Wiseguy: ... Henry Hill (Uncensored Version)

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had to repeat it's my pleasure with Henry Hill it's my pleasure that you invited me thank you very much you know I knew you were going to be in the area and when I called your your number and you're my fiancee your fiancee answered who I said is a very lovely lady by the way I thought that we can't pass this up so I you know appreciate the opportunity miss Mullen and let's just tell me a little bit about your background growing up Henry my back ladder going up is that what you call it anyways don't know where were you born I was born in Manhattan raised in Brooklyn I got I took the womb winder load you know yeah cuz I come from a nice Irish Catholic family Italian Irish family and I just took the wrong well you know my mother's to tell me you know she was Sicilian she was born in Sicily and that I used to you know she's Tommy the eyes are bigger than your stomach Henry you should told me look even when I was that big you know but I was hung out with my mother in the kitchen you know and cuz I had a were had I come from family of eight you know I mean the only way I get close to mom was you know mom what are you doing I'm making people help me like the meatballs about you know I'm flying I'm flying fish who would I be whatever she was doing and they're gonna start giving this and I was fast you know and then these dudes moved in across the street they owned the limousine and cab company right he's the one who did the folding crab cakes you know and as to watch that cause that's how I started in that business washing cars believing that she wants a car wash business instead of business I went into it those dudes anyway so I started washing cars for them right measure hand me do me a favor yeah yes fine I'll just take this big don't open it and bring it over to that building over there you know the second floor the third boy I think the big one like a [ __ ] because I got it wasn't [ __ ] babe a bomb as I'm hearing it said whatever they're building in yes that's how start day and that's what started my life in crying when I you know I mean it's a hell of a thing to say but you know as things escalated you know from pills but he had to dress up at the time and yeah but the money was good I was making as watch one my fault you know I was at yeah town I was 12 years old you know and things progressed you know I was asked to do more things and you know Kyra more bags and whatever they go whole head they go out of the [ __ ] offer you know and you know I and these guys drive original caddies with bimbo on each arm you know what I mean and that's intoxicating as a kid and I did I was poor and I wasn't poor remember yeah I was blue collar middle class American kid but I was dyslexic and an H 8 we were HDD whatever all those [ __ ] diseases that they know now they didn't know then they got a word for yeah whatever and on you know I'm very hyper you know it but I didn't like [ __ ] in school I didn't want to go to [ __ ] school and I did go to school you know you know I I mean I still go to school and you know even the [ __ ] principal one day told me I got a bad boys right and I can't carry a [ __ ] tune and my principal Thomas Henry hum-hum don't sing the national anthem a Jeanette magic being told you can't sing the [ __ ] national anthem that's all sucked I read something he's dig I like school no I did and then when I went to school I'd be sitting in a [ __ ] corner looking at the wall because they thought I was a [ __ ] didn't understand this let see at this standard yeah you know with all the [ __ ] disease or whatever the phage disease is whatever [ __ ] I had in I mean if he just [ __ ] up I didn't like school yeah I didn't learn how to read or write that for sisters that were older than me always students you know and they used to gonna taught me to and smacked me to back the [ __ ] head you know - yeah okay I don't know the alphabet and drivers like in my 20s honest to god this is the truth and who's [ __ ] up growing up but these guys gave me a lot of attaboys and a lot of money yeah me for doing nothing I don't care I was only [ __ ] me wrong you know honest to god and so that was my childhood you know and I never went to high school I barely graduated junior the only [ __ ] reason is because that we we threatened a teacher it was ps2 14 and you know they didn't want to get me the [ __ ] out of here cuz I was um you know I'm able to handle and he said [ __ ] you you know go on to high school yeah like I went eyes I went to high school for about four days this is [ __ ] this so basically these guys at the capstan and they patted you on and had they treated Henry good Henry felt like something didn't exactly you know I mean you know and then I was in so intoxicated by a lifestyle everybody driving a brand-new caddy or a Lincoln or quiet slow you not I mean and the and I told my dad didn't own a car he built the subway right to Euclid Avenue he got off it when Waterhouse you know and I thought I was poor honest to God until I you know met these dudes then I really knew I was poor because walk around with [ __ ] you know no [ __ ] hundred-dollar bills in a pocket to choke a horse diamond pinkie wings the size of that you know in beautiful bimbos on his arm of young ladies were gonna call yeah I remember it was just it was a fucked-up childhood then I became then I realized you know when I was about 16 17 they stopped you noticed asked me to do more things for them you know what I mean I says [ __ ] this this this [ __ ] ain't right yes I getting out of this [ __ ] business so I went during the paratroopers the army this is a way out I noticed a [ __ ] way out so I try to get out of it right and my friend had just joined the Marines Carlos he was that he was a prizefighter yeah he won't he was second to win go and goes anyways we join your Marines such as [ __ ] I gotta do better into my friend so that's alright I went down to the recruiting office it's a pleased I could even thought the [ __ ] application including officer Fogel offering and yeah next thing I knew was a Fort Dix then I was at what Fort Benning Georgia then he went to brag then I went to [ __ ] the Fort Lee Virginia love the town and then I went back to brag and you know they did you did my [ __ ] harmony you know the army and [ __ ] up a little bit you know became a cook and Baker I'm a candlestick [ __ ] but anyway yeah but anyway it was the most fun I have the [ __ ] had cuz I never was a kid I mean these [ __ ] guys did kept me [ __ ] busy 24/7 oh you know there was a lot out of the [ __ ] house with jay-z I still climbed down the [ __ ] drain pipe in my bathroom right to sneak out of the house so I could sit across the street and watch them play cards this is player brisk you know pinochle and hot sandwich [ __ ] you know cuz it was gambled you know 24/7 you know I look out the [ __ ] window I supposed to be sleeping I gotta sleep I don't sleep I you know I want to see who's winning you know maybe I'll buy in here so you got out of the service yeah and then what happened and what happened I tried to stay in in the South Carolina for a while and and I said [ __ ] this I want home I go get back to Brooklyn right 20 21 and a half years old right I just you know it says [ __ ] [ __ ] the Caroline is you know which I really liked you know North Carolina South my way but it was so [ __ ] up so I guess I go back to New York well then do one again New York I walk across the street hey boys hey don't hate yourself yeah yeah you know they give me some [ __ ] steak money you know they whatever the [ __ ] you wanna quote you know here's a couple hundred you know well check I've left you know I love Claire Caroline I had a few hundred my pocket and I was back in my life into New York second as they say you know I'm just back in the [ __ ] life I mean everything at your [ __ ] fingertips you know I'm [ __ ] 22 years of 21 years old right come on with a Copa - okay whose plants Sammy Davis you know who's playing hit that King Cole was when Paul Anka okay no I don't know getting [ __ ] car you going with this you know and then then I remember our wife Karen actually I was engaged to another Italian girl at the time and her mother was a bookmaker it's so [ __ ] up yeah and me ask your mother Sicilian yeah my mother's once solicit was born in Sicily your father is Irish born in Ireland it's a strong Catholic background no matter how you cut it I was an altar boy believe it or not I believe it I believe it and I the cab stand what family was that affiliated with do occasional is Philippi of Lucchese yeah but look you know what all the people from Murder Inc used to come near which you know the Lucchese is actually controlled Murder Inc you know roses candy store how many times that North Sea Aaron you how many times I went they were poorly you know Puli Puli like me like a son like they like me better than like a couple of his sons yeah three sons and I mean and these guys [ __ ] you know I'm even little kid you see these [ __ ] guys come with you [ __ ] up the doors on and you know yeah and I know I knew to to kids I went to school with believe it or not the both fathers were electrocuted you know with the murdering yeah this is it's just can you explain a murder reporter and we're incorporating you know it's like the Jewish mob was a Bookwalter why did that start warfare did you boys excuse me yeah I'm not anti-semitic you know but that yeah it was the Jewish mob you know and the pori kind was right in with them you know what I mean and you know what Tommy three fingers brown Lucchese mm-hmm you know they they kind of you know there were pretty powerful families you know that all of all of the goners center there all the trucking a lot of unions and it was big business and then you know back in those days you know you want to call it big business it wasn't you know General Motors but it was it one the same [ __ ] white you Paulie was it does nothing was was a very rare yeah yeah he was he he was a cop one occasion he was a cop oh here's a couple well you know when they pulled the Commission back and whenever the [ __ ] formed it him is brother babe was made man Lenny was a made man dude they hit if I Brothers and the freedom will make many and then they closed the books enough yeah whatever that means right if you understand that right you know that you know just stop making me and yeah right you're right they should shut it down yeah shut down for a long time you know and so these guys all became Capo's mm-hm you know and Paulie was the meanest the more he was you know I mean and he him and that you know I don't your names around but you know Johnnie deal they got it why did Vince was le reporter you know he was not a capo and then it was you know 20 docks you know in car my Gribbs forget it there's another one there was like five couples and there was no boss little kaiser family well wouldn't you know when true friends died did you know they just you know formed it the of their own you know odd thing whatever don't [ __ ] me but there was no no Godfather but there was lot profits well they were all Capo's there was nobody above them the capo would you say they were they with the Kapil was a top dog finally like a foe like they were all equal so exactly exactly exactly yeah they've sit-downs every every week I say I still go up to Pleasant Avenue but you know rails restaurant when it was a little [ __ ] you know piece of Thai enjoy and business is down all the time and talk business and as they're trying to eat up the leave cuz I don't want to be in you know I don't hear what the [ __ ] they're talking about not all right you could stay this is chase everybody else duffer gonna stay for you know me listen to the [ __ ] and cut up whack up whatever the [ __ ] they whacked up you know what I mean money it is that you know one guy had two numbers another guy had the [ __ ] drugs not a god the bookmaking you know this who's [ __ ] up was really [ __ ] up you know oversee your title like your position won't be there for that I was in harina you know uh yeah Angus I was a soldier yeah you know even though were what's the difference to a soldier in your well you know soldiers you know he's he could possibly be made a made man yeah I mean that's that's a difference you were an associate associate or an associate and I tried to sell the fact that you were not full-blooded the time you could not become a major paulie's intolerant buyer was his nephew so no one ever could they do it Henry Hill was a [ __ ] you know a another name yeah yeah they make up there cuz everybody had you know nicknames and this and that and he's driver I was his nephew you know forty thanks you know which opened a lot of doors for me in in city you know Paulie was Paul Sorvino in the movie Goodfellas right yeah Paul Sorvino played Paul Paul II and then his brother was to T Tauri but who's they changed the names of it in other words was it with the have a real brother named hoodie yeah okay pretty other wooden leg like that he goes like baller put till you have to went to war in Korea so [ __ ] war with here correct hey he lost a leg and he was a cool dude toady oh well I'm sure he's passed away right now and he owned the pizzeria around the corner from you know would you say that a Goodfellas was an accurate depiction but they're saying Ivory soap ninety nine and nine-tenths okay then they cut you know they gotta cut like 36 minutes out of it otherwise it was gonna write an X and Scorsese and Warner Brothers were backing for I love the suit at 36 minutes actually nice to me maybe I'll let you see a disc of it I would love to see that but it was it was it didn't look most of it was just pure violence and that's why you know they were going rated X and the day in the morning buzzes and one or the next day 100 or whatever you know whatever that's yeah they want to put it ours draws a bigger crowd it can draw a bigger crowd and plus they wanted to show three shows a premium for shows you know I mean and if the other 36 minutes yeah I made it a couple time though tonight you know in Goodfellas such a big part of that story since we won the drug element makes its way into the criminal world that you lived in how did that creep in and how did you see kind of like the criminal element kind of chain let me type some you know location family handle all the drugs up in Harlem carmine Gribbs got 20 years come on Tremonti was his name and he got it you know he did 20 years he got 20 to life but his family had their own we was not the you know mess with drugs you know you know all porous you know we had they we had all the numbers in Harlem we had all the numbers in Connecticut all the numbers you know on he you know most of the East Coast and that was the sellers pause deal you know in the book Megan and a couple unions you know the you know the mason tent is three or four different unions you know that was big back in those days because you had a voting bloc so you had you had people I want to get into politics you know hey you're you know we want to you know we want this guy in you know and you know they had judges DA's you know or whatever you know whatever you know the boat buried and this and that you know they could you know I mean they control you know they take control unions and unions were big back in those days I don't do you know I'm sure there still is but that's how they control it um we had Paulie you had to tea and then you had Jimmy Conway Jimmy Burke right Jim Burke was a man had an Irishman okay and when you a mulligan enough anybody hurting your Mulligan he was he here and the Irish mob you know in the hell's kitchen which is a yes not only the called Hell's Kitchen on one Donald the [ __ ] they did they change the name you know it was a Satan part of the city and he couldn't he control the whole Irish mob and when you and Mulligan died Jimmy Burke took over that was his real name doc Owen and when Jimmy Burke took over and he controlled it yeah you know be some Mad Hatter's I'll tell you that the Westies leg is a couple of movies about them you know and but they're pretty vile dudes you know I mean they did a lot of killing for you know for Jimmy you know what are you tying guys didn't want to get involved so I call the Irishman you know it was the [ __ ] up time and his city was you know male Lindsay was you know the Big Apple and a you know fun city yeah what I did was called funds that I forego at least the call with what yeah but it was good days you know and it was bad days yeah then you had Jade Jimmy Conway and you had the Tommy Simone Joey DeSimone so obvious did something Joey Pesci in the movie yeah what a psycho in the movie and all those does recycle hopeless stop me if I said home big but they all were real homicidal I mean Tommy said carry two pearl handle handle pistols and put a notch in every guy he killed and last time he told me was I used up to like 34 36 I don't know Todd please yeah yeah I don't want to know I told you Tommy didn't [ __ ] break you know anyway and but they all were like the whole [ __ ] crew and then we was able to do anything we want to do because Jimmy was up boss well you know you know he was the head of our crew and and Paulie was that you know capo so and it doesn't matter what we do and we can go all around the [ __ ] city we didn't have to report to no one cuz we weren't made guys we want soldiers you know here's soldier I reported them you know the captain or the you know the guy that you know a head of family so we just did what the [ __ ] you wanna try me we ran like [ __ ] wild Indians throughout the whole [ __ ] City it we made a lot of money mid-laner we were you know we we read you know JFK that was Randy we took one [ __ ] but we know everybody ran it so we made a lot of money robbed a lot of airlines every [ __ ] Hill I we've robbed was one bigger than next one you know I mean in just uh hijacking that was Jimmy's game they loved the Hydra hijack sometimes two trucks a day here for a raisin weighs aspirins cold Tex minks didn't matter we took anything that was worth and we knew the manifest before the [ __ ] truck at the airport we knew exactly was gonna stop a coffee you know we had a route you know watch it didn't matter you know done he'll light is mister [ __ ] loaded on the letters one time I wish I would have said Canton percent him with the [ __ ] I stole that at an airport yeah it was nuts and what about Billy batts that's eventually what did Tommy Simone in wouldn't dick murder not that that was part of it but that wasn't Billy batts was a Gambino and again yeah and John Gotti was John Gotti had a club right down the street from all Club bravas lounge he was on 101st avenues 115 and and luckily luck with Boulevard and we do is always beefs with those guys but Tommy killed uh Tommy had killed uh he's getting hit foxy I don't even know his real name I don't miss foxy but he killed he was Tommy was going out with Fox Foxy's sister and yeah Fox is late listen dude stay to [ __ ] with my sister yeah okay yeah I can't be paying him any [ __ ] mind and then one day you know come here to rave on that that the Fox is looking for him cuz foxy was pissed off now you want to leave my sister alone I got some for him you know so when Tommy heard that he went over to Fox his house right rings Fox's doorbell foxy walks out and punches him in the [ __ ] head how many toddlers a big dude he wasn't like Joe Pesci he was like six two and [ __ ] shoulders out to hit Tigers on the [ __ ] ground pulls out a [ __ ] pistol and kills foxy one shot Tommy gets up and walks out these nice [ __ ] condos or whatever [ __ ] you wanna go nice air and Howard Beach and that was one one reason why tommy got well and then what that when he whacked another Gambino everybody I mean the less place the last place the bully bats of was seen was in my [ __ ] joint on Queens Boulevard it was a hit fast wise guys join it oh yeah everything was on her way to the city you know 59th Street bridge you know from Queens Boulevard ran into you know part of the city and and I I made so many [ __ ] times to get binos gihan me we know yeah yeah right even in prison when I was doing time the [ __ ] Oh gagging Gambino's come around me what the [ __ ] you guys want you know we wanted on a true story it was what you say about what yeah this is Henry come on let's come what the [ __ ] he's talking about now and there wasn't it I think I Pauly was in a room or summat Johnny dear was in a room I just look that's how I'm the [ __ ] guy just talk about Nick yeah because we lived in like a apartments like this and come [ __ ] in joint you know on a dorms you know we cooked every day and not not that and they [ __ ] like me along after that but there's so many times one time you try to catch a tow grab me but they did in prison you mean know before went to prison yeah alright not a story friend another chapter one thing I think it's a really really well shown in the film too is when things start to turn one you know after your first in prison that looks like here I think you're going to go back and the Dozen in the film by showing that day that you know the helicopter is acting you're driving and then the reason we do that up is when things did turn and the lifestyle started to change on you and the paranoia I would imagine creaked in that wasn't paranoid it was reality dude how does living like that moment to moment feeling at any moment that's even that is their house life to bear like that well first of all it's a little offensive robbery which don't [ __ ] city and every [ __ ] cop and every agency knew that who the [ __ ] did it you know it was no [ __ ] you know I mean yeah I mean you know that we made a lot of money but a little fun to rob you know which was you know they claimed six million was six million plus all the jewels I'm blah blah blah and you know anyway everybody start getting walking around me you know all the crew I mean one guy to stack smarty you know and they all kept falling and every times the guy will get killed the feds will come to my house hey Henry we know you was involved blah blah blah you know and as for you [ __ ] nuts I don't know the [ __ ] you're talking about Henry you're gonna be next week later I find two bodies some [ __ ] way look you know whatever and they come to my house and ladies pictures out with the nice thing the feds it would taste wife my kids to go to school they would never come on my children at the home right me and my wife sitting around a [ __ ] dining-room table Henry you gonna go next I said Donnelly I did why are you sure I don't even know these guys you know he wasn't allowed to associate with known criminals you know I was on federal parole at the time and you know I try to play stupid you know they know [ __ ] better he's an me you know that's his dudes I know we talked about and if the Ethel loves him died one-one gal is Teresa Ferrara and they found a torso and I'll had a [ __ ] favors Teresa forever but I guess they did and then I got I got popped and in the movie it should it was a cocaine it was heroin was getting from the Pizza connection and blah blah blah and I mean then you know I never asked for my half a million dollars that I was supposed to get from score you know I was supposed to get two hundred fifty thousand for Marty's answer like seven you know 750i everybody they asked for their money got whacked so I just figured [ __ ] this and one day I you know I go meet Jimmy we got a secret place we to meet and he chose me a [ __ ] pouch you know big he's here you know you met a lot of black dudes in prison you should stop moving this [ __ ] I said what is it this is pure heroin I never fight I never even seemed pure one time my life right I'd seen her open up your he says then of course it's 250 or [ __ ] kilo blah blah blah you know you take a whack at thirty times you know for the street you know you know a lot of wholesale isn't but that's okay Jimmy I put the [ __ ] my pocket and I called a couple of dudes they knew up in Harlem you know and but it wasn't coke but now stop making my twenty five thousand dollars a week you know so I'm doing good you know I'm coming up again I mean not that I was up and down but I was coming up you know I mean it was a lot of [ __ ] money 25 grand a week back then you know this little 70s thing you know except for a house you know but beside a good [ __ ] twenty-five thousand we come to forty thousand a week you know and then I got popped and when I got popped right Nassau County that's where County in New York pop me because I was under Nassau County and the feds are watching me and I mean I've seen tail cause every [ __ ] day on me you know I mean but I figured there was a little tongue survivor you know and [ __ ] bang I don't know me I didn't do a [ __ ] thing I wasn't there they can't prove a [ __ ] thing so you know and I won't parole and so Nassau County in a movie like that [ __ ] scene shows we're leaving the house and they papi I taught her salute on Survivor I had no [ __ ] pool that was her drugs right I was taking stupid Judy around it wasn't in the use in the movie they got a [ __ ] hat and the rest is history you know sending what I mean shows in the movie there I am Joe Schmo the woods protection program they neither stand on line like everybody else but you know and I was brought in and then and then the feds come and you know take me out and they said listen you have two choices you go to prison you're gonna get killed because you know if you go to trial that all this [ __ ] [ __ ] in these tapes are gonna come up and Timmy was a partner Paulie I mean polish son was a partner and you have our own business it says you know you got no [ __ ] choice I'm in the US Attorney's Office in Brooklyn at McDonald's office and I said you know he put a six pack of hunting ins in cyberwar Hannigan's - honey I I mean I'm what the [ __ ] I was going to at that point you know this is dude where do I sign which they call in two squads in but agents you know Clinton take him to a safe house go girl's family you know so we're not the Hamptons for about five weeks that's how long it took to get into witness protection program back then at that I go to Washington and blah blah blah and I had to sign a contract that never tell another lie seriously you know it would catch you one [ __ ] mind we're going to prosecute you for every [ __ ] thing we got on you we'll turn you back over to Nassau County they're gonna buy you know Ngozi daylight are you gonna get whacked anyway because if you go to trial all the shit's going to come out you know with the Pizza connection and this and that so their anniversaries [ __ ] history I want that with the government you know it didn't trust him in the beginning yeah and but we became friends and understood my friends Tuesday and they would end and witness protection was so good to me and they treated you good you choose me excellent almost a guy then these guys will put their [ __ ] legs up for me come I mean at the beginning believe me I didn't I didn't trust a [ __ ] soul you know I mean but you know yes then I had to forgive myself from being a rat you know at one point I would have put a [ __ ] 45 in my mouth blew my [ __ ] brains out before I ever even thought about becoming a right but yeah times have changed now I I paint I move yeah I do artwork I I speak I meant two kids I you know what I mean I do what the I do what I gotta do but you know I'm ma boy you know on eBay and you know I'm living life the life of Riley you know William Bendix life really but you know life is good to me what kind of saying is it somebody up there watching me that looks out for me I ought lived them all I live the more I'm happy joyous and free and you know things are good you lived it up here yeah yeah I was so much me up my [ __ ] life you together about free of my age no I just paint I cook you know and the life is good it's always left you know Henry do you do you read do you have regrets yeah I have regrets of the life I lived I've been at our world since you know since 27 years for 28 years in may you know may fit that there was a day yeah I officially went yeah whatever Tamarac yeah put a joke I'm happy he's right in the world what made you turn on that I know you know you weren't a made guy you know you didn't have the oath of armor tower or murder or whatever it is or anything like that but it was really a fear for your own life wasn't it not mine my life I don't get I didn't give a [ __ ] if they buckle Megan killed me you know you live by the sword you die by it's like but they went after my wife and I knew they would took my kids and put him on her [ __ ] refrigerator and put a chain around it and Truman [ __ ] you know it thought that the mob used to be a code hands off the [ __ ] a day come on that's so that's such a fallacy you ain't no quote so there's treacherous is any other [ __ ] mob like the Russian mob like call means it come on dude they don't you guys did don't get me started okay I need a drink freeze but so another is fear for your family life for you for the life of your family your wife and your kid went after my wife well I was supposed to mean about the Gemini lounge that's what that's what a yeah look that was uh what's the worst days here yeah yeah that was uh wait the mayor's play exactly a butcher shop exactly there's the you know uh uh whatever be a big hair bag they're bagging this stuff dude please I'm supposed to meet Jimmy they're like I didn't [ __ ] know the way he threw it yeah I mean I was raised like this from those [ __ ] people you want to get me there yeah okay dude I know it's on your [ __ ] mind as if I got popping that bailed out you know [ __ ] I mean I know you know as he saying Jews are your share book pay it are you another a gusher Cup I wasn't go seek up like a lot of people maybe think I am with what I was I was a yiddishe er cup and I knew exactly what the [ __ ] was going on you know and I knew I wasn't going that [ __ ] place like a pool I sent my wife he tried it [ __ ] grab my old lady she didn't [ __ ] card she bolted and she had a pistol on her too by the way she wasn't stupid either she was Jewish 100% it's just an attic so you love it you're living life now you put all that behind you yeah you're enjoying you enjoying your life now you got a great gal here seem like Lisa she's cool she's alright sometimes yeah right when I drink a little too much she tries to give me it back and [ __ ] her I'll give a [ __ ] I'm drunk so I don't doesn't feel the fields on next morning Allegra's good now I'm in so I don't recommend that life to any kid I don't recommend any kid to do drugs you know I've been through it all I used to do drugs I don't do drugs no more I still got a little problem with the booze you know I got a major elbow a little bit up yeah a little bit we discuss it cut your place narrow the pain stuff I I just want ask one thing is head there are those really nursing home you live by the sword and you die by the swamp that's that's a life you know that's the life that's the life of crime you want to [ __ ] around you know yep yeah we want to hear if any kid wants to [ __ ] around and do that [ __ ] well then you get yourself prepared to catch a [ __ ] bullet or [ __ ] whatever whatever you got coming you don't break the [ __ ] law I break a law once a while I live in California and you can't smoke you know any bars or anywhere some couch you came to smoking the street the biggest law I break is I I get a ticket for joy I'm outside of a bar smoking a cigarette right and the cops need some Rose will come by and they give me a [ __ ] ticket up we're [ __ ] around a couple of guys right with smoking laughing command cuz Muslim moment come here especially rookies yeah and they gave me a ticket fringe funkin public what the [ __ ] I'm in a bar what I don't drive I don't commit you know I don't do nothing wrong you know I walk outside of a bar to smoke your cigarette and I get a ticket for drunken public I mean you know I you know I sometimes I watched a movie when his son HBO / [ __ ] sir and you know I'm just so detached from that life today so [ __ ] detached from that life today I got such a good life and anybody that even phantoms the idea we run into that [ __ ] mic those kids are screwed up then you see psychiatrist psychologist or whatever the [ __ ] you know go see Lorraine Bracco you know whatever just you know I've had kids don't [ __ ] around with drugs don't [ __ ] around with crime don't pick up a gun listen any army or the Marines or the Air Force or whatever the [ __ ] it you know you're doing just don't [ __ ] around kids it's that simple that's all I can sleep I just transition now um kids the kid before we get into your activities now on the painting and your appearances can you talk to us briefly about what was it like working on the film meeting Martin Scorsese and working with those titles I never met Marty personally spoke to him a lot on the phone Bob Jenelle I met you know his kids and yeah and Pesci and the gray buy order yeah it was it was cool cool I mean I didn't know nothing about the movie [ __ ] business you know which sucks you know studio movies anyway Indies and you know you know independent films but who knows out of noise it was it's we created it he should have been nominated for the Academy Award but he wasn't and he's a great guy and his superdude portray you accurately would you say to the tale that is that right [ __ ] nailed it that was you that was Henry Hill the real deal okay and we're finished hey [ __ ] great okay well before we get it out yeah absolutely we're gonna do that we could take I mean if he really wants to put some nanny okay okay Henry right now you can explain to us this what you're doing now you're selling stuff on eBay right Marv art on eBay mob art okay taxi stand this is mr. booms he had the grocery store on the corner this is a Brooklyn looking into Manhattan this is the Italian flag with a gun you know and that's me the rat ha I don't do my father yeah uh I'm not proud right this is uh are you in that holdup in Henry so we got this yeah I'm digging a hole let's show it then this Billy batts we're burying them uh-huh this is Tampa when I got 10 years okay this is where you guys were ready to feed that guy to the Alliance tariffs are kind [ __ ] years this is Lufthansa we're told it Henry that's good yeah so you got 10 years for that thing with the Lions believe it people couldn't people can look you up on the web they could buy your stuff on the web now let's say if somebody wanted to buy some of your mob art or mob artifacts which I've seen you have on the web they can go to ebay and then type in Henry Hill I guess right Google me yeah and you have a web page that they can access right here yeah what is your web address good morning Henry at Charter net just go to ebay there's a whole bunch of them yeah you know and we'll handle it yeah yeah well I can't tell you what a pleasure it's been so basically thank you for your your message to young kids today state of [ __ ] to the right thing loosely parents you know if you got parents if you don't got parents and go find a mentor do you know just do what you got to do you know you don't right from wrong and right from wrong is you got a conscience and let's get [ __ ] a wacko you know but you still writing kids that's all I want to say to your kids and they know what the [ __ ] is right or wrong when it is big you know Henry thanks a lot you quit what's up glow thank you very take care you
Channel: heliospm
Views: 1,035,430
Rating: 4.6680307 out of 5
Keywords: Henry Hill; Goodfellas; mafia; ganstger; Ray Liotta; Martin Scorsese;Cosa Nostra, Sicilian Mafia (Film Subject)
Id: kBvdRT1P6cQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 15sec (2655 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2013
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