WOAH! 🤯 25+ Dollar Tree Life Hacks you NEED to know for Summer! ☀️

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summer is finally here and I am so excited  so I thought what better time to jam-pack   a video with a ton of Dollar Tree hacks  some of these I've been doing for years   some of these are new products I just  found and trust me you guys are going to   love it these are going to save you time  and money and put more fun back in your summer we're kicking it off with a summer staple  these floaties but if you have to deflate them   when you are leaving your destination pinching  them and standing there is a pain so instead   we're going to grab some binder clips and you're  going to clip them right on the edge and it is   going to let all of that air come out just let  it sit it's going to do the hard work for you and   you can use your hands to press it down if you  want but I literally did these two presses for   the video and let it sit there and it did all the  hard work for me such a win now what about those   floaties that you leave inflated but they're all  over your pool deck this is what ours looked like   and I desperately needed a solution I was using  a bungee cord and I thought I could get more at   Dollar Tree but then I realized that I couldn't  find the length that I wanted instead I thought I   could use some of these dog leashes with the same  idea you could also use these types of leashes if   you can't find the bungee looking ones but all  you need to do is Loop it through any opening   in a fence or a deck or if you have a post you  could hook it to then you're going to take the   little dog leash clip that you would put onto the  collar of the dog and you're going to clip it to   the handle of the leash then everything is going  to be nice and coralled you won't be chasing after   anything you won't be tripping on anything and if  this makes it too long if you clip clip it on the   extension of the handle you can easily clip it on  the other side of the clasp for the handle making   it shorter and keeping everything taut the numbers  on how many people are traveling this summer is   insane so you're going to want to know this hack  for Ziploc bags I use this for Fins clothes but   you could do them for adult clothes I buy the 2  and 1 half gallon bags and you are going to put   your clothes in and shut it to the point where  you can only fit a straw in then you're going to   take the straw and just suck the air out you can  press it out as well but this goes Super super   fast and it kind of acts like a space bag in his  luggage I like this because then I didn't have   to spend a ton of money on packing cubes for him  but it keeps him organized Every Spring and Summer   our fridge fills up with save the dates parties  all the things but if they're heavy they're not   staying up with my chip Clips so I saw these  in the stationary aisle and this is awesome   they stick you can hear it they are heavy duty  for sure I have our annual passes to different   areas that my mother and my mom take fin I also  have his summer reading program everything is all   in one spot and I would definitely 10 out of 10  recommend these I know everybody's goal is to not   get burnt in the first place but it does happen so  I learned this last year when I got toasted on our   Hawaii trip I had a friend tell me just put some  aloe inside a ice cube tray freeze it overnight   and this is going to really help once it's frozen  it will come out in these little cubes you just   pop it out and then you're just going to rub it  on that burn it's not as cold as ice would be   but it is so soothing it's also nice for kids  because the cooling gives it an instant relief   but again it's not as cold as an ice cube I love  these veggie storage items for fruit I don't know   why they call them veggie storage CU I use them  for fruit more often but the other great thing   that I just recently discovered and thought of  is you can pop the inside out I happened to do   this because I had a inside get broke and all you  have to do is pop it out and then you can throw in   things like oranges apple slices I put watermelon  in here I literally po the lid on and this thing   is awesome it's BPA free and the lid locks on so  your stuff isn't going to spill everywhere but   between my snacks on the go and Finn snacks on the  go this is awesome you can also leave the insert   in and I love this for blueberries blackberries  it keeps the moisture on the bottom away from   your fruit and it helps them last longer I a huge  fan of Dollar Tree's selection of glow items this   year I just saw these balls and they also have  these great wands you can grab for fireworks so   you don't have to spend a crazy amount of money  if you go to fireworks I also love to use them to   do glow baths for Finn this has been one of his  favorite things I threw a glow ball in there as   well as three of just these little bracelets  and it really lights up the bath it makes it   super fun and it is a great summer time memory  those packages of bracelets I got 25 of them for   $125 another SU summer must have for me are these  cupcake baking cups you can either get the pretty   ones for a 50 pack or you can just go with these  regular ones for 90 for the same price I love Bomb   Pops in the summer it's just so nostalgic for me  but my fingers get so sticky and so do fins so I   like to grab these cupcake liners you can go ahead  and just pop a little hole in the center I push it   through the stick but I flip the cupcake liner  over so then that way it's going to protect your   fingers and if anything drips it's going to get  on the cupcake liner not your fingers it makes it   so much easier to enjoy your Popsicle because I  just hate getting that on my fingers one of my   favorite seasonal things at Dollar Tree to grab  are serving platters because you can use them   for so many different things and if you leave them  behind at a party it's no big deal here's my go-to   dip for the summer I want to share the recipe cuz  this is perfect for a dish to pass a barbecue a   pool party and it is delicious you're going to  combine one cup of your mayonnaise of choice   as well as sour cream I like Miracle Whip light  but it's up to you mix it all up and then add a   bag of bacon bits stir that up until it's fully  combined and then you are going to grab either   one or two Tomatoes if you're a big tomato fan  like I am in the summer grab two if not you can   just do one and it will still be good so totally  up to you on the level of tomatoes you want we   are going to remove the centers and cut them into  quarters and then we're going to remove the inside   seeds this is important cuz if you leave them in  there your dip will still be good but it's going   to be very watery and it's not going to be the  consistency that you want so similar to how you   make make bruetta you want to remove the seeds on  the inside so it's not super runny once that's all   done I am going to dice up those tomatoes and I'm  going to add them to my mixture of the dip base as   well as the bacon bits when that's all in there  we are going to fold that all in and that is it   it is the easiest dip but I promise you people  are going to ask you for the recipe when you   take it places I like to throw it in a container  that I don't mind leaving behind like this really   cute washed tray and then I like to serve it with  either regular potato chips or the best are these   whole grain Sun Chips now what if it is super hot  and you don't want your refrigerator dipped to get   gross I like to grab these drip pans from the auto  section and fill them up with ice then once that   is set as your base you can add dips and things  inside there and it's going to act as a little   cooler it's nice because the dips are out people  can eat them but it's also going to help prevent   them from getting super hot super quickly another  way to beat the heat when you're ENT painting is   to grab two of these lasagna pans I shared this  last year so many of you said you did it for your   summer parties so I wanted to make sure to share  it again in case anybody missed it you're going to   keep them doubled up and fill up the top Pan about  a 1 inch inch and a half layer of water throw it   in your freezer I like to keep this in my deep  freeze so it's ready to go when we have people   over and once it's frozen solid you have a really  nice way to keep things cold when you're serving   food outside now you can either put items directly  on the ice or you can put the other pan on top and   put food in that I like to put items just right on  top of the ice like fruit it keeps things really   cold you just pop it right on there and as it  melts it's just really going to keep those items   cool especially with that foil on the outside  now you're probably wondering Whitney what did   you put that potato salad in I like to grab these  containers because they are perfect for keeping   bugs out of your food I love that the lid is on  quote unquote tight but you don't have to twist it   or pull too hard to get it off so it makes it  easy for kids or anybody with their hands full   to get in there grab a scoop of whatever and keep  the bugs out I also really like that these large   ones hold an entire bag of party size chips so  these are party size Cool Ranch Doritos party   size wavy lays they are actually very big they  hold a lot and this is another thing where you   can keep the bugs out people can grab what they  need and then put the lid back on another barbecue   must have our coffee filters because they are the  perfect holder for BRZ and hot dogs you just put   your bun right in there it makes it easy to put  all of your toppings on and then it is easy to   go if you have double header sports events this  summer especially baseball softball this is great   for Less waste and it takes up a lot less room  in your bags just throw it in there $150 for a25   another great use is to use it on your dessert  table especially when you're outside by the pool   folks can just grab those use them kind of as  a napkin but you can do it a lot cheaper and   it's also going to take up a lot less room in your  garbage especially for parties than a traditional   plate or napkin would which is really nice when  it comes to those parties because you know you   always have a party a couple days after garbage  day and your garbage is overflowing at least that   always happens to us to help with drying your  pool items in the summer grab one of these over   the door hangers I decided to put it on the wood  chairs that I recently built but you could also   put them on your deck a ton of other places it  adds so many hooks for things to dry I've got   his life jacket his hat his swim stuff and it  allows it to get dry outside before I bring it   in it keeps everything in a small space and it  just is so much better than trying to fling it   over the fence and having it fall now we also have  a fence to our yard that it hooks perfectly on I   also really like that it is coated metal so it's  not going to get rusty with the water touching it   and there's so many different places you can hang  it it fits on so so many different surfaces in my   last dollar tree hacks video I shared with you  how you can use this over-the cabinet towel bar   for an outdoor paper towel holder for your shed  for your pool really anywhere you could hook it   to have it a lot of you said you can't find those  at your store so here are some other options for   paper towels in the summer the first one would  be to grab some hangers or grab a plastic hanger   from your closet and I'm going to use some tin  snips to chop the centerpiece off then all you   need to do is slide both both ends over each  side of your paper towel roll and you can hook   this anywhere you can hook a hanger this is great  for rving for camping for double header Sports so   many different options I even like to hang one of  these in our shed so they are easily accessible   another option for paper towels grab one of these  little yard Garden flag holders you're going to   pop it in the ground or in the sand if you are  at the beach you can put them on there and it is   really good and this is really great to keep them  accessible this will also come in clutch if you   are a sports parent over the summer doing double  header baseball softball games it's nice to put   this right next to the grill everybody can help  themselves if you've been around a while you know   it wouldn't be a whiskey and wit hacks video if I  didn't show you how to make some sort of kit for   the season we're in so we are going to make a pool  bag SL Lake Boating bag I like to grab all these   different kinds of items for hair for refreshing  you can add things like deodorant a quick little   wisp to toothbrush I like these clips I also like  these scrunchies that are made specifically for   wet hair and then the star of the show is this  7-Day pill organizer I brought it home used some   100% pure acetone nail polish remover and it wiped  off so easily you would think this was washable   marker you're able to remove those so you can see  directly inside and then you have the perfect size   for things like bobby pins hair ties I also like  to have an empty one in there so that you could   put jewelry say you wore earrings in a necklace  to the lake and you want to get in the water and   not have them get Icky just pop them in there put  your necklace through a little piece of a straw   like I'm doing here I just cut it to fit in the  container and then your necklace is not going to   tangle up on you then throw it in your bag throw  the kit into your larger beach bag and you are   all set this next one is a super tried and true  mom hack for road trips when I'm at Dollar Tree   I grab both a large organizational bin it doesn't  matter what size you just need it to Coral stuff   and I also grabb some of these mesh laundry bags  then I used the set of three organize things like   self-served snacks like this banana oranges apples  saces for fin I also put things in there like wet   wipes I have another bag for activities like these  pack things that I buy at Target for him to stay   occupied some books and then that goes right  next to his car seat he's able to selfs serve   grab what he wants and the key here is I get car  sick so whether I'm driving or in the front seat   I need him to be able to selfs serve so I don't  get sick turning around and this does the trick   hey crap buddy thanks so much for sticking with  me through this hacks video if you would like to   enter my secret giveaway I'm only mentioning it at  this portion of the video what I want you to do is   head down to the comments and share your favorite  Dollar Tree hack I would love to share some of   your ideas with the other craft buddies so comment  down below let me know what your favorite Dollar   Tree hack is and then in one week from today when  this video goes up I am going to draw a winner   and you are going to win $25 to Dollar Tree so you  can grab some of these items and do these hacks so   all you have to do is be subscribed to my channel  like this video and leave that comment down below   with your favorite Dollar Tree hack that you're  loving recently all the details will be down in   the description who doesn't love soft skin in the  summer especially after shaving I am going through   sugar scrub like crazy so I decided to make my  own to help me save you're going to need a glass   airtight jar as well as some coconut oil and some  brown sugar I'm going to add 3/4 of a cup of brown   sugar and then I'm going to put my coconut oil  in a little bit of warm water just to soften it   and then I'm going to add three tablespoons in  there I started with a fork but it actually was   just better to go in with my hands I made sure  everything was combined and the consistency   you're looking for is kind of like a Play-Doh ball  here that's going to stay all together but easily   falls apart when you kind of break it apart then  I've got my airtight jar I'm just going to fill it   up and we are good to go it fills up about half  of this jar but I decided to make a couple more   batches to use the full container of brown sugar  and coconut oil so for the Dollar Tree sizes of   items you can fill this entire container for 250  in supplies this is a lot cheaper than the one I   was using that was $10.99 a container so I'm  going to be using this throughout the summer   I like to use just a little bit on my legs it  smells so good on its own with the brown sugar   and it is a natural exfoliant we love these bubble  sticks at our house but if we're not careful they   literally get turned on their head or they get  dropped or fallen over and we accidentally lose   all the bubble solution so to fix that we are  going to take some painters tape and stick the   bottom part right to your garage this is the post  on our porch whatever will work the painter tape   isn't going to hurt anything and then I loosen the  lid Finn is then able to go over use the bubble   wand just like he wants to but we don't have  to worry about anything falling over or if he   just forgets it sets it down and forgets to put  the lid on last year Dollar Tree launched these   kind of Solo Cup looking containers and I grabbed  those in some dog toys to create yard pong or yard   Bozo buckets for kids or adults and the buckets  were a little big for Fins so what I decided to   do was keep an eye out this year and they came out  with smaller containers so I got two packs to get   six containers and we put water in there it's a  fun outdoor activity he likes to dump the water   splash the water these are much more kid-sized  so keep an eye out for these if you think you   have kids or grandkids that would enjoy this out  in the yard this summer in past T videos you guys   have loved my car ideas so here are a few using  some heavyduty suction cups a sponge holder from   the kitchen section and this toothbrush and cup  holder first it's great for road trips because you   can stick things to the lower part of the window  give your kid an extra cup holder an area to keep   things like headphones hats goofish cards whatever  will keep them occupied the cups go right in this   is the perfect size for a kids cup and then I also  hang things like a light if we are driving in the   dark and Finn wants to use that to read a magazine  I also like that you can shut the door and nothing   is going to fall off these are good suction cups  and I also like to use them in the back of the car   to hold my reusable bags another thing I'm loving  for the car from Dollar Tree are the sunglass   hooks not only are they great for your visor so  you always have a pair of sunglasses you just   slide it on there's this little clip and they're  going to be there for you but they're also great   to put on your passenger side for an extra cable  this is my phone charging cable I always put it   there then that way it's not going to get smashed  or losted in the center console and it's ready to   use one of my favorite mom summer hacks that I've  been doing for my son for years is grabbing some   tried andrue Dollar Tree Staples in different  aisles of the store to use for when we go to the   beach to the lake play in the pool or even play in  the sandbox this Scoop from the kitchen section I   grabb things like measuring cups I got this little  scoop this little sifter that you would use for   flour something like this is awesome when you go  to the beach or the lake because you can scoop up   sand the sand will sift through and you can find  rocks and shells and things like that and I find   that these Plastics are a lot heavier Duty than  what you're going to find in the cheap summer   section so these last a lot longer they last all  summer long and speaking of fin I saw these safety   goggles and thought I could do a Dollar Tree  science experiment this is fun for the summer   and you can get pretty much everything minus the  yeast from Dollar Tree unless you can find yeast   at your Dollar Tree than your golden you're going  to start with a container I used these ketchup   bottles and I put it in a dish pan okay so what do  we do first Hydrogen okay so we put this here and   do you remember how much hydrogen peroxide it's a  half a cup right that's right Finn we're starting   with a half a cup of hydrogen peroxide into the  funnel into our container then we're going to   add a squirt of some Dawn dish soap and swish it  around now you can add food coloring if you want   but we just do it with the White toothpaste color  for elephant toothpaste which is what we're making   then you're going to add 3 tablespoons of warm  water with some yeast according to the package   pour it in pull your funnel and you are going to  have a chemical reaction when I tell you this is   a hit at our house we've been able to do this so  many times with just those Dollar Tree supplies   and the smile on his face says it all I will link  the blog post down below with more explanation on   the chemical reactions so if you want it to be  fully educational you can that's going to do it   for this installment of Dollar Tree hacks I hope  you found some ideas that you can put together   use this summer and also be sure to enter the  giveaway if you caught that throughout the   video if not rewind and check out that section  because you're going to want to enter to win a   Dollar Tree gift card thanks so much for watching  be sure to hit subscribe down below if you're new   so you don't miss any future whiskey and whip  videos and I will catch you in the next one bye
Channel: Whiskey & Whit
Views: 153,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whiskey and whit, whiskey and whitney, diy, whiskey and whit cricut, dollar tree shop with me, dollar tree diy, diy home decor, dollar tree hacks tiktok 2024, summer hacks, dollar tree, summer hacks tiktok, summer hacks 5 minute crafts, hacks, dollar tree hacks for home decor, summer life hacks, dollar tree summer 2024, dollar tree hacks, dollar tree summer hacks, dollar tree mom hacks, dollar tree secrets, dollar tree finds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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