Mafia Memories - Henry Hill Revistied

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you Henry how are you doing I'm doing fantastic that's great that's great well just you just explain to anybody who's tuned in here on our production tonight that we're here with a return visit of mr. Henry Hill and it's always a pleasure to have you here Henry's in Baltimore going to been doing a lot of productions throughout the area over the last few days and he's finishing up with being a special v.i.p guest with some of his mob art and Otto doing autographs at the at the hustler club in Baltimore you were on the the news and the Baltimore news this morning is that right Ivy I believe so I've not added five or six different shows in this two days yeah what have you done the last few days Henry well today I did the Danny Bonaduce show in Philly oh yeah I did a sport show over at Fox and for black sports and this tonight yeah Henry everybody who knows who follows films and everything or who's done a lot of reading knows that you're the infamous Henry Hill upon the movie Goodfellas was based it was your story basically and also the book wiseguy was based on your story and two of the three three of the books and how about the glass brother at the wise guy Henry Hills wiseguy cookbook my latest book was gangsters and Goodfellas my life and witness protection rest 25 years and the any travel guide good for the guide to New York it takes you all the all spots where or infamous ex gangsters or what do you want to call them hung out drank shot people killed via really just recap Henry just because we we had we did do one other interview with you I believe it was round sometime in November of last year when you were down in Baltimore and just for people to know you're basically a an associate with the Lucchese crime family where I was and you were yeah and of course after I was over 25 years ago 30 years ago and finding out that the lives of your family were in danger you became an informant absolutely absolutely and I think anybody in their right mind when they go after your wife and children I think you you make a decision that that's enough you know I mean many years ago that you know we lived by a certain code and there was a time my life over to put a pistol on my mountain woman bends up before I ever thought of being informed for the FBI but when I came here you know I live what a sword mister with me so much of my family and right if it'll pencil Robbie they they they killed 11 well nine guys in two of their wives so I mean these are not nice people he's not nice people and they do anything to to survive you know I thought that the Cosa Nostra had a code hands off the families here would you read that will you tell me you lived it now maybe years ago you know when the old a lot of the old-timers were lied but you know if they have a little delusion on you just a delusion or if their ego is big in a year ago and thing in a wacky I mean and over great money and that's what most of them got killed over and thereafter offensive every we hear a lot about in popular culture referring to mafia of honor code you know discipline how much is that fabricated for Hollywood and what's the reality uh it's all baloney whatever you wanna call it's uh many years ago maybe in our little small towns in Italy you know people respected other people trades they feel you today I mean and that's it's a subculture that if you haven't been around and and brought up and it's very difficult to understand very different understand and you know sort of fleet opposite of normality and we you went into witness protection that's how long were yen was in the witness protection program I went in the nineteen eighty and officially I was I was bounced in 87 and I you know I screw it up a couple times and they I screwed up for the last time but it was very difficult for me to I mean they do a great job the marshals the feds but you never out of it I mean I have a case agent you know if you hear something or someone in New York or Chicago or Florida hear something I'm notified immediately you know from informants or from Wyatt camps so the I mean it still this will watch my back in other words have there been threats on your life not not lately not ready would you say the life was oh god had to be 78 years ago that it wasn't a threat I managed to to to Whitman I percent Anita racetrack and they were more scared than I was they want to ran out there in California and they wanted those two guys wanted getting wiped you know later and they were made guys but I didn't know it at the time I walked into this club and this or me I ran one whatever in the other way how did you know what did you know them from before oh yeah they were part of our location from no it was just a fluke you know that but I didn't know that and they they know that you know most of these guys you ran with or most of them on the land ours or the world every guy that I ran with his dead today I have maybe one or two friends and a totally legitimate no one's a publisher and the other was an attorney but there's no one there's no one none of my peers from back then in are alive or dead so I mean and I didn't I didn't mess with anybody else you know I mean I the people that the people who try to hurt me in my family I had to do it added though having any normal person with a half a brain would have done the same thing if they wouldn't I think it full of baloney character that Robert De Niro plays in the film the film and saying that he was still car sharing on a believed was getting out early 2000 he's supposed to get on two thousand where he died in 2002 as Jimmy Burke was his real name correct did he ever get out no the guy didn't come he got convicted for murder if to yet finished the you know only one where they probably what three or four dozen guys did you ever have communication with him after he went in no absolutely not why would I want to talk to this listen to me there was a two million dollar person morality is what level of anxiety to that cause for you well I mean it's only I think normal you know when you know you know there's a two million dollar price on your head and there's a lot of people pretty upset about what I did but I mean you know I had to survive in my family as well you know I live what I saw what I would have died well and soared trust me you know and but when I went after my wife and they would have went after my kids and on your refrigerator you know and until I got there and then I would have killed all of us you know there's a it's a palace you look at honor amongst you know the mob and all that baloney it's just it ain't so and three-quarters of the guys out there right now informants you know you know I mean the the laws have changed so much and the and the government and and even local law enforcement have gotten so hip and so you know and so clued in about them and you know and they flipped guys every single day I mean John Gotti's underboss testified against you know and that's just one you know cuz he ain't gonna do a life sentence without parole over some stupid baloney they're going to open up and flip and Hardy you know some of the main characters of the movie of course was you yourself Henry Hill that was who the story was about your life but also in that you had joy Pesci played Tommy do Simone right correct and Tommy do Simone was really quite a psychopath home totally totally and I mean he whacked over 33 or 34 guys and just put notches and his pro handle pistols he had two parental pistols every guy like I'd never brag about it throughout the city and then we also have one of the main characters of course who was played by Robert De Niro was Jimmy Conway in the movie which was Jimmy Burke correct who was and he was the head of our clue yeah you know I did that there was a there's about 20 guys in our crew you know so you were in Jimmy Brooks crew yeah which was part of the Lucchese family right part of the Lucchese family but yeah it's one of the five films as an associate I could have never been made you could because you were not full-blooded Italian now my mother's one is Sicily father's Irish farmers made their reserves Jimmy Burke was not at 300 so he could not use the full Irishmen right the only one that could have been made was Tommy to Simone and they waylaid him you know they they whacked him he was supposed to get made that day and then they made him in the movie he was whacked because of having killed Billy batts OA Gambino made guy tell me about that tell us that that's that's that's 20% of it that there's a hole between the lines back story there Jimmy and Jimmy I take it he went away for six years two feds and when he come home he thought he was entitled to all that his bookmaking business is loan sharking business and all kinds of other stuff and there was no way you know that he was using Gambino and wheeler cases there was no way that we would I mean it would come to a head eventually anyway it did just lab that night Tommy you know Tommy when the rule boone saying well I mean it was normal for him you know to whack a guy over nothing but it was over nothing you know it was it was it would have came down sooner or later either way or the abhi knows what a whack Jimmy and Jimmy knew it now get your shine box is that let that totally happened that's so totally is that what made Tommy go off that was that was part of it and everybody was all coked up they will call Tommy was coked up you know and when you cooked up yeah you know you're not in your right frame of mind but it would happen anyway I think it would have been done a lot easier I mean a lot a lot more needed it was although they you know they knew that he was in my club suite that night and you know they pounded me for a long time there binos come on we know you know we know you know I know what I don't know they left him he was with another friend of ours and table of the club I don't know where they went you know was he whacked in your club yeah well you supposed to be dead he wasn't using but I mean it was the way it was in the movie hassle right over there I was it was me g-man time did you actually stop over Tommy do Simone's mother absolutely raah together by T we ever Scorsese mother day yeah I know she's a little lady yes he was she passed away recently yeah I mean that's just the way that we're gonna get a shovel and you know some other stuff and you did you went and buried the body here we buried him then we had to dig him up six months later this was in December and we put in a shallow grave and then the guy it was a yeah it was a horse race I mean that host Vince it was a German Shepherd farm in the guy raised German Shepherds and and then he sold the property ten acres or whatever it was to kind of develop and we knew that you know there's a you know 80% chance that they would uncovered the body and then that would have been a bigger problem so we had to dig him up and bury him back in his own Park and it was a disgusting horrible friend did you dig up bats once or twice once once they just and it when you when you're buried in the second time was he at rest did they ever dig up the body again no so he's there and that's it well you know you put well he was all moisture anyway you know when we die going to stunk like you couldn't believe what I meant was did the you know in your weight as an informant yeah did they go and retrieve any of these bodies that you told they attempted to but when you put a body in the ground and you throw 100 pounds of lime on them disintegrates Henry when you dug up the body talk about the decomposition that's something most people will never see in their lifetime was very disgusting and I was sick for a week and I had to get rid of my it was a brand-new car I had to get rid of it the stink was just I mean I couldn't get it out of the car is there any mental defect that imagery does it stick with I mean I see it you know excuse me all right you know idea it's something that's you know it's a disgust horrible thing it's something else you know you're never gonna forget it you know occasionally it does pop into my head I'm gonna lose too much sleep over it you know listen I you know there's a whole lot of stuff I regret for my best but that's my piss I have to hone it there's a lot of pretty things I did in my lifetime and then it killed anybody you know I helped I was there I had dug holes but I never liked nobody and I could have mitad to Denver's if I wanted to hide transaction or immunity which covered everything can you talk about some of the talking about the bar you had what were some of the other legitimate business she had and how did they serve as friends well the bar I owned was on Queens Boulevard Forest Hills there was a you know real up the beautiful area but it was on a way to de city was let you know on points bulletin live which turned into the 59th Street bridge and all the wise guys on the way into the city they stopping on the way home from suggest up but mainly it was a it was like headquarters for the Lucchese family that place in Roberts lounge you know will it killed the spider talk about later towards in the film I think it seen so put together where you're looking at the copter it's a day of your a brass mm can oh you know one thing that was prominent in that scene it's just the level of drug use you know the yank you know just kind of there's a scene where you nearly get the carton can you first talk about you know what was your usage at that time and what kind of effect that had on me I was using quite a bit and I you know I'd be up for two or three days and I would have a loosen a shion's but that day I had no hallucinations that helicopter was following me it wasn't the first day was following me you know and I knew they were honest you know for the little time some robbery and you know was just oh well you know the tale of me again you know let me lose them and it was something a couple times you know and then they popped me that night yeah but I knew I mean I know who's at the end of the one you know the feds were coming to my house once a week every time they a couple of bodies that show up they come over my house they with my children will leave for school and he come over houses show me pictures you're next you know they kept telling me it's a click call my attorney please you know you have no white coming in my house and question me without my attorney present and but they planted the seed in my head you know yeah though you know until I heard it on a tape recording I didn't believe him I kind of believe them but I didn't want to believe it talked about the date it was a poorly and Jimmy talking we got a wacom Sammy knew it wasn't much of a conversation we had to get their hands on her event yeah it was there an informant involved sure that everything every phone I mean every phone that had anything to do with us he was over 100 dead well that that the Port Authority police the FBI the everything with the CIA honest Interpol locals you know after that robbery it was the biggest cash flow helping in the United States history it's still only Guinness Book of Records when you go up against that kind of force in terms of forcement is there anyone that can strong walk that really survives in the game or does everyone kind of have a tragic ending of some sort no these guys that didn't get popped you know and the day I mean the whole city knew who did it you know who who you know who robbed the you know blue times Airlines I know it was known for me we've robbed it without their friends who robbed aeritalia every week we didn't we wasn't bipartisan way we reasonable it would you know we took from people like their insurance companies we didn't take from her again Tommy DeSimone was going to be made am i right that was a whole whole roost he wasn't going to be made it was a setup to lacking I said looking like him and we didn't know nothing about it I'm sure Paul he was in on it you know and Paulie son picked was one of the guys that picked him up that morning you know we was in Florida knee injury presented Fort Lauderdale cousin or something Paulie was a captain right yeah and when they had this ruse with Tommy and Paul he had no love for Tommy there was a you know he he did not care for Tommy at all and he says tell me Henry do me a favor stay away from his kid stay he's bad news he's a loose cannon you know stay away from him and you know we did a lot of things so you had a lot of scores and stuff a lot of hijacking but you know Paulie you know he he knew it was coming we had we had no idea and I didn't anyway what would you say was the real reason that they they got rid of Tommy Newsom oh there was a half a dozen reasons half dozen reasons besides Billy batts you know and he was heavily into drugs I think a down a whisper yeah senses then he didn't he had it coming even he had a comment can you tell me the rumor as to who actually put the bullet in but I heard it was John Gotti himself [ __ ] honest with you how true it is I don't know I had if I'm from sell you but it was he was another guy to testified against Gotti in his first trial it was via Gambino yeah here's a good man now he's a movie medic now he's a movie maker yeah he's just in a movie called social club what's the name of it the social club the social club yeah we just finished a we just finished a screenplay for the final four about the Boston College fix when do you anticipate the release of that well we haven't we haven't signed any papers yet but there's some serious interest in it and it'll go it's a good it's a great story you know but the ship shaving points of eleven games in Boston College this is a lot of irons in the fire you know enemy time I asked at home I do my artwork I make appearances at does tell job but they baby of course smiled at center yeah another seen the early process you know you and I think it's you Tommy hijack a truck and I just remember we are dead men each other you've got the gun point out the window you shoot in the air when you're on a job like that when you're on a score when you're carrying drugs something that you know is high-octane kind of what's is there is there an adrenaline rush what's absolutely I mean absolutely you know the whole thing is you have when he was good doing it getting away with it and then it's such a letdown yeah after you know I mean after the school there's such a letdown because I never got popped you know for any area pot for drugs you know and that was my bar I bought a song that goes up so go figure no I said you have that adrenaline not on the dine downtown between the scores when you're at home how do you deal with just in the low low what was out partying I mean I was very seldom home you know I had a mistress and uh it was you know we go I'm Claudia gamble or you know I just do the insane things that spot that lifestyle and it is addicting lifestyle you know it's an addicting lifestyle how you know if I had it to do over again I've become a dentist or pharmacy and quit smoking are you you ever in touch with Karen yeah you have a good relationship with her absolute it's just wonderful woman and my son from my second wife he's 20 years old in college and he lives with her down in West Palm Beach she takes Kevin just like his own son I feel relationship with your children great I just see my two children in New York on my one day what are they doing Henry of a sudden that's an attorney and my other son is a in college and my daughter has a fantastic job she's a brother for Neiman Marcus a booming desmondo so tell us about the money Henry when you're at your peak what we look how much cash they accumulate we have one time I write yeah I between it 3/4 a million and a million dollars a head on hand but I mean I don't know how much the government says between 50 and 75 million dollars went through my hands alone I mean it was a pretty long stretch with a good one you know and I mean that's what yeah how much I want up with not that much when you have that kind of money in the work that he did how do you store safe-deposit boxes my sister-in-law is my brother was my in a family member's house the best place to put it and I ran out of people to put that you have a legit legitimate Club right and Jimmy Burke had a club right tell me about the bocce court this is quite a few where people were planting there that's what I mean I read the book wiseguy in it you mentioned that can you name a couple or a spider or Remo just name a couple I mean they never dug up the bocce court I don't they doing that but you put eat like I said you put 50 hundred pounds of line matter of three or four months there's nothing there a spider was it was a young kid who was shot by Tommy do Simone in the club in a club how old was he he was a very young man his early twenties that was she just says was this like you when you were growing up working for the cabs or nah he was a drug dealer where he was a heifer pimp you know right he wasn't that well like you know and but it was a pretty good hustler you know and no one really cares for him you know I had heard Henry's it true that you got like when you were on one of the radio shows on whether it was a story or whatever that you got a call from spiders family or something sure I got a call from a whole lot of people that you know the relatives of people in it you know we'll cover you I mean what could I say you know yeah like I says I own my past I cannot change it and I am you know I feel terrible for you know the things that happen to a lot of those people but I know has been an informant I know I said many many many lives that would have went by the wayside of you know if I didn't testify against a lot of sauce well it's a it's a it's not know the major stories yet hopefully it will be it's just such a jump at you hurdles to get boss codes you know for the government and we got about three and a half years invested in it you know a whole lot of money and hopefully we'll get some investors and you know your recipe Henry oh yeah so from you know my mother's recipes from my cookbook and the sauce is excellence organic and you know it's a you know it's one of many many ventures I have going yeah my main thing is my art work you know and you can find it on ma bought on eBay and you know and I had a restaurant in Connecticut there was a little problem with it you know one would negotiate a Italian restaurant in Vegas you know I don't want to mention any names of any hotel chains but you know gotta keep busy gotta keep the Wolves away you know go and you got a nice lady taking care of releases she tell ya she she she handles all my stuff as she's many guys she really is think you got a real gym there Henry yeah yeah well she won man if I could ask one last question come Center I think the people that watch Goodfellas that watch the other mob movies people watching for different one's entertainment for someone's historical value but there's some that idolized life for those young people I I mean I I just you know I try to discourage any any youngster even thinking about you know going down that pit trust me it's not worth it and you know I I do someone else I meant two kids you know and I try and if one kid gets it out of out of a hundred it's cool you know I mean I could make they invent the the cure for cancer you never know you know and they but you know I try to get back I do a lot of benefit work you know a lot of cancer benefits and stuff like that you know you know I tried it I try to do the right thing these days sometimes I do it and sometimes they well you got to move forward right absolutely you know and I know blessed that's all I can say I'm blessed and my mother told me she gave me two to rot in angels when I was a kid and I believe it you know I just about wore them to out you know you
Channel: heliospm
Views: 414,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mafia, organized crime, Goodfellas, Martin Scorsese, wiseguy, gangster, Henry Hill, Marin Scorsese, Ray Liotta, Lucchese
Id: BC54xF3veME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 5sec (1925 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 14 2012
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