*ALL NEW* MAGIC Dollar Tree Hacks! | 25+ Ideas for Your Home, Outdoor Patio, Cleaning, DIY, & Decor

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I am so glad you clicked on this video to  join me for another round of Dollar Tree   hacks every single time I do these on  my channel they are such a hit so we're   headed back to Dollar Tree we're grabbing  a ton of new products and I promise you   after today's video you won't look at  some of these items the same way ever again you're watching whiskey and Whit my name is  Whitney and a huge thank you to Warby Parker for   sponsoring today's video and supporting whiskey  and wit another huge support for me you guys know   my craft buddies thanks for coming back each and  every week to DIY with me if you want want to join   us and not miss a Future video just hit subscribe  down below then that way YouTube will let you know   every time I post a video now got so many hacks  to share today so let's get right into it up   first we're grabbing one of these over the cabinet  towel bars that you can find in the laundry aisle   and instead of using them for towels we're going  to do something else we're going to easily pop it   apart with just a little bit of twisting and then  we're going to put it right through the center of   a paper towel roll this is going to make it so  versatile for all the different things you've   got coming up this spring and summer think about  it out by the pool put it on the fence if you're   working in your shed it's great you've got dirty  hands for gardening this would also be great if   you do travel Sports you could just hook it onto  a chair so many different uses to keep the paper   towels easy and accessible for this next one we  are talking vinegar now Dollar Tree does sell   these larger containers of cleaning vinegar which  is going to be more powerful and more acidic than   your regular distilled white vinegar but if you  got distilled white vinegar you can use it for   all of the vinegar hacks I'm sharing today as  well the first first thing we're going to do is   grab a glass cup or a glass bowl or a Pyrex for a  measuring cup we're going to fill it up and we're   going to put it on the top rack of our dishwasher  ours has been smelling a little bit musty and we   are going to get it clean today I like to run  a quick 30 minute cycle and that seems to work   but if you've got a really bad odor or really  set in stains you can run a full cycle once it   runs it creates amazing Steam and it makes it so  easy to clean the dishwasher you can also do that   same hack for your microwave also while I do this  I pop in my little Scrub Daddy scrubbers I run it   for 2 minutes that is going to disinfect your  scrubber it's just going to kill some of those   gross germs in there and I'm also going to use it  to get off any caked on food that has spattered in   the microwave it is such a quick and easy way to  clean I love it now what if you've got some dirt   and Grime on the outside of your stainless steel  well I wanted to share this again I shared this a   couple videos back in my hacks and this is such  a winner grab yourself some cheap shave foam as   well as a micro fiber cleaning towel from Dollar  Tree and you can use it to buff out any of those   water droplets fingerprints all of the things  on your stainless steel I don't do this all the   time but I like to do it when people are going  to come over and with a dog and a little kid I   have so many different little you know pieces and  fingerprints and nose prints and all the things   so it makes a lot easier to clean it off that way  this next one is not necessarily a hack but it is   a must grab item and they are these fruit drink  markers let me tell you why I love them one they   are silicone so you could easily throw them in  the top rack of your dishwasher to clean them   and I also love the way they attach to the cups  it's just like a citrus wedge a lemon wedge that   you would put on the drink and you can know whose  drink is what I also wanted to test it on some   larger cups and they work great there too these  are a lot more versatile than Wine charms because   you don't have to have a wine glass to put it on  there any cup with a rim is going to be perfect I   also like that they are fruit shaped so you could  use them with kids there's no alcohol references   and I just think these are going to go fast so if  you see them at your store be sure to grab them   if you don't already have a limp brush at your  house grab one the next time you're at Dollar Tree   if not grab the one you already have and I love to  use this to get dog hair off of my light colored   lamp shades it sticks Like Glue and it drives  me nuts I have a black lab we love them dearly   don't love the black hair so you can use that lint  roller get all that hair off and it will really   save your time and Sanity I can do my lampshade  super quick and it is one of my favorite cleaning   hacks from Dollar Tree we are needy and party  season and nothing's worse than those disposable   tablecloths blowing all over the place so here's  what you're going to do you're going to put them   on the table as you would fold the corner back  and we are going to use some cloes pins to hold   it down now Dollar Tree does sell these clips but  the thing is if you're having a big party you only   get a few in a pack and closed pins you can get a  ton in one pack for $125 if you need to you can go   ahead and clip it just kind of plead it a little  bit it's going to lay nicely and then that way   you are not going to have to worry about the those  going flying and then another quick hack grab your   tablecloth actually at Walmart cuz Dollar Tree is  not the cheapest place you can get one for $125   at Dollar Tree and at Walmart you can get one for  97 thank me later I have been stacking up on these   four packs of toothbrushes at Dollar Tree for  $125 because I like to use them in the tracks of   my windows especially now that we're having more  windows open after the winter my window tracks are   gross so I spray it with a little bit of Lysol  spray multi-purpose cleaner and that toothbrush   is helping me get into the edges I like that I get  four for $125 it helps me get those clean and then   I just wipe it up with a paper towel they look  so much better and nothing's worse than opening a   window and seeing all that Gunk so I'm glad I took  care of it so I have one of these in my car and I   decided to put one in my husband's car as well cuz  I never know if I'm going to be driving his car or   my car and that is some emergency cash now this  is nice if you happen to forget your purse and   you need some gas to get home or I like to have  it in case on the rare occasion that I go get my   nails done if I don't have cash to tip or cash for  whatever it is nice to have it on hand so I just   pop it in one of these Dollar Tree containers you  can use whatever container you want I just like   that it's opaque it's not see-through so it's not  super obvious that there's money in there I keep   it in the center console just 30 bucks nothing  crazy but that way I've got a 20 and a 10 in   case I need it something else that is a must have  this time of year in my car are these hot cold   bags I like that they fold flat so I can store  them in the back of the car but then if I end up   grabbing something refrigerated Frozen if I'm out  getting craft supplies and I need to pick up milk   or whatever it's not going to spoil on the ride  back in a hot car if I were to go back in time   and figure out where I started doing Dollar Tree  hacks like in my own life it would probably be at   the end of college and that is where I got this  one these are the dressing containers that Dollar   Tree sells and yes they're great for dressing in  your purse but I love them for toiletries I like   it for travel I also like it to put little hand  lotions and things in my purse this is also great   for Fin's sunscreen you just fill them up they've  got a really wide lift area fill them up and they   are great to clean cuz they completely come  apart so whether you're putting your specialty   condiments or anything in it it is going to clean  and you can use it again next time if you love to   have fresh flowers around your house like I do you  are going to love this next hack it's so quick and   easy you're going to need some of that distilled  white vinegar and if you have a gallon jug at home   you don't have to buy the Dollar Tree kind any  distilled white vinegar will work but this is the   container from Dollar Tree I'm going to use a vase  and I'm going to add 3 tablespoons of sugar and   two tablespoons of that distilled white vinegar  I either use a spoon or just the stem of a flour   to Stir It Up and the sugar is going to act as a  flower food and the vinegar is going to act as an   antibacterial and the reason I thought to do this  with these flowers in particular is because when   my husband bought them at the store they were  a little bit moldy I was able to get rid of the   couple pieces that were moldy and these are going  strong 5 days later it also works really great   for garden flowers so give it a try this spring  and let me know what you think a great hack for   when I need new glasses but don't have time to  do the whole song and dance at the eye doctor is   to use warie Parker I love Orbee Parker not only  for myself but I have converted a ton of friends   family and craft buddies when they see the style  and quality of these glasses plus how affordable   they are compared to what they're paying to  get them from their eye doctor not only are the   great quality and designed in-house to fit all  different face shapes but they're also affordable   starting at just $95 with prescription lenses the  best part you don't even have to leave your home   to find your perfect pair it is this easy head to  war parker.com whiskey andwood and take a 5-minute   quiz select your five favorite frames from the  suggestions and they'll ship them right to your   door to try for 5 days plus that I mentioned it's  completely free including shipping regardless of   if you purchase at the end if you find a winner  like I did with these Winston frames that I wear   all the time you head back to their website and  enter your unique prescription info those frames   are going to come with scratch resistant and  anti-reflective lenses plus a 30-day hassle-free   return and exchange policy I know you're going  to love the experience of warie Parker as much   as I did head over to warie parker.com Whiskey  and wit right now to take the home try on quiz   and pick five pairs of frames to try at home for  free that's warie parker.com whiskey andwood this   next one is for my fellow Crafters who like to  spray paint I shared this in my recent Mystery   Box challenge video and so many of you asked what  is that Contraption you're using so you're going   to need a plant little roller as well as a cookie  sheet from Dollar Tree and you're just going to   stack the two together I put my item on top of  the cookie sheet to spray paint it and then I   can easily tilt it around I like it because it is  kind of like a lazy Susan with extra trays so once   I spray that first thing I can pick up the tray  put it on a drying like blanket or rack and then   I can move on to the next thing so I have like  five of these cookie sheets one of the little   twisty turntable things and it works out so well  and this is just set up on my pop-up workbench   with my spray paint tent so I don't get anything  on anything in my garage if you're interested in   either of those I'll link them down below when  I saw these hot and cold iPads I was so excited   so I grabbed two packs one for me to use just  as puffiness reducers and then one for fin so   I put both sets into the fridge and you don't  want to freeze these you just want to put them   in the fridge and it makes them nice and cool I  put them on my eyes when I have a migraine and   it works out perfectly but then I like to also  use them as little like ice pack type things for   Finn the ice packs get a little too cool so if  he gets a boo boo or something I can give him   this and it works really well so if you've got  kids or grandkids around they're super cheap   and they're nice to keep in there and speaking of  fin this is a hack that I did when we went on our   recent trip to Disney World and now I'm going to  use it for so many other different things in the   Dollar Tree kids section they have a wide variety  of toys a lot of it is junk if I'm being totally   honest but they do have some gems in there I found  some little card games which were big into cards   right now I found this cute little ETA sketch some  dominoes as well as some little Matchbox cars they   have the coolest mashbox cars too at Dollar Tree I  also grabbed a Dollar Tree cosmetic pouch but you   could put it in whatever container you want I've  also put them in the mesh laundry bags and we're   going to create a busy bag I load up everything in  there and then when we went to Disney I had this   in my bag and when we were waiting in a long line  or eating dinner somewhere I was able to pull out   a fun New inexpensive toy to keep his attention I  also like having this when we're at a restaurant   when we're on a long road trip and then that way  you only have five toys so it's like nothing huge   it's taking up a ton of space but it's a nice  surprise it's also nice for a reward if you've   got a kid that's really behaving so lots of  different options for this but Dollar Tree is   a win for those cheap little toys during a recent  stroll down the office supply aisle I found the   jot brand magnetic hooks they come in a two pack  for $125 and I thought these would be great for   my craft cart I love having extra places to  add stuff because this is my command center   when I'm filming videos and I know a lot of  you use these carts in smaller craft spaces   I could see them being used for a variety of  different things like holding up Cricut mats   holding Cricut tools other crafting tools or even  things like these safety glasses that I have in   my craft space and while we're at it if you have  one of these craft carts and you missed a prior   video here are some of my favorite  things to buy at Dollar Tree that   are so much cheaper than the accessories at  the store one being these four-pronged hooks   because you can use them in a similar way  to hold mats and things like that scrapers Etc and I also really like this overthe cabinet  bar holder that we used for the paper towels   earlier on in the video you do the same thing  but with your transfer tape and it keeps it nice   and handy so a couple ways to save cuzz those  accessories at Michaels are way more expensive   than $125 between Finn and I we really like the  little icy Pops in the summer but he can never eat   a full one and we also don't need a bag of like  50 so I like to buy the ones from Dollar Tree cuz   he likes the flavors and then that way I'm not  stuck with a million extras to take it one step   further this hack has saved us because he won't  eat a whole one he only wants a half one so to   cut down on waist before I freeze them I fold them  in half and I clip them with just an extra clothes   pin it's going to create a barrier so when you pop  those into the freezer once they're frozen you're   going to take them out and you're going to have  a nice line down the center now it's not going to   hurt them if you end up having a kid that would  rather have a full one then go ahead and just   cut it as normal but here I'm just chopping it  down the center and then I'm adding a paper towel   because it's cold for Finn's fingers so you just  wrap it in a paper towel call it a day and this   is a great way to enjoy these treats with less  waste then the other half that we don't use goes   into a bag back into the freezer and stays till  next time you can also do this with a cup if you   don't want to do the clothes pins you just fold  them across the edge of a cup and pop that right   into your freezer it'll do the same thing every  spring and summer comes with a ton of G togethers   and needs for gifting so here are a couple ideas  to customize Dollar Tree bags they are a great   base for vinyl I've shared that a ton of times  before you can just cut it out with your vinyl   machine and apply it but it's also great to either  have yourself or your kids do a DIY and like paint   or you know do it themselves I recently showed  this in my gifts video and you guys loved it it   is how to take these white bags and turn it into  a cute little ruled sheet of paper I'm just taking   a blue clicks marker these are by Crayola and I  will link them down below they're so nice they're   like a clickable Sharpie you do the lines down  the center in blue then we're going to do pink   on the Le hand side and then you can either leave  it blank or add whatever you want like thank you   to a teacher end of your teacher gifts are so nice  to just let them know that care and whether that's   a baked good in there you don't have to spend a  ton of money but just let teachers know they're   appreciated also if you've got like birthday  gifts or something this Lavender is really easy   to do same thing clicks markers I'm adding some  just wispy green pieces and then I'm taking one   color of purple and adding these like little lilac  SL lavender wispies then I go back through with a   darker purple add some leaves to my stems and some  Grass at the bottom and this is something that a   kid could easily do sign it would be great for  grandparents so many different options but these   bags turn out so cute and especially at Dollar  Tree if you're doing the smaller bags you can   get three for $125 and make it over pretty quick  another great gifting hack that I've started doing   with Dollar Tree items are grabbing scarves and  these bandanas to decorate gifts so this I just   wrapped in plain craft paper you could use any  color wrapping paper you want and figure out a   way that you can wrap that scarf around so you  can tie a bow I wasn't able to do the around   four sides but I could do around two of them tie a  quick bow and this is great when you're in a bind   or you know somebody like scarves use the wrapping  and then they can use it again I love this lemon   scarf I think it's so cute and this is just a fun  way to add some extra Pizzaz to a gift for only $125 in that same vein you can wrap your gifts  to create a bow with these bandanas what I like   to do is Fold It corner to corner so you got a  big triangle and then you're going to fold it   again to essentially create just a skinny strip  tuck in the end like I'm doing here and then fold   it like a cancer support awareness ribbon like  I did here we're going to grab some yarn that   match or Ribbon whatever you have that matches  this bandana and I'm going to tie the center   then it's going to take a little bit of finessing  to get our bow to look just how I want but once I   do then I can tie it right on to this package  and this is just a cute fun bow especially to   have these on hand if you don't have a fun ribbon  that you think would add you know to your package   I could see this be so cute for a baby shower  wedding shower or even just a birthday gift   and the great thing is afterwards they can  reuse the [Music] bandan and the best thing   is too it's sustainable because they can use the  bandan after they open the gift and then to round   it out I use those same bandanas as stuffers  in this basket I made for my mom for Mother's   Day I made her this fun Bloody Mary basket to  kind of stock the bar for the summer season   and it really was just a nice touch you didn't  have to worry about your tissue getting crinkled   it added some nice color and the fabric  I just think was the right texture for it I don't know about you but here in Illinois  it is getting warmer and we need to break out   the sunscreen now for Finn we use this mineral  brand blue lizard and we love it but it's so   thick to put on his face so I've started using  this Dollar Tree makeup brush it makes it so much   easier to get it where I need it on his face and  then I can use my hands to fully rub it in I've   also started doing this for myself if I'm just  putting sunscreen on my face and then I grabbed   this Dollar Tree little makeup brush holder so  then that way I'm not getting suntan lotion all   over the bag for the last two years I've done a  dedicated summer hacks video so you guys are going   to have to let me know down below if I should  bring that back but I've got some pre-summer   ones for you now so last year I showed how you  could add some soap to a water table to really   make it fun and add some extra elements while  kids are playing I originally shared to use Dawn   dish soap and a lot of you moms said use this baby  soap instead because it's mild if you gets it in   his eyes he is old enough now that he's four that  that's not going to happen but I did want to share   it again for younger kids the bath soap is genius  speaking of Genius ideas I saw these reusable   water balloons from at home of Shannon on Tik toac  I will link her down below and I had to try them   out so you're going to want sponges that don't  have any scratchies on them so these cellulose   sponges are great from Dollar Tree but don't get  ones with these like bristle scrub on the edge   so when you get home get them out of the package  and you are going to cut along the short side two   slits to create three little flaps you're going to  do the same thing on the other side and make sure   that you do not cut all the way through then once  you have all of your sponges cut we're going to   take some rubber bands and we are going to attach  them to create these little kind of ball shapes I   just wrapped my rubber bands around the center and  then these are good to go they work really well   as reusable water balloons they also are good for  splashing these will be great for the pool too and   what I like is that we can do water balloon fights  without having all the bits around our yard and I   worry about Sebastian eating them so they are a  perfect addition to water tables pools all the   things and they might even be helpful if you've  got some older kids that like water balloons   because they can use them time and time again just  squeeze them out and leave them out in the sun to dry my last little Mr fin hack for this section  ction is to grab some of these Hot Wheels tracks   and some yarn I saw this on Tik Tac a few  different times and we decided to just try   it and it was the best thing we ever did you can  take the yarn and tie it to anything whether that   be a water table an actual table the side of  your pool the side of your deck wherever you   just want to do it outside and I tied it on to  the water table through these holes in the top   I just tied it in a bow so I could easily take  it off and once that piece was tied on then we   added some additional pieces of track and then  Finn had this awesome water play area he loves   experimenting to see what angles he needs to do  to get the cars to go into this bucket which we   just had on hand and I love that he is having  fun but it's also somewhat educational we are   out here just for hours and hours having a  great time so if you've got Littles that like   Hot Wheels cars or you know whatever could  launch into the water this is a really fun   activity that will keep them entertained this  summer that's going to do it for this round of   hacks as always head down to the comments and  let me know your favorite one in today's video   which ones do you plan to implement and while  you're down there expand the description so   you can learn more about warie Parker you  can head over to warie parker.com Whiskey   and wit to take the home try on quiz you can try  glasses for yourself and also don't forget they   do contacts prescription and non-prescription  lenses as well as eye exams so they've got you   covered for all things eyes if you want to check  them out down in the description also if you are   new and enjoyed this video I would love it if  you would hit subscribe to join the whiskey   craft buddies so you won't miss a future video  and I will catch you guys in the next one bye
Channel: Whiskey & Whit
Views: 257,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whiskey and whit, whiskey and whitney, dollar tree diy, dollar tree hacks 2023, dollar tree hacks tiktok, dollar tree hacks, dollar tree, hacks, dollar tree hacks for organization, whiskey and whit cricut, dollar tree hacks for home decor, dollar tree hacks diy, dollar tree crafts, dollar tree organization, dollar tree secrets, summer hacks, dollar tree hack, home hacks, organization hacks, planter hacks, dollar tree 2023, dollar tree diy 2023, whiskey and whit diys
Id: zRimvDk2Q_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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