MAGA Congressman Matt Gaetz Snubbed by Trump Amid Growing Scandals: A Closer Look

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Argument from silence, maybe.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/droidpat 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
-The House Ethics Committee has opened an investigation into Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz and now Gaetz has reportedly been snubbed by his political idol, former President Donald Trump. For more on this, it's time for "A Closer Look." ♪♪ Without Donald Trump as their standard bearer and with Joe Biden getting high marks in polls on everything from the economy to his infrastructure bill, to his COVID response, we're starting to get a picture of what, if anything, the post-Trump GOP stands for -- from the Arkansas state legislature passing a cruel and horrific law banning gender-affirming medical care to Georgia, Texas, and several other GOP-controlled states passing Draconian new voter suppression laws, based on the lie that the 2020 election was somehow stolen from Trump. And, by the way, just as a side note to conservative pundits, it's not like a gotcha to point out that you need ID to fly on an airplane or pick up your tickets from a will call booth at a baseball game, since those are not constitutional rights. There's no Twenty-eighth Amendment guaranteeing the right to pee in a trough at a Mets game next to a guy bragging how he once met Wally Backman at a Denny's in Las Vegas. [ New York accent ] Refused to take a picture with me. Told me to go to hell. Threw a plate of waffles at me. That's the kind of attitude we need on this team right now! Get some run support for deGrom! [ Laughter ] Turns out that wasn't a COVID issue. [ Laughter ] These voter suppression laws have been motivated by the lie that there was widespread fraud in the 2020 election, which there was not. One of the biggest purveyors of that lie has been Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz. You know, the guy who looks like he was drawn by Picasso. I mean, it'd be impossible to even draw a political cartoon about Matt Gaetz because Matt Gaetz already looks like a political cartoon. "I don't know. I guess I'll make his head look, uh, smaller?" I mean, look at that thing. Based on that noggin, you'd expect his mouth to move like a "South Park" character. -Oh, hamburgers! [ Laughter ] -By the way, he'd be a good substitutive if Mr. Met ever calls in sick. Gaetz repeatedly claimed there was fraud, even after admitting he didn't have any proof and that the Trump campaign couldn't produce any proof. -I think the Department of Justice has a lot of egg on their face for having not discovered a lot of this fraud as it was occurring. David, as you know, this is very hard to find, prove, and obtain relief on after the fact because so many of the ballots get commingled. -So, according to Gaetz, the fact that you can't prove there was fraud proves there was fraud. That's the same argument your college roommate made to prove aliens built the pyramids. [ Stoner voice ] If aliens are advanced enough to build pyramids then they'd also be advanced enough to make sure they don't leave any proof that they built the pyramids. So, if there's no proof aliens built the pyramids, then that means aliens built the pyramids. Krrkkhh! [ Laughter ] Or not. [ Laughter ] Gaetz has been on the vanguard of Trumpism. He's been one of the former president's most loyal defenders and one of the strongest advocates of turning the GOP into a megaphone for Trumpism by embracing, among other things, wild conspiracy theories about everything from the election to COVID, to the January 6th insurrection. For example, you might remember that, on that day, as soon as members returned to the House floor, Gaetz cited a debunked rumor that the mob was actually full of antifa activists. -The Washington Times has just reported some pretty compelling evidence from a facial recognition company, showing that some of the people who breached the Capitol today were not Trump supporters. They were masquerading as Trump supporters -[ Shouting ] -and, in fact, were members of the violent terrorist group antifa. -Alright, first of all, you'd think Matt Gaetz, of all people, would learn not to trust facial recognition software, since it would probably recognize his face as a Terry Gilliam animation or a brick with a face drawn on it. Matt Gaetz shouldn't be in Congress. He should be in the waiting room from "Beetlejuice." If you ran Gaetz through facial recognition software, the computer would probably think it was a Tom Cruise Pez dispenser. He's got a weird head, you guys. [ Laughter ] Gaetz was such an avid defender of the former president, Gaetz even said he'd quit his job to go defend Trump in the Senate. -Would you resign, in order to defend the president the way that you want to defend him? -I love my district. I love representing them. But I view this cancelation of the Trump presidency and the Trump movement as one of the major risks to my people, both in my district and all throughout this great country. Absolutely. If the president called me and wanted me to go defend him on the floor of the Senate, that would be the top priority in my life. I would leave my House seat. I would leave my home. I would do anything I had to do. -Captures the state of the modern GOP so perfectly that Gaetz thinks the best way to defend his party is to stop being a congressman and just join Trump's legal team -- a pillow, turtleneck, and Giuliani. [ As Gaetz ] If I could, I would deliver a way too loud speech filled with misinformation and poor syntax, but, alas, me only congressman. And why leave your home? [ As Gaetz ] I'd leave my job, my home. I'd shed my clothes and roam the forest, subsisting on grubs and berries, navigated by starlight, until I reached the floor of the Senate, and then, I would defend the president with a series of grunts and chest thumps. I mean, you'd really do all that to defend Donald Trump? I mean, how can I get loyalty like that? I once got accused of stealing a muffin from the NBC commissary and, when I asked Wally to vouch for me, he said, "I've never seen that man before." -You were wearing a mask! -It's been over a year! Learn what the top half of my face looks like. -Uh. -[ Mumbles mockingly ] [ Laughter ] That's how -- [ Mutters ] [ Laughter ] That's how devoted Gaetz has been, not just to Trumpism, as an ideological project, but to the man himself and, now that Gaetz is facing a federal investigation and House ethics probe into, among other things, alleged sex trafficking with his... ...Gaetz has been snubbed by his political idol. -The House Ethics Committee has just announced it's launching a formal investigation into the embattled Florida Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz. -The accusations are stacking up. The Daily Beast now reporting that Gaetz sent two late night Venmo transactions in May 2018 for $900 to his friend Joel Greenberg, a former Seminole County, Florida, tax collector and accused sex offender. -Sources tell CNN that embattled Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz was recently denied a meeting with former President Trump at Mar-a-Lago. Aides reportedly told Mr. Trump not to publicly "stick his neck out" to defend Gaetz, who is being investigated now by the Department of Justice for sex trafficking. -Well, in fairness, I'm not sure Trump has a neck to stick out. His head is more like a third shoulder. There's a good chance that, during one of his helicopter-adjacent press conferences, the propeller lopped his head off and they had to sew it back onto his torso on the taxpayer's dime! [ As Trump ] Took me to Walter Reed. They got the best neck guy. What a harrowing ride in the helicopter. Same helicopter. [ Laughter ] And I'm just sitting there. The team of doctors looking at my body, another one holding my head in the crook of his arm. [ Laughter ] And I'm watching the whole thing. And I'm thinking, "Goodbye to that body." [ Laughter ] And, right before I passed out... [ Laughter ] ...I'll never forget the last thing I said. I said, "Cut the head off Eric's and give me his body." [ Laughter ] Regeneron! They use Regeneron, an amazing -- an amazing drug. It comes in a pill or a glue. [ Laughter ] They just sort of caulk it onto your body, put the head back on. Doctor said to me, "Sir..." [ Laughter ] "...we couldn't believe that the blade went through your skin." Toughest skin they've ever seen. [ Laughter ] Rich, they said, like rich Corinthian leather. [ Laughter ] Ricardo Montalban. [ Laughter ] Bad guy, mean guy. [ Laughter ] That is -- [ Laughs ] [ Laughter ] That is -- Nice to me, though. You guys, of course Trump is refusing to meet with one of his most loyal defenders, now that Gaetz is in legal trouble. Haven't these guys learned anything? Trump will never return the loyalty you show him, ever. That's why he's never had a dog. If Trump played fetch with a golden retriever, the first time he brought back the tennis ball, Trump would present the dog with a bill. So Trump's dodging Gaetz, after Gaetz spent years parroting Trump's most unhinged lies. Next thing you know, Trump's going to start acting like he doesn't even know Matt Gaetz's name. -"It was Trump's fault." It's always Trump's fault. Can it ever be like Rick Gaetz's fault? [ Laughter ] I mean -- It's always Trump's fault, Rick. Every single guy, even if they hated me, they'd all contribute. But, Rick, you understand that I don't want to make those calls. -In fairness, he definitely looks more like a Rick than a Matt, although I'm guessing Trump just calls everyone Rick, if he forgets their name. I mean, he lives in Florida, so it probably works about 60% of the time. [ As Trump ] And, now, I'd like to introduce the former first lady, my beautiful wife, my best friend, lifelong companion. Rick! [ Laughter ] Rick! Don't be like that. [ Laughter ] Trump's not the only Republican apparently turning his back on Gaetz. Conservatives, in general, including Gaetz's buddies on Fox News, which has... ...have suddenly gone quiet, although part of that may be due to the fact that, even though he's on TV all the damn time, nobody seems to like him much. -Another day, and yet, very little response from his fellow Republicans. -Right. [ Laughs ] Well, it's an open secret that he's not well-liked among Republicans. -He has no one in Congress -- Not no one, but almost no one who really wants to stand with him right now. He has very few defenders. -Gaetz's own aides... -[ Laughs ] -...meaning they didn't even like the guy. -Gaetz was never particularly popular among his House Republican colleagues. -They're probably just jealous that Matt Gaetz is the only elected man in the Republican Party who gives a [bleep] about his clothes. I'm not saying I like his style, but at least he has one. The rest of them look like they buy their suits at... "We're going to hate the way you look, so why bother?" Does this mean even Jim Jordan won't come to Gaetz's aid, the Donkey to his Shrek? I have to say, it's so funny that Republicans are suddenly telling reporters how much they hate Matt Gaetz. They sound like a bunch of mean high schoolers. You can just picture Ted Cruz and Kevin McCarthy gossiping at their lockers in the congressional hallway. [ As McCarthy ] Matt invited me to his house to do whippits in his basement and I said no. [ As Cruz ] Well, I told Matt I couldn't go over to this house after school to check out his pet lizard because I had to comb the lice out of my beard. Now, let's go shake Lindsey Graham upside down. [ As Graham ] Fellas, I don't have any lunch money. Meemaw packs me a pudding and some Lunchables every day and tells me I don't deserve it because I interrupt her while she's flirting with the mailman. He's got other houses to get to, Meemaw! [ Laughter ] One of the last friends Gaetz seemed to have left was this guy, Joel Greenberg, who's been indicted and faces 33 federal charges as part of the investigation that ensnared Gaetz. Greenberg is the former Seminole County tax collector, which is like a job out of Small Town Corruption Mad Libs. If you're the Seminole County tax collector and you get business cards printed up, they automatically add... Of course this dude was corrupt. Look at him. A lawyer in a labor dispute involving a former employee told The New York Times... A statement meant to be hyperbolic, but, when said in the context of the state of Florida, seemed like a thing that might've already happened. I made an intern rewatch that Tiger man thing and, no, he was never a tax collector, but he did run for governor and he did do pretty well. And, by the way, even if he was the actual Tiger King, it would still probably lead them back to Matt Gaetz. [ As Gaetz ] Yes, I Venmo'd Carole Baskin! With the subject line "Husband" and a shovel emoji. So what? That could mean anything. And, if you give me three days, I promise to come up with at least one other possible explanation. Greenberg's been accused of an impressively long and diverse litany of crimes and other inappropriate conduct. According to The Times, he... Okay, first of all, I got my groomsmen tie clips that were engraved with the words "Thank you." So, if you feel the need to get your groomsmen no-show jobs, I mean, you're hushing them up after someone drowned on a fishing trip, right? Also, he had fake IDs in his backpack? Is he a county tax collector or the coolest kid in the eighth grade? Where did they arrest him, outside a liquor store, buying beer for teenagers? But, apparently, Greenberg wasn't Gaetz's only wingman. He was also close with yet another impossibly Floridian character, who's now been implicated in the investigation as well. -CBS News has learned that investigators are scrutinizing a trip Congressman Matt Gaetz took to the Bahamas with this man, Jason Pirozzolo, a marijuana entrepreneur, Orlando hand surgeon, and donor to Gaetz. -My name is Dr. Jason Pirozzolo, with Orlando Hand Surgery Associates. -Multiple sources familiar with the federal probe tells CBS News Pirozzolo and Gaetz traveled to the Bahamas in late 2013 or early 2019 and Pirozzolo... One key question for investigators -- were the women illegally trafficked across state or international lines for the purposes of sex with the congressman? -That's right, Gaetz went to the Bahamas with an Orlando hand surgeon who's also a marijuana entrepreneur. The only way that could be a more perfectly Floridian occupation is if he added owner and operator of fan boat traveling funeral parlor for kids. Also, I'm just curious. When you're in medical school, choosing a specialty, how do you land on hands? Was he high when they asked him? "So, Doctor, what do you want to focus on?" -Krrkkhh! [ Laughter ] Krrkkhh! [ Stoner voice ] I've always liked looking at my hands. Or necks? [ Laughter ] Matt Gaetz was supposed to be one of the leaders of the next generation of Trumpism in the GOP. Now, he's isolated, embattled, and under federal investigation, like so many other members of Trump's inner circle, including, of course, Trump himself. It's emblematic of the state of the modern GOP. Gaetz has denied all the allegations, but who knows? If the feds continue to close in on him, maybe I'll finally make good on his promise. -I would leave my House seat. I would leave my home. -This has been "A Closer Look." ♪♪ God's Love We Deliver cooks and brings over two million meals a year to men, women, and children living with HIV/AIDS, cancer, and other serious illnesses and they need your help, now, more than ever. 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Channel: Late Night with Seth Meyers
Views: 4,048,849
Rating: 4.82091 out of 5
Keywords: Late, Night, with, Seth, Meyers, John Oliver, Chloe Zhao, MAGA, Congressman, Matt Gaetz, Snubbed, Trump, Amid, Growing Scandals, A Closer Look, NBC, NBC TV, television, funny, talk show, comedy, humor, stand-up, parody, snl seth meyers, host, promo, seth, meyers, weekend update, news satire, satire, Joe Biden, Biden, Kamala Harris, Kamala, White House, politics, news, current news, Donald Trump, President, Vice President, House Ethics Committee, current events
Id: jHmG6SfYN6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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