Michael Jai White Details His Conversation with 10 White Guys who Didn't Like Blacks (Part 7)

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and one of the things that was really focused on in that interview with oprah was that uh megan mentioned that one of the royal family members and she wouldn't say who made a comment about being concerned about the baby's skin color like how dark the baby might be because this would be the first biracial royal baby essentially and it's like it's amazing that this kind of stupidity is still keep going this is still going on like this child is is here because of its skin color is that really what you're talking about well you know you got to be old to be still stuck in that kind of kind of thing and i go these people are going to die out and hopefully this that this kind of attitude of because of your skin color you are somewhere lower it should be laughable now it should just be ridiculous there's two there's there's too much proof to where it's it's ridiculous and yeah and you know you know my philosophy is like hey i like to i like to be wrong because every time i'm wrong i learn something right so you i have a pose your issue and you can teach me that i'm missing something i'm all for it like you know like there was a time i you know i think i told you about the time where i was uh talking to a it was about 10 uh white supremacists in a group and i was excited to talk to him because i had never talked to any white supremacists before they were passing out these cards and they you know around a bunch of people they skipped me i'm like what was that about and my white friend was like no you don't want to know i'm like no let me let me check it out turn out there's like this loyal order of where they go i was like oh shoot they were about to get back in their van i was like yo yo i stopped them to talk to them right because i swear like i never met anybody like that right i didn't have no fear behind it because i know they're wrong first of all i already know that it's crazy but i wanted to find out how do grown men wind up spending their time on this much hate and when i got them i tricked them into talking because i was like first they wanted to deny it but i was like how you gonna you know represent yourself and then you don't wanna speak you know speak your piece and they were like okay and they wanted to go head-to-head with me i i you know it was it was cool it was it was cool first of all they learned something that uh we both learned something because i was a little shocked about this because they were like you know hey man you what you you can't tell me that is not more crime in the black communities than white communities and it was talking about how uh you know it's just like you know the death rate and the murder and all that type of stuff and i'm like yeah proportionally like if you're talking about like statistically where we're coming from you know a degradation in slavery and everything else yeah naturally things are gonna you know change but let me let me ask you let me ask you a question i said where is all the hot where's the crime rate highest in the white communities and it's like and as i saw like is that not in the in the trailer parks and the you know the places where is you know low income and you know low you know education you're like yeah and i said well let me ask you another question do you think black rich black people are middle class black people's robin steel they said no i said wait a second please repeat that and he says you know i said you're saying that rich black people do not steal from each other and they're like no i was like i'm serious like it freaked me out because i go well where's your racism because if what you're telling me is that crime is indicated it's it's prevalent in the low income and under-educated communities whether it's white or black that's exactly what you're telling me and silence they're like what are you saying so if you say because if you were truly racist you'd be saying rich black people rob from each other and rob other people because they can't help help because it's in their genetic makeup so these people thought they were holding up this this racial thing when they were just talking about a statistic that nobody could could argue yeah if there are more uh percentage-wise poor black people yeah then and un uneducated per capita because of the history of being you know of course denigrate all that type of stuff well whether you know whether the reasons are not and we could talk about the reasons but you're saying it's social economic and then i ask them a question and sometimes your victory is just in the silence after you ask the question i said all white all black people don't rhyme from each other i said black people rich black people don't rob from each other he said right i said the rich white people rob from each other silence there was this little moment where they went right because he had to think about it not saying not trying to put up a racial argument or whatever but to get this person to think about it for a second that little eye moving from like that was golden but but but the but the true thing is i mean the deeper thing is later on in the conversation i talked about because he you know talked about the whole ratio of the the uh biblical uh like reasons for how you know for slavery like the the justifications for it and i asked him i said okay you're you're talking about you know christ and this and that and jesus and uh how uh what what's what's that i forgot the passage about be uh honor your masters it's some something in that thing i'm like cool cool well i set him up with this i said well what how would you feel if a black person moved in your your neighborhood so no i you know we we wouldn't like that we think people should live in their own neighborhoods i was like okay okay how how about if a middle eastern guy moved in your neighborhood same thing no wouldn't be welcome i said so what you're telling me is a middle eastern guy say from jerusalem comes back and moves in your neighborhood what do you do do you burn the cross in his yard and just making them think about it when i say comes back from jerusalem would you welcome the man that you are you you're literally justifying your prejudice off the teachings of jesus who you wouldn't accept in your community and the silence that came from there that's what you go after for me you get get people to think you don't say you're wrong because you they're never they're never going to hear you you get them to think in another way and they they ended up talking about well you know what about black people well not you but i'm like wait a second no no no no what do you mean not me no no you're not just black you're mixed with something else like wait a minute so you got to because your narrative of what black people are now i i'm no longer me not black because it doesn't go along with because i'm a free thinking person and i'm not intimidated by the way you think and i really want to hear your argument but when i tell you your argument back to you you finally hear it yeah there's a term that i love called cognitive dissonance exactly when you believe something so strongly and suddenly you get a new piece of information that just tears down everything you believed but you don't want to accept that new information you somehow tried to work that into your original right but when you're in some strange type of way yeah but we're like but you're not really black you're mixed right no i'm not oh no yes you are because otherwise my whole argument falls apart so so then i could do that to him on that one too so i'm a white guy you you're right let me take this let me take this makeup off you're right you're right that's all that's all you do it's like you know just like we were talking about okay no no vaccine you're the world's going to be left to you and so that's that's the that's i i think that's just a tool that you can use with for communication it's like okay this is what you're saying okay i just want you to hear it back and that's just a technique that you know has worked for me because i you know like i say i i like to learn so tell me where i'm wrong and i'll be like hey i'll be the first one to tell you hey i was i was off on that one thank you
Channel: djvlad
Views: 1,005,702
Rating: 4.8946648 out of 5
Id: wg3gMvduPf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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