredible   in His light and love and the acceptance and He  talked to her about the ripple effect of her life,   of every thought word and deed and the gifts that  He had given her but then He gives her a vision   of hell and He lets her see the agony of people,  all the judgmental thoughts and all these twisted   thoughts against one another and that trap us  in ourselves and just this hopelessness and I   asked her about that and she said, I think God  knew that because He told me, I want you to go   back and tell people everything you've seen  and that's a commonality too like Santosh,   this Hindu manufacturing engineer that I report  on, also saw this... what he describes as outer   darkness with a pit of fire. That's how, he's  a Hindu and that's how he describes it and then   he describes this huge compound. He called  it a compound but he said, it was like this   complex square in shape with high gorgeous walls  and inside just beautiful landscape and these   mansions, these otherworldly buildings, building  materials and 12 gates. He said my eye sight,   I could see for thousands of miles and I  counted them. There were 12. Wow. Yeah,   he's describing Revelation 21, what John described  and then he sees who he now thinks is Jesus on His   throne and and he too gets a life review and  then the Lord sends him back and he starts   to seek and ends up reading the Bible and said  everything I experienced was in the Bible. Wow,   and came to faith in Christ so yeah, these people  who experienced both heaven and hell. God said to   him, when you go back, I want you to tell the  truth and Santosh knew what He meant. He meant,   yeah don't lie but what He meant more was, I  want you to tell what you saw here in hell,   what you see here the New Jerusalem and Me and I  want you to tell them the truth. Now you mentioned   this in your book as well as pretty much one-third  of people with near-death experiences are passing   through the tunnel. Is this concept of  passing through the tunnel found in the Bible? You know I have not found that. I  mean nothing really clear. I think John,   when he said he was taken up into heaven, he  was like passing through something, he didn't   describe it that way. I think he described it  like a door or a door into but not everyone   passes through a tunnel and by the way you know  this really stretched me in my understanding   but the other thing that I started to is you know  Deuteronomy 29:29 says, The secret things belong   to the Lord our God but the things revealed  belong to us so that we may follow His word,   right and so you know hearing about these people  traveling like at the speed of light, that's what   they talk about. Sometimes, it's through a tunnel  but sometimes, it's not. Like in this one case,   this Jewish girl who... she had grew up hearing  that from her atheist father who was abusive,   your life is worthless. There is no God. Jesus  Christ is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on   mankind but despite that she always believed in  God and prayed to God every night and felt like   God was even there by her bedside, comforting  her and putting her to sleep at night. At 16,   her horse rears back, falls on her and  crushes her. She's 30 feet up above her body,   watching her sister's freak out. She knows  she's dead. She's not worried about that,   she feels great and she sees a light over her  shoulder and there floating with her is Jesus and   she said, I wasn't surprised like what's a nice  Jewish girl like me doing with Jesus. She said,   I knew this man. I knew this was the God I had  prayed to my whole life. I knew Him and He knew   me and He smiled at me, she said and I smiled at  Him. It was like this great reunion and then He   gives her a life review and He shows her when she  was praying as a little girl, He shows her Himself   sitting by the bed. Wow. So then Jesus, now you  got to remember this is a 16-year-old girl and God   gets us. He knows what gets us and she loved to  ride fast on horseback. He gets this grin, grabs   her hand and they take off and now this is not...  I've had multiple people tell me instead of going   through the tunnel, it was more like this. So she  is flying with Jesus, past and she can see you   know our world and then going out of our world and  it's really like going through the galaxies but in   another dimension. So all of this is maintained  within something bigger and you know I like to   say, it's kind of like if we were living our three  dimensional experience on a flat black and white   two-dimensional painting in your living room. You  die and you're peeled off that flat world into a   three dimensional world. Now you're experiencing  three dimensions of color in this world that was   all around you and you can see your flat world but  they can't. They don't have any idea where you are   because they don't have a third dimension. Wow and  that I believe is what near-death experiencers are   trying to convey. I think that's why it's so hard  for them to put it into words. You mentioned also   and that about 64.6 of people who have near-death  experience involve encountering some kind of a   light, brilliant mystical light that has love and  the Bible states that God is light. How does that   relate to us as Christians and how does that  confirm what we know about God? Yeah and in and   in the new book so there is this mystical light  but then there is clearly the light of God and   there's both, okay. So a fascinating little side  note and then we can come back to the God of light   but when blind people have near-death experiences,  they can see. Wow, another one of the evidential   points in chapter 2, I put 10 points of evidence  that convince me. So the observations were one but   blind people seeing and they what they say, they  saw in heaven was this light that is not like the   light of the sun because the light is also life  and love, coming out of the birds and the trees   and the flowers and the grass and even the people.  Okay, now again I was thinking okay, that's kind   of new age. That's kind of strange. What is that?  But in Isaiah 60 and in Revelation 21 it says,   There's no sun or moon in heaven because the glory  of God is its light and the nations will walk in   that light and this is what blind near-death  experiencers report as well. So this light,   also the light coming out of people, Daniel  chapter 12. That's what the angel told Daniel   that the righteous will rise and they will shine  like the stars and then Jesus in Matthew 13, Then   the righteous will shine like the stars in their  Father's kingdom and so this light is the glory of   God which is also the life that gives life to  everything. He's the light that gives life to   everything. He's the light of the world, right. In  Him, there is no darkness and you know you think   about it, I mean the transfiguration when Jesus  takes Peter, James and John up on the mountain,   He's transfigured and they said His face became  brighter than the sun. Well, I mean that's exactly   what near-death experiencers see and encounter.  They also encounter other beings about 57% of   people report encountering other beings either  angelic beings or people that they knew before.   Sometimes they meet them at the gates of...  I think it was pastor Don Piper has mentioned   that he saw some of his relatives who passed on to  glory, they were about to meet him but he didn't   go inside of heaven, they just met him pretty  much at the entrance and then he had to come   back. You alluded to this how we should use our  resources, Jesus said use our resources so that   people can welcome into heaven. Can you speak a  little bit more into that? Yeah, I mean heaven is   a place of relationship you know relationship is  what it's all about and so when we fear that God   is somehow going to take away or take apart our  relationships or some Christians even think well,   yeah we're going to all be in love with God but  you know we won't love each other. We won't really   be ourselves or we won't recognize it. No, none  of that's true. Those ideas are to keep you from   wanting to live for what's to come and by the way  you know that's what the Bible tells us, that's   why I wrote Imagine Heaven. It says you know set  your mind Colossians 3, set your mind on things   above not things of the earth because your life  is hidden in the heavenlies with Christ, who you   really are and what you were really created for is  going to be revealed one day and you know when we   are there though, we're fully ourselves. We have  our histories. We laugh together. We recall, we   remember and that's what these people experience.  It's this great reunion and the things that we do   in this life, we will do there. Jesus said this,  His last night on earth. He said to His friends,   I won't drink this cup of wine again until I drink  it with you in My Father's kingdom. What? Yeah,   He said it you know. He said, I'm going to prepare  a place for you that you might come and be with Me   and so Jesus didn't go into death, He went into  life. He said, I'm not the God of the dead. I'm   the God of the living and so when we are together,  yeah, there are hugs, there are kisses but the   hugs are deeper they say than anything experienced  on this earth and you know this is a really   important thing I think to realize or to think  about, with communication that is pure, you not   only know a person's thoughts but their feelings  and everything associated with it, from their past   and so you have perfect understanding and with it  comes perfect empathy and I think, we can learn a   lot in all of the miscommunications of earth to  realize that a lot of our miscommunication is   because we are all wounded and we're struggling  to help someone understand with our limited words   and so it's why God said you know listen more than  you speak because we need that help. We need time.   Come on. You know when I was younger I used to  think heaven is just going to be us participating   in a non-ending eternal worship service. I didn't  want to go there. I was like I don't know. I mean   I love church but I'm like I'm not sure I want  to have church nonstop and then there's no night   meaning, we're going to have a church through  the night and I was like I mean, I don't know   about this. So of course, as a pastor and that  sounds horrible to me. I know you know I mean   definitely being in God's presence but I'm like  you know, Hey hell is worse. So I'm just going to   go to heaven. I just want to go to heaven but then  you know hearing that heaven is not just a worship   experience, we will always live in worship to God  but you know we're not the four living creatures,   creatures that day and night will sing holy and  holy but we will live, we will create with God. We   will you know be part of you know the Bible says  that He will put us in charge of things. There's   going to be responsibilities. It's not just going  to be floating and playing harp for eternity and   so heaven is not and then some people hear these  you know lyrics that hell is going to have a party   and they're like you know I'm just going to go  to hell instead of going to heaven and you know   hearing these stories you're sharing right now,  heaven is going to be a really fun place. Well you   know my favorite part of this new book 'Imagine  the God of Heaven' is the last section because   it's about doing life with the God of joy and  as these near-death experiencers talk about the   joy of heaven and the experience of life. I mean  they talk about seeing children there that are...   they're playing with animals and with angels  and you know they're being children. They're   being like children and they were the ones that  died prematurely but they are growing as spirits,   they're growing still. So life goes on and just  like you said and Jesus said, you know there are   going to be things that are real. We are going to  have real responsibilities, the gifts we've been   given, the loves we have. You know I like to say  to people, have you ever thought man, you know,   I just might not be able to do that in this life  or you regret that you weren't able to be this   wonderful artist or you had all these songs in you  that you could never get out. Well, this is just   chapter one of the rest of the story of life and  you're going to have life to do all those things   and experience all those things and I've had some  people say to me, yeah but you know what, anything   forever sounds bad and I get that but here's what  you're missing. We live in one dimensional time   and in our one-dimensional time you know we do,  we only go from moment to moment but time on the   other side doesn't even work that way. So what  I like to say is imagine instead a moment when   you're in the zone, you know that term it's like  maybe you're creating something or you're doing   some project or you're in a conversation and time  goes away or it feels almost like that and you're   like oh man, I need more time. Well, that's more  like what heaven is going to be like. It's like   you're forever lost in the wonder and awe and  experience and relationship and it's life. I'm   curious about the life review you mentioned about  this Jewish girl at 16 who had... Jesus revealed   to her about you know her life and where she was  praying and He was sitting next to her and you   mention as well that about 22% of people who had  near-death experiences report a life review where   their deeds, their whole life as it seems, it's  played back to them and perhaps evaluated. Do you   think that all of us are going to have a similar  thing that these people are experiencing when we   die, where Jesus talks about the judgment seat  of Christ that we're going to stand before and   our whole life is going to be in front of us? I  do but I don't think this is it. I think the life   review is God giving this person and honestly, I  think all of us. I think it's a testimony for all   of us that Jesus words are true you know He said,  everything that is hidden will be revealed. There   is no secret. You you can think that things are  hidden, they're not which when you know what God   is like, when you know the grace and the love and  the compassion and the kindness of God, then you   don't need to hide anything from Him because He's  already there and He's in it with you and He wants   to guide you to even better things but but I do  think this is a semblance of what will happen.   So I do think we will have a chance to and this  life review is fascinating Vlad because again,   time doesn't work the same way. So literally it's  many times it's their whole life relived but kind   of like from a panoramic three-dimensional.  They're watching themselves living again but   they're feeling and remembering everything they  thought and felt in, say a conversation but   they're also hearing, feeling and understanding  everything the other person is going through. Oh   wow. So every act of kindness they experience, how  that affected the other person. Every mean thing   they see how that affected the other person  and in some cases, God shows them the ripple   effect through humanity 10, 20, 30 times out. For  instance this one woman, Penny in 'Imagine the   God of Heaven' she talked about how you know God  showed her things that were important to Him that   she had forgotten. She hadn't even thought about  them and they were the little things. They're the   Matthew 25 things when when Jesus says, Then  the king will say to them, when you fed me,   when you clothed me you know and they'll say,  When did we do this to You, Lord? And He said,   when you did it to the least of these, You did  it to Me, right. Well, she was in line, she's   watching herself in this grocery store in line  and this woman who was a single mom, couldn't pay   and she was like trying to figure out what to put  back, what she could afford and Penny just said,   Hey I got it. Don't worry about it. I got it for  you and she's like oh no, no, no. It's like oh,   don't worry about it. It's okay and then she sees  that woman deciding to go and volunteer at a food   pantry to help serve others who were struggling  because of that act of kindness motivated her to   do that. In another instance, Howard Storm who  was one of the ones who went to hell. He was   the atheist college professor who first had a  hellish experience, cried out for Jesus to save   him and into this outer darkness comes this light  brighter than the sun. Arms reach out, take him   out and he gets a life review in Jesus presence  and you know what Jesus showed him was fascinating   because they're going along and he's realizing  that this is my Creator holding me and loving me   and trying to give me understanding of my life and  as it's going along, he stops Jesus. He said, wait   a second. You skipped the most important thing in  my life and you know it was this award. He got as   a tenure art professor and this big banquet and  cash prize and honor, all thousands of people show   up and Jesus said, no, that's not important.  What I want you to see is how you treated the students and what he said is what I was realizing  is that what really mattered was relationship and   even with his father. His father was abusive and  he said you know what I saw in my life review is   that where I thought, I was all the victim and  you know all these people did these bad things   to me. I started to realize, no, it was a two-way  street because yes, my dad was a horrible person   and very abusive but then I became mean and mad  and did everything I could to hurt and provoke him   and we were both playing this game. Was there any  life reviews where they were given an opportunity   to see what God felt when they were doing those  decisions or where God was in their life? Yes   ,yes because because Howard said as he's watching  this, he said and at this point in my life view,   I felt the literal pain that Jesus and the  angels were feeling watching my life played out,   literal pain. He said it was not literally but  figuratively like I was stabbing Him in the chest,   wow and he said and here's the most kind loving  caring Being who I realized is my Creator,   my Friend, my Savior and the last thing I wanted  to do was hurt Him and I don't want to hurt him to   this day and he's a pastor today because of it,  because of the love of God but what he also saw   is a time. Jesus showed him a time when his sister  and I think she had lost a pet or something like   that and she was crying in the night and Howard  gets up and he goes in and he's just there with   her, comforting her and he felt, Jesus just joy.  He felt what Jesus was feeling and what he said is   you know God is a very feeling Being and I think  this is a really really important point because I   think Christian theology ended up rejecting a lot  of the Hebrew mindset of God and adopted the Greek   mindset of this very stoic you know other being  who has no connection to us. That is not the God   of the Bible. Go read Jeremiah chapter 3 you know  where God says you know how I longed to give you   this good land and I wanted you to call Me Father  and never reject Me and yet like an adulterous   wife commits adultery on her husband so you've  committed adultery on Me. That's what He feels   like, right, wow and as you read the stories of  these people. What I'm trying to do in 'Imagine   the God of Heaven' is show the theology of God and  the character of God shown through the scriptures   but when you hear like Erica, who was one of  the ones who God after being in His presence   showed her these people who had rejected Him and  she said, she felt before this, she'd only felt   this overwhelming love from God and then suddenly  she feels this overwhelming sadness as if she   lost all of her children at once in one accident,  just like the bottom dropping out and she's like,   where is this feeling coming from? What is this?  And then she realized the sadness was coming from   God and He said and then He showed her hell. He  showed her these people who had rejected Him and   the misery they were in from rejecting Him and yet  they were in their own prisons like CS Lewis said,   I think he was brilliantly right. The gates  of hell are locked from the inside, that hell   is God giving the free will creature what they  demand when they say, stay out of my life but   God is a very feeling God and I think you know  theologians say well, that's just anthropomorphic   which is a which is a big word to say well, we're  just putting human characteristics on God. Okay,   but we are created in His image. He's not created  in ours. So do we think God is less personal,   less kind, less feeling than we are? We're  greater? No, no, we've missed it completely and   you know Vlad what I'm so excited about this book  'Imagine the God of Heaven' is that we all put   God in a box. We have to because we're finite but  God is far greater in sovereignty, in omniscience,   omnipotence you know He's transcendent but He's  imminent. He's all these great things beyond our   imagination but He's also far more relatable. He's  far more personal. He's more fun and enjoyable   and even funny and that hits the walls of  many Christians boxes right. It's like no,   God's not like that. Yeah He is and He's the one  who created us to enjoy everything we enjoy. Every   good gift comes from Him. Now, can we can we use  them wrongly? Yes but what I'm trying to show is   all these things the scriptures have told us, this  is what it actually means. So that people will   actually give their hearts wholeheartedly to God  and follow Him, holding nothing back. Realizing,   wow if I really want joy and the enjoyment of  life to the core and that to continue forever,   He's really the love I'm after and John you  wrote, 'Imagine Heaven' and then recently   you wrote 'Imagine the God of Heaven.' What is  the difference between those two books? Well,   they are similar in that 'Imagine Heaven' what I'm  really doing is I'm taking the theology of heaven   and hell of the afterlife across the scriptures  and I'm illustrating it through these 120 people   that had all these commonalities and I'm showing  how this experience of the life to come is exactly   what scriptures been telling us but these  overlapping descriptions show you what that's   actually like okay but from all the wonders of  the beauty and the reunions and the mysteries and   all the stuff they said to me writing, 'Imagine  Heaven', they consistently said nothing compared   to just being with God. Nothing compared to God  Himself. All of the wonders of heaven just melted,   wow and so when God called me to write again, it  was very clear that the only thing greater than   heaven is Him, is the God of heaven and people  don't get that. Christians don't get that. People   do not understand how He is what you're longing  for and so in 'Imagine the God of Heaven' what   I'm doing is I'm showing the story of God through  history and through scripture but also all these   attributes of God and the heart and character of  God and how He relates to us and you're seeing it   through these 70 people that I've interviewed  from every continent on earth and so it's kind   of mind blowing honestly like what is your most  surprising person that you've interviewed in the   'Imagine the God of Heaven' the one that comes to  your mind that is just like most crazy testimony,   story. I think the one about Santosh, who  it's interesting because he became a good   friend after I interviewed him and just loves  Jesus and he just passed away last week. Oh   wow and he just went through that narrow door  into heaven and I'm just... I'm elated for him   but I'm grieving with his family too but Santosh's  story was just so remarkable because he encounters   the same God of light and love but then he also  describes like I said hell, the New Jerusalem,   the really Jesus as He appeared to John in  Revelation. He knew about the Bible before?   Nothing. So, no knowledge. He grew up in India.  His father was a Sanskrit scholar. He only knew   the Hindu scriptures. Oh and so then he has  this conversation. So then he sees you know   he doesn't want to go to hell, the gates before  him are closed. He's like and he says you know   like I was never offered reincarnation, that was  never an option and then he looks and he sees who   he knows is the Almighty but in the form of a man  but but huge on this throne and then he has this   conversation. Well, first he looks into His eyes  and he says, His eyes were like lightning. Now,   that's not always what people see when they look  into Jesus eyes. Many times they talk about how   His eyes are mesmerizing and they just get lost in  His eyes but what Santosh was seeing was what John   saw in Revelation 1 and as soon as he looked into  His eyes, his whole life flashed before him and he   saw and this is the thing about the life review  you know we can justify our actions on this side   of life. They can't there, it's just laid bare.  They know right and they know wrong and they know   what they did right and wrong and he knew this is  what I deserved, this place of outer darkness and   then he has this conversation with God who says  Santosh, I'm sending you back and when you go   back, I want you to love your family especially  your daughter. She needs your help right now.   Now think about that. So here's this guy, who he  doesn't know this God but this God knows him and   his daughter intimately and cares and then he sees  this like I said this narrow gate open into the   kingdom of heaven and he says, when I come back,  I want to go through that narrow gate. How do I go   through that narrow gate? And the only thing He  says to him. He says and what Santos was saying   is you know which temple? Which mosque? You know  which religion should I do the religious thing?   And the Lord said, No, I want relationship. I want  to see how honest you can be with Me not one day,   a week, 365 days a year. Walk with Me, surrender  to Me daily, wow and Santosh comes back and he is   seeking this God. He's like this was not like  the Hindu gods. Who was this God of compassion   and mercy? I expected Him to cast me into hell and  He gave me a second chance. Who was He? And he's   praying every day, Lord reveal and you know the  Bible says, If you seek Me with all your heart,   you'll find Me. Well, two years later, his  daughter who was a choral major in college is   invited by a friend to sing in a choir at church.  Santosh goes to hear her and as he walks in,   he feels the presence of the same God of light and  love. The message that day was on the narrow way,   wow and how Jesus is the gate through which you  must enter the kingdom of God. Isn't it crazy?   So that... man, I'm getting goosebumps here. I  know I mean that story, I'm just and he was such   a humble, loving man you know and just loved Jesus  to his last day and wanted everyone to know and   so... John could you speak to those people that  are watching maybe and maybe they're skeptical   or perhaps, they're not walking with the Lord  today. could you give them that invitation, that   gospel invitation to... they don't need to die and  experience that. A lot of people have experienced   that they can already make that decision. Could  you lead them into that? Yeah you know what I   would say to you is that God is a God of love,  mercy, kindness, compassion and He's a God of   justice so He does make wrong things right but  the way He made them right is His justice met His   mercy on the cross of Jesus and what Jesus claimed  to do was to pay for all of our wrongs, past,   present and future and He did that because He  meant for you to be His child walking with Him in   love and confidence. He doesn't want you to fear.  He wants you to know that He has removed all your   wrongs as far as the East is from the West. Those  are His words and He did that so that all you need   to do is turn back to Him in your heart you know  that's the Bible says, Repent that just means to   turn back, that's what that word means and so  yeah, let me lead you in a prayer if you don't   mind and just tell Him this. Lord Jesus, I want  what You did on the cross to count for me. I want   You to come and lead and guide my life and thank  you that You do love me so much that You call me,   Your child and that there's nothing You wouldn't  do for me and that I'm uniquely Yours and so God   I want to follow You the rest of my days, thank  you, in Jesus Name, Amen. Amen and John if people   want to get your books or learn more about this  topic, especially the new book 'Imagine the God   of Heaven' and other books that you have 'Imagine  Heaven' where can they find more information about   your ministry and about your books. Yeah, so  you can go to just the   book I'm the pastor of Gateway church. So  that's although I'm not speaking   as much but there are messages that I've done in  the past out there on this topic. So you can you   can search 'Imagine Heaven' or 'Imagine the God  of Heaven' and you can see some of the people   I've interviewed as well. Thank you so much for  being very generous with your time and I believe   that this interview as well as what you've been  writing about is going to cause a lot of people   to turn upwards, to turn toward God, to turn  toward eternity. I'm even as you were talking, I'm   already... it's almost like I was having my own  life review for the last week and I'm thinking I'm   like man, how did Jesus feel about this incident?  How did He feel about that? I'm like, did that...   because sometimes we're just we're just so not  aware of the fact that He is aware of everything   that we do and those of you guys who watched this  and you prayed the prayer and you gave your life   to the Lord today, let us know in the comments  below if you recommitted your life to Jesus and   if you did or maybe this was your first time doing  that, you know we want to encourage you to grab a   Bible, begin to get to know the God of heaven and  find a local church that preaches Jesus and join a   community of other believers so you can know about  this God that created you and created a place for   you. I love the fact that you know you had a  book on heaven and how you highlighted that the   greatest thing about heaven is not heaven, it's  the God of heaven, so thank you. Thanks so much.
Channel: Vlad Savchuk
Views: 104,112
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Keywords: spiritual, supernatural, hungrygeneration, hungrygen, christian, deliverance, near death experience, the bible, bible, banned from the bible, near death experiences, near-death experience, christian near death experience, bible stories, the book of enoch, life after death, afterlife and the bible, bible confirm, mysterious from the bible, bible secrets revealed show, heaven explained in the bible, beyond death, John Burke, After Death Documentary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 49sec (3769 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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