Killing Addiction To Pleasure, Passion and Poos-ey

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welcome back to the julian j franco show a show where i bring to you people who i would hang out with behind the scenes and this person who's coming up is somebody who i've been watching forever and i'm just so happy to have him here today his name is elliot host he's a strong man strength coach father video poet and a husband he has over 2.5 million subscribers and fans from all over the world and he owns four businesses he made his first youtube video in 2007 and was awarded youtube's fan favorite fitness celebrity by and more importantly there's many young men who have direction in their lives because he exists so elliot i just want to start off by reading some comments and these are our comments that have been posted within the last two months and i'm gonna give you three the first one is every video is a gem elliott's a true leader of his age number two it is almost psychic of you to know exactly how many of us young men are thinking and number three i've been watching your video since 2014 believe me you have taught me so many lessons in seven years that even my father couldn't teach during his entire lifetime so elliot when you hear comments like that how does that make you feel i don't feel anything i i try not to feel anything about it because uh if i feel something about it that means uh i'll be attached i know what it's like to grow attached and i have a i have a big ego and so pride is before the fall and i've fallen many times because i've indulged in pride so you know i i read it and i believe it but i don't judge it i just let it be what it is you know let god do his will through me i take no credit at all i'm just i'm a mouthpiece that's all it is and when you say that you have a big ego is i think everybody does right and a lot of people who say oh i have no ego at all i i always call bs on that because i i feel a healthy sense of ego is great right like you want to look good for yourself you want to look good for your wife you want to look healthy for your kids so like that they have a role model to look uh up to but at what point do you feel the ego becomes unhealthy like i said when it's an attachment you know so i didn't expect to become a youtube celebrity i started my gym you know in 2007 and i was using youtube to get more members into my gym and recognize that young men were asking me quite about lifting and about life advice so i was just making the videos really with no intention of uh i didn't know that i would reach so many people and it would be so big i was just trying to make a living i was really just trying to you know build up my gym and then i started selling ebooks and stuff um so when all this positive feedback started being lumped on me especially when i was growing very rapidly in 2013 and 14. uh i got very very inflated i was like wow well look at me well this is i must be great this is amazing and then i started you know when you read those things uh you start to believe it so i'm believing it like wow maybe i am psychic like yeah i said that kid said like being a psychic so i started believing i started believing them and then i started believing my own [ __ ] and as a result it's impossible to be attached to to the light to positivity without having it also be accompanied by the negative the dark so to the degree that i became attached to hearing all this amazing things about myself the minute people started denigrating me because you know i also started when you're prideful you become uh eccentric at least me i start becoming very expensive and showing my eccentric side because like you know i don't think i could do any wrong so then when uh people started being negative i i took it just as seriously and so uh i had to learn a lot about myself as a result that's such a good point and something that it's easier said than done right just like oh don't be attached to it right like don't if if you believe the good you you're also going to believe the bad so whatever it is you don't want to be phased by it but what's like one bit of advice to actually truly practice that i have to learn my experience that's just my nature my father is my father is a great man he gives a lot of good advice he likes to preach that's where i get it from but he also recognized at least in me in particular he said look son i can tell you not to touch the stove top i could tell you a thousand times i can tell you until you're blue in the face but until you touch that stovetop and burn your hand you're not gonna know so i just gotta leave you alone and so it's the same you know in many ways in many aspects of my life where uh and i even crave it like i don't just want somebody to tell me something sometimes i really just just i want to do it i want to screw up i want to have the pain i want to have the experience uh that way i can say i know rather than well somebody told me or uh it seems like a good idea it's like no i screwed up and that and therefore if you're willing to listen to what i have to say with regard to something at least you know you're listening to somebody who's been there like yo listen i screwed up i made that mistake i did that wrong thing i've been down that route and not only that because i've been so public for like 10 years i could just point i could say look most people have already been following me so i'm like just look check me out this is where i messed up but now you can in retrospect you can look back and i can tell you you know don't make that same mistake you know i see it as a necessary part of the growth process right i mean uh you have to get beat up in the gym if you're gonna grow muscle and so it was just one of those type of experiences where like exciting you know like i was saying before i have to touch the i have to touch the stove top to burn myself and even though it's it's burnt i have to put ointments on it i gotta heal it up i gotta put band-aids on it and stuff i'm grateful cause number one i have knowledge experience and i'll never do that [ __ ] again and then i also have something to you know say hey look look look at my scar so i know where you're coming from i think empathy is important so i could say i can say to a lot of a lot of men that who are also definitely 100 at some point in their life going to go through a similar experience it's inevitable it's inevitable that you go through a catabasis period because uh it's what's required for our for our growth as men so because because it happened in the public eye and because i speak about it openly when you face it you know when you like maybe when you're 36 37 38 years old and it hits you and you're like wait a second what is this confusing place i'm in you might remember oh [ __ ] i remember elliot you know was saying something about this and kind of went through a similar experience and whatever i have to offer you in terms of advice or support you know it's coming from a genuine place because i've been there amen to that and one thing that i know a lot of people are fascinated about and even myself is fasting and you say that you fast to be closer to your creator now people who don't understand what you mean by that because they're not faith-based or you know they don't follow religion what is it that you mean by that when you eat you have energy when you have energy your the ego is is much more much more active when you're hungry and when you're when you're suffering humility starts to rise up in you have no choice it has no choice but to rise because you begin to start to recognize your own weakness and your own dependency and so more than anything it's a matter of shedding uh false perception shedding false ideas shedding the false sense of self that's a that accompanies constant comfort constant con consumption right and so when the false self is challenged like that right and the false self when it's challenged is uh it's not pretty i say like that's when the demons come out because that's when all like the negative attitudes that was hidden everybody's an addict everybody's addicted and you know what one of the things we're most addicted to is food but when you just think about it in terms of an extreme situation like someone's addicted to heroin you could see like okay so this person's coming off of heroin so he's gonna have withdrawal symptoms and during those withdrawal symptoms maybe they're angry or they're sad or like all this [ __ ] comes to the surface when we when we dopamine do detox when we detox from food when we get away from the things that comfort us uh as as normal people maybe not addicted to heroin but just quote unquote normal people that's when all of our attachments start rearing up and showing themselves to you at i'm experimenting right now with uh semen retention right have you ever done have you ever done nofap [Laughter] right did you notice did you notice that like after a few days of not ejaculating not having a not having an orgasm then all of a sudden you start having weird thoughts you start like second guessing yourself or like maybe you're a little grumpy a little bit angry 100 that's that's that's that that's that detox experience because you know there's a there's an explosion of neural chemicals in the brain every time you eat but also when you orgasm or or when you play with your phone so if you wanted to expose like your inner beta your inner weakness your inner [ __ ] uh take away your bubba take away your pacifier take away you know uh vagina or or pornography or uh your cell phone it's amazing you'll see like grown men grown men maybe like 200 300 pound professional athletes who like beat the [ __ ] out of somebody on a football field you take away their cell phone they'll act like a like a babe give it back to me give it back to that like a little girl or something right so you really expose yourself when you start to take these these things that we've become attached to i.e food uh out of your life and you really gotta you gotta face yourself at that at that point he's like what is wrong with me why how is it that i'm behaving like such a child and it's just it's just food or it's just my it's just jerking it off or it's just my phone these are all such great points and you know a lot of people struggle with this right we struggle with laziness we struggle with eating junk food we struggle with addictions to porn uh addictions to foods so i remember watching one of your videos and you said like you know fill your porn addiction with god so this is the broader question how can we go about releasing these addictions and moving forward from them because obviously you don't feel like a man when you're watching porn and you're releasing your semen into a napkin you know what i mean like how can you feel good about that how can you feel good about not doing what you set out to do that day i'm not talking about being productive 24 7. i don't believe in that but if you said hey today i want to make one video i got all day let me make one video and you don't even do that elliot you don't feel too good about yourself so how can we start feeling good about ourselves and you know just minimizing these addictions that i guess we're responsible for well the key is to is to stop needing to feel good about yourself that's the root of the addiction the root of the addiction is i need to be happy i need to feel good i need to like myself i need pleasure see this is this that's the false uh coin that's what we that's actually what we become addicted to so when you say uh or when you ask me the question about feeling your you know filling that hole with god uh what's very resourceful is to know that god makes those he loves most suffer the worst because it's through the suffering process that purification happens all of t all our attachment is fleshly it's all emotional it's not rational it's not spiritual and so god loves you so much that he wants you to purge yourself of physical and emotional attachment and the only way he can really do that is by making you suffer right you by taking those things away from you and then and then letting you letting you see yourself as you are the problem is that we have uh we've set aside the value of mortifying the flesh in our culture for this attachment to what the pop culture you know shoves down our throat which is you should just feel great all the time you should just do whatever you want life is about having fun when the fact is that all that none of that is true and all of that sets you up so that when things don't look like you know the way they look in disney movies or they look like how people you know put their false lives on facebook then you start thinking there's something wrong with you and you need to fix it but what i'm offering or really what christ offers is to mortify yourself crucify yourself that's his example his example is look this life ain't all sweet but if you want rebirth you want to truly be born into your highest the highest conception of you what god has expected of you your your true spiritual nature then you have to you have to be willing to suffer you have to be willing to sacrifice there's no other way to achieve that this this is all going to your point of when you destroy religion and sexuality you know the society is done and to the point of what we're seeing in social media today like these these really fake personas that are being put out there and these agendas and what would you say is your biggest pet peeve about social media today i don't have a pet peeve about it i don't have a pet peeve about it uh the only the only problem is when i catch myself being attached to it when i see myself indulging in the entertainment of it or i s or i find myself uh you know being wrapped up with what people have to say within it the problem is not social media it's just it is what it is the problem is me and how i either choose to use it or let it use me and so it's a it's a fine line right there's a it's a thin line between when you're using it and when it's using you and you have to be vigilant you have to constantly be vigilant as to when you're crossing that line now i've heard you say something about just because you're feeling sad stuff doesn't mean you got to go do that sad stuff and about being on a uh like a roller coaster of emotion so to speak so how do you stop yourself when you are feeling low and you're like well you know what maybe i do deserve to be doing this or soak a bit how do you prevent that and one thing i do admire about you ellie is just like your state of mind your your mindset and you've read so many books like you are such an intellectual so you're drawing from so many psychologists and and again everything you say people listen to because it's it's not just hearsay like you went so deep within your own life that's why people are always ready to listen to what you say so that's that's just one thing i really wanted to to learn more about is how does elliot personally when he feels upset when he feels low when his something didn't go his way how do you remain consistent well i haven't been always able to to to handle it appropriately because i grew up in the same effeminate world that mo that all of us did and uh you know there's one of two ways to go about it you know we're given these two options but there's a third way uh run from it right run from it hide from it go smoke something go drink something go poke something right go buy something all right just you know all these different ways or go scroll on something there's all these ways to just kind of numb just like okay you know i just i'm going to turn my brain off to it and i'm going to do something that feels good right uh and then this which is also just as bad but it shows up a little bit more uh like that's the what i just described is the passive way but then we could also go to the active way that can also become uh an imbalance as well and that is try to resist it try to fight it try to fix it you know what i'm saying try to do something about it try to grind grind through it uh that's a mind [ __ ] too that'll that'll totally throw you off as well because then you become attached to that uh the best way i've found and you know i didn't i couldn't figure i didn't figure this stuff out until my late 30s that's what i found to deal with it is to simply let it be let it be let it be and don't judge it right don't judge it don't have an opinion about it uh try to just be just try to allow yourself to be stable right and this the reason why that is so important is because to the degree that we are attached to pleasure and we allow ourselves to get excited right like i'm a naturally excitable guy right so when something good happens i want to get excited or things are going my way i want to be excited uh some you know for example something really positive just happened to me in my life we my wife and i we were looking for to buy some land right i just found 40 acres in florida and we just put we had we put a down payment on it uh or you know um we're just going through the process right now but like it looks like it's going to happen and i don't feel anything about it you know i don't have i'm not excited you know being excited is about living in the imagination i'm not excited about it because i'm not i'm not living in my imagination it is what it is it's unfolding and uh i'm just riding i'm just riding the wave you know i'm saying it's just what's supposed to happen but i'm not what happens is we we get caught into an imagination about it oh it's going to be like this it's going to be like that or i can't wait and then you start building castles in the sky and it's like you you're trying to see it happen before it happens and what you're really doing is you're setting yourself up for a collapse and it doesn't actually mean that the collapse has to be like something like bad happens but life will never live up to your to your imagination about it because most of our imagination just comes it comes from lies you know lies that the media tells lies other people tell you uh the addiction to pleasure even just that daydreaming process is an addiction to pleasure you like you you're you're um [Music] taking pleasure in the idea like that's you know it's indulging also that's that's an addiction so i say that because if you find yourself going up you you're going to be in the same boat when [ __ ] when things are going down and so i you know a lot of times people say like you know how you they want to have conversations about how to how to remove negativity from their life or not be negative but i say you know you start with you start with the positive stop taking delight in in positive ideas stop taking delight in positive experiences because it's the same it's the same uh ride that you're taking but it's going up it's it's going up and down and so that kind of like it'll switch in your mind a little bit because ultimately it will teach you that it is the mood it's the mood that we get into that causes all the uh all the illusion and all the pain in our life so when things when things aren't right when things aren't the way i want them or i or i catch myself uh wanting to go into a foul mood i do my i do my best to stay quiet literally just don't talk about it don't think about it not necessarily like repressing it but just like just letting it be just letting it pass just letting it be what it is acknowledging it i'm not gonna pretend like i'm not upset but i'm not going to act out of this this place or this mood because because it's going to pass anyway just like everything else passes elliot you're driving me crazy um i literally lost my train of thought listening to you right it's just because everything you're saying resonates so much with me and just the way you're able to articulate and package your thoughts you're driving me crazy that was incredible okay now before we go into the f the family segment what allows for you to be bold and courageous and just speak your mind and speak your heart because a lot of people don't necessarily have the balls right they don't breathe deep into their balls enough to be able to say the things that you say to do the things that you do and you can pacify your behavior you can pacify your words and maybe reach a broader audience but to me elliot just does what he feels and and why is that well you got to meet my father because he's the same way i can't take you know quote-unquote credit it's just this i it's just in my dna it's kind of like it's just in my blood it's in my family it's where we are but i can tell you this that it got me into a hell of a lot of trouble when i was a kid uh i was always you know because i speak my mind or i speak up i was always getting into detention i was always getting into trouble uh and they even put me on attention deficit hyperactivity medication when i was in fourth grade this was like 1986 and i'm like they put me on experimental ritalin you know they put me on drugs uh because they're like there's something wrong with this kid he just he just does what he wants and so uh in a way it's kind of a it's a gift but it's a curse right i have a lot of people that you know they thought they liked me but then they heard me say something then they don't like me i had a kid just now you know i have a coaching program and you know the people who join my program they love what i have to say and they take the offer and they join and they're in but when i have these frank conversations or i'm answering questions with somebody else and they hear me say something that they don't like this one particular kid he didn't like the fact that i said that young men should uh avoid dating single mothers right i'm looking out for my for my boys i'm looking after the young men that trust me and so i'm just trying to give righteous advice i'm not trying to hurt anybody's feeling or denigrate anybody but it's not in your best interest to date a woman that has children that's you know that's almost like common sense but that hurt his feelings so much probably maybe because his mom was a single mother and and i understand but if i was a different kind of person i couldn't have the impact on maybe the 10 other guys that was about to go down that route because i was going to hurt this one guy's feeling you have to willing to hurt people's feelings and you got to be you know be willing to have people not like you you got to be willing for people to to quit on you and uh i just i'm okay with that i have no problem with that like i'm a masochist in a way i kind of like like i said we talk about suffering and sacrifice i kind of like pain so it's like yo bring pour it on if you're gonna you know you're gonna you're gonna if you're gonna dish out some pain for me sorry i could deal with it you know i'm a straw man i tear my skin up for a living and lifts and stones and [ __ ] so i can handle i can handle you not liking me right right um now oh elliot i wanted to move on but just hearing that i already have uh a good idea on why you shouldn't be dating you know single mothers with children but i just want you to get into that really quickly and also i just want to thank you uh just watching your videos it changed my approach with i'm a single man and when you see girls you're like dude every time you go up to somebody and you have an incentive because you want something from them like you're already putting yourself in a bad position it's it's no longer a good balance and and you said think about it like you're not there to be her friend like you're not going up to this pretty girl because you want to be her friend like get to the real point of why you're interacting with her and you're like shift your your mentality shift your intention don't just go up to her because you want um you know to masturbate with some flesh sort of speak you know go up to her and try to test out does she have the qualities to be a wife to be a mother it's like elliot all the things you say they just they hit man they hit so keep saying them and now let's just end with that so why shouldn't uh males be dating single uh you know women with children oh man i mean the there are a myriad of reasons what number one of which is why would you want to take a care of another man's child i i you know what i'm saying and i know that sounds bad and i have family members who have done that and i'm grateful for example my nephew my sister-in-law had a a baby when she was 16 and they you know the father and her they didn't get along whatever and they separated and then she got she got married and you know so my brother-in-law takes care of of her son and i'm grateful for that i'm grateful that he was there i'm grateful that for all that happened but if i'm out here giving advice to young men i have to be honest with them and say if if there's a woman that has a child and there's a woman that don't have a child why deal with the one that has a child and why go any further than with a woman like that like if you okay you may you meet and you talk to her and maybe there's a little bit of spark but the minute you find out that oh she is a child by another man just don't go any further there's nothing against her it's nothing against her and her situation i wish the best for her pray for her but apparently either she made some bad decisions which is usually the case but women will never own up to it it's always the man's fault never it's never a woman's fault it's never that she couldn't get along with the husband or the or the baby's father or that she was you know the the perpetrator of the the the strife within the relationship that's never the case it's always he was abusive and you know that term abusive is so broad because when i ask people well you asked him what do you mean by that what do you mean abusive was he beating you is it hitting you nine times in the head the answer is no it's he was emotionally abusive what the hell does that mean anyway my my point is that there's a good chance that this is a woman that does not make good decisions there's a good chance this is a woman that doesn't know how to pair bond there's a good chance that this woman who's promiscuous and as a result of her promiscuity does not how to know how to pair bond uh there's a good chance that this woman will cuck you and i don't know if you're familiar with that term but it basically means that even if you if you start dating this woman and she got another man's child and you try to play hero like oh okay i'm gonna take care of you and your baby she could leave you and still take child support from you so now now you're now you're out of a relationship and you're still paying for this for this other dude's child it's just a bad idea see in our world we've become convinced that it's okay to make decisions emotionally it's okay to be in love oh i'm in love and as a result they don't people don't use their brain and most of the time when they think they're in love they're not in love most people who are in love are not in love they're in lust you are just addicted to her you the minute you stop having sex with her you'll see right away that oh okay i really didn't love her but i was under her spell women have their vagina is like a magic wand in a lot of ways that makes men forget themselves it's just like here take this and they give them a little dose of the drug and men a lot of men they just they completely lose themselves they lose sight and they forget when you cut yourself off from that when you cut yourself off from women's drug and the addiction to women it's so much easier for you to see clearly that a lot of times when i tell a young man a lot of times the first thing i tell them when they're trying to vet a woman and try to decide like what should i do with this woman i'm having a hard time with a woman they stop having sex with her this is why fornication is a bad idea you know i i grew up the same culture as you guys so it's not like you know i'm a boomer or an old old schooler the whole thing is i seen why it's it's a bad idea now i can see it i knew it was about what the promotion's culture is all about but now that i understand that when you have one when you have sex with a woman out of wedlock you do not know this woman because you have on sex goggles and you become a she becomes your slave master because she's your drug she's your drug dealer and you're acting just like a crack addict with a drug dealer and whatever she says or whatever she wants you just bending you know because you need that fix it's a bet it's a bad place to be and so if men want to retain their power and retain their their sense of self their stability their groundedness and their frame they have to stop we have to stop having sex with these women that's the only reason why they have any kind of power over us and it's not a power struggle but it is it's in terms of not allowing yourself to be manipulated you're being manipulated but you can't see it because you're addicted to that drug so we gotta you know it sounds crazy right it sounds like soul counter culture but when men start valuing ourselves enough to put relationship before sex right don't leave it to the women don't leave it to the women because the reason why the culture eroded the way it is because sexual promiscuity amongst women became proliferant after the birth control pill and abortions so now they had no responsibility women used to be the gatekeepers and then once sex became omnipresent because of abortion and birth control then it it became a matter they became so wide open that there were no boundaries and as a result not only did they lose themselves but men lost themselves because we fell right into it and the minute we fall right into that sex trap they're the ones whipping men around this is why men are so weak men are so confused men are so addicted it's because of the sex the minute men stop the sex we in essence put women back in their place and it's a good place to be you know to say oh put a woman in her place well it's it's a better place for her to be when i'm not addicted to her sex because now i can see you as a as a person i could see your personality i could see your character i could see your the real good things in you and i could see your flaws but if i'm having sex with you i can't i can't see any of that stuff because i need i need you elliot everything you've said today hit a nail just within me personally and whatever girl that i'm speaking to currently moving forward if they're listening no more sex they already heard it here so elliot now i just want to get into the family aspect what brings you the most joy about having your own kids and um and what do you hope to leave behind for them that you maybe didn't have growing up you know what i love most about my children is their i have children because i love their mother i wouldn't have had these children had i not loved their mother and so my favorite thing about my children is their mother my favorite thing about our family is me and my wife's relationship because the children are born out of that love so it's it's about she and i first this is where the culture also gets it screwed up because uh people they get together to have children and then the children become firsts and it's all about you know providing the children doing everything with children and this is another way that the order of the family got reversed and screwed up when we put children as the most important thing in the family and in the relationship um the women take over the power the women then usurp the power from the father she no longer she knows no longer about following the lead of a strong man it's about the children the children that's the wrong way it's about husband wife love that bring children and then and then the children are you know then the role the role is is is ordered right it's that's the order of operation husband wife children otherwise it gets turned upside down and so uh i love my children i have three daughters i have a son i love my children very much i do what i do so that i can give them what they need um out of the love for their mother as well again you know it's like uh i love my children but i can and this is why families are so important not broken families but real families are so important because the love that the husband or the father has for the mother trickles down through the mother into the children the children come from the mother the children don't come from me this is i'm a man i could bust nuts everywhere i could just seed everywhere but the love that they're gonna get the only only way that the children really truly get love from the father is if it trickles down into the mother and so for them to receive the greatest love from me it's not a lot of times it's indirect not necessarily my direct love to them it's my love for their mother that then she's empowered she's strong with my love that she can give that you know that emotional love that children need from their mother and so as a provider as a protector as a leader you know i'm a it's not that i'm distant but as a man you have to keep your head you have to keep your head a lot of times these these fathers they want to be their kids best friend or especially men with with daughters they treat their daughters like they're like little girlfriends you know they want to they don't they don't over their daughters they simp over their daughters like you can't simple with your daughters you have to still be strong you still have to be firm you still have to have boundaries just because they're you know because these men generally have disordered relationships to women in general and then they end up passing that on to their daughters and it can't be that way what i look forward to i know it sounds strange because my oldest is only 16 and my youngest is 10. but what i what i really look forward to is my children having good families like i want my people think this is strange right this woman was attacking me on on instagram the other day and she's like because i was talking about uh relationships and i said some things that you know feminists don't like and uh she's like well what about your daughters like you know what i want you know what i want for my daughters i want each of my daughters to have a strong alpha male loving loving protecting providers as husbands that's what i want i want them to have men like me i and that's you know again with feminism has destroyed so much but including the family and the conception of mother father and children son and daughter uh a lot of people especially men you know i'm talking about fathers they want their daughters to grow up to be strong independent women right like you know the very the very type of women that make it difficult for young men to to to be in you know right ordered relationships you know to make her own money or to be like a ceo or like to be some high-powered woman or whatever that's i wouldn't fight against it but what i want is them to be married i want my daughters to be good wives why do i want them to be good wives so that they could be good mothers what greater what greater wish could i have for my daughters than for them to marry good men and to be good mothers i don't i don't see how anything could be any better i had my neighbor across the street his daughter is 28 years old she's still i don't know riding the [ __ ] carousel she's out there and she makes a lot of money but she's useless so what so what a woman that doesn't have a family that's not making children is is what is so is for what why what is your existence what's the point you have a super power you have a gift you can do the most amazing thing that any human being can do on this planet and we need more of it we need more healthy strong families and good mothers and good strong fathers why would why would i wish anything less for them uh and so i want grandchildren you know not even just for me but that would be when you ask me about the future it's a matter of can my daughters find good men and that's a part of what i think i'm doing out here when i make these videos and i talk to men it's like you know uh maybe maybe there'll be a young man that watched my videos for 20 years and now he's he's the right kind of guy that like he finds my daughter and my daughter finds him and because he's he's awoken to true masculinity in the traditional sense i know he'll be he'll be a righteous husband and a good father and my daughters hopefully you know i say hopefully because i do the best that i can but who knows the culture is so pervasive you know that they will be they will be good worthy wives and women you know to allow that to happen elliott i'm in bliss right now because you are speaking my language one of my biggest frustrations is when i hear you know these these rap songs and you hear megan the stallion or nicki minaj talking about you know just being an independent woman you don't need no guy and not at all like it just drives me crazy because it makes it hard for me to approach somebody like that right for me to engage them in in some sort of behavior that's not overly you know blingy like oh look i got money i got this i got i got height now you should want me so to speak as opposed to can we make a good family together so everything you're saying is is is so true and and it is like we're living like like you say like in a human zoo where just so much fakeness and so much silliness and so many distractions that without people like you there wouldn't be any real faith for a family for longevity for healthy you know household so what you do is so darn important and just to wrap up this whole interview you have this king program and for those listening right now who's the ideal person to sign up for something like that young men who want to live righteous lives who want to be fit physically be fit financially right have a good career like you know too many lazy men out there who too busy playing uh video games and watching porn you got to be willing and wanting to get off all that imaginary bs and makes make some money right it's not a money-making program but it's about the values and the virtues of being able to build your frame why do you want to build a frame as a man because it's nice to bring a woman into it so you got to be fit you got to be a provider you got to be a protector you don't need to talk about all kinds of things masculine i mean some of it is combat training and firearms training and like how to be able to provide and protect uh but then ultimately what my grandest wish is is that families get are strong again families are good again and so for every young man that's in my program my my greatest desire for them is that they can find a good a righteous wife not these women who will flip on you lose their mind divorce rape you it's hard and i understand it's hard but i can't do anything about the women all i could do is is do something about the men you know i got my daughters i do the best that i can with my daughters but all i could do is wake these men up and i tell you what if men if we raise our standards if we raise our standards as men what we won't will and will not tolerate women will fall into line if we stop fornicating with women women will lose their their uh hypnotic power over men and they will start they'll have to straighten up they will have to they will have to fall into they will have to start behaving like righteous women good women not you know the predators that many of them you know have been taught is okay you know they're it's funny because they love to cry victim right but it's a part of the vic they become creditors because of the victimhood victim status gives you power and i think they don't they don't they can't see it a lot of people can't see it but they get a lot of power through playing this victim card and that is not the case we live in a matriarchy this world is governed and ruled by the vagina you just look at the music look at the movies look at the media look at what men are doing look at pornography it doesn't take much look at feminism look at the family look at divorce rates look at abortion 60 million abortions it's the culture is ruled by the darkest aspects of the feminine nature it's just what it is and we have to be honest about it and so uh my greatest wish is that these young men can be the type of man that can uh warrant a relationship with a righteous woman and have lots of babies have families we need families the only way we're going to turn this boat around is with families that have strong values and you can you might not be able to change your friends opinions on facebook but with yourself and a good woman and uh of some children that you can instill good values in maybe there's hope for the future generations amen to it all and i hope everybody signs up for that and it's just incredible work what you're doing so elliot people say this all the time in interviews i could talk to you for hours i don't think they really mean that they're just saying that to be nice but with elliott i mean it not necessarily that i could talk to you for hours is it's a gift to listen to you for hours you you've been one of the the few guests that when you talk i literally lose my train of thought like i do all this research i create all these questions and do all this but with you it's just so easy to get in into i don't know if you call it a trance but it's it's just when you speak man it's it works it works you're a great orator keep speaking now this is our last question and i'm going to make it nice and silly but it's your last day on earth elliot you can have anything on a plate what foods would you put on it i wouldn't care what the food is i would care who prepares it for me and so it would be anything i would love to have something prepared for my mother my wife and my daughter just one from each one of them just one maybe you know a piece of the dish from each one listen that was beautiful elliot hulse thank you so much for your time and i'm gonna have all your links in the description box below guys listening right now i already know you think he's incredible for the woman hopefully this was an eye opener for you as well but especially for the males listening click on the link you you can't go wrong at all if there's anything you're going to invest in instead of investing like elia says in a new video game or you know some some pornographic uh video or something like that invest in yourself create that framework that you need because guess what elliot right now temporarily they're doing fine they're doing good they're skating by but 10 15 years from now they're gonna be like why didn't i get started why didn't i take my life a bit more seriously you know what i mean why didn't i just spend a couple some of my money and get into a program that's gonna nurture me as a man for the rest of my life all these things you're teaching you don't forget these things right you keep nurturing them they make you a better person so elliot i just people like you we need more of them and that's why it makes me happy that you have children because guess what you're going to live in inside of them and you live in in all of us everybody who's who's watching throughout the year so again i can sing you praises for the next 30 minutes so i'm just going to stop it right here elliott host thank you so much and until next time my pleasure julian thank you brother
Channel: Elliott Hulse
Views: 25,962
Rating: 4.9198217 out of 5
Keywords: elliott hulse, bioenergtics, dynamic meditation, active meditation, personal development, grounding camp, strength camp, personal growth, advice
Id: jqMvqEHl3mQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 9sec (2829 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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