The Wisdom Of My Father: (21 interview with my dad: Edmund Hulse)

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George Bruno with the 21 report we're at the 21 convention patriarch edition and I'm talking to Elliott Hulse and his father mr. halls thanks George my new judge so you just got off stage not too long ago what were you talking about family mainly that's what it was all about strong family mentally and physically so that's the main subject here we told her about and discipline of kids relationship with your spouse and facing that's what that's what it was all about right mm-hmm it reminds me of when I had the talk with Steve Williams and we had talked about this you and I where he would remind his children you are a Williams and you remind your children they are a Hulse this is how pulses act this is what they do this is the character of a house and every family has character and characteristics what would you say are the highlights what is it like to be a Hulse strength like I told you yesterday it was so funny to hear him say the same thing while he was standing up there that is our foundation making men strong again yeah to be strong so you didn't put your heads together to come up with the same thing that's just a common thread that's in your family yeah that's in our blood I we went to Belize this summer and I got to meet some of his you know uncles and you know and I discovered I found out that his great-uncle would wrestle bulls he's the guy that they would call too if you want to get the bull you know in the truck or whatever you call our ancestor and he's the one that would catch it or wrestle it and get it where it needs to be Wow so there's a physical strength yeah and also strength of character energy a strong voice either way my dad talks just a strong presence strong sense of being yes how do you overcome difficulty the old opinion what kind of difficulty talking about because difficult for me is I leave it alone because I have no control of anything in my life the arm animal man up there he controls everything so if you have a problem you think it's a problem you do leave it alone to him which is difficult right takes faith yeah but that's some saying so if you leave it alone it will play itself out see we have no control of our life but people take the control the only control you have in your life is get up every day and apply yourself to make your family better and yourself that's the only - yeah just get up and do something there's no room for worrying know about what ask you simple question do you know anyone that worried about a situation or a problem whatever you want to call it difficulties and it fix it whirring does nothing but that's what I'm saying energy waste right so I just need alone I go about and do my responsibility and my responsibility is to make my family mentally physically strong that's my responsibility and I take it very seriously no destruction hundred percent focus and whatever you do in this life supposed to be 100 percent or focus because when you get destruction things doesn't work out so that's how I live my life so I don't worry about anything I got nothing to worry about tell me one thing that's you worry about well I remember talking to my father and asking him for a solution for something and he said think about it and he lives here in Florida and Florida not unlike tropical regions in the Caribbean you might get an afternoon rain okay and it might get dark but you know the sun's gonna be shining the 30 minutes later he said sometimes problems are like that you just let the clouds go mm-hmm because they're gonna pass so you don't always have to react to everything you don't always have to try to find a solution to everything sometimes not doing something is a strategy that's good that's a good advice leave it alone leave it alone that's what I do go to sleep tomorrow you'll forget about it yeah I think I was away by itself because he takes care of it yeah I think there's a skirt that talks about which one of us can add an inch to our stature by worrying about things we can't yeah where is makes you weak I don't want to be weak you don't sleep I'll make sure we cuz you learn right creates despair yeah we don't want to spare positive that has been a theme all weekend with all the speakers I've been talking about hope positivity and optimism rather than despair and playing on defense all the time when you're playing defense all the time it just wears you out people talking about all the effects of the media on this on that on your children on your mind it's like stop it turn the TV off that's what I say I haven't watched TV in three years so yeah I don't watch you guys though yeah it's a destruction yeah but yeah so your father give you good advice yeah well let's put this way I don't have to tell my kids those things they just see yeah they don't see my face that come word they don't see I'm stressed out on all they see me is doing things great I'm a creator and saying the almighty is a crater he created us so we can be craters yes so that's what I do great if you go to my home all you see is creativity create beauty understand so if you create beauty then you will see beauty you create words you'll see word all right you're a man of faith so you'll get this on page one of the good book it says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth creation was the first thing that God did powerful yeah so he puts us here so we can quit like him not to destroy create a beautiful tunnelling create a beautiful home positive no negative that's what I do I get up every day and create beautiful environment in my home you see I create garden for garden so my kids they can walk in the garden and see beauty my grandkids I create gardens with butterflies so you can see beauty they don't see sadness they don't see worries they don't see anything negative and you grew up like this yeah yeah my grandkids grew up like this all right that's the way they're living right now Wow no no right now it's happening right now will you speak yeah why would I want to create something that's not beautiful that's gonna make me weak sad the press know any medication I don't want medication I don't take medication I don't take no medication I'm 68 years old and I don't take any medication does every other 68 year old I know if I attend just taking a handful of pills every warm-up might go to my doctor full year checkup he said I don't need him he needs me but you forget but I just go for routine you schedule appointment yeah that's it for him I go when I feel like you know but I try to go once a year right just to check my stuff up which is good day you know that's a good thing yeah what's the best advice or the best thing that your father modeled for you as you were growing up to be the best and that's what are you saying before and he went even further than saying just to be the best he always wanted us to be better than him which i think is a rare thing with a lot of fathers or male elders is that they want the young people to be good they want them to be great they want them to be the best but they still want to be in charge when my father realized that at some point you're gonna Eclipse me you're gonna pass me you got to be bigger than me you got to be stronger than me you got to be better than me so not only did he hold a high standard you know to be a strong man like him but that wasn't good enough it was you got to be better than me and I always thought that that was powerful it is powerful mm-hm I might have to share that with my kids yeah I gotta be better than you yeah and the next generation can be better than been better so now you have a great generation and that's what a legacy is yes that's ladies you know so why would you want your kid to be not better yeah because you love when you love someone you want everything for them we're not rivals with our kids we're not in competition with our Jill we want the best for them we want them to shine yes well a little editing you get remember we are the mirror a photo kids yes that's big you know so you know what you do is what your kid's gonna do cuz they learn what they live yeah and Mike is that's what they do learn what they live they work hard and try to make themselves excel themself in life you know saying you gotta keep working and they see me and my wife we're always working they see nothing else but work because life is work if you're lazy you ain't gonna have a life you know yeah because right now this is work creation tell me what's that work brushing your teeth in the morning is one right I didn't want to brush my teeth sometime at night so I better go to sleep like that but I brush my teeth it's a job so long as you understand that life is work you'll be ok yeah and you know a lot of things good understand with people you can't expect anything from no one right I don't expect anything to no one whatever I want and need in this life that matter over there to take care of me and I work towards it get up every day and work towards what you need and want need is the most important thing what is luxury that's how I look at it and have high expectations of yourself yes but you come first have a second take that back first second third then whatever comes after you always have help people you gotta help your neighbors help anyone is in need but first you gotta take care your family first I'm not gonna take care of you and help you before I help my kids now some people do that you know so that's my most important thing it's a whole do right for my family and then I have no problem doing right for others because you got a share yes you know that's what I feel about one thing that was unique I think for us growing up was that you know my parents are from Belize and they ate mostly natural foods and you know my dad would pick the food off of the trees that he would eat or you know catch it and so in our home it was always critical that we were eating healthy Whole Foods and this was back in the 80s you know and we weren't as privy to what whole good food was yeah and so it would be odd you know I'd go to my friend's house or they'd come here and it was definitely a stark contrast between the food that was served filling our bodies in our home compared to you know many of the people in our neighborhood and friends and that was his that was very important to him so you guys got to you got to eat good food yeah food is very important food is medicine yeah food is medicine yeah so you have to eat good food what are we and whole thing with food that's why you don't take medicine because food is measure medicine right and you know I said something at the session today about appearance do we appear appear to you kids I mean you got to look strong you gotta look healthy so you can look up at you then I want to be strong and healthy like my dad right but my dad is weak in unkept that's embarassing that make that kid very weak so that's a big deal you know and people can't do that move you know just try to eat good food if I tell somebody to eat good food because it's a little bit more money whatever it is because everything is expensive we understand all that but eventually gonna find another medication anyway so do it up front you know so that's my that's my big thing you know take care yourself you represent your family you're a mirror - you do kids you know it's simple right yeah so simple that it's hard for many to understand but you know it's probably is that I don't understand and I really you know it kind of pulled me Oh a lot is that out you don't eat good food because means nothing to you but you want to go out and buy yourself a brand new car and drive around all these exotic stuff and you take care of those things polishing and cleaning them and doing yep shiny things here you don't take care of yourself you give yourself junk you put the best car best gas in your car best tires wheels all these things you're doing to this vehicle which is things means nothing and this beautiful body is gift you just abuse it by putting crop in you we put premium fuel in exotic and luxury sports cars but we don't put premium fuel in our bodies yeah just an int you still can't relate to that mm-hmm and everything well am I talking about expense good I'm talking about let's work yeah you know and spend your money in things that matters like your family and yourself now for example we only teeth to eat chew our food you know so when you have bad teeth and you'll take care your teeth what do you think happening you're getting bacteria into your stomach yeah so take care of your teeth take care of money I've heard it say ignore your teeth and they'll go away oh yeah right so you chew your food out because that's you need that for your medicine yeah to digest your medicine so take care feet instead of driving along and lock your car I had to drive around a piece of crap brother yeah I don't need that show point A to point B that's what I needed for when did it become important to drive from point A to point B in style when did that never when I was a young when I was a young man I was happy just to get from A to B but that's what I'm talking about but everybody's got to have a show to say look I own a Mercedes I own this you know whatever it is you know right for what yeah I want to be able to get up in the morning do what I want to do strong happy run around put my grandkids jump on me wrestle me that's what I wanted that's my happiness not driving wrong a brand new car or have any kind of luxury anything that doesn't mean anything me you know so but people why would that mean something I guess I for me I look at them and I say to myself well maybe that's the way what brought up that's the mirror from their parents you know so I can't fix that they gotta want to fix that himself you know I see where you get it from yeah I see where you get everything in your youth mm-hmm when you told me how old you were you look 10 years younger than what your age is and you look 10 years younger easily then you're going to feel do that's the most important area absolutely it's feeling good after you gotta do anything I'm unstoppable he was recently just fixing his roof roof is it laughs I don't I do my own roof for my house I do my own garden I do all my pool man I do everything I don't hire someone no no no nobody you carried wet with it was 80 pound pellets how much should I do whatever halfway up a ladder that's what I wanted to do do what I want to do you know don't sit around gonna be sick and pop in medication and my leg hurt my back hurt you know all this you create that in your own yeah you know just pay attention to you about it take care little budget tell my team gave you it's a beautiful machine I was putting up a fence yesterday I'm not gonna sail aboard three weeks ago and I snapped that finger right there you see that mob right there yes yeah it's healing right yeah well that's not that if you don't screw kit - because I snapped that out of the damn socket with a big gals dog to the bone yeah I didn't go to a doctor or a hospital no way something you gotta go to hospitai get stitches what you do just wrap it with doctor oh I take that thing in sup that son of [ __ ] back in closes his tires I can't tell how you bandage that up she thinks that was enough yeah and she's managing up like she wasn't like trying to be gentle I say you put that son of [ __ ] tag you jammed I want you to tighten it up yeah and tag and I went back and finished what I was doing Wow I wish I was doing first Wow came back in later when I'm all down cleaned my shop we tighten it up again and yeah I wanna take a shower come down put some fresh stuff on again and that's it and I just take care that [ __ ] until right now start looking good I couldn't even clean my ass with it before yeah okay now I can do a lot of supplement exercises see you got finger riding a little different but squeeze that every day and I do my own terapy I can't go to someone who do no terapy for me yeah that's how it is this interview is going to go down in history not only in an informational way but there's gonna be people who watch it because of the comedic value I mean it's this is a feel-good it really is that's making making men strong again with Elliott Hulse and his father mr. halls thank you gentlemen no problem thank you you
Channel: Elliott Hulse
Views: 65,626
Rating: 4.9346528 out of 5
Keywords: elliott hulse, bioenergtics, dynamic meditation, active meditation, personal development, grounding camp, strength camp, personal growth, advice
Id: MrexoW-XWVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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