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hello my sweet friends it's Wendy and today we are doing some awesome Dollar Tree hacks and organizing I've got 30 new ideas to share with you so without further Ado let's get started so we are starting with a hack that might be one of my favorites I found these inflatable cell phone cases last summer actually and I thought they'd be awesome to use out by the pool but then I thought they could be used for something much more useful and on The Daily especially for our grand babies they come with a clip-on strap but if you attach it to the case I'm just using hot glue on the long side and I did this on the pretty side with the summery design because the back side is completely clear and if you stick your cell phone in there and then close it all up and it's now facing out you can drape it over the headrest in your car so that your little backseat passenger can watch some Coco melon which is my sweet little Junior's favorite cartoon and that just might make for a more comfortable drive for everyone for this next idea I wanted to find something to put my car registration and insurance documents in so I headed to the stationer and school supply aisle and there were lots of options most of which were like binder pouches for pencils and pens and I ended up grabbing this black pouch with a strap and it's kind of like made out of uh nylon material of some sort it has an extra Pocket in the front so in case you get a ticket you could stick it in there so you don't lose it but just don't get any tickets so even though you know what's inside of this I thought I would give it some cuteness so I'm going to use my Cricut and some scrap white vinyl now this one is going to be for my daughter and I think on mine I'll just probably put registration and insurance documents something like that I don't know but I just wanted to give it some more cuteness and so I'm going to put that on the back of this pouch so I'm GNA use this opportunity to poke in a handmade Christmas card and a note from a sweet viewer Joanne who sent me a mega perky prize it was two whole boxes of Dollar Tree supplies and some other sweet goodies and I'll be showing some other perky prizes throughout this video but thank you so much joeanne that was so very kind of you and I'll just slip my faux documents into my pouch and stick them into the glove compartment for easy access so in the automotive aisle I picked up this little guy and have you ever found something you didn't know you needed but it basically just finds you well that's exactly what this was for me and you just plunk it into your cup holder so that you can still put your water bottle in it and then my cell phone and other stuff so I don't have to dig around in my purse but my cell phone always slides around when it's in that midle opening you see here and since I've been using this I found that it's more secure in that middle slot instead of the back one but yeah super handy and you can keep your eyes on the road when you're putting on your lips so I'm still doing car hacks but these sachets have lots of uses I tuck a two pack under my seat for some smelly goodness and then when the goodness goes away I just switch it out with another one I actually started doing this when one accidentally fell out of my Dollar Tree bag and then the next time I got in my car it just smelled so so good but you can also separate them and use them as a single envelope in your dresser drawers or your linen closet and I just kind of shake them up if they've been sitting for a while so that it activates that scent I also like to pull the innards out or the insides out and it kind of looks like a little teab bag but I can also stash those anywhere and the scent just lingers and smells so good I didn't do a video of making this arrangement in my Dollar Tree Tombstone dough Bowl but I think it turned out so pretty anyway you can just tuck that in there and cover it up with the greenery and you can't even see it but you can smell it you can pop it into planners or even under your sofa cushions to always have that smelly goodness around the house so I'm sure you guys have probably seen these Walmart crates they're $14 48 cents right now and I use these as is for a number of things one way you can use it is to make an emergency bin for your car and I put a Dollar Tree fabric bin in and I'm going to put that inside for more compartments and then I'll add a roll of paper towels some toilet paper because you never know when you're going to break down and you need that a small blanket a water bottle if you have babies you can always use an extra diaper and wipes and we don't have any grand babies that still fit in this teeny tiny little diaper but I thought it was so cute Wipes we can use whether we have babies or not and then here's another Dollar Tree zipper pouch that's great for keeping pens and in sheets together I'm going to pop that into the back a few books for some light reading and Dollar Tree always seems to have some Jesus coloring books and regular books and I love that you can put crayons and colored pencils in this Dollar Tree collapsible container and I found this in the crafter square and then add a flashlight and this belongs to our 24-year-old Kennedy but isn't he adorable but you could also make this an adult emergency box and not just for the littles oh and then I saw my mom's Red Umbrella so that's another necessity for emergencies that I should have thought of but you can put all of this in your trunk or the back of your SUV and if you ever get stranded or forgot something you can get it from your emergency crate and it won't slide around like my plastic bins used to and did you see my license plate so I'll get back to my crate ideas in a second but this is a super random idea we wanted a wall of cabinets but we have our sprinkler box doohickey in the way so this is a Michael J fix and I thought this was so brilliant he got some rough measurements and cut the shape of all those components out of the back of these really cheapy cabinets so that it'll go up against the wall and it's all streamlined in the front I just thought that was so smart of him and it's not real pretty on the inside but nobody's going to be looking and then when he put the shelves back in he cut a little Notch for that PVC conduit stuff in there and you see he just threw everything in there for right now but when you close it it's clean and I wanted to show you actually the rest of the garage well the start of it anyway he wanted kind of an outdoor workspace slash kitchen so here's the beginning of it but I'll show you the final result in another video so back to our crate ideas you probably already do this but keeping blankets in these just looks so pretty especially in the winter I'm trying to cut out my fourth of July Decor that's above it cuz it's 106 here but here's the original idea that I wanted to show you and what we did with one of these crates so if you take off the front four slats of the crate they're just stapled in or braded Brad nailed whatever I don't know but they're really easy to pull off we were having a problem we have a big dog Lola and a we used to have a little dog aie and Lola would always eat Aussie's food so what we did was put Aussie's food underneath the crate and then Lola's would go on top and that way Lola couldn't get to Aussie's food so if you have a big dog and a little dog and this is a problem this is a great solution that looks pretty cute too now sadly we lost our little Aussie 3 years ago but I found other ways to use it and here I'm displaying it as a decorative tray on our bed and that pretty Wood Cross was another perky prize from a sweet viewer and then also every time I have to straighten my hair I use it as a tray with my mirror and my straightener and my brush and I can sit and watch TV because straightening my hair takes forever Cadence is doing such a good job of totally faking straightening her own hair she doesn't have to do this and we don't want to ruin her hair and it's also perfect for our bottomless pit Carson who can sit and eat and watch TV at the same time so while I was filming this video I caught this sweet little Jem this is Connor and he is playing like his grandma and making his own YouTube video with his tools ladder and tripod and oh my goodness he is just so adorable so another little hack I have is to grab one of these earbud holders at least that's what I think they're used for it's actually tagged as a tech case so I guess you can put other Tech things in there but this would also be perfect to put your daily pills in if you're going on a day trip or maybe some aspirin so you have them on hand when you're not at home and I really don't like when they wrestle around you know that sound that they jingle around in your purse and stuff but anyway but I use it to hold one of my rosaries so I can carry it in my purse and it doesn't get all tangled and broken at the bottom and I can pray on the go so we have this shelf in the living room and it's kind of set back and covered by Shadows so I picked up three of these pop lights make sure you do not pick up one of these I thought it was a pop light but it's a strobe light for Halloween that was a surprise anyway I'm just going to add my batteries and you can pop these behind whatever core you have on the shelf and then it just gives it a really really pretty glow I got this beautiful Jesus picture from my kids for Mother's Day and H the glow on it at night is just so pretty especially against this here it is at night and I just love the Ambiance that this sets because remember first you got to set the mood now I've shown you guys these hooks once before but I thought I should include it with these decorating helps if you guys have a shiplap wall and don't want to make nail holes in it these hooks I found on Amazon are perfect to keep from having to do that the physics here are pretty brilliant because the weight of whatever you're hanging from it keeps it secure but I do add a piece of painters tape at the bottom to keep it from shifting while I'm hanging something on it now this is the wall I use for my project reveal so I'm constantly changing it and I also painted mine white so that it Blends in better with my wall and you can see here it can handle the larger wall hangings too and I never have to worry about ruining my beautiful ship lap or wasting money on 701d command hook adhesive strips if you are familiar with the scripture in Isaiah about finding beauty from ashes and that is how a lot of these hacks and ideas come about my sweet Michael Jay was doing laundry and this was the second time he dropped the smelly good beads that you throw in the washing machine and this is him in his adorable bathrobe trying to explain that the caps are defective and not him so I grabbed my camera to film him because we were going to have to recreate the scene for this video but this is real life and authentic so he cleaned up the mess with our handheld vacuum and that was that but the next time I used it those beads rolled around inside and poofs out the best fragrance ever and also it keeps your vacuum from having that musty dirt smell that builds up over time and that just goes to show you there's no use crying over spilled laundry beads so Dollar Tree carries a lot of great cleaning supplies and you just can't beat only paying $125 for these cleaners unless you do Beat It by getting the Big Daddy bottles that are usually on the bottom shelf and then go ahead and grab three of their spray bottles I ended up grabbing four they have a few pretty cute colored spray tops but I'm going to just grab the black ones and you know I love to label everything and this is a great way to use up your vinyl scraps for these I'm using the font asteroid and I'm going to make three labels one for glass cleaner one for regular surface cleaning and then one for carpet and rug spots and I thought it would be really cute to apply these at an angle so number one it's cute but also you can see the whole word and this took no time at all and I just filled them with the products and then talk about me only retaining water I cannot for the life of me ever remember getting this little rubber funnel I found in my drawer it just magically appeared from out of nowhere I don't know where it came from but it sure is Handy anyway I'm just going to twist those tops back on and twist open the little sprayer noses to use them and while I was cleaning stuff out I found this mini me bottle of Swiffer juice and they usually come in the package when you buy a new Swiffer Wet jet set but I love the smell of the Swiffer stuff but I did have to have Michael J open the top because it's not a regular screw on but for small spills on the floor I don't always need to go pull out the whole mop situation I can just spray a little Swiffer juice now and use a paper towel to clean up those small spills and I'm going to show you these again in a few but look how cute and organized they look just because they're all the same so now on to everyone's favorite cleaning the bathroom I'm going to take a Dollar Tree caddy and an assortment of their different cleaning supplies to fill it this little scrub brush that you can use pretty much everywhere and these adorable little sponges flushable wipes are super useful for cleaning the toyy because you can just flush them when you're done a mini sweeper and dust pan just a bunch of super cute stuff and you have to be mindful of the sizes of these cleaners because the caddies are pretty lightweight and the compartments won't fit you know the larger bottles but that's kind of the point here and I'm going to put in all of the supplies and distribute the weight evenly so it's not side heavy when you carry it from one bathroom to the other I think this would also be a great housewarming gift not a really fun one so you might want to add a plant or something to your gift but now you can keep your bathroom cleaning caddy under the sink everything's all together and mobile for you so if you have more than one bathroom you can carry it to the next one now I'm sure everyone uses or knows about the Mr Clean Magic stain erasers and I think these are a must to have to keep your home sparkling clean you can get them a little bit cheaper at Walmart they're about 91 cents per pad in the six-pack but usually we don't need a whole pad for every use so I cut them down and put them in a pretty glass container and they're white so they're going to match any Decor I display them with some other white cleaning supplies in the corner of my laundry room counter I have some Swiffer Sweeper pads some white laundry detergent which is 100% just for the looks and then my erasers and for years I've kept the fulls sizee pad pads in this Walmart drawer Deo I have my duster wall covers in there the Overflow of Swiffer pads dryer sheets and I had washing machine tabs in the bottom but I'm going to update my system a little starting with our dryer sheet and I made this cute little tray a while back in another video and we still use that and my original idea was to put your overflow items into pencil boxes which is still a great option and then I use my tray as the function Decor that you use every day plus it makes the laundry room smell really great and I would stack my pencil boxes in the cupboard above but I wanted them to all match and when I went to Dollar Tree to get new ones they didn't have any at all so I went to plan B and found these little bins and I'm going to replace everything including these two Dollar Tree boxes from days gone by these new ones are still good but they're a little more flimsy than the older ones but they just don't make them like they used to so I'm going to transfer all of my furniture pads my felt pads some washing machine cleaning tabs Lola's poo bags that we always keep on hand my dryer sheets and Magic Erasers I used a total of eight bins and then I labeled them with white vinyl using the font Bambi bold and I'll have all of this Linked In the description box below so in my life before cutting machines I was always a labeler and for our 10th an iversary Michael J got me a fancy Dao portable label maker best gift ever and I kept the placement pretty much the same so I just left them how they were but you can see that some of them are still there I have my cleaning label and my Swiffer pad label and goodness you'd think that I was being sponsored by Swiffer but I'm really not I just use a lot of Swiffer so I put the cleaners and things like bug spray and things we don't use every day in a couple of white Dollar Tree baskets and I put them was at the very tippy top with the big daddy refill bottles and I decided to put our laundry detergent and fabric softener and stuff like that in the bottom cabinet so I'd have room for my beautiful new spray bottles and oh my word I love looking at this cabinet I like to walk by and just peek in every now and then and it kind of motivates me to clean well kind of not really so you saw that I keep in one of my bins an assortment of Dollar Tree felt pads and those rubber pads because I use these everywhere and I have this tray that my brother-in-law and sister-in-law made for us a while back and it's super heavy so I put the big round ones on the bottom of my tray and you can see I'm just changing one of them out for this video and the other ones are a little bit worn but this is the tray where we keep our coffee machine so of course I need it to be cute with my Dollar Tree planter canisters for cinnamon and sugar and this adorable little picture that I usually have stirrers in but I'm out so I just tucked in some plastic spoons and now I can slide it around and put it wherever I want but it makes cleaning the counters a lot easier and I also keep a small white saucer there for wet stirs or the drippy coffee pods and because this is under the cabinet I have to pull it out in order to lift the lid and add water and put the pot in and then I can just slide it right back into place once I push go you can also use them for the inside of your cabinets I have these little rubber ones from Dollar Tree that I put on there because our bedroom is right behind this wall so every time somebody would close the cabinet it would sound like an earthquake but when you put these on here's what it sounds [Music] like if you have blanket ladders that lean up against the wall sometimes it can get scraped up and we had just repainted this and already there was a mark behind there and it just happens it's the way it is and I just realized the same sister in-law and brother-in-law that made our tray made this ladder but I'm going to take one of these long pieces of felt and cut that down so that I can stick this onto the back of where the ladder hits the wall so now it's not going to make those scrapes and I don't have to keep painting my wall behind it and this is a project that we're going to be doing in just a minute but again I had to take out my new bin and put some little FES on this so that it's nice and soft when you move it around but I'm telling you you should always keep these on hand because they come in handy for a lot of things so when I was out getting my bins for the laundry room I found these adorable bird sew baskets and I knew exactly what I could use them for but I ended up changing my mind and used them a little differently so I wanted to show you my original thought I thought I could just make this attached to the bottom of this home sign maybe add a little better wreath to it and fluff it up a little bit but the sign itself is already super cutie patootie and you wouldn't have to paint it you could paint the little baskets if you wanted to paint them black or white or whatever but for where I want to put mine I'm going to use this cute little Valentine's Day house wood board thingy because I need mine to go up and down and this kind of reminds me of those oldfashioned you know like from the' 7s those mail holders but that's what this is going to be and so I'm going to take an envelope and see how far apart these need to be and then I'm going to take some Dollar Tree ribbon I found this home ribbon that I haven't been able to use for anything yet and it was the perfect color the perfect size and was going to work perfectly for this project so I just took a little strip and cut it down and then I'm going to feed it through that se holder thingy or the SE basket so that I can glue it down and that's what's actually going to hold the basket to the board I was trying to find a way to make this a little bit easier so you didn't have to use a nylon zip tie or drill holes or anything like that so we should be able to do a lot with our glue gun and that's what I'm doing here so I'm just going to add that glue and then get those pieces of ribbon in place and then I'm going to flip it over and attach it in the back with some more hot glue so that it's nice and secure now originally where this was going to be this is going to be a mail holder because I have to have Michael Jay take the mail whenever he leaves so sometimes he forgets it and I just set it on top of the washing machine so this way he's going to see it right before he goes out and then I just use my Cricut to make incoming and outgoing with my words and this is Autumn and November is the font for this one but when I went to go hang this up I'm so bummed because I forgot we have an alarm pad right here so now I hung it there still for the video I'm going to have to move it to the door because I'm on a ladder here I can't reach the outgoing mail compartment so sadly I'm going it looks really cute here but that darn pad is right there so I'm just too short now I'll have to move it so we all know how to cover a Shelf with some Dollar Tree shelf paper and I use a chopper to get the bubbles out and get those tucked into the sides so when our kids were younger they would put the dishes away and they kind of always just piled the pots and pans up in the cupboard and we had these same pullout shelves in the house before this one but I'd have to go back and rearrange them the way they were supposed to be and I always kind of joked about doing this but even now after they've moved out a certain someone does the exact same thing so here's a way to possibly remedy that just use a Sharpie to trace around the lids so it's easy to see exactly where they go but also I would encourage you to not get too irritated if they don't get placed properly and just remember we're blessed that they unloaded the dishwasher in the first place when Dollar Tree sets out their back to school items in probably a couple of months or so I found these colorful binders and I'm a big binder organization person now I already have my set of binders so I'm making these for my daughter and these are so cute when we're done so I went to my Cricut design space and I'm going to set up my squares and make the colors or close to the colors of the binder so I can see what they look like and how I want them laid out I'm going to make labels using the font Arial black so it's super simple and then I have a three-hole punch that I got from Walmart and so I put all of my important papers in the corresponding binders so in the documents binder I'll have like all of my kids birth certificates and baptismal records their social security card copies and driver's licenses everything that you need in the vehicles I'll have the pink slips and the registrations and all of those goodies but you could do this like for each individual child you could do schoolwork or art projects chore lists I mean it's endless you can use these for anything but you can also set these out and they're super pretty and will help you Corral all of that paper clutter that you don't want laying around if you're like me you have lots of blankets you can never have too many and actually that's not true you can have too many so I only have sentimental blankets nowadays but I got this rack off of Facebook Marketplace and I'm putting it on the inside of our closet door in the hallway and I just roll up all the baby blankets and me blankets and I'm going to tuck these into these baskets and just like that you have extra blanket storage using that Prime real estate on the back side of your closet doors so you guys know I redid my craft room recently and this has become my battery storage bin and if you have these at home now I use a lot of batteries but there's always open packages and they fall out of there I have a little jar for those little disc batteries but I decided I was going to go ahead and organize these finally once and for all I picked up three of these Dollar Tree organizers for your desk and I'm going to take some mini nylon zip ties and just attach these together it's kind of hard to see how I'm doing that and because this has like that Grid or the mesh you're just going to go inside those mesh little openings and then come around to attach them and then click that zip tie into place and then cut off the excess and then it's done that's all you have to do and then you can just place your batteries in here now this way you can see how many you have I have a freakishly large amount of batteries because of what I do and look how much garbage I got rid of from all of those packages you might not have this many but it is good to have them on hand but now I can see how many I need and what I'm low on but it's just super organized and you can place this in a drawer and I love that it's all together now now if you don't have this many batteries you can also pick up these felt bins also in the school supply section and I like these because they have a main tray or a bottom tray and then you can mix and match depending on whatever whatever your needs are this is good for a desk too and I think they're super cute in this dark gray felt but this way you can keep your battery storage all in one place again put it in a drawer and you have all of your batteries handy and ready to go so this isn't really a hack it's more of just a tip but I think having different colored hangers makes a closet look messy just because there's no uniformity I didn't even straighten up my hangers or anything because I want to show you how such a small detail makes such a huge difference in my opinion now we also have the wood hangers and those can get kind of expensive but over the years I just buy a few at a time so it wasn't such a blow to the budget but look how much better it looks and you know how the plastic hangers start sagging over time when you hang pants on them if you use these baby hangers from the Dollar Tree according to my friend and she's been doing this for years so she assures me they will not sag I guess because it's shorter but but it also saves a lot of depth space in your closet and I really didn't think that Michael Jay's pants would fit on these because they're larger you know but they did so I think this is a really great way to hang your pants and make your closet look better at the same time so a while back in my very first organization video I made a rack to hold my Rubbermaid lids and I'm going to do the same thing but we're doing it a little bit differently I'm us using a Dollar Tree bin this one's a little bit different different shape but it still fits the rack that we're going to be using so you could cut the legs off of this but it's a little bit easier if you just fold them in and then pop that into your bin but once you get it in there you can actually pop it for this particular size I don't know if it would do it with every one of them but once it's in there and it pops in place it's not coming out so I don't really use makeup palettes but my daughter does well both my daughters do actually and I found these in our spare bathroom somebody had left them here and I think this is a perfect place to stash your palettes if you have different sizes and shapes they'll go perfectly in there but I use for my own personal makeup this adorable little makeup bag that was sent to me for Christmas one year from Lori a sweet viewer and I love it so much I stick this under my cabinet under my sink and you can see here I'm just kind of showing you what the pallet holder would look like this has already gone over to our older daughter's house so I'm sure she's putting it to good use so I want to take just a few seconds to share some family highlights that we've had over the past few weeks first our grandson Carter James was baptized and look at that baby praying over the holy water and of the son and of the Holy Spirit amen and here we are with our daughter and son-in-law and five of our beautiful grandbabies and our youngest daughter Kennedy over on the right and then our beautiful niece Caris Gracie J graduated from 8th grade and is now officially in high school I do not like that at all and finally another beautiful niece Laura Michelle just graduated from law school and passed the bar exam on her very first try so congratulations we is so very proud proud of all of you in a non- boastful way of course so I'm plugging another perky prize and this time it's from Norma in Orlando and I think she said she got this at Dollar Tree but anyway I'm just going to show you guys how I wrap my presents as I show you the hack that's coming up in a second but I just always fold the raw edges down so of course you can do this with a box but I just want to show how it makes your wrapping look so much better when you fold those edges in so I'm just going to to finish wrapping this and then I added some grow grain ribbon from the Dollar Tree and tied that in a knot and then instead of using bows you can use hair bows and put them on your packages change them out and they have an extra perky prize as part of their gift so when our grandbabies come over they want to do two things they want to cook with pop and craft with Grandma so I keep a stash of Dollar Tree tablecloths in my linen closet and I always have these on hand for all kinds of different projects even when I'm crafting but I'm going to use one to cover up my table so that if they make a mess or anything spills it's no worries because it's all plastic and it's going to protect my table now I am coming out with that video that is my craft room makeover but it's kind of a hard one but this is now the kids craft room and you see I have everything labeled it's so it it's really super cute but it's just really emotional to get that video done but I promise I will have it done a lot of you have been asking but at the bottom of this particular set of drawers I've got Dollar Tree projects stuck in here every now and then well pretty much every time I go to Dollar Tree I'll just pick up a few more I usually get three and that was for Carson Cadence and for my niece Caris but now that she's in high school I don't know if she's going to be too interested in doing crafts with the kids so Connor's getting older and so he can start working with them but this is for everyone this is such a fun idea so I'm going to take some of these projects and let them figure out which ones they want to use now another hack is to use a toothbrush holder this is a sure way to keep those spills from happening when you're putting your paint brushes in the water it happens a lot where the cup spills over and paint gets everywhere so this helps it and maybe won't come out so quickly or as much and this is also good for me too so I'll be starting to use this in my craft room as well so you can see here they're just having a good time we actually just set this up for this video but here's a project that Cadence made a while back and I found that using these dog clippers the nail clippers somebody else had done this or uses this so I just picked that up and I keep that in my dowel bin now so I can cut those but the kids also can cut little pieces of wood for projects like this so you saw earlier that we're trying to redo the garage and so Michael J put all of my scrapwood outside I don't know why it's my scrapwood I guess it's his too but I came out here looking for a little piece of 1x4 from some other projects I finally found that one that would probably work I mean any of these would have worked but for our project this is what I'm going to be using so I took a book and I'm going to measure about the distance or the length of it and then cut this piece of wood down using my miter saw and so if you don't have a miter saw you can also just use a hacksaw or what what are those ones you know with the miter box and all that whatever that's called but thankfully I have this so it makes it super easy and goes quickly but I'm just going to take my brad nailer and put those two pieces at the ends and attach them and I put it on the highest pressure setting so that it would really go down in there and keep this together and then I'm going to take my white chalk paint and paint this up and then using some water from my little spray bottle which used to have glass cleaner in it you know for your reading glasses or your looking glasses anyway I'm going to do I guess what I would call The Lazy girls way of whitewashing I put the paint on there and then got it wet and then rubbed it off and here's where we used those pads from earlier this is the project that I'm using it on because what I want to do is be able to use my side table but if I have my Bible and any books on there I don't want to set anything on top of that so this way I can put my Decor or whatever over the books but still be able to pull the books out and not have to move everything around anyway super useful super easy and I hope you guys liked it I hope you enjoyed all of these projects and if you did don't forget to give this video a thumbs up comment let me know what you think if you're not already I hope you'll consider hitting that subscribe button down below as well as the little Bell right next to it so that you can be notified every time I upload a brand new video I hope everyone has a blessed day and remember to always be the light bye
Channel: White Sparrow Living - Luke 12:6
Views: 35,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ouRuYP8ShwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 19sec (2119 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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