Karen Hill Testimony

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I grew up with a single mom lived in nothing but abuse what I remember from my father my grandmother had to help my mom raise we were made to go to church Sunday morning Sunday Vacation Bible School revival everything doing with church we were there so I knew God all of my life and I've always had got in my heart well I was living in a marriage and my husband wasn't believer so he would tell me if I wanted to pray at the table would it be over the food don't break that home shove it down my throat I don't want hear about it I didn't fight in the church I'll go with it's my time I'm not ready so I continued to stay there a friend asked me to go out one night so I said why not have a girls night out I went out well at the time I wasn't into the Lord I would try to go to church but I didn't feel what I felt before but I always had knew that I had walked away from him he didn't walk away from me I've done a lot of things that right now I'm not proud I could say it never did drugs but I did drink some nights I don't remember getting home also there's times I did commit adultery you're not happy about that but I was looking for somebody to love me and I shouldn't stay with God because his love was don't love my name I took my daughter to his arms and on the way back we had a bad wreck I was upside down in the car in the truck and there was gas everywhere and that's what was rolling and I heard my grandson screaming and he kept saying I went out I went out and I was like God have mercy on me because my heart wasn't right and I knew that I was probably gonna go tell and it was a wake-up call really what God woke me up I knew he had a plan for me he had to have a plan and I knew that I told him then I know where I'm going but I searched every terms and couldn't find one I mean and there was churches that I said a year in and I was like this is not yet this is not yet so I said I'm gonna try this church I kept riding by here I came to the Emperor I came for maybe six or seven months and I had to have knee surgery in the arena legs though and while I was home having knee surgery dealing with excruciating pain I called Kevin um I said I need prayer and he said can I have some of my people come out pray with you they they prayed for me and I gotta Ben won't and I was supposed to be down for four weeks I was back in church in the second week and I knew the Lord loved me and I loved the Lord but I never fell in love with the Lord like I'm in love with him now this is an amazing love through this and through been in a wreck that woke me up knowing that God had a plan for me I followed his will and that's when I started the downtown light which is a nonprofit organization I kept asking God do you really think I can do this do you really think I can do this and it kept him one person believe me I'm in the back we live to downtown blew up for autism I have a grandson this autistic couple years ago an aggressive autistic child was shot and killed by police I didn't want that happen to my grandson and my awareness was to bring special-needs kids to know police the firemen EMS to know what the uniforms meant in the lights man I didn't want them to be scared of Aysel lights and I sell t-shirts $1.00 made off of my life and the $2 made off of a t-shirt and if people want to donate they don't need but mostly what I ask that donate their time and to let these kids know that they are cared for and that their life matters light it up blue and it will be April to 2nd from 5 o'clock to 9 and everybody's invited we won't like downtown up if I have to put a fight in there myself I'm gonna like try to like every building up
Channel: Ember Church
Views: 11,667
Rating: 4.090909 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie
Id: 9JICkmW71WQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 26 2018
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