Neighbor says Ohio officer had 'no choice' but to shoot; 'The Five' reacts

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to get another rush to judgment over a deadly police shooting this is a tragedy there's no denying that but democrats in the media racing to politicize an officer killing 16 year old michaela bryant who had a knife in her hand and was lunging at another girl instead of waiting for all the facts the white house said this she was a child we're thinking of her friends and family in the communities that are hurting and grieving her loss we know that police violence just proportionally impacts black and latino people in communities and that black women and girls like black men and boys experience higher rates of police violence and now liberals in the media are trying to downplay the dangers of knife fights former obama white house advisor valerie jarrett tweeting quote a police officer immediately decided to shoot her multiple times in order to break up a knife fight and a cnn guest said this and the question we have to ask ourselves what if it were your daughter what if it were your child what if it were a member of your family your neighbor uh in a uh essentially a teenage fight a schoolyard fight but maybe they should listen to the girl wearing pink who could have been stabbed [Music] she came out at you with a knife earlier no she just that's what the guy that's what the police she came after me with a knife yeah so he got her right well first of all it's not a nice fight when only one person has a knife that's that's a butcher shop all right so juan williams you're an officer you get out of the vehicle you see mayhem there's a guy that's kicking a girl down to the ground and another woman lunging at a a defenseless woman like this with a sharp blade you have seconds to react she doesn't put the knife down when you warn her what does juan williams officer juan williams do to save the lady's life in pink well i guess i would shoot the gun not necessarily at somebody but maybe shoot the gun and maybe you know run at the person and try to disarm them like i don't know i mean so wait wait wait you would shoot the gun in the air like a warning shot not well hopefully to distract or to try to stall or something so i could get or my partner could get the knife away i see is what i was saying well i don't know i mean taking someone's wife is pretty strong i don't either i don't either jesse i mean jesse policing is tough work um but all i'm saying is you know i think i think that that woman with a knife is a danger to society it's certainly a danger to the other person and we want her to stop and be disarmed i just i just also think that killing a human is pretty radical i don't think that's a good thing but what i see overall here you know you asked me what i see i see people now using this ohio case which is messy as you and i just discussed to somehow really try to change the subject you know from what happened in minnesota with the chauvin guilty verdict with the george floyd murder on tape which is right now prompting a lot of eyes to open in america to the idea that really there is a problem with policing that what black people have been saying about police brutality and abuse and lack of accountability for police who engage in that kind of behavior is a real problem in america so i think a lot of people just want to change that conversation by looking at this case whether it's not clear who's in the right and wrong all that we know is you know with some certainty that deadly force had to be used a lot of people are saying gosh you know why do we have to do that every time i don't know greg if people are trying to change the conversation this conversation was thrust upon us by really disgusting headlines that made it look like this was a racial execution and and nbc actually got caught deceptively editing the video to make it look like the girl didn't have a knife and they edited the 911 call again we're back to cleaning up another racially charged story that has been foisted upon us in order to divide us the only time the media is interested in looking at the complexities of this stuff is when they are caught out on it right no one changed the subject no one changed the subject the media embraced this story and they pushed it to the forefront because they thought it was going a certain way and then suddenly when it went another way people started deleting their tweets right but the real out and the fact is juan says these stories are messy we've been saying that every time we have eight or ten of these a year we go these are each one of these cases is so different but it's immediate that is trying to make them sound exactly the same and it's not it is messy but here's the real outrage we have lowered our expectations so much that we deem uh knife fight as an acceptable part of childhood if that is true right we need to examine these childhoods instead instead of making disgusting excuses we saw two narratives collide last night police shooting a suspect which the media obsesses over black on black violence which the media ignores but you can't have the former without the latter police end up at the end of these people's lives because they were called there due to the violence that the media ignores cops end up in situations caused by the problems that are dismissed so they end up there because it's their job to be there at the end and no it's not juan or me that has to rush in and and not make this decision it's that guy he can't ignore it he has to show up and risk everything too if we imagine if we honestly tackled the problems at its roots the piss-poor education the violence mental wellness family structure what if we examine the variables that end up with the police there at the end of a person's life rather than dismiss it as a heart dismissing it as a harmless knife fight or what jen stacky said those are the variables that contribute to this because the more you dismiss the variables that lead to this horrible tragedy the more it keeps coming this is not about a police officer this is about everything everything that led to that moment and if you deny that you are you are propagating this problem you are part of the problem so digging greg makes an excellent point which he does once in a while and that is that if you reduce the number of 9-1-1 calls coming from these communities you're going to reduce the chances of these horrific very messy officer involved shootings isn't that right right and people will die if the police are not there for them i you can look at that video one of two ways that was a police officer saving the life of a young black woman and you know what when the police aren't there people die in another part of ohio earlier this week in cincinnati a 13 year old was stabbed to death by another 13 year old the girl who died naira givens she was stabbed by another who's been charged with murder i'll leave it at that but what's happened with this the left-wing liberal framing of all of this and this is their modus operandi that you get ahead of the actual facts and that you do or ignore them or lie to make sure that you shape the story to the to their narrative at all cost so the narrative is cops are evil this country is racist down with america and then the preferred outcome is that we destroy the nation as exist right now to rebuild it it's a craven power grab ridiculous if it wasn't so insidious but i'll point to the verdict in the derek chauvin trial guilty on all counts justice for george floyd's family certainly but see that pointed to the fact that the justice system is not systemically racist that a cop who oversteps his power and kills another individual will be brought to justice will be sent to prison for the rest of his life but see that didn't fit the left's narrative so they're trying to they tried to change the subject with this uh shooting this police shooting in ohio so what does the left do the tensions are cooling you got to bust out that canister of kerosene you got to keep the lie alive yell louder yeah martha one of the things that i found pretty disturbing was watching a lot of african-american pundits look at this video and basically come to the conclusion that we should just let them stab each other don't get involved you know don't don't try to break it up you know knife fights happen let's just let them slash each other to death it's that was pretty shocking to hear you know i mean as degen just brought up the other case that she talked about i looked up the number today of young people under the age of 18 who have been killed in violent events like this in 2021 there's 441 children that you have you never hear about and al sharpton does not show up for their funeral the white house never talks about them and this police officer intervened in a situation that might have ended like that did you know this is a tragedy obviously this young person lost their life and the bottom line is that we don't know what happened here yet so this is why i don't think anybody should walk to the podium at the white house and make judgments about what happened i'd like to see the kind of responsibility that we used to see when when situations like this were dealt with where you say look we see what's on this video and there's an investigation that's underway and we are keeping an eye on it and we're going to find out we're going to see where it leads we're going to allow them to do this i'm watching to see what happens to a man named ned pettis ned pettis is the columbia safety officer columbus ohio safety officer and he urged everyone not to rush to judgment and we all saw what happened to the city manager in minneapolis who said the same thing who said hold on everybody let's just go through the process let's see what happened in this situation let's go through it play-by-play and he lost his job so i hope ned pettis doesn't lose his job for urging a little bit of circumspect a little bit of caution a little bit of maturity and responsibility when we look at these situations to not rush to judgment everybody that you just showed who's already been talking on tv they all know what happened i guess well they weren't there and they don't know exactly what happened all they know is what they see in that video and there's a lot more to this story to be told yep and we'll follow that as it develops coming up next
Channel: Fox News
Views: 1,980,924
Rating: 4.7475209 out of 5
Keywords: columbus ohio, democrats police, fox news ohio, knife fight, neighbor columbus ohio, ohio shooting, police, black lives matter, officer columbus ohio, 911 columbus ohio, 911 call, dagen mcdowell, dana perino, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news the five, geraldo rivera, greg gutfeld, gutfeld, gutfeld reacts, jesse watters, juan williams, katie pavlich, the five, the five fox news, the five greg gutfeld, the five greg gutfeld monologue
Id: i5lZe_iRln4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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