#WinWithBlackWomen Vice Presidential Debate Virtual Watch Party After Show

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hello and welcome to the post debate show my name is holly holiday i am the president of sisters lee's sister's vote and i want to bring on my board member dr avis jones de weaver to help kick us off good aft good evening dr abe as well we had another debate we did we did have another debate and it was a historic debate was it not it was one for the record books that's for sure i kept wanting to invoke uh maxine waters and reclaim time for senator harris exactly i mean it it was very plain that pence had a campaign strategy or at least a a debate strategy to habitually uh just run rampant over the rules uh just like trump did will remember in the last debate but just a kindler gentler way but he's still like same playbook exactly i'm not gonna waste any time talking to you because i can't wait for this conversation uh so i'm gonna let you introduce our moderator for our first panel and let's get this conversation started all right so we are super excited here to have an unapologetically bold and black woman conversation following this historic historic debate in which this is the first that we have witnessed of having a black woman on the ticket and in the arena as a vice presidential candidate in this debate season and it is amazing that we have for you compiled an amazing panel of black women to analyze exactly what you saw i think it's very important to also acknowledge that we have media partners here that are all black owned so this is a place where you're not going to have anyone pulling punches this is a place where you're not going to have anyone worried about can they say this or might they say that this is where we can be transparent and free to express our opinions about what we just witnessed and all the black woman brilliance that we just saw displayed for the world to see so with my pleasure i am so excited to introduce to you the modern moderator for our very first panel dr christina greer and she will introduce the panelists and we will get this party started thank you so much dr avis i am so happy and proud to be here with my esteemed panelists uh i have chitaka eddie who's the founder and ceo of full circle strategies i've got tiffany laughin who's the director for the youth and college division at the national association for the advancement of colored people and also star jones attorney author and advocate welcome ladies how are you i'm doing fantastic that was a lot of fun it's good to see you sis great to see you too wait do i have everyone can i get everyone together or is it just one at a time oh i've come up how are you how are you sis you know plans change though we make things work we make it work all the time clearly as we did the evening and then i think we have one more um okay jataka's not here yet so ladies let's just get started um what are some of the highlights tiffany i'll start with you i think a lot of people so let me just let me frame my back highlights tonight was good go ahead right listen as my grandmother would say you know uh michael pence knows how to lie like hot knife on a butter um he's very different from the president in that uh he interrupts but it's not a belligerent style of interrupting but he still interrupts he lies but it's not the belligerent style of lying it's that smooth-styled line he's got a long history as an executive governor of indiana he's a radio personality he knows how to control a narrative and he understands that donald trump is watching him so he's very clear and deliberate in maintaining the messaging in the lives that they've had for the last four years so tiffany with all that being said you know the the mvp of the night were the the dual conversations that kamala harris was having one with her voice the other with her face there were a few things that all of us recognized he was like ooh pence you in danger honey it's like so what was your highlight with evening of seeing senator harris queen to be vice president harris uh dismantle some of the arguments of vice president pence so let's start with what's most important the moment that we're sitting in right now in the year 2020 watching a black woman on the debate stage for the very first time speaks volumes about our legacy and our history our ancestors are smiling right now because of the level of accomplishment this black woman has reached on the stage to not only speak truthful power but to debate and articulate policies practices and plans that help our community and our country move forward so that that's the first highlight i sat here and i said to myself do i really like yes elections are 27 days away but can we sit and grasp in the abundance of black women divine femininity for two seconds and appreciate where we're at right now and the role that black women have played to put her on the stage and the role that we're going to continue to play to follow through november through november 3rd the second thing that was a highlight for me tonight was the actual plan last week when i watched the debates there was no plan it wasn't just debating back and forth over badging back and forth it was involved back and forth across the state and tonight i actually got to hear very clearly from senator kamala we are going to cut student loan debt by ten thousand dollars we are going to have a plan around the vaccine or health care we're going to have a plan around policies and education we're going to have a plan really clearly on uh rolling back voter suppression to make sure everybody can participate we heard those plans tonight i didn't hear the plan from what uh students were given i also got to hear from senator kamala harris why is she running in the position and what qualifies her and i tweeted it earlier she got the receipt funny she said i am the attorney general first i mean excuse me second black woman elected to this point i focused on this i've ran that i've done the second largest judicial system in the entire country only second to the to the federal government judicial system and pence didn't give us that because he ain't got it so yes i enjoyed watching one of the black women and and some of the uh similar cultural forms that i have with the face but sometimes only i can understand we can understand those things other audience viewers might what they took away tonight was clear plans and policy we've heard how pens in them are not prepared and how much they hate obama how much they hate joe biden which is not helpful in the campaign room how important it was to acknowledge because said it himself it is a privilege sitting on the page with her and it ought to be because she prefers more women to do it right uh and thank you for that tiffany because i think it needs to be a reminder where you know sometimes kamal harris uh does it so well that people forget that you know she is she stands on a legacy i mean carol mosley brawn is the only other black woman who's ever been elected to the u.s senate and as we know there have been zero black women ever elected to being governor of any state in the united states so audra as a strategist how did you feel what were some of the highlights for you this evening uh knowing what we saw last last week with the abysmal performance of the president the moderator and the chaos that so many uh people witnessed uh where we couldn't really get a clear conversation about policy where we couldn't really get a clear conversation about joe biden's reputation in the senate and what he did and how he served uh barack obama for eight years so what are some of your thoughts tonight oh gosh i think tiff um shared many of the same thoughts that i have um i think that she displayed why she is a woman of many firsts i think that she clearly articulated why she is qualified to become madam vice president i think one of the things that she said that was so um important for us to take away is the fact that they forfeited their right to a re-election that for me really stuck up stuck out she talked about how you know nearly 210 000 um people are dead she talked about how many people um are struggling financially she talked about the fact that people who are working people um you know are standing on food once just trying to be able to sustain themselves so for me i think it was the fact that she pointed to the facts uh the reality that she drew a very stark contrast between why a biden harris presidency is what we need now versus more of what we currently have um she is brilliant she is credentialed um but like you sort of alluded to she is still a sister and she you know you watched her face i'm an applied behavior analyst by training and so watching body language and things like that is always fascinating to me so you know he is um you know better behaved for all intents and purposes than a trump but for her to be able to sit there with him telling bold faced lies repeatedly um and save them with such conviction that you know if you didn't know any better you would believe them i think that you know there were times when she had to laugh at them because it was just like are we talking about the same thing i mean he said her eyes you know with such conviction so for me i think it was really her making the case for why she should become uh madam vice president that that was my key takeaway for tonight indeed and the the ways that she had to keep reminding him that i will not sit here and be lectured by the likes of you sir right you have no qualifications to lecture me i want to bring in terry cam uh carmichael jackson thank you so much for being with us terry now you're with the wnba players association so first things first i want to thank you for your leadership because we've seen the wnba has led so many important conversations about black women and politics in this in this political moment and i have to i'm just going to take moderators privilege and know that you had a hand in pushing forward some of these important conversations and uplifting uh the life of brianna taylor especially for the wnba so on behalf of black women who are tuning in i think i can rightfully say thank you very much and thank you for joining us i started with asking tiffany and andra what were some of the highlights i mean tiffany walked us through the receipts the receipts on receipts and azure walk through the qualifications of senator harris and really framing uh why she deserved to not only be on that stage but to serve the the american people it's vice president of the united states what were some highlights for you terry well thank you first of all christina and and agile and tiffany for for letting me into this conversation i want to run and jump in and join you all um with some of the thoughts that i had um as as you all have just said she talked about what she came in and talked about the plan from day one and what the response would be to covet which all of us have been wondering and waiting for from this trump administration um and and like ajwa said they they forfeited that right um she came in credentialed um but she also talked about you know just just being so relatable i mean she's she is a sister daughter step mom auntie you know she is all of us and and that really resonated with me and if there's anybody out there who is still undecided they needed to have seen this debate this one were historic for so many reasons that you all have already said this one was key this one talked about the issues um something that really in addition to the response to the pandemic on day one in addition to talking about reducing um student debt um and moving you know um public education for affordable for everybody or free for for those that are coming from households of 125 000 or less i mean she also talked about as a vice president woods he also talked about foreign policy and she broke it down again in a way that was so relatable the way she and joe were talking about it it is about relationships it is about standing with your friends identifying who is loyal who is with you knowing who your advocates are and and keeping them close but what did she say in check you know um she's ready she is ready on day one and i almost need day one i think all of us need day one to be tomorrow tomorrow so here's the thing though ladies because um tiffany started us off really framing it about the role of black women and the role that we have continued to play not just in the democratic party but quite honestly upholding democracy right we are the canaries in the mind we are the ones who have had to explain to constituencies time and time again the dangers that particular people or policies pose to us as black women but also to our communities we do know that we are a very diverse community and we still have some people who are undecided not necessarily undecided between biden and trump but possibly undecided as to whether or not they're going to participate or abstain and so we know that there's a lot of misinformation and disinformation that continues to seep into our communities uh through facebook and other means about senator harris's past record that pence tried to bring up so tiffany i want you to start us off again what was missing from tonight's debate that you want to make sure that our viewers tonight understand so that they can go back and talk to their friends and family members and possibly sorority sisters and co-workers and colleagues uh was there anything that needed to be clarified on your end ladies or something that needs to be expanded or maybe something that just didn't come up in this particular debate that we know still needs to be addressed so that we can motivate our constituencies we can motivate our friends and family members to make sure that they not only turn turnout during this early voting period but if they don't have that option they turn out on november 3rd to make sure that we change the course of this democracy oh my gosh we do not have enough time okay so i want to agree with what terry said uh definitely about folks who may have been undecided last week but should actually get the decision that they want to make watching this last debate let me be very clear um nobody should ever be undecided about the agenda that they have for their communities as a young black woman i am very i'm 31 years old i am very clear about what my community needs and what i'm looking for and the question that i'm gonna ask myself is which ticket at this very moment one is closest to my agenda and two which ticket is movable to get my agenda right this is not about a particular candidate or party and so when i'm talking to my young black people atp as they are organizing 25 000 strong across the country that is our frame of reference because if we just focus on what we fought last week i know why people don't want to like what i'm saying like it's cool so we have to make sure we connect people's personal experiences to the decisions at the ballot box and what i want people to walk away with and your question is to make sure that we fact check on our own we cannot sit and watch the media we cannot sit and watch the debate and expect to receive all the answers for our agenda so what i'm going to do is i want to i want to write down the point that i care most deeply about health care come out senator kamala harris said whoa a woman should be able to choose what she's going to do with her own body and not white men and not one period i want to make sure that education is affordable and accessible for all of my folks in my community i want to make sure that we hold police accountable and defund the police and fund prevention not criminalization i want to go down the list and then i want to go to the websites and i want to read what their plans are going to be i did not hear from pen and awkwardly how they plan to make higher education more accessible and affordable for anybody when i was in college it increased student tuition 32 percent and i still have student loans pay off right now i did not hear the next plan for the stimulus round right we know that the congress has taken a break and president uh trump has said that he does not want to talk about it until he gets reelected so if we really want to talk about low-income families and families that have been laid off during the pandemic we have to focus on how are we going to stimulate the economy and the only way i'm going to be able to get that and double click it for my reference is by going online and researching it myself so people should walk away from the debates with a with a better understanding of what that agenda is and how the candidates match up to it but we all walk into our communities knock on doors the nbap is texting millions of people we're making phone calls to millions of people we're sending letters in the mail to millions of people to make sure that they have what they need you can visit vote.org to check your status to register to vote fill out the census it is up to us to make things that it's up to us especially black women who have always done it to make sure that our communities are in good standing before november 3rd thank you and i want to repeat that i want to repeat vote.org is where people should go to check their registration status and get the information they need to know terry give me one second because i want to i want to pull audrey in as a strategist and and answer that question we have limited time i also want to point to this is my grand my late grandfather's naacp card that i did not know who's the member of the industry i just want to shout that out that is a framed card of the naacp from the state of florida so audra and terry though what what was there anything that was missing that needed to be expanded that we want to make sure people have the tools for them when when folks are still undecided in one way or the other terry you you said you you seemed like you had something you wanted to share what should we say yeah i just wanted to jump in real quick because my connection to this conversation i'm here in my personal capacity but as you mentioned i am the executive director of the union that represents the wnba players who are going to be working in partnership with the information committee to create more of those videos to put that really good messaging good information out there in targeted ways to targeted communities around the country one thing that i but i think i wanted to hear more of and she tried she tried to get it in there um but the moderator was really sticking close to that time would hear more about the uh background as the prosecutor um because they're trying to come out here you know from this or come out the ticket from you know there's they're they're about law and water and you know biden and harris were going to let the cities you know kind of run loose and run rampant but you know what she's a prosecutor that understands law and order she understands about police reform and something like that we talked about defunding the police i really want to educate the voters about what that means and what we're talking about what the reforms are when we were talking about the say her name campaign during the season and talking about on briana taylor we were talking about warren and we were talking about uh we were talking about body cam so those are all the reforms that i wish she could have talked about or had the opportunity to talk about more but that's what i think about what you represent because when we say defund the belief let's really make it an informed conversation about what those policy initiatives look like and i know we're short on time um so thank you terry i really appreciate that what what are some takeaways and and possibly gaps that you want to fill in these last three minutes or so so i think she did a brilliant job of weaving in so much um and i think my other two uh fellow panel uh steam panelists touched on many of those issues i want to take it back to kovit she said whatever they are claiming to do hasn't worked so they keep talking about these plans that they have and things that they're going to do and you've had a chance to do them and what you've done so far hasn't worked so i think that should really made a very strong case for what a biden and harris administration um would do in terms of moving us forward and getting us out of this pandemic the pandemic has disproportionately impacted black and brown folks for me that is critically important for us to get back to any semblance of normalcy we can't have uh for example a healthy economy if we have a sick workforce so her really you know pointing to the stark contrast between how they have mishandled mismanaged and completely disregarded in some cases including knowing about the pandemic and how deadly it was prior to you know acknowledging it i think that was a really critical point and so we desperately desperately need an administration that is not anti-science and will actually allow the science to dictate how we move forward ladies uh i wish we had more time i want to thank you all so much for joining me and and educating our our our viewers this evening uh for those of you who don't have a voting plan i beg of you please come up with one for yourself your family members your friends your colleagues go to vote.org if you're still confused about your voting status to make sure you're registered make sure if you have an early voting option to exercise that option if you don't november 3rd that is tuesday november 3rd is the day of the election but voting is going on in states across the country right now so thank you all so much stay safe uh please just stay healthy and thank you all so much for the work that you do i appreciate you dr avis i'm going to turn it over to you all right now did i not promise a fire panel that was a fire panel thank you so much dr greer amazing amazing panel and we have more coming up you know what we have brilliance on overload because in the second panel we have your boy roland martin who you know is going to bring the funk and so i'm excited to hear what roland's panels take will be on this historic historic evening and this debate so with that said i'm going to introduce the amazing roland martin and he will introduce his panelists and get this party started hey roland [Music] uh oh you seem to be check your audio let's see here well i'm sure that they're going to get his audio fixed in just a second while they are working on that let's just carry on with the discussion for a second so i have to say this particular night was amazing and as was mentioned in the previous panel all right there we go we got it well actually what we did so let's just do this here i had this microphone here um uh so let me turn take this one off for some reason it's not picking up a microphone on my black magic but that's why i got a backup uh so i'm not gonna ask what your black magic is rolling atm black magic switcher so that allows us to uh uh allows us for us to be able to uh to broadcast not quite sure why uh that uh breaking up little picture there but we all good let me just give me a second all right no worries microphone uh so we got that uh all the folks uh who are watching on instagram y'all need to go to the page my facebook page for our post analysis are we about to break this thing down uh would you talk a idi as well as with natasha brown with black voters matter are they there avis they they should be there i think we're waiting just on latasha so let's just have a few minutes of a conversation as you're getting sort of wrapped up and we're getting everybody straight there let's talk a little bit more about what we heard from the first panel and what we saw this evening of course we saw a mike pence that was ditching and dodging and as was mentioned in that previous panel lying as smooth as silk but i am so proud of the way that uh senator harris comported herself in that situation let's just say uh the unspoken truth here uh you know she would be judged from a different lens she is uh projecting us a image that we've never seen in this nation we know that misogyny exists we know that racism exists so she in all you know reality doesn't have the same latitude perhaps of someone who was a different gender and a gender different race might have in terms of expressing exasperation so she comported herself with dignity the entire time uh she definitely made clear uh that she was speaking which i love that we saw that look i'm sure that all of us have seen that look at some point in our lives but it was it was she demanded respect but she did so in a way uh in which i think that she would still be someone that the nation could see in the role of president and i would just like to sort of add on in terms of that very last discussion that you know in terms of her going through her litany of very very huge qualifications once again i think it's something that it's unfortunate that uh she had to do that but i do think she had to do it because a lot of people may not know about her background number one uh and as much detail as she was able to share tonight but secondly let's also just be very real uh this would be historic to have a vice a president that is a black woman who is literally just one heartbeat away from the presidency so as this nation makes a decision about casting their vote they are doing so knowing that at any moment with a biden harris ticket we might in fact see a transfer of power to a black woman and so uh she had to take that moment i believe to go ahead and make known that yes she is more than qualified to step into that role at any given moment and shine and with that i think we are ready to transfer back to roland so that we can get this second panel started if i'm not mistaken i'm hoping that everything is working over there with the audio yeah i'm good i'm good perfect all right so let's let's get the party started for the second panel all right so appreciate it thank you so very much again we've got uh our folks uh who are ready uh to share with you already have a conversation uh latasha brown she is the co-founder of black voters matter uh she's been traveling all across the country uh and so they've been handling their business uh reaching out talking to voters trying to get them focused and motivated getting to the polls also uh i mess with her all the time with her uh with her name uh joe taka yeah y'all call her joe take it i mess with her uh she's from south carolina uh she's a little upset because my texas a m ag is used to beating the hell out of her gamecock so she's a little sore with me uh so she'll get over it they're gonna be lose again this year she's the founder and ceo of full circle of strategies alright folks let's get right into it uh before i give my perspective on tonight's debate what do you what do y'all think about uh what took place tonight vice presidential debate in salt lake city utah between uh vice president mike pence and senator kamala harris it was something to behold to be honest i'm so frustrated i'm frustrated and i don't know why because i should have expected that you know it is a shame that we can't have a real honest conversation around real issues you know pence came out the very first thing that came out of his mouth was a lie he came to this debate disingenuous i felt like there was a lot of things that he did that i was very that was very upsetting one every single question he went over time he did exactly the same thing that trump did it he just did it nicer right he he was just calm but he took more time he kept mansplaining to kamla harris and then on top of that he continued to even really be able to be disrespectful i felt like it was the quintessential example of how white male privilege operates in this country i would absolutely have to agree with my sister latasha as i watched tonight over and over again he just kept going over his time he tried to mansplain i mean he even tried to tell her about her own record and you know over and over again you know he did not give her the adequate time and i think it is evident of what black women have to face in this country all too often and i think though although and despite everything that she faced tonight in his utter disrespect all the lies that he shared i thought she was strong she was very strong she made a very clear case to the contrast of what a biden harris administration will do as it relates to the coronavirus and covent she made it very clear that there's been a lot at stake 210 000 lives i heard that over and over again and as someone who has had family members in the hospital who have been struck with covet i i heard her loud and clear and i thought she spoke to the american people she was very clear uh she stood her ground she was strong and she made the clear contrast between you know the choice that america has do we want more of this this mismanagement and this mess that we found ourselves in or do we want a better direction all right so here's so let me break this thing down so here's what you have here mike pence did exactly what mike pence was supposed to do mike pence was always going to be smooth he was always going to be even tempered that's who he was always going to be he was always going to sit here and represent uh donald trump in every single way here's what i think the adviser of senator kamala harris said do no harm the vice presidential candidate that's what that particular job is to do no harm to the candidate after what took place last week joe biden got a significant bounce out of that particular debate and so uh people were talking about oh harris is going to wipe him with the floor no because there was no need to actually prosecute it i think if you look at exactly what her what do the coaches say smile a whole lot don't be combative and simply stick to the rules he chose not to stick to the rules you saw her time the executive sort of how she responded uh mike pence again what was his job to do his job was to press and be on the attack of course he was going to sit here and make the lies they had she had to make a decision do i fact check you or do i associate stay focused on my deal i do believe though if that were that there were several moments uh where she could have been a bit more forceful and actually adjudicated herself a differently so for instance uh when he when he talked about you look at the top of the debate she kept coming back to on january 28th y'all said this she said it three times my deal was yo i had the first time in terms of now it's like narrow those answers down and begin to say what what is that we didn't have you didn't have ppe you're lying when it comes to saying that the stockpile was left empty that's not true president barack obama left sixteen thousand ventilators and all of a sudden like boom boom boom you ignore falchi you disregard him you disregard the cdc and so what we didn't hear was saying how they have totally forced the fda to change their rules that was one of those things where you were ahead of the coronal virus task force why is it that you had no control of that particular task force why did jared kushner come in and then cut these deals spending billions of dollars for ventilators that don't even work and so again when you look when you look at what the what their respective roles were pence needed to shore up what the weakness was last week their dylan harris hey we had a great first debate we don't need anybody uh messing that up and yeah susan page was absolutely weak okay susan i did not think we could have a moderator worse than chris wallace but susan page what's worse than chris wallace i'm gonna push back on that because i think that she had good questions i'm gonna push back on that one i actually think susan had good questions i think that part of i agree i think that part i think she had much better questions than chris wallace uh but i think that in in this in this space i think that there's a couple of things too um roland that i disagree with even in terms of commonly saying that you repeat something that's a strategy that even the strategy that even trump uses if we're talking about strategy repetition is actually a strategy to make things stick with folks if you give too much information too many facts too long people won't remember in remember that folks are going to remember that in january this administration knew that this disease this virus was here i actually think that i was effective i think on susan's part while i do think that that she could have been stronger let me say something about white male patriarchy right white male privilege he literally used that he almost bullied her in a sense right literally that i even i even hold the election commission accountable because if you saw this last week there should have been more control to be able to cut off like the literally able to cut off the mic they had it over and over they had it some level she had it i had it here's the deal this is what happened pence kept talking thank you mr vice president thank you mr vice president thank you mr vice president no this is what you say excuse me mr vice president your time is up i am now moving to senate commonwears you agreed to the rules and so therefore i'm going to enforce them she kept going thank you mr vice president and then what she would then do is he would just keep talking and then she would just go okay go ahead i know that's where as the model that you have to say excuse me this is where you say excuse me you have been given your time i've allowed you to finish it is now her time susan didn't want to be firm here's what they do i don't want to sit here it's the vice president no you're the moderator because guess what gwen eiffel would have done that christian welker i think is going to do it maybe that's a black woman thing maybe that's a maybe that's a black thing the sister who moderated that debate between lindsey graham and oh she wasn't playing she was like uh we have time harrison next question she was not playing but let me say this and this isn't let me say this that our engagement of coming up against white patriarchal power is very different from white women counterparts oftentimes and so and so i agree with you you're absolutely right roland she did not control that room in that space right what i what what i my my my challenge and what my fear is is that we're not going to hold because um um because pence showed up with the sheep the wolf and sheep clothing that we're not gonna show up that he was equally as disrespectful and disruptive as trump was that that is a fundamental strategy but here's the difference but here's the difference the difference was tone i'm gonna jump in here excuse me i'm gonna jump in here because my grandmama always said that just because you calm with your lies it doesn't mean that it's still not a lie i mean he sat there over he did not answer questions that's right he deflected and rolling you said that she had an opportunity to prosecute her you don't need to prosecute somebody who's just going to purge it themselves so who sat there and he perjured himself over and over again and so i think that her strategy as latasha shared her strategy was right on she spoke to the american people she reminded us that this administration has failed over and over and over again when she had the opportunity to set the record straight and i think that what was clear what she laid out was that this administration actually has a strategy they have mismanaged they have mismanaged she talked about the jobs that are lost there are 400 000 businesses that are closed because of the result of this administration and their failure on coronavirus and how they dealt with it and he was the head of the task force and he was at a super spreader event in the rose garden of the white house so she made it very clear that their mismanagement has cost us jobs it has cost us lives and she also talked about health care she talked about uh the supreme court and how let's see behold stay on health care even on particular health care you're absolutely right she brought that up but again this is what i was looking for this is what i was looking for i was waiting for her to say um where's your plan where's the deal you keep saying you're gonna have one you're gonna have one supposed to have two weeks ago three weeks ago two months ago six months ago where's the plan he said we have this particular plan no one said where's your plan but when he hit on the supreme court when he pressed her on answering by court packing i was like say it please i was hoping for she was gonna say i'm sorry you haven't actually answered one question as soon as i asked you tonight so you're demanding an answer from me see that that that's one of the that that's one of those from a debate standpoint it's kind of like boom it was like it was like it's one of those snappy comebacks that's not deep what i think that wait a minute roland i actually think she her might drop moment that she can't use his words against him when he talked about are you in favor of packing the courts when it came back to her what she said was abraham lincoln since we're talking about packing the courts let's talk about how all of these judges have been placed by the administration and not one being black that was her might drop moment i think that he came back but when he came back with you still won't answer my question i was sitting there saying hit his ass with and you haven't answered most of her questions tonight sometimes i think sometimes you know roland you don't have to say what is obvious and i think that what senator carmilla harris did tonight is i didn't think she had to overstate what was clearly obvious yes there were points where you know of course he he broke all the rules tonight but she was very clear i thought her answer when he talked about packing the court this is an administration and a president who wants to put on whole coronavirus relief in order to push in the supreme court justice that they put forth that just packed the court and she talked about how they have systematically packed the court these federal benches these lifetime appointments not one black judge and and everything that she talked about was very clear and concise i thought she answered the question well and that she actually showed the conference there was one another moment where i was i tweeted this when when he hit her on her record he threw something out when he said you didn't lift the finger on the first step act now look i have been yelling this from the rafters and i don't understand what democrats are doing the first step act was passed by the house democrats congressman hakeem jeffries the bill was strengthened in the senate because of cory booker because of senator kamala harris because of dick durbin and republican chuck grassley if you look at him that's why he kept bringing up this this about black men because republicans want to get anywhere they think they can get 20 of black men that was a moment and i had with jefferson on my show tonight and i said congressman i don't understand why are y'all not taking credit for the work you did on a four-step act and letting them run with that and then of course when he said oh you know tim tim scott's field and where and that's where it's kind of like i'm sorry i said bring it to the committee but the thing that's what i thought i i thought when he hit when he mentioned that she could have said excuse me the reason the first step act is actually a stronger bill is because of democrats because we said you only want to focus on prison reform and we said it had to be more we put this in the bill this in the bill so don't you dare take credit for the work of democrats again that's what it's an achilles heel for biden and harris they're not taking advantage of the work democrats did on the first step act and they're letting them run scot-free thoughts i think she also i think she did a good job of talking about what this administration would do on day one no i know i want you to answer my question democrats in the first step act see you don't be dumb he trying to pinch me no i'm asking both of y'all if the democrats played a huge role in getting the first f step act why won't they take credit i i hear you i think tonight i don't know if i think that would have been appropriate let me tell you why i think part of what winds up happening let me tell you why i think part of what winds up happening is people will raise what they think pence was trying to raise what agenda item they wanted to get out there like and literally sometimes i thought that that was an attempt to actually pull her into that conversation to literally be able to pull that issue up the truth of the matter is the first step act ain't moving nowhere because the department of justice is actually working against it and so that's a larger more nuance no no no no no no no that's not true first of all no no the federal prison population has declined by 17 as a result of that here's my point that was a moment to say you in your party obstructed president barack obama when it came to criminal justice reform democrats were willing to work with you but y'all were not willing to work with democrats and so please don't you try to sit here and go out here and claim in terms of what you've been able to do and then that's what you could have said and by the way stop trying to take credit for what you did with hbcus you didn't you didn't equalize funding for hbcus and as a hbcu graduate i can talk about that but see again what they've done is that was sort of that moment that moment in a debate you never let your opponent draw you in to a conversation really what they're using on that platform i disagree maybe in a different form in a different context if we wanted to talk about that i think that's fine but i think that for to allow him to set what is going to be the gender topic of what she's going to talk about literally then he's controlling the conversation no no no no you check them you check you don't spend two minutes on it from you're saying what the democrats will do and what you use that space on a weakness they both have a weakness in criminal justice reform this is true you gotta own that and so when you've got a weakness you gotta show up your weakness right but she wasn't in the house roland that wasn't that's not her work no no no no you're wrong she was in the senate when it passed the house and then went to the senate she cory booker dick durbin said this is not a strong enough bill unless you put these things in it we're not going to support it and that's how it got strengthened so again she was in the senate she could take credit for the first step act i'm just saying to help her and buy on the criminal justice reform weakness in their deal you gotta take advantage of something that's sitting right there that's all i'm saying so take her i i i mean i'm gonna say i think that what she focused on was talking about what she and this administration of biden harris administration is going to do on day one and she outlined i thought it was i really want us to definitely talk about the fact and make sure we have time to talk about the fact that this debate did lift up the name of brianna taylor i thought that was a powerful moment to hear a question about brianna taylor whether or not there has been justice i thought that her answer was very strong that brianna taylor what happened to brian brianna taylor was unjustifiable and his answer was one where he just looked and said well i trust uh the grand jury and and really challenged her on this question of the grand jury i thought that she was very strong to push back on on that and to make it very clear what most americans believe that it was a grave injustice to brianna taylor that she does not have justice so i i thought that she was strong there and that was a clear example on when we talked about the justice issues where he failed he that he was very clear about his position his position you weren't playing at he was asked did he think that justice was served his answer was yes yes if we don't hear anything else i don't it doesn't even matter if i don't remember anything else that he said in that discussion the fact that he believed that justice was served when a black woman was laying in her bed and was shot and murdered right and no one was held accountable to that then that in itself tells you about his values and how he values black life that was also that was also a moment again i go back to i hear what you say jotega you say oh something don't have to be said but again what has happened is i believe biden harris overall for me has not been has not nailed him to the wall on several different things she did mention when it came to federal prisons but that was one of those that was one of those moments where where you when one's always say and let's just be my clear mike pence of course you because he kept saying we stand with law enforcement and now and he kept going and i was sitting like please say it please say i was hoping her to say and yes and y'all ref and y'all are pulling back on police consent degrees because you don't want to hold police accountable you don't want to hold them accountable for what happened to philando castile and what happened to uh what what happened to ayano jones and what happened to see it was again what what pence's whole deal was we're going to stand with law and order you're with those other people out there as opposed to saying you should be standing with the people who are being impacted and the people and how taxpayers are out here spending billions of dollars on police settlements and you say nothing and do nothing and i i really thought when they got to the whole deal about when he mentioned um uh the confederate monuments or i was like i was hoping she was gonna say and who are the people who are fighting to keep those monuments up you and donald trump who is fighting to keep the confederate flag up you and donald trump you tell me whose side y'all [Applause] punched when he went i want you on one hand though let me tell you where where i think the the the um this male power is coming in you hold it at two different standards now you started off saying that the first thing that they have to do is literally create like have no harm right by the end of this conversation no no no no no no no no no no no hold on hold on no no no let me correct you no no no no no let me correct you what i don't know let me correct you what i said was this is how the body camp was thinking i ain't saying how rolling was thinking oh okay i got you yo no no no let me be real clear why not for that no i was real clear i ain't signed up for that i was like whoop his ass so the deal that the body camp again how they think do this do no harm smile all those different things you know don't get combative because you know i i know somebody said let's not be an angry black woman to the americans you know that's real you know that's real rolling i know that's real all i'm saying is i just thought there were several moments when he said something i was like hopefully just like okay back swap go back i ain't saying you gotta go 45 seconds okay just what come on back go ahead you'll take them left but can we i don't need to be paid can we please talk about the fly though i mean we talk about the flag i was like literally i saw the fly i was saying myself i was doing i was uh commentary and i was thinking myself like god don't like ugly god and flies love to sit on some mess they love to sit on some mess and that's what writes with it what runners with flies lies that's where you coming into this whole deal you understand what you got you look at what the overall straight of the campaign look she's not the nominee her job is there is to support joe support joe support joe when they brought up the green you know the green new deal boom she stick and move stick and move she like when getting into that that's what your your particular job is and so i think she wants to drink her up tonight i believe and it was before black women as a black woman from the south to see a black woman on that debate stage she came out there strong i believe that despite him just doing what often happens to black women rail rolling conversation rolling over the the moderator speaking over everyone taking all the time she was strong it was powerful i'm proud that my little haley may and and my little paisley in south carolina can watch television tomorrow because yes did your ass just say haley may [Applause] when she said my little hailey may that's right little black girls everywhere this moment they will see this it will stand the test of time they will see that a black woman came out she was strong she was on her on the facts uh and they'll and they will see that she made a very clear case to the american public of why not only she deserves to be on this ticket but why she is strong and why she is uh the perfect governing partner with vice president joe biden let's let's talk about well roland i just want to say briefly that i do think that she did a real she did well she had a a nice landing around is when she came out and started giving the facts around covert 19 how the administration had covered 19. i thought she was very clear and very it was very like these are the facts bam bam bam bam and this is what you all didn't do bam bam bam yeah because look here's the deal bottom line is you lay that out the reality is you look at the polling data uh americans increasingly increasing number are not trusting donald trump and mike pence and and the reality is what we're also seeing and it's just look it's in the numbers i mean but you know look got afraid ball don't lie uh an increasing number of white voters our older voters are shifting over to uh the biden campaign when she talked about uh what she when she did mention about i did i did think it was great when she mentioned uh the point about voter suppression that was critically important because that is part of the republican strategy uh as well uh and again just quickly that she did a really good job when she talked about that they lost the trade war i thought that was a great point as well right the only thing the only thing just with a little nitpick the only thing i was hoping she would have said in that point when she said we lost the trade war what she said lean in pence how much higher is the trade deficit today it just hit an all-time high so i thought y'all said it was going to be lower i thought you said you were gonna you wouldn't lower the trade deficit it hasn't happened you all failed a very good point she talked about jobs the number of jobs no no no i got you but here's a deal here's my whole point here's the deal when somebody says we've lost jobs first of all that that's that's that's like a phrase that can be seen anyway when you say the trade deficit is now 67 trillion whatever hell it is y'all said it was supposed to be lore it isn't y'all failed you lost the war oh what she did listen what she said what she said roland immediately after that is that we've lost 300 000 manufacturing jobs if i want to use time within no listen in the american public i'm not talking about political wants i'm saying if regular folks are looking at it understanding what the trade deficit is most folks don't understand that right but people understand the loss of 300 000 jobs but they also understand a big old number like 67 billion natasha's from the south i'm from the south too so are you talking about [Music] that speaks to the heart of america that speaks to everyday americans who are at home watching this they know that they feel that because it is their jobs yes it's important to talk about you know the trade deficit and all of those numbers but what we have is america and she's going to america here's my whole point my man joe madison has a phrase when he says you gotta put it where the goats can get it and all i'm saying is i'm not saying you go into a dissertation on the trade deficit what you simply say is the trade deficit now is at its highest it's been in 30 years and y'all said that was not going to be the case vice president pence you and trump failed america maybe a good point but the truth of the matter is 300 000 jobs that's going to perk up people's attention far greater than when you're staying the trade deficit follow me here you you go back and here's my deal here's my deal for instance when she said farmers have have uh have lost their jobs and again this is why we analyze debates i'm also about being rapid fire specific wisconsin dairy farmers have been filing bankruptcy iowa soybean farmers have been filing bankruptcy ohio farmers have been filing bankruptcy y'all have failed the people of ohio of wisconsin michigan iowa guess what all battleground states that's all i'm saying if versus saying 300 000 jobs now i'm just saying be a little more specific boom i mean 300 000 is kind of specific no it's not no it's not i'm telling you if i'm if i'm debating you i'm not with your ass with dairy farmers in wisconsin yeah enjoy being farmers in iowa see now for sudden you like this this is what i want to see huh you might be right rolling you were trying to just win a debate this is that's not what today was for that's not even what american i know we have to go but i believe that tonight kamala harris won the debate how long hold up i'm 35. we were strong with black women trust black women all day rolling got his he got his debate done tonight he's ready you know i'm ready to swing like i'm from the south i'm from texas look i'm all about hitting your ass with rapid fire facts but all you love i i i need y'all to stop only talking about roe v wade and the affordable care act when it comes to supreme court damn it y'all gotta mention voting rights you've gotta make that as the third major pillar of your argument against the conservative supreme court that's i got a problem with that when they only say affordable care act is on the agenda of robbie wade is on damn it vote rights is on the supreme court has picked up the case out of arizona where they could invalidate section two they've already done section four all i'm saying is i need them not to leave voting rights and civil rights out of their argument against the supreme court that's just that's my thought absolutely you have no argument with me on that yes voting rights is absolutely important i think that this administration i believe that this this this party is going to continue to talk about it and and they should talk about it more right absolutely and that and we've got to really be able to lift up and say what this sister had a job to do and she did it that she came tonight she did not create any harm for our candidate she actually i think she represented the platform well she came with facts she did not get it's really interesting even though her time even though i think that she was treated unfairly she didn't get you didn't see her be shuffled you didn't see her literally be unsettled she was very focused she was very calm and she stood around all the sister can do let me go ahead and say that but she came and she was she was great tonight and again it was a historic night she was strong i believe that if america did not know senator conley harris before tonight i believe they have a better understanding of who she is and i think that after tonight there's no question about her leadership and her ability to lead on day one let me let me say this here again and i just want to help some folk out the point of this show is post debate analysis which means we talk about what should have been brought up what could have been brought up praying like that this ain't about to sit here and just make it a common language everything was wonderful it's called the post-debate analysis show so stop sending me text messages wait a minute listen listen don't blame what we saying as we're saying that she claimed to have a job we're clear about what a debate is right we're clear about what the the framework of this debate was about you know as well we do and well i'm sorry i was just going to write that one from the pieces that i think that roman reigns i think are great i think it's a question around the forum i think it's a question around what was responsible today so because roland ain't gonna sit over there and act like if she wasn't pushing him in the face if the headlines tomorrow wasn't gonna be an angry black woman like you're not gonna sit up there and add like had certain kind of way that the whole focus would have been on her like it has been on on previous debates so we're going to be honest about the what what we are working in the confines in some ways of a racist sexist political framework and i can knock you in your mouth and smile to be a black woman in america i can't knock you in your mouth and smile the most disrespected person is a black woman and she did that tonight and she still held her ground and she still represented and i believe you know i think if you ask america tonight you know who won that debate who they resonated with i believe they will say senator copeland harris i have had some black women knock folk the hell out smiling i think she heard that a couple of times so don't act like you then don't act like she didn't bring some fire now she brought she got she got spicy a couple of times don't eat the deal if this was like this was she got spiced it was like a two-piece spicy i was looking for a family pack spike oh my goodness well you're gonna try to go to popeyes uh baby churches ain't even in this conversation turkey don't even though all i'm saying all i'm just saying is i like it a little spicier that's just roll like because i'ma tell you if y'all go back joe biden was real spicy in that vp debate against paul ryan in 2012. but once again after he heard debate against joe biden she was spicy and what happened they dragged her so we're gonna be honest about the road yeah but that was also that's also the case when you're on stage with 48 people yes the case where you're on stage with white folks right now that is using his male privilege we saw it in action tonight rowling where shooting the efforts that he got so let's be honest about what we're what we were working with and that's why i told you and over again tonight roland thank you mr vice president thank you that's why i told you i i need susan page to sit here and stop saying thank you mr vice president thank you mr vice president thank you mr vice president i need her to say excuse me you are done time is up i i will put a hundred dollars i will put a hundred dollars on the table right now christian welcome ain't gonna do that now christian don't make me lose no damn money well you guys i guess we got an extra treat tonight we not only witnessed one debate we witnessed two debates hey look hey we got to keep everybody awake uh and it's great uh we got more than uh 8 000 people watching right now uh and i can tell y'all there are some other platforms that are much larger and they got a couple hundred people so we kept it spicy in our post debate analysis and so uh i appreciate it uh joteka latasha uh first of all we're gonna do first of all how much ava they told me we had until midnight well i was po at 11 30 so about by my agenda we're like about 12 minutes late we're on you know vp time oh okay we'll see it was look i since i'm still moderating uh let's do this latasha uh i'm gonna be real black like a lot of these preachers uh i ain't gonna let your stinging ass sit here and just run your mouth all night uh you're gonna have to uh leave black people uh with some sort of uh inspirational song uh it ain't gonna be no a and b selection so gone ahead in the words let the lord use you let the lord use it you know what if we don't need to hear anything else this song is what we need to hear ain't gonna let nobody turn me around turn me around turn me around ain't gonna let nobody turn me around i'm gonna keep on walking keep on talking marching up to freedom land this is the moment if ever in the history of this country where we don't need to let anything or anybody turn us around we are literally up against um fascism we are up against racism when you tell your voice to stand by and stand back and you're talking to the proud boys you've got to go so i'm just hoping that people that are listening to this that we listen we analyze the debate but if you do anything else you need to get yourself to the polls as roland will say get your butt to the polls but i say take 10 to win come on make a vote plan make sure that you know that i cannot stress again i say this all the time look at your neighbor if you're in the house with somebody look at somebody and say power power because this is about power this fight voter suppression is about suppressing our power so if you don't have a vote plan make a vote plan request your absentee ballot request your mailing ballot go to vote.org you can go to www.naacp.org you can go to blackvotersmatterfund.org you can go to so many websites the thing that we have to do as a people is make sure that we vote and i don't want to be cliche but i want to call in you know my fellow south carolinian uh reverend jesse jackson he said that a voteless people is a hopeless people so we have to make sure that we are out here voting and that we're taking people to the polls because there is so much at stake there is literally life is on the line so make a vote plan and vote my friends my final work latasha go ahead yo tech i just left your state south carolina let me tell you black folks in south carolina are fired up we on early voting they were out there in in numbers and so i'm just saying that there's an energy out here y'all like our people know what time it is we just got to do what we need to do and show up all right i'm a close with this i read this on the show tonight and i need y'all to understand why we keep telling you to go to vote.org and go to iwillvote.com to double check your registration i have been hammering this for months because we've seen voter purging taking place all across the country i literally got this email today at 4 47 p.m i'm not gonna get a brother's name but this is what he sent me uncle roro i just wanted to let you know how thankful i am for you enlightening the community about staying vigilant during this election season and checking our voter status because of you just one month ago i checked my voter status online and my status showed that i was a registered voter due to all of the shenanigans by these devils trying to suppress our votes around the country i decided on yesterday to check my status again to my surprise the message indicated that i was not a registered voter he said today in missouri is the last day to register so i got my ass up this morning and drove to the saint louis board of election office because the bastards were not answering their phone and i raised hell about my election status after a few choice words with one of the workers there and after the excuse she gave me as to why my voter status had been changed i was able to correct it i shudder to think what a betrayal it would be to my black family in this country if my vote did not count because i did not know my status there is no way in hell i would miss voting in this election to get this known crazy ass hateful racist out of the white house y'all i'm reading verbatim i'm in tears today i cannot thank you enough for your diligence in challenging your audience on your show to check our voter status voter suppression is real please keep warning the people people's failure to vote in this election is a slap in the face of every black person around the world thank you uncle railroad because of you my vote will count he's from saint louis i've had i've had brothers from houston arizona north carolina send me similar emails so i need y'all to go to vote.org i will vote.com check your registration do not assume you're registered you may have been purged that's right that brother that's what he did and so that's my final point don't assume because they are trying to steal the election you don't let them and that's why we got to do we got to do and shut up and vote that's right that's very true absolutely well you know what that is a great note to end this on it's nothing better than to say vote i mean that's the best last word so thank you so much for our amazing second panel this has been an amazing night of post-mate analysis roland and everyone else absolutely but before we get out of here we need to thank our amazing partners because as i said before black media matters black organizations matter and so thank you to the griot thank you to blabbity thank you to revolt tv thank you to roland martin unfiltered thank you to lunch table and of course thank you to sisters lead sisters vote for doing the work of amassing the amazing brilliance that you brought together for tonight's analysis listen we're going to take that charge that we were given a few minutes ago and put it into action vote vote early make sure your vote counts because let me tell you if it didn't they wouldn't be doing everything they're doing trying to take away from you okay go vote and have a wonderful evening
Channel: Roland S. Martin
Views: 10,881
Rating: 4.6727271 out of 5
Id: Iz88Q9vvJsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 8sec (4328 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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