How I Became Catholic

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/cmn_jcs 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Man. I’m so glad he became Catholic!! I thought he was on some new age Christianity stuff until this video which gets rid of my doubts!

He was a big part of my journey to positive health. But now that he’s Catholic, he’s 100x better!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Racsnarok 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Such great news! So happy for Elliot. Hope he continues to stay strong in the faith

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/LePetitPrinceB612 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
uh i hope this message finds you well i am a new believer but i'm not sure where to begin what ramification of christianity to follow or how to discern between good and bad advice and religious leaders or is reading the bible enough in addition i feel some insecurities concerning if i am closing myself to other ideas and possibilities by becoming christian and i feel like i kind of still want to sin and not change my lifestyle i get you as you know that uh as i know that you are a relatively recent christian do you have any advice on how to approach this and in your opinion what does it mean to be christian yes of course i have some advice because i think about the very same things i deal with the very same things um let's do this piecemeal let's bounce around a little bit here so closing yourself off to other ideas and possibilities other than christianity that's where i was in my 20s up through my mid-30s and i've been all around the place in my early 30s i was into my early 20s i was into um eastern i became i found eastern religion so i was into taoism about the books of taoism buddhism hinduism um dabbled with it quite a bit in the reading of these books and uh and alan watts and osho i would read these guys books and i would listen to their lectures and if there was a place to go sign up and be it i might have done that right i was just very fascinated with it because i never learned i never heard of these these uh ideas little did i know that christianity is very mystical but i didn't know that right because we live in a world that is antichrist they do everything to hide the truths about christianity and then uplift everything else you know like they're doing anyway i don't want to go off into any tangents but the whole idea is to suppress that which built the west and then bring in flood it with a lot of confusion and the way you do that is by bringing in strange fire right strange gods so uh the west has been unindated which quote-unquote strange gods and i'll tell you what i mean even deeper at the moment so eastern i was into the eastern then bro i a lot of people you know what book i was sent more than any the greatest evangelists out there are muslims so many i got muslim friends and i got muslim fans i must i don't have them anymore i must have gotten at least six qurans and i've i've flipped through and i've i read books about muhammad uh you know i was i was into all that i looked it i looked into it then for a good solid couple years i joined the baha'i faith which is an abraham abrahamic faith which is uh which is it is is universalism basically it's a it's a it's an abrahamic religion that says all religions are right and so that was very pleasing to my egos in my in my uh mid 20s i even got married you know in a baha'i ceremony very pleasing to my ego because i didn't want to discern i didn't want to say no to anyone we grew up in a world where everything and everyone should be okay which in my wisdom i've discovered is not right we're not all the same and not everything is of equal value that's not true um but i wanted to believe that because i grew up in a world where that was promoted and the baha'i faith allowed me to be everything i can just be everything uh but i st the reason why i adopted the faith is because i have this i just have this strong god calls me god has been calling me god has been calling me for a long time and uh i took a lot of bait on my way and i took i took the baha'i and the baha'i faith is abrahamic so it it it smells a little bit like christianity it's got a little bit of the christian and muslim abrahamic judeo-christian feel to it and that felt real it felt good to me that felt right to me uh then so you know we're going all the way from the east i was into the baha'i stuff which is abrahamic but not christian because i was so antichrist that i was just like no um then i was deep into the new age and most of you guys know me mostly in my new age phase and that was you know all the chakras and crystals and spiritualism and the occult and i got into i got into astrology uh you know i took courses on this [ __ ] like i go deep bro and so i'm telling you this because you asked me about other possibilities out there and i understand that i understand that sense and i tried them all basically all scientology man i thought scientology was so freaking cool i got scientology books i got scientology friends when there was a scientology channel that used to come on the tv and i would just sit there and watch the scientology thing it was at a stage in my life where i recognized like you know i need to just slow down and let god speak to me rather than chasing everything otherwise i would have chased i live in clearwater you know clearwater is the home of scientology scientology christian science uni unity church uh various forms of protestantism uh what else can't say i was sick or zoroastrian but i know what they are because i dig deep into all these things and i was into philosophies the occult stuff man the occult stuff i was deep i was you know i it was useful because the occult is about secret knowledge right and it turns out that that's the knowledge from the from the tree we shouldn't be eating from it's that very secret knowledge that gets us screwed up it and there and what's so screwed up about it is that it's powerful it's [ __ ] powerful [ __ ] is true but we're now we're dabbling and this is when i started to recognize that a good percentage most i would say of everything i just described to you are various forms of demon worship fallen angels the liberties delivered these ideas to us uh um pagan religions so and i'm not making any judgments about it because i've been there i've been all over bro i've been all over i'm a seeker right i'm a seeker and guess what i'm gonna answer your question now when it comes to various christian denominations i've been all over the place with christianity too and i'll tell you where i land in a moment so i started fasting and i wanted to this was about a year and a half ago started fasting and i wanted i i just felt like god called i started to love america again uh and i was just i was waking up to the nationals populist movement recognized the value of the west and how it's being destroyed i started waking up to these various things and i was like i want a spirituality that's western i want a western spirituality i want any new age occult hindu bs nothing against people that are into it but i didn't want it because because they all led to empty roads even like grounding camp was founded on on a lot of the ideas of osho empty road promise you i promise it was an empty road false coin as as osha would call it he's a false coin oh show's a [ __ ] false coin right but i didn't i was done with it i was like i don't want any more of that stuff i want something western and so i started looking for mystical uh you know i'm still still into the into the mystical stuff right but something that was related to fasting and i discovered asceticism and the entire mystical tradition of eastern christianity orthodox i started reading the writings of the early fathers and these are the these are the writings that come the you know like from the apostles like like students or people hung out with or knew the apostles like the early desert fathers early writers early fathers of the church early monks and ascetics um hermits right i started reading their writings i was like mind blown i was like wow there is a treasure trove of wisdom in the christian tradition and that's when i started that's when i bought this all right i see that that's when i bought that see that jesus up there that started my road i started my road i started my road there i bought an orthodox christian bible because i was like well that's this is what brought me here this is what i'm start that's what i'm going to study so i started in christianity again mind you i was baptized as a catholic when i was a kid and i had gone to various protestant churches growing up but none of them really they didn't stick they didn't stick for me it just you know what life goes on i just didn't and and the the catholic thing uh the catholics were the are the or the most attacked christian faith because it's the root christian faith it's the root you want to attack you want to destroy a tree you chop at the root so most of the diabolical uh attacks are done in and to the catholic church i'll tell you more about that in a moment um so i had a moment you know this coming to jesus moment people call it that coming through jesus there was a moment i was i was i was struggling it was a hard time a little over a year ago a little hard time i would because i knew i needed to stop smoking weed and i couldn't it was first time in my life i recognized my weakness i was like man i don't have the willpower i thought i could do i thought i could i thought i had self-control but there was a stronghold i started studying spiritual warfare when i became christian i started work i started uh reading the work of um or watching the videos of their prince because i wanted to understand the spiritual warfare because i knew i was under spiritual attack and that there were strongholds built up in my mind and in my physiology that have was keeping me addicted to smoking weed all right and then in a moment of despair i turned to god and i said i believe in you i believe in christ i i i'm i'm reading the bible uh i need your help i need your help show me that you're real by taking this away from me i hear that you have the power just praying this way to god you know so i hear that you have the power to to remove strongholds to destroy demons to cast them out save me i need you to save me god i can't do this i've tried on my own and i'm not going to try no more i said that so i'm not going to try no more take this away from me well not only he took it away from me but he began to show me all my sins this is called an illumination of consciousness and there are those that believe that there's going to be a global illumination of consciousness that's going to happen pretty here soon probably in our lifetimes where we all get to meet christ these this is some people are going to say it's a solar flare but it's going to it's going to scramble our brains in some way science is going to find different ways to explain it but basically it's going to be a global awakening and we're going to see all of our sins but he chooses some people to to do this to through his graces at various points in their life and they're more dramatic for some people than others it wasn't super dramatic for me but he started to show me i started to recognize all the ways i was wrong this is just this is just what happened to me i'm like wow things that i didn't realize or didn't care to consider were wrong or like oh that's not a big deal these various sins began to darken my intellect they began to darken my solar stains on my soul and that was why i was open to this demonic attack i was open to i made myself vulnerable to the strongholds because and i saw when i started sinning and it was getting worse it was just take it was snowballing and that's where i had been for a couple years my intellect was completely darkened so um when god began to show me all my sins he said to me you need to you need to confess your sins elliot and i said well what do you mean i'm confessing i'm going to go confess i'm professor to who you're showing it to me now and he said to my shepherds you are catholic elliot and there's a reason why because i have instilled sacraments i have given sacraments only to the catholic church because it's my church it's my first church it's my real church and it's the only church that has the sacrament of reconciliation this is the sense that i got and i had no i had no sense of the catholic church and been there since i was like 10 years old no no i had to go google it i had to figure it out but where's the catholic church and he said go receive the sacrament of reconciliation you know how to do it because you were taught how to do it when you were nine years old then i went and i confessed my sins i did a general confession which basically means i just i wrote a long list of all the ways i was wrong malcolm you're asking about my 40 ways i was wrong that came about that came shortly thereafter all the ways i was wrong and when i was like man i was wrong i was wrong i was wrong i was wrong and i broke down in tears in front of this priest that i don't know the guy was like he was spanish he didn't even speak english very good but he understood what i was saying he spoke just enough broken english to tell me what to do and he gave me my penance and it was a it was an amazing penance his penance for me was to read luke chapter 15. i'll never forget because that's the story of the prodigal son you should go read it go read it go read it or go watch derek prince tell it on youtube luke chapter 15 sorry the prodigal son um that's how i knew i was catholic and i knew nothing about the catholic faith but now i do because i'm catholic and so i decided well i ought to learn what the catholic faith is about and there is a deep deposit of faith in the catholic church unlike the now you ask me is the bible enough that is a protestant idea now i'm not i'm still baby in my faith i don't want to knock anybody i'm not a bible scholar i'm just telling you what i've learned and what i know protestants believe that all they need is the bible because that's the only way they were going to gain quote-unquote power against the magisterium of the catholic hierarchy catholic catholic church has a long old tradition it's christ church it's the one he established he only established one church and it's the holy catholic apostolic church every other church outside of the catholic church except for the orthodox which is a different story every other church outside of the catholic church is in protest to christ church that's why they're called protestants they're protesting and in that protest they try to gain knowledge outside of tradition and thus can only rely and choose only to rely on the bible with the catholic church has a uh deposit of faith a deposit of faith means that it is revelation tradition and scripture and i'm just getting started brother in fact when i talked to you earlier about starting new videos i think i might create a new channel called catechism catechism or catechesis catechesis so why do i say catechesis because catechesis is the word is the greek word used to describe the process of being educated in the faith it's religious education right and so i'm just telling you my story and i'm not telling you what to do but i'm telling you why i do what i do when i suggest you do the same christ is the only way that's my opinion that is the truth uh i can at another time and i probably will go how like reason to that conclusion right the god of the bible yahweh and his he was pinned against he was not necessarily pinned against but he was uh superimposed upon he was measured up by a world full of fallen angels that created all kinds of false religions every false religion outside of the fate out of adam's the god that adam spoke to comes from the lie that the guard that the the serpent told eve in the garden and it comes from eating from that tree of the knowledge of good and evil israel is the first faith the first true faith of yahweh the one true god the one god the the the the first principle the uh the indivisible the mono you know they call it monotheism the one god and the bible the old testament is his story of dealing with the stiff-necked people he would often call them he promised israel that he would never leave them no matter how fallen they were and they fell all the time and then finally to seal the to put an end to their practice of fake sacrifice he sacrificed his one and only perfect son you gotta understand something that there was blood sacrifices going on since the dawn of man we have been killing people babies one another other people for sacrifice up until this day there's blood sacrifices happening today there are those who believe that we are run by a satanic cult they're a blood thirsty war-mongering cult and you see it in the military-industrial complex and all the death of the last two world wars these people want to depopulate the planet and and and offer human flesh and sacrifice to their god gaia this is what the whole green movement is about satanists haven't stopped sacrificing but the god of the bible he said stop it the final blood sacrifice no one else needs to die i will give you my perfect son my perfect self poured into man now i'll allow you to whip him beat him put him up on a cross and let him die i'm going to show you the life that comes out of that sacrifice rose when he raised him up three days later not only did he raise him up but then he ascended to heaven where he sits at the right hand of the god the father and he's going to come back in all his glory to judge the living and the dead so that we can have everlasting life because god also showed us through his son that this life is dust the lord of this world is satan this is this is a we don't live for this world we live for eternity we live for the salvation of our souls right so that's that so christ is the way christ is the way if you want you want to make your way to yahweh one true god christ is the door right and you don't have to do anything well you do once you i'll give you i'll keep going with you here protestants believe all you got to do is say yes i believe in jesus and that's it you're saved that is protestant theology that's not catholic theology that does not come from christ church works and faith not faith alone works and faith faith and works you got to be the thing you can't just speak the speak the language and don't be the thing and so the catholic tradition has all kinds of things that we can do that's what i love too about catholic the catholic faith there's a lot of stuff you can do protestants go to church on sunday no catholics can do because doing is important we can go to mass every day and participate in the sacrifice of the mass we can receive the holy eucharist communion every day we can participate in a myriad of different sacrifice sacraments sacraments not no longer sacrifices it's amazing it's so cool and so if you want to learn more right first thing look if you're gonna i think catholic church is the one and only true church of god that's it that's my opinion i think it's true um i have no knock against anybody else i i think i have lots of protestant friends i'm not trying to convert anybody do what you want tell me where i am who i am and why i do it you want if you want to follow in that if you're curious about it even if you're just curious about it i say go find a catholic church shop around because there's lots of them and they're not all good i understand the problems in the catholic church they and they are a myriad there's a whole lot of problems in the catholic church right now because we the church is going through its passion just like christ did in his last days meaning we're getting whooped the catholic church is being whooped from the inside and out there's a whole lot of problems in it it's just like there's a whole lot of problems in america and i still love america i'll never stop being american i ain't leaving america because america has problems it's the same thing with the catholic church there's problems but i was baptized catholic so one of the things that we say uh during mass is look at don't don't look at our sins we ask the lord don't look at our sins but look at the faith of your church do not look at our sins because there are many and it's probably at its pinnacle right now because we're awaiting the return of the savior and uh it's going to get darkest right before there is a waking up it's going to be a big shift there's going to be a change but it has to get bad first so it's bad right god bless you for at least i'm saying about me god bless me for being willing to join when it's bad right that's called faith um find the church and here's the great here's the great thing about another great thing about the catholic tradition they have a process called catechesis catechesis is instruction in the faith a lot of uh protestant churches you go there and you just you go on sunday and if the guy says something cool you clap um and i'm not knocking them again there's something called r-i-r-c-i-a rights uh it's an initiation rights of initiation for christian adults i think that's what r i c rights of initiation of christian adult catholic adults um inquire about their rcia class take the rci you don't have to you don't have to be baptized you don't have to do anything just take the class learn or do like what i'm doing with my children because i decided not to like the church i go to is just it's okay the parish that i go to catholics call it parish parish i go to it's okay i go there because i can receive the sacraments i don't i'm not into i'm not into their their style and the things that they do they all wear masks i'm the only one that doesn't wear a mask they're they're very worldly and put it that way you know it's they're a part of what michael voris would call the church of nice mick church the fallen church but the lord's bishops are there his his um i'm sorry his shepherds are there and so i can receive i can receive the sacrament so i go and i receive sacraments every day i don't want to take my kids there and then i go to a i also go to a uh a traditional catholic mass a traditional latin mass the whole thing is in latin and i like them because you know i like trad con i like traditional conservative stuff and they're super good like all the women cover cover their heads it's beautiful if you look into traditional catholic if you can find a traditional catholic church like the saint pius uh sspx they call it um there's lots of them there's some of them that you can find and if you like the real traditional stuff like i like traditional stuff that'd be a great place to raise your family but you gotta learn latin and i'm like in my kids i'm gonna teach them latin so i'm catechizing to myself and the way i'm doing that and that's why i started i figure i i'm i'm i'm i'm letting the i'm letting the father guide me i'm not gonna choose it and just do it but i'm just speaking to you guys that speak off the cuff when i'm speaking with you guys um there's a book first of all there are books called catechisms catechism of the catholic church and there are a few of them that are legit right like just the catechism of the catholic church which is the newest one but then there are older ones and there are ones that are made that were made i like older ones they were made like you know before a lot of the bs of our current day and one is called the baltimore catechism and there are three levels level one is for like elementary school kids level four is for like adults like us go get yourself a level four uh baltimore catechism go on amazon you can buy it right now for like 10 bucks maybe less the adult level four baltimore catechism and read it see if you agree you want to learn you'll learn more about it and so i think the most opportunities are available to us as christians in the catholic church which is my opinion and it's true yo it's your bro elliott hulls here and i hope you enjoyed that video if you did you ought to know that it was a clip from one of my most recent sessions with my king transformation coaching students where among many things we get together about four or five hours a week we speak on things related to becoming kings in our lives in fitness business and with women and if you want to join a like-minded group of men that get together every day to grow stronger in every way during this degenerate age it's real simple just follow me on instagram and then dm me the word king k-i-n-g and then me or one of my teammates we'll get back to you with the details to see if you qualify to join us i really hope to see you perhaps at our next live call done
Channel: Elliott Hulse
Views: 26,236
Rating: 4.6854434 out of 5
Keywords: elliott hulse, bioenergtics, dynamic meditation, active meditation, personal development, grounding camp, strength camp, personal growth, advice
Id: 0_kx80UlqcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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