Michael Franzese on Running into Mafia Snitch Henry Hill in Prison, Had a Hit on Him (Part 17)

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I appreciate you sharing your story of things a very unique story from someone that came from your position because no one else has really been able to tell it from a first-hand perspective before well I appreciate that and you know I've been very fortunate and very blessed just to be here be able to speak to you so appreciate it yep and you have seven children I have seven children I have six grandchildren yeah so I got a good crew your wife is here in the other room walls I've been married 35 years and if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be here if I don't meet her and and change my lifestyle I need to be dead or in prison so well you know I think that everyone was watching this you know who you know has been involved in crime and you know to one degree or another or has been involved with family who's been involved in crime like this is a very rare case of someone that actually gets to ride off into the sunset without doing a hundred years without being murdered you know without falling to drugs in the end or committing suicide or something in the source so I think it's very much a rarity but you know with this opportunity to actually telling the story and you know not glamorizing it I think that's very important yeah well look I want to be clear in that I don't glamorize from my former life and I certainly you know a big part of what I do now is discouraging these young people from continuing in a life a crime or getting involved in it in the first place so because it's a destructive path in life and it just makes no sense yeah I think these days like I said with cell phones and cameras everywhere and and so forth well look when this guy cally got killed you know the alleged boss of the Genovese family I mean within two days they knew everything because there's cameras all over the streets yeah that a1 thumbprint on a license plate I mean yeah it's it's amazing I mean you you you how do you commit a crime today and not get caught I don't know right and the guy that killed him it wasn't even my fear related it was some guy that I guess liked a girl that was hanging out with him and look that's the story is there more to it if there is we'll find out but the guy seems a little loony to me actually from what I'm reading and from what I heard so ya know right Whitey Bulger he ends up getting killed I guess his first day in general population I'll be honest with you I don't know how that happened because I'll tell you I'll tell you a quick story Henry Hill was on separation with me who's on separation with a lot of guys he was in the witness protection program but he was in prison well by mistake they put him in Terminal Island in in general population where I was and we happen to connect in there now there was a you know there was a shoot on I mean of Henry anybody of us were to find him we're supposed to take him out so by mistake they put him in the same prison where I was in general population when he was on separation so the government makes mistakes sometimes I firmly believe they made a mistake with whitey so that was just uh yeah it happens but that was a fatal mistake obviously how do you put him in there the guy's a known snitch you know we have people in every prison almost you know how do you put him in there Rex I guess they cut out his tongue or his eyes or yeah you know okay so when Henry Hill who's you know the character in Goodfellas you know the main guy he end up turning against everybody yes and going into witness protection yes later on but you're actually with him in prison at one point yeah and as soon as he saw me he ran NEP seat up he put himself no effective custody right we was supposed to kill him in that situation well the word was out if we saw Henry we know what he did yeah we supposed to take him out even though he wasn't part of he wasn't telling on your family no but you know I mean I knew Paulie very well I know Jimmy Burke well Emanuel those guys so that's you expected to do something you know you can't see how he's here and we're just gonna pal around with him you know okay so would you have try to kill him if given the opportunity no no no that wasn't your thing no and I knew Henry pretty well too you know so no I mean when I seen him I said aw man what is he doing here you know went back to my cell I'll tell you what happened the lieutenant called me about an hour later I got called into the lieutenant's office and he said to me Mike what happened on the yard today I said what are you talking about he's Mike who did you see on the yard I said I didn't see anybody but he said Mike you got to be honest with me because we're shipping you out of here now if Terminal Island was an hour from my house I was getting visits what do you mean you're shipping me out I said hey you know all right I saw Henry I said ship him out don't shut me out he said well he already PC DUP lieutenant like me fortunately so they did ship him out so Henry Hills still around no he's dead oh he's dead yeah okay he lived out here for a long time but he's dead okay did he stay in PC or no I mean stay in protective in a witness protection or no well when he got out he kept getting in trouble so they threw him out of the program that I understand here Henry's a poor soul he was using yeah crazy life you know and I always say this in today's society man there's so many ways to make legal money yes you know from you know to uh to being a social-media influencer to doing whatever man doing music on your own starting your own business there's lots of ways to do it that doesn't involve prison time doesn't involve any murderers or shootings or stabbings agree you know and honestly that's always the best approach from I totally agree I discourage anybody from life on the street no doubt but Michael man I appreciate you telling your story thank you till next time okay peace
Channel: djvlad
Views: 2,129,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama, Michael Franzese
Id: J1JikZAy3Nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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